Example #1
    def _command(self, command, value=1,
                 check=True, allowable_errors=None,
                 uuid_subtype=OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE, compile_re=True,
                 read_preference=None, **kwargs):
        """Internal command helper.

        if isinstance(command, basestring):
            command_name = command.lower()
            command = SON([(command, value)])
            command_name = command.keys()[0].lower()

        as_class = kwargs.pop('as_class', None)
        fields = kwargs.pop('fields', None)
        if fields is not None and not isinstance(fields, dict):
            fields = helpers._fields_list_to_dict(fields)

        orig = mode = read_preference or self.read_preference
        if command_name not in SECONDARY_OK_COMMANDS:
            mode = ReadPreference.PRIMARY

        # Special-case: mapreduce can go to secondaries only if inline
        elif command_name == 'mapreduce':
            out = command.get('out')
            if not isinstance(out, dict) or not out.get('inline'):
                mode = ReadPreference.PRIMARY

        # Special-case: aggregate with $out cannot go to secondaries.
        elif command_name == 'aggregate':
            for stage in command.get('pipeline', []):
                if '$out' in stage:
                    mode = ReadPreference.PRIMARY

        # Warn if mode will override read_preference.
        if mode != orig:
            warnings.warn("%s does not support %s read preference "
                          "and will be routed to the primary instead." %
                          (command_name, orig.name), UserWarning)

        cursor = self["$cmd"].find(command,
        for doc in cursor:
            result = doc

        if check:
            msg = "command %s failed: %%s" % repr(command).replace("%", "%%")
            helpers._check_command_response(result, self.connection.disconnect,
                                            msg, allowable_errors)

        return result, cursor.conn_id
Example #2
class BaseDocument(object):
    __slots__ = ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created', '_data',
                 '_dynamic_fields', '_auto_id_field', '_db_field_map', '__weakref__')

    _dynamic = False
    _dynamic_lock = True
    STRICT = False

    def __init__(self, *args, **values):
        Initialise a document or embedded document

        :param __auto_convert: Try and will cast python objects to Object types
        :param values: A dictionary of values for the document
        self._initialised = False
        self._created = True
        if args:
            # Combine positional arguments with named arguments.
            # We only want named arguments.
            field = iter(self._fields_ordered)
            # If its an automatic id field then skip to the first defined field
            if self._auto_id_field:
            for value in args:
                name = next(field)
                if name in values:
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Multiple values for keyword argument '" + name + "'")
                values[name] = value
        __auto_convert = values.pop("__auto_convert", True)

        # 399: set default values only to fields loaded from DB
        __only_fields = set(values.pop("__only_fields", values))

        signals.pre_init.send(self.__class__, document=self, values=values)

        if self.STRICT and not self._dynamic:
            self._data = StrictDict.create(allowed_keys=self._fields_ordered)()
            self._data = SemiStrictDict.create(

        _created = values.pop("_created", True)
        self._data = {}
        self._dynamic_fields = SON()

        # Assign default values to instance
        for key, field in self._fields.iteritems():
            if self._db_field_map.get(key, key) in __only_fields:
            value = getattr(self, key, None)
            setattr(self, key, value)

        if "_cls" not in values:
            self._cls = self._class_name

        # Set passed values after initialisation
        if self._dynamic:
            dynamic_data = {}
            for key, value in values.iteritems():
                if key in self._fields or key == '_id':
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                elif self._dynamic:
                    dynamic_data[key] = value
            FileField = _import_class('FileField')
            for key, value in values.iteritems():
                if key == '__auto_convert':
                key = self._reverse_db_field_map.get(key, key)
                if key in self._fields or key in ('id', 'pk', '_cls'):
                    if __auto_convert and value is not None:
                        field = self._fields.get(key)
                        if field and not isinstance(field, FileField):
                            value = field.to_python(value)
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                    self._data[key] = value

        # Set any get_fieldname_display methods

        if self._dynamic:
            self._dynamic_lock = False
            for key, value in dynamic_data.iteritems():
                setattr(self, key, value)

        # Flag initialised
        self._initialised = True
        self._created = _created
        signals.post_init.send(self.__class__, document=self)

    def __delattr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle deletions of fields"""
        field_name = args[0]
        if field_name in self._fields:
            default = self._fields[field_name].default
            if callable(default):
                default = default()
            setattr(self, field_name, default)
            super(BaseDocument, self).__delattr__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        # Handle dynamic data only if an initialised dynamic document
        if self._dynamic and not self._dynamic_lock:

            field = None
            if not hasattr(self, name) and not name.startswith('_'):
                DynamicField = _import_class("DynamicField")
                field = DynamicField(db_field=name)
                field.name = name
                self._dynamic_fields[name] = field
                self._fields_ordered += (name,)

            if not name.startswith('_'):
                value = self.__expand_dynamic_values(name, value)

            # Handle marking data as changed
            if name in self._dynamic_fields:
                self._data[name] = value
                if hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):
            self__created = self._created
        except AttributeError:
            self__created = True

        if (self._is_document and not self__created and
                name in self._meta.get('shard_key', tuple()) and
                self._data.get(name) != value):
            OperationError = _import_class('OperationError')
            msg = "Shard Keys are immutable. Tried to update %s" % name
            raise OperationError(msg)

            self__initialised = self._initialised
        except AttributeError:
            self__initialised = False
        # Check if the user has created a new instance of a class
        if (self._is_document and self__initialised
                and self__created and name == self._meta['id_field']):
            super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__('_created', False)

        super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__(name, value)

    def __getstate__(self):
        data = {}
        for k in ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created',
                  '_dynamic_fields', '_fields_ordered'):
            if hasattr(self, k):
                data[k] = getattr(self, k)
        data['_data'] = self.to_mongo()
        return data

    def __setstate__(self, data):
        if isinstance(data["_data"], SON):
            data["_data"] = self.__class__._from_son(data["_data"])._data
        for k in ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created', '_data',
            if k in data:
                setattr(self, k, data[k])
        if '_fields_ordered' in data:
            setattr(type(self), '_fields_ordered', data['_fields_ordered'])
        dynamic_fields = data.get('_dynamic_fields') or SON()
        for k in dynamic_fields.keys():
            setattr(self, k, data["_data"].get(k))

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._fields_ordered)

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        """Dictionary-style field access, return a field's value if present.
            if name in self._fields_ordered:
                return getattr(self, name)
        except AttributeError:
        raise KeyError(name)

    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        """Dictionary-style field access, set a field's value.
        # Ensure that the field exists before settings its value
        if not self._dynamic and name not in self._fields:
            raise KeyError(name)
        return setattr(self, name, value)

    def __contains__(self, name):
            val = getattr(self, name)
            return val is not None
        except AttributeError:
            return False

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._data)

    def __repr__(self):
            u = self.__str__()
        except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
            u = '[Bad Unicode data]'
        repr_type = str if u is None else type(u)
        return repr_type('<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, u))

    def __str__(self):
        if hasattr(self, '__unicode__'):
            if PY3:
                return self.__unicode__()
                return unicode(self).encode('utf-8')
        return txt_type('%s object' % self.__class__.__name__)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__) and hasattr(other, 'id'):
            return self.id == other.id
        if isinstance(other, DBRef):
            return self._get_collection_name() == other.collection and self.id == other.id
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __hash__(self):
        if getattr(self, 'pk', None) is None:
            # For new object
            return super(BaseDocument, self).__hash__()
            return hash(self.pk)

    def clean(self):
        Hook for doing document level data cleaning before validation is run.

        Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with
        a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the
        field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.

    def to_mongo(self, use_db_field=True, fields=[]):
        Return as SON data ready for use with MongoDB.
        data = SON()
        data["_id"] = None
        data['_cls'] = self._class_name
        EmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class("EmbeddedDocumentField")
        # only root fields ['test1.a', 'test2'] => ['test1', 'test2']
        root_fields = set([f.split('.')[0] for f in fields])

        for field_name in self:
            if root_fields and field_name not in root_fields:

            value = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)

            if field is None and self._dynamic:
                field = self._dynamic_fields.get(field_name)

            if value is not None:

                if isinstance(field, (EmbeddedDocumentField)):
                    if fields:
                        key = '%s.' % field_name
                        embedded_fields = [
                            i.replace(key, '') for i in fields
                            if i.startswith(key)]

                        embedded_fields = []

                    value = field.to_mongo(value, use_db_field=use_db_field,
                    value = field.to_mongo(value)

            # Handle self generating fields
            if value is None and field._auto_gen:
                value = field.generate()
                self._data[field_name] = value

            if value is not None:
                if use_db_field:
                    data[field.db_field] = value
                    data[field.name] = value

        # If "_id" has not been set, then try and set it
        Document = _import_class("Document")
        if isinstance(self, Document):
            if data["_id"] is None:
                data["_id"] = self._data.get("id", None)

        if data['_id'] is None:

        # Only add _cls if allow_inheritance is True
        if (not hasattr(self, '_meta') or
                not self._meta.get('allow_inheritance', ALLOW_INHERITANCE)):

        return data

    def validate(self, clean=True):
        """Ensure that all fields' values are valid and that required fields
        are present.
        # Ensure that each field is matched to a valid value
        errors = {}
        if clean:
            except ValidationError, error:
                errors[NON_FIELD_ERRORS] = error

        # Get a list of tuples of field names and their current values
        fields = [(self._fields.get(name, self._dynamic_fields.get(name)),
                   self._data.get(name)) for name in self._fields_ordered]

        EmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class("EmbeddedDocumentField")
        GenericEmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class(

        for field, value in fields:
            if value is not None:
                    if isinstance(field, (EmbeddedDocumentField,
                        field._validate(value, clean=clean)
                except ValidationError, error:
                    errors[field.name] = error.errors or error
                except (ValueError, AttributeError, AssertionError), error:
                    errors[field.name] = error
Example #3
class BaseDocument(object):
    __slots__ = ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created', '_data',
                 '_dynamic_fields', '_auto_id_field', '_db_field_map', '__weakref__')

    _dynamic = False
    _dynamic_lock = True
    STRICT = False

    def __init__(self, *args, **values):
        Initialise a document or embedded document

        :param __auto_convert: Try and will cast python objects to Object types
        :param values: A dictionary of values for the document
        self._initialised = False
        self._created = True
        if args:
            # Combine positional arguments with named arguments.
            # We only want named arguments.
            field = iter(self._fields_ordered)
            # If its an automatic id field then skip to the first defined field
            if self._auto_id_field:
            for value in args:
                name = next(field)
                if name in values:
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Multiple values for keyword argument '" + name + "'")
                values[name] = value

        __auto_convert = values.pop("__auto_convert", True)

        # 399: set default values only to fields loaded from DB
        __only_fields = set(values.pop("__only_fields", values))

        _created = values.pop("_created", True)

        signals.pre_init.send(self.__class__, document=self, values=values)

        # Check if there are undefined fields supplied to the constructor,
        # if so raise an Exception.
        if not self._dynamic and (self._meta.get('strict', True) or _created):
            for var in list(values.keys()):
                if var not in list(self._fields.keys()) + ['id', 'pk', '_cls', '_text_score']:
                    msg = (
                        "The field '{0}' does not exist on the document '{1}'"
                    ).format(var, self._class_name)
                    raise FieldDoesNotExist(msg)

        if self.STRICT and not self._dynamic:
            self._data = StrictDict.create(allowed_keys=self._fields_ordered)()
            self._data = SemiStrictDict.create(

        self._dynamic_fields = SON()

        # Assign default values to instance
        for key, field in self._fields.items():
            if self._db_field_map.get(key, key) in __only_fields:
            value = getattr(self, key, None)
            setattr(self, key, value)

        if "_cls" not in values:
            self._cls = self._class_name

        # Set passed values after initialisation
        if self._dynamic:
            dynamic_data = {}
            for key, value in values.items():
                if key in self._fields or key == '_id':
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                elif self._dynamic:
                    dynamic_data[key] = value
            FileField = _import_class('FileField')
            for key, value in values.items():
                if key == '__auto_convert':
                key = self._reverse_db_field_map.get(key, key)
                if key in self._fields or key in ('id', 'pk', '_cls'):
                    if __auto_convert and value is not None:
                        field = self._fields.get(key)
                        if field and not isinstance(field, FileField):
                            value = field.to_python(value)
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                    self._data[key] = value

        # Set any get_fieldname_display methods

        if self._dynamic:
            self._dynamic_lock = False
            for key, value in dynamic_data.items():
                setattr(self, key, value)

        # Flag initialised
        self._initialised = True
        self._created = _created
        signals.post_init.send(self.__class__, document=self)

    def __delattr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle deletions of fields"""
        field_name = args[0]
        if field_name in self._fields:
            default = self._fields[field_name].default
            if isinstance(default, collections.Callable):
                default = default()
            setattr(self, field_name, default)
            super(BaseDocument, self).__delattr__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        # Handle dynamic data only if an initialised dynamic document
        if self._dynamic and not self._dynamic_lock:

            if not hasattr(self, name) and not name.startswith('_'):
                DynamicField = _import_class("DynamicField")
                field = DynamicField(db_field=name)
                field.name = name
                self._dynamic_fields[name] = field
                self._fields_ordered += (name,)

            if not name.startswith('_'):
                value = self.__expand_dynamic_values(name, value)

            # Handle marking data as changed
            if name in self._dynamic_fields:
                self._data[name] = value
                if hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):
            self__created = self._created
        except AttributeError:
            self__created = True

        if (self._is_document and not self__created and
                name in self._meta.get('shard_key', tuple()) and
                self._data.get(name) != value):
            OperationError = _import_class('OperationError')
            msg = "Shard Keys are immutable. Tried to update %s" % name
            raise OperationError(msg)

            self__initialised = self._initialised
        except AttributeError:
            self__initialised = False
        # Check if the user has created a new instance of a class
        if (self._is_document and self__initialised and
                self__created and name == self._meta.get('id_field')):
            super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__('_created', False)

        super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__(name, value)

    def __getstate__(self):
        data = {}
        for k in ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created',
                  '_dynamic_fields', '_fields_ordered'):
            if hasattr(self, k):
                data[k] = getattr(self, k)
        data['_data'] = self.to_mongo()
        return data

    def __setstate__(self, data):
        if isinstance(data["_data"], SON):
            data["_data"] = self.__class__._from_son(data["_data"])._data
        for k in ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created', '_data',
            if k in data:
                setattr(self, k, data[k])
        if '_fields_ordered' in data:
            if self._dynamic:
                setattr(self, '_fields_ordered', data['_fields_ordered'])
                _super_fields_ordered = type(self)._fields_ordered
                setattr(self, '_fields_ordered', _super_fields_ordered)

        dynamic_fields = data.get('_dynamic_fields') or SON()
        for k in list(dynamic_fields.keys()):
            setattr(self, k, data["_data"].get(k))

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._fields_ordered)

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        """Dictionary-style field access, return a field's value if present.
            if name in self._fields_ordered:
                return getattr(self, name)
        except AttributeError:
        raise KeyError(name)

    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        """Dictionary-style field access, set a field's value.
        # Ensure that the field exists before settings its value
        if not self._dynamic and name not in self._fields:
            raise KeyError(name)
        return setattr(self, name, value)

    def __contains__(self, name):
            val = getattr(self, name)
            return val is not None
        except AttributeError:
            return False

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._data)

    def __repr__(self):
            u = self.__str__()
        except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
            u = '[Bad Unicode data]'
        repr_type = str if u is None else type(u)
        return repr_type('<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, u))

    def __str__(self):
        if hasattr(self, '__unicode__'):
            if PY3:
                return self.__unicode__()
                return str(self).encode('utf-8')
        return txt_type('%s object' % self.__class__.__name__)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__) and hasattr(other, 'id') and other.id is not None:
            return self.id == other.id
        if isinstance(other, DBRef):
            return self._get_collection_name() == other.collection and self.id == other.id
        if self.id is None:
            return self is other
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __hash__(self):
        if getattr(self, 'pk', None) is None:
            # For new object
            return super(BaseDocument, self).__hash__()
            return hash(self.pk)

    def clean(self):
        Hook for doing document level data cleaning before validation is run.

        Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with
        a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the
        field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.

    def get_text_score(self):
        Get text score from text query

        if '_text_score' not in self._data:
            raise InvalidDocumentError('This document is not originally built from a text query')

        return self._data['_text_score']

    def to_mongo(self, use_db_field=True, fields=None):
        Return as SON data ready for use with MongoDB.
        if not fields:
            fields = []

        data = SON()
        data["_id"] = None
        data['_cls'] = self._class_name
        EmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class("EmbeddedDocumentField")
        # only root fields ['test1.a', 'test2'] => ['test1', 'test2']
        root_fields = set([f.split('.')[0] for f in fields])

        for field_name in self:
            if root_fields and field_name not in root_fields:

            value = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)

            if field is None and self._dynamic:
                field = self._dynamic_fields.get(field_name)

            if value is not None:

                if isinstance(field, EmbeddedDocumentField):
                    if fields:
                        key = '%s.' % field_name
                        embedded_fields = [
                            i.replace(key, '') for i in fields
                            if i.startswith(key)]

                        embedded_fields = []

                    value = field.to_mongo(value, use_db_field=use_db_field,
                    value = field.to_mongo(value)

            # Handle self generating fields
            if value is None and field._auto_gen:
                value = field.generate()
                self._data[field_name] = value

            if value is not None:
                if use_db_field:
                    data[field.db_field] = value
                    data[field.name] = value

        # If "_id" has not been set, then try and set it
        Document = _import_class("Document")
        if isinstance(self, Document):
            if data["_id"] is None:
                data["_id"] = self._data.get("id", None)

        if data['_id'] is None:

        # Only add _cls if allow_inheritance is True
        if (not hasattr(self, '_meta') or
                not self._meta.get('allow_inheritance', ALLOW_INHERITANCE)):

        return data

    def validate(self, clean=True):
        """Ensure that all fields' values are valid and that required fields
        are present.
        # Ensure that each field is matched to a valid value
        errors = {}
        if clean:
            except ValidationError as error:
                errors[NON_FIELD_ERRORS] = error

        # Get a list of tuples of field names and their current values
        fields = [(self._fields.get(name, self._dynamic_fields.get(name)),
                   self._data.get(name)) for name in self._fields_ordered]

        EmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class("EmbeddedDocumentField")
        GenericEmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class(

        for field, value in fields:
            if value is not None:
                    if isinstance(field, (EmbeddedDocumentField,
                        field._validate(value, clean=clean)
                except ValidationError as error:
                    errors[field.name] = error.errors or error
                except (ValueError, AttributeError, AssertionError) as error:
                    errors[field.name] = error
            elif field.required and not getattr(field, '_auto_gen', False):
                errors[field.name] = ValidationError('Field is required',

        if errors:
            pk = "None"
            if hasattr(self, 'pk'):
                pk = self.pk
            elif self._instance and hasattr(self._instance, 'pk'):
                pk = self._instance.pk
            message = "ValidationError (%s:%s) " % (self._class_name, pk)
            raise ValidationError(message, errors=errors)

    def to_json(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Converts a document to JSON.
        :param use_db_field: Set to True by default but enables the output of the json structure with the field names
            and not the mongodb store db_names in case of set to False
        use_db_field = kwargs.pop('use_db_field', True)
        return json_util.dumps(self.to_mongo(use_db_field), *args, **kwargs)

    def from_json(cls, json_data, created=False):
        """Converts json data to an unsaved document instance"""
        return cls._from_son(json_util.loads(json_data), created=created)

    def __expand_dynamic_values(self, name, value):
        """expand any dynamic values to their correct types / values"""
        if not isinstance(value, (dict, list, tuple)):
            return value

        EmbeddedDocumentListField = _import_class('EmbeddedDocumentListField')

        is_list = False
        if not hasattr(value, 'items'):
            is_list = True
            value = dict([(k, v) for k, v in enumerate(value)])

        if not is_list and '_cls' in value:
            cls = get_document(value['_cls'])
            return cls(**value)

        data = {}
        for k, v in list(value.items()):
            key = name if is_list else k
            data[k] = self.__expand_dynamic_values(key, v)

        if is_list:  # Convert back to a list
            data_items = sorted(list(data.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
            value = [v for k, v in data_items]
            value = data

