Example #1
def main():
    admin = accounts[0]

    alice = accounts[1]
    usdt = interface.IERC20Ex('0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7')
    weth = interface.IERC20Ex('0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2')

    lp = interface.IERC20Ex('0x0d4a11d5EEaaC28EC3F61d100daF4d40471f1852')
    crusdt = interface.ICErc20('0x797AAB1ce7c01eB727ab980762bA88e7133d2157')

    router = interface.IUniswapV2Router02(

    chef = accounts.at('0xc2edad668740f1aa35e4d8f227fb8e17dca888cd',
    wchef = WMasterChef.deploy(chef, {'from': admin})

    werc20 = WERC20.deploy({'from': admin})

    simple_oracle = SimpleOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
        [usdt, weth], [9011535487953795006625883219171279625142296, 2**112])

    uniswap_oracle = UniswapV2Oracle.deploy(simple_oracle, {'from': admin})
    core_oracle = CoreOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
    oracle = ProxyOracle.deploy(core_oracle, {'from': admin})
    oracle.setWhitelistERC1155([werc20], True, {'from': admin})
        [usdt, weth, lp],
        [simple_oracle, simple_oracle, uniswap_oracle],
        {'from': admin},
        [usdt, weth, lp],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
        {'from': admin},

    homora = HomoraBank.deploy({'from': admin})
    homora.initialize(oracle, 1000, {'from': admin})  # 10% fee
    homora.addBank(usdt, crusdt, {'from': admin})

    # setup initial funds to alice
    mint_tokens(usdt, alice)
    mint_tokens(weth, alice)

    # check alice's funds
    print(f'Alice usdt balance {usdt.balanceOf(alice)}')
    print(f'Alice weth balance {weth.balanceOf(alice)}')

    # Steal some LP from the staking pool
    mint_tokens(lp, alice)

    # set approval
    usdt.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    usdt.approve(crusdt, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    weth.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    lp.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})

    uniswap_spell = UniswapV2SpellV1.deploy(homora, werc20, router,
                                            {'from': admin})
    # first time call to reduce gas
    uniswap_spell.getPair(weth, usdt, {'from': admin})

    # whitelist spell in bank
    homora.setWhitelistSpells([uniswap_spell], [True], {'from': admin})

    # whitelist lp in spell
    uniswap_spell.setWhitelistLPTokens([lp], [True], {'from': admin})

    print('Case 1.')

    prevABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        prevARes, prevBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        prevBRes, prevARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    usdt_amt = 400 * 10**6
    weth_amt = 10**18
    lp_amt = 1 * 10**16
    borrow_usdt_amt = 0
    borrow_weth_amt = 0

    tx = homora.execute(
            usdt,  # token 0
            weth,  # token 1
                usdt_amt,  # supply USDT
                weth_amt,  # supply WETH
                lp_amt,  # supply LP
                borrow_usdt_amt,  # borrow USDT
                borrow_weth_amt,  # borrow WETH
                0,  # borrow LP tokens
                0,  # min USDT
            ],  # min WETH
        {'from': alice})

    curABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        curARes, curBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        curBRes, curARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('add liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, totalDebt, totalShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdt)
    print('bank usdt totalDebt', totalDebt)
    print('bank usdt totalShare', totalShare)

    print('bank prev LP balance', prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank cur LP balance', curLPBal_bank)

    print('werc20 prev LP balance', prevLPBal_werc20)
    print('werc20 cur LP balance', curLPBal_werc20)

    print('prev usdt res', prevARes)
    print('cur usdt res', curARes)

    print('prev weth res', prevBRes)
    print('cur weth res', curBRes)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curABal - prevABal, -usdt_amt), 'incorrect USDT amt'
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal, -weth_amt), 'incorrect WETH amt'
    assert curLPBal - prevLPBal == -lp_amt, 'incorrect LP amt'

    # spell
    assert usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDT balance'
    assert weth.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell WETH balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'
    assert totalDebt == borrow_usdt_amt

    # check balance and pool reserves
    assert curABal - prevABal - borrow_usdt_amt == - \
        (curARes - prevARes), 'not all USDT tokens go to LP pool'
    assert almostEqual(
        curBBal - prevBBal - borrow_weth_amt,
        -(curBRes - prevBRes)), 'not all WETH tokens go to LP pool'

    print('Case 2.')

    # remove liquidity from the same position
    prevABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)
    prevETHBal = alice.balance()

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        prevARes, prevBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        prevBRes, prevARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    lp_take_amt = 1 * 10**16
    lp_want = 1 * 10**15
    usdt_repay = 2**256 - 1  # max
    weth_repay = 0

    real_usdt_repay = homora.borrowBalanceStored(1, usdt)

    tx = homora.execute(
            usdt,  # token 0
            weth,  # token 1
                lp_take_amt,  # take out LP tokens
                lp_want,  # withdraw LP tokens to wallet
                usdt_repay,  # repay USDT
                0,  # repay WETH
                0,  # repay LP
                0,  # min USDT
            ],  # min WETH
        {'from': alice})

    curABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)
    curETHBal = alice.balance()

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        curARes, curBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        curBRes, curARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('spell usdt balance', usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('spell weth balance', weth.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('Alice delta LP balance', curLPBal - prevLPBal)
    print('remove liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank delta lp balance', curLPBal_bank - prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank total lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, totalDebt, totalShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdt)
    print('bank usdt totalDebt', totalDebt)
    print('bank usdt totalShare', totalShare)

    print('LP want', lp_want)

    print('bank delta LP amount', curLPBal_bank - prevLPBal_bank)
    print('LP take amount', lp_take_amt)

    print('prev werc20 LP balance', prevLPBal_werc20)
    print('cur werc20 LP balance', curLPBal_werc20)

    print('real usdt repay', real_usdt_repay)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal, 0), 'incorrect WETH amt'
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal - prevLPBal, lp_want), 'incorrect LP amt'

    # werc20
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal_werc20 - prevLPBal_werc20,
                       -lp_take_amt), 'incorrect werc20 LP amt'

    # spell
    assert usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDT balance'
    assert weth.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell WETH balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'

    # check balance and pool reserves
    assert almostEqual(
        curABal - prevABal + real_usdt_repay,
        -(curARes - prevARes)), 'inconsistent USDT from withdraw'
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal,
                       0), 'inconsistent WETH from withdraw'
    assert almostEqual(curETHBal - prevETHBal + weth_repay,
                       -(curBRes - prevBRes)), 'inconsistent ETH from withdraw'

    return tx
Example #2
def main():
    admin = accounts[0]

    alice = accounts[1]
    usdt = interface.IERC20Ex('0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7')
    usdc = interface.IERC20Ex('0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48')

    lp = interface.IERC20Ex('0x3041cbd36888becc7bbcbc0045e3b1f144466f5f')
    crusdt = interface.ICErc20('0x797AAB1ce7c01eB727ab980762bA88e7133d2157')
    crusdc = interface.ICErc20('0x44fbebd2f576670a6c33f6fc0b00aa8c5753b322')

    router = interface.IUniswapV2Router02(

    chef = accounts.at('0xc2edad668740f1aa35e4d8f227fb8e17dca888cd',
    wchef = WMasterChef.deploy(chef, {'from': admin})

    werc20 = WERC20.deploy({'from': admin})

    simple_oracle = SimpleOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
    simple_oracle.setETHPx([usdt, usdc], [

    uniswap_oracle = UniswapV2Oracle.deploy(simple_oracle, {'from': admin})

    core_oracle = CoreOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
    oracle = ProxyOracle.deploy(core_oracle, {'from': admin})
    oracle.setWhitelistERC1155([werc20], True, {'from': admin})
        [usdt, usdc, lp],
        [simple_oracle, simple_oracle, uniswap_oracle],
        {'from': admin},
        [usdt, usdc, lp],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
        {'from': admin},

    # initialize
    homora = HomoraBank.deploy({'from': admin})
    homora.initialize(oracle, 1000, {'from': admin})  # 10% fee

    # add bank
    homora.addBank(usdt, crusdt, {'from': admin})
    homora.addBank(usdc, crusdc, {'from': admin})

    # setup initial funds to alice
    mint_tokens(usdt, alice)
    mint_tokens(usdc, alice)

    # check alice's funds
    print(f'Alice usdt balance {usdt.balanceOf(alice)}')
    print(f'Alice usdc balance {usdc.balanceOf(alice)}')

    # steal some LP from the staking pool
    mint_tokens(lp, alice)

    # set approval
    usdt.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    usdt.approve(crusdt, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    usdc.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    usdc.approve(crusdc, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    lp.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})

    uniswap_spell = UniswapV2SpellV1.deploy(homora, werc20, router,
                                            {'from': admin})
    # first time call to reduce gas
    uniswap_spell.getPair(usdt, usdc, {'from': admin})


    print('Case 1.')

    prevABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    usdt_amt = 40000 * 10**6  # 40000 USDT
    usdc_amt = 50000 * 10**6  # 50000 USDC
    lp_amt = 1 * 10**7
    borrow_usdt_amt = 1000 * 10**6  # 1000 USDT
    borrow_usdc_amt = 200 * 10**6  # 200 USDC

    tx = homora.execute(
            usdt,  # token 0
            usdc,  # token 1
                usdt_amt,  # supply USDT
                usdc_amt,  # supply USDC
                lp_amt,  # supply LP
                borrow_usdt_amt,  # borrow USDT
                borrow_usdc_amt,  # borrow USDC
                0,  # borrow LP tokens
                0,  # min USDT
            ],  # min USDC
        {'from': alice})

    curABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('add liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, usdtDebt, usdtDebtShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdt)
    _, _, _, usdcDebt, usdcDebtShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdc)
    print('bank usdt totalDebt', usdtDebt)
    print('bank usdt totalShare', usdtDebtShare)

    print('bank usdc totalDebt', usdcDebt)
    print('bank usdc totalShare', usdcDebtShare)

    print('bank prev LP balance', prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank cur LP balance', curLPBal_bank)

    print('werc20 prev LP balance', prevLPBal_werc20)
    print('werc20 cur LP balance', curLPBal_werc20)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curABal - prevABal, -usdt_amt), 'incorrect USDT amt'
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal, -usdc_amt), 'incorrect USDC amt'
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal - prevLPBal, -lp_amt), 'incorrect LP amt'

    # spell
    assert usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDT balance'
    assert usdc.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDC balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'

    # debt
    assert usdtDebt == borrow_usdt_amt
    assert usdcDebt == borrow_usdc_amt


    print('Case 2.')

