Example #1
def get_container_publisher(configp):
    """ Look up the registry host and token from a ConfigParser object. """
    host = config.lookup(configp, 'publish', 'registry_host', fatal=False)
    if not host:
        return None
    token = config.lookup(configp, 'publish', 'registry_token', fatal=True)
    return ContainerPublisher(host, token)
Example #2
def build_container(repo_urls, branch, parent_image, scratch, configp):
    """ Build a container with Koji. """
    kconf = dict(configp.items('koji', vars={'branch': branch}))
    koji = KojiBuilder(profile=kconf['profile'])
    parent = None
    if parent_image:
        registry_url = config.lookup(configp, 'registry', 'url')
        registry = Registry(registry_url)
        parent = registry.build(parent_image)  # bucko.build.Build
    log.info('Building container at %s' % koji.session.baseurl)
    task_id = koji.build_container(scm=kconf['scm'],
    # Show information to the console.

    # Untag the build from the -candidate tag:
    # There's no "skip_tag" parameter for buildContainer, so we must
    # immediately untag it ourselves.
    if not scratch:

    # Return information about this build.
    result = {'koji_task': task_id}

    repositories = koji.get_repositories(task_id, kconf['target'])
    # "repository" (first in the list) is the OSBS unique tag.
    result['repository'] = repositories[0]
    result['repositories'] = repositories

    return result
Example #3
def get_publisher(configp):
    """ Look up the push url and http url from a ConfigParser object. """
    push_url = config.lookup(configp, 'publish', 'push')
    http_url = config.lookup(configp, 'publish', 'http')
    return Publisher(push_url, http_url)
Example #4
def main():
    """ Scratch-build a container for an HTTP-accessible compose. """
    args = parse_args()

    if args.compose is None:
        err = 'Please set the CI_MESSAGE env var or use --compose arg'
        raise SystemExit(err)
    compose_url = args.compose

    # Load config file
    configp = config.load()

    # Load compose
    c = get_compose(compose_url, configp)

    # Generate .repo file
    log.info('Generating .repo file for %s compose' % c.info.release.short)
    filename = c.write_yum_repo_file()

    # Publish the .repo file
    p = get_publisher(configp)
    log.info('Publishing .repo file to %s' % p.push_url)
    repo_url = p.publish(filename)
    log.info('Published %s' % repo_url)

    # Determine scm and brew target branch name
    branch = get_branch(c)

    # Determine other settings for this branch
    section = '%s-base' % branch  # eg "ceph-4.0-rhel-8-base"
    parent_image = config.lookup(configp, section, 'parent_image', fatal=False)
    if parent_image:
        log.info('parent_image configured: %s' % parent_image)
    repo_urls = config.get_repo_urls(configp, section)
    for url in repo_urls:
        log.info('Additional .repo configured: %s' % url)

    # Do a Koji build
    metadata = build_container(repo_urls, branch, parent_image, args.scratch,

    # Publish this Koji build to our registry
    container_pub = get_container_publisher(configp)
    if container_pub and 'repository' in metadata:
        source_image = metadata['repository']
        dest_namespace, _ = branch.split('-', 1)  # eg "ceph"
        _, unique_tag = source_image.split(':', 1)  # OSBS unique build tag
        for tag in ('latest', unique_tag):
            dest_repo = container_pub.publish(source_image, dest_namespace,
                                              branch, tag)
            if dest_repo:
                # Add the new location to metadata['repositories'] so that we
                # record it in the -osbs.json file below.

    # Store and publish our information about this build
    metadata['compose_url'] = compose_url
    metadata['compose_id'] = c.info.compose.id
    json_file = write_metadata_file(c.info.compose.id + '-osbs.json',
    json_url = p.publish(json_file)
    log.info('OSBS JSON data at %s' % json_url)
Example #5
def test_lookup_nonfatal(simple_configp):
    result = config.lookup(simple_configp, 'testsection', 'baz', fatal=False)
    assert result is None
Example #6
def test_lookup_fatal(simple_configp):
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as e:
        config.lookup(simple_configp, 'testsection', 'baz')
    assert 'bucko.conf' in str(e)
Example #7
def test_lookup_present(simple_configp):
    result = config.lookup(simple_configp, 'testsection', 'foo')
    assert result == 'bar'