def test_p2wpkh() -> None:

    # leading/trailing spaces should be tolerated
    pub = " 02 79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798"
    addr = b"bc1qw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kv8f3t4"
    assert addr == p2wpkh(pub)
    addr = b"tb1qw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kxpjzsx"
    assert addr == p2wpkh(pub, "testnet")

    pub = "02 530c548d402670b13ad8887ff99c294e67fc18097d236d57880c69261b42def7"
    addr = b"bc1qg9stkxrszkdqsuj92lm4c7akvk36zvhqw7p6ck"
    assert addr == p2wpkh(pub)

    _, wp, _, _ = witness_from_b32address(addr)
    assert bytes(wp) == hash160(pub)

    uncompr_pub = bytes_from_point(point_from_octets(pub), compressed=False)
    err_msg = "not a private or compressed public key: "
    with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match=err_msg):
    with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match=err_msg):
        p2wpkh(pub + "00")

    err_msg = "invalid witness program length for witness v0: "
    with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match=err_msg):
        b32address_from_witness(0, hash160(pub) + b"\x00")
Example #2
def test_invalid_address_enc() -> None:
    """Test whether address encoding fails on invalid input"""

    INVALID_ADDRESS_ENC: List[Tuple[str, int, int, str]] = [
        ("MAINNET", 0, 20, "'MAINNET'"),
        ("mainnet", 0, 21,
         "invalid witness program length for witness version zero: "),
        ("mainnet", 17, 32, "invalid witness version: "),
        ("mainnet", 1, 1,
         "invalid witness program length for witness version zero: "),
            "invalid witness program length for witness version zero: ",

    network, version, length, err_msg = INVALID_ADDRESS_ENC[0]
    with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=err_msg):
        b32address_from_witness(version, "00" * length, network)

    for network, version, length, err_msg in INVALID_ADDRESS_ENC[1:]:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=err_msg):
            b32address_from_witness(version, "00" * length, network)
Example #3
    def test_address_scriptPubKey(self):

        pubkey = "03 a1af804ac108a8a51782198c2d034b28bf90c8803f5a53f76276fa69a4eae77f"
        pubkey_hash = hash160(pubkey).hex()

        opcodes = [0, pubkey_hash]
        opcodes2, _ = scriptPubKey_from_address(address_from_scriptPubKey(opcodes))
        self.assertEqual(opcodes, opcodes2)

        opcodes = ['OP_DUP', 'OP_HASH160', pubkey_hash, 'OP_EQUALVERIFY', 'OP_CHECKSIG']
        opcodes2, _ = scriptPubKey_from_address(address_from_scriptPubKey(opcodes))
        self.assertEqual(opcodes, opcodes2)

        script_hash = hash160(encode(opcodes)).hex()
        opcodes = ['OP_HASH160',script_hash, 'OP_EQUAL']
        opcodes2, _ = scriptPubKey_from_address(address_from_scriptPubKey(opcodes))
        self.assertEqual(opcodes, opcodes2)

        script_hash = sha256(encode(opcodes)).hex()
        opcodes = [0, script_hash]
        opcodes2, _ = scriptPubKey_from_address(address_from_scriptPubKey(opcodes))
        self.assertEqual(opcodes, opcodes2)

        # Unknown script
        opcodes = [16, pubkey_hash]
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, address_from_scriptPubKey, opcodes)