        # Convert lists / values so we can watch for any changes on them
        if (isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) and
                not isinstance(value, BaseList)):
            if issubclass(type(self), EmbeddedDocumentListField):
                value = EmbeddedDocumentList(value, self, name)
                value = BaseList(value, self, name)
        elif isinstance(value, dict) and not isinstance(value, BaseDict):
            value = BaseDict(value, self, name)

        return value

    def _mark_as_changed(self, key):
        """Marks a key as explicitly changed by the user
        if not key:

        if not hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):

        if '.' in key:
            key, rest = key.split('.', 1)
            key = self._db_field_map.get(key, key)
            key = '%s.%s' % (key, rest)
            key = self._db_field_map.get(key, key)

        if key not in self._changed_fields:
            levels, idx = key.split('.'), 1
            while idx <= len(levels):
                if '.'.join(levels[:idx]) in self._changed_fields:
                idx += 1
                # remove lower level changed fields
                level = '.'.join(levels[:idx]) + '.'
                remove = self._changed_fields.remove
                for field in self._changed_fields:
                    if field.startswith(level):

    def _clear_changed_fields(self):
        """Using get_changed_fields iterate and remove any fields that are
        marked as changed"""
        for changed in self._get_changed_fields():
            parts = changed.split(".")
            data = self
            for part in parts:
                if isinstance(data, list):
                        data = data[int(part)]
                    except IndexError:
                        data = None
                elif isinstance(data, dict):
                    data = data.get(part, None)
                    data = getattr(data, part, None)
                if hasattr(data, "_changed_fields"):
                    if hasattr(data, "_is_document") and data._is_document:
                    data._changed_fields = []
        self._changed_fields = []

    def _nestable_types_changed_fields(self, changed_fields, key, data, inspected):
        # Loop list / dict fields as they contain documents
        # Determine the iterator to use
        if not hasattr(data, 'items'):
            iterator = enumerate(data)
            iterator = iter(data.items())

        for index, value in iterator:
            list_key = "%s%s." % (key, index)
            # don't check anything lower if this key is already marked
            # as changed.
            if list_key[:-1] in changed_fields:
            if hasattr(value, '_get_changed_fields'):
                changed = value._get_changed_fields(inspected)
                changed_fields += ["%s%s" % (list_key, k)
                                   for k in changed if k]
            elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple, dict)):
                    changed_fields, list_key, value, inspected)

    def _get_changed_fields(self, inspected=None):
        """Returns a list of all fields that have explicitly been changed.
        EmbeddedDocument = _import_class("EmbeddedDocument")
        DynamicEmbeddedDocument = _import_class("DynamicEmbeddedDocument")
        ReferenceField = _import_class("ReferenceField")
        SortedListField = _import_class("SortedListField")
        changed_fields = []
        changed_fields += getattr(self, '_changed_fields', [])

        inspected = inspected or set()
        if hasattr(self, 'id') and isinstance(self.id, Hashable):
            if self.id in inspected:
                return changed_fields

        for field_name in self._fields_ordered:
            db_field_name = self._db_field_map.get(field_name, field_name)
            key = '%s.' % db_field_name
            data = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)

            if hasattr(data, 'id'):
                if data.id in inspected:
            if isinstance(field, ReferenceField):
            elif (isinstance(data, (EmbeddedDocument, DynamicEmbeddedDocument))
                  and db_field_name not in changed_fields):
                # Find all embedded fields that have been changed
                changed = data._get_changed_fields(inspected)
                changed_fields += ["%s%s" % (key, k) for k in changed if k]
            elif (isinstance(data, (list, tuple, dict)) and
                    db_field_name not in changed_fields):
                if (hasattr(field, 'field') and
                        isinstance(field.field, ReferenceField)):
                elif isinstance(field, SortedListField) and field._ordering:
                    # if ordering is affected whole list is changed
                    if any([field._ordering in d._changed_fields for d in data]):

                    changed_fields, key, data, inspected)
        return changed_fields

    def _delta(self):
        """Returns the delta (set, unset) of the changes for a document.
        Gets any values that have been explicitly changed.
        # Handles cases where not loaded from_son but has _id
        doc = self.to_mongo()

        set_fields = self._get_changed_fields()
        unset_data = {}
        parts = []
        if hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):
            set_data = {}
            # Fetch each set item from its path
            for path in set_fields:
                parts = path.split('.')
                d = doc
                new_path = []
                for p in parts:
                    if isinstance(d, (ObjectId, DBRef)):
                    elif isinstance(d, list) and p.isdigit():
                            d = d[int(p)]
                        except IndexError:
                            d = None
                    elif hasattr(d, 'get'):
                        d = d.get(p)
                path = '.'.join(new_path)
                set_data[path] = d
            set_data = doc
            if '_id' in set_data:
                del set_data['_id']

        # Determine if any changed items were actually unset.
        for path, value in list(set_data.items()):
            if value or isinstance(value, (numbers.Number, bool)):

            # If we've set a value that ain't the default value don't unset it.
            default = None
            if (self._dynamic and len(parts) and parts[0] in
                del set_data[path]
                unset_data[path] = 1
            elif path in self._fields:
                default = self._fields[path].default
            else:  # Perform a full lookup for lists / embedded lookups
                d = self
                parts = path.split('.')
                db_field_name = parts.pop()
                for p in parts:
                    if isinstance(d, list) and p.isdigit():
                        d = d[int(p)]
                    elif (hasattr(d, '__getattribute__') and
                          not isinstance(d, dict)):
                        real_path = d._reverse_db_field_map.get(p, p)
                        d = getattr(d, real_path)
                        d = d.get(p)

                if hasattr(d, '_fields'):
                    field_name = d._reverse_db_field_map.get(db_field_name,
                    if field_name in d._fields:
                        default = d._fields.get(field_name).default
                        default = None

            if default is not None:
                if isinstance(default, collections.Callable):
                    default = default()

            if default != value:

            del set_data[path]
            unset_data[path] = 1
        return set_data, unset_data

    def _get_collection_name(cls):
        """Returns the collection name for this class. None for abstract class
        return cls._meta.get('collection', None)

    def _from_son(cls, son, _auto_dereference=True, only_fields=None, created=False):
        """Create an instance of a Document (subclass) from a PyMongo SON.
        if not only_fields:
            only_fields = []

        # get the class name from the document, falling back to the given
        # class if unavailable
        class_name = son.get('_cls', cls._class_name)
        data = dict(("%s" % key, value) for key, value in son.items())

        # Return correct subclass for document type
        if class_name != cls._class_name:
            cls = get_document(class_name)

        changed_fields = []
        errors_dict = {}

        fields = cls._fields
        if not _auto_dereference:
            fields = copy.copy(fields)

        for field_name, field in fields.items():
            field._auto_dereference = _auto_dereference
            if field.db_field in data:
                value = data[field.db_field]
                    data[field_name] = (value if value is None
                                        else field.to_python(value))
                    if field_name != field.db_field:
                        del data[field.db_field]
                except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e:
                    errors_dict[field_name] = e
            elif field.default:
                default = field.default
                if isinstance(default, collections.Callable):
                    default = default()
                if isinstance(default, BaseDocument):
                elif not only_fields or field_name in only_fields:

        if errors_dict:
            errors = "\n".join(["%s - %s" % (k, v)
                                for k, v in list(errors_dict.items())])
            msg = ("Invalid data to create a `%s` instance.\n%s"
                   % (cls._class_name, errors))
            raise InvalidDocumentError(msg)

        if cls.STRICT:
            data = dict((k, v)
                        for k, v in data.items() if k in cls._fields)
        obj = cls(__auto_convert=False, _created=created, __only_fields=only_fields, **data)
        obj._changed_fields = changed_fields
        if not _auto_dereference:
            obj._fields = fields

        return obj

    def _build_index_specs(cls, meta_indexes):
        """Generate and merge the full index specs

        geo_indices = cls._geo_indices()
        unique_indices = cls._unique_with_indexes()
        index_specs = [cls._build_index_spec(spec)
                       for spec in meta_indexes]

        def merge_index_specs(index_specs, indices):
            if not indices:
                return index_specs

            spec_fields = [v['fields']
                           for k, v in enumerate(index_specs)]
            # Merge unique_indexes with existing specs
            for k, v in enumerate(indices):
                if v['fields'] in spec_fields:
            return index_specs

        index_specs = merge_index_specs(index_specs, geo_indices)
        index_specs = merge_index_specs(index_specs, unique_indices)
        return index_specs

    def _build_index_spec(cls, spec):
        """Build a PyMongo index spec from a MongoEngine index spec.
        if isinstance(spec, str):
            spec = {'fields': [spec]}
        elif isinstance(spec, (list, tuple)):
            spec = {'fields': list(spec)}
        elif isinstance(spec, dict):
            spec = dict(spec)

        index_list = []
        direction = None

        # Check to see if we need to include _cls
        allow_inheritance = cls._meta.get('allow_inheritance',
        include_cls = (allow_inheritance and not spec.get('sparse', False) and
                       spec.get('cls',  True) and '_cls' not in spec['fields'])

        # 733: don't include cls if index_cls is False unless there is an explicit cls with the index
        include_cls = include_cls and (spec.get('cls', False) or cls._meta.get('index_cls', True))
        if "cls" in spec:
        for key in spec['fields']:
            # If inherited spec continue
            if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):

            # ASCENDING from +
            # DESCENDING from -
            # TEXT from $
            # HASHED from #
            # GEOSPHERE from (
            # GEOHAYSTACK from )
            # GEO2D from *
            direction = pymongo.ASCENDING
            if key.startswith("-"):
                direction = pymongo.DESCENDING
            elif key.startswith("$"):
                direction = pymongo.TEXT
            elif key.startswith("#"):
                direction = pymongo.HASHED
            elif key.startswith("("):
                direction = pymongo.GEOSPHERE
            elif key.startswith(")"):
                direction = pymongo.GEOHAYSTACK
            elif key.startswith("*"):
                direction = pymongo.GEO2D
            if key.startswith(("+", "-", "*", "$", "#", "(", ")")):
                key = key[1:]

            # Use real field name, do it manually because we need field
            # objects for the next part (list field checking)
            parts = key.split('.')
            if parts in (['pk'], ['id'], ['_id']):
                key = '_id'
                fields = cls._lookup_field(parts)
                parts = []
                for field in fields:
                        if field != "_id":
                            field = field.db_field
                    except AttributeError:
                key = '.'.join(parts)
            index_list.append((key, direction))

        # Don't add cls to a geo index
        if include_cls and direction not in (
                pymongo.GEO2D, pymongo.GEOHAYSTACK, pymongo.GEOSPHERE):
            index_list.insert(0, ('_cls', 1))

        if index_list:
            spec['fields'] = index_list

        return spec

    def _unique_with_indexes(cls, namespace=""):
        Find and set unique indexes
        unique_indexes = []
        for field_name, field in list(cls._fields.items()):
            sparse = field.sparse
            # Generate a list of indexes needed by uniqueness constraints
            if field.unique:
                unique_fields = [field.db_field]

                # Add any unique_with fields to the back of the index spec
                if field.unique_with:
                    if isinstance(field.unique_with, str):
                        field.unique_with = [field.unique_with]

                    # Convert unique_with field names to real field names
                    unique_with = []
                    for other_name in field.unique_with:
                        parts = other_name.split('.')
                        # Lookup real name
                        parts = cls._lookup_field(parts)
                        name_parts = [part.db_field for part in parts]
                        # Unique field should be required
                        parts[-1].required = True
                        sparse = (not sparse and
                                  parts[-1].name not in cls.__dict__)
                    unique_fields += unique_with

                # Add the new index to the list
                fields = [("%s%s" % (namespace, f), pymongo.ASCENDING)
                          for f in unique_fields]
                index = {'fields': fields, 'unique': True, 'sparse': sparse}

            if field.__class__.__name__ == "ListField":
                field = field.field

            # Grab any embedded document field unique indexes
            if (field.__class__.__name__ == "EmbeddedDocumentField" and
                    field.document_type != cls):
                field_namespace = "%s." % field_name
                doc_cls = field.document_type
                unique_indexes += doc_cls._unique_with_indexes(field_namespace)

        return unique_indexes

    def _geo_indices(cls, inspected=None, parent_field=None):
        inspected = inspected or []
        geo_indices = []

        geo_field_type_names = ["EmbeddedDocumentField", "GeoPointField",
                                "PointField", "LineStringField", "PolygonField"]

        geo_field_types = tuple([_import_class(field)
                                 for field in geo_field_type_names])

        for field in list(cls._fields.values()):
            if not isinstance(field, geo_field_types):
            if hasattr(field, 'document_type'):
                field_cls = field.document_type
                if field_cls in inspected:
                if hasattr(field_cls, '_geo_indices'):
                    geo_indices += field_cls._geo_indices(
                        inspected, parent_field=field.db_field)
            elif field._geo_index:
                field_name = field.db_field
                if parent_field:
                    field_name = "%s.%s" % (parent_field, field_name)
                                    [(field_name, field._geo_index)]})
        return geo_indices

    def _lookup_field(cls, parts):
        """Lookup a field based on its attribute and return a list containing
        the field's parents and the field.

        ListField = _import_class("ListField")
        DynamicField = _import_class('DynamicField')

        if not isinstance(parts, (list, tuple)):
            parts = [parts]
        fields = []
        field = None

        for field_name in parts:
            # Handle ListField indexing:
            if field_name.isdigit() and isinstance(field, ListField):

            if field is None:
                # Look up first field from the document
                if field_name == 'pk':
                    # Deal with "primary key" alias
                    field_name = cls._meta['id_field']
                if field_name in cls._fields:
                    field = cls._fields[field_name]
                elif cls._dynamic:
                    field = DynamicField(db_field=field_name)
                elif cls._meta.get("allow_inheritance", False) or cls._meta.get("abstract", False):
                    # 744: in case the field is defined in a subclass
                    for subcls in cls.__subclasses__():
                            field = subcls._lookup_field([field_name])[0]
                        except LookUpError:

                        if field is not None:
                        raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"' % field_name)
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"'
                                      % field_name)
                ReferenceField = _import_class('ReferenceField')
                GenericReferenceField = _import_class('GenericReferenceField')
                if isinstance(field, (ReferenceField, GenericReferenceField)):
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot perform join in mongoDB: %s' %
                if hasattr(getattr(field, 'field', None), 'lookup_member'):
                    new_field = field.field.lookup_member(field_name)
                elif cls._dynamic and (isinstance(field, DynamicField) or
                                       getattr(getattr(field, 'document_type'), '_dynamic')):
                    new_field = DynamicField(db_field=field_name)
                    # Look up subfield on the previous field or raise
                        new_field = field.lookup_member(field_name)
                    except AttributeError:
                        raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve subfield or operator {} '
                                          'on the field {}'.format(
                                              field_name, field.name))
                if not new_field and isinstance(field, ComplexBaseField):
                elif not new_field:
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"'
                                      % field_name)
                field = new_field  # update field to the new field type
        return fields

    def _translate_field_name(cls, field, sep='.'):
        """Translate a field attribute name to a database field name.
        parts = field.split(sep)
        parts = [f.db_field for f in cls._lookup_field(parts)]
        return '.'.join(parts)

    def __set_field_display(self):
        """Dynamically set the display value for a field with choices"""
        for attr_name, field in list(self._fields.items()):
            if field.choices:
                if self._dynamic:
                    obj = self
                    obj = type(self)
                        'get_%s_display' % attr_name,
                        partial(self.__get_field_display, field=field))

    def __get_field_display(self, field):
        """Returns the display value for a choice field"""
        value = getattr(self, field.name)
        if field.choices and isinstance(field.choices[0], (list, tuple)):
            return dict(field.choices).get(value, value)
        return value
Example #4
    def _command(self, command, value=1,
                 check=True, allowable_errors=None,
                 uuid_subtype=OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE, compile_re=True,
                 read_preference=None, codec_options=None, **kwargs):
        """Internal command helper.

        if isinstance(command, basestring):
            command = SON([(command, value)])

        command_name = command.keys()[0].lower()
        must_use_master = kwargs.pop('_use_master', False)
        if command_name not in secondary_ok_commands:
            must_use_master = True

        # Special-case: mapreduce can go to secondaries only if inline
        if command_name == 'mapreduce':
            out = command.get('out') or kwargs.get('out')
            if not isinstance(out, dict) or not out.get('inline'):
                must_use_master = True

        # Special-case: aggregate with $out cannot go to secondaries.
        if command_name == 'aggregate':
            for stage in kwargs.get('pipeline', []):
                if '$out' in stage:
                    must_use_master = True

        if codec_options is None or 'as_class' in kwargs:
            opts = {}
            if 'as_class' in kwargs:
                opts['document_class'] = kwargs.pop('as_class')
            # 'as_class' must be in kwargs so don't use document_class
            if codec_options:
                opts['tz_aware'] = codec_options.tz_aware
                opts['uuid_representation'] = codec_options.uuid_representation
                opts['uuid_representation'] = uuid_subtype
            codec_options = _CodecOptions(**opts)

        extra_opts = {
            'slave_okay': kwargs.pop('slave_okay', self.slave_okay),
            '_codec_options': codec_options,
            '_must_use_master': must_use_master,

        if isinstance(read_preference, _ServerMode):
            extra_opts['read_preference'] = read_preference.mode
            extra_opts['tag_sets'] = read_preference.tag_sets
            if read_preference is None:
                read_preference = self.read_preference
            extra_opts['read_preference'] = read_preference
            extra_opts['tag_sets'] = kwargs.pop(
        extra_opts['secondary_acceptable_latency_ms'] = kwargs.pop(
        extra_opts['compile_re'] = compile_re

        fields = kwargs.get('fields')
        if fields is not None and not isinstance(fields, dict):
            kwargs['fields'] = helpers._fields_list_to_dict(fields)


        # Warn if must_use_master will override read_preference.
        if (extra_opts['read_preference'] != ReadPreference.PRIMARY and
                extra_opts['_must_use_master'] and self.connection._rs_client):
            warnings.warn("%s does not support %s read preference "
                          "and will be routed to the primary instead." %
                          UserWarning, stacklevel=3)

        cursor = self["$cmd"].find(command, **extra_opts).limit(-1)
        for doc in cursor:
            result = doc

        if check:
                result, self.connection._disconnect, None, allowable_errors)

        return result, cursor.conn_id
    def command(self, command, value=1,
                check=True, allowable_errors=[],
                uuid_subtype=OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE, compile_re=True, **kwargs):
        """Issue a MongoDB command.

        Send command `command` to the database and return the
        response. If `command` is an instance of :class:`basestring`
        (:class:`str` in python 3) then the command {`command`: `value`}
        will be sent. Otherwise, `command` must be an instance of
        :class:`dict` and will be sent as is.

        Any additional keyword arguments will be added to the final
        command document before it is sent.

        For example, a command like ``{buildinfo: 1}`` can be sent

        >>> db.command("buildinfo")

        For a command where the value matters, like ``{collstats:
        collection_name}`` we can do:

        >>> db.command("collstats", collection_name)

        For commands that take additional arguments we can use
        kwargs. So ``{filemd5: object_id, root: file_root}`` becomes:

        >>> db.command("filemd5", object_id, root=file_root)

          - `command`: document representing the command to be issued,
            or the name of the command (for simple commands only).

            .. note:: the order of keys in the `command` document is
               significant (the "verb" must come first), so commands
               which require multiple keys (e.g. `findandmodify`)
               should use an instance of :class:`~bson.son.SON` or
               a string and kwargs instead of a Python `dict`.

