def bip32_crack(parent_xpub: bytes, child_xprv: bytes) -> bytes:
    parent_xpub = b58decode_check(parent_xpub, 78)
    assert parent_xpub[45] in (2, 3), "extended parent key is not a public one"

    child_xprv = b58decode_check(child_xprv, 78)
    assert child_xprv[45] == 0, "extended child key is not a private one"

    # check depth
    assert child_xprv[4] == parent_xpub[4]+1, "wrong child/parent depth relation"

    # check fingerprint
    Parent_bytes = parent_xpub[45:  ]
    assert child_xprv[ 5: 9] == h160(Parent_bytes)[:4], "not a child for the provided parent"

    # check normal derivation
    child_index  =  child_xprv[ 9:13]
    assert child_index[0] < 0x80, "hardened derivation"

    parent_xprv =   child_xprv[  : 4] # version
    parent_xprv += parent_xpub[ 4: 5] # depth
    parent_xprv += parent_xpub[ 5: 9] # parent pubkey fingerprint
    parent_xprv += parent_xpub[ 9:13] # child index

    parent_chain_code = parent_xpub[13:45]
    parent_xprv += parent_chain_code  # chain code

    h = HMAC(parent_chain_code, Parent_bytes + child_index, sha512).digest()
    offset = int.from_bytes(h[:32], 'big')
    child = int.from_bytes(child_xprv[46:], 'big')
    parent = (child - offset) % ec.n
    parent_bytes = b'\x00' + parent.to_bytes(32, 'big')
    parent_xprv += parent_bytes        # private key

    return b58encode_check(parent_xprv)
Example #2
#extended keys
ext_prv = b58encode_check(xprv + idf + chain_code + p_bytes)
ext_pub = b58encode_check(xpub + idf + chain_code + P_bytes)
assert ext_prv == b"xprv9s21ZrQH143K3QTDL4LXw2F7HEK3wJUD2nW2nRk4stbPy6cq3jPPqjiChkVvvNKmPGJxWUtg6LnF5kejMRNNU3TGtRBeJgk33yuGBxrMPHi", "failure"
assert ext_pub == b"xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8", "failure"

# ==first (0) hardened child==
depth = b'\x01'
child_number = 0 + 0x80000000 #hardened
child_number = child_number.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
fingerprint = h160(P_bytes)[:4]
idf = depth + fingerprint + child_number

key = p_bytes if child_number[0]>127 else P_bytes
hashValue = HMAC(chain_code, key + child_number, sha512).digest()
p = (p + int(hashValue[:32].hex(), 16)) % ec.order
p_bytes = b'\x00' + p.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big')
P = ec.pointMultiply(p, ec.G)
P_bytes = bytes_from_Point(ec, P, True)
chain_code = hashValue[32:]

ext_prv = b58encode_check(xprv + idf + chain_code + p_bytes)
ext_pub = b58encode_check(xpub + idf + chain_code + P_bytes)
def bip32_ckd(xparentkey: octets, index: Union[octets, int]) -> bytes:
    """Child Key Derivation (CDK)

    Key derivation is normal if the extended parent key is public or
    child_index is less than 0x80000000.

    Key derivation is hardened if the extended parent key is private and
    child_index is not less than 0x80000000.

    if isinstance(index, int):
        index = index.to_bytes(4, 'big')
    elif isinstance(index, str):  # hex string
        index = bytes.fromhex(index)

    if len(index) != 4:
        raise ValueError(f"a 4 bytes int is required, not {len(index)}")

    xparent = b58decode_check(xparentkey, 78)

    version = xparent[:4]

