class TestBS(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_soup_branch(self):

        self.a_simple_soup = BeautifulSoup(
        <a href=""><b>A bold anchor tag</b></a>
                ''', "html.parser")

        self.tiny_soup = BeautifulSoup(
                ''', "html.parser")

        a_tag = self.a_simple_soup.a

        #Here we call find directly
        tag = self.a_simple_soup.find("a")
        self.assertEqual(tag, a_tag)

        #Here we call find all directly
        tag = self.a_simple_soup.find_all("a")
        self.assertEqual(tag, [a_tag])

        #Here we call find all directly, with no argument
        html = self.a_simple_soup.html
        head = self.a_simple_soup.head
        body = self.a_simple_soup.body
        p = self.a_simple_soup.p
        a = self.a_simple_soup.a
        b = self.a_simple_soup.b

        tag = self.a_simple_soup.find_all()
        self.assertEqual(tag, [html, head, body, p, a, b])

        #here kwarg contains "string", and there is no text argument.
        tag = self.a_simple_soup.find_all(string="a")
        self.assertEqual(tag, [])

        #here we define a custom SoupStrainer
        strainer = SoupStrainer("a")
        tag = self.a_simple_soup.find_all(strainer)
        self.assertEqual(tag, [a_tag])

        #here we find with limit
        tag = self.a_simple_soup.find_all("a", limit=1)
        self.assertEqual(tag, [a_tag])

        #Putting recursive to False makes BS only look one level down from the
        #tag from which the search started.
        tag = self.tiny_soup.find_all("a", recursive=False)
        self.assertEqual(tag, [])

        #This is far outside of normal BS usage
        iterator = EvilIter(3)
        tag = self.tiny_soup._find_all("a",
        self.assertEqual(tag, [])