def test_cleanup_bad_config2(self):
     self.createMasterCfg(extraconfig="++++ # syntaxerror")
     res = yield cleanupdb._cleanupDatabase(mkconfig(basedir='basedir'))
     self.assertEqual(res, 1)
     self.assertInStdout("error while parsing config")
     # config logs an error via log.err, we must eat it or trial will complain
 def test_cleanup_bad_config2(self):
     self.createMasterCfg(extraconfig="++++ # syntaxerror")
     res = yield cleanupdb._cleanupDatabase(mkconfig(basedir='basedir'))
     self.assertEqual(res, 1)
     self.assertInStdout("error while parsing config")
     # config logs an error via log.err, we must eat it or trial will complain
    def test_cleanup(self):

        # test may use mysql or pg if configured in env
        if "BUILDBOT_TEST_DB_URL" not in os.environ:

                self, "BUILDBOT_TEST_DB_URL", "sqlite:///" +
                os.path.join(self.origcwd, "basedir", "state.sqlite"))
        # we reuse RealDatabaseMixin to setup the db
        yield self.setUpRealDatabase(table_names=[
            'logs', 'logchunks', 'steps', 'builds', 'builders', 'masters',
            'buildrequests', 'buildsets', 'workers'
        master = fakemaster.make_master()
        master.config.db['db_url'] = self.db_url
        self.db = DBConnector(self.basedir)
        self.db.pool = self.db_pool

        # we reuse the fake db background data from db.logs unit tests
        yield self.insertTestData(test_db_logs.Tests.backgroundData)

        # insert a log with lots of redundancy
        LOGDATA = "xx\n" * 2000
        logid = yield self.db.logs.addLog(102, "x", "x", "s")
        yield self.db.logs.appendLog(logid, LOGDATA)

        # test all methods
        lengths = {}
        for mode in self.db.logs.COMPRESSION_MODE.keys():
            if mode == "lz4" and not hasLz4:
                # ok.. lz4 is not installed, dont fail
                lengths["lz4"] = 40
            # create a master.cfg with different compression method
            self.createMasterCfg("c['logCompressionMethod'] = '%s'" % (mode, ))
            res = yield cleanupdb._cleanupDatabase(mkconfig(basedir='basedir'))
            self.assertEqual(res, 0)

            # make sure the compression don't change the data we can retrieve
            # via api
            res = yield self.db.logs.getLogLines(logid, 0, 2000)
            self.assertEqual(res, LOGDATA)

            # retrieve the actual data size in db using raw sqlalchemy
            def thd(conn):
                tbl = self.db.model.logchunks
                q =[tbl.c.content])
                q = q.where(tbl.c.logid == logid)
                return sum([len(row.content) for row in conn.execute(q)])

            lengths[mode] = yield

        self.assertDictAlmostEqual(lengths, {
            'raw': 5999,
            'bz2': 44,
            'lz4': 40,
            'gz': 31
Example #4
    def test_cleanup(self):

        # test may use mysql or pg if configured in env
        if "BUILDBOT_TEST_DB_URL" not in os.environ:

            patch_environ(self, "BUILDBOT_TEST_DB_URL", "sqlite:///" + os.path.join(self.origcwd,
                                                                                    "basedir", "state.sqlite"))
        # we reuse RealDatabaseMixin to setup the db
        yield self.setUpRealDatabase(table_names=['logs', 'logchunks', 'steps', 'builds', 'builders',
                                                  'masters', 'buildrequests', 'buildsets',
        master = fakemaster.make_master()
        master.config.db['db_url'] = self.db_url
        self.db = DBConnector(self.basedir)
        self.db.pool = self.db_pool

        # we reuse the fake db background data from db.logs unit tests
        yield self.insertTestData(test_db_logs.Tests.backgroundData)

        # insert a log with lots of redundancy
        LOGDATA = "xx\n" * 2000
        logid = yield self.db.logs.addLog(102, "x", "x", "s")
        yield self.db.logs.appendLog(logid, LOGDATA)

        # test all methods
        lengths = {}
        for mode in self.db.logs.COMPRESSION_MODE.keys():
            if mode == "lz4" and not hasLz4:
                # ok.. lz4 is not installed, dont fail
                lengths["lz4"] = 40
            # create a master.cfg with different compression method
            self.createMasterCfg("c['logCompressionMethod'] = '%s'" % (mode,))
            res = yield cleanupdb._cleanupDatabase(mkconfig(basedir='basedir'))
            self.assertEqual(res, 0)

