async def main(client, message, params): roles = cfg.options["roles_show"] info = InfoEmbed(title="Roles") desc = 'This server has ' + str( client.get_guild( + ' members.\n\n' for r in roles: role = get(message.guild.roles, name=r) desc += + ': ' + str(len(role.members)) + '.\n' info.description = desc await
def survey_help_embed(): embed = InfoEmbed(title='Hilfe - BundestagsBot v1') embed.set_thumbnail( url= '' ) embed.description = '>survey Titel; Beschreibung; <Anzahl>\n\n'\ 'Anzahl ist optional und beschreibt die Anzahl an Reactionmöglichkeiten.\n\n'\ 'So erzeugt >survey; Titel; Beschreibung; 5 eine Umfrage mit 5 Antwortmöglichkeiten, die du\n'\ 'dann in deiner Beschreibung erklären musst.\n'\ 'Mit "|" erzeugst du eine neue Zeile in deiner Beschreibung.\n'\ '**Beachte bitte die Trennung der Argumente via Semikolon!**' return embed
async def end_poll(args): client = args[0] data = handleJson.read_json_raw(path) if data["arena_status"] == "poll": SHL.output("Ended poll") channel = client.get_channel(cfg.options["channel_ids"]["arena"]) results = [0] * data["participant_count"] emojis = ['1⃣', '2⃣', '3⃣', '4⃣'] msg = await channel.fetch_message(data["last_poll_msg"]) reactions = msg.reactions for reaction in reactions: if str(reaction) in emojis: results[emojis.index(str(reaction))] = reaction.count max_votes = max(results) embed = SuccessEmbed(title="Arena") embed.description = f"{data['participants_name'][results.index(max_votes)]} won." if results.count(max_votes) > 1: all_max = [e for e, i in enumerate(results) if i == max_votes] embed.description = ", ".join([data["participants_name"][x] for x in all_max]) + \ f" won with {max_votes} votes." # TODO: reputation system? await channel.send(embed=embed) info = InfoEmbed(title="Arena - Results", description=f'We got a winner! Be sure to check <#{cfg.options["channel_ids"]["arena"]}>') for m in data["participants"]: try: member = channel.guild.get_member(m) await member.send(embed=info) except: pass data["arena_status"] = "wait_topic" handleJson.saveasjson(path, data)
async def main(client, message, params): to_warn = message.mentions if not to_warn: except_embed = WarningEmbed(title="No users supplied", description=f"Usage: {cfg.options.get('invoke_normal')}warn @user") await for user in to_warn: warned = get(message.guild.roles, id=cfg.options.get("warn_role_id", 0)) in user.roles if not warned: try: warn_role = get(message.guild.roles, id=cfg.options.get("warn_role_id", 0)) await user.add_roles(warn_role) except HTTPException: if cfg.options.get("warn_role_id", 0): except_embed = WarningEmbed(title="Role-assigment failed", description=f"Failed to assign role {cfg.options.get('warn_role_id', 0)}!") else: except_embed = WarningEmbed(title="Role-assigment failed", description=f"No 'warn_role_id' defined!") await return return_embed = SuccessEmbed(title="Warn", description=f"Warned {user.display_name}") try: pm_embed = InfoEmbed(title="Warn", description=f"You were warned by {}\n" f"Please read our server rules.\n" f"If you do not understand this message, please ask a moderator.") await user.send(embed=pm_embed) except HTTPException: # if users privacy settings do not allow dm pass await else: warned_embed = NoticeEmbed(title="Warn", description=f"User {user.display_name} has already been warned once!") await
async def main(client, message, params): try: last_id = save_json(message) except: SHL.output(f"Something went wrong while handling a submit.") error = WarningEmbed( title="Submit", description="Something went wrong. Please contact an admin.") await return if not cfg.options["channel_ids"].get("suggestions", 0): error = WarningEmbed( title="Submit", description= "Your submit got saved. But could not be send.\nPlease contact an admin." ) await else: embed = InfoEmbed(title=f"Submit #{last_id}", description=' '.join(params)) channel = get(client.get_all_channels(), id=cfg.options["channel_ids"]["submits"]) await channel.send(embed=embed) return_embed = SuccessEmbed( title=f"Submit #{last_id}", description="Thank your for your submission.\n" "If a team member answers it, I will forward the message :)") await
