Example #1
     "KRW-ETC"  ,  # 이더리움클래식
     "KRW-BAT"  ,  # 베이직어텐션토큰
     "KRW-HBAR" ,  # 헤데라해시그래프
     "KRW-ZIL"  ,  # 질리카
     "KRW-MANA" ,  # 디센트럴랜드
     "KRW-TFUEL",  # 쎄타퓨엘
     "KRW-ICX"  ,  # 아이콘
coin_names = top30big
# reverseAcc = sorted(info, key=lambda x:float(x["acc_trade_price_24h"]))[20:-10] # test?

# Dash 
external_stylesheets = ['https://codepen.io/chriddyp/pen/bWLwgP.css']
app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets)

accs = broker.get_accounts()
current_balance = [cname for cname, v in accs.items() if cname not in ["KRW-KRW", "KRW-USDT"] and (v["balance"]*v["avg_buy_price"]+v["locked"]*v["avg_buy_price"]>=5000)]
sum_balance_value = sum([accs.get(cname)['balance']*accs.get(cname)['avg_buy_price'] for cname in current_balance])
broker.set_cash(START_CASH - sum_balance_value if START_CASH>=sum_balance_value else 0)
current_order_used = len(current_balance)
hours_check = [False for _ in range(24)]
minutes_check = [False for _ in range(60)]
# minutes_check[0] = True # 거래가 일어나는 00분은 제외(데이터 갱신이 안될 수 있음)
coin_data = []
buy_orders = []
sell_orders = []
pending_orders = []
sold_orders = []
    with open('tmp/pending', 'rb') as f:
        pending_orders = pickle.load(f)
Example #2
    coin_names = broker.get_market_info()
    current_order = 0
    info = broker.get_current_info(coin_names)
    top30 = sorted(info, key=lambda x:float(x["acc_trade_price_24h"]), reverse=True)[:30]
    # reverseAcc = sorted(info, key=lambda x:float(x["acc_trade_price_24h"]))[20:-10] # test?

    print("Load coin data")
    coin_data = []
    for coin_name in tqdm(coin_names):

    cash_per_order = (broker.get_cash() / (MAX_ORDER-current_order))

    current_accounts = broker.get_accounts()    
    buy_orders = []
    for coin in coin_data:
        cond_buy, cond_sell = myStrategyRSI(coin)
        account = current_accounts.get(coin.coin_name)
        if account:
            if account["balance"] > 0 and not account["locked"]: # 현재 코인 있음
                if cond_sell and cond_buy:
                elif cond_sell:
                    broker.sell(coin.coin_name, account["balance"], coin.df["trade_price"][-2]) #전일종가에 판매           

            market_info = broker.marketCheck(coin.coin_name)
            if not market_info["market"]["state"] == "active":