          - `value` (optional): value to use for the command verb when
            `command` is passed as a string
          - `check` (optional): check the response for errors, raising
            :class:`~pymongo.errors.OperationFailure` if there are any
          - `allowable_errors`: if `check` is ``True``, error messages
            in this list will be ignored by error-checking
          - `uuid_subtype` (optional): The BSON binary subtype to use
            for a UUID used in this command.
          - `compile_re` (optional): if ``False``, don't attempt to compile
            BSON regular expressions into Python regular expressions. Return
            instances of :class:`~bson.regex.Regex` instead. Can avoid
            :exc:`~bson.errors.InvalidBSON` errors when receiving
            Python-incompatible regular expressions, for example from
          - `read_preference`: The read preference for this connection.
            See :class:`~pymongo.read_preferences.ReadPreference` for available
          - `tag_sets`: Read from replica-set members with these tags.
            To specify a priority-order for tag sets, provide a list of
            tag sets: ``[{'dc': 'ny'}, {'dc': 'la'}, {}]``. A final, empty tag
            set, ``{}``, means "read from any member that matches the mode,
            ignoring tags." ReplicaSetConnection tries each set of tags in turn
            until it finds a set of tags with at least one matching member.
          - `secondary_acceptable_latency_ms`: Any replica-set member whose
            ping time is within secondary_acceptable_latency_ms of the nearest
            member may accept reads. Default 15 milliseconds.
            **Ignored by mongos** and must be configured on the command line.
            See the localThreshold_ option for more information.
          - `**kwargs` (optional): additional keyword arguments will
            be added to the command document before it is sent

        .. note:: ``command`` ignores the ``network_timeout`` parameter.

        .. versionchanged:: 2.7
           Added ``compile_re`` option.
        .. versionchanged:: 2.3
           Added `tag_sets` and `secondary_acceptable_latency_ms` options.
        .. versionchanged:: 2.2
           Added support for `as_class` - the class you want to use for
           the resulting documents
        .. versionchanged:: 1.6
           Added the `value` argument for string commands, and keyword
           arguments for additional command options.
        .. versionchanged:: 1.5
           `command` can be a string in addition to a full document.
        .. versionadded:: 1.4

        .. mongodoc:: commands
        .. _localThreshold: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/mongos/#cmdoption-mongos--localThreshold

        if isinstance(command, basestring):
            command = SON([(command, value)])

        command_name = command.keys()[0].lower()
        must_use_master = kwargs.pop('_use_master', False)
        if command_name not in rp.secondary_ok_commands:
            must_use_master = True

        # Special-case: mapreduce can go to secondaries only if inline
        if command_name == 'mapreduce':
            out = command.get('out') or kwargs.get('out')
            if not isinstance(out, dict) or not out.get('inline'):
                must_use_master = True

        # Special-case: aggregate with $out cannot go to secondaries.
        if command_name == 'aggregate':
            for stage in kwargs.get('pipeline', []):
                if '$out' in stage:
                    must_use_master = True

        extra_opts = {
            'as_class': kwargs.pop('as_class', None),
            'slave_okay': kwargs.pop('slave_okay', self.slave_okay),
            '_must_use_master': must_use_master,
            '_uuid_subtype': uuid_subtype

        extra_opts['read_preference'] = kwargs.pop(
        extra_opts['tag_sets'] = kwargs.pop(
        extra_opts['secondary_acceptable_latency_ms'] = kwargs.pop(
        extra_opts['compile_re'] = compile_re

        fields = kwargs.get('fields')
        if fields is not None and not isinstance(fields, dict):
            kwargs['fields'] = helpers._fields_list_to_dict(fields)


        result = self["$cmd"].find_one(command, **extra_opts)

        if check:
            msg = "command %s failed: %%s" % repr(command).replace("%", "%%")
            helpers._check_command_response(result, self.connection.disconnect,
                                            msg, allowable_errors)

        return result
Example #6
class BaseDocument(object):
    __slots__ = ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created', '_data',
                 '_dynamic_fields', '_auto_id_field', '_db_field_map',

    _dynamic = False
    _dynamic_lock = True
    STRICT = False

    def __init__(self, *args, **values):
        Initialise a document or embedded document

        :param __auto_convert: Try and will cast python objects to Object types
        :param values: A dictionary of values for the document
        self._initialised = False
        self._created = True
        if args:
            # Combine positional arguments with named arguments.
            # We only want named arguments.
            field = iter(self._fields_ordered)
            # If its an automatic id field then skip to the first defined field
            if getattr(self, '_auto_id_field', False):
            for value in args:
                name = next(field)
                if name in values:
                    raise TypeError(
                        'Multiple values for keyword argument "%s"' % name)
                values[name] = value

        __auto_convert = values.pop('__auto_convert', True)

        # 399: set default values only to fields loaded from DB
        __only_fields = set(values.pop('__only_fields', values))

        _created = values.pop('_created', True)

        signals.pre_init.send(self.__class__, document=self, values=values)

        # Check if there are undefined fields supplied to the constructor,
        # if so raise an Exception.
        if not self._dynamic and (self._meta.get('strict', True) or _created):
            _undefined_fields = set(values.keys()) - set(
                self._fields.keys() + ['id', 'pk', '_cls', '_text_score'])
            if _undefined_fields:
                msg = (
                    'The fields "{0}" do not exist on the document "{1}"'
                ).format(_undefined_fields, self._class_name)
                raise FieldDoesNotExist(msg)

        if self.STRICT and not self._dynamic:
            self._data = StrictDict.create(allowed_keys=self._fields_ordered)()
            self._data = SemiStrictDict.create(

        self._dynamic_fields = SON()

        # Assign default values to instance
        for key, field in self._fields.iteritems():
            if self._db_field_map.get(key, key) in __only_fields:
            value = getattr(self, key, None)
            setattr(self, key, value)

        if '_cls' not in values:
            self._cls = self._class_name

        # Set passed values after initialisation
        if self._dynamic:
            dynamic_data = {}
            for key, value in values.iteritems():
                if key in self._fields or key == '_id':
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                elif self._dynamic:
                    dynamic_data[key] = value
            FileField = _import_class('FileField')
            for key, value in values.iteritems():
                if key == '__auto_convert':
                key = self._reverse_db_field_map.get(key, key)
                if key in self._fields or key in ('id', 'pk', '_cls'):
                    if __auto_convert and value is not None:
                        field = self._fields.get(key)
                        if field and not isinstance(field, FileField):
                            value = field.to_python(value)
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                    self._data[key] = value

        # Set any get_<field>_display methods

        if self._dynamic:
            self._dynamic_lock = False
            for key, value in dynamic_data.iteritems():
                setattr(self, key, value)

        # Flag initialised
        self._initialised = True
        self._created = _created
        signals.post_init.send(self.__class__, document=self)

    def __delattr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle deletions of fields"""
        field_name = args[0]
        if field_name in self._fields:
            default = self._fields[field_name].default
            if callable(default):
                default = default()
            setattr(self, field_name, default)
            super(BaseDocument, self).__delattr__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        # Handle dynamic data only if an initialised dynamic document
        if self._dynamic and not self._dynamic_lock:

            if not hasattr(self, name) and not name.startswith('_'):
                DynamicField = _import_class('DynamicField')
                field = DynamicField(db_field=name)
                field.name = name
                self._dynamic_fields[name] = field
                self._fields_ordered += (name,)

            if not name.startswith('_'):
                value = self.__expand_dynamic_values(name, value)

            # Handle marking data as changed
            if name in self._dynamic_fields:
                self._data[name] = value
                if hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):
            self__created = self._created
        except AttributeError:
            self__created = True

        if (
            self._is_document and
            not self__created and
            name in self._meta.get('shard_key', tuple()) and
            self._data.get(name) != value
            msg = 'Shard Keys are immutable. Tried to update %s' % name
            raise OperationError(msg)

            self__initialised = self._initialised
        except AttributeError:
            self__initialised = False
        # Check if the user has created a new instance of a class
        if (self._is_document and self__initialised and
                self__created and name == self._meta.get('id_field')):
            super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__('_created', False)

        super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__(name, value)

    def __getstate__(self):
        data = {}
        for k in ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created',
                  '_dynamic_fields', '_fields_ordered'):
            if hasattr(self, k):
                data[k] = getattr(self, k)
        data['_data'] = self.to_mongo()
        return data

    def __setstate__(self, data):
        if isinstance(data['_data'], SON):
            data['_data'] = self.__class__._from_son(data['_data'])._data
        for k in ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created', '_data',
            if k in data:
                setattr(self, k, data[k])
        if '_fields_ordered' in data:
            if self._dynamic:
                setattr(self, '_fields_ordered', data['_fields_ordered'])
                _super_fields_ordered = type(self)._fields_ordered
                setattr(self, '_fields_ordered', _super_fields_ordered)

        dynamic_fields = data.get('_dynamic_fields') or SON()
        for k in dynamic_fields.keys():
            setattr(self, k, data['_data'].get(k))

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._fields_ordered)

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        """Dictionary-style field access, return a field's value if present.
            if name in self._fields_ordered:
                return getattr(self, name)
        except AttributeError:
        raise KeyError(name)

    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        """Dictionary-style field access, set a field's value.
        # Ensure that the field exists before settings its value
        if not self._dynamic and name not in self._fields:
            raise KeyError(name)
        return setattr(self, name, value)

    def __contains__(self, name):
            val = getattr(self, name)
            return val is not None
        except AttributeError:
            return False

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._data)

    def __repr__(self):
            u = self.__str__()
        except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
            u = '[Bad Unicode data]'
        repr_type = str if u is None else type(u)
        return repr_type('<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, u))

    def __str__(self):
        # TODO this could be simpler?
        if hasattr(self, '__unicode__'):
            if six.PY3:
                return self.__unicode__()
                return six.text_type(self).encode('utf-8')
        return six.text_type('%s object' % self.__class__.__name__)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__) and hasattr(other, 'id') and other.id is not None:
            return self.id == other.id
        if isinstance(other, DBRef):
            return self._get_collection_name() == other.collection and self.id == other.id
        if self.id is None:
            return self is other
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __hash__(self):
        if getattr(self, 'pk', None) is None:
            # For new object
            return super(BaseDocument, self).__hash__()
            return hash(self.pk)

    def clean(self):
        Hook for doing document level data cleaning before validation is run.

        Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with
        a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the
        field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.

    def get_text_score(self):
        Get text score from text query

        if '_text_score' not in self._data:
            raise InvalidDocumentError('This document is not originally built from a text query')

        return self._data['_text_score']

    def to_mongo(self, use_db_field=True, fields=None):
        Return as SON data ready for use with MongoDB.
        if not fields:
            fields = []

        data = SON()
        data['_id'] = None
        data['_cls'] = self._class_name

        # only root fields ['test1.a', 'test2'] => ['test1', 'test2']
        root_fields = set([f.split('.')[0] for f in fields])

        for field_name in self:
            if root_fields and field_name not in root_fields:

            value = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)

            if field is None and self._dynamic:
                field = self._dynamic_fields.get(field_name)

            if value is not None:
                f_inputs = field.to_mongo.__code__.co_varnames
                ex_vars = {}
                if fields and 'fields' in f_inputs:
                    key = '%s.' % field_name
                    embedded_fields = [
                        i.replace(key, '') for i in fields
                        if i.startswith(key)]

                    ex_vars['fields'] = embedded_fields

                if 'use_db_field' in f_inputs:
                    ex_vars['use_db_field'] = use_db_field

                value = field.to_mongo(value, **ex_vars)

            # Handle self generating fields
            if value is None and field._auto_gen:
                value = field.generate()
                self._data[field_name] = value

            if value is not None:
                if use_db_field:
                    data[field.db_field] = value
                    data[field.name] = value

        # Only add _cls if allow_inheritance is True
        if not self._meta.get('allow_inheritance'):

        return data

    def validate(self, clean=True):
        """Ensure that all fields' values are valid and that required fields
        are present.
        # Ensure that each field is matched to a valid value
        errors = {}
        if clean:
            except ValidationError as error:
                errors[NON_FIELD_ERRORS] = error

        # Get a list of tuples of field names and their current values
        fields = [(self._fields.get(name, self._dynamic_fields.get(name)),
                   self._data.get(name)) for name in self._fields_ordered]

        EmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class('EmbeddedDocumentField')
        GenericEmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class(

        for field, value in fields:
            if value is not None:
                    if isinstance(field, (EmbeddedDocumentField,
                        field._validate(value, clean=clean)
                except ValidationError as error:
                    errors[field.name] = error.errors or error
                except (ValueError, AttributeError, AssertionError) as error:
                    errors[field.name] = error
            elif field.required and not getattr(field, '_auto_gen', False):
                errors[field.name] = ValidationError('Field is required',

        if errors:
            pk = 'None'
            if hasattr(self, 'pk'):
                pk = self.pk
            elif self._instance and hasattr(self._instance, 'pk'):
                pk = self._instance.pk
            message = 'ValidationError (%s:%s) ' % (self._class_name, pk)
            raise ValidationError(message, errors=errors)

    def to_json(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Convert this document to JSON.

        :param use_db_field: Serialize field names as they appear in
            MongoDB (as opposed to attribute names on this document).
            Defaults to True.
        use_db_field = kwargs.pop('use_db_field', True)
        return json_util.dumps(self.to_mongo(use_db_field), *args, **kwargs)

    def from_json(cls, json_data, created=False):
        """Converts json data to an unsaved document instance"""
        return cls._from_son(json_util.loads(json_data), created=created)

    def __expand_dynamic_values(self, name, value):
        """Expand any dynamic values to their correct types / values."""
        if not isinstance(value, (dict, list, tuple)):
            return value

        # If the value is a dict with '_cls' in it, turn it into a document
        is_dict = isinstance(value, dict)
        if is_dict and '_cls' in value:
            cls = get_document(value['_cls'])
            return cls(**value)

        if is_dict:
            value = {
                k: self.__expand_dynamic_values(k, v)
                for k, v in value.items()
            value = [self.__expand_dynamic_values(name, v) for v in value]

        # Convert lists / values so we can watch for any changes on them
        EmbeddedDocumentListField = _import_class('EmbeddedDocumentListField')
        if (isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) and
                not isinstance(value, BaseList)):
            if issubclass(type(self), EmbeddedDocumentListField):
                value = EmbeddedDocumentList(value, self, name)
                value = BaseList(value, self, name)
        elif isinstance(value, dict) and not isinstance(value, BaseDict):
            value = BaseDict(value, self, name)

        return value

    def _mark_as_changed(self, key):
        """Mark a key as explicitly changed by the user."""
        if not key:

        if not hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):

        if '.' in key:
            key, rest = key.split('.', 1)
            key = self._db_field_map.get(key, key)
            key = '%s.%s' % (key, rest)
            key = self._db_field_map.get(key, key)

        if key not in self._changed_fields:
            levels, idx = key.split('.'), 1
            while idx <= len(levels):
                if '.'.join(levels[:idx]) in self._changed_fields:
                idx += 1
                # remove lower level changed fields
                level = '.'.join(levels[:idx]) + '.'
                remove = self._changed_fields.remove
                for field in self._changed_fields[:]:
                    if field.startswith(level):

    def _clear_changed_fields(self):
        """Using _get_changed_fields iterate and remove any fields that
        are marked as changed.
        for changed in self._get_changed_fields():
            parts = changed.split('.')
            data = self
            for part in parts:
                if isinstance(data, list):
                        data = data[int(part)]
                    except IndexError:
                        data = None
                elif isinstance(data, dict):
                    data = data.get(part, None)
                    data = getattr(data, part, None)

                if hasattr(data, '_changed_fields'):
                    if getattr(data, '_is_document', False):

                    data._changed_fields = []

        self._changed_fields = []

    def _nestable_types_changed_fields(self, changed_fields, key, data, inspected):
        # Loop list / dict fields as they contain documents
        # Determine the iterator to use
        if not hasattr(data, 'items'):
            iterator = enumerate(data)
            iterator = data.iteritems()

        for index, value in iterator:
            list_key = '%s%s.' % (key, index)
            # don't check anything lower if this key is already marked
            # as changed.
            if list_key[:-1] in changed_fields:
            if hasattr(value, '_get_changed_fields'):
                changed = value._get_changed_fields(inspected)
                changed_fields += ['%s%s' % (list_key, k)
                                   for k in changed if k]
            elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple, dict)):
                    changed_fields, list_key, value, inspected)

    def _get_changed_fields(self, inspected=None):
        """Return a list of all fields that have explicitly been changed.
        EmbeddedDocument = _import_class('EmbeddedDocument')
        DynamicEmbeddedDocument = _import_class('DynamicEmbeddedDocument')
        ReferenceField = _import_class('ReferenceField')
        SortedListField = _import_class('SortedListField')

        changed_fields = []
        changed_fields += getattr(self, '_changed_fields', [])

        inspected = inspected or set()
        if hasattr(self, 'id') and isinstance(self.id, Hashable):
            if self.id in inspected:
                return changed_fields

        for field_name in self._fields_ordered:
            db_field_name = self._db_field_map.get(field_name, field_name)
            key = '%s.' % db_field_name
            data = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)

            if hasattr(data, 'id'):
                if data.id in inspected:
            if isinstance(field, ReferenceField):
            elif (
                isinstance(data, (EmbeddedDocument, DynamicEmbeddedDocument)) and
                db_field_name not in changed_fields
                # Find all embedded fields that have been changed
                changed = data._get_changed_fields(inspected)
                changed_fields += ['%s%s' % (key, k) for k in changed if k]
            elif (isinstance(data, (list, tuple, dict)) and
                    db_field_name not in changed_fields):
                if (hasattr(field, 'field') and
                        isinstance(field.field, ReferenceField)):
                elif isinstance(field, SortedListField) and field._ordering:
                    # if ordering is affected whole list is changed
                    if any(map(lambda d: field._ordering in d._changed_fields, data)):

                    changed_fields, key, data, inspected)
        return changed_fields

    def _delta(self):
        """Returns the delta (set, unset) of the changes for a document.
        Gets any values that have been explicitly changed.
        # Handles cases where not loaded from_son but has _id
        doc = self.to_mongo()

        set_fields = self._get_changed_fields()
        unset_data = {}
        parts = []
        if hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):
            set_data = {}
            # Fetch each set item from its path
            for path in set_fields:
                parts = path.split('.')
                d = doc
                new_path = []
                for p in parts:
                    if isinstance(d, (ObjectId, DBRef)):
                    elif isinstance(d, list) and p.lstrip('-').isdigit():
                        if p[0] == '-':
                            p = str(len(d) + int(p))
                            d = d[int(p)]
                        except IndexError:
                            d = None
                    elif hasattr(d, 'get'):
                        d = d.get(p)
                path = '.'.join(new_path)
                set_data[path] = d
            set_data = doc
            if '_id' in set_data:
                del set_data['_id']

        # Determine if any changed items were actually unset.
        for path, value in set_data.items():
            if value or isinstance(value, (numbers.Number, bool)):

            # If we've set a value that ain't the default value don't unset it.
            default = None
            if (self._dynamic and len(parts) and parts[0] in
                del set_data[path]
                unset_data[path] = 1
            elif path in self._fields:
                default = self._fields[path].default
            else:  # Perform a full lookup for lists / embedded lookups
                d = self
                parts = path.split('.')
                db_field_name = parts.pop()
                for p in parts:
                    if isinstance(d, list) and p.lstrip('-').isdigit():
                        if p[0] == '-':
                            p = str(len(d) + int(p))
                        d = d[int(p)]
                    elif (hasattr(d, '__getattribute__') and
                          not isinstance(d, dict)):
                        real_path = d._reverse_db_field_map.get(p, p)
                        d = getattr(d, real_path)
                        d = d.get(p)

                if hasattr(d, '_fields'):
                    field_name = d._reverse_db_field_map.get(db_field_name,
                    if field_name in d._fields:
                        default = d._fields.get(field_name).default
                        default = None

            if default is not None:
                if callable(default):
                    default = default()

            if default != value:

            del set_data[path]
            unset_data[path] = 1
        return set_data, unset_data

    def _get_collection_name(cls):
        """Return the collection name for this class. None for abstract
        return cls._meta.get('collection', None)

    def _from_son(cls, son, _auto_dereference=True, only_fields=None, created=False):
        """Create an instance of a Document (subclass) from a PyMongo
        if not only_fields:
            only_fields = []

        if son and not isinstance(son, dict):
            raise ValueError("The source SON object needs to be of type 'dict'")