        # Unhandled witness version (16)
        wp = hash160(pubkey)[2:]
        addr = b32address_from_witness(16, wp)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, scriptPubKey_from_address, addr)
Example #4
def test_CLT() -> None:

    network = "mainnet"

    fed_pubkeys = [b"\x00" * 33, b"\x11" * 33, b"\x22" * 33]
    rec_pubkeys = [b"\x77" * 33, b"\x88" * 33, b"\x99" * 33]
    # fmt: off
    redeem_script = script.encode([
        "OP_CHECKMULTISIG",  # noqa E131
        "OP_DROP",  # noqa E131
        "OP_CHECKMULTISIG",  # noqa E131
    # fmt: on
    payload = sha256(redeem_script)
    scriptPubKey = (
    assert scriptPubKey == p2wsh(redeem_script).hex()
    assert scriptPubKey == scriptPubKey_from_payload("p2wsh", payload).hex()

    address = b"bc1q0df3qvuuvqqlw4s5m2jsswpelf2dgct97mzkqfwv2nfe02z62uyq7n4zjj"
    assert address == address_from_scriptPubKey(scriptPubKey, network)
    assert address == b32address_from_witness(0, payload, network)
Example #5
def test_exceptions() -> None:

    # invalid size: 11 bytes instead of 20
    err_msg = "invalid size: "
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=err_msg):
        scriptPubKey_from_payload("p2wpkh", "00" * 11)

    # invalid size: 33 bytes instead of 32
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=err_msg):
        scriptPubKey_from_payload("p2wsh", "00" * 33)

    err_msg = "unknown scriptPubKey type: "
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=err_msg):
        scriptPubKey_from_payload("p2unkn", "00" * 32)

    err_msg = "unknown scriptPubKey: "
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=err_msg):
        scriptPubKey = [16, 20 * b"\x00"]

    # Unhandled witness version (16)
    err_msg = "unmanaged witness version: "
    address = b32address_from_witness(16, 20 * b"\x00")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=err_msg):
Example #6
def test_p2wsh() -> None:

    # self-consistency
    pubkey = "02 cc71eb30d653c0c3163990c47b976f3fb3f37cccdcbedb169a1dfef58bbfbfaf"
    pubkey_hash = hash160(pubkey)
    redeem_script = scriptPubKey_from_payload("p2pkh", pubkey_hash)
    payload = sha256(redeem_script)
    scriptPubKey = script.encode([0, payload])
    assert scriptPubKey == p2wsh(script.decode(redeem_script))

    # to the scriptPubKey in two steps (through payload)
    script_type = "p2wsh"
    assert scriptPubKey == scriptPubKey_from_payload(script_type, payload)

    # back from the scriptPubKey to the payload
    assert (script_type, payload, 0) == payload_from_scriptPubKey(scriptPubKey)

    # bech32 address
    network = "mainnet"
    address = bech32address.p2wsh(redeem_script, network)
    assert address == address_from_scriptPubKey(scriptPubKey, network)
    wit_ver = 0
    assert address == b32address_from_witness(wit_ver, payload, network)

    # back from the address to the scriptPubKey
    assert (scriptPubKey, network) == scriptPubKey_from_address(address)

    # p2sh-wrapped base58 address
    address = base58address.p2wsh_p2sh(redeem_script, network)
    assert address == b58address_from_witness(payload, network)
Example #7
def test_b32address_from_witness() -> None:

    # self-consistency
    addr = b"bc1qg9stkxrszkdqsuj92lm4c7akvk36zvhqw7p6ck"
    wv, wp, network, _ = witness_from_b32address(addr)
    assert b32address_from_witness(wv, wp, network) == addr

    # string input
    addr_str = "bc1qg9stkxrszkdqsuj92lm4c7akvk36zvhqw7p6ck"
    wv, wp, network, _ = witness_from_b32address(addr_str)
    assert b32address_from_witness(wv, wp, network) == addr_str.encode()

    wp_ints = [i for i in wp]
    wp_ints[0] = -1
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="invalid value in _convertbits: "):
        _convertbits(wp_ints, 8, 5)
Example #8
    def test_CLT(self):

        network = 'mainnet'

        vault_pubkeys = [b'\x00' * 33, b'\x11' * 33, b'\x22' * 33]
        recovery_pubkeys = [b'\x77' * 33, b'\x88' * 33, b'\x99' * 33]
        redeem_script = encode([
            2, *vault_pubkeys, 3, 'OP_CHECKMULTISIG',
            2, *recovery_pubkeys, 3, 'OP_CHECKMULTISIG',
        payload = sha256(redeem_script)
        script = "00207b5310339c6001f75614daa5083839fa54d46165f6c56025cc54d397a85a5708"

        scriptPubKey = p2wsh(redeem_script)
        self.assertEqual(scriptPubKey.hex(), script)
        scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey_from_payload('p2wsh', payload)
        self.assertEqual(scriptPubKey.hex(), script)

        address = b"bc1q0df3qvuuvqqlw4s5m2jsswpelf2dgct97mzkqfwv2nfe02z62uyq7n4zjj"
        address2 = address_from_scriptPubKey(scriptPubKey, network)
        self.assertEqual(address, address2)
        address2 = bech32address.p2wsh(redeem_script, network)
        self.assertEqual(address, address2)
        address2 = b32address_from_witness(0, payload, network)
        self.assertEqual(address, address2)
Example #9
    def test_b32address_from_witness(self):

        # self-consistency
        addr = b'bc1qg9stkxrszkdqsuj92lm4c7akvk36zvhqw7p6ck'
        wv, wp, network, _ = witness_from_b32address(addr)
        self.assertEqual(b32address_from_witness(wv, wp, network), addr)

        # invalid value -1
        wp = [i for i in wp]  # convert to List[int]
        wp[-1] = -1  # alter the last element with an invalid value
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, b32address_from_witness, wv, wp, network)
        #b32address_from_witness(wv, wp, network)

        # string input
        addr = 'bc1qg9stkxrszkdqsuj92lm4c7akvk36zvhqw7p6ck'
        wv, wp, network, _ = witness_from_b32address(addr)
        self.assertEqual(b32address_from_witness(wv, wp, network), addr.encode())
Example #10
 def test_valid_address(self):
     """Test whether valid addresses decode to the correct output"""
     for a, hexscript in VALID_BC_ADDRESS + VALID_TB_ADDRESS:
         witvers, witprog, network, _ = witness_from_b32address(a)
         script_pubkey = [witvers, witprog]
         self.assertEqual(encode(script_pubkey).hex(), hexscript)
         address = b32address_from_witness(witvers, witprog, network)
         self.assertEqual(a.lower().strip(), address.decode('ascii'))
Example #11
    def test_hash_from_bech32(self):
        network = "testnet"
        wv = 0
        wp = 20 * b"\x05"
        addr = b32address_from_witness(wv, wp, network)
        _, wp2, n2, _ = witness_from_b32address(addr)
        self.assertEqual(n2, network)
        self.assertEqual(wp2, wp)

        # witness program length (21) is not 20 or 32
        addr = "tb1qq5zs2pg9q5zs2pg9q5zs2pg9q5zs2pg9q5mpvsef"
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, witness_from_b32address, addr)
Example #12
def test_p2wsh():

    pub = "02 79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D" "959F2815B16F81798"
    witness_script = [pub, "OP_CHECKSIG"]
    witness_script_bytes = encode(witness_script)

    addr = b"tb1qrp33g0q5c5txsp9arysrx4k6zdkfs4nce4xj0gdcccefvpysxf3q0sl5k7"
    assert addr == p2wsh(witness_script_bytes, "testnet")
    _, wp, _, _ = witness_from_b32address(addr)
    assert bytes(wp) == sha256(witness_script_bytes)

    addr = b"bc1qrp33g0q5c5txsp9arysrx4k6zdkfs4nce4xj0gdcccefvpysxf3qccfmv3"
    assert addr == p2wsh(witness_script_bytes)
    _, wp, _, _ = witness_from_b32address(addr)
    assert bytes(wp) == sha256(witness_script_bytes)

    assert witness_from_b32address(addr)[1] == sha256(witness_script_bytes)

