Example #1
    def setupProperties(self):
        props = interfaces.IProperties(self)

        # give the properties a reference back to this build
        props.build = self

        # start with global properties from the configuration
        master = self.builder.botmaster.master

        # from the SourceStamps, which have properties via Change
        for change in self.allChanges():

        # and finally, get any properties from requests (this is the path
        # through which schedulers will send us properties)
        for rq in self.requests:

        # now set some properties of our own, corresponding to the
        # build itself
        props.setProperty("buildnumber", self.build_status.number, "Build")

        if self.sources and len(self.sources) == 1:
            # old interface for backwards compatibility
            source = self.sources[0]
            props.setProperty("branch", source.branch, "Build")
            props.setProperty("revision", source.revision, "Build")
            props.setProperty("repository", source.repository, "Build")
            props.setProperty("codebase", source.codebase, "Build")
            props.setProperty("project", source.project, "Build")

Example #2
    def _flushProperties(self, results):
        # `results` is just passed on to the next callback
        props = interfaces.IProperties(self)

        properties = props.getProperties().asList()
        for name, value, source in properties:
            yield self.master.data.updates.setBuildProperty(
                self.buildid, name, value, source)

Example #3
    def setupProperties(self):
        props = interfaces.IProperties(self)

        # give the properties a reference back to this build
        props.build = self

        # start with global properties from the configuration

        # from the SourceStamps, which have properties via Change
        for change in self.allChanges():

        # and finally, get any properties from requests (this is the path
        # through which schedulers will send us properties)
        for rq in self.requests:

Example #4
    def getSummaryStatistic(self, name, summary_fn, initial_value=_sentinel):
        step_stats_list = [
            for st in self.executedSteps
            if st.hasStatistic(name)]
        if initial_value is self._sentinel:
            return reduce(summary_fn, step_stats_list)
        return reduce(summary_fn, step_stats_list, initial_value)

    def getUrl(self):
        builder_id = yield self.builder.getBuilderId()
        defer.returnValue(getURLForBuild(self.master, builder_id, self.number))

    def waitUntilFinished(self):
        return self.master.mq.waitUntilEvent(
            ('builds', str(self.buildid), 'finished'),
            lambda: self.finished)

    # IBuildControl

    def getStatus(self):
        return self.build_status

    # stopBuild is defined earlier

    lambda build: interfaces.IProperties(build.properties),
    Build, interfaces.IProperties)
Example #5
    def setupStep(self, step, worker_version=None, worker_env=None,
                  buildFiles=None, wantDefaultWorkdir=True, wantData=True,
                  wantDb=False, wantMq=False):
        Set up C{step} for testing.  This begins by using C{step} as a factory
        to create a I{new} step instance, thereby testing that the factory
        arguments are handled correctly.  It then creates a comfortable
        environment for the worker to run in, replete with a fake build and a
        fake worker.

        As a convenience, it can set the step's workdir with C{'wkdir'}.

        @param worker_version: worker version to present, as a dictionary mapping
            command name to version.  A command name of '*' will apply for all

        @param worker_env: environment from the worker at worker startup

        @param wantData(bool): Set to True to add data API connector to master.
            Default value: True.

        @param wantDb(bool): Set to True to add database connector to master.
            Default value: False.

        @param wantMq(bool): Set to True to add mq connector to master.
            Default value: False.
        if worker_version is None:
            worker_version = {
                '*': '99.99'

        if worker_env is None:
            worker_env = dict()

        if buildFiles is None:
            buildFiles = list()

        factory = interfaces.IBuildStepFactory(step)

        step = self.step = factory.buildStep()
        self.master = fakemaster.make_master(wantData=wantData, wantDb=wantDb,
                                             wantMq=wantMq, testcase=self)

        # mock out the reactor for updateSummary's debouncing
        self.debounceClock = task.Clock()
        self.master.reactor = self.debounceClock

        # set defaults
        if wantDefaultWorkdir:
            step.workdir = step._workdir or 'wkdir'

        # step.build

        b = self.build = fakebuild.FakeBuild(master=self.master)
        b.allFiles = lambda: buildFiles
        b.master = self.master

        def getWorkerVersion(cmd, oldversion):
            if cmd in worker_version:
                return worker_version[cmd]
            if '*' in worker_version:
                return worker_version['*']
            return oldversion
        b.getWorkerCommandVersion = getWorkerVersion
        b.workerEnvironment = worker_env.copy()