    # remove liquidity from the same position
    prevABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    _, _, _, collSize = homora.getPositionInfo(1)

    lp_take_amt = 2**256 - 1  # max
    lp_want = 1 * 10**5
    usdt_repay = 2**256 - 1  # max
    usdc_repay = 2**256 - 1  # max

    tx = homora.execute(
            usdt,  # token 0
            usdc,  # token 1
                lp_take_amt,  # take out LP tokens
                lp_want,  # withdraw LP tokens to wallet
                usdt_repay,  # repay USDT
                usdc_repay,  # repay USDC
                0,  # repay LP
                0,  # min USDT
            ],  # min USDC
        {'from': alice})

    curABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('spell usdt balance', usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('spell usdc balance', usdc.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('Alice delta LP balance', curLPBal - prevLPBal)
    print('remove liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank delta lp balance', curLPBal_bank - prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank total lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, usdtDebt, usdtDebtShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdt)
    _, _, _, usdcDebt, usdcDebtShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdc)
    print('bank usdt totalDebt', usdtDebt)
    print('bank usdt totalShare', usdtDebtShare)

    print('bank usdc totalDebt', usdcDebt)
    print('bank usdc totalShare', usdcDebtShare)

    print('LP want', lp_want)

    print('bank delta LP amount', curLPBal_bank - prevLPBal_bank)
    print('LP take amount', lp_take_amt)

    print('prev werc20 LP balance', prevLPBal_werc20)
    print('cur werc20 LP balance', curLPBal_werc20)

    print('coll size', collSize)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal - prevLPBal, lp_want), 'incorrect LP amt'

    # werc20
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal_werc20 - prevLPBal_werc20,
                       -collSize), 'incorrect werc20 LP amt'

    # spell
    assert usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDT balance'
    assert usdc.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDC balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'

    # debt
    assert usdtDebt == 0, 'usdtDebt should be 0'
    assert usdcDebt == 0, 'usdcDebt should be 0'

    return tx
Example #3
def main():
    admin = accounts[0]
    alice = accounts[1]
    usdt = interface.IERC20Ex('0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7')
    lpusdt = interface.IERC20Ex('0x0d4a11d5EEaaC28EC3F61d100daF4d40471f1852')
    crusdt = interface.ICErc20('0x797AAB1ce7c01eB727ab980762bA88e7133d2157')
    router = interface.IUniswapV2Router02(
    erc20_oracle = ERC20KP3ROracle.deploy(KP3R_ADDRESS, {'from': admin})
    lp_oracle = UniswapV2LPKP3ROracle.deploy(KP3R_ADDRESS, {'from': admin})
    core_oracle = CoreOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
    oracle = ProxyOracle.deploy(core_oracle, {'from': admin})
            '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7',  # USDT
            '0x0d4a11d5EEaaC28EC3F61d100daF4d40471f1852',  # USDT-ETH
        [erc20_oracle, lp_oracle],
        {'from': admin},
            '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7',  # USDT
            '0x0d4a11d5EEaaC28EC3F61d100daF4d40471f1852',  # USDT-ETH
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
        {'from': admin},
    homora = HomoraBank.deploy({'from': admin})
    homora.initialize(oracle, 1000, {'from': admin})  # 10% fee
    homora.addBank(usdt, crusdt, {'from': admin})
    # lpusdt.approve(homora, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})
    # Steal some LP from the staking pool
        alice, 1 * 10**17, {
    household_spell = HouseHoldSpell.deploy(homora, WETH_ADDRESS,
                                            {'from': admin})
    tx = homora.execute(
        0,  # position id
            '0x0d4a11d5EEaaC28EC3F61d100daF4d40471f1852',  # USDT
            '0.00001 ether',  # valued at approximately $600
        {'from': alice},
    print('put collateral gas', tx.gas_used)
    position_id = tx.return_value
    tx = homora.execute(
        position_id,  # position id
            '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7',  # USDT
            '500000000',  # $500
        {'from': alice},
    print('bal', usdt.balanceOf(alice))
    print('put collateral gas', tx.gas_used)

    _, _, _, totalDebt, totalShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdt)
    print('bank usdt totalDebt', totalDebt)
    print('bank usdt totalShare', totalShare)

    usdt.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    usdt.approve(crusdt, 2**256 - 1, {'from': accounts.at(homora, force=True)})

    tx = homora.execute(
        position_id,  # position id
            '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7',  # USDT
            '300000000',  # $300
        {'from': alice},
    print('bal', usdt.balanceOf(alice))
    print('repay gas', tx.gas_used)
Example #4
def main():
    admin = accounts[0]

    alice = accounts[1]
    bob = accounts[2]
    dpi = interface.IERC20Ex('0x1494ca1f11d487c2bbe4543e90080aeba4ba3c2b')
    weth = interface.IERC20Ex('0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2')
    usdt = interface.IERC20Ex('0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7')

    lp = interface.IERC20Ex('0x4d5ef58aac27d99935e5b6b4a6778ff292059991')
    lp_usdt = interface.IERC20Ex('0x0d4a11d5eeaac28ec3f61d100daf4d40471f1852')
    crdpi = MockCErc20.deploy(dpi, {'from': admin})
    crusdt = interface.ICErc20('0x797AAB1ce7c01eB727ab980762bA88e7133d2157')

    router = interface.IUniswapV2Router02(

    staking = accounts.at('0xB93b505Ed567982E2b6756177ddD23ab5745f309',
    index = interface.IERC20Ex(

    wstaking = WStakingRewards.deploy(staking, lp, index, {'from': admin})

    werc20 = WERC20.deploy({'from': admin})

    simple_oracle = SimpleOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
    simple_oracle.setETHPx([dpi, weth, usdt],
                           [2**112 * 100 // 700, 2**112, 2**112 // 700])

    uniswap_oracle = UniswapV2Oracle.deploy(simple_oracle, {'from': admin})
    core_oracle = CoreOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
    oracle = ProxyOracle.deploy(core_oracle, {'from': admin})
    oracle.setWhitelistERC1155([werc20, wstaking], True, {'from': admin})
        [dpi, weth, lp, usdt, lp_usdt],
            simple_oracle, simple_oracle, uniswap_oracle, simple_oracle,
        {'from': admin},
        [dpi, weth, lp, usdt, lp_usdt],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
        {'from': admin},

    homora = HomoraBank.deploy({'from': admin})
    homora.initialize(oracle, 1000, {'from': admin})  # 10% fee
    homora.addBank(dpi, crdpi, {'from': admin})
    homora.addBank(usdt, crusdt, {'from': admin})

    # setup initial funds to alice
    mint_tokens(dpi, alice)
    mint_tokens(weth, alice)
    mint_tokens(usdt, alice)

    mint_tokens(dpi, crdpi)

    # check alice's funds
    print(f'Alice dpi balance {dpi.balanceOf(alice)}')
    print(f'Alice weth balance {weth.balanceOf(alice)}')

    # Steal some LP from the staking pool
    mint_tokens(lp, alice)
    mint_tokens(lp, bob)

    mint_tokens(lp_usdt, alice)
    mint_tokens(lp_usdt, bob)

    # set approval
    dpi.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    dpi.approve(crdpi, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    weth.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    usdt.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    usdt.approve(crusdt, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    lp.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    lp.approve(staking, 2**256 - 1, {'from': bob})

    uniswap_spell = UniswapV2SpellV1.deploy(homora, werc20, router,
                                            {'from': admin})
    # first time call to reduce gas
    uniswap_spell.getPair(weth, dpi, {'from': admin})

    print('Case 1. add liquidity first time')

    prevABal = dpi.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_staking = lp.balanceOf(staking)

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == dpi:
        prevARes, prevBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        prevBRes, prevARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    dpi_amt = 10 * 10**18
    weth_amt = 10**18
    lp_amt = 0
    borrow_dpi_amt = 10**18
    borrow_weth_amt = 0

    real_dpi_borrow_amt = borrow_dpi_amt

    tx = homora.execute(
            dpi,  # token 0
            weth,  # token 1
                dpi_amt,  # supply DPI
                weth_amt,  # supply WETH
                lp_amt,  # supply LP
                borrow_dpi_amt,  # borrow DPI
                borrow_weth_amt,  # borrow WETH
                0,  # borrow LP tokens
                0,  # min DPI
            ],  # min WETH
        {'from': alice})

    curABal = dpi.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_staking = lp.balanceOf(staking)

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == dpi:
        curARes, curBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        curBRes, curARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('add liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, totalDebt, totalShare = homora.getBankInfo(dpi)
    print('bank dpi totalDebt', totalDebt)
    print('bank dpi totalShare', totalShare)

    print('bank prev LP balance', prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank cur LP balance', curLPBal_bank)

    print('staking prev LP balance', prevLPBal_staking)
    print('staking cur LP balance', curLPBal_staking)

    print('prev dpi res', prevARes)
    print('cur dpi res', curARes)

    print('prev weth res', prevBRes)
    print('cur weth res', curBRes)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curABal - prevABal, -dpi_amt), 'incorrect DPI amt'
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal, -weth_amt), 'incorrect WETH amt'
    assert curLPBal - prevLPBal == -lp_amt, 'incorrect LP amt'

    # spell
    assert dpi.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell DPI balance'
    assert weth.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell WETH balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'
    assert totalDebt == borrow_dpi_amt

    # check balance and pool reserves
    assert curABal - prevABal - borrow_dpi_amt == - \
        (curARes - prevARes), 'not all DPI tokens go to LP pool'
    assert curBBal - prevBBal - borrow_weth_amt == - \
        (curBRes - prevBRes), 'not all WETH tokens go to LP pool'

    _, _, collId, collSize = homora.getPositionInfo(1)
    print('collSize', collSize)

    # staking directly
    prevIndex = index.balanceOf(bob)
    print('bob lp balance', interface.IERC20Ex(lp).balanceOf(bob))
    tx = interface.IStakingRewards(staking).stake(collSize, {'from': bob})


    prevAliceIndexBalance = index.balanceOf(alice)
    print('Alice index balance', prevAliceIndexBalance)

    print('Case 2. add liquidity (failed tx desired)')

    usdt_amt = 10 * 10**6
    weth_amt = 10**18
    lp_amt = 0
    borrow_usdt_amt = 0
    borrow_weth_amt = 0

        tx = homora.execute(
                usdt,  # token 0
                weth,  # token 1
                    usdt_amt,  # supply USDT
                    weth_amt,  # supply WETH
                    lp_amt,  # supply LP
                    borrow_usdt_amt,  # borrow USDT
                    borrow_weth_amt,  # borrow WETH
                    0,  # borrow LP tokens
                    0,  # min USDT
                ],  # min WETH
            {'from': alice})
    except VirtualMachineError:

    print('Case 3. remove liquidity (failed tx desired)')

    lp_take_amt = collSize
    lp_want = 0
    usdt_repay = 0
    weth_repay = 0

        tx = homora.execute(
                usdt,  # token 0
                weth,  # token 1
                    lp_take_amt,  # take out LP tokens
                    lp_want,  # withdraw LP tokens to wallet
                    usdt_repay,  # repay USDT
                    weth_repay,  # repay WETH
                    0,  # repay LP tokens
                    0,  # min USDT
                ],  # min WETH
            {'from': alice})
    except VirtualMachineError:

    print('Case 4. remove liquidity')

    prevABal = dpi.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_staking = lp.balanceOf(staking)
    prevETHBal = alice.balance()