    errMsg = r"witness program length \(35\) is not 20 or 32"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=errMsg):
        b32address_from_witness(0, witness_script_bytes)
def test_p2wsh() -> None:

    pub = "02 79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798"
    script_pubkey: List[ScriptToken] = [pub, "OP_CHECKSIG"]
    witness_script_bytes = script.serialize(script_pubkey)

    addr = b"tb1qrp33g0q5c5txsp9arysrx4k6zdkfs4nce4xj0gdcccefvpysxf3q0sl5k7"
    assert addr == p2wsh(witness_script_bytes, "testnet")
    _, wp, _, _ = witness_from_b32address(addr)
    assert bytes(wp) == sha256(witness_script_bytes)

    addr = b"bc1qrp33g0q5c5txsp9arysrx4k6zdkfs4nce4xj0gdcccefvpysxf3qccfmv3"
    assert addr == p2wsh(witness_script_bytes)
    _, wp, _, _ = witness_from_b32address(addr)
    assert bytes(wp) == sha256(witness_script_bytes)

    assert witness_from_b32address(addr)[1] == sha256(witness_script_bytes)

    err_msg = "invalid witness program length for witness v0: "
    with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match=err_msg):
        b32address_from_witness(0, witness_script_bytes)
def test_hash_from_bech32() -> None:
    network = "testnet"
    wv = 0
    wp = 20 * b"\x05"
    addr = b32address_from_witness(wv, wp, network)
    _, wp2, n_2, _ = witness_from_b32address(addr)
    assert n_2 == network
    assert wp2 == wp

    # witness program length (21) is not 20 or 32
    addr = b"tb1qq5zs2pg9q5zs2pg9q5zs2pg9q5zs2pg9q5mpvsef"
    err_msg = "invalid witness program length for witness v0: "
    with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match=err_msg):
Example #15
    def test_p2wsh(self):

        script_type = "p2wsh"

        # self-consistency
        pubkey = "02" "cc71eb30d653c0c3163990c47b976f3fb3f37cccdcbedb169a1dfef58bbfbfaf"
        pubkey_hash = hash160(pubkey)
        redeem_script = scriptPubKey_from_payload("p2pkh", pubkey_hash)
        payload = sha256(redeem_script)
        script = encode([0, payload])

        # straight to the scriptPubKey
        scriptPubKey = p2wsh(decode(redeem_script))
        self.assertEqual(scriptPubKey.hex(), script.hex())

        # to the scriptPubKey in two steps (through payload)
        scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey_from_payload(script_type, payload)
        self.assertEqual(scriptPubKey.hex(), script.hex())

        # back from the scriptPubKey to the payload
        script_type2, payload2, m2 = payload_from_scriptPubKey(scriptPubKey)
        self.assertEqual(script_type, script_type2)
        self.assertEqual(0, m2)
        self.assertEqual(payload.hex(), payload2.hex())
        script_type2, payload2, m2 = payload_from_scriptPubKey(script)
        self.assertEqual(script_type, script_type2)
        self.assertEqual(0, m2)
        self.assertEqual(payload.hex(), payload2.hex())

        # data -> payload is not invertible (hash functions)

        # bech32 address
        network = "mainnet"
        address = bech32address.p2wsh(redeem_script, network)
        address2 = address_from_scriptPubKey(scriptPubKey, network)
        self.assertEqual(address, address2)
        address2 = b32address_from_witness(0, payload, network)
        self.assertEqual(address, address2)

        scriptPubKey2, network2 = scriptPubKey_from_address(address)
        self.assertEqual(scriptPubKey2, scriptPubKey)
        self.assertEqual(network2, network)

        # p2sh-wrapped base58 address
        address = base58address.p2wsh_p2sh(redeem_script, network)
        address2 = b58address_from_witness(payload, network)
        self.assertEqual(address, address2)
Example #16
    def test_valid_address(self):
        """Test whether valid addresses decode to the correct output"""