        # watch for properties being set
        self.properties = interfaces.IProperties(b)

        # step.progress

        step.progress = mock.Mock(name="progress")

        # step.worker

        self.worker = step.worker = worker.FakeWorker(self.master)

        # step overrides

        def addLog(name, type='s', logEncoding=None):
            _log = logfile.FakeLogFile(name, step)
            self.step.logs[name] = _log
            return defer.succeed(_log)
        step.addLog = addLog
        step.addLog_newStyle = addLog

        def addHTMLLog(name, html):
            _log = logfile.FakeLogFile(name, step)
            html = bytes2NativeString(html)
            return defer.succeed(None)
        step.addHTMLLog = addHTMLLog

        def addCompleteLog(name, text):
            _log = logfile.FakeLogFile(name, step)
            self.step.logs[name] = _log
            return defer.succeed(None)
        step.addCompleteLog = addCompleteLog

        step.logobservers = self.logobservers = {}

        def addLogObserver(logname, observer):
            self.logobservers.setdefault(logname, []).append(observer)
            observer.step = step
        step.addLogObserver = addLogObserver

        # add any observers defined in the constructor, before this
        # monkey-patch
        for n, o in step._pendingLogObservers:
            addLogObserver(n, o)

        # expectations

        self.exp_result = None
        self.exp_state_string = None
        self.exp_properties = {}
        self.exp_missing_properties = []
        self.exp_logfiles = {}
        self.exp_hidden = False
        self.exp_exception = None

        # check that the step's name is not None
        self.assertNotEqual(step.name, None)

        return step
Example #6
    def runCommand(self, c):
        c.buildslave = self.buildslave
        d = c.run(self, self.remote)
        return d

    def _maybeEvaluate(value, *args, **kwargs):
        if callable(value):
            value = value(*args, **kwargs)
        return value

components.registerAdapter(BuildStep._getStepFactory, BuildStep,
components.registerAdapter(lambda step: interfaces.IProperties(step.build),
                           BuildStep, interfaces.IProperties)

class OutputProgressObserver(LogObserver):
    length = 0

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def logChunk(self, build, step, log, channel, text):
        self.length += len(text)
        self.step.setProgress(self.name, self.length)

class LoggingBuildStep(BuildStep):
Example #7
    def describe(self, done=False):
        # old-style steps expect this function to exist
        assert not self.isNewStyle()
        desc = self._describe(done)
        if not desc:
            return []
        if self.descriptionSuffix:
            desc += self.descriptionSuffix
        return desc

    BuildStep, interfaces.IBuildStepFactory)
    lambda step: interfaces.IProperties(step.build),
    BuildStep, interfaces.IProperties)

class LoggingBuildStep(BuildStep):

    progressMetrics = ('output',)
    logfiles = {}

    parms = BuildStep.parms + ['logfiles', 'lazylogfiles', 'log_eval_func']
    cmd = None

    renderables = ['logfiles', 'lazylogfiles']

    def __init__(self, logfiles=None, lazylogfiles=False, log_eval_func=None,
                 *args, **kwargs):
Example #8
    def setupStep(self, step, slave_version={'*': "99.99"}, slave_env={}):
        Set up C{step} for testing.  This begins by using C{step} as a factory
        to create a I{new} step instance, thereby testing that the the factory
        arguments are handled correctly.  It then creates a comfortable
        environment for the slave to run in, repleate with a fake build and a
        fake slave.

        As a convenience, it calls the step's setDefaultWorkdir method with

        @param slave_version: slave version to present, as a dictionary mapping
            command name to version.  A command name of '*' will apply for all

        @param slave_env: environment from the slave at slave startup
        factory = interfaces.IBuildStepFactory(step)
        step = self.step = factory.buildStep()
        self.master = fakemaster.make_master(testcase=self)

        # step.build

        b = self.build = fakebuild.FakeBuild()
        b.master = self.master

        def getSlaveVersion(cmd, oldversion):
            if cmd in slave_version:
                return slave_version[cmd]
            if '*' in slave_version:
                return slave_version['*']
            return oldversion

        b.getSlaveCommandVersion = getSlaveVersion
        b.slaveEnvironment = slave_env.copy()

