def main(): with tf.Session() as sess: actor = ActorNetwork(sess, STATE_DIM, ACTION_DIM, ACTION_BOUND, ACTOR_LEARNING_RATE, TAU, MINIBATCH_SIZE) critic = CriticNetwork(sess, STATE_DIM, ACTION_DIM, CRITIC_LEARNING_RATE, TAU, actor.get_num_trainable_vars()) #actor_noise = OrnsteinUhlenbeckActionNoise(mu=np.zeros(ACTION_DIM)) #TODO: Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise. # initialize target net actor.update_target_network() critic.update_target_network() # initialize replay memory replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(BUFFER_SIZE) # main loop. for ep in range(MAX_EPISODES): episode_reward = 0 ep_batch_avg_q = 0 s = ENV.reset() for step in range(MAX_EP_STEPS): a = actor.predict(np.reshape(s, (1, STATE_DIM))) #+ actor_noise() s2, r, terminal, info = ENV.step(a[0]) #print(s2) replay_buffer.add(np.reshape(s, (STATE_DIM,)), \ np.reshape(a, (ACTION_DIM,)), \ r, \ terminal, \ np.reshape(s2, (STATE_DIM,))) # Batch sampling. if replay_buffer.size() > MINIBATCH_SIZE and \ step % TRAIN_INTERVAL == 0: s_batch, a_batch, r_batch, t_batch, s2_batch = \ replay_buffer.sample_batch(MINIBATCH_SIZE) # target Q値を計算. target_action = actor.predict_target(s2_batch) target_q = critic.predict_target(s2_batch, target_action) # critic の target V値を計算. targets = [] for i in range(MINIBATCH_SIZE): if t_batch[i]: # terminal targets.append(r_batch[i]) else: targets.append(r_batch[i] + GAMMA * target_q[i]) # Critic を train. #TODO: predQはepisodeではなくrandom batchなのでepisode_avg_maxという統計は不適切. pred_q, _ = critic.train( s_batch, a_batch, np.reshape(targets, (MINIBATCH_SIZE, 1))) # Actor を train. a_outs = actor.predict(s_batch) grads = critic.action_gradients(s_batch, a_outs) #print(grads[0].shape) #exit(1) actor.train(s_batch, grads[0]) # Update target networks. # 数batchに一度にするべき? actor.update_target_network() critic.update_target_network() ep_batch_avg_q += np.mean(pred_q) s = s2 episode_reward += r if terminal: print('Episode:', ep, 'Reward:', episode_reward) reward_log.append(episode_reward) q_log.append(ep_batch_avg_q / step) break
for step in range(MAX_EP_STEPS): a = actor.predict(np.reshape(s, (1, STATE_DIM))) + actor_noise() s2, r, terminal, info = ENV.step(a[0]) replay_buffer.add(np.reshape(s, (STATE_DIM,)), \ np.reshape(a, (ACTION_DIM,)), \ r, \ terminal, \ np.reshape(s2, (STATE_DIM,))) # Batch sampling. if replay_buffer.size() > MINIBATCH_SIZE: s_batch, a_batch, r_batch, t_batch, s2_batch = \ replay_buffer.sample_batch(MINIBATCH_SIZE) # target Q値を計算. target_action = actor.predict_target(s2_batch) target_q = critic.predict_target(s2_batch, target_action) # critic の target V値を計算. targets = [] for i in range(MINIBATCH_SIZE): if t_batch[i]: # terminal targets.append(r_batch[i]) else: targets.append(r_batch[i] + GAMMA * target_q[i]) # Critic を train.