        VALID_BC_ADDRESS = [
            ["BC1SW50QA3JX3S", "6002751e"],
                " bc1zw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvaryvg6kdaj",  # extra leading space
        VALID_TB_ADDRESS = [

        for a, hexscript in VALID_BC_ADDRESS + VALID_TB_ADDRESS:
            witvers, witprog, network, _ = witness_from_b32address(a)
            script_pubkey = [witvers, witprog]
            self.assertEqual(encode(script_pubkey).hex(), hexscript)
            address = b32address_from_witness(witvers, witprog, network)
            self.assertEqual(a.lower().strip(), address.decode("ascii"))
Example #17
    def test_exceptions(self):

        # Invalid size: 11 bytes instead of 20
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, scriptPubKey_from_payload, "00" * 11, "p2wpkh")
        # scriptPubKey_from_payload("00"*11, 'p2wpkh')

        # Invalid size: 33 bytes instead of 32
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, scriptPubKey_from_payload, "00" * 33, "p2wsh")
        # scriptPubKey_from_payload("00"*33, 'p2wsh')

        # Unknown script
        script = [16, 20 * b"\x00"]
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, address_from_scriptPubKey, script)
        # address_from_scriptPubKey(script)

        # Unhandled witness version (16)
        addr = b32address_from_witness(16, 20 * b"\x00")
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, scriptPubKey_from_address, addr)
Example #18
    def test_CLT(self):

        vault_pubkeys = [b'\x00'*33, b'\x11'*33, b'\x22'*33]
        recovery_pubkeys = [b'\x77'*33, b'\x88'*33, b'\x99'*33]

        opcodes = [
                2, *vault_pubkeys, 3, 'OP_CHECKMULTISIG',
                500, 'OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY', 'OP_DROP',
                2, *recovery_pubkeys, 3, 'OP_CHECKMULTISIG',
        witness_program = encode(opcodes)
        witness_hash = sha256(witness_program)

        script_pubkey = p2wsh_scriptPubKey(witness_hash)
        self.assertEqual(encode(script_pubkey).hex(), "00207b5310339c6001f75614daa5083839fa54d46165f6c56025cc54d397a85a5708")
        address = b32address_from_witness(0, witness_hash)
        self.assertEqual(address, b"bc1q0df3qvuuvqqlw4s5m2jsswpelf2dgct97mzkqfwv2nfe02z62uyq7n4zjj")
Example #19
def test_CLT():

    network = "mainnet"

    vault_pubkeys = [b"\x00" * 33, b"\x11" * 33, b"\x22" * 33]
    recovery_pubkeys = [b"\x77" * 33, b"\x88" * 33, b"\x99" * 33]
    redeem_script = encode(
    payload = sha256(redeem_script)
    script = "00207b5310339c6001f75614daa5083839fa54d46165f6c56025cc54d397a85a5708"

    scriptPubKey = p2wsh(redeem_script)
    assert scriptPubKey.hex() == script
    scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey_from_payload("p2wsh", payload)
    assert scriptPubKey.hex() == script

    address = (
    address2 = address_from_scriptPubKey(scriptPubKey, network)
    assert address == address2
    assert address == address2
    address2 = b32address_from_witness(0, payload, network)
    assert address == address2
def test_valid_address() -> None:
    """Test whether valid addresses decode to the correct output"""

    valid_bc_addresses: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [
        ("BC1SW50QA3JX3S", "6002751e"),
            " bc1zw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvaryvg6kdaj",  # extra leading space
    valid_tb_addresses: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [

    for address, hexscript in valid_bc_addresses + valid_tb_addresses:
        witvers, witprog, network, _ = witness_from_b32address(address)
        script_pubkey: List[ScriptToken] = [witvers, witprog]
        assert script.serialize(script_pubkey).hex() == hexscript
        addr = b32address_from_witness(witvers, witprog, network)
        assert address.lower().strip() == addr.decode("ascii")