            # make sure the compression don't change the data we can retrieve
            # via api
            res = yield self.db.logs.getLogLines(logid, 0, 2000)
            self.assertEqual(res, LOGDATA)

            # retrieve the actual data size in db using raw sqlalchemy
            def thd(conn):
                tbl = self.db.model.logchunks
                q =[tbl.c.content])
                q = q.where(tbl.c.logid == logid)
                return sum([len(row.content) for row in conn.execute(q)])
            lengths[mode] = yield

            lengths, {'raw': 5999, 'bz2': 44, 'lz4': 40, 'gz': 31})
    def test_cleanup_bad_config2(self):
        # test may use mysql or pg if configured in env
        if "BUILDBOT_TEST_DB_URL" not in os.environ:

            patch_environ(self, "BUILDBOT_TEST_DB_URL", "sqlite:///" + os.path.join(self.origcwd,
                                                                             "basedir", "state.sqlite"))

        self.createMasterCfg(extraconfig="++++ # syntaxerror")
        res = yield cleanupdb._cleanupDatabase(mkconfig(basedir='basedir'))
        self.assertEqual(res, 1)
        self.assertInStdout("encountered a SyntaxError while parsing config file:")
        # config logs an error via log.err, we must eat it or trial will complain
Example #6
    def test_cleanup_bad_config2(self):
        # test may use mysql or pg if configured in env
        if "BUILDBOT_TEST_DB_URL" not in os.environ:

            patch_environ(self, "BUILDBOT_TEST_DB_URL", "sqlite:///" + os.path.join(self.origcwd,
                                                                                    "basedir", "state.sqlite"))

        self.createMasterCfg(extraconfig="++++ # syntaxerror")
        res = yield cleanupdb._cleanupDatabase(mkconfig(basedir='basedir'))
        self.assertEqual(res, 1)
            "encountered a SyntaxError while parsing config file:")
        # config logs an error via log.err, we must eat it or trial will
        # complain
Example #7
    def test_cleanup(self):
        # we reuse the fake db background data from db.logs unit tests
        yield self.insertTestData(test_logs.Tests.backgroundData)

        # insert a log with lots of redundancy
        LOGDATA = "xx\n" * 2000
        logid = yield self.master.db.logs.addLog(102, "x", "x", "s")
        yield self.master.db.logs.appendLog(logid, LOGDATA)

        # test all methods
        lengths = {}
        for mode in self.master.db.logs.COMPRESSION_MODE:
            if mode == "lz4" and not hasLz4:
                # ok.. lz4 is not installed, don't fail
                lengths["lz4"] = 40
            # create a master.cfg with different compression method
                "c['logCompressionMethod'] = '{}'".format(mode))
            res = yield cleanupdb._cleanupDatabase(mkconfig(basedir='basedir'))
            self.assertEqual(res, 0)

            # make sure the compression don't change the data we can retrieve
            # via api
            res = yield self.master.db.logs.getLogLines(logid, 0, 2000)
            self.assertEqual(res, LOGDATA)

            # retrieve the actual data size in db using raw sqlalchemy
            def thd(conn):
                tbl = self.master.db.model.logchunks
                q =[sa.func.sum(sa.func.length(tbl.c.content))])
                q = q.where(tbl.c.logid == logid)
                return conn.execute(q).fetchone()[0]

            lengths[mode] = yield

        self.assertDictAlmostEqual(lengths, {
            'raw': 5999,
            'bz2': 44,
            'lz4': 40,
            'gz': 31
 def test_cleanup_bad_config(self):
     res = yield cleanupdb._cleanupDatabase(mkconfig(basedir='basedir'))
     self.assertEqual(res, 1)
     self.assertInStdout("master.cfg' does not exist")
 def test_cleanup_not_basedir(self):
     res = yield cleanupdb._cleanupDatabase(mkconfig(basedir='doesntexist'))
     self.assertEqual(res, 1)
     self.assertInStdout('invalid buildmaster directory')
Example #10
 def test_cleanup_bad_config(self):
     res = yield cleanupdb._cleanupDatabase(mkconfig(basedir='basedir'))
     self.assertEqual(res, 1)
     self.assertInStdout("master.cfg' does not exist")
Example #11
 def test_cleanup_not_basedir(self):
     res = yield cleanupdb._cleanupDatabase(mkconfig(basedir='doesntexist'))
     self.assertEqual(res, 1)
     self.assertInStdout('invalid buildmaster directory')