def __init__(self,player,conf): Builder.__init__(self,player) #set the main tiles to pass by first=self.find_first_target_tile(conf['x'],conf['y']) self.add_to_path(first) last=self.find_last_target_tile(conf['x'],conf['y']) self.add_to_path(last)
def __init__(self): Builder.__init__( self, { 'Id': SetAttrBuilder('id'), 'Lap': LapBuilder(), 'Creator': CreatorBuilder() })
def __init__(self, pkgname=None): Builder.__init__(self, pkgname=pkgname, archivename=None, buildsubdir=None, buildcommand='slice2html', buildtargets=[]) ''' The constructor sets up a package build 'environment' :param pkgname: The (optional) name of the package directory. By default the current directory name is used. :param archivename: The (optional) archive name minus suffix. The default is None. :param buildsubdir: The (optional) directory in which to start the build. :param buildtargets: The (optional) additional build targets. :param buildcommand: The (optional) build command. The default is 'slice2html'. ''' self._docdir = 'doc' self.add_extra_clean_targets(self._docdir) self.parallel = False self.header = None self.footer = None # get the environment to pick up ice pth = os.path.pathsep.join([os.environ.get('PATH'), self.dep.get_path()]) self.add_ld_library_paths(self.dep.get_ld_library_path()) self.append_env('PATH', pth)
def __init__(self, pkgname=None): Builder.__init__(self, pkgname=pkgname, archivename=None, buildsubdir=None, buildcommand='slice2html', buildtargets=[]) ''' The constructor sets up a package build 'environment' :param pkgname: The (optional) name of the package directory. By default the current directory name is used. :param archivename: The (optional) archive name minus suffix. The default is None. :param buildsubdir: The (optional) directory in which to start the build. :param buildtargets: The (optional) additional build targets. :param buildcommand: The (optional) build command. The default is 'slice2html'. ''' self._docdir = 'doc' self.add_extra_clean_targets(self._docdir) self.parallel = False self.header = None self.footer = None # get the environment to pick up ice pth = os.path.pathsep.join( [os.environ.get('PATH'), self.dep.get_path()]) self.add_ld_library_paths(self.dep.get_ld_library_path()) self.append_env('PATH', pth)
def __init__(self, pkgname=None, archivename=None, extractdir=None, buildsubdir=None, buildtargets=[], buildcommand="ant", installcommand="ant", installsubdir=""): ''' The constructor sets up a package build "environment". :param pkgname: The (optional) name of the package directory. By default the directory name is used. :param archivename: The (optional) archive name minus suffix. The default is based on package name. :param extractdir: The (optional) directory into which the archive is extracted. It is created if it does not exist. :param buildsubdir: The (optional) directory in which to start the build. :param buildtargets: The (optional) additional build targets. :param buildcommand: The (optional) build command (default is 'ant'). :param installcommand: The (optional) install command (default is 'ant'). ''' Builder.__init__(self, pkgname=pkgname, archivename=archivename, extractdir=extractdir, buildsubdir=buildsubdir, buildcommand=buildcommand, buildtargets=[""] + buildtargets, installcommand=installcommand) self.parallel = False if installsubdir: self.installdir = os.path.join(self._prefix, installsubdir) else: self.installdir = self._prefix self._run_script = []
def __init__(self, pkgname=None, archivename=None, extractdir=None, epicsbase=None, releasefile=None, srcdir=None, fileprefix=None, dbprefix=None, *args, **kwargs): Builder.__init__(self, pkgname=pkgname, archivename=archivename, extractdir=extractdir, buildcommand="", buildtargets=[""]) self.parallel = False self._appname = os.getcwd().split(os.sep)[-2] if epicsbase is None: self._epicsBuild = False self._srcdir = srcdir srcOutDir = srcdir dbOutDir = None xmlOutDir = None else: self._epicsBuild = True self._epicsbase = self.dep.get_install_path(epicsbase) self._epicsbase = self._epicsbase.rstrip(os.sep) self._srcdir = os.path.join(srcdir, 'src') comm = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._epicsbase), "EpicsHostArch") #self._epicsarch = utils.runcmd(comm)[0].strip() + '-debug' self._epicsarch = utils.runcmd(comm)[0].strip() srcOutDir = os.path.join(srcdir, 'src', 'O.' + self._epicsarch) dbOutDir = os.path.join(srcdir, 'Db', 'O.Common') xmlOutDir = os.path.join('install', 'epicsxml') self._adePoints = [] self._adeParser = AdbeParser(self._appname, dbprefix, fileprefix, srcOutDir, dbOutDir, xmlOutDir, *args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, pkgname=None, archivename=None, buildsubdir=None, buildtargets=[], confcommand=CONFIG, buildcommand=MAKE, installcommand=INSTALL): ''' The constructor sets up a package build "environment" :param pkgname: The name of the package directory. By default the current directory name is used :param archivename: The (optional) archive name minus suffix. The default is based on package name. :param buildsubdir: The (optional) directory in which to start the build. :param buildtargets: The (optional) additional build targets. :param confcommand: The (optional) configure command. The default is 'configure'. :param buildcommand: The (optional) build command. The default is 'make'. :param installcommand: The (optional) install command. The default is 'make install'. ''' Builder.__init__(self, pkgname=pkgname, archivename=archivename, buildsubdir=buildsubdir, buildtargets=[""]+buildtargets, buildcommand=buildcommand, confcommand=confcommand, installcommand=installcommand)
def __init__(self, pkgname, pkgversion=None, exename=None): Builder.__init__(self, pkgname=pkgname) # Needed for os.chdir in _build self._pkgversion = pkgversion self._exename = exename self._builddir = "." self.parallel = False
def __init__(self, pkgname=None, archivename=None, buildsubdir=None, buildtargets=[], buildcommand=MAKE, confcommand="cmake", installcommand=" ".join([MAKE, "install"])): ''' The constructor sets up a package build "environment" :param pkgname: The (optional) name of the package directory. By default the current directory name is used. :param archivename: The (optional) archive name minus suffix. The default is based on package name. :param extractdir: The (optional) directory into which the archive is extracted. It is created if it does not exist. :param buildsubdir: The (optional) directory in which to start the build. :param buildtargets: The (optional) additional build targets. :param confcommand: The (optional) command to configure the package. The default is 'cmake'. :param buildcommand: The (optional) build command. The default is 'make'. :param installcommand: The (optional) install command. The default is 'make install'. ''' Builder.__init__(self, pkgname=pkgname, archivename=archivename, buildsubdir=buildsubdir, buildcommand=buildcommand, buildtargets=['']+buildtargets, confcommand=confcommand, installcommand=installcommand) self._cmakedir = 'build'
def __init__(self, pkgname=None, archivename=None, buildsubdir=None): Builder.__init__(self, pkgname=pkgname, buildsubdir=buildsubdir, archivename=archivename) self.parallel = False self.has_extension = False self._pycmd = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self._askaproot, 'bin', 'python'))
def __init__(self, pkgname=None, archivename=None, extractdir=None, sconsversion=None): Builder.__init__(self, pkgname=pkgname, archivename=archivename, extractdir=extractdir) self.sconsversion = sconsversion
def __init__(self): Builder.__init__(self, { 'TotalTimeSeconds': SetAttrBuilder('total_time_seconds', float), 'DistanceMeters': SetAttrBuilder('distance_meters', float), 'MaximumSpeed': SetAttrBuilder('maximum_speed', float), 'Calories': SetAttrBuilder('calories', int), 'AverageHeartRateBpm': Builder({ 'Value': SetAttrBuilder('average_heart_rate_bpm', int)}), 'MaximumHeartRateBpm': Builder({ 'Value': SetAttrBuilder('maximum_heart_rate_bpm', int)}), 'Intensity': SetAttrBuilder('intensity'), 'TriggerMethod': SetAttrBuilder('trigger_method'), 'Track': TrackBuilder()})
def __init__(self, pkgname=None, archivename=None, buildsubdir=None, buildtargets=[], buildcommand='make', confcommand=None, installcommand='make install', qtdep='qt4'): Builder.__init__(self, pkgname=pkgname, archivename=archivename, buildsubdir=buildsubdir, buildcommand=buildcommand, buildtargets=[""]+buildtargets, confcommand=confcommand, installcommand=installcommand) # Set path to Qt binaries (where qmake is located) self.qtpath = self.dep.get_install_path(qtdep) self._ccom = os.path.join(self.qtpath, 'bin', 'qmake') # Add auto-generated Makefile to clean targets (prevent adding Makefile to repository) self.add_extra_clean_targets('Makefile')
def __init__(self, metapkgname=None, datadir=None, msibasedir=None, jarbasedir=None): ## The constructor sets up a package build "environment" # @param self The current object. # @param metapkgname The name of the meta-package directory. By default the # current directory name is used (basename of current directory). # @param datadir The base directory name to be copied recursively in install dir, i.e. every file and # subdirectory will be copied recursively into install directory. Defaults to "files/data". # @param msibasedir The base directory name of the msi template/substitutions files and subdirectories. # It is pre-pended to every input directory entered in add_msi_template() and add_msi_template_dir() calls. # Defaults to "files/msi". # @param jarbasedir The base directory name of the jar configuration directories. It is pre-pended to # input directories entered in the add_config_jar_dir() method. Builder.__init__(self, pkgname='.') self._quiet = False if '-q' in self._comopts or '--quiet' in self._comopts: self._quiet = True self._versionstr = str(utils.get_svn_branch_info()) self._metapkgname = metapkgname or os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(os.curdir)) self._datadir = datadir or os.path.join('files', 'data') # List of directories that needs to be copied to installdir self._datatrees = [] if os.path.exists(self._datadir): self._datatrees.append(self._datadir) # List of jar command and outputdir that needs to be executed self._jar_cmdlist = [] self._jarcmd = 'jar cvf' self._jarbasedir = jarbasedir or os.path.join('files', 'jar') # List of msi commands and outputdir that needs to be executed self._msibasedir = msibasedir or os.path.join('files', 'msi') self._msi_cmdlist = [] # Check that msi tool is in the dependencies try: msipath = self.dep.get_install_path('msi') self._msi_in_dep = True except: msipath = '' self._msi_in_dep = False ea = self.dep.get_env().get('EPICS_HOST_ARCH', None) if ea is None: print "Couldn't determine EPICS architecture" sys.exit(1) os.environ['EPICS_HOST_ARCH'] = ea self.epics_host_arch = ea self._msicmd = '' if self._msi_in_dep: self._msicmd = os.path.join(msipath, 'bin', ea, 'msi')
def __init__(self, pkgname=None, archivename=None, extractdir=None): ''' The constructor sets up a package build "environment" :param pkgname: The (optional) name of the package directory. By default the current directory name is used. :param archivename: The (optional) archive name minus suffix. The default is based on package name. :param extractdir: The (optional) directory into which the archive is extracted. It is created if it does not exist. ''' if pkgname == '.': raise BuildError("The package name has to be explicit") Builder.__init__(self, pkgname=pkgname, archivename=archivename, extractdir=extractdir) if self._tarname is not None: self.add_extra_clean_targets(self._package) self.no_initscript = True self.parallel = False
def __init__(self, pkgname=None, archivename=None, buildsubdir=None, buildtargets=[], buildcommand='make', confcommand=None, installcommand='make install', qtdep='qt4'): Builder.__init__(self, pkgname=pkgname, archivename=archivename, buildsubdir=buildsubdir, buildcommand=buildcommand, buildtargets=[""] + buildtargets, confcommand=confcommand, installcommand=installcommand) # Set path to Qt binaries (where qmake is located) self.qtpath = self.dep.get_install_path(qtdep) self._ccom = os.path.join(self.qtpath, 'bin', 'qmake') # Add auto-generated Makefile to clean targets (prevent adding Makefile to repository) self.add_extra_clean_targets('Makefile')
def __init__(self): Builder.__init__( self, { 'TotalTimeSeconds': SetAttrBuilder('total_time_seconds', float), 'DistanceMeters': SetAttrBuilder('distance_meters', float), 'MaximumSpeed': SetAttrBuilder('maximum_speed', float), 'Calories': SetAttrBuilder('calories', int), 'AverageHeartRateBpm': Builder( {'Value': SetAttrBuilder('average_heart_rate_bpm', int)}), 'MaximumHeartRateBpm': Builder( {'Value': SetAttrBuilder('maximum_heart_rate_bpm', int)}), 'Intensity': SetAttrBuilder('intensity'), 'TriggerMethod': SetAttrBuilder('trigger_method'), 'Track': TrackBuilder() })
def __init__(self, pkgname=None, archivename=None, extractdir=None, epicsbase=None, releasefile=None, supportmodule=False): Builder.__init__(self, pkgname=pkgname, archivename=archivename, extractdir=extractdir, buildcommand="make", buildtargets=[""]) self.parallel = False self._epicssupportdict = {} # support modules self._iocbootdirsdict = {} # iocboot directories to install self._implicit_deps = [] self._support_module = supportmodule if epicsbase is None: # We are building EPICS base (no need for RELEASE file) self._epicsbase = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), self._installdir) self._is_epics_base = True else: self._epicsbase = self.dep.get_install_path(epicsbase) self._is_epics_base = False self._appname = os.getcwd().split(os.sep)[-2] self._epicsbase = self._epicsbase.rstrip(os.sep) # Set EPICS architecture using shell script in EPICS base directory. comm = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._epicsbase), "EpicsHostArch") self._epicsarch = utils.runcmd(comm)[0].strip() self.add_env("EPICS_HOST_ARCH", self._epicsarch) self._oldreleasefile = None if releasefile is None: self._releasefile = "RELEASE." + self._epicsarch + ".Common" # Create old (<3.14.11) release file for compatibility with # old style of CONFIG files that uses CONFIG_APP, for example # asyn, modbus self._oldreleasefile = 'RELEASE.' + self._epicsarch self.add_extra_clean_targets( self._oldreleasefile, os.path.join('configure', self._oldreleasefile)) else: self._releasefile = releasefile self.add_extra_clean_targets( self._releasefile, "", os.path.join('configure', self._releasefile)) self._deps_file = os.path.join(self._bdir, "configure", "ASKAPDEPS") self.add_extra_clean_targets(self._deps_file) ldname = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" if sys.platform == "darwin": ldname = "DY" + ldname if ldname in os.environ: os.environ[ldname] = \ os.path.pathsep.join([self.dep.get_ld_library_path(), os.environ[ldname]]) else: os.environ[ldname] = self.dep.get_ld_library_path() os.environ["PATH"] = os.path.pathsep.join( [self.dep.get_path(), os.environ["PATH"]]) # Setup version header file name if not epics base if not self._is_epics_base: self._version_header_filename = self._appname + '_version.h' self.add_extra_clean_targets(self._version_header_filename) self._csv_files = []
def __init__(self, entry): Builder.__init__(self) self.__entry = entry pass
def __init__(self, pkgname=None, archivename=None, extractdir=None, epicsbase=None, releasefile=None): Builder.__init__(self, pkgname=pkgname, archivename=archivename, extractdir=extractdir, buildcommand="make", buildtargets=[""]) self.parallel = False self._epicssupportdict = {} # support modules self._iocbootdirsdict = {} # iocboot directories to install self._implicit_deps = [] if epicsbase is None: # We are building EPICS base (no need for RELEASE file) self._epicsbase = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), self._installdir) self._is_epics_base = True else: self._epicsbase = self.dep.get_install_path(epicsbase) self._is_epics_base = False self._appname = os.getcwd().split(os.sep)[-2] self._epicsbase = self._epicsbase.rstrip(os.sep) # Set EPICS architecture using shell script in EPICS base directory. comm = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._epicsbase), "EpicsHostArch") self._epicsarