def __init__(self): self.person = Person() self.detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() self.font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX = '' = '' self.path = '/home/pi/prod/rec-facial/images/' self.old = '/home/pi/prod/rec-facial/images/old/' self.models = { 'rasp': [ '/home/pi/prod/rec-facial/models/codes.npy', '/home/pi/prod/rec-facial/models/images.npy', '/home/pi/prod/rec-facial/models/names.npy' ], 'pc': [ './models/codes.npy', './models/images.npy', './models/names.npy' ] } self.color = (255, 255, 0) self.white = (255, 255, 255) self.resize = 480 self.board = BoardSerial() self.timeout = 180 self.timestamp = strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M'), self.images, self.names = [], [], []
def serial_protocol(): s = BoardSerial() connection = s.open_connection(port='/dev/ttyUSB0') s.send_message(connection, '$PNEUL,G,3') connection.close()
def __init__(self, port): self.board = BoardSerial() self.port = port self.connection = self.board.open_connection(port=self.port) self.reboot = 60 self.PATTERN = '$PNEUL,G' self.NOT_FOUND = '$PNEUD,G,0,,' self.BOX_1 = '$PNEUL,G,1,1,*21\r\n' self.BOX_2 = '$PNEUL,G,1,2,*22\r\n' self.BOX_3 = '$PNEUL,G,1,3,*23\r\n' self.preview_state = 0
def example(): s = BoardSerial() connection = s.open_connection(port='/dev/ttyUSB0') while True: if connection is None: connection = s.open_connection(port='/dev/ttyUSB0') try: if connection.inWaiting() > 0: message = connection.readline().decode('utf-8', 'replace') print(message) except UnicodeError: print('Invalid character')
def send_command(): s = BoardSerial() connection = s.open_connection('/dev/ttyUSB0') while True: v = raw_input('Digit your command:') v = str(v) if v == 'a': s.send_message(connection, '$PNEUD,G,1,123456782') elif v == 'b': s.send_message(connection, '$PNEUD,G,1,123456782,1') elif v == 'c': s.send_message(connection, '$PNEUD,G,1,123456782,') elif v == 'd': s.send_message(connection, '$PNEUDOK')
class Communication: def __init__(self, port): self.board = BoardSerial() self.port = port self.connection = self.board.open_connection(port=self.port) self.reboot = 60 self.PATTERN = '$PNEUL,G' self.NOT_FOUND = '$PNEUD,G,0,,' self.BOX_1 = '$PNEUL,G,1,1,*21\r\n' self.BOX_2 = '$PNEUL,G,1,2,*22\r\n' self.BOX_3 = '$PNEUL,G,1,3,*23\r\n' self.preview_state = 0 def close_connection(self): self.connection = None def run(self, actions, battery, lat_long_actual, box): logger.success('Start communication') init_hour = self.time_hour() init_minute = self.time_minute(init_hour) while True: if self.connection is None: self.connection = self.board.open_connection(port=self.port) sleep(0.9) try: message_board = self.connection.readline().decode('utf-8', 'replace') if str(message_board[:8]) == str(self.PATTERN): if self.board.digit_verify(str(message_board)): self.board.send_message(connection=self.connection, message=self.board.SEND_OK) message_board = message_board.split(',') # basculamento if message_board[2] == '1': logger.debug('{}'.format(message_board)) box[0] = int(message_board[3]) code = self.code_cart(box=box[0], battery=battery[:]) if code is None: self.board.send_message(connection=self.connection, message=self.NOT_FOUND)'Not identified :(') else: logger.success('Caixote {}, basculou na carreta: {} '.format(box[0], code)) attempts = 1 while attempts <= 5: self.board.send_message(connection=self.connection, message='$PNEUD,G,1,{}'.format(code)) logger.debug('Send: {}'.format(attempts)) sleep(0.5) attempts += 1 if message_board[2] == '2': # camera off and analise reboot if message_board[3] == '0': if self.preview_state == 1: # actions[0] = 0 self.preview_state = int(message_board[3]) actual_hour = self.time_hour() if actual_hour[0] < init_hour[0]: actual_hour[0] = int(actual_hour[0]) + 24 actual_minute = self.time_minute(actual_hour) reboot = actual_minute - init_minute if reboot >= self.reboot:'Reboot system') sleep(0.8) os.system('sudo reboot') # camera start elif message_board[3] == '1': if self.preview_state == 0: # actions[0] = 1 self.preview_state = int(message_board[3]) try: lat_long_actual[0], lat_long_actual[1] = self.convert_coord( array=[float(message_board[4]), float(message_board[5])]) except ValueError: logger.error('Invalid GPS') except UnicodeError: logger.error('Unicode error') except IOError: self.close_connection() logger.error('Serial error') except AttributeError: self.close_connection() logger.error('Invalid argument') @staticmethod def code_cart(box, battery): code = str(battery[-1]) if code != '0': seq = code[-1] if seq == '1' and box == 2: if battery[-2] != 0: code = str(battery[-2]) code = code[:-1] return code[:] else: return None @staticmethod def convert_coord(array): output = [0, 0] for idx, n in enumerate(array): temp = n * 0.01 ent = int(temp) dec = (temp - ent) * 1.6667 output[idx] = (ent + dec) return output[0], output[1] @staticmethod def time_hour(): hour = strftime('%H,%M', localtime()) hour = hour.split(',') return hour @staticmethod def time_minute(hour): minutes = (int(hour[0]) * 60) + int(hour[1]) return minutes
