def buff(buff_id): state_dict = {'accepted': CorrelationBuff.ACCEPTED, 'declined': CorrelationBuff.DECLINED } buff = CorrelationBuff.find_one({'_id': bson.ObjectId(buff_id)}) if (request.args.get('_method') == 'put' and state_dict.get(request.args.get('state'))): buff['state'] = state_dict.get(request.args.get('state')) #return json.dumps(collections.OrderedDict( # 'correlation': buff['correlation'] #}) return redirect('/buffs/')
def index(): user_tz = current_user.get('timezone', pytz.utc) active_buffs = {} active_buff_charts = [] accepted_buffs = {} outstanding_buffs = [] all_paths = ['lastfm/scrobbles/echonest/totals', 'lastfm/scrobbles/echonest/energy/averages'] # Okay, time to add in custom paths! for datastream, href in API.get_custom_datastreams(current_user): if datastream != 'self': all_paths.append('custom/' + datastream + '/totals') all_paths.append('custom/' + datastream + '/averages') group_by_intervals = { "day": ["year","month","day"]#, "week": ["isoyear", "isoweek"], #"month": ["year", "month"], "year": ["year"] } continuous = True today = hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, microsecond = 0) # Keeping track of the max_end and min_start dates of the user's accepted # buffs so we can determine how wide the timeline needs to be in order to # get the amount of spacing between ticks we want. max_end = None min_start = None # Grab any buffs the user has previously accepted. for buff in CorrelationBuff.find_accepted(lazy = False): buff = CorrelationBuff(**buff) chart = CorrelationBuffChart.create(current_user, buff) start_timestamp = int(time.mktime( datetime.datetime(*buff.start, tzinfo = pytz.utc).timetuple())) # If the buff does not have a non-null end date, then we will just use # today. Null end dates indicate active buffs. if buff['end']: end_timestamp = int(time.mktime( pytz.UTC.localize(buff.end).timetuple())) else: end_timestamp = int(time.mktime( active_buffs[buff.key] = buff active_buff_charts.append(chart) if max_end == None or end_timestamp > max_end: max_end = end_timestamp if min_start == None or start_timestamp < min_start: min_start = start_timestamp # Set up the JSON data the timeline expects. if buff.type_key not in accepted_buffs: accepted_buffs[buff.type_key] = { "icon": "/static/images/buffs/%s" % chart['icon'], "times": []} # Multiplying timestamps by 1000 because the timeline expects # milliseconds and Python uses seconds. accepted_buffs[buff.type_key]["times"].append({ "starting_time": start_timestamp * 1000, "ending_time": end_timestamp * 1000, "correlation": "%s%%" % int(round(buff["correlation"]*100)), "chart_data": chart["chart_data"], "chart_id": chart["chart_id"], "text": chart['text'], "title": chart['title'] }) # Grab any correlations the user has yet to accept or decline. outstanding_buffs = CorrelationBuff.find_outstanding(lazy = False) # Grab the latest buff we logged, whether it was accepted or not. last_buff = CorrelationBuff.find_one(None, sort = [('$end', pymongo.DESCENDING)]) a_year_ago = (today - datetime.timedelta(days = 365)) if last_buff: last_buff['end'] = pytz.UTC.localize(last_buff['end']) start_date = max(a_year_ago, last_buff['end'] + datetime.timedelta(days = 1)) else: start_date = a_year_ago # If there were active buffs, we want to ask for correlations from the start # date of the earliest one. That way we can see if the active buffs have # extended out any further. This may, of course, result in some completed # buffs being returned *again*, so we'll have to filter those out by making # sure we don't include any correlations with an end date before the end # date of last_buff. correlation_start_date = today if active_buffs: for buff in active_buffs.values(): buff_start = datetime.datetime(*buff['start'], tzinfo = pytz.utc) if buff_start < correlation_start_date: correlation_start_date = buff_start else: correlation_start_date = start_date # Look for new correlations. for interval, group_by in group_by_intervals.items(): intervalString = ",".join(sorted(group_by)) # Look for new correlations in all combinations of paths. for paths in itertools.combinations(all_paths, 2): # Just grabbing the correlations for this user from the last 30 days # or since the last logged buff, whichever is later. new_correlations = API.get_correlations(current_user, paths, group_by, correlation_start_date, continuous = True) # Cache all the new correlations and update active buff end times # where applicable. for correlation in new_correlations: end = dict(zip(correlation['group_by'], correlation['end'])) start = dict(zip(correlation['group_by'], correlation['start'])) end = datetime.datetime(end['year'], end['month'], end['day'], tzinfo = pytz.utc) start = datetime.datetime(start['year'], start['month'], start['day'], tzinfo = pytz.utc) # If the correlation end date is today, then we consider the buff # active. We want to change its end date to None. if today == end: correlation_end = None else: correlation_end = end del correlation['end'] buff = CorrelationBuff.find_or_create( user_id = current_user['_id'], **correlation) if 'end' in buff and buff['end']: buff['end'] = pytz.UTC.localize(buff['end']) # If this has an start date greater than start_date, then we know # we need to save it. If not, and if it doesn't correspond to an # active buff, then we can ignore it. The user will have already # been prompted with it, by definition. # Also, don't append outstanding buffs with IDs, since they'll # already be a part of the outstanding_buffs list due to our # earlier Pymongo query. if (start > start_date and buff['state'] == CorrelationBuff.OUTSTANDING and '_id' not in buff): outstanding_buffs.append(buff) # Update the buff end date, or save the new buff if it hasn't # been saved before. if (buff['end'] != correlation_end or '_id' not in buff): buff['end'] = correlation_end # Does this "new correlation" correspond to a previously accepted # active buff? Does the new correlation provide an end date for that # active buff? Then update the buff's end date. if buff.key in active_buffs and end != today: active_buffs[buff.key]['end'] = correlation_end # Format the correlations as buffs. outstanding_buffs = [CorrelationBuffChart.create(current_user, buff ) for buff in outstanding_buffs] return render_template('%s/index.html' %, active_buff_charts = active_buff_charts, outstanding_buffs = outstanding_buffs, accepted_buffs = json.dumps(accepted_buffs.values() ) if accepted_buffs else None, OUTSTANDING = CorrelationBuff.OUTSTANDING, timeline_width = ((max_end - min_start)/10000 ) if max_end and min_start else None, start_year = (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(min_start).year ) if min_start else None)