async def on_message(message: discord.Message): if not await check_message( client, message ): # check basic conditions like length and not responding to himself return if in cfg.get("channel_ids", dict()).get("suggestions", []): await message.delete() info = InfoEmbed(f"Suggestion by {}") info.description = message.content info.set_author(,"webp")) info.set_footer(text=f"UserID: {}") new_message = await await new_message.add_reaction('👍') await new_message.add_reaction('👎') return if message.content.lower().startswith( str(cfg.options["invoke_normal"]).lower()): params = commands.parse(message.content, False) if params: if params[0].lower() in commands.commands.keys(): await commands.commands[params[0].lower()](client, message, params[1:]) elif message.content.lower().startswith( str(cfg.options["invoke_mod"]).lower()): params = commands.parse(message.content, True) if params: if params[0].lower() in commands.mod_commands.keys(): await commands.mod_commands[params[0].lower()](client, message, params[1:])
async def main(client, message, params): error = NoticeEmbed(title="Resolve") info = InfoEmbed(title="Resolve") if len(str(message.content).split(' ')) == 2: submit_id = params[0][1:] if submit_id.isdigit(): data = handleJson.read_json_raw(path) if submit_id in data.keys(): info.description = f"Anfrage #{submit_id} ist von:\n" \ f"{data[submit_id]['author']}\n" \ f"{data[submit_id]['authorID']}" await else: error.description = f"#{submit_id} could not be assigned to a submit." await else: error.description = f"{submit_id} is an invalid ID." await else: error.description = f"Invalid syntax.\nPlease use {cfg.options['invoke_mod']}resolve #id" await
async def reaction_add(client, payload): if payload.channel_id == cfg.options["channel_ids"]["roles"]: if str( in cfg.options["roles"].keys(): role = get(client.get_guild(payload.guild_id).roles, name=cfg.options["roles"][str(]) user = client.get_guild(payload.guild_id).get_member(payload.user_id) if role not in user.roles: await user.add_roles(role) try: info_embed = InfoEmbed(, description=f"Assigned role {}") await user.send(embed=info_embed) except: # if users privacy settings do not allow dm pass
async def end_discussion(args): client = args[0] data = handleJson.read_json_raw(path) if data["arena_status"] == "running": SHL.output("Ended discussion") SHL.output("Started poll") channel = client.get_channel(cfg.options["channel_ids"]["arena"]) role = get(channel.guild.roles, id=cfg.options["arena_role"]) embed = InfoEmbed(title="Arena - End", description="Arena stopped. Thank you for your participation") for m in data["participants"]: try: member = channel.guild.get_member(m) await member.remove_roles(role) await member.send(embed=embed) except: pass embed = SuccessEmbed(title="Arena - End") if len(data["participants"]) == 2: embed.description = "Ended discussion.\n Please vote for:\n"\ f"1⃣ {data['participants_name'][0]}\n" \ f"2⃣ {data['participants_name'][1]}\n" emojis = ['1⃣', '2⃣'] elif len(data["participants"]) == 4: embed.description = "Ended discussion.\n Please vote for:\n" \ f"1⃣ {data['participants_name'][0]}\n" \ f"2⃣ {data['participants_name'][1]}\n" \ f"3⃣ {data['participants_name'][2]}\n" \ f"4⃣ {data['participants_name'][3]}\n" emojis = ['1⃣', '2⃣', '3⃣', '4⃣'] close = await channel.send(embed=embed) data["last_poll_msg"] = for e in emojis: await close.add_reaction(e) data["arena_status"] = "poll" handleJson.saveasjson(path, data)
async def announce_topic(args): client = args[0] data = handleJson.read_json_raw(path) if data["arena_status"] == "wait_topic" and cfg.options.get("enable_arena", False) and data["topics"]: SHL.output("Announced topic") SHL.output("Started queue") channel = client.get_channel(cfg.options["channel_ids"]["arena"]) topic = data['topics'].pop(0) info = InfoEmbed(title="Arena - Topic", description=f"Next topic will be:\n{topic}\n\n" f"Use {cfg.options['invoke_normal']}queue to enter the queue.") await channel.send(embed=info) await channel.edit(topic="test1") data["arena_status"] = "wait_queue" handleJson.saveasjson(path, data)
async def start_discussion(args): client = args[0] data = handleJson.read_json_raw(path) if data["arena_status"] == "wait_start": SHL.output("Started discussion") channel = client.get_channel(cfg.options["channel_ids"]["arena"]) role = get(channel.guild.roles, id=cfg.options["arena_role"]) embed = InfoEmbed(title="Arena", description="Arena started. Be sure to participate in the discussion!") for m in data["participants"]: member = channel.guild.get_member(m) await member.add_roles(role) await member.send(embed=embed) data["arena_status"] = "running" handleJson.saveasjson(path, data)
async def announce_participant(args): client = args[0] data = handleJson.read_json_raw(path) if data["arena_status"] == "wait_queue": SHL.output("Announced participant") channel = client.get_channel(cfg.options["channel_ids"]["arena"]) embed = InfoEmbed(title="Arena - Participation", description="You are participating in the next discussion!") count = 0 data["participants"] = [] data["participants_name"] = [] shuffle(data["queue"]) for m in set(data["queue"]): if count >= data["participant_count"]: break try: member = channel.guild.get_member(m) await member.send(embed=embed) count += 1 data["participants"].append( data["participants_name"].append(member.display_name) except: # not a valid participant as he declined dm continue if len(data["participants"]) < data["participant_count"]: error = NoticeEmbed(title="Arena - Queue", description="Could not find enough members in queue.") channel.send(error) return data["queue"] = [] embed = SuccessEmbed(title="Arena - Participants", description="Participants:\n" + ",\n".join(data["participants_name"]) + "\n\nStart: Saturday 17:00") await channel.send(embed=embed) data["arena_status"] = "wait_start" handleJson.saveasjson(path, data)
async def main(client, message, params): if not len(message.mentions): embed = NoticeEmbed(title="Reactions", + 'Bitte einen Nutzer angeben') await return data = DB.get_specific_user(message.mentions[0].id) if data: header = 'Reaktionen zu Nachrichten von ' + message.mentions[0].display_name + '\n' content = '' # skip name and id for i, role in enumerate(cfg.options["roles_stats"].items(), 1): if data[i] > 0: emoji_id = role[0] emoji_obj = await message.guild.fetch_emoji(emoji_id) emoji_str = "<:" + + ":" + emoji_id + ">" content += "" + emoji_str + ": " + str(data[i]) + "\n" embed = InfoEmbed(title=header, description=content) await else: embed = NoticeEmbed(title="Reactions", + 'Dieser Benutzer hat noch keine Reaktionen erhalten.') await
async def main(client, message, params): try: target_channel = message.channel_mentions[0] text = " ".join(params[1:]) except IndexError: embed = ErrorEmbed( "Post", description="Syntax error\nUse `+post <#channel_id> text`") await return embed = InfoEmbed(title="Moderation", description=f"{text}\n\n{suffix_text}") msg = await content=f"Message will be sent to {target_channel.mention}", embed=embed) await msg.add_reaction('✅') await msg.add_reaction('❌') def reaction_check(reaction, user): e = str(reaction.emoji) return user == and e.startswith( ('✅', '❌')) and == reaction, user = await client.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout=180.0, check=reaction_check) if not str(reaction.emoji).startswith('✅'): return try: await target_channel.send(embed=embed) except: embed = ErrorEmbed( "Post", description="Error while sending message to target channel.") await