        # Get the class name from the document, falling back to the given
        # class if unavailable
        class_name = son.get('_cls', cls._class_name)

        # Convert SON to a dict, making sure each key is a string
        data = {str(key): value for key, value in son.iteritems()}

        # Return correct subclass for document type
        if class_name != cls._class_name:
            cls = get_document(class_name)

        changed_fields = []
        errors_dict = {}

        fields = cls._fields
        if not _auto_dereference:
            fields = copy.copy(fields)

        for field_name, field in fields.iteritems():
            field._auto_dereference = _auto_dereference
            if field.db_field in data:
                value = data[field.db_field]
                    data[field_name] = (value if value is None
                                        else field.to_python(value))
                    if field_name != field.db_field:
                        del data[field.db_field]
                except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e:
                    errors_dict[field_name] = e

        if errors_dict:
            errors = '\n'.join(['%s - %s' % (k, v)
                                for k, v in errors_dict.items()])
            msg = ('Invalid data to create a `%s` instance.\n%s'
                   % (cls._class_name, errors))
            raise InvalidDocumentError(msg)

        # In STRICT documents, remove any keys that aren't in cls._fields
        if cls.STRICT:
            data = {k: v for k, v in data.iteritems() if k in cls._fields}

        obj = cls(__auto_convert=False, _created=created, __only_fields=only_fields, **data)
        obj._changed_fields = changed_fields
        if not _auto_dereference:
            obj._fields = fields

        return obj

    def _build_index_specs(cls, meta_indexes):
        """Generate and merge the full index specs."""
        geo_indices = cls._geo_indices()
        unique_indices = cls._unique_with_indexes()
        index_specs = [cls._build_index_spec(spec) for spec in meta_indexes]

        def merge_index_specs(index_specs, indices):
            """Helper method for merging index specs."""
            if not indices:
                return index_specs

            # Create a map of index fields to index spec. We're converting
            # the fields from a list to a tuple so that it's hashable.
            spec_fields = {
                tuple(index['fields']): index for index in index_specs

            # For each new index, if there's an existing index with the same
            # fields list, update the existing spec with all data from the
            # new spec.
            for new_index in indices:
                candidate = spec_fields.get(tuple(new_index['fields']))
                if candidate is None:

            return index_specs

        # Merge geo indexes and unique_with indexes into the meta index specs.
        index_specs = merge_index_specs(index_specs, geo_indices)
        index_specs = merge_index_specs(index_specs, unique_indices)
        return index_specs

    def _build_index_spec(cls, spec):
        """Build a PyMongo index spec from a MongoEngine index spec."""
        if isinstance(spec, six.string_types):
            spec = {'fields': [spec]}
        elif isinstance(spec, (list, tuple)):
            spec = {'fields': list(spec)}
        elif isinstance(spec, dict):
            spec = dict(spec)

        index_list = []
        direction = None

        # Check to see if we need to include _cls
        allow_inheritance = cls._meta.get('allow_inheritance')
        include_cls = (
            allow_inheritance and
            not spec.get('sparse', False) and
            spec.get('cls', True) and
            '_cls' not in spec['fields']

        # 733: don't include cls if index_cls is False unless there is an explicit cls with the index
        include_cls = include_cls and (spec.get('cls', False) or cls._meta.get('index_cls', True))
        if 'cls' in spec:
        for key in spec['fields']:
            # If inherited spec continue
            if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):

            # ASCENDING from +
            # DESCENDING from -
            # TEXT from $
            # HASHED from #
            # GEOSPHERE from (
            # GEOHAYSTACK from )
            # GEO2D from *
            direction = pymongo.ASCENDING
            if key.startswith('-'):
                direction = pymongo.DESCENDING
            elif key.startswith('$'):
                direction = pymongo.TEXT
            elif key.startswith('#'):
                direction = pymongo.HASHED
            elif key.startswith('('):
                direction = pymongo.GEOSPHERE
            elif key.startswith(')'):
                direction = pymongo.GEOHAYSTACK
            elif key.startswith('*'):
                direction = pymongo.GEO2D
            if key.startswith(('+', '-', '*', '$', '#', '(', ')')):
                key = key[1:]

            # Use real field name, do it manually because we need field
            # objects for the next part (list field checking)
            parts = key.split('.')
            if parts in (['pk'], ['id'], ['_id']):
                key = '_id'
                fields = cls._lookup_field(parts)
                parts = []
                for field in fields:
                        if field != '_id':
                            field = field.db_field
                    except AttributeError:
                key = '.'.join(parts)
            index_list.append((key, direction))

        # Don't add cls to a geo index
        if include_cls and direction not in (
                pymongo.GEO2D, pymongo.GEOHAYSTACK, pymongo.GEOSPHERE):
            index_list.insert(0, ('_cls', 1))

        if index_list:
            spec['fields'] = index_list

        return spec

    def _unique_with_indexes(cls, namespace=''):
        """Find unique indexes in the document schema and return them."""
        unique_indexes = []
        for field_name, field in cls._fields.items():
            sparse = field.sparse

            # Generate a list of indexes needed by uniqueness constraints
            if field.unique:
                unique_fields = [field.db_field]

                # Add any unique_with fields to the back of the index spec
                if field.unique_with:
                    if isinstance(field.unique_with, six.string_types):
                        field.unique_with = [field.unique_with]

                    # Convert unique_with field names to real field names
                    unique_with = []
                    for other_name in field.unique_with:
                        parts = other_name.split('.')

                        # Lookup real name
                        parts = cls._lookup_field(parts)
                        name_parts = [part.db_field for part in parts]

                        # Unique field should be required
                        parts[-1].required = True
                        sparse = (not sparse and
                                  parts[-1].name not in cls.__dict__)

                    unique_fields += unique_with

                # Add the new index to the list
                fields = [
                    ('%s%s' % (namespace, f), pymongo.ASCENDING)
                    for f in unique_fields
                index = {'fields': fields, 'unique': True, 'sparse': sparse}

            if field.__class__.__name__ == 'ListField':
                field = field.field

            # Grab any embedded document field unique indexes
            if (field.__class__.__name__ == 'EmbeddedDocumentField' and
                    field.document_type != cls):
                field_namespace = '%s.' % field_name
                doc_cls = field.document_type
                unique_indexes += doc_cls._unique_with_indexes(field_namespace)

        return unique_indexes

    def _geo_indices(cls, inspected=None, parent_field=None):
        inspected = inspected or []
        geo_indices = []

        geo_field_type_names = ('EmbeddedDocumentField', 'GeoPointField',
                                'PointField', 'LineStringField',

        geo_field_types = tuple([_import_class(field)
                                 for field in geo_field_type_names])

        for field in cls._fields.values():
            if not isinstance(field, geo_field_types):

            if hasattr(field, 'document_type'):
                field_cls = field.document_type
                if field_cls in inspected:

                if hasattr(field_cls, '_geo_indices'):
                    geo_indices += field_cls._geo_indices(
                        inspected, parent_field=field.db_field)
            elif field._geo_index:
                field_name = field.db_field
                if parent_field:
                    field_name = '%s.%s' % (parent_field, field_name)
                    'fields': [(field_name, field._geo_index)]

        return geo_indices

    def _lookup_field(cls, parts):
        """Given the path to a given field, return a list containing
        the Field object associated with that field and all of its parent
        Field objects.

            parts (str, list, or tuple) - path to the field. Should be a
            string for simple fields existing on this document or a list
            of strings for a field that exists deeper in embedded documents.

            A list of Field instances for fields that were found or
            strings for sub-fields that weren't.

            >>> user._lookup_field('name')
            [<mongoengine.fields.StringField at 0x1119bff50>]

            >>> user._lookup_field('roles')
            [<mongoengine.fields.EmbeddedDocumentListField at 0x1119ec250>]

            >>> user._lookup_field(['roles', 'role'])
            [<mongoengine.fields.EmbeddedDocumentListField at 0x1119ec250>,
             <mongoengine.fields.StringField at 0x1119ec050>]

            >>> user._lookup_field('doesnt_exist')
            raises LookUpError

            >>> user._lookup_field(['roles', 'doesnt_exist'])
            [<mongoengine.fields.EmbeddedDocumentListField at 0x1119ec250>,

        # TODO this method is WAY too complicated. Simplify it.
        # TODO don't think returning a string for embedded non-existent fields is desired

        ListField = _import_class('ListField')
        DynamicField = _import_class('DynamicField')

        if not isinstance(parts, (list, tuple)):
            parts = [parts]

        fields = []
        field = None

        for field_name in parts:
            # Handle ListField indexing:
            if field_name.isdigit() and isinstance(field, ListField):

            # Look up first field from the document
            if field is None:
                if field_name == 'pk':
                    # Deal with "primary key" alias
                    field_name = cls._meta['id_field']

                if field_name in cls._fields:
                    field = cls._fields[field_name]
                elif cls._dynamic:
                    field = DynamicField(db_field=field_name)
                elif cls._meta.get('allow_inheritance') or cls._meta.get('abstract', False):
                    # 744: in case the field is defined in a subclass
                    for subcls in cls.__subclasses__():
                            field = subcls._lookup_field([field_name])[0]
                        except LookUpError:

                        if field is not None:
                        raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"' % field_name)
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"' % field_name)
                ReferenceField = _import_class('ReferenceField')
                GenericReferenceField = _import_class('GenericReferenceField')

                # If previous field was a reference, throw an error (we
                # cannot look up fields that are on references).
                if isinstance(field, (ReferenceField, GenericReferenceField)):
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot perform join in mongoDB: %s' %

                # If the parent field has a "field" attribute which has a
                # lookup_member method, call it to find the field
                # corresponding to this iteration.
                if hasattr(getattr(field, 'field', None), 'lookup_member'):
                    new_field = field.field.lookup_member(field_name)

                # If the parent field is a DynamicField or if it's part of
                # a DynamicDocument, mark current field as a DynamicField
                # with db_name equal to the field name.
                elif cls._dynamic and (isinstance(field, DynamicField) or
                                       getattr(getattr(field, 'document_type', None), '_dynamic', None)):
                    new_field = DynamicField(db_field=field_name)

                # Else, try to use the parent field's lookup_member method
                # to find the subfield.
                elif hasattr(field, 'lookup_member'):
                    new_field = field.lookup_member(field_name)

                # Raise a LookUpError if all the other conditions failed.
                    raise LookUpError(
                        'Cannot resolve subfield or operator {} '
                        'on the field {}'.format(field_name, field.name)

                # If current field still wasn't found and the parent field
                # is a ComplexBaseField, add the name current field name and
                # move on.
                if not new_field and isinstance(field, ComplexBaseField):
                elif not new_field:
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"' % field_name)

                field = new_field  # update field to the new field type


        return fields

    def _translate_field_name(cls, field, sep='.'):
        """Translate a field attribute name to a database field name.
        parts = field.split(sep)
        parts = [f.db_field for f in cls._lookup_field(parts)]
        return '.'.join(parts)

    def __set_field_display(self):
        """For each field that specifies choices, create a
        get_<field>_display method.
        fields_with_choices = [(n, f) for n, f in self._fields.items()
                               if f.choices]
        for attr_name, field in fields_with_choices:
                    'get_%s_display' % attr_name,
                    partial(self.__get_field_display, field=field))

    def __get_field_display(self, field):
        """Return the display value for a choice field"""
        value = getattr(self, field.name)
        if field.choices and isinstance(field.choices[0], (list, tuple)):
            return dict(field.choices).get(value, value)
        return value
Example #7
class BaseDocument(object):

    _dynamic = False
    _created = True
    _dynamic_lock = True
    _initialised = False

    def __init__(self, *args, **values):
        Initialise a document or embedded document

        :param __auto_convert: Try and will cast python objects to Object types
        :param values: A dictionary of values for the document
        if args:
            # Combine positional arguments with named arguments.
            # We only want named arguments.
            field = iter(self._fields_ordered)
            # If its an automatic id field then skip to the first defined field
            if self._auto_id_field:
            for value in args:
                name = next(field)
                if name in values:
                    raise TypeError("Multiple values for keyword argument '" + name + "'")
                values[name] = value
        __auto_convert = values.pop("__auto_convert", True)
        signals.pre_init.send(self.__class__, document=self, values=values)

        self._data = {}
        self._dynamic_fields = SON()

        # Assign default values to instance
        for key, field in self._fields.iteritems():
            if self._db_field_map.get(key, key) in values:
            value = getattr(self, key, None)
            setattr(self, key, value)

        # Set passed values after initialisation
        if self._dynamic:
            dynamic_data = {}
            for key, value in values.iteritems():
                if key in self._fields or key == "_id":
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                elif self._dynamic:
                    dynamic_data[key] = value
            FileField = _import_class("FileField")
            for key, value in values.iteritems():
                if key == "__auto_convert":
                key = self._reverse_db_field_map.get(key, key)
                if key in self._fields or key in ("id", "pk", "_cls"):
                    if __auto_convert and value is not None:
                        field = self._fields.get(key)
                        if field and not isinstance(field, FileField):
                            value = field.to_python(value)
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                    self._data[key] = value

        # Set any get_fieldname_display methods

        if self._dynamic:
            self._dynamic_lock = False
            for key, value in dynamic_data.iteritems():
                setattr(self, key, value)

        # Flag initialised
        self._initialised = True
        signals.post_init.send(self.__class__, document=self)

    def __delattr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle deletions of fields"""
        field_name = args[0]
        if field_name in self._fields:
            default = self._fields[field_name].default
            if callable(default):
                default = default()
            setattr(self, field_name, default)
            super(BaseDocument, self).__delattr__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        # Handle dynamic data only if an initialised dynamic document
        if self._dynamic and not self._dynamic_lock:

            field = None
            if not hasattr(self, name) and not name.startswith("_"):
                DynamicField = _import_class("DynamicField")
                field = DynamicField(db_field=name)
                field.name = name
                self._dynamic_fields[name] = field
                self._fields_ordered += (name,)

            if not name.startswith("_"):
                value = self.__expand_dynamic_values(name, value)

            # Handle marking data as changed
            if name in self._dynamic_fields:
                self._data[name] = value
                if hasattr(self, "_changed_fields"):

        if (
            and not self._created
            and name in self._meta.get("shard_key", tuple())
            and self._data.get(name) != value
            OperationError = _import_class("OperationError")
            msg = "Shard Keys are immutable. Tried to update %s" % name
            raise OperationError(msg)

        # Check if the user has created a new instance of a class
        if self._is_document and self._initialised and self._created and name == self._meta["id_field"]:
            super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__("_created", False)

        # Covers the case where value is copied from one instance to another
        # and Base* classes hold on to reference of original owner
        if isinstance(value, (BaseList, BaseDict)):

        super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__(name, value)

    def __getstate__(self):
        data = {}
        for k in ("_changed_fields", "_initialised", "_created", "_dynamic_fields", "_fields_ordered"):
            if hasattr(self, k):
                data[k] = getattr(self, k)
        data["_data"] = self.to_mongo()
        return data

    def __setstate__(self, data):
        if isinstance(data["_data"], SON):
            data["_data"] = self.__class__._from_son(data["_data"])._data
        for k in ("_changed_fields", "_initialised", "_created", "_data", "_fields_ordered", "_dynamic_fields"):
            if k in data:
                setattr(self, k, data[k])
        dynamic_fields = data.get("_dynamic_fields") or SON()
        for k in dynamic_fields.keys():
            setattr(self, k, data["_data"].get(k))

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._fields_ordered)

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        """Dictionary-style field access, return a field's value if present.
            if name in self._fields_ordered:
                return getattr(self, name)
        except AttributeError:
        raise KeyError(name)

    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        """Dictionary-style field access, set a field's value.
        # Ensure that the field exists before settings its value
        if name not in self._fields:
            raise KeyError(name)
        return setattr(self, name, value)

    def __contains__(self, name):
            val = getattr(self, name)
            return val is not None
        except AttributeError:
            return False

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._data)

    def __repr__(self):
            u = self.__str__()
        except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
            u = "[Bad Unicode data]"
        repr_type = type(u)
        return repr_type("<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, u))

    def __str__(self):
        if hasattr(self, "__unicode__"):
            if PY3:
                return self.__unicode__()
                return unicode(self).encode("utf-8")
        return txt_type("%s object" % self.__class__.__name__)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__) and hasattr(other, "id"):
            if self.id == other.id:
                return True
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __hash__(self):
        if getattr(self, "pk", None) is None:
            # For new object
            return super(BaseDocument, self).__hash__()
            return hash(self.pk)

    def clean(self):
        Hook for doing document level data cleaning before validation is run.

        Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with
        a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the
        field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.

    def to_mongo(self):
        """Return as SON data ready for use with MongoDB.
        data = SON()
        data["_id"] = None
        data["_cls"] = self._class_name

        for field_name in self:
            value = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)
            if field is None and self._dynamic:
                field = self._dynamic_fields.get(field_name)

            if value is not None:
                value = field.to_mongo(value)

            # Handle self generating fields
            if value is None and field._auto_gen:
                value = field.generate()
                self._data[field_name] = value

            if value is not None:
                data[field.db_field] = value

        # If "_id" has not been set, then try and set it
        Document = _import_class("Document")
        if isinstance(self, Document):
            if data["_id"] is None:
                data["_id"] = self._data.get("id", None)

        if data["_id"] is None:

        # Only add _cls if allow_inheritance is True
        if not hasattr(self, "_meta") or not self._meta.get("allow_inheritance", ALLOW_INHERITANCE):

        return data

    def validate(self, clean=True):
        """Ensure that all fields' values are valid and that required fields
        are present.
        # Ensure that each field is matched to a valid value
        errors = {}
        if clean:
            except ValidationError, error:
                errors[NON_FIELD_ERRORS] = error

        # Get a list of tuples of field names and their current values
        fields = [
            (self._fields.get(name, self._dynamic_fields.get(name)), self._data.get(name))
            for name in self._fields_ordered

        EmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class("EmbeddedDocumentField")
        GenericEmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class("GenericEmbeddedDocumentField")

        for field, value in fields:
            if value is not None:
                    if isinstance(field, (EmbeddedDocumentField, GenericEmbeddedDocumentField)):
                        field._validate(value, clean=clean)
                except ValidationError, error:
                    errors[field.name] = error.errors or error
                except (ValueError, AttributeError, AssertionError), error:
                    errors[field.name] = error
    def _command(
        """Internal command helper.

        if isinstance(command, basestring):
            command = SON([(command, value)])

        command_name = command.keys()[0].lower()
        must_use_master = kwargs.pop("_use_master", False)
        if command_name not in secondary_ok_commands:
            must_use_master = True

        # Special-case: mapreduce can go to secondaries only if inline
        if command_name == "mapreduce":
            out = command.get("out") or kwargs.get("out")
            if not isinstance(out, dict) or not out.get("inline"):
                must_use_master = True

        # Special-case: aggregate with $out cannot go to secondaries.
        if command_name == "aggregate":
            for stage in kwargs.get("pipeline", []):
                if "$out" in stage:
                    must_use_master = True

        if codec_options is None or "as_class" in kwargs:
            opts = {}
            if "as_class" in kwargs:
                opts["document_class"] = kwargs.pop("as_class")
            # 'as_class' must be in kwargs so don't use document_class
            if codec_options:
                opts["tz_aware"] = codec_options.tz_aware
                opts["uuid_representation"] = codec_options.uuid_representation
                opts["uuid_representation"] = uuid_subtype
            codec_options = _CodecOptions(**opts)

        extra_opts = {
            "slave_okay": kwargs.pop("slave_okay", self.slave_okay),
            "_codec_options": codec_options,
            "_must_use_master": must_use_master,

        if isinstance(read_preference, _ServerMode):
            extra_opts["read_preference"] = read_preference.mode
            extra_opts["tag_sets"] = read_preference.tag_sets
            if read_preference is None:
                read_preference = self.read_preference
            extra_opts["read_preference"] = read_preference
            extra_opts["tag_sets"] = kwargs.pop("tag_sets", self.tag_sets)
        extra_opts["secondary_acceptable_latency_ms"] = kwargs.pop(
            "secondary_acceptable_latency_ms", self.secondary_acceptable_latency_ms
        extra_opts["compile_re"] = compile_re

        fields = kwargs.get("fields")
        if fields is not None and not isinstance(fields, dict):
            kwargs["fields"] = helpers._fields_list_to_dict(fields)


        # Warn if must_use_master will override read_preference.
        if (
            extra_opts["read_preference"] != ReadPreference.PRIMARY
            and extra_opts["_must_use_master"]
            and self.connection._rs_client
                "%s does not support %s read preference "
                "and will be routed to the primary instead." % (command_name, modes[extra_opts["read_preference"]]),

        cursor = self["$cmd"].find(command, **extra_opts).limit(-1)
        for doc in cursor:
            result = doc

        if check:
            msg = "command %s on namespace %s failed: %%s" % (repr(command).replace("%", "%%"), self.name + ".$cmd")
            helpers._check_command_response(result, self.connection.disconnect, msg, allowable_errors)

        return result, cursor.conn_id
Example #9
class BaseDocument(object):
    __slots__ = ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created', '_data',
                 '_dynamic_fields', '_auto_id_field', '_db_field_map', '_cls',

    _dynamic = False
    _dynamic_lock = True
    STRICT = False

    def __init__(self, *args, **values):
        Initialise a document or embedded document

        :param __auto_convert: Try and will cast python objects to Object types
        :param values: A dictionary of values for the document
        self._initialised = False
        self._created = True
        if args:
            # Combine positional arguments with named arguments.
            # We only want named arguments.
            field = iter(self._fields_ordered)
            # If its an automatic id field then skip to the first defined field
            if self._auto_id_field:
            for value in args:
                name = next(field)
                if name in values:
                    raise TypeError("Multiple values for keyword argument '" +
                                    name + "'")
                values[name] = value
        __auto_convert = values.pop("__auto_convert", True)
        signals.pre_init.send(self.__class__, document=self, values=values)

        if self.STRICT and not self._dynamic:
            self._data = StrictDict.create(allowed_keys=self._fields_ordered)()
            self._data = SemiStrictDict.create(

        _created = values.pop("_created", True)
        self._data = {}
        self._dynamic_fields = SON()

        # Assign default values to instance
        for key, field in self._fields.iteritems():
            if self._db_field_map.get(key, key) in values:
            value = getattr(self, key, None)
            setattr(self, key, value)

        # Set passed values after initialisation
        if self._dynamic:
            dynamic_data = {}
            for key, value in values.iteritems():
                if key in self._fields or key == '_id':
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                elif self._dynamic:
                    dynamic_data[key] = value
            FileField = _import_class('FileField')
            for key, value in values.iteritems():
                if key == '__auto_convert':
                key = self._reverse_db_field_map.get(key, key)
                if key in self._fields or key in ('id', 'pk', '_cls'):
                    if __auto_convert and value is not None:
                        field = self._fields.get(key)
                        if field and not isinstance(field, FileField):
                            value = field.to_python(value)
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                    self._data[key] = value

        # Set any get_fieldname_display methods

        if self._dynamic:
            self._dynamic_lock = False
            for key, value in dynamic_data.iteritems():
                setattr(self, key, value)

        # Flag initialised
        self._initialised = True
        self._created = _created
        signals.post_init.send(self.__class__, document=self)

    def __delattr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle deletions of fields"""
        field_name = args[0]
        if field_name in self._fields:
            default = self._fields[field_name].default
            if callable(default):
                default = default()
            setattr(self, field_name, default)
            super(BaseDocument, self).__delattr__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        # Handle dynamic data only if an initialised dynamic document
        if self._dynamic and not self._dynamic_lock:

            field = None
            if not hasattr(self, name) and not name.startswith('_'):
                DynamicField = _import_class("DynamicField")
                field = DynamicField(db_field=name)
                field.name = name
                self._dynamic_fields[name] = field
                self._fields_ordered += (name, )

            if not name.startswith('_'):
                value = self.__expand_dynamic_values(name, value)

            # Handle marking data as changed
            if name in self._dynamic_fields:
                self._data[name] = value
                if hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):
            self__created = self._created
        except AttributeError:
            self__created = True

        if (self._is_document and not self__created
                and name in self._meta.get('shard_key', tuple())
                and self._data.get(name) != value):
            OperationError = _import_class('OperationError')
            msg = "Shard Keys are immutable. Tried to update %s" % name
            raise OperationError(msg)

            self__initialised = self._initialised
        except AttributeError:
            self__initialised = False
        # Check if the user has created a new instance of a class
        if (self._is_document and self__initialised and self__created
                and name == self._meta['id_field']):
            super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__('_created', False)

        super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__(name, value)

    def __getstate__(self):
        data = {}
        for k in ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created',
                  '_dynamic_fields', '_fields_ordered'):
            if hasattr(self, k):
                data[k] = getattr(self, k)
        data['_data'] = self.to_mongo()
        return data

    def __setstate__(self, data):
        if isinstance(data["_data"], SON):
            data["_data"] = self.__class__._from_son(data["_data"])._data
        for k in ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created', '_data',
            if k in data:
                setattr(self, k, data[k])
        if '_fields_ordered' in data:
            setattr(type(self), '_fields_ordered', data['_fields_ordered'])
        dynamic_fields = data.get('_dynamic_fields') or SON()
        for k in dynamic_fields.keys():
            setattr(self, k, data["_data"].get(k))

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._fields_ordered)

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        """Dictionary-style field access, return a field's value if present.
            if name in self._fields_ordered:
                return getattr(self, name)
        except AttributeError:
        raise KeyError(name)

    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        """Dictionary-style field access, set a field's value.
        # Ensure that the field exists before settings its value
        if not self._dynamic and name not in self._fields:
            raise KeyError(name)
        return setattr(self, name, value)

    def __contains__(self, name):
            val = getattr(self, name)
            return val is not None
        except AttributeError:
            return False

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._data)

    def __repr__(self):
            u = self.__str__()
        except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
            u = '[Bad Unicode data]'
        repr_type = type(u)
        return repr_type('<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, u))

    def __str__(self):
        if hasattr(self, '__unicode__'):
            if PY3:
                return self.__unicode__()
                return unicode(self).encode('utf-8')
        return txt_type('%s object' % self.__class__.__name__)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__) and hasattr(other, 'id'):
            return self.id == other.id
        if isinstance(other, DBRef):
            return self._get_collection_name(
            ) == other.collection and self.id == other.id
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __hash__(self):
        if getattr(self, 'pk', None) is None:
            # For new object
            return super(BaseDocument, self).__hash__()
            return hash(self.pk)

    def clean(self):
        Hook for doing document level data cleaning before validation is run.

        Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with
        a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the
        field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.

    def to_mongo(self):
        """Return as SON data ready for use with MongoDB.
        data = SON()
        data["_id"] = None
        data['_cls'] = self._class_name

        for field_name in self:
            value = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)
            if field is None and self._dynamic:
                field = self._dynamic_fields.get(field_name)

            if value is not None:
                value = field.to_mongo(value)

            # Handle self generating fields
            if value is None and field._auto_gen:
                value = field.generate()
                self._data[field_name] = value

            if value is not None:
                data[field.db_field] = value

        # If "_id" has not been set, then try and set it
        Document = _import_class("Document")
        if isinstance(self, Document):
            if data["_id"] is None:
                data["_id"] = self._data.get("id", None)

        if data['_id'] is None:

        # Only add _cls if allow_inheritance is True
        if (not hasattr(self, '_meta')
                or not self._meta.get('allow_inheritance', ALLOW_INHERITANCE)):

        return data

    def validate(self, clean=True):
        """Ensure that all fields' values are valid and that required fields
        are present.
        # Ensure that each field is matched to a valid value
        errors = {}
        if clean:
            except ValidationError, error:
                errors[NON_FIELD_ERRORS] = error

        # Get a list of tuples of field names and their current values
        fields = [(self._fields.get(name, self._dynamic_fields.get(name)),
                   self._data.get(name)) for name in self._fields_ordered]

        EmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class("EmbeddedDocumentField")
        GenericEmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class(

        for field, value in fields:
            if value is not None:
                    if isinstance(
                        (EmbeddedDocumentField, GenericEmbeddedDocumentField)):
                        field._validate(value, clean=clean)
                except ValidationError, error:
                    errors[field.name] = error.errors or error
                except (ValueError, AttributeError, AssertionError), error:
                    errors[field.name] = error
Example #10
    async def _do_batched_write_command(self, namespace: str, operation: str,
                                        command: SON, docs: Iterable[dict],
                                        check_keys: bool, opts: CodecOptions,
                                        connection) -> List[Tuple[int, dict]]:

        # Max BSON object size + 16k - 2 bytes for ending NUL bytes.
        # Server guarantees there is enough room: SERVER-10643.
        max_cmd_size = connection.max_bson_size + _COMMAND_OVERHEAD

        ordered = command.get('ordered', True)

        buf = BytesIO()

        # Save space for message length and request id
        # responseTo, opCode
        # No options
        # Namespace as C string
        # Skip: 0, Limit: -1

        # Where to write command document length
        command_start = buf.tell()
        # Start of payload
        buf.seek(-1, 2)
        # Work around some Jython weirdness.

        except KeyError:
            raise InvalidOperation('Unknown command')

        if operation in (_UPDATE, _DELETE):
            check_keys = False

        # Where to write list document length
        list_start = buf.tell() - 4

        # If there are multiple batches we'll
        # merge results in the caller.
        results = []

        idx = 0
        idx_offset = 0
        has_docs = False

        for doc in docs:
            has_docs = True
            key = str(idx).encode()
            value = BSON.encode(doc, check_keys, opts)

            # Send a batch?
            enough_data = (buf.tell() + len(key) + len(value) +
                           2) >= max_cmd_size
            enough_documents = (idx >= connection.max_write_batch_size)
            if enough_data or enough_documents:
                if not idx:
                    write_op = 'insert' if operation == _INSERT else None
                    _raise_document_too_large(write_op, len(value),
                result = await self._send_message(connection, buf,
                                                  command_start, list_start)
                results.append((idx_offset, result))
                if ordered and 'writeErrors' in result:
                    return results

                # Truncate back to the start of list elements
                buf.seek(list_start + 4)
                idx_offset += idx
                idx = 0
                key = b'0'

            idx += 1

        if not has_docs:
            raise InvalidOperation("cannot do an empty bulk write")

        result = await self._send_message(connection, buf, command_start,
        results.append((idx_offset, result))
        return results
Example #11
    def command(self,
        """Issue a MongoDB command.

        Send command `command` to the database and return the
        response. If `command` is an instance of :class:`basestring`
        (:class:`str` in python 3) then the command {`command`: `value`}
        will be sent. Otherwise, `command` must be an instance of
        :class:`dict` and will be sent as is.

        Any additional keyword arguments will be added to the final
        command document before it is sent.

        For example, a command like ``{buildinfo: 1}`` can be sent

        >>> db.command("buildinfo")

        For a command where the value matters, like ``{collstats:
        collection_name}`` we can do:

        >>> db.command("collstats", collection_name)

        For commands that take additional arguments we can use
        kwargs. So ``{filemd5: object_id, root: file_root}`` becomes:

        >>> db.command("filemd5", object_id, root=file_root)

          - `command`: document representing the command to be issued,
            or the name of the command (for simple commands only).

            .. note:: the order of keys in the `command` document is
               significant (the "verb" must come first), so commands
               which require multiple keys (e.g. `findandmodify`)
               should use an instance of :class:`~bson.son.SON` or
               a string and kwargs instead of a Python `dict`.

          - `value` (optional): value to use for the command verb when
            `command` is passed as a string
          - `check` (optional): check the response for errors, raising
            :class:`~pymongo.errors.OperationFailure` if there are any
          - `allowable_errors`: if `check` is ``True``, error messages
            in this list will be ignored by error-checking
          - `uuid_subtype` (optional): The BSON binary subtype to use
            for a UUID used in this command.
          - `read_preference`: The read preference for this connection.
            See :class:`~pymongo.read_preferences.ReadPreference` for available
          - `tag_sets`: Read from replica-set members with these tags.
            To specify a priority-order for tag sets, provide a list of
            tag sets: ``[{'dc': 'ny'}, {'dc': 'la'}, {}]``. A final, empty tag
            set, ``{}``, means "read from any member that matches the mode,
            ignoring tags." ReplicaSetConnection tries each set of tags in turn
            until it finds a set of tags with at least one matching member.
          - `secondary_acceptable_latency_ms`: Any replica-set member whose
            ping time is within secondary_acceptable_latency_ms of the nearest
            member may accept reads. Default 15 milliseconds.
            **Ignored by mongos** and must be configured on the command line.
            See the localThreshold_ option for more information.
          - `**kwargs` (optional): additional keyword arguments will
            be added to the command document before it is sent

        .. versionchanged:: 2.3
           Added `tag_sets` and `secondary_acceptable_latency_ms` options.
        .. versionchanged:: 2.2
           Added support for `as_class` - the class you want to use for
           the resulting documents
        .. versionchanged:: 1.6
           Added the `value` argument for string commands, and keyword
           arguments for additional command options.
        .. versionchanged:: 1.5
           `command` can be a string in addition to a full document.
        .. versionadded:: 1.4

        .. mongodoc:: commands
        .. _localThreshold: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/mongos/#cmdoption-mongos--localThreshold

        if isinstance(command, basestring):
            command = SON([(command, value)])

        command_name = command.keys()[0].lower()
        must_use_master = kwargs.pop('_use_master', False)
        if command_name not in rp.secondary_ok_commands:
            must_use_master = True

        # Special-case: mapreduce can go to secondaries only if inline
        if command_name == 'mapreduce':
            out = command.get('out') or kwargs.get('out')
            if not isinstance(out, dict) or not out.get('inline'):
                must_use_master = True

        extra_opts = {
            'as_class': kwargs.pop('as_class', None),
            'slave_okay': kwargs.pop('slave_okay', self.slave_okay),
            '_must_use_master': must_use_master,
            '_uuid_subtype': uuid_subtype

        extra_opts['read_preference'] = kwargs.pop('read_preference',
        extra_opts['tag_sets'] = kwargs.pop('tag_sets', self.tag_sets)
        extra_opts['secondary_acceptable_latency_ms'] = kwargs.pop(

        fields = kwargs.get('fields')
        if fields is not None and not isinstance(fields, dict):
            kwargs['fields'] = helpers._fields_list_to_dict(fields)


        result = self["$cmd"].find_one(command, **extra_opts)

        if check:
            msg = "command %s failed: %%s" % repr(command).replace("%", "%%")
            helpers._check_command_response(result, self.connection.disconnect,
                                            msg, allowable_errors)

        return result
Example #12
class BaseDocument(object):
    __slots__ = ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created', '_data',
                 '_dynamic_fields', '_auto_id_field', '_db_field_map',

    _dynamic = False
    _dynamic_lock = True
    STRICT = False

    def __init__(self, *args, **values):
        Initialise a document or embedded document

        :param __auto_convert: Try and will cast python objects to Object types
        :param values: A dictionary of values for the document
        self._initialised = False
        self._created = True
        if args:
            # Combine positional arguments with named arguments.
            # We only want named arguments.
            field = iter(self._fields_ordered)
            # If its an automatic id field then skip to the first defined field
            if self._auto_id_field:
            for value in args:
                name = next(field)
                if name in values:
                    raise TypeError("Multiple values for keyword argument '" +
                                    name + "'")
                values[name] = value

        __auto_convert = values.pop("__auto_convert", True)

        # 399: set default values only to fields loaded from DB
        __only_fields = set(values.pop("__only_fields", values))

        _created = values.pop("_created", True)

        signals.pre_init.send(self.__class__, document=self, values=values)

        # Check if there are undefined fields supplied, if so raise an
        # Exception.
        if not self._dynamic:
            for var in list(values.keys()):
                if var not in list(self._fields.keys()) + [
                        'id', 'pk', '_cls', '_text_score'
                    msg = (
                        "The field '{0}' does not exist on the document '{1}'"
                    ).format(var, self._class_name)
                    raise FieldDoesNotExist(msg)

        if self.STRICT and not self._dynamic:
            self._data = StrictDict.create(allowed_keys=self._fields_ordered)()
            self._data = SemiStrictDict.create(

        self._data = {}
        self._dynamic_fields = SON()

        # Assign default values to instance
        for key, field in self._fields.items():
            if self._db_field_map.get(key, key) in __only_fields:
            value = getattr(self, key, None)
            setattr(self, key, value)

        if "_cls" not in values:
            self._cls = self._class_name

        # Set passed values after initialisation
        if self._dynamic:
            dynamic_data = {}
            for key, value in values.items():
                if key in self._fields or key == '_id':
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                elif self._dynamic:
                    dynamic_data[key] = value
            FileField = _import_class('FileField')
            for key, value in values.items():
                if key == '__auto_convert':
                key = self._reverse_db_field_map.get(key, key)
                if key in self._fields or key in ('id', 'pk', '_cls'):
                    if __auto_convert and value is not None:
                        field = self._fields.get(key)
                        if field and not isinstance(field, FileField):
                            value = field.to_python(value)
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                    self._data[key] = value

        # Set any get_fieldname_display methods

        if self._dynamic:
            self._dynamic_lock = False
            for key, value in dynamic_data.items():
                setattr(self, key, value)

        # Flag initialised
        self._initialised = True
        self._created = _created
        signals.post_init.send(self.__class__, document=self)

    def __delattr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle deletions of fields"""
        field_name = args[0]
        if field_name in self._fields:
            default = self._fields[field_name].default
            if callable(default):
                default = default()
            setattr(self, field_name, default)
            super(BaseDocument, self).__delattr__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        # Handle dynamic data only if an initialised dynamic document
        if self._dynamic and not self._dynamic_lock:

            field = None
            if not hasattr(self, name) and not name.startswith('_'):
                DynamicField = _import_class("DynamicField")
                field = DynamicField(db_field=name)
                field.name = name
                self._dynamic_fields[name] = field
                self._fields_ordered += (name, )

            if not name.startswith('_'):
                value = self.__expand_dynamic_values(name, value)

            # Handle marking data as changed
            if name in self._dynamic_fields:
                self._data[name] = value
                if hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):
            self__created = self._created
        except AttributeError:
            self__created = True

        if (self._is_document and not self__created
                and name in self._meta.get('shard_key', tuple())
                and self._data.get(name) != value):
            OperationError = _import_class('OperationError')
            msg = "Shard Keys are immutable. Tried to update %s" % name
            raise OperationError(msg)

            self__initialised = self._initialised
        except AttributeError:
            self__initialised = False
        # Check if the user has created a new instance of a class
        if (self._is_document and self__initialised and self__created
                and name == self._meta['id_field']):
            super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__('_created', False)

        super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__(name, value)

    def __getstate__(self):
        data = {}
        for k in ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created',
                  '_dynamic_fields', '_fields_ordered'):
            if hasattr(self, k):
                data[k] = getattr(self, k)
        data['_data'] = self.to_mongo()
        return data

    def __setstate__(self, data):
        if isinstance(data["_data"], SON):
            data["_data"] = self.__class__._from_son(data["_data"])._data
        for k in ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created', '_data',
            if k in data:
                setattr(self, k, data[k])
        if '_fields_ordered' in data:
            setattr(type(self), '_fields_ordered', data['_fields_ordered'])
        dynamic_fields = data.get('_dynamic_fields') or SON()
        for k in list(dynamic_fields.keys()):
            setattr(self, k, data["_data"].get(k))

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._fields_ordered)

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        """Dictionary-style field access, return a field's value if present.
            if name in self._fields_ordered:
                return getattr(self, name)
        except AttributeError:
        raise KeyError(name)

    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        """Dictionary-style field access, set a field's value.
        # Ensure that the field exists before settings its value
        if not self._dynamic and name not in self._fields:
            raise KeyError(name)
        return setattr(self, name, value)

    def __contains__(self, name):
            val = getattr(self, name)
            return val is not None
        except AttributeError:
            return False

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._data)

    def __repr__(self):
            u = self.__str__()
        except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
            u = '[Bad Unicode data]'
        repr_type = str if u is None else type(u)
        return repr_type('<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, u))

    def __str__(self):
        if hasattr(self, '__unicode__'):
            if PY3:
                return self.__unicode__()
                return str(self).encode('utf-8')
        return txt_type('%s object' % self.__class__.__name__)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__) and hasattr(
                other, 'id') and other.id is not None:
            return self.id == other.id
        if isinstance(other, DBRef):
            return self._get_collection_name(
            ) == other.collection and self.id == other.id
        if self.id is None:
            return self is other
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __hash__(self):
        if getattr(self, 'pk', None) is None:
            # For new object
            return super(BaseDocument, self).__hash__()
            return hash(self.pk)

    def clean(self):
        Hook for doing document level data cleaning before validation is run.

        Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with
        a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the
        field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.

    def get_text_score(self):
        Get text score from text query

        if '_text_score' not in self._data:
            raise InvalidDocumentError(
                'This document is not originally built from a text query')

        return self._data['_text_score']

    def to_mongo(self, use_db_field=True, fields=None):
        Return as SON data ready for use with MongoDB.
        if not fields:
            fields = []

        data = SON()
        data["_id"] = None
        data['_cls'] = self._class_name
        EmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class("EmbeddedDocumentField")
        # only root fields ['test1.a', 'test2'] => ['test1', 'test2']
        root_fields = set([f.split('.')[0] for f in fields])

        for field_name in self:
            if root_fields and field_name not in root_fields:

            value = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)

            if field is None and self._dynamic:
                field = self._dynamic_fields.get(field_name)

            if value is not None:

                if isinstance(field, (EmbeddedDocumentField)):
                    if fields:
                        key = '%s.' % field_name
                        embedded_fields = [
                            i.replace(key, '') for i in fields
                            if i.startswith(key)

                        embedded_fields = []

                    value = field.to_mongo(value,
                    value = field.to_mongo(value)

            # Handle self generating fields
            if value is None and field._auto_gen:
                value = field.generate()
                self._data[field_name] = value

            if value is not None:
                if use_db_field:
                    data[field.db_field] = value
                    data[field.name] = value

        # If "_id" has not been set, then try and set it
        Document = _import_class("Document")
        if isinstance(self, Document):
            if data["_id"] is None:
                data["_id"] = self._data.get("id", None)

        if data['_id'] is None:

        # Only add _cls if allow_inheritance is True
        if (not hasattr(self, '_meta')
                or not self._meta.get('allow_inheritance', ALLOW_INHERITANCE)):

        return data

    def validate(self, clean=True):
        """Ensure that all fields' values are valid and that required fields
        are present.
        # Ensure that each field is matched to a valid value
        errors = {}
        if clean:
            except ValidationError as error:
                errors[NON_FIELD_ERRORS] = error

        # Get a list of tuples of field names and their current values
        fields = [(self._fields.get(name, self._dynamic_fields.get(name)),
                   self._data.get(name)) for name in self._fields_ordered]

        EmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class("EmbeddedDocumentField")
        GenericEmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class(

        for field, value in fields:
            if value is not None:
                    if isinstance(
                        (EmbeddedDocumentField, GenericEmbeddedDocumentField)):
                        field._validate(value, clean=clean)
                except ValidationError as error:
                    errors[field.name] = error.errors or error
                except (ValueError, AttributeError, AssertionError) as error:
                    errors[field.name] = error
            elif field.required and not getattr(field, '_auto_gen', False):
                errors[field.name] = ValidationError('Field is required',

        if errors:
            pk = "None"
            if hasattr(self, 'pk'):
                pk = self.pk
            elif self._instance and hasattr(self._instance, 'pk'):
                pk = self._instance.pk
            message = "ValidationError (%s:%s) " % (self._class_name, pk)
            raise ValidationError(message, errors=errors)

    def to_json(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Converts a document to JSON.
        :param use_db_field: Set to True by default but enables the output of the json structure with the field names and not the mongodb store db_names in case of set to False
        use_db_field = kwargs.pop('use_db_field', True)
        return json_util.dumps(self.to_mongo(use_db_field), *args, **kwargs)

    def from_json(cls, json_data, created=False):
        """Converts json data to an unsaved document instance"""
        return cls._from_son(json_util.loads(json_data), created=created)

    def __expand_dynamic_values(self, name, value):
        """expand any dynamic values to their correct types / values"""
        if not isinstance(value, (dict, list, tuple)):
            return value

        EmbeddedDocumentListField = _import_class('EmbeddedDocumentListField')

        is_list = False
        if not hasattr(value, 'items'):
            is_list = True
            value = dict([(k, v) for k, v in enumerate(value)])

        if not is_list and '_cls' in value:
            cls = get_document(value['_cls'])
            return cls(**value)

        data = {}
        for k, v in list(value.items()):
            key = name if is_list else k
            data[k] = self.__expand_dynamic_values(key, v)

        if is_list:  # Convert back to a list
            data_items = sorted(list(data.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
            value = [v for k, v in data_items]
            value = data

        # Convert lists / values so we can watch for any changes on them
        if (isinstance(value, (list, tuple))
                and not isinstance(value, BaseList)):
            if issubclass(type(self), EmbeddedDocumentListField):
                value = EmbeddedDocumentList(value, self, name)
                value = BaseList(value, self, name)
        elif isinstance(value, dict) and not isinstance(value, BaseDict):
            value = BaseDict(value, self, name)

        return value

    def _mark_as_changed(self, key):
        """Marks a key as explicitly changed by the user
        if not key:

        if not hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):

        if '.' in key:
            key, rest = key.split('.', 1)
            key = self._db_field_map.get(key, key)
            key = '%s.%s' % (key, rest)
            key = self._db_field_map.get(key, key)

        if key not in self._changed_fields:

    def _clear_changed_fields(self):
        """Using get_changed_fields iterate and remove any fields that are
        marked as changed"""
        for changed in self._get_changed_fields():
            parts = changed.split(".")
            data = self
            for part in parts:
                if isinstance(data, list):
                        data = data[int(part)]
                    except IndexError:
                        data = None
                elif isinstance(data, dict):
                    data = data.get(part, None)
                    data = getattr(data, part, None)
                if hasattr(data, "_changed_fields"):
                    if hasattr(data, "_is_document") and data._is_document:
                    data._changed_fields = []
        self._changed_fields = []

    def _nestable_types_changed_fields(self, changed_fields, key, data,
        # Loop list / dict fields as they contain documents
        # Determine the iterator to use
        if not hasattr(data, 'items'):
            iterator = enumerate(data)
            iterator = iter(data.items())

        for index, value in iterator:
            list_key = "%s%s." % (key, index)
            # don't check anything lower if this key is already marked
            # as changed.
            if list_key[:-1] in changed_fields:
            if hasattr(value, '_get_changed_fields'):
                changed = value._get_changed_fields(inspected)
                changed_fields += [
                    "%s%s" % (list_key, k) for k in changed if k
            elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple, dict)):
                self._nestable_types_changed_fields(changed_fields, list_key,
                                                    value, inspected)

    def _get_changed_fields(self, inspected=None):
        """Returns a list of all fields that have explicitly been changed.
        EmbeddedDocument = _import_class("EmbeddedDocument")
        DynamicEmbeddedDocument = _import_class("DynamicEmbeddedDocument")
        ReferenceField = _import_class("ReferenceField")
        changed_fields = []
        changed_fields += getattr(self, '_changed_fields', [])

        inspected = inspected or set()
        if hasattr(self, 'id') and isinstance(self.id, Hashable):
            if self.id in inspected:
                return changed_fields

        for field_name in self._fields_ordered:
            db_field_name = self._db_field_map.get(field_name, field_name)
            key = '%s.' % db_field_name
            data = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)

            if hasattr(data, 'id'):
                if data.id in inspected:
            if isinstance(field, ReferenceField):
            elif (isinstance(data, (EmbeddedDocument, DynamicEmbeddedDocument))
                  and db_field_name not in changed_fields):
                # Find all embedded fields that have been changed
                changed = data._get_changed_fields(inspected)
                changed_fields += ["%s%s" % (key, k) for k in changed if k]
            elif (isinstance(data, (list, tuple, dict))
                  and db_field_name not in changed_fields):
                if (hasattr(field, 'field')
                        and isinstance(field.field, ReferenceField)):
                self._nestable_types_changed_fields(changed_fields, key, data,
        return changed_fields

    def _delta(self):
        """Returns the delta (set, unset) of the changes for a document.
        Gets any values that have been explicitly changed.
        # Handles cases where not loaded from_son but has _id
        doc = self.to_mongo()

        set_fields = self._get_changed_fields()
        unset_data = {}
        parts = []
        if hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):
            set_data = {}
            # Fetch each set item from its path
            for path in set_fields:
                parts = path.split('.')
                d = doc
                new_path = []
                for p in parts:
                    if isinstance(d, (ObjectId, DBRef)):
                    elif isinstance(d, list) and p.isdigit():
                            d = d[int(p)]
                        except IndexError:
                            d = None
                    elif hasattr(d, 'get'):
                        d = d.get(p)
                path = '.'.join(new_path)
                set_data[path] = d
            set_data = doc
            if '_id' in set_data:
                del (set_data['_id'])

        # Determine if any changed items were actually unset.
        for path, value in list(set_data.items()):
            if value or isinstance(value, (numbers.Number, bool)):

            # If we've set a value that ain't the default value dont unset it.
            default = None
            if (self._dynamic and len(parts)
                    and parts[0] in self._dynamic_fields):
                del (set_data[path])
                unset_data[path] = 1
            elif path in self._fields:
                default = self._fields[path].default
            else:  # Perform a full lookup for lists / embedded lookups
                d = self
                parts = path.split('.')
                db_field_name = parts.pop()
                for p in parts:
                    if isinstance(d, list) and p.isdigit():
                        d = d[int(p)]
                    elif (hasattr(d, '__getattribute__')
                          and not isinstance(d, dict)):
                        real_path = d._reverse_db_field_map.get(p, p)
                        d = getattr(d, real_path)
                        d = d.get(p)

                if hasattr(d, '_fields'):
                    field_name = d._reverse_db_field_map.get(
                        db_field_name, db_field_name)
                    if field_name in d._fields:
                        default = d._fields.get(field_name).default
                        default = None

            if default is not None:
                if callable(default):
                    default = default()

            if default != value:

            del (set_data[path])
            unset_data[path] = 1
        return set_data, unset_data

    def _get_collection_name(cls):
        """Returns the collection name for this class.
        return cls._meta.get('collection', None)

    def _from_son(cls,
        """Create an instance of a Document (subclass) from a PyMongo SON.
        if not only_fields:
            only_fields = []

        # get the class name from the document, falling back to the given
        # class if unavailable
        class_name = son.get('_cls', cls._class_name)
        data = dict(("%s" % key, value) for key, value in son.items())

        # Return correct subclass for document type
        if class_name != cls._class_name:
            cls = get_document(class_name)

        changed_fields = []
        errors_dict = {}

        fields = cls._fields
        if not _auto_dereference:
            fields = copy.copy(fields)

        for field_name, field in fields.items():
            field._auto_dereference = _auto_dereference
            if field.db_field in data:
                value = data[field.db_field]
                    data[field_name] = (value if value is None else
                    if field_name != field.db_field:
                        del data[field.db_field]
                except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e:
                    errors_dict[field_name] = e
            elif field.default:
                default = field.default
                if callable(default):
                    default = default()
                if isinstance(default, BaseDocument):
                elif not only_fields or field_name in only_fields:

        if errors_dict:
            errors = "\n".join(
                ["%s - %s" % (k, v) for k, v in list(errors_dict.items())])
            msg = ("Invalid data to create a `%s` instance.\n%s" %
                   (cls._class_name, errors))
            raise InvalidDocumentError(msg)

        if cls.STRICT:
            data = dict((k, v) for k, v in data.items() if k in cls._fields)
        obj = cls(__auto_convert=False,
        obj._changed_fields = changed_fields
        if not _auto_dereference:
            obj._fields = fields

        return obj

    def _build_index_specs(cls, meta_indexes):
        """Generate and merge the full index specs

        geo_indices = cls._geo_indices()
        unique_indices = cls._unique_with_indexes()
        index_specs = [cls._build_index_spec(spec) for spec in meta_indexes]

        def merge_index_specs(index_specs, indices):
            if not indices:
                return index_specs

            spec_fields = [v['fields'] for k, v in enumerate(index_specs)]
            # Merge unique_indexes with existing specs
            for k, v in enumerate(indices):
                if v['fields'] in spec_fields:
            return index_specs

        index_specs = merge_index_specs(index_specs, geo_indices)
        index_specs = merge_index_specs(index_specs, unique_indices)
        return index_specs

    def _build_index_spec(cls, spec):
        """Build a PyMongo index spec from a MongoEngine index spec.
        if isinstance(spec, str):
            spec = {'fields': [spec]}
        elif isinstance(spec, (list, tuple)):
            spec = {'fields': list(spec)}
        elif isinstance(spec, dict):
            spec = dict(spec)

        index_list = []
        direction = None

        # Check to see if we need to include _cls
        allow_inheritance = cls._meta.get('allow_inheritance',
        include_cls = (allow_inheritance and not spec.get('sparse', False)
                       and spec.get('cls', True))

        # 733: don't include cls if index_cls is False unless there is an explicit cls with the index
        include_cls = include_cls and (spec.get('cls', False)
                                       or cls._meta.get('index_cls', True))
        if "cls" in spec:
        for key in spec['fields']:
            # If inherited spec continue
            if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):

            # ASCENDING from +
            # DESCENDING from -
            # GEO2D from *
            # TEXT from $
            direction = pymongo.ASCENDING
            if key.startswith("-"):
                direction = pymongo.DESCENDING
            elif key.startswith("*"):
                direction = pymongo.GEO2D
            elif key.startswith("$"):
                direction = pymongo.TEXT
            if key.startswith(("+", "-", "*", "$")):
                key = key[1:]

            # Use real field name, do it manually because we need field
            # objects for the next part (list field checking)
            parts = key.split('.')
            if parts in (['pk'], ['id'], ['_id']):
                key = '_id'
                fields = []
                fields = cls._lookup_field(parts)
                parts = []
                for field in fields:
                        if field != "_id":
                            field = field.db_field
                    except AttributeError:
                key = '.'.join(parts)
            index_list.append((key, direction))

        # Don't add cls to a geo index
        if include_cls and direction is not pymongo.GEO2D:
            index_list.insert(0, ('_cls', 1))

        if index_list:
            spec['fields'] = index_list
        if spec.get('sparse', False) and len(spec['fields']) > 1:
            raise ValueError('Sparse indexes can only have one field in them. '
                             'See https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-2193')

        return spec

    def _unique_with_indexes(cls, namespace=""):
        Find and set unique indexes
        unique_indexes = []
        for field_name, field in list(cls._fields.items()):
            sparse = field.sparse
            # Generate a list of indexes needed by uniqueness constraints
            if field.unique:
                unique_fields = [field.db_field]

                # Add any unique_with fields to the back of the index spec
                if field.unique_with:
                    if isinstance(field.unique_with, str):
                        field.unique_with = [field.unique_with]

                    # Convert unique_with field names to real field names
                    unique_with = []
                    for other_name in field.unique_with:
                        parts = other_name.split('.')
                        # Lookup real name
                        parts = cls._lookup_field(parts)
                        name_parts = [part.db_field for part in parts]
                        # Unique field should be required
                        parts[-1].required = True
                        sparse = (not sparse
                                  and parts[-1].name not in cls.__dict__)
                    unique_fields += unique_with

                # Add the new index to the list
                fields = [("%s%s" % (namespace, f), pymongo.ASCENDING)
                          for f in unique_fields]
                index = {'fields': fields, 'unique': True, 'sparse': sparse}

            if field.__class__.__name__ == "ListField":
                field = field.field

            # Grab any embedded document field unique indexes
            if (field.__class__.__name__ == "EmbeddedDocumentField"
                    and field.document_type != cls):
                field_namespace = "%s." % field_name
                doc_cls = field.document_type
                unique_indexes += doc_cls._unique_with_indexes(field_namespace)

        return unique_indexes

    def _geo_indices(cls, inspected=None, parent_field=None):
        inspected = inspected or []
        geo_indices = []

        geo_field_type_names = [
            "EmbeddedDocumentField", "GeoPointField", "PointField",
            "LineStringField", "PolygonField"

        geo_field_types = tuple(
            [_import_class(field) for field in geo_field_type_names])

        for field in list(cls._fields.values()):
            if not isinstance(field, geo_field_types):
            if hasattr(field, 'document_type'):
                field_cls = field.document_type
                if field_cls in inspected:
                if hasattr(field_cls, '_geo_indices'):
                    geo_indices += field_cls._geo_indices(
                        inspected, parent_field=field.db_field)
            elif field._geo_index:
                field_name = field.db_field
                if parent_field:
                    field_name = "%s.%s" % (parent_field, field_name)
                    {'fields': [(field_name, field._geo_index)]})
        return geo_indices

    def _lookup_field(cls, parts):
        """Lookup a field based on its attribute and return a list containing
        the field's parents and the field.