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == dpi:
        prevARes, prevBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        prevBRes, prevARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    lp_take_amt = collSize
    lp_want = 0
    dpi_repay = 2**256 - 1
    weth_repay = 0

    tx = homora.execute(
            dpi,  # token 0
            weth,  # token 1
                lp_take_amt,  # take out LP tokens
                lp_want,  # withdraw LP tokens to wallet
                dpi_repay,  # repay DPI
                weth_repay,  # repay WETH
                0,  # repay LP tokens
                0,  # min DPI
            ],  # min WETH
        {'from': alice})

    curABal = dpi.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_staking = lp.balanceOf(staking)
    curETHBal = alice.balance()

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == dpi:
        curARes, curBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        curBRes, curARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('add liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, totalDebt, totalShare = homora.getBankInfo(dpi)
    print('bank dpi totalDebt', totalDebt)
    print('bank dpi totalShare', totalShare)

    print('bank prev LP balance', prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank cur LP balance', curLPBal_bank)

    print('wstaking prev LP balance', prevLPBal_staking)
    print('wstaking cur LP balance', curLPBal_staking)

    print('prev dpi res', prevARes)
    print('cur dpi res', curARes)

    print('prev weth res', prevBRes)
    print('cur weth res', curBRes)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal, 0), 'incorrect WETH amt'
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal - prevLPBal, lp_want), 'incorrect LP amt'

    # staking
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal_staking - prevLPBal_staking,
                       -lp_take_amt), 'incorrect staking LP amt'

    # spell
    assert dpi.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell DPI balance'
    assert weth.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell WETH balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'

    # check balance and pool reserves
    assert almostEqual(curABal - prevABal + real_dpi_borrow_amt,
                       -(curARes - prevARes)), 'inconsistent DPI from withdraw'
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal,
                       0), 'inconsistent WETH from withdraw'
    assert almostEqual(curETHBal - prevETHBal + weth_repay,
                       -(curBRes - prevBRes)), 'inconsistent ETH from withdraw'

    curAliceIndexBalance = index.balanceOf(alice)
    print('Alice index balance', curAliceIndexBalance)
    receivedIndex = curAliceIndexBalance - prevAliceIndexBalance
    print('received index', receivedIndex)

    # check with staking directly
    tx = interface.IStakingRewards(staking).getReward({'from': bob})
    receivedIndexFromStaking = index.balanceOf(bob) - prevIndex
    print('receivedIndexFromStaking', receivedIndexFromStaking)
    assert almostEqual(receivedIndex, receivedIndexFromStaking)
Example #5
def mint_tokens(token, to, amount=None):
    if amount is None:
        # default is 1M tokens
        amount = 10**12 * 10**token.decimals()

    if token == USDT:
        owner = token.owner()
        token.issue(amount, {'from': owner})
        token.transfer(to, amount, {'from': owner})
    elif token == USDC:
        master_minter = token.masterMinter()
        token.configureMinter(master_minter, 2**256 - 1,
                              {'from': master_minter})
        token.mint(to, amount, {'from': master_minter})
    elif token == DAI:
        auth = '0x9759a6ac90977b93b58547b4a71c78317f391a28'
        token.mint(to, amount, {'from': auth})
    elif token == AUSDT:
        pool = '0x7d2768de32b0b80b7a3454c06bdac94a69ddc7a9'
        token.mint(to, amount, 10**18, {'from': pool})
    elif token == AUSDC:
        pool = '0x7d2768de32b0b80b7a3454c06bdac94a69ddc7a9'
        token.mint(to, amount, 10**18, {'from': pool})
    elif token == ADAI:
        pool = '0x7d2768de32b0b80b7a3454c06bdac94a69ddc7a9'
        token.mint(to, amount, 10**18, {'from': pool})
    elif token == WETH:
        token.deposit({'from': to, 'value': amount})
    elif token == SUSD:
        target = interface.IERC20Ex(token.target())
        contract_issuer = target.resolverAddressesRequired()[2]
        resolver = interface.IERC20Ex(target.resolver())
        resolver_target = interface.IERC20Ex(resolver.target())
        issuer = resolver_target.repository(contract_issuer)

        target.issue(to, amount, {'from': issuer})
    elif token == HUSD:
        issuer = '0xc2fbf9b9084e92f9649ca4cec9043daac9092539'
        token.issue(to, amount, {'from': issuer})
    elif token == BUSD:
        supply_controller = token.supplyController()
        token.increaseSupply(amount, {'from': supply_controller})
        token.transfer(to, amount, {'from': supply_controller})
    elif token == YDAI:
        mint_tokens(interface.IERC20Ex(DAI), to, amount)
        interface.IERC20Ex(DAI).approve(token, 0, {'from': to})
        interface.IERC20Ex(DAI).approve(token, 2**256 - 1, {'from': to})
        token.deposit(amount, {'from': to})
    elif token == YUSDT:
        mint_tokens(interface.IERC20Ex(USDT), to, amount)
        interface.IERC20Ex(USDT).approve(token, 0, {'from': to})
        interface.IERC20Ex(USDT).approve(token, 2**256 - 1, {'from': to})
        token.deposit(amount, {'from': to})
    elif token == YBUSD:
        mint_tokens(interface.IERC20Ex(BUSD), to, amount)
        interface.IERC20Ex(BUSD).approve(token, 0, {'from': to})
        interface.IERC20Ex(BUSD).approve(token, 2**256 - 1, {'from': to})
        token.deposit(amount, {'from': to})
    elif token == YUSDC:
        mint_tokens(interface.IERC20Ex(USDC), to, amount)
        interface.IERC20Ex(USDC).approve(token, 0, {'from': to})
        interface.IERC20Ex(USDC).approve(token, 2**256 - 1, {'from': to})
        token.deposit(amount, {'from': to})
    elif token == DPI:
        module = token.getModules()[0]
        token.mint(to, amount, {'from': module})
    elif token == WBTC:
        owner = token.owner()
        token.mint(to, amount, {'from': owner})
    elif token == RENBTC:
        owner = token.owner()
        token.mint(to, amount, {'from': owner})
    elif token == PERP:
        owner = token.owner()
        token.addMinter(owner, {'from': owner})
        token.mint(to, amount, {'from': owner})
    elif token == DFD:
        gov = token.governance()
        token.mint(to, amount, {'from': gov})
    elif token == DUSD:
        core = token.core()
        token.mint(to, amount, {'from': core})
    elif token == EURS:
        owner = '0x2EbBbc541E8f8F24386FA319c79CedA0579f1Efb'
        token.createTokens(amount, {'from': owner})
        token.transfer(to, amount, {'from': owner})
    elif token == SEUR:
        target = interface.IERC20Ex(token.target())
        contract_issuer = target.resolverAddressesRequired()[2]
        resolver = interface.IERC20Ex(target.resolver())
        resolver_target = interface.IERC20Ex(resolver.target())
        issuer = resolver_target.repository(contract_issuer)

        target.issue(to, amount, {'from': issuer})
    elif token == YFI:
        governor = token.governance()
        token.addMinter(to, {'from': governor})
        token.mint(to, amount, {'from': to})
    elif is_uni_lp(token):
        router = interface.IUniswapV2Router02(
        # Uniswap LP token
        token0 = interface.IERC20Ex(token.token0())
        token1 = interface.IERC20Ex(token.token1())
        # mint underlying
        amount0 = 10**12 * 10**token0.decimals()
        amount1 = 10**12 * 10**token1.decimals()
        mint_tokens(token0, to, amount0)
        mint_tokens(token1, to, amount1)
        # approve router
        token0.approve(router, 0, {'from': to})
        token0.approve(router, 2**256 - 1, {'from': to})
        token1.approve(router, 0, {'from': to})
        token1.approve(router, 2**256 - 1, {'from': to})
        # add liquidity
            token0, token1, amount0, amount1, 0, 0, to,
            chain.time() + 1200, {'from': to})
    elif is_sushi_lp(token):
        router = interface.IUniswapV2Router02(
        # Sushiswap LP token
        token0 = interface.IERC20Ex(token.token0())
        token1 = interface.IERC20Ex(token.token1())
        # mint underlying
        amount0 = 10**12 * 10**token0.decimals()
        amount1 = 10**12 * 10**token1.decimals()
        mint_tokens(token0, to, amount0)
        mint_tokens(token1, to, amount1)
        # approve router
        token0.approve(router, 0, {'from': to})
        token0.approve(router, 2**256 - 1, {'from': to})
        token1.approve(router, 0, {'from': to})
        token1.approve(router, 2**256 - 1, {'from': to})
        # add liquidity
            token0, token1, amount0, amount1, 0, 0, to,
            chain.time() + 1200, {'from': to})
    elif is_bal_lp(token):
        # Balancer LP token
        tokens = token.getFinalTokens()
        max_amts = []
        amt_desired = 10**100
        for _token in tokens:
            _token = interface.IERC20Ex(_token)
            amt = 10**12 * 10**_token.decimals()
            mint_tokens(_token, to, amt)
            _token.approve(token, 0, {'from': to})
            _token.approve(token, 2**256 - 1, {'from': to})
            amt_desired = min(
                amt * token.totalSupply() // token.getBalance(_token))
        token.joinPool(amt_desired * 9 // 10, max_amts, {'from': to})
    elif is_crv_lp(token):
        # Curve LP token
        registry = interface.ICurveRegistry(
        pool = registry.get_pool_from_lp_token(token)
        tokens = registry.get_coins(pool)
        amts = []
        for _token in tokens:
            if _token == '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000':
            _token = interface.IERC20Ex(_token)
            amt = 10**6 * 10**_token.decimals()
            prevBal = _token.balanceOf(to)
            mint_tokens(_token, to, amt)
            curBal = _token.balanceOf(to)
            amts.append(curBal - prevBal)
            interface.IERC20Ex(_token).approve(pool, 0, {'from': to})
            interface.IERC20Ex(_token).approve(pool, 2**256 - 1, {'from': to})
        desc = f'uint[{len(amts)}],uint'
        print('adding liquidity to curve')
        interface.ICurvePool(pool).add_liquidity[desc](amts, 0, {'from': to})
        raise Exception('unsupported token')
Example #6
def main():
    admin = accounts[0]

    alice = accounts[1]
    bob = accounts[2]
    dpi = interface.IERC20Ex('0x1494ca1f11d487c2bbe4543e90080aeba4ba3c2b')
    weth = interface.IERC20Ex('0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2')

    lp = interface.IERC20Ex('0x4d5ef58aac27d99935e5b6b4a6778ff292059991')
    crdpi = MockCErc20.deploy(dpi, {'from': admin})

    router = interface.IUniswapV2Router02(

    staking = accounts.at('0xB93b505Ed567982E2b6756177ddD23ab5745f309', force=True)
    index = interface.IERC20Ex(interface.IStakingRewardsEx(staking).rewardsToken())

    wstaking = WStakingRewards.deploy(staking, lp, index, {'from': admin})

    werc20 = WERC20.deploy({'from': admin})

    simple_oracle = SimpleOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
    simple_oracle.setETHPx([dpi, weth], [2**112 * 100 // 700, 2**112])

    uniswap_oracle = UniswapV2Oracle.deploy(simple_oracle, {'from': admin})
    core_oracle = CoreOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
    oracle = ProxyOracle.deploy(core_oracle, {'from': admin})
    oracle.setWhitelistERC1155([werc20, wstaking], True, {'from': admin})
        [dpi, weth, lp],
        [simple_oracle, simple_oracle, uniswap_oracle],
        {'from': admin},
        [dpi, weth, lp],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
        {'from': admin},

    homora = HomoraBank.deploy({'from': admin})
    homora.initialize(oracle, 1000, {'from': admin})  # 10% fee
    homora.addBank(dpi, crdpi, {'from': admin})

    # setup initial funds to alice
    mint_tokens(dpi, alice)
    mint_tokens(weth, alice)

    mint_tokens(dpi, crdpi)

    # check alice's funds
    print(f'Alice dpi balance {dpi.balanceOf(alice)}')
    print(f'Alice weth balance {weth.balanceOf(alice)}')

    # Steal some LP from the staking pool
    mint_tokens(lp, alice)
    mint_tokens(lp, bob)

    # set approval
    dpi.approve(homora, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})
    dpi.approve(crdpi, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})
    weth.approve(homora, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})
    lp.approve(homora, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})
    lp.approve(staking, 2**256-1, {'from': bob})

    uniswap_spell = UniswapV2SpellV1.deploy(
        homora, werc20, router, {'from': admin})
    # first time call to reduce gas
    uniswap_spell.getPair(weth, dpi, {'from': admin})

    # whitelist spell in bank
    homora.setWhitelistSpells([uniswap_spell], [True], {'from': admin})

    # whitelist token in bank
    homora.setWhitelistTokens([dpi], [True], {'from': admin})

    # whitelist lp in spell
    uniswap_spell.setWhitelistLPTokens([lp], [True], {'from': admin})

    print('Case 1. add liquidity')

    prevABal = dpi.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_staking = lp.balanceOf(staking)

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == dpi:
        prevARes, prevBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        prevBRes, prevARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    dpi_amt = 10 * 10**18
    weth_amt = 10**18
    lp_amt = 0
    borrow_dpi_amt = 10**18
    borrow_weth_amt = 0

    tx = homora.execute(
            dpi,  # token 0
            weth,  # token 1
            [dpi_amt,  # supply DPI
             weth_amt,   # supply WETH
             lp_amt,  # supply LP
             borrow_dpi_amt,  # borrow DPI
             borrow_weth_amt,  # borrow WETH
             0,  # borrow LP tokens
             0,  # min DPI
             0],  # min WETH
        {'from': alice}

    curABal = dpi.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_staking = lp.balanceOf(staking)

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == dpi:
        curARes, curBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        curBRes, curARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('add liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, totalDebt, totalShare = homora.getBankInfo(dpi)
    print('bank dpi totalDebt', totalDebt)
    print('bank dpi totalShare', totalShare)

    print('bank prev LP balance', prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank cur LP balance', curLPBal_bank)

    print('staking prev LP balance', prevLPBal_staking)
    print('staking cur LP balance', curLPBal_staking)

    print('prev dpi res', prevARes)
    print('cur dpi res', curARes)

    print('prev weth res', prevBRes)
    print('cur weth res', curBRes)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curABal - prevABal, -dpi_amt), 'incorrect DPI amt'
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal, -weth_amt), 'incorrect WETH amt'
    assert curLPBal - prevLPBal == -lp_amt, 'incorrect LP amt'

    # spell
    assert dpi.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell DPI balance'
    assert weth.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell WETH balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'
    assert totalDebt == borrow_dpi_amt

    # check balance and pool reserves
    assert curABal - prevABal - borrow_dpi_amt == - \
        (curARes - prevARes), 'not all DPI tokens go to LP pool'
    assert curBBal - prevBBal - borrow_weth_amt == - \
        (curBRes - prevBRes), 'not all WETH tokens go to LP pool'

    # #####################################################################################

    print('Case 2. harvest first time')

    prevIndexBalance = index.balanceOf(alice)
    print('Alice INDEX balance before harvest', prevIndexBalance)
    _, _, collId, collSize = homora.getPositionInfo(1)
    print('collSize', collSize)

    # staking directly
    prevIndex = index.balanceOf(bob)
    print('bob lp balance', interface.IERC20Ex(lp).balanceOf(bob))
    tx = interface.IStakingRewards(staking).stake(collSize, {'from': bob})


    tx = homora.execute(
        {'from': alice}

    print('tx gas used', tx.gas_used)

    curIndexBalance = index.balanceOf(alice)
    print('Alice INDEX balance after harvest', curIndexBalance)
    receivedIndex = curIndexBalance - prevIndexBalance

    # check with staking directly
    tx = interface.IStakingRewards(staking).getReward({'from': bob})
    receivedIndexFromStaking = index.balanceOf(bob) - prevIndex
    print('receivedIndexFromStaking', receivedIndexFromStaking)
    assert almostEqual(receivedIndex, receivedIndexFromStaking)

    # #####################################################################################

    print('Case 3. harvest second time')

    prevIndexBalance = index.balanceOf(alice)
    print('Alice INDEX balance before harvest', prevIndexBalance)

    prevIndex = index.balanceOf(bob)
    print('bob lp balance', interface.IERC20Ex(lp).balanceOf(bob))


    tx = homora.execute(
        {'from': alice}

    print('tx gas used', tx.gas_used)

    curIndexBalance = index.balanceOf(alice)
    print('Alice INDEX balance after harvest', curIndexBalance)
    receivedIndex = curIndexBalance - prevIndexBalance

    # check with staking directly
    tx = interface.IStakingRewards(staking).getReward({'from': bob})
    receivedIndexFromStaking = index.balanceOf(bob) - prevIndex
    print('receivedIndexFromStaking', receivedIndexFromStaking)
    assert almostEqual(receivedIndex, receivedIndexFromStaking)
def main():
    admin = accounts[0]

    alice = accounts[1]
    usdt = interface.IERC20Ex('0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7')
    usdc = interface.IERC20Ex('0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48')

    lp = interface.IERC20Ex('0x3041cbd36888becc7bbcbc0045e3b1f144466f5f')
    crusdt = interface.ICErc20('0x797AAB1ce7c01eB727ab980762bA88e7133d2157')
    crusdc = interface.ICErc20('0x44fbebd2f576670a6c33f6fc0b00aa8c5753b322')

    router = interface.IUniswapV2Router02(

    werc20 = WERC20.deploy({'from': admin})

    simple_oracle = SimpleOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
    simple_oracle.setETHPx([usdt, usdc], [

    uniswap_oracle = UniswapV2Oracle.deploy(simple_oracle, {'from': admin})

    oracle = ProxyOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
    oracle.setWhitelistERC1155([werc20], True, {'from': admin})
            '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7',  # USDT
            '0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48',  # USDC
            '0x3041cbd36888becc7bbcbc0045e3b1f144466f5f',  # USDT-USDC
            [simple_oracle, 10000, 10000, 10000],
            [simple_oracle, 10000, 10000, 10000],
            [uniswap_oracle, 10000, 10000, 10000],
        {'from': admin},

    # initialize
    homora = HomoraBank.deploy({'from': admin})
    homora.initialize(oracle, 1000, {'from': admin})  # 10% fee

    # add bank
    homora.addBank(usdt, crusdt, {'from': admin})
    homora.addBank(usdc, crusdc, {'from': admin})

    # setup initial funds 10^6 USDT + 10^6 USDC to alice
        accounts.at('0xbe0eb53f46cd790cd13851d5eff43d12404d33e8', force=True),
        alice, 10**6 * 10**6)
        accounts.at('0xa191e578a6736167326d05c119ce0c90849e84b7', force=True),
        alice, 10**6 * 10**6)

    # setup initial funds 10^6 USDT + 10^6 USDC to homora bank
        accounts.at('0xbe0eb53f46cd790cd13851d5eff43d12404d33e8', force=True),
        homora, 10**6 * 10**6)
        accounts.at('0x397ff1542f962076d0bfe58ea045ffa2d347aca0', force=True),
        homora, 10**6 * 10**6)

    # check alice's funds
    print(f'Alice usdt balance {usdt.balanceOf(alice)}')
    print(f'Alice usdc balance {usdc.balanceOf(alice)}')

    # steal some LP from the staking pool
        alice, 1 * 10**8, {

    # set approval
    usdt.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    usdt.approve(crusdt, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    usdc.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    usdc.approve(crusdc, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    lp.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})

    uniswap_spell = UniswapV2SpellV1.deploy(homora, werc20, router,
                                            {'from': admin})
    # first time call to reduce gas
    uniswap_spell.getPair(usdt, usdc, {'from': admin})

    # add liquidity

    print('Case 1.')

    prevABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        prevARes, prevBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        prevBRes, prevARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    usdt_amt = 40000 * 10**6
    usdc_amt = 50000 * 10**6
    lp_amt = 1 * 10**7
    borrow_usdt_amt = 1000 * 10**6
    borrow_usdc_amt = 200 * 10**6

    tx = homora.execute(
            usdt,  # token 0
            usdc,  # token 1
                usdt_amt,  # supply USDT
                usdc_amt,  # supply USDC
                lp_amt,  # supply LP
                borrow_usdt_amt,  # borrow USDT
                borrow_usdc_amt,  # borrow USDC
                0,  # borrow 0 LP tokens
                0,  # min USDT
            ],  # min USDC
        {'from': alice})

    position_id = tx.return_value
    print('position_id', position_id)

    curABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        curARes, curBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        curBRes, curARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('add liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, usdtDebt, usdtDebtShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdt)
    _, _, _, usdcDebt, usdcDebtShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdc)
    print('bank usdt debt', usdtDebt)
    print('bank usdt debt share', usdtDebtShare)

    print('bank usdc debt', usdcDebt)
    print('bank usdc debt share', usdcDebtShare)

    print('bank prev LP balance', prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank cur LP balance', curLPBal_bank)

    print('werc20 prev LP balance', prevLPBal_werc20)
    print('werc20 cur LP balance', curLPBal_werc20)

    print('prev usdt res', prevARes)
    print('cur usdt res', curARes)

    print('prev usdc res', prevBRes)
    print('cur usdc res', curBRes)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curABal - prevABal, -usdt_amt), 'incorrect USDT amt'
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal, -usdc_amt), 'incorrect USDC amt'
    assert curLPBal - prevLPBal == -lp_amt, 'incorrect LP amt'

    # spell
    assert usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDT balance'
    assert usdc.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDC balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'
    assert usdtDebt == borrow_usdt_amt
    assert usdcDebt == borrow_usdc_amt