def help_embed(): embed = InfoEmbed(title='Hilfe - BundestagsBot v1') embed.set_thumbnail( url= '' ) embed.description = '-Benutze >survey Titel; Beschreibung; <Anzahl>\n' \ 'um eine Umfrage zu erstellen. >help survey für mehr Details\n\n'\ '-Benutze >iam [Politik] um dir diese Rolle zuzuweisen.\n\n'\ '-Benutze >roles für eine Übersicht der Rollenverteilung.\n\n'\ '-Benutze >answer #id answer um auf eine Umfrage zu antworten.\n\n' \ '-Benutze >result #id um Ergebnisse einer Umfrage einzusehen.\n\n' \ '-Benutze >sub False um keine weiteren Umfragen mehr zu erhalten.\n\n' \ '-Benutze >submit Text um Anfragen ans Serverteam zu stellen.\n\n' \ '-Benutze >umfrage [Parlamentsnummer]\nKeine Nummer für Bundestag'\ embed.add_field( name='Liste:', value= '0: Bundestag\n1: Baden-Württemberg\n2: Bayern\n3: Berlin\n4: Brandeburg\n5: Bremen\n' '6: Hamburg\n7: Hessen\n8: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern\n9: Niedersachsen\n10: NRW\n' '11: Rheinland-Pfalz\n12: Saarland\n13: Sachsen\n14: Sachsen-Anhalt\n' '15: Schleswig-Holstein\n16: Thüringen\n17: Europäisches Parlament') return embed
from bt_utils.get_content import content_dir from bt_utils.embed_templates import InfoEmbed, SuccessEmbed SHL = Console("BundestagsBot Analyze" ) # Use SHL.output(text) for all console based output! settings = { 'name': 'analyze', # name/invoke of your command 'mod_cmd': False, # if this cmd is only useable for users with the teamrole 'channels': ['all'], # allowed channels: [dm, bot, team, all]; use !dm to blacklist dm 'log': True, # if this cmd should be logged to the console, default: True } about_embed = InfoEmbed(title="Help") with open(os.path.join("static", "info.txt"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as fh: about_embed.description = async def main(client, message, params): if any([ x in message.content.lower() for x in ["help", "info", "details", "about"] ]): await return if "true" in message.content.lower(): with open(os.path.join(content_dir, "unsubs.json"), "r") as fh: data = json.load(fh)
async def main(client, message, params): if __msg is not None: embed = InfoEmbed(title="Version", description=__msg) else: embed = ErrorEmbed(title="Version", description="Error fetching version.") await
def create_embed(survey_id): try: data = handleJson.read_json_raw(path) except FileNotFoundError: SHL.output('Survey file not found. Creating it.') file_dir = os.path.join(handleJson.BASE_PATH, os.path.dirname(path)) if not os.path.exists(file_dir): os.makedirs(file_dir) handleJson.saveasjson(path, {}) data = handleJson.read_json_raw(path) title = data[survey_id]['title'] text = data[survey_id]['text'] author = data[survey_id]['author'] url = data[survey_id]['url'] votes = len(data[survey_id]['voted']) answers = data[survey_id]['answers'] results = data[survey_id]['results'] answers_text = [] for e in sorted(results, key=lambda x: results[x])[::-1]: if sum(results.values()): answer_pct = round(results[e] * 100 / sum(results.values()), 1) answer_pct = str(answer_pct).replace(".", ",") else: answer_pct = "0" answers_text.append(f'{answer_pct}% ({results[e]}): {answers[e]}') answers_text = '\n'.join(answers_text) embed = InfoEmbed(title='Umfrage #' + str(survey_id) + ': ' + title) embed.url = url embed.add_field(name='Frage:', value=text, inline=False) embed.add_field( name='Information:', value= f'Diskutiere über diese Umfrage in <#{cfg.get("channel_ids", dict()).get("main", 0)}>.', inline=False) embed.add_field(name='Ergebnis:', value=answers_text) embed.add_field(name='Beteiligung: ', value='Insgesamt abgestimmt haben: ' + str(votes)) embed.set_footer(text='Umfrage von ' + author) return embed
async def assign_active_member(*args):"Fetching last messages.") client = args[0] guild = await client.fetch_guild(cfg.get("guild_id")) SHL.debug(f"Guild: {guild}") # Remove all "active" members"Remove active role from all users.") for role in cfg.get("apply_roles"): role = guild.get_role(role) async for member in guild.fetch_members(): if role not in member.roles: continue SHL.debug(f"Remove {role} from {member}") try: await member.remove_roles(role) except: SHL.debug(f"Failed for {member}") # Find new active members channels = await guild.fetch_channels() announcement_channel = await client.fetch_channel(cfg.get("announce_channel")) log_channel = await client.fetch_channel(cfg.get("log_channel")) users = {} before = after = - timedelta(days=31) with open(os.path.join(content_dir, "unsubs.json"), "r") as fh: unsubs = json.load(fh)["unsub_ids"] SHL.debug(f"{len(unsubs)} users unsubbed.") for channel in channels: if not isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel): continue if in cfg.get("exclude_channels"): continue SHL.debug(f"Fetching {}") async for message in channel.history(limit=None, before=before, after=after): uid = if uid in unsubs: # filter opt-out user continue if uid in users: users[uid].count += 1 else: users[uid] = UserStat( sorted_list = sorted([x for x in users.values() if x.count >= cfg.get("needed_messages")], key=lambda item: item.count, reverse=True) SHL.debug(f"{len(sorted_list)} users sent enough messages.") log_embed = InfoEmbed(title="Aktivste User", description="Für die Auswahl der Stammmitglieder.\n" "Anzahl an Nachrichten in den letzten 31 Tagen.\n") for stat in sorted_list: # active user try: member = await guild.fetch_member( except: # if user left or got banned continue SHL.debug(f"Apply roles for {member}") log_embed.description += f"{member.mention} {stat.count} Nachrichten.\n" for role in cfg.get("apply_roles"): assign_role = get(guild.roles, id=role) try: await member.add_roles(assign_role) except: SHL.debug(f"Failed for {stat.user_obj}") break await log_channel.send(embed=log_embed) await announcement_channel.send(embed=log_embed)"Done.")
async def main(client, message, params): data = handleJson.read_json_raw(path) if not len(message.mentions): error = NoticeEmbed(title="Challenge", description="Please mention someone.") await return if message.mentions[0].id == error = NoticeEmbed(title="Challenge", description="You cannot challenge yourself.") await return if data["arena_status"]: notice = NoticeEmbed(title="Challenge", description="There is already a discussion running!") await return data["participants"] = [] try: participants = message.mentions challenge = InfoEmbed(title="Challenge", description=f"Hey {participants[0].mention}" f"\n{} challenged you!") msg = await except: error = NoticeEmbed(title="Challenge", description="Something went wrong. Please contact an admin.") await return await msg.add_reaction('✅') await msg.add_reaction('❌') def check(reaction, user): e = str(reaction.emoji) return user == participants[0] and e.startswith(('✅', '❌')) and == try: reaction, user = await client.wait_for('reaction_add', timeout=30.0, check=check) except TimeoutError: return if str(reaction.emoji).startswith('❌'): return data["arena_status"] = 1 try: info = InfoEmbed(title="Challenge", description=f"{participants[0].display_name} accepted your challenge!\n" + f'Discuss here: <#{cfg.options["channel_ids"]["1v1"]}>\n' f"Channel will be closed in {cfg.options['1v1_time_minutes']} minutes.") await except: pass try: info = InfoEmbed(title="Challenge", description=f"You accepted {}s challenge.!\n" + f'Discuss here: <#{cfg.options["channel_ids"]["1v1"]}>\n' f"Channel will be closed in {cfg.options['1v1_time_minutes']} minutes.") await participants[0].send(embed=info) except: pass SHL.output(f"{participants[0].display_name} accepted {}s challenge!") channel = client.get_channel(cfg.options["channel_ids"]["1v1"]) role = get(channel.guild.roles, id=cfg.options["1v1_role"]) await await participants[0].add_roles(role) announce = SuccessEmbed(title="Challenge", description="Discussion duel started!\n" f"Battle between {} - {message.mentions[0].mention}\n" f"Channel will be closed in {cfg.options['1v1_time_minutes']} minutes.") await channel.send(embed=announce) data["participants"] = [, participants[0].id] handleJson.saveasjson(path, data) await channel.edit(topic=f"Battle between: {} - {message.mentions[0].mention}") schedule_job(close_channel, cfg.options["1v1_time_minutes"], "challenge", client)
def create_embed(submit_id, author, params): info = InfoEmbed(title=f"Answer Submit #{submit_id}") info.description = ' '.join(params[1:]).strip() info.set_footer(text=f'Answer by {author}') return info