        # watch for properties being set
        self.properties = interfaces.IProperties(b)

        # step.progress

        step.progress = mock.Mock(name="progress")

        # step.buildslave

        self.master = fakemaster.make_master(testcase=self)
        self.buildslave = step.buildslave = slave.FakeSlave(self.master)

        # step.step_status

        ss = self.step_status = mock.Mock(name="step_status")

        ss.status_text = None
        ss.logs = {}

        def ss_setText(strings):
            ss.status_text = strings

        ss.setText = ss_setText

        ss.getLogs = lambda: ss.logs.values()

        self.step_statistics = {}
        ss.setStatistic = self.step_statistics.__setitem__
        ss.getStatistic = self.step_statistics.get
        ss.hasStatistic = self.step_statistics.__contains__


        # step overrides

        def addLog(name):
            l = remotecommand.FakeLogFile(name, step)
            ss.logs[name] = l
            return l

        step.addLog = addLog

        def addHTMLLog(name, html):
            l = remotecommand.FakeLogFile(name, step)
            ss.logs[name] = l
            return l

        step.addHTMLLog = addHTMLLog

        def addCompleteLog(name, text):
            l = remotecommand.FakeLogFile(name, step)
            ss.logs[name] = l
            return l

        step.addCompleteLog = addCompleteLog

        step.logobservers = self.logobservers = {}

        def addLogObserver(logname, observer):
            self.logobservers.setdefault(logname, []).append(observer)
            observer.step = step

        step.addLogObserver = addLogObserver

        # add any observers defined in the constructor, before this monkey-patch
        for n, o in step._pendingLogObservers:
            addLogObserver(n, o)

        # set defaults


        # expectations

        self.exp_outcome = None
        self.exp_properties = {}
        self.exp_missing_properties = []
        self.exp_logfiles = {}
        self.exp_hidden = False

        # check that the step's name is not None
        self.assertNotEqual(step.name, None)

        return step
Example #9
    def createEmail(self,
        text = msgdict['body'].encode(ENCODING)
        type = msgdict['type']
        if 'subject' in msgdict:
            subject = msgdict['subject'].encode(ENCODING)
            subject = self.subject % {
                'result': Results[results],
                'projectName': title,
                'title': title,
                'builder': builderName,

        assert '\n' not in subject, \
            "Subject cannot contain newlines"

        assert type in ('plain', 'html'), \
            "'%s' message type must be 'plain' or 'html'." % type

        if patches or logs:
            m = MIMEMultipart()
            m.attach(MIMEText(text, type, ENCODING))
            m = Message()
            m.set_payload(text, ENCODING)
            m.set_type("text/%s" % type)

        m['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
        m['Subject'] = subject
        m['From'] = self.fromaddr
        # m['To'] is added later

        if patches:
            for (i, patch) in enumerate(patches):
                a = self.patch_to_attachment(patch, i)
        if logs:
            for log in logs:
                name = "%s.%s" % (log.getStep().getName(), log.getName())
                if (self._shouldAttachLog(log.getName())
                        or self._shouldAttachLog(name)):
                    text = log.getText()
                    if not isinstance(text, unicode):
                        text = text.decode(LOG_ENCODING)
                    a = MIMEText(text.encode(ENCODING), _charset=ENCODING)

        #@todo: is there a better way to do this?
        # Add any extra headers that were requested, doing WithProperties
        # interpolation if only one build was given
        if self.extraHeaders:
            for k, v in self.extraHeaders.items():
                if len(builds) == 1:
                    k = interfaces.IProperties(builds[0]).render(k)
                if k in m:
                    twlog.msg("Warning: Got header " + k +
                              " in self.extraHeaders "
                              "but it already exists in the Message - "
                              "not adding it.")
                if len(builds) == 1:
                    m[k] = interfaces.IProperties(builds[0]).render(v)
                    m[k] = v

        return m
Example #10
        if self.progress and results == SUCCESS:
            # XXX: also test a 'timing consistent' flag?
            log.msg(" setting expectations for next time")
        self.deferred = None

    def releaseLocks(self):
        if self.locks:
            log.msg("releaseLocks(%s): %s" % (self, self.locks))
        for lock, access in self.locks:
            if lock.isOwner(self, access):
                lock.release(self, access)
                # This should only happen if we've been interrupted
                assert self.stopped

    # IBuildControl

    def getStatus(self):
        return self.build_status

    # stopBuild is defined earlier

    lambda build: interfaces.IProperties(build.build_status), Build,
Example #11
    def setupStep(self,
        Set up C{step} for testing.  This begins by using C{step} as a factory
        to create a I{new} step instance, thereby testing that the factory
        arguments are handled correctly.  It then creates a comfortable
        environment for the worker to run in, replete with a fake build and a
        fake worker.