    # check balance and pool reserves
    assert curABal - prevABal - borrow_usdt_amt == - \
        (curARes - prevARes), 'not all USDT tokens go to LP pool'
    assert curBBal - prevBBal - borrow_usdc_amt == - \
        (curBRes - prevBRes), 'not all USDC tokens go to LP pool'

    # add liquidity to the same position

    print('Case 2.')

    prevABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        prevARes, prevBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        prevBRes, prevARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    usdt_amt = 20000 * 10**6
    usdc_amt = 30000 * 10**6
    lp_amt = 1 * 10**7
    borrow_usdt_amt = 1000 * 10**6
    borrow_usdc_amt = 200 * 10**6

    tx = homora.execute(
            usdt,  # token 0
            usdc,  # token 1
                usdt_amt,  # supply USDT
                usdc_amt,  # supply USDC
                lp_amt,  # supply LP
                borrow_usdt_amt,  # borrow USDT
                borrow_usdc_amt,  # borrow USDC
                0,  # borrow LP
                0,  # min USDT
            ],  # min USDC
        {'from': alice})

    position_id = tx.return_value
    print('position_id', position_id)

    curABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        curARes, curBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        curBRes, curARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('add liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, usdtDebt, usdtDebtShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdt)
    _, _, _, usdcDebt, usdcDebtShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdc)
    print('bank usdt debt', usdtDebt)
    print('bank usdt debt share', usdtDebtShare)

    print('bank usdc debt', usdcDebt)
    print('bank usdc debt share', usdcDebtShare)

    print('bank prev LP balance', prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank cur LP balance', curLPBal_bank)

    print('werc20 prev LP balance', prevLPBal_werc20)
    print('werc20 cur LP balance', curLPBal_werc20)

    print('prev usdt res', prevARes)
    print('cur usdt res', curARes)

    print('prev usdc res', prevBRes)
    print('cur usdc res', curBRes)

    # assert position_id
    assert position_id == 1  # position doesn't increase

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curABal - prevABal, -usdt_amt), 'incorrect USDT amt'
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal, -usdc_amt), 'incorrect USDC amt'
    assert curLPBal - prevLPBal == -lp_amt, 'incorrect LP amt'

    # spell
    assert usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDT balance'
    assert usdc.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDC balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'
    # borrow same amount twice (with small interest accrued)
    assert usdtDebt >= borrow_usdt_amt * 2
    # borrow same amount twice (with small interest accrued)
    assert usdcDebt >= borrow_usdc_amt * 2

    # check balance and pool reserves
    assert curABal - prevABal - borrow_usdt_amt == - \
        (curARes - prevARes), 'not all USDT tokens go to LP pool'
    assert curBBal - prevBBal - borrow_usdc_amt == - \
        (curBRes - prevBRes), 'not all USDC tokens go to LP pool'

    # remove half liquidity from the same position

    print('Case 3.')

    prevABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    _, _, _, collSize = homora.getPositionInfo(position_id)

    lp_take_amt = collSize // 2
    lp_want = 1 * 10**5
    usdt_repay = MAX_INT
    usdc_repay = MAX_INT

    tx = homora.execute(
            usdt,  # token 0
            usdc,  # token 1
                lp_take_amt,  # take out LP
                lp_want,  # withdraw LP to wallet
                usdt_repay,  # repay USDT
                usdc_repay,  # repay USDC
                0,  # repay LP
                0,  # min USDT
            ],  # min USDC
        {'from': alice})

    curABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('spell usdt balance', usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('spell usdc balance', usdc.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('Alice delta LP balance', curLPBal - prevLPBal)
    print('remove liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank delta lp balance', curLPBal_bank - prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank total lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, usdtDebt, usdtDebtShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdt)
    _, _, _, usdcDebt, usdcDebtShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdc)
    print('bank usdt totalDebt', usdtDebt)
    print('bank usdt totalShare', usdtDebtShare)

    print('bank usdc totalDebt', usdcDebt)
    print('bank usdc totalShare', usdcDebtShare)

    print('LP want', lp_want)

    print('bank delta LP amount', curLPBal_bank - prevLPBal_bank)
    print('LP take amount', lp_take_amt)

    print('prev werc20 LP balance', prevLPBal_werc20)
    print('cur werc20 LP balance', curLPBal_werc20)

    print('coll size', collSize)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal - prevLPBal, lp_want), 'incorrect LP amt'

    # werc20
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal_werc20 - prevLPBal_werc20,
                       -lp_take_amt), 'incorrect werc20 LP amt'

    # spell
    assert usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDT balance'
    assert usdc.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDC balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'

    # debt
    assert usdtDebt == 0, 'usdtDebt should be 0'
    assert usdcDebt == 0, 'usdcDebt should be 0'

    # remove remaining liquidity from the same position

    print('Case 4.')

    prevABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    _, _, _, collSize = homora.getPositionInfo(position_id)

    lp_take_amt = MAX_INT
    lp_want = 1 * 10**5
    usdt_repay = MAX_INT
    usdc_repay = MAX_INT

    tx = homora.execute(
            usdt,  # token 0
            usdc,  # token 1
                lp_take_amt,  # take out LP
                lp_want,  # withdraw LP to wallet
                usdt_repay,  # repay USDT
                usdc_repay,  # repay USDC
                0,  # repay LP
                0,  # min USDT
            ],  # min USDC
        {'from': alice})

    curABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('spell usdt balance', usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('spell usdc balance', usdc.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('Alice delta LP balance', curLPBal - prevLPBal)
    print('remove liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank delta lp balance', curLPBal_bank - prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank total lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, usdtDebt, usdtDebtShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdt)
    _, _, _, usdcDebt, usdcDebtShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdc)
    print('bank usdt totalDebt', usdtDebt)
    print('bank usdt totalShare', usdtDebtShare)

    print('bank usdc totalDebt', usdcDebt)
    print('bank usdc totalShare', usdcDebtShare)

    print('LP want', lp_want)

    print('bank delta LP amount', curLPBal_bank - prevLPBal_bank)
    print('LP take amount', lp_take_amt)

    print('prev werc20 LP balance', prevLPBal_werc20)
    print('cur werc20 LP balance', curLPBal_werc20)

    print('coll size', collSize)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal - prevLPBal, lp_want), 'incorrect LP amt'

    # werc20
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal_werc20 - prevLPBal_werc20,
                       -collSize), 'incorrect werc20 LP amt'

    # spell
    assert usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDT balance'
    assert usdc.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDC balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'

    # debt
    assert usdtDebt == 0, 'usdtDebt should be 0'
    assert usdcDebt == 0, 'usdcDebt should be 0'

    # add liquidity without borrowing (1x)
    print('Case 5.')

    prevABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    usdt_amt = 2000 * 10**6  # 2000 USDT
    usdc_amt = 3000 * 10**6  # 3000 USDC
    lp_amt = 0
    borrow_usdt_amt = 0
    borrow_usdc_amt = 0
    prevBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)

    tx = homora.execute(
            usdt,  # token 0
            usdc,  # token 1
                usdt_amt,  # supply USDT
                usdc_amt,  # supply USDC
                lp_amt,  # supply LP
                borrow_usdt_amt,  # borrow USDT
                borrow_usdc_amt,  # borrow USDC
                0,  # borrow LP
                0,  # min USDT
            ],  # min USDC
        {'from': alice})

    position_id = tx.return_value
    print('position_id', position_id)

    curABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('Alice delta lp balance', curLPBal - prevLPBal)
    print('add liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, usdtDebt, usdtDebtShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdt)
    _, _, _, usdcDebt, usdcDebtShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdc)
    print('bank usdt totalDebt', usdtDebt)
    print('bank usdt totalShare', usdtDebtShare)

    print('bank usdc totalDebt', usdcDebt)
    print('bank usdc totalShare', usdcDebtShare)

    print('bank prev LP balance', prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank cur LP balance', curLPBal_bank)

    print('werc20 prev LP balance', prevLPBal_werc20)
    print('werc20 cur LP balance', curLPBal_werc20)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curABal - prevABal, -usdt_amt), 'incorrect USDT amt'
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal, -usdc_amt), 'incorrect USDC amt'
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal - prevLPBal, -lp_amt), 'incorrect LP amt'

    # spell
    assert usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDT balance'
    assert usdc.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDC balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'

    # debt
    assert usdtDebt == borrow_usdt_amt
    assert usdcDebt == borrow_usdc_amt

    # remove all liquidity from the same position
    print('Case 6.')

    prevABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    _, _, _, collSize = homora.getPositionInfo(position_id)

    lp_take_amt = MAX_INT  # max
    lp_want = 0
    usdt_repay = 0  # max
    usdc_repay = 0  # max

    tx = homora.execute(
                lp_take_amt,  # take out LP
                lp_want,  # withdraw LP to wallet
                usdt_repay,  # repay USDT
                usdc_repay,  # repay USDC
                0,  # repay LP
                0,  # min USDT
            ],  # min USDC
        {'from': alice})

    curABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = usdc.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('spell usdt balance', usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('spell usdc balance', usdc.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('Alice delta LP balance', curLPBal - prevLPBal)
    print('remove liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank delta lp balance', curLPBal_bank - prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank total lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, usdtDebt, usdtDebtShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdt)
    _, _, _, usdcDebt, usdcDebtShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdc)
    print('bank usdt totalDebt', usdtDebt)
    print('bank usdt totalShare', usdtDebtShare)

    print('bank usdc totalDebt', usdcDebt)
    print('bank usdc totalShare', usdcDebtShare)

    print('LP want', lp_want)

    print('bank delta LP amount', curLPBal_bank - prevLPBal_bank)
    print('LP take amount', lp_take_amt)

    print('prev werc20 LP balance', prevLPBal_werc20)
    print('cur werc20 LP balance', curLPBal_werc20)

    print('coll size', collSize)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal - prevLPBal, lp_want), 'incorrect LP amt'

    # werc20
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal_werc20 - prevLPBal_werc20,
                       -collSize), 'incorrect werc20 LP amt'

    # spell
    assert usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDT balance'
    assert usdc.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDC balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'

    # debt
    assert usdtDebt == 0, 'usdtDebt should be 0'
    assert usdcDebt == 0, 'usdcDebt should be 0'

    return tx
def main():
    admin = accounts[0]

    alice = accounts[1]
    bob = accounts[2]
    usdt = interface.IERC20Ex('0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7')
    weth = interface.IERC20Ex('0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2')
    usdc = interface.IERC20Ex('0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48')

    lp = interface.IERC20Ex('0x06da0fd433C1A5d7a4faa01111c044910A184553')
    lp_usdc = interface.IERC20Ex('0x3041cbd36888becc7bbcbc0045e3b1f144466f5f')
    crusdt = interface.ICErc20('0x797AAB1ce7c01eB727ab980762bA88e7133d2157')
    crusdc = interface.ICErc20('0x44fbebd2f576670a6c33f6fc0b00aa8c5753b322')

    sushi = interface.IERC20('0x6b3595068778dd592e39a122f4f5a5cf09c90fe2')

