def test_text_acquisition_methods(self):
        # These methods are intended for use against Tag, but they
        # work on NavigableString as well,

        s = NavigableString("fee ")
        cdata = CData("fie ")
        comment = Comment("foe ")

        assert "fee " == s.get_text()
        assert "fee" == s.get_text(strip=True)
        assert ["fee "] == list(s.strings)
        assert ["fee"] == list(s.stripped_strings)
        assert ["fee "] == list(s._all_strings())

        assert "fie " == cdata.get_text()
        assert "fie" == cdata.get_text(strip=True)
        assert ["fie "] == list(cdata.strings)
        assert ["fie"] == list(cdata.stripped_strings)
        assert ["fie "] == list(cdata._all_strings())

        # Since a Comment isn't normally considered 'text',
        # these methods generally do nothing.
        assert "" == comment.get_text()
        assert [] == list(comment.strings)
        assert [] == list(comment.stripped_strings)
        assert [] == list(comment._all_strings())

        # Unless you specifically say that comments are okay.
        assert "foe" == comment.get_text(strip=True, types=Comment)
        assert "foe " == comment.get_text(types=(Comment, NavigableString))
 def test_cdata(self):
     # None of the current builders turn CDATA sections into CData
     # objects, but you can create them manually.
     soup = self.soup("")
     cdata = CData("foo")
     soup.insert(1, cdata)
     assert str(soup) == "<![CDATA[foo]]>"
     assert soup.find(string="foo") == "foo"
     assert soup.contents[0] == "foo"
Example #3
 def test_cdata(self):
     # None of the current builders turn CDATA sections into CData
     # objects, but you can create them manually.
     soup = self.soup("")
     cdata = CData("foo")
     soup.insert(1, cdata)
     self.assertEqual(str(soup), "<![CDATA[foo]]>")
     self.assertEqual(soup.find(text="foo"), "foo")
     self.assertEqual(soup.contents[0], "foo")
    def test_cdata_is_never_formatted(self):
        """Text inside a CData object is passed into the formatter.

        But the return value is ignored.

        self.count = 0

        def increment(*args):
            self.count += 1
            return "BITTER FAILURE"

        soup = self.soup("")
        cdata = CData("<><><>")
        soup.insert(1, cdata)
        assert b"<![CDATA[<><><>]]>" == soup.encode(formatter=increment)
        assert 1 == self.count
Example #5
 def test_set_string_preserves_class_of_string(self):
     soup = self.soup("<a></a>")
     cdata = CData("foo")
     soup.a.string = cdata
     assert isinstance(soup.a.string, CData)