        ListField = _import_class("ListField")

        if not isinstance(parts, (list, tuple)):
            parts = [parts]
        fields = []
        field = None

        for field_name in parts:
            # Handle ListField indexing:
            if field_name.isdigit() and isinstance(field, ListField):
                new_field = field.field

            if field is None:
                # Look up first field from the document
                if field_name == 'pk':
                    # Deal with "primary key" alias
                    field_name = cls._meta['id_field']
                if field_name in cls._fields:
                    field = cls._fields[field_name]
                elif cls._dynamic:
                    DynamicField = _import_class('DynamicField')
                    field = DynamicField(db_field=field_name)
                elif cls._meta.get("allow_inheritance",
                                   False) or cls._meta.get("abstract", False):
                    # 744: in case the field is defined in a subclass
                    field = None
                    for subcls in cls.__subclasses__():
                            field = subcls._lookup_field([field_name])[0]
                        except LookUpError:

                        if field is not None:
                        raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"' %
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"' % field_name)
                ReferenceField = _import_class('ReferenceField')
                GenericReferenceField = _import_class('GenericReferenceField')
                if isinstance(field, (ReferenceField, GenericReferenceField)):
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot perform join in mongoDB: %s' %
                if hasattr(getattr(field, 'field', None), 'lookup_member'):
                    new_field = field.field.lookup_member(field_name)
                    # Look up subfield on the previous field
                    new_field = field.lookup_member(field_name)
                if not new_field and isinstance(field, ComplexBaseField):
                    if hasattr(field.field, 'document_type') and cls._dynamic \
                            and field.field.document_type._dynamic:
                        DynamicField = _import_class('DynamicField')
                        new_field = DynamicField(db_field=field_name)
                elif not new_field and hasattr(field, 'document_type') and cls._dynamic \
                        and field.document_type._dynamic:
                    DynamicField = _import_class('DynamicField')
                    new_field = DynamicField(db_field=field_name)
                elif not new_field:
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"' % field_name)
                field = new_field  # update field to the new field type
        return fields

    def _translate_field_name(cls, field, sep='.'):
        """Translate a field attribute name to a database field name.
        parts = field.split(sep)
        parts = [f.db_field for f in cls._lookup_field(parts)]
        return '.'.join(parts)

    def __set_field_display(self):
        """Dynamically set the display value for a field with choices"""
        for attr_name, field in list(self._fields.items()):
            if field.choices:
                if self._dynamic:
                    obj = self
                    obj = type(self)
                setattr(obj, 'get_%s_display' % attr_name,
                        partial(self.__get_field_display, field=field))

    def __get_field_display(self, field):
        """Returns the display value for a choice field"""
        value = getattr(self, field.name)
        if field.choices and isinstance(field.choices[0], (list, tuple)):
            return dict(field.choices).get(value, value)
        return value
Example #13
    def _command(self,
        """Internal command helper.

        if isinstance(command, basestring):
            command = SON([(command, value)])

        command_name = command.keys()[0].lower()
        must_use_master = kwargs.pop('_use_master', False)
        if command_name not in rp.secondary_ok_commands:
            must_use_master = True

        # Special-case: mapreduce can go to secondaries only if inline
        if command_name == 'mapreduce':
            out = command.get('out') or kwargs.get('out')
            if not isinstance(out, dict) or not out.get('inline'):
                must_use_master = True

        # Special-case: aggregate with $out cannot go to secondaries.
        if command_name == 'aggregate':
            for stage in kwargs.get('pipeline', []):
                if '$out' in stage:
                    must_use_master = True

        extra_opts = {
            'as_class': kwargs.pop('as_class', None),
            'slave_okay': kwargs.pop('slave_okay', self.slave_okay),
            '_must_use_master': must_use_master,
            '_uuid_subtype': uuid_subtype

        extra_opts['read_preference'] = kwargs.pop('read_preference',
        extra_opts['tag_sets'] = kwargs.pop('tag_sets', self.tag_sets)
        extra_opts['secondary_acceptable_latency_ms'] = kwargs.pop(
        extra_opts['compile_re'] = compile_re

        fields = kwargs.get('fields')
        if fields is not None and not isinstance(fields, dict):
            kwargs['fields'] = helpers._fields_list_to_dict(fields)


        # Warn if must_use_master will override read_preference.
        if (extra_opts['read_preference'] != rp.ReadPreference.PRIMARY
                and extra_opts['_must_use_master']):
                "%s does not support %s read preference "
                "and will be routed to the primary instead." %
                (command_name, rp.modes[extra_opts['read_preference']]),

        cursor = self["$cmd"].find(command, **extra_opts).limit(-1)
        for doc in cursor:
            result = doc

        if check:
            msg = "command %s failed: %%s" % repr(command).replace("%", "%%")
            helpers._check_command_response(result, self.connection.disconnect,
                                            msg, allowable_errors)

        return result, cursor.conn_id
Example #14
    def _command(self, command, value=1,
                 check=True, allowable_errors=None,
                 uuid_subtype=OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE, compile_re=True, **kwargs):
        """Internal command helper.

        if isinstance(command, str):
            command = SON([(command, value)])

        command_name = list(command.keys())[0].lower()
        must_use_master = kwargs.pop('_use_master', False)
        if command_name not in secondary_ok_commands:
            must_use_master = True

        # Special-case: mapreduce can go to secondaries only if inline
        if command_name == 'mapreduce':
            out = command.get('out') or kwargs.get('out')
            if not isinstance(out, dict) or not out.get('inline'):
                must_use_master = True

        # Special-case: aggregate with $out cannot go to secondaries.
        if command_name == 'aggregate':
            for stage in kwargs.get('pipeline', []):
                if '$out' in stage:
                    must_use_master = True

        extra_opts = {
            'as_class': kwargs.pop('as_class', None),
            'slave_okay': kwargs.pop('slave_okay', self.slave_okay),
            '_must_use_master': must_use_master,
            '_uuid_subtype': uuid_subtype

        extra_opts['read_preference'] = kwargs.pop(
        extra_opts['tag_sets'] = kwargs.pop(
        extra_opts['secondary_acceptable_latency_ms'] = kwargs.pop(
        extra_opts['compile_re'] = compile_re

        fields = kwargs.get('fields')
        if fields is not None and not isinstance(fields, dict):
            kwargs['fields'] = helpers._fields_list_to_dict(fields)


        # Warn if must_use_master will override read_preference.
        if (extra_opts['read_preference'] != ReadPreference.PRIMARY and
            warnings.warn("%s does not support %s read preference "
                          "and will be routed to the primary instead." %
                          UserWarning, stacklevel=3)

        cursor = self["$cmd"].find(command, **extra_opts).limit(-1)
        for doc in cursor:
            result = doc

        if check:
            msg = "command %s failed: %%s" % repr(command).replace("%", "%%")
            helpers._check_command_response(result, self.connection.disconnect,
                                            msg, allowable_errors)

        return result, cursor.conn_id
Example #15
class BaseDocument(object):
    __slots__ = ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created', '_data',
                 '_dynamic_fields', '_auto_id_field', '_db_field_map',

    _dynamic = False
    _dynamic_lock = True
    STRICT = False

    def __init__(self, *args, **values):
        Initialise a document or embedded document

        :param __auto_convert: Try and will cast python objects to Object types
        :param values: A dictionary of values for the document
        self._initialised = False
        self._created = True
        if args:
            # Combine positional arguments with named arguments.
            # We only want named arguments.
            field = iter(self._fields_ordered)
            # If its an automatic id field then skip to the first defined field
            if getattr(self, '_auto_id_field', False):
            for value in args:
                name = next(field)
                if name in values:
                    raise TypeError(
                        'Multiple values for keyword argument "%s"' % name)
                values[name] = value

        __auto_convert = values.pop('__auto_convert', True)

        # 399: set default values only to fields loaded from DB
        __only_fields = set(values.pop('__only_fields', values))

        _created = values.pop('_created', True)

        signals.pre_init.send(self.__class__, document=self, values=values)

        # Check if there are undefined fields supplied to the constructor,
        # if so raise an Exception.
        if not self._dynamic and (self._meta.get('strict', True) or _created):
            _undefined_fields = set(values.keys()) - set(
                list(self._fields.keys()) +
                ['id', 'pk', '_cls', '_text_score'])
            if _undefined_fields:
                msg = ('The fields "{0}" do not exist on the document "{1}"'
                       ).format(_undefined_fields, self._class_name)
                raise FieldDoesNotExist(msg)

        if self.STRICT and not self._dynamic:
            self._data = StrictDict.create(allowed_keys=self._fields_ordered)()
            self._data = {}

        self._dynamic_fields = SON()

        # Assign default values to instance
        for key, field in self._fields.items():
            if self._db_field_map.get(key, key) in __only_fields:
            value = getattr(self, key, None)
            setattr(self, key, value)

        if '_cls' not in values:
            self._cls = self._class_name

        # Set passed values after initialisation
        if self._dynamic:
            dynamic_data = {}
            for key, value in values.items():
                if key in self._fields or key == '_id':
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                elif self._dynamic:
                    dynamic_data[key] = value
            FileField = _import_class('FileField')
            for key, value in values.items():
                if key == '__auto_convert':
                key = self._reverse_db_field_map.get(key, key)
                if key in self._fields or key in ('id', 'pk', '_cls'):
                    if __auto_convert and value is not None:
                        field = self._fields.get(key)
                        if field and not isinstance(field, FileField):
                            value = field.to_python(value)
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                    self._data[key] = value

        # Set any get_<field>_display methods

        if self._dynamic:
            self._dynamic_lock = False
            for key, value in dynamic_data.items():
                setattr(self, key, value)

        # Flag initialised
        self._initialised = True
        self._created = _created
        signals.post_init.send(self.__class__, document=self)

    def __delattr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle deletions of fields"""
        field_name = args[0]
        if field_name in self._fields:
            default = self._fields[field_name].default
            if isinstance(default, collections.Callable):
                default = default()
            setattr(self, field_name, default)
            super(BaseDocument, self).__delattr__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        # Handle dynamic data only if an initialised dynamic document
        if self._dynamic and not self._dynamic_lock:

            if not hasattr(self, name) and not name.startswith('_'):
                DynamicField = _import_class('DynamicField')
                field = DynamicField(db_field=name)
                field.name = name
                self._dynamic_fields[name] = field
                self._fields_ordered += (name, )

            if not name.startswith('_'):
                value = self.__expand_dynamic_values(name, value)

            # Handle marking data as changed
            if name in self._dynamic_fields:
                self._data[name] = value
                if hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):
            self__created = self._created
        except AttributeError:
            self__created = True

        if (self._is_document and not self__created
                and name in self._meta.get('shard_key', tuple())
                and self._data.get(name) != value):
            msg = 'Shard Keys are immutable. Tried to update %s' % name
            raise OperationError(msg)

            self__initialised = self._initialised
        except AttributeError:
            self__initialised = False
        # Check if the user has created a new instance of a class
        if (self._is_document and self__initialised and self__created
                and name == self._meta.get('id_field')):
            super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__('_created', False)

        super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__(name, value)

    def __getstate__(self):
        data = {}
        for k in ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created',
                  '_dynamic_fields', '_fields_ordered'):
            if hasattr(self, k):
                data[k] = getattr(self, k)
        data['_data'] = self.to_mongo()
        return data

    def __setstate__(self, data):
        if isinstance(data['_data'], SON):
            data['_data'] = self.__class__._from_son(data['_data'])._data
        for k in ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created', '_data',
            if k in data:
                setattr(self, k, data[k])
        if '_fields_ordered' in data:
            if self._dynamic:
                setattr(self, '_fields_ordered', data['_fields_ordered'])
                _super_fields_ordered = type(self)._fields_ordered
                setattr(self, '_fields_ordered', _super_fields_ordered)

        dynamic_fields = data.get('_dynamic_fields') or SON()
        for k in list(dynamic_fields.keys()):
            setattr(self, k, data['_data'].get(k))

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._fields_ordered)

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        """Dictionary-style field access, return a field's value if present.
            if name in self._fields_ordered:
                return getattr(self, name)
        except AttributeError:
        raise KeyError(name)

    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        """Dictionary-style field access, set a field's value.
        # Ensure that the field exists before settings its value
        if not self._dynamic and name not in self._fields:
            raise KeyError(name)
        return setattr(self, name, value)

    def __contains__(self, name):
            val = getattr(self, name)
            return val is not None
        except AttributeError:
            return False

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._data)

    def __repr__(self):
            u = self.__str__()
        except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
            u = '[Bad Unicode data]'
        repr_type = str if u is None else type(u)
        return repr_type('<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, u))

    def __str__(self):
        # TODO this could be simpler?
        if hasattr(self, '__unicode__'):
            if six.PY3:
                return self.__unicode__()
                return six.text_type(self).encode('utf-8')
        return six.text_type('%s object' % self.__class__.__name__)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__) and hasattr(
                other, 'id') and other.id is not None:
            return self.id == other.id
        if isinstance(other, DBRef):
            return self._get_collection_name(
            ) == other.collection and self.id == other.id
        if self.id is None:
            return self is other
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def clean(self):
        Hook for doing document level data cleaning before validation is run.

        Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with
        a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the
        field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.

    def get_text_score(self):
        Get text score from text query

        if '_text_score' not in self._data:
            raise InvalidDocumentError(
                'This document is not originally built from a text query')

        return self._data['_text_score']

    def to_mongo(self, use_db_field=True, fields=None):
        Return as SON data ready for use with MongoDB.
        if not fields:
            fields = []

        data = SON()
        data['_id'] = None
        data['_cls'] = self._class_name

        # only root fields ['test1.a', 'test2'] => ['test1', 'test2']
        root_fields = set([f.split('.')[0] for f in fields])

        for field_name in self:
            if root_fields and field_name not in root_fields:

            value = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)

            if field is None and self._dynamic:
                field = self._dynamic_fields.get(field_name)

            if value is not None:
                f_inputs = field.to_mongo.__code__.co_varnames
                ex_vars = {}
                if fields and 'fields' in f_inputs:
                    key = '%s.' % field_name
                    embedded_fields = [
                        i.replace(key, '') for i in fields if i.startswith(key)

                    ex_vars['fields'] = embedded_fields

                if 'use_db_field' in f_inputs:
                    ex_vars['use_db_field'] = use_db_field

                value = field.to_mongo(value, **ex_vars)

            # Handle self generating fields
            if value is None and field._auto_gen:
                value = field.generate()
                self._data[field_name] = value

            if value is not None:
                if use_db_field:
                    data[field.db_field] = value
                    data[field.name] = value

        # Only add _cls if allow_inheritance is True
        if not self._meta.get('allow_inheritance'):

        return data

    def validate(self, clean=True):
        """Ensure that all fields' values are valid and that required fields
        are present.
        # Ensure that each field is matched to a valid value
        errors = {}
        if clean:
            except ValidationError as error:
                errors[NON_FIELD_ERRORS] = error

        # Get a list of tuples of field names and their current values
        fields = [(self._fields.get(name, self._dynamic_fields.get(name)),
                   self._data.get(name)) for name in self._fields_ordered]

        EmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class('EmbeddedDocumentField')
        GenericEmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class(

        for field, value in fields:
            if value is not None:
                    if isinstance(
                        (EmbeddedDocumentField, GenericEmbeddedDocumentField)):
                        field._validate(value, clean=clean)
                except ValidationError as error:
                    errors[field.name] = error.errors or error
                except (ValueError, AttributeError, AssertionError) as error:
                    errors[field.name] = error
            elif field.required and not getattr(field, '_auto_gen', False):
                errors[field.name] = ValidationError('Field is required',

        if errors:
            pk = 'None'
            if hasattr(self, 'pk'):
                pk = self.pk
            elif self._instance and hasattr(self._instance, 'pk'):
                pk = self._instance.pk
            message = 'ValidationError (%s:%s) ' % (self._class_name, pk)
            raise ValidationError(message, errors=errors)

    def to_json(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Convert this document to JSON.

        :param use_db_field: Serialize field names as they appear in
            MongoDB (as opposed to attribute names on this document).
            Defaults to True.
        use_db_field = kwargs.pop('use_db_field', True)
        return json_util.dumps(self.to_mongo(use_db_field), *args, **kwargs)

    def from_json(cls, json_data, created=False):
        """Converts json data to an unsaved document instance"""
        return cls._from_son(json_util.loads(json_data), created=created)

    def __expand_dynamic_values(self, name, value):
        """Expand any dynamic values to their correct types / values."""
        if not isinstance(value, (dict, list, tuple)):
            return value

        # If the value is a dict with '_cls' in it, turn it into a document
        is_dict = isinstance(value, dict)
        if is_dict and '_cls' in value:
            cls = get_document(value['_cls'])
            return cls(**value)

        if is_dict:
            value = {
                k: self.__expand_dynamic_values(k, v)
                for k, v in list(value.items())
            value = [self.__expand_dynamic_values(name, v) for v in value]

        # Convert lists / values so we can watch for any changes on them
        EmbeddedDocumentListField = _import_class('EmbeddedDocumentListField')
        if (isinstance(value, (list, tuple))
                and not isinstance(value, BaseList)):
            if issubclass(type(self), EmbeddedDocumentListField):
                value = EmbeddedDocumentList(value, self, name)
                value = BaseList(value, self, name)
        elif isinstance(value, dict) and not isinstance(value, BaseDict):
            value = BaseDict(value, self, name)

        return value

    def _mark_as_changed(self, key):
        """Mark a key as explicitly changed by the user."""
        if not key:

        if not hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):

        if '.' in key:
            key, rest = key.split('.', 1)
            key = self._db_field_map.get(key, key)
            key = '%s.%s' % (key, rest)
            key = self._db_field_map.get(key, key)

        if key not in self._changed_fields:
            levels, idx = key.split('.'), 1
            while idx <= len(levels):
                if '.'.join(levels[:idx]) in self._changed_fields:
                idx += 1
                # remove lower level changed fields
                level = '.'.join(levels[:idx]) + '.'
                remove = self._changed_fields.remove
                for field in self._changed_fields[:]:
                    if field.startswith(level):

    def _clear_changed_fields(self):
        """Using _get_changed_fields iterate and remove any fields that
        are marked as changed.
        for changed in self._get_changed_fields():
            parts = changed.split('.')
            data = self
            for part in parts:
                if isinstance(data, list):
                        data = data[int(part)]
                    except IndexError:
                        data = None
                elif isinstance(data, dict):
                    data = data.get(part, None)
                    data = getattr(data, part, None)

                if hasattr(data, '_changed_fields'):
                    if getattr(data, '_is_document', False):

                    data._changed_fields = []

        self._changed_fields = []

    def _nestable_types_changed_fields(self, changed_fields, key, data,
        # Loop list / dict fields as they contain documents
        # Determine the iterator to use
        if not hasattr(data, 'items'):
            iterator = enumerate(data)
            iterator = iter(data.items())

        for index, value in iterator:
            list_key = '%s%s.' % (key, index)
            # don't check anything lower if this key is already marked
            # as changed.
            if list_key[:-1] in changed_fields:
            if hasattr(value, '_get_changed_fields'):
                changed = value._get_changed_fields(inspected)
                changed_fields += [
                    '%s%s' % (list_key, k) for k in changed if k
            elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple, dict)):
                self._nestable_types_changed_fields(changed_fields, list_key,
                                                    value, inspected)

    def _get_changed_fields(self, inspected=None):
        """Return a list of all fields that have explicitly been changed.
        EmbeddedDocument = _import_class('EmbeddedDocument')
        DynamicEmbeddedDocument = _import_class('DynamicEmbeddedDocument')
        ReferenceField = _import_class('ReferenceField')
        SortedListField = _import_class('SortedListField')

        changed_fields = []
        changed_fields += getattr(self, '_changed_fields', [])

        inspected = inspected or set()
        if hasattr(self, 'id') and isinstance(self.id, Hashable):
            if self.id in inspected:
                return changed_fields

        for field_name in self._fields_ordered:
            db_field_name = self._db_field_map.get(field_name, field_name)
            key = '%s.' % db_field_name
            data = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)

            if hasattr(data, 'id'):
                if data.id in inspected:
            if isinstance(field, ReferenceField):
            elif (isinstance(data, (EmbeddedDocument, DynamicEmbeddedDocument))
                  and db_field_name not in changed_fields):
                # Find all embedded fields that have been changed
                changed = data._get_changed_fields(inspected)
                changed_fields += ['%s%s' % (key, k) for k in changed if k]
            elif (isinstance(data, (list, tuple, dict))
                  and db_field_name not in changed_fields):
                if (hasattr(field, 'field')
                        and isinstance(field.field, ReferenceField)):
                elif isinstance(field, SortedListField) and field._ordering:
                    # if ordering is affected whole list is changed
                    if any(
                        [field._ordering in d._changed_fields for d in data]):

                self._nestable_types_changed_fields(changed_fields, key, data,
        return changed_fields

    def _delta(self):
        """Returns the delta (set, unset) of the changes for a document.
        Gets any values that have been explicitly changed.
        # Handles cases where not loaded from_son but has _id
        doc = self.to_mongo()

        set_fields = self._get_changed_fields()
        unset_data = {}
        parts = []
        if hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):
            set_data = {}
            # Fetch each set item from its path
            for path in set_fields:
                parts = path.split('.')
                d = doc
                new_path = []
                for p in parts:
                    if isinstance(d, (ObjectId, DBRef)):
                    elif isinstance(d, list) and p.lstrip('-').isdigit():
                        if p[0] == '-':
                            p = str(len(d) + int(p))
                            d = d[int(p)]
                        except IndexError:
                            d = None
                    elif hasattr(d, 'get'):
                        d = d.get(p)
                path = '.'.join(new_path)
                set_data[path] = d
            set_data = doc
            if '_id' in set_data:
                del set_data['_id']

        # Determine if any changed items were actually unset.
        for path, value in list(set_data.items()):
            if value or isinstance(value, (numbers.Number, bool)):

            # If we've set a value that ain't the default value don't unset it.
            default = None
            if (self._dynamic and len(parts)
                    and parts[0] in self._dynamic_fields):
                del set_data[path]
                unset_data[path] = 1
            elif path in self._fields:
                default = self._fields[path].default
            else:  # Perform a full lookup for lists / embedded lookups
                d = self
                parts = path.split('.')
                db_field_name = parts.pop()
                for p in parts:
                    if isinstance(d, list) and p.lstrip('-').isdigit():
                        if p[0] == '-':
                            p = str(len(d) + int(p))
                        d = d[int(p)]
                    elif (hasattr(d, '__getattribute__')
                          and not isinstance(d, dict)):
                        real_path = d._reverse_db_field_map.get(p, p)
                        d = getattr(d, real_path)
                        d = d.get(p)

                if hasattr(d, '_fields'):
                    field_name = d._reverse_db_field_map.get(
                        db_field_name, db_field_name)
                    if field_name in d._fields:
                        default = d._fields.get(field_name).default
                        default = None

            if default is not None:
                if isinstance(default, collections.Callable):
                    default = default()

            if default != value:

            del set_data[path]
            unset_data[path] = 1
        return set_data, unset_data

    def _get_collection_name(cls):
        """Return the collection name for this class. None for abstract
        return cls._meta.get('collection', None)

    def _from_son(cls,
        """Create an instance of a Document (subclass) from a PyMongo
        if not only_fields:
            only_fields = []

        if son and not isinstance(son, dict):
            raise ValueError(
                "The source SON object needs to be of type 'dict'")

        # Get the class name from the document, falling back to the given
        # class if unavailable
        class_name = son.get('_cls', cls._class_name)

        # Convert SON to a data dict, making sure each key is a string and
        # corresponds to the right db field.
        data = {}
        for key, value in son.items():
            key = str(key)
            key = cls._db_field_map.get(key, key)
            data[key] = value

        # Return correct subclass for document type
        if class_name != cls._class_name:
            cls = get_document(class_name)

        changed_fields = []
        errors_dict = {}

        fields = cls._fields
        if not _auto_dereference:
            fields = copy.copy(fields)

        for field_name, field in fields.items():
            field._auto_dereference = _auto_dereference
            if field.db_field in data:
                value = data[field.db_field]
                    data[field_name] = (value if value is None else
                    if field_name != field.db_field:
                        del data[field.db_field]
                except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e:
                    errors_dict[field_name] = e

        if errors_dict:
            errors = '\n'.join(
                ['%s - %s' % (k, v) for k, v in list(errors_dict.items())])
            msg = ('Invalid data to create a `%s` instance.\n%s' %
                   (cls._class_name, errors))
            raise InvalidDocumentError(msg)

        # In STRICT documents, remove any keys that aren't in cls._fields
        if cls.STRICT:
            data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k in cls._fields}

        obj = cls(__auto_convert=False,
        obj._changed_fields = changed_fields
        if not _auto_dereference:
            obj._fields = fields

        return obj

    def _build_index_specs(cls, meta_indexes):
        """Generate and merge the full index specs."""
        geo_indices = cls._geo_indices()
        unique_indices = cls._unique_with_indexes()
        index_specs = [cls._build_index_spec(spec) for spec in meta_indexes]

        def merge_index_specs(index_specs, indices):
            """Helper method for merging index specs."""
            if not indices:
                return index_specs

            # Create a map of index fields to index spec. We're converting
            # the fields from a list to a tuple so that it's hashable.
            spec_fields = {
                tuple(index['fields']): index
                for index in index_specs

            # For each new index, if there's an existing index with the same
            # fields list, update the existing spec with all data from the
            # new spec.
            for new_index in indices:
                candidate = spec_fields.get(tuple(new_index['fields']))
                if candidate is None:

            return index_specs

        # Merge geo indexes and unique_with indexes into the meta index specs.
        index_specs = merge_index_specs(index_specs, geo_indices)
        index_specs = merge_index_specs(index_specs, unique_indices)
        return index_specs

    def _build_index_spec(cls, spec):
        """Build a PyMongo index spec from a MongoEngine index spec."""
        if isinstance(spec, six.string_types):
            spec = {'fields': [spec]}
        elif isinstance(spec, (list, tuple)):
            spec = {'fields': list(spec)}
        elif isinstance(spec, dict):
            spec = dict(spec)

        index_list = []
        direction = None

        # Check to see if we need to include _cls
        allow_inheritance = cls._meta.get('allow_inheritance')
        include_cls = (allow_inheritance and not spec.get('sparse', False)
                       and spec.get('cls', True)
                       and '_cls' not in spec['fields'])

        # 733: don't include cls if index_cls is False unless there is an explicit cls with the index
        include_cls = include_cls and (spec.get('cls', False)
                                       or cls._meta.get('index_cls', True))
        if 'cls' in spec:
        for key in spec['fields']:
            # If inherited spec continue
            if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):

            # ASCENDING from +
            # DESCENDING from -
            # TEXT from $
            # HASHED from #
            # GEOSPHERE from (
            # GEOHAYSTACK from )
            # GEO2D from *
            direction = pymongo.ASCENDING
            if key.startswith('-'):
                direction = pymongo.DESCENDING
            elif key.startswith('$'):
                direction = pymongo.TEXT
            elif key.startswith('#'):
                direction = pymongo.HASHED
            elif key.startswith('('):
                direction = pymongo.GEOSPHERE
            elif key.startswith(')'):
                direction = pymongo.GEOHAYSTACK
            elif key.startswith('*'):
                direction = pymongo.GEO2D
            if key.startswith(('+', '-', '*', '$', '#', '(', ')')):
                key = key[1:]

            # Use real field name, do it manually because we need field
            # objects for the next part (list field checking)
            parts = key.split('.')
            if parts in (['pk'], ['id'], ['_id']):
                key = '_id'
                fields = cls._lookup_field(parts)
                parts = []
                for field in fields:
                        if field != '_id':
                            field = field.db_field
                    except AttributeError:
                key = '.'.join(parts)
            index_list.append((key, direction))

        # Don't add cls to a geo index
        if include_cls and direction not in (pymongo.GEO2D,
            index_list.insert(0, ('_cls', 1))

        if index_list:
            spec['fields'] = index_list

        return spec

    def _unique_with_indexes(cls, namespace=''):
        """Find unique indexes in the document schema and return them."""
        unique_indexes = []
        for field_name, field in list(cls._fields.items()):
            sparse = field.sparse

            # Generate a list of indexes needed by uniqueness constraints
            if field.unique:
                unique_fields = [field.db_field]

                # Add any unique_with fields to the back of the index spec
                if field.unique_with:
                    if isinstance(field.unique_with, six.string_types):
                        field.unique_with = [field.unique_with]

                    # Convert unique_with field names to real field names
                    unique_with = []
                    for other_name in field.unique_with:
                        parts = other_name.split('.')

                        # Lookup real name
                        parts = cls._lookup_field(parts)
                        name_parts = [part.db_field for part in parts]

                        # Unique field should be required
                        parts[-1].required = True
                        sparse = (not sparse
                                  and parts[-1].name not in cls.__dict__)

                    unique_fields += unique_with

                # Add the new index to the list
                fields = [('%s%s' % (namespace, f), pymongo.ASCENDING)
                          for f in unique_fields]
                index = {'fields': fields, 'unique': True, 'sparse': sparse}

            if field.__class__.__name__ == 'ListField':
                field = field.field

            # Grab any embedded document field unique indexes
            if (field.__class__.__name__ == 'EmbeddedDocumentField'
                    and field.document_type != cls):
                field_namespace = '%s.' % field_name
                doc_cls = field.document_type
                unique_indexes += doc_cls._unique_with_indexes(field_namespace)

        return unique_indexes

    def _geo_indices(cls, inspected=None, parent_field=None):
        inspected = inspected or []
        geo_indices = []

        geo_field_type_names = ('EmbeddedDocumentField', 'GeoPointField',
                                'PointField', 'LineStringField',

        geo_field_types = tuple(
            [_import_class(field) for field in geo_field_type_names])

        for field in list(cls._fields.values()):
            if not isinstance(field, geo_field_types):

            if hasattr(field, 'document_type'):
                field_cls = field.document_type
                if field_cls in inspected:

                if hasattr(field_cls, '_geo_indices'):
                    geo_indices += field_cls._geo_indices(
                        inspected, parent_field=field.db_field)
            elif field._geo_index:
                field_name = field.db_field
                if parent_field:
                    field_name = '%s.%s' % (parent_field, field_name)
                    {'fields': [(field_name, field._geo_index)]})

        return geo_indices

    def _lookup_field(cls, parts):
        """Given the path to a given field, return a list containing
        the Field object associated with that field and all of its parent
        Field objects.

            parts (str, list, or tuple) - path to the field. Should be a
            string for simple fields existing on this document or a list
            of strings for a field that exists deeper in embedded documents.

            A list of Field instances for fields that were found or
            strings for sub-fields that weren't.

            >>> user._lookup_field('name')
            [<mongoengine.fields.StringField at 0x1119bff50>]

            >>> user._lookup_field('roles')
            [<mongoengine.fields.EmbeddedDocumentListField at 0x1119ec250>]

            >>> user._lookup_field(['roles', 'role'])
            [<mongoengine.fields.EmbeddedDocumentListField at 0x1119ec250>,
             <mongoengine.fields.StringField at 0x1119ec050>]

            >>> user._lookup_field('doesnt_exist')
            raises LookUpError

            >>> user._lookup_field(['roles', 'doesnt_exist'])
            [<mongoengine.fields.EmbeddedDocumentListField at 0x1119ec250>,

        # TODO this method is WAY too complicated. Simplify it.
        # TODO don't think returning a string for embedded non-existent fields is desired

        ListField = _import_class('ListField')
        DynamicField = _import_class('DynamicField')

        if not isinstance(parts, (list, tuple)):
            parts = [parts]

        fields = []
        field = None

        for field_name in parts:
            # Handle ListField indexing:
            if field_name.isdigit() and isinstance(field, ListField):

            # Look up first field from the document
            if field is None:
                if field_name == 'pk':
                    # Deal with "primary key" alias
                    field_name = cls._meta['id_field']

                if field_name in cls._fields:
                    field = cls._fields[field_name]
                elif cls._dynamic:
                    field = DynamicField(db_field=field_name)
                elif cls._meta.get('allow_inheritance') or cls._meta.get(
                        'abstract', False):
                    # 744: in case the field is defined in a subclass
                    for subcls in cls.__subclasses__():
                            field = subcls._lookup_field([field_name])[0]
                        except LookUpError:

                        if field is not None:
                        raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"' %
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"' % field_name)
                ReferenceField = _import_class('ReferenceField')
                GenericReferenceField = _import_class('GenericReferenceField')

                # If previous field was a reference, throw an error (we
                # cannot look up fields that are on references).
                if isinstance(field, (ReferenceField, GenericReferenceField)):
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot perform join in mongoDB: %s' %

                # If the parent field has a "field" attribute which has a
                # lookup_member method, call it to find the field
                # corresponding to this iteration.
                if hasattr(getattr(field, 'field', None), 'lookup_member'):
                    new_field = field.field.lookup_member(field_name)

                # If the parent field is a DynamicField or if it's part of
                # a DynamicDocument, mark current field as a DynamicField
                # with db_name equal to the field name.
                elif cls._dynamic and (isinstance(field, DynamicField)
                                       or getattr(
                                           getattr(field, 'document_type',
                                                   None), '_dynamic', None)):
                    new_field = DynamicField(db_field=field_name)

                # Else, try to use the parent field's lookup_member method
                # to find the subfield.
                elif hasattr(field, 'lookup_member'):
                    new_field = field.lookup_member(field_name)

                # Raise a LookUpError if all the other conditions failed.
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve subfield or operator {} '
                                      'on the field {}'.format(
                                          field_name, field.name))

                # If current field still wasn't found and the parent field
                # is a ComplexBaseField, add the name current field name and
                # move on.
                if not new_field and isinstance(field, ComplexBaseField):
                elif not new_field:
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"' % field_name)

                field = new_field  # update field to the new field type


        return fields

    def _translate_field_name(cls, field, sep='.'):
        """Translate a field attribute name to a database field name.
        parts = field.split(sep)
        parts = [f.db_field for f in cls._lookup_field(parts)]
        return '.'.join(parts)

    def __set_field_display(self):
        """For each field that specifies choices, create a
        get_<field>_display method.
        fields_with_choices = [(n, f) for n, f in list(self._fields.items())
                               if f.choices]
        for attr_name, field in fields_with_choices:
            setattr(self, 'get_%s_display' % attr_name,
                    partial(self.__get_field_display, field=field))

    def __get_field_display(self, field):
        """Return the display value for a choice field"""
        value = getattr(self, field.name)
        if field.choices and isinstance(field.choices[0], (list, tuple)):
            return dict(field.choices).get(value, value)
        return value
Example #16
    def command(self, command, value=1, check=True, allowable_errors=[], uuid_subtype=OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE, **kwargs):
        """Issue a MongoDB command.

        Send command `command` to the database and return the
        response. If `command` is an instance of :class:`basestring`
        (:class:`str` in python 3) then the command {`command`: `value`}
        will be sent. Otherwise, `command` must be an instance of
        :class:`dict` and will be sent as is.

        Any additional keyword arguments will be added to the final
        command document before it is sent.

        For example, a command like ``{buildinfo: 1}`` can be sent

        >>> db.command("buildinfo")

        For a command where the value matters, like ``{collstats:
        collection_name}`` we can do:

        >>> db.command("collstats", collection_name)

        For commands that take additional arguments we can use
        kwargs. So ``{filemd5: object_id, root: file_root}`` becomes:

        >>> db.command("filemd5", object_id, root=file_root)

          - `command`: document representing the command to be issued,
            or the name of the command (for simple commands only).

            .. note:: the order of keys in the `command` document is
               significant (the "verb" must come first), so commands
               which require multiple keys (e.g. `findandmodify`)
               should use an instance of :class:`~bson.son.SON` or
               a string and kwargs instead of a Python `dict`.

          - `value` (optional): value to use for the command verb when
            `command` is passed as a string
          - `check` (optional): check the response for errors, raising
            :class:`~pymongo.errors.OperationFailure` if there are any
          - `allowable_errors`: if `check` is ``True``, error messages
            in this list will be ignored by error-checking
          - `uuid_subtype` (optional): The BSON binary subtype to use
            for a UUID used in this command.
          - `read_preference`: The read preference for this connection.
            See :class:`~pymongo.read_preferences.ReadPreference` for available
          - `tag_sets`: Read from replica-set members with these tags.
            To specify a priority-order for tag sets, provide a list of
            tag sets: ``[{'dc': 'ny'}, {'dc': 'la'}, {}]``. A final, empty tag
            set, ``{}``, means "read from any member that matches the mode,
            ignoring tags." ReplicaSetConnection tries each set of tags in turn
            until it finds a set of tags with at least one matching member.
          - `secondary_acceptable_latency_ms`: Any replica-set member whose
            ping time is within secondary_acceptable_latency_ms of the nearest
            member may accept reads. Default 15 milliseconds.
          - `**kwargs` (optional): additional keyword arguments will
            be added to the command document before it is sent

        .. versionchanged:: 2.3
           Added `tag_sets` and `secondary_acceptable_latency_ms` options.
        .. versionchanged:: 2.2
           Added support for `as_class` - the class you want to use for
           the resulting documents
        .. versionchanged:: 1.6
           Added the `value` argument for string commands, and keyword
           arguments for additional command options.
        .. versionchanged:: 1.5
           `command` can be a string in addition to a full document.
        .. versionadded:: 1.4

        .. mongodoc:: commands

        if isinstance(command, basestring):
            command = SON([(command, value)])

        command_name = command.keys()[0].lower()
        must_use_master = kwargs.pop("_use_master", False)
        if command_name not in rp.secondary_ok_commands:
            must_use_master = True

        # Special-case: mapreduce can go to secondaries only if inline
        if command_name == "mapreduce":
            out = command.get("out") or kwargs.get("out")
            if not isinstance(out, dict) or not out.get("inline"):
                must_use_master = True

        extra_opts = {
            "as_class": kwargs.pop("as_class", None),
            "slave_okay": kwargs.pop("slave_okay", self.slave_okay),
            "_must_use_master": must_use_master,
            "_uuid_subtype": uuid_subtype,

        extra_opts["read_preference"] = kwargs.pop("read_preference", self.read_preference)
        extra_opts["tag_sets"] = kwargs.pop("tag_sets", self.tag_sets)
        extra_opts["secondary_acceptable_latency_ms"] = kwargs.pop(
            "secondary_acceptable_latency_ms", self.secondary_acceptable_latency_ms

        fields = kwargs.get("fields")
        if fields is not None and not isinstance(fields, dict):
            kwargs["fields"] = helpers._fields_list_to_dict(fields)


        result = self["$cmd"].find_one(command, **extra_opts)

        if check:
            msg = "command %s failed: %%s" % repr(command).replace("%", "%%")
            helpers._check_command_response(result, self.connection.disconnect, msg, allowable_errors)

        return result
Example #17
    def _command(self, command, value=1,
                 check=True, allowable_errors=None,
                 uuid_subtype=OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE, compile_re=True,
                 read_preference=None, codec_options=None, **kwargs):
        """Internal command helper.

        if isinstance(command, basestring):
            command = SON([(command, value)])

        command_name = command.keys()[0].lower()
        must_use_master = kwargs.pop('_use_master', False)
        if command_name not in secondary_ok_commands:
            must_use_master = True

        # Special-case: mapreduce can go to secondaries only if inline
        if command_name == 'mapreduce':
            out = command.get('out') or kwargs.get('out')
            if not isinstance(out, dict) or not out.get('inline'):
                must_use_master = True

        # Special-case: aggregate with $out cannot go to secondaries.
        if command_name == 'aggregate':
            for stage in kwargs.get('pipeline', []):
                if '$out' in stage:
                    must_use_master = True

        if codec_options is None or 'as_class' in kwargs:
            opts = {}
            if 'as_class' in kwargs:
                opts['document_class'] = kwargs.pop('as_class')
            # 'as_class' must be in kwargs so don't use document_class
            if codec_options:
                opts['tz_aware'] = codec_options.tz_aware
                opts['uuid_representation'] = codec_options.uuid_representation
                opts['uuid_representation'] = uuid_subtype
            codec_options = _CodecOptions(**opts)

        extra_opts = {
            'slave_okay': kwargs.pop('slave_okay', self.slave_okay),
            '_codec_options': codec_options,
            '_must_use_master': must_use_master,

        if isinstance(read_preference, _ServerMode):
            extra_opts['read_preference'] = read_preference.mode
            extra_opts['tag_sets'] = read_preference.tag_sets
            if read_preference is None:
                read_preference = self.read_preference
            extra_opts['read_preference'] = read_preference
            extra_opts['tag_sets'] = kwargs.pop(
        extra_opts['secondary_acceptable_latency_ms'] = kwargs.pop(
        extra_opts['compile_re'] = compile_re

        fields = kwargs.get('fields')
        if fields is not None and not isinstance(fields, dict):
            kwargs['fields'] = helpers._fields_list_to_dict(fields)


        # Warn if must_use_master will override read_preference.
        if (extra_opts['read_preference'] != ReadPreference.PRIMARY and
                extra_opts['_must_use_master'] and self.connection._rs_client):
            warnings.warn("%s does not support %s read preference "
                          "and will be routed to the primary instead." %
                          UserWarning, stacklevel=3)

        cursor = self["$cmd"].find(command, **extra_opts).limit(-1)
        for doc in cursor:
            result = doc

        if check:
            msg = "command %s on namespace %s failed: %%s" % (
                repr(command).replace("%", "%%"), self.name + '.$cmd')
            helpers._check_command_response(result, self.connection.disconnect,
                                            msg, allowable_errors)

        return result, cursor.conn_id