    # sushiswap router
    router = interface.IUniswapV2Router02(

    chef = accounts.at('0xc2edad668740f1aa35e4d8f227fb8e17dca888cd',
    wchef = WMasterChef.deploy(chef, {'from': admin})

    werc20 = WERC20.deploy({'from': admin})

    simple_oracle = SimpleOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
    simple_oracle.setETHPx([usdt, weth, usdc],
                           [2**112 // 700, 2**112, 2**112 // 700])

    uniswap_oracle = UniswapV2Oracle.deploy(simple_oracle, {'from': admin})
    core_oracle = CoreOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
    oracle = ProxyOracle.deploy(core_oracle, {'from': admin})
    oracle.setWhitelistERC1155([werc20, wchef], True, {'from': admin})
        [usdt, weth, lp, usdc, lp_usdc],
            simple_oracle, simple_oracle, uniswap_oracle, simple_oracle,
        {'from': admin},
        [usdt, weth, lp, usdc, lp_usdc],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
        {'from': admin},

    homora = HomoraBank.deploy({'from': admin})
    homora.initialize(oracle, 1000, {'from': admin})  # 10% fee
    homora.addBank(usdt, crusdt, {'from': admin})
    homora.addBank(usdc, crusdc, {'from': admin})

    # setup initial funds to alice
    mint_tokens(usdt, alice)
    mint_tokens(weth, alice)
    mint_tokens(usdc, alice)

    # check alice's funds
    print(f'Alice usdt balance {usdt.balanceOf(alice)}')
    print(f'Alice weth balance {weth.balanceOf(alice)}')

    # Steal some LP from the staking pool
    mint_tokens(lp, alice)
    mint_tokens(lp, bob)

    # set approval
    usdt.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    usdt.approve(crusdt, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    usdc.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    usdc.approve(crusdc, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    weth.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    lp.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    lp.approve(chef, 2**256 - 1, {'from': bob})

    sushiswap_spell = SushiswapSpellV1.deploy(homora, werc20, router, wchef,
                                              {'from': admin})
    # first time call to reduce gas
    sushiswap_spell.getPair(weth, usdt, {'from': admin})

    print('Case 1. add liquidity first time')

    prevABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_chef = lp.balanceOf(chef)

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        prevARes, prevBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        prevBRes, prevARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    usdt_amt = 10 * 10**6
    weth_amt = 10**18
    lp_amt = 0
    borrow_usdt_amt = 0
    borrow_weth_amt = 0

    pid = 0

    tx = homora.execute(
            usdt,  # token 0
            weth,  # token 1
                usdt_amt,  # supply USDT
                weth_amt,  # supply WETH
                lp_amt,  # supply LP
                borrow_usdt_amt,  # borrow USDT
                borrow_weth_amt,  # borrow WETH
                0,  # borrow LP tokens
                0,  # min USDT
            ],  # min WETH
        {'from': alice})

    curABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_chef = lp.balanceOf(chef)

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        curARes, curBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        curBRes, curARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(sushiswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('add liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, totalDebt, totalShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdt)
    print('bank usdt totalDebt', totalDebt)
    print('bank usdt totalShare', totalShare)

    print('bank prev LP balance', prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank cur LP balance', curLPBal_bank)

    print('chef prev LP balance', prevLPBal_chef)
    print('chef cur LP balance', curLPBal_chef)

    print('prev usdt res', prevARes)
    print('cur usdt res', curARes)

    print('prev weth res', prevBRes)
    print('cur weth res', curBRes)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curABal - prevABal, -usdt_amt), 'incorrect USDT amt'
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal, -weth_amt), 'incorrect WETH amt'
    assert curLPBal - prevLPBal == -lp_amt, 'incorrect LP amt'

    # spell
    assert usdt.balanceOf(sushiswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDT balance'
    assert weth.balanceOf(sushiswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell WETH balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(sushiswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'
    assert totalDebt == borrow_usdt_amt

    # check balance and pool reserves
    assert curABal - prevABal - borrow_usdt_amt == - \
        (curARes - prevARes), 'not all USDT tokens go to LP pool'
    assert almostEqual(
        curBBal - prevBBal - borrow_weth_amt,
        -(curBRes - prevBRes)), 'not all WETH tokens go to LP pool'

    _, _, collId, collSize = homora.getPositionInfo(1)
    print('collSize', collSize)

    # staking directly
    prevSushi = sushi.balanceOf(bob)
    pid = 0
    print('bob lp balance', interface.IERC20Ex(lp).balanceOf(bob))
    tx = interface.IMasterChef(chef).deposit(pid, collSize, {'from': bob})


    prevAliceSushiBalance = sushi.balanceOf(alice)
    print('Alice sushi balance', prevAliceSushiBalance)

    print('Case 2. add liquidity (failed tx desired)')

    usdc_amt = 10 * 10**6
    weth_amt = 10**18
    lp_amt = 0
    borrow_usdc_amt = 0
    borrow_weth_amt = 0

    pid = 0

        tx = homora.execute(
                usdc,  # token 0
                weth,  # token 1
                    usdc_amt,  # supply USDC
                    weth_amt,  # supply WETH
                    lp_amt,  # supply LP
                    borrow_usdc_amt,  # borrow USDC
                    borrow_weth_amt,  # borrow WETH
                    0,  # borrow LP tokens
                    0,  # min USDC
                ],  # min WETH
            {'from': alice})
        assert False, 'tx not fail'
    except VirtualMachineError:

    print('Case 3. remove liquidity (failed tx desired)')

    lp_take_amt = collSize
    lp_want = 0
    usdc_repay = 0
    weth_repay = 0

        tx = homora.execute(
                usdc,  # token 0
                weth,  # token 1
                    lp_take_amt,  # take out LP tokens
                    lp_want,  # withdraw LP tokens to wallet
                    usdc_repay,  # repay USDC
                    weth_repay,  # repay WETH
                    0,  # repay LP tokens
                    0,  # min USDC
                ],  # min WETH
            {'from': alice})
        assert False, 'tx not failed'
    except VirtualMachineError:

    print('Case 4. remove liquidity')

    prevABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_chef = lp.balanceOf(chef)
    prevETHBal = alice.balance()

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        prevARes, prevBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        prevBRes, prevARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    lp_take_amt = collSize
    lp_want = 0
    usdt_repay = 0
    weth_repay = 0

    pid = 0

    tx = homora.execute(
            usdt,  # token 0
            weth,  # token 1
                lp_take_amt,  # take out LP tokens
                lp_want,  # withdraw LP tokens to wallet
                usdt_repay,  # repay USDT
                weth_repay,  # repay WETH
                0,  # repay LP tokens
                0,  # min USDT
            ],  # min WETH
        {'from': alice})

    curABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_chef = lp.balanceOf(chef)
    curETHBal = alice.balance()

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        curARes, curBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        curBRes, curARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(sushiswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('add liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, totalDebt, totalShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdt)
    print('bank usdt totalDebt', totalDebt)
    print('bank usdt totalShare', totalShare)

    print('bank prev LP balance', prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank cur LP balance', curLPBal_bank)

    print('chef prev LP balance', prevLPBal_chef)
    print('chef cur LP balance', curLPBal_chef)

    print('prev usdt res', prevARes)
    print('cur usdt res', curARes)

    print('prev weth res', prevBRes)
    print('cur weth res', curBRes)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal, 0), 'incorrect WETH amt'
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal - prevLPBal, lp_want), 'incorrect LP amt'

    # chef
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal_chef - prevLPBal_chef,
                       -lp_take_amt), 'incorrect chef LP amt'

    # spell
    assert usdt.balanceOf(sushiswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDT balance'
    assert weth.balanceOf(sushiswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell WETH balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(sushiswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'

    # check balance and pool reserves
    assert almostEqual(
        curABal - prevABal + usdt_repay,
        -(curARes - prevARes)), 'inconsistent USDT from withdraw'
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal,
                       0), 'inconsistent WETH from withdraw'
    assert almostEqual(curETHBal - prevETHBal + weth_repay,
                       -(curBRes - prevBRes)), 'inconsistent ETH from withdraw'

    curAliceSushiBalance = sushi.balanceOf(alice)
    print('Alice sushi balance', curAliceSushiBalance)
    receivedSushi = curAliceSushiBalance - prevAliceSushiBalance
    print('received sushi', receivedSushi)

    # check with staking directly
    pid = 0
    tx = interface.IMasterChef(chef).withdraw(pid, collSize, {'from': bob})
    receivedSushiFromStaking = sushi.balanceOf(bob) - prevSushi
    print('receivedSushiFromStaking', receivedSushiFromStaking)
    assert almostEqual(receivedSushi, receivedSushiFromStaking)
def main():
    admin = accounts[0]
    alice = accounts[1]

    alpha = interface.IERC20Ex('0xa1faa113cbe53436df28ff0aee54275c13b40975')
    ibethv2 = SafeBoxETH.at('0xeEa3311250FE4c3268F8E684f7C87A82fF183Ec1')

    mint_tokens(alpha, alice)
    mint_tokens(alpha, admin)

    ibethv2.deposit({'from': alice, 'value': '100000 ether'})
    ibethv2.deposit({'from': admin, 'value': '100000 ether'})

    pair = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(
    # sushi router
    router = interface.IUniswapV2Router02(

    ibethv2_router = IbETHRouterV2.deploy(alpha, ibethv2, router,
                                          {'from': admin})

    alpha.approve(ibethv2_router, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    ibethv2.approve(ibethv2_router, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    pair.approve(ibethv2_router, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})

    # setup liquidity first time

    init_alpha_amt = 1000 * 10**alpha.decimals()
    init_ibethv2_amt = 1 * 10**ibethv2.decimals()

    ibethv2.transfer(pair, init_ibethv2_amt, {'from': admin})
    alpha.transfer(pair, init_alpha_amt, {'from': admin})

    pair.mint(admin, {'from': admin})

    prevIbethv2Bal = ibethv2.balanceOf(admin)
    ibethv2.deposit({'from': admin, 'value': '1 ether'})
    curIbethv2Bal = ibethv2.balanceOf(admin)
    ibethv2_eth_rate = 10**18 / (curIbethv2Bal - prevIbethv2Bal)
    print('conversion rate', ibethv2_eth_rate)
    print('init ibethv2 amt', init_ibethv2_amt * ibethv2_eth_rate)
    print('deposited', 10**18, 'ether')
    print('received', curIbethv2Bal - prevIbethv2Bal, 'ibethv2')

    # check state vars
    print('Case. check state vars')

    assert ibethv2_router.alpha() == alpha
    assert ibethv2_router.ibETHv2() == ibethv2
    assert ibethv2_router.lpToken() == pair
    assert ibethv2_router.router() == router