        As a convenience, it can set the step's workdir with C{'wkdir'}.

        @param worker_version: worker version to present, as a dictionary mapping
            command name to version.  A command name of '*' will apply for all

        @param worker_env: environment from the worker at worker startup
        if worker_version is None:
            worker_version = {'*': '99.99'}

        if worker_env is None:
            worker_env = dict()

        if buildFiles is None:
            buildFiles = list()

        factory = interfaces.IBuildStepFactory(step)

        step = self.step = factory.buildStep()

        # set defaults
        if wantDefaultWorkdir:
            step.workdir = step._workdir or 'wkdir'

        # step.build

        b = self.build = fakebuild.FakeBuild(master=self.master)
        b.allFiles = lambda: buildFiles
        b.master = self.master

        def getWorkerVersion(cmd, oldversion):
            if cmd in worker_version:
                return worker_version[cmd]
            if '*' in worker_version:
                return worker_version['*']
            return oldversion

        b.getWorkerCommandVersion = getWorkerVersion
        b.workerEnvironment = worker_env.copy()

        # watch for properties being set
        self.properties = interfaces.IProperties(b)

        # step.progress

        step.progress = mock.Mock(name="progress")

        # step.worker

        self.worker = step.worker = worker.FakeWorker(self.master)

        # step overrides

        def addLog(name, type='s', logEncoding=None):
            _log = logfile.FakeLogFile(name, step)
            self.step.logs[name] = _log
            return defer.succeed(_log)

        step.addLog = addLog
        step.addLog_newStyle = addLog

        def addHTMLLog(name, html):
            _log = logfile.FakeLogFile(name, step)
            html = bytes2unicode(html)
            return defer.succeed(None)

        step.addHTMLLog = addHTMLLog

        def addCompleteLog(name, text):
            _log = logfile.FakeLogFile(name, step)
            self.step.logs[name] = _log
            return defer.succeed(None)

        step.addCompleteLog = addCompleteLog

        step.logobservers = self.logobservers = {}

        def addLogObserver(logname, observer):
            self.logobservers.setdefault(logname, []).append(observer)
            observer.step = step

        step.addLogObserver = addLogObserver

        # add any observers defined in the constructor, before this
        # monkey-patch
        for n, o in step._pendingLogObservers:
            addLogObserver(n, o)

        self._got_test_result_sets = []
        self._next_test_result_set_id = 1000

        def add_test_result_set(description, category, value_unit):
                (description, category, value_unit))

            setid = self._next_test_result_set_id
            self._next_test_result_set_id += 1
            return defer.succeed(setid)

        step.addTestResultSet = add_test_result_set

        self._got_test_results = []

        def add_test_result(setid,
                (setid, value, test_name, test_code_path, line, duration_ns))

        step.addTestResult = add_test_result

        # expectations

        self.exp_result = None
        self.exp_state_string = None
        self.exp_properties = {}
        self.exp_missing_properties = []
        self.exp_logfiles = {}
        self.exp_hidden = False
        self.exp_exception = None
        self._exp_test_result_sets = []
        self._exp_test_results = []

        # check that the step's name is not None
        self.assertNotEqual(step.name, None)

        return step
Example #12
    def setupStep(self,
                  slave_version={'*': "99.99"},
        Set up C{step} for testing.  This begins by using C{step} as a factory
        to create a I{new} step instance, thereby testing that the the factory
        arguments are handled correctly.  It then creates a comfortable
        environment for the slave to run in, replete with a fake build and a
        fake slave.