    # serialization data
    xkey = version  # version
    xkey += (xparent[4] + 1).to_bytes(1, 'big')  # (increased) depth

    if (version in PUBLIC):
        if xparent[45] not in (2, 3):  # not a compressed public key
            raise ValueError("version/key mismatch in extended parent key")
        Parent_bytes = xparent[45:]
        Parent = octets2point(ec, Parent_bytes)
        xkey += h160(Parent_bytes)[:4]  # parent pubkey fingerprint
        if index[0] >= 0x80:
            raise ValueError("no private/hardened derivation from pubkey")
        xkey += index  # child index
        parent_chain_code = xparent[13:45]  # normal derivation
        # actual extended key (key + chain code) derivation
        h = HMAC(parent_chain_code, Parent_bytes + index, sha512).digest()
        offset = int.from_bytes(h[:32], 'big')
        Offset = pointMult(ec, offset, ec.G)
        Child = ec.add(Parent, Offset)
        Child_bytes = point2octets(ec, Child, True)
        xkey += h[32:]  # chain code
        xkey += Child_bytes  # public key
    elif (version in PRIVATE):
        if xparent[45] != 0:  # not a private key
            raise ValueError("version/key mismatch in extended parent key")
        parent = int.from_bytes(xparent[46:], 'big')
        Parent = pointMult(ec, parent, ec.G)
        Parent_bytes = point2octets(ec, Parent, True)
        xkey += h160(Parent_bytes)[:4]  # parent pubkey fingerprint
        xkey += index  # child index
        # actual extended key (key + chain code) derivation
        parent_chain_code = xparent[13:45]
        if (index[0] < 0x80):  # normal derivation
            h = HMAC(parent_chain_code, Parent_bytes + index, sha512).digest()
        else:  # hardened derivation
            h = HMAC(parent_chain_code, xparent[45:] + index, sha512).digest()
        offset = int.from_bytes(h[:32], 'big')
        child = (parent + offset) % ec.n
        child_bytes = b'\x00' + child.to_bytes(32, 'big')
        xkey += h[32:]  # chain code
        xkey += child_bytes  # private key
        raise ValueError("invalid extended key version")

    return b58encode_check(xkey)
Example #4
def bip32_ckd(xparentkey: bytes, index: Union[bytes, int]) -> bytes:
    """Child Key Derivation (CDK)

    Key derivation is normal if the extended parent key is public or
    child_index is less than 0x80000000.
    Key derivation is hardened if the extended parent key is private and
    child_index is not less than 0x80000000.

    if isinstance(index, int):
        index = index.to_bytes(4, 'big')
    elif isinstance(index, bytes):
        assert len(index) == 4
        raise TypeError("a 4 bytes int is required")

    xparent = b58decode_check(xparentkey, 78)

    version = xparent[:4]

    # serialization data
    xkey = version  # version
    xkey += (xparent[4] + 1).to_bytes(1, 'big')  # (increased) depth

    if (version in PUBLIC):
        assert xparent[45] in (2, 3), \
               "version/key mismatch in extended parent key"
        Parent_bytes = xparent[45:]
        Parent = tuple_from_Point(ec, Parent_bytes)
        xkey += h160(Parent_bytes)[:4]  # parent pubkey fingerprint
        assert index[0] < 0x80, \
               "no private/hardened derivation from pubkey"
        xkey += index  # child index
        parent_chain_code = xparent[13:45]  ## normal derivation
        # actual extended key (key + chain code) derivation
        h = HMAC(parent_chain_code, Parent_bytes + index, sha512).digest()
        offset = int.from_bytes(h[:32], 'big')
        Offset = ec.pointMultiply(offset, ec.G)
        Child = ec.pointAdd(Parent, Offset)
        Child_bytes = bytes_from_Point(ec, Child, True)
        xkey += h[32:]  # chain code
        xkey += Child_bytes  # public key
    elif (version in PRIVATE):
        assert xparent[45] == 0, "version/key mismatch in extended parent key"
        parent = int.from_bytes(xparent[46:], 'big')
        Parent = ec.pointMultiply(parent, ec.G)
        Parent_bytes = bytes_from_Point(ec, Parent, True)
        xkey += h160(Parent_bytes)[:4]  # parent pubkey fingerprint
        xkey += index  # child index
        # actual extended key (key + chain code) derivation
        parent_chain_code = xparent[13:45]
        if (index[0] < 0x80):  ## normal derivation
            h = HMAC(parent_chain_code, Parent_bytes + index, sha512).digest()
        else:  ## hardened derivation
            h = HMAC(parent_chain_code, xparent[45:] + index, sha512).digest()
        offset = int.from_bytes(h[:32], 'big')
        child = (parent + offset) % ec.order
        child_bytes = b'\x00' + child.to_bytes(32, 'big')
        xkey += h[32:]  # chain code
        xkey += child_bytes  # private key
        raise ValueError("invalid extended key version")

    return b58encode_check(xkey)