    # test swap exact ETH to ALPHA
    print('Case. test swap exact eth to alpha')

    eth_amt = 10**12

    prevETHBal = alice.balance()
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    ibethv2_router.swapExactETHToAlpha(0, alice, 2**256 - 1, {
        'from': alice,
        'value': eth_amt,
        'gas_price': 0

    curETHBal = alice.balance()
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    print('∆ alpha', curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal)
        'calc alpha',
        eth_amt * (init_alpha_amt / init_ibethv2_amt) / ibethv2_eth_rate *

    assert curETHBal - prevETHBal == -eth_amt, 'incorrect ETH amount'
    assert almostEqual(
        curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal,
        eth_amt * (init_alpha_amt / init_ibethv2_amt) / ibethv2_eth_rate *
        0.997), 'incorrect alpha amount'

    # test swap exact ALPHA to ETH
    print('Case. swap exact alpha to eth')

    alpha_amt = 10**18

    prevETHBal = alice.balance()
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    ibethv2_router.swapExactAlphaToETH(alpha_amt, 0, alice, 2**256 - 1, {
        'from': alice,
        'gas_price': 0

    curETHBal = alice.balance()
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    print('∆ eth', curETHBal - prevETHBal)
        'calc eth', alpha_amt / (init_alpha_amt / init_ibethv2_amt) *
        ibethv2_eth_rate * 0.997)

    assert almostEqual(
        curETHBal - prevETHBal,
        alpha_amt / (init_alpha_amt / init_ibethv2_amt) * ibethv2_eth_rate *
        0.997), 'incorrect ETH amount'
    assert almostEqual(curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal,
                       -alpha_amt), 'incorrect alpha amount'

    # test add liquidity eth alpha optimal
    print('Case. test add liquidity eth alpha optimal')

    alpha_amt = 100000 * 10**18
    eth_amt = 1000 * 10**18

    prevETHBal = alice.balance()
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = pair.balanceOf(alice)

    prevLPSupply = pair.totalSupply()
    r0, r1, _ = pair.getReserves()

    ibethv2_router.addLiquidityETHAlphaOptimal(alpha_amt, 0, alice, 2**256 - 1,
                                                   'from': alice,
                                                   'value': eth_amt,
                                                   'gas_price': 0

    curETHBal = alice.balance()
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = pair.balanceOf(alice)

    new_r0, new_r1, _ = pair.getReserves()

    expected_lp = (sqrt((new_r0 * new_r1) / (r0 * r1)) - 1) * prevLPSupply

    print('prev total lp supply', prevLPSupply)
    print('prev reserves', r0, r1)
    print('cur reserves', new_r0, new_r1)
    print('∆ lp', curLPBal - prevLPBal)
    print('calc lp', expected_lp)

    assert almostEqual(new_r0, r0 + alpha_amt), 'incorrect r0 new amt'
    assert almostEqual(new_r1,
                       r1 + eth_amt / ibethv2_eth_rate), 'incorrect r1 new amt'

    assert curETHBal - prevETHBal == -eth_amt, 'incorrect ETH add'
    assert curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal == -alpha_amt, 'incorrect Alpha add'
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal - prevLPBal,
                       expected_lp), 'incorrect LP received'

    # ###########################################################################
    # # test add liquidity ibethv2 alpha optimal
    print('Case. test add liquidity ibethv2 alpha optimal')

    alpha_amt = 1000000 * 10**18
    ibethv2_amt = 1000 * 10**5

    prevETHBal = alice.balance()
    prevIbethv2Bal = ibethv2.balanceOf(alice)
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = pair.balanceOf(alice)

    prevLPSupply = pair.totalSupply()
    r0, r1, _ = pair.getReserves()

    ibethv2_router.addLiquidityIbETHv2AlphaOptimal(ibethv2_amt, alpha_amt, 0,
                                                   alice, 2**256 - 1, {
                                                       'from': alice,
                                                       'gas_price': 0

    curETHBal = alice.balance()
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)
    curIbethv2Bal = ibethv2.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = pair.balanceOf(alice)

    new_r0, new_r1, _ = pair.getReserves()
    expected_lp = (sqrt((new_r0 * new_r1) / (r0 * r1)) - 1) * prevLPSupply

    print('prev total lp supply', prevLPSupply)
    print('prev reserves', r0, r1)
    print('cur reserves', new_r0, new_r1)
    print('∆ lp', curLPBal - prevLPBal)
    print('calc lp', expected_lp)

    assert almostEqual(new_r0, r0 + alpha_amt), 'incorrect r0 new amt'
    assert almostEqual(new_r1, r1 + ibethv2_amt), 'incorrect r1 new amt'

    assert curIbethv2Bal - prevIbethv2Bal == -ibethv2_amt, 'incorrect ibethv2 add'
    assert curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal == -alpha_amt, 'incorrect Alpha add'
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal - prevLPBal,
                       expected_lp), 'incorrect LP received'

    # test remove liquidity eth alpha
    print('Case. test remove liquidity eth alpha')

    lp_amt = pair.balanceOf(alice) // 3

    prevETHBal = alice.balance()
    prevIbethv2Bal = ibethv2.balanceOf(alice)
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = pair.balanceOf(alice)

    prevLPSupply = pair.totalSupply()

    r0, r1, _ = pair.getReserves()  # token0 = alpha

    ibethv2_router.removeLiquidityETHAlpha(lp_amt, 0, 0, alice, 2**256 - 1,
                                           {'from': alice})

    curETHBal = alice.balance()
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)
    curIbethv2Bal = ibethv2.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = pair.balanceOf(alice)

    print('∆ alpha', curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal)
    print('∆ ibethv2', curIbethv2Bal - prevIbethv2Bal)

    assert curLPBal - prevLPBal == -lp_amt, 'incorrect LP withdraw'
    assert almostEqual(curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal, lp_amt / prevLPSupply *
                       r0), 'incorrect alpha withdraw amount'
    assert almostEqual(curETHBal - prevETHBal, lp_amt / prevLPSupply * r1 *
                       ibethv2_eth_rate), 'incorrect eth withraw amount'

    # test remove liquidity alpha only
    print('Case. test remove liquidity alpha only')

    lp_amt = pair.balanceOf(alice) // 10**3

    prevETHBal = alice.balance()
    prevIbethv2Bal = ibethv2.balanceOf(alice)
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = pair.balanceOf(alice)

    prevLPSupply = pair.totalSupply()

    r0, r1, _ = pair.getReserves()  # token0 = alpha

    ibethv2_router.removeLiquidityAlphaOnly(lp_amt, 0, alice, 2**256 - 1,
                                            {'from': alice})

    curETHBal = alice.balance()
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)
    curIbethv2Bal = ibethv2.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = pair.balanceOf(alice)

    assert curLPBal - prevLPBal == -lp_amt, 'incorrect LP withdraw'
    assert almostEqual(curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal, lp_amt / prevLPSupply * r0 *
                       2), 'incorrect alpha withdraw amount'
def main():
    admin = accounts[0]

    alice = accounts[1]
    bob = accounts[2]
    usdt = interface.IERC20Ex('0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7')
    weth = interface.IERC20Ex('0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2')

    lp = interface.IERC20Ex('0x06da0fd433C1A5d7a4faa01111c044910A184553')
    crusdt = interface.ICErc20('0x797AAB1ce7c01eB727ab980762bA88e7133d2157')

    sushi = interface.IERC20('0x6b3595068778dd592e39a122f4f5a5cf09c90fe2')

    # sushiswap router
    router = interface.IUniswapV2Router02(

    chef = accounts.at('0xc2edad668740f1aa35e4d8f227fb8e17dca888cd',
    wchef = WMasterChef.deploy(chef, {'from': admin})

    werc20 = WERC20.deploy({'from': admin})

    simple_oracle = SimpleOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
    simple_oracle.setETHPx([usdt, weth], [2**112 // 700, 2**112])

    uniswap_oracle = UniswapV2Oracle.deploy(simple_oracle, {'from': admin})
    core_oracle = CoreOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
    oracle = ProxyOracle.deploy(core_oracle, {'from': admin})
    oracle.setWhitelistERC1155([werc20, wchef], True, {'from': admin})
        [usdt, weth, lp],
        [simple_oracle, simple_oracle, uniswap_oracle],
        {'from': admin},
        [usdt, weth, lp],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000],
        {'from': admin},

    homora = HomoraBank.deploy({'from': admin})
    homora.initialize(oracle, 1000, {'from': admin})  # 10% fee
    homora.addBank(usdt, crusdt, {'from': admin})

    # setup initial funds to alice
    mint_tokens(usdt, alice)
    mint_tokens(weth, alice)

    # check alice's funds
    print(f'Alice usdt balance {usdt.balanceOf(alice)}')
    print(f'Alice weth balance {weth.balanceOf(alice)}')

    # Steal some LP from the staking pool
    mint_tokens(lp, alice)
    mint_tokens(lp, bob)

    # set approval
    usdt.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    usdt.approve(crusdt, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    weth.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    lp.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    lp.approve(chef, 2**256 - 1, {'from': bob})

    sushiswap_spell = SushiswapSpellV1.deploy(homora, werc20, router, wchef,
                                              {'from': admin})
    # first time call to reduce gas
    sushiswap_spell.getPair(weth, usdt, {'from': admin})

    # whitelist spell in bank
    homora.setWhitelistSpells([sushiswap_spell], [True], {'from': admin})

    # whitelist lp in spell
    sushiswap_spell.setWhitelistLPTokens([lp], [True], {'from': admin})

    print('Case 1. add liquidity')

    prevABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_wchef = lp.balanceOf(wchef)

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        prevARes, prevBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        prevBRes, prevARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    usdt_amt = 10 * 10**6
    weth_amt = 10**18
    lp_amt = 0
    borrow_usdt_amt = 0
    borrow_weth_amt = 0

    pid = 0

    tx = homora.execute(
            usdt,  # token 0
            weth,  # token 1
                usdt_amt,  # supply USDT
                weth_amt,  # supply WETH
                lp_amt,  # supply LP
                borrow_usdt_amt,  # borrow USDT
                borrow_weth_amt,  # borrow WETH
                0,  # borrow LP tokens
                0,  # min USDT
            ],  # min WETH
        {'from': alice})

    curABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_wchef = lp.balanceOf(wchef)

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        curARes, curBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        curBRes, curARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(sushiswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('add liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, totalDebt, totalShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdt)
    print('bank usdt totalDebt', totalDebt)
    print('bank usdt totalShare', totalShare)

    print('bank prev LP balance', prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank cur LP balance', curLPBal_bank)

    print('wchef prev LP balance', prevLPBal_wchef)
    print('wchef cur LP balance', curLPBal_wchef)

    print('prev usdt res', prevARes)
    print('cur usdt res', curARes)

    print('prev weth res', prevBRes)
    print('cur weth res', curBRes)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curABal - prevABal, -usdt_amt), 'incorrect USDT amt'
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal, -weth_amt), 'incorrect WETH amt'
    assert curLPBal - prevLPBal == -lp_amt, 'incorrect LP amt'

