Example #1
 def __get_random_doc_ttl_and_durability_level():
     # Max doc_ttl value=2147483648. Reference:
     # docs.couchbase.com/server/6.5/learn/buckets-memory-and-storage/expiration.html
     doc_ttl = sample([0, 30000, 2147483648], 1)[0]
     durability_level = sample(
         BucketUtils.get_supported_durability_levels() + [""], 1)[0]
     return doc_ttl, durability_level
Example #2
 def __get_random_doc_ttl_and_durability_level():
     # Although the max TTL that can be set is 2147483648, we cannot set it to more than 1576800000
     # using javs SDK's "Duration". Refer:
     # https://docs.couchbase.com/java-sdk/current/howtos/kv-operations.html#document-expiration
     doc_ttl = sample([0, 30000, 1576800000], 1)[0]
     durability_level = sample(
         BucketUtils.get_supported_durability_levels() + [""], 1)[0]
     return doc_ttl, durability_level