        As a convenience, it calls the step's setDefaultWorkdir method with

        @param slave_version: slave version to present, as a dictionary mapping
            command name to version.  A command name of '*' will apply for all

        @param slave_env: environment from the slave at slave startup
        factory = interfaces.IBuildStepFactory(step)
        step = self.step = factory.buildStep()
        self.master = fakemaster.make_master(wantData=True, testcase=self)

        # step.build

        b = self.build = fakebuild.FakeBuild(master=self.master)
        b.allFiles = lambda: buildFiles
        b.master = self.master

        def getSlaveVersion(cmd, oldversion):
            if cmd in slave_version:
                return slave_version[cmd]
            if '*' in slave_version:
                return slave_version['*']
            return oldversion

        b.getSlaveCommandVersion = getSlaveVersion
        b.slaveEnvironment = slave_env.copy()

        # watch for properties being set
        self.properties = interfaces.IProperties(b)

        # step.progress

        step.progress = mock.Mock(name="progress")

        # step.buildslave

        self.buildslave = step.buildslave = slave.FakeSlave(self.master)

        # step overrides

        def addLog(name, type='s', logEncoding=None):
            l = logfile.FakeLogFile(name, step)
            self.step.logs[name] = l
            return defer.succeed(l)

        step.addLog = addLog
        step.addLog_newStyle = addLog

        def addHTMLLog(name, html):
            l = logfile.FakeLogFile(name, step)
            return defer.succeed(None)

        step.addHTMLLog = addHTMLLog

        def addCompleteLog(name, text):
            l = logfile.FakeLogFile(name, step)
            self.step.logs[name] = l
            return defer.succeed(None)

        step.addCompleteLog = addCompleteLog

        step.logobservers = self.logobservers = {}

        def addLogObserver(logname, observer):
            self.logobservers.setdefault(logname, []).append(observer)
            observer.step = step

        step.addLogObserver = addLogObserver

        # add any observers defined in the constructor, before this
        # monkey-patch
        for n, o in step._pendingLogObservers:
            addLogObserver(n, o)

        # set defaults


        # expectations

        self.exp_result = None
        self.exp_state_strings = None
        self.exp_properties = {}
        self.exp_missing_properties = []
        self.exp_logfiles = {}
        self.exp_hidden = False

        # check that the step's name is not None
        self.assertNotEqual(step.name, None)

        # mock out the reactor for updateSummary's debouncing
        self.debounceClock = task.Clock()
        step.updateSummary._reactor = self.debounceClock

        return step
Example #13
    def setupStep(self, step, slave_version="99.99", slave_env={}):
        Set up C{step} for testing.  This begins by using C{step} as a factory
        to create a I{new} step instance, thereby testing that the the factory
        arguments are handled correctly.  It then creates a comfortable
        environment for the slave to run in, repleate with a fake build and a
        fake slave.

        As a convenience, it calls the step's setDefaultWorkdir method with

        @param slave_version: slave version to present; defaults to "99.99"

        @param slave_env: environment from the slave at slave startup
        # yes, Virginia, "factory" refers both to the tuple and its first
        # element TODO: fix that up
        factory, args = step.getStepFactory()
        step = self.step = factory(**args)

        # step.build

        b = self.build = fakebuild.FakeBuild()
        b.getSlaveCommandVersion = lambda command, oldversion: slave_version
        b.slaveEnvironment = slave_env.copy()

        # watch for properties being set
        self.properties = interfaces.IProperties(b)

        # step.progress

        step.progress = mock.Mock(name="progress")

        # step.buildslave

        step.buildslave = mock.Mock(name="buildslave")

        # step.step_status

        ss = self.step_status = mock.Mock(name="step_status")

        ss.status_text = None
        ss.logs = {}

        def ss_setText(strings):
            ss.status_text = strings

        ss.setText = ss_setText

        ss.getLogs = lambda: ss.logs.values()

        self.step_statistics = {}
        ss.setStatistic = self.step_statistics.__setitem__
        ss.getStatistic = self.step_statistics.get
        ss.hasStatistic = self.step_statistics.__contains__


        # step overrides

        def addLog(name):
            l = remotecommand.FakeLogFile(name)
            ss.logs[name] = l
            return l

        step.addLog = addLog

        def addHTMLLog(name, html):
            l = remotecommand.FakeLogFile(name)
            ss.logs[name] = l
            return l

        step.addHTMLLog = addHTMLLog

        def addCompleteLog(name, text):
            l = remotecommand.FakeLogFile(name)
            ss.logs[name] = l
            return l

        step.addCompleteLog = addCompleteLog

        # set defaults


        # expectations

        self.exp_outcome = None
        self.exp_properties = {}
        self.exp_missing_properties = []
        self.exp_logfiles = {}

        return step