    # spell
    assert usdt.balanceOf(sushiswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDT balance'
    assert weth.balanceOf(sushiswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell WETH balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(sushiswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'
    assert totalDebt == borrow_usdt_amt

    # check balance and pool reserves
    assert curABal - prevABal - borrow_usdt_amt == - \
        (curARes - prevARes), 'not all USDT tokens go to LP pool'
    assert almostEqual(
        curBBal - prevBBal - borrow_weth_amt,
        -(curBRes - prevBRes)), 'not all WETH tokens go to LP pool'

    # #####################################################################################

    print('Case 2. harvest first time')

    prevSushiBalance = sushi.balanceOf(alice)
    print('Alice SUSHI balance before harvest', prevSushiBalance)
    _, _, collId, collSize = homora.getPositionInfo(1)
    print('collSize', collSize)

    # staking directly
    prevSushi = sushi.balanceOf(bob)
    print('bob lp balance', interface.IERC20Ex(lp).balanceOf(bob))
    pid = 0
    tx = interface.IMasterChef(chef).deposit(pid, collSize, {'from': bob})


    tx = homora.execute(1, sushiswap_spell,
                        {'from': alice})

    print('tx gas used', tx.gas_used)

    curSushiBalance = sushi.balanceOf(alice)
    print('Alice SUSHI balance after harvest', curSushiBalance)
    receivedSushi = curSushiBalance - prevSushiBalance

    # check with staking directly
    pid = 0
    tx = interface.IMasterChef(chef).withdraw(pid, collSize, {'from': bob})
    receivedSushiFromStaking = sushi.balanceOf(bob) - prevSushi
    print('receivedSushiFromStaking', receivedSushiFromStaking)
    assert almostEqual(receivedSushi, receivedSushiFromStaking)

    # #####################################################################################

    print('Case 3. harvest second time')

    prevSushiBalance = sushi.balanceOf(alice)
    print('Alice SUSHI balance before harvest', prevSushiBalance)

    prevSushi = sushi.balanceOf(bob)
    print('bob lp balance', interface.IERC20Ex(lp).balanceOf(bob))

    # staking directly
    prevSushi = sushi.balanceOf(bob)
    print('bob lp balance', interface.IERC20Ex(lp).balanceOf(bob))
    pid = 0
    tx = interface.IMasterChef(chef).deposit(pid, collSize, {'from': bob})


    tx = homora.execute(1, sushiswap_spell,
                        {'from': alice})

    print('tx gas used', tx.gas_used)

    curSushiBalance = sushi.balanceOf(alice)
    print('Alice SUSHI balance after harvest', curSushiBalance)
    receivedSushi = curSushiBalance - prevSushiBalance

    # check with staking directly
    tx = interface.IMasterChef(chef).withdraw(pid, collSize, {'from': bob})
    receivedSushiFromStaking = sushi.balanceOf(bob) - prevSushi
    print('receivedSushiFromStaking', receivedSushiFromStaking)
    assert almostEqual(receivedSushi, receivedSushiFromStaking)
Example #11
def main():
    admin = accounts[0]

    alice = accounts[1]
    usdt = interface.IERC20Ex('0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7')
    weth = interface.IERC20Ex('0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2')

    lp = interface.IERC20Ex('0x0d4a11d5EEaaC28EC3F61d100daF4d40471f1852')
    crusdt = interface.ICErc20('0x797AAB1ce7c01eB727ab980762bA88e7133d2157')
    router = interface.IUniswapV2Router02(

    werc20 = WERC20.deploy({'from': admin})

    simple_oracle = SimpleOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
        [usdt, weth], [9011535487953795006625883219171279625142296, 2**112])

    uniswap_oracle = UniswapV2Oracle.deploy(simple_oracle, {'from': admin})
    oracle = ProxyOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
    oracle.setWhitelistERC1155([werc20], True, {'from': admin})
            '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7',  # USDT
            '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',  # WETH
            '0x0d4a11d5EEaaC28EC3F61d100daF4d40471f1852',  # USDT-WETH
            [simple_oracle, 10000, 10000, 10000],
            [simple_oracle, 10000, 10000, 10000],
            [uniswap_oracle, 10000, 10000, 10000],
        {'from': admin},

    homora = HomoraBank.deploy({'from': admin})
    homora.initialize(oracle, 1000, {'from': admin})  # 10% fee
    homora.addBank(usdt, crusdt, {'from': admin})

    # setup initial funds 10^5 USDT + 10^4 WETH to alice
        accounts.at('0xbe0eb53f46cd790cd13851d5eff43d12404d33e8', force=True),
        alice, 10**5 * 10**6)
        accounts.at('0x397ff1542f962076d0bfe58ea045ffa2d347aca0', force=True),
        alice, 10**4 * 10**18)

    # setup initial funds 10^6 USDT + 10^5 WETH to homora bank
        accounts.at('0xbe0eb53f46cd790cd13851d5eff43d12404d33e8', force=True),
        homora, 10**6 * 10**6)
        accounts.at('0x397ff1542f962076d0bfe58ea045ffa2d347aca0', force=True),
        homora, 10**4 * 10**18)

    # check alice's funds
    print(f'Alice usdt balance {usdt.balanceOf(alice)}')
    print(f'Alice weth balance {weth.balanceOf(alice)}')

    # Steal some LP from the staking pool
        alice, 1 * 10**17, {
        homora, 2 * 10**17, {

    # set approval
    usdt.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    usdt.approve(crusdt, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    weth.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    lp.approve(homora, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})

    uniswap_spell = UniswapV2SpellV1.deploy(homora, werc20, router,
                                            {'from': admin})
    # first time call to reduce gas
    uniswap_spell.getPair(weth, usdt, {'from': admin})

    print('Case 1.')

    prevABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    prevETHBal = alice.balance()
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        prevARes, prevBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        prevBRes, prevARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    usdt_amt = 400 * 10**6
    weth_amt = 10**18
    eth_amt = 10**18
    lp_amt = 1 * 10**16
    borrow_usdt_amt = 1000 * 10**6
    borrow_weth_amt = 0

    tx = homora.execute(
            usdt,  # token 0
            weth,  # token 1
                usdt_amt,  # supply USDT
                weth_amt,  # supply WETH
                lp_amt,  # supply LP
                borrow_usdt_amt,  # borrow USDT
                borrow_weth_amt,  # borrow WETH
                0,  # borrow LP tokens
                0,  # min USDT
            ],  # min WETH
            'from': alice,
            'value': eth_amt

    position_id = tx.return_value
    print('position_id', position_id)

    curABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    curETHBal = alice.balance()
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        curARes, curBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        curBRes, curARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('add liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, totalDebt, totalShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdt)
    print('bank usdt totalDebt', totalDebt)
    print('bank usdt totalShare', totalShare)

    print('bank prev LP balance', prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank cur LP balance', curLPBal_bank)

    print('werc20 prev LP balance', prevLPBal_werc20)
    print('werc20 cur LP balance', curLPBal_werc20)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curABal - prevABal, -usdt_amt), 'incorrect USDT amt'
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal, -weth_amt), 'incorrect WETH amt'
    assert almostEqual(curETHBal - prevETHBal, -eth_amt), 'incorrect ETH amt'
    assert curLPBal - prevLPBal == -lp_amt, 'incorrect LP amt'

    # spell
    assert usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDT balance'
    assert weth.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell WETH balance'
    assert uniswap_spell.balance() == 0, 'non-zero spell ETH balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'
    assert totalDebt == borrow_usdt_amt

    # check balance and pool reserves
    assert curABal - prevABal - borrow_usdt_amt == - \
        (curARes - prevARes), 'not all USDT tokens go to LP pool'
    assert curBBal - prevBBal - borrow_weth_amt - eth_amt == - \
        (curBRes - prevBRes), 'not all WETH tokens go to LP pool'

    print('Case 2.')

    # remove liquidity from the same position
    prevABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    prevLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)
    prevETHBal = alice.balance()

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        prevARes, prevBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        prevBRes, prevARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    lp_take_amt = 1 * 10**16
    lp_want = 1 * 10**15
    usdt_repay = 2**256 - 1  # max
    weth_repay = 0

    real_usdt_repay = homora.borrowBalanceStored(position_id, usdt)

    tx = homora.execute(
            usdt,  # token 0
            weth,  # token 1
                lp_take_amt,  # take out LP tokens
                lp_want,  # withdraw LP tokens to wallet
                usdt_repay,  # repay USDT
                weth_repay,  # repay WETH
                0,  # repay LP
                0,  # min USDT
            ],  # min WETH
        {'from': alice})

    curABal = usdt.balanceOf(alice)
    curBBal = weth.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curLPBal_bank = lp.balanceOf(homora)
    curLPBal_werc20 = lp.balanceOf(werc20)
    curETHBal = alice.balance()

    if interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).token0() == usdt:
        curARes, curBRes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()
        curBRes, curARes, _ = interface.IUniswapV2Pair(lp).getReserves()

    print('spell lp balance', lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('spell usdt balance', usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('spell weth balance', weth.balanceOf(uniswap_spell))
    print('Alice delta A balance', curABal - prevABal)
    print('Alice delta B balance', curBBal - prevBBal)
    print('Alice delta LP balance', curLPBal - prevLPBal)
    print('remove liquidity gas', tx.gas_used)
    print('bank delta lp balance', curLPBal_bank - prevLPBal_bank)
    print('bank total lp balance', curLPBal_bank)

    _, _, _, totalDebt, totalShare = homora.getBankInfo(usdt)
    print('bank usdt totalDebt', totalDebt)
    print('bank usdt totalShare', totalShare)

    print('LP want', lp_want)

    print('bank delta LP amount', curLPBal_bank - prevLPBal_bank)
    print('LP take amount', lp_take_amt)

    print('prev werc20 LP balance', prevLPBal_werc20)
    print('cur werc20 LP balance', curLPBal_werc20)

    # alice
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal, 0), 'incorrect WETH amt'
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal - prevLPBal, lp_want), 'incorrect LP amt'

    # werc20
    assert almostEqual(curLPBal_werc20 - prevLPBal_werc20,
                       -lp_take_amt), 'incorrect werc20 LP amt'

    # spell
    assert usdt.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell USDT balance'
    assert weth.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell WETH balance'
    assert uniswap_spell.balance() == 0, 'non-zero spell ETH balance'
    assert lp.balanceOf(uniswap_spell) == 0, 'non-zero spell LP balance'

    # check balance and pool reserves
    assert almostEqual(
        curABal - prevABal + real_usdt_repay,
        -(curARes - prevARes)), 'inconsistent USDT from withdraw'
    assert almostEqual(curBBal - prevBBal,
                       0), 'inconsistent WETH from withdraw'
    assert almostEqual(curETHBal - prevETHBal + weth_repay,
                       -(curBRes - prevBRes)), 'inconsistent ETH from withdraw'

    return tx