class Recognition: def __init__(self): self.person = Person() self.detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() self.font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX = '' = '' self.path = '/home/pi/prod/rec-facial/images/' self.old = '/home/pi/prod/rec-facial/images/old/' self.models = { 'rasp': [ '/home/pi/prod/rec-facial/models/codes.npy', '/home/pi/prod/rec-facial/models/images.npy', '/home/pi/prod/rec-facial/models/names.npy' ], 'pc': [ './models/codes.npy', './models/images.npy', './models/names.npy' ] } self.color = (255, 255, 0) self.white = (255, 255, 255) self.resize = 480 self.board = BoardSerial() self.timeout = 180 self.timestamp = strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M'), self.images, self.names = [], [], [] def find_face(self, mean, stop, camera, fps): frame = np.array([]) face = '' count = 0 while len(face) < 1: count += 1 frame = face, confidence, idx =, 0, mean) if count == stop: frame = np.array([]) logger.error('Time\'s up') break fps.update() if frame.any(): logger.error('successful registration') else: logger.error('error registering') return frame def load_models(self): try: return np.load(self.models['pc'][0]), np.load( self.models['pc'][1]), np.load(self.models['pc'][2]) except FileNotFoundError: logger.error('Models not found') return None, None, None def recognition(self, serial, actions, data, device, show_image=False): old_person = 0 alt_person = 0 not_identified = 0 not_detected = 0 try: if None in self.load_models(): logger.error('Models not found') exit() else:, self.images, self.names = self.load_models() except ValueError:, self.images, self.names = self.load_models() = VideoStream(src=device).start() fps = FPS().start() sleep(0.9)'Camera start') while True: if actions[3] and actions[4]: # change turn self.board.send_message(serial, self.board.SEND_OK) alt_person = old_person old_person = 0 sleep(self.timeout) actions[4] = 1 actions[3] = 0 actions[4] = 0 actions[1] = 1 if actions[2]: # create a new person info = data.recv() person = self.find_face(mean=1.5, stop=30,, fps=fps) if person.any(): = list(np.load(self.models['codes'])) self.names = list(np.load(self.models['names'])) info = info.spit(',') code = info[3] face = imutils.resize(person, width=480) if code in code = name = self.names[code] path_image = '{}{}.{}.jpg'.format( self.path, code, name) path_move = '{}{}.{}.{}.jpg'.format( self.old, code, name, self.timestamp) if os.path.isfile(path_image): shutil.move(path_image, path_move) final_name = '{}{}.{}.jpg'.format(self.path, code, info[4]) cv2.imwrite(final_name, face) hexadecimal = '$PNEUD,C,0,{},{}'.format(code, info[4]) self.board.send_message(serial, hexadecimal) self.person.train(show_image=None), self.images, self.names = self.load_models() else: self.board.send_message(serial, 'PNEUD,C,0,-1') actions[1] = 1 actions[2] = 0 while actions[1]: # recognition a person init = time() codes_persons = [] names_persons = [] frame = frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=480) frame_process = imutils.resize(frame, width=240) frame_process = frame_process[:, :, ::-1] face_locations = fr.face_locations(frame_process) face_encodings = fr.face_encodings(frame_process, face_locations) if len(face_locations) != 0: for face_encoding in face_encodings: matches = fr.compare_faces(self.images, face_encoding) = "Not identified" if True in matches: person_index = matches.index(True) = self.names[person_index] codes_persons.append([person_index]) names_persons.append( codes_persons = list(set(codes_persons)) names_persons = list(set(names_persons)) if old_person == 0 and actions[3]: if old_person in codes_persons: idx = codes_persons.index(alt_person) del codes_persons[idx] del names_persons[idx] if old_person in codes_persons: not_detected = 0 not_identified = 0 else: if len(codes_persons) > 0: not_detected = 0 not_identified = 0 hexadecimal = '$PNEUD,C,1,{},{}'.format( str(codes_persons[0]), str(names_persons[0])) self.board.send_message(serial, hexadecimal) old_person = codes_persons[0] else: not_detected = 0 if not_identified == 20: not_identified = 0 else: not_identified += 1 else: not_identified = 0 if not_detected == 20: not_detected = 0 else: not_detected += 1 if show_image: cv2.imshow('Solinftec', frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break fps.update()
def __init__(self): self.s = BoardSerial() self.pattern = '$PNEUL,C'
class App: def __init__(self): self.s = BoardSerial() self.pattern = '$PNEUL,C' def run(self): board = self.s.open_connection('/dev/ttyUSB0') if board is None: logger.error('Serial port error') receive, send = mp.Pipe() actions = mp.Array('i', [1, 1, 0, 0, 1]) s_service = mp.Process(target=self.communication, args=(board, actions, send)) r = Recognition() r_service = mp.Process(target=r.recognition, args=(board, actions, receive, 0, True)) s_service.start() r_service.start() s_service.join() r_service.join() def communication(self, serial, actions, data):'Serial start') while True: if serial is None: serial = self.s.open_connection(port='/dev/ttyUSB0') else: while actions[0]: try: if serial.inWaiting() > 0: message = serial.readline().decode('utf-8', 'replace') if message[:8] == self.pattern: self.s.send_message(serial, self.s.SEND_OK) idx = message.find('*') if idx != -1: if self.s.digit_verify(message) is True: if message[9] == '0': actions[1] = 0 actions[2] = 1 data.send(message) elif message[9] == '1': actions[1] = 0 actions[3] = 1 else: pass except UnicodeError: logger.error('Unicode error') except IOError: logger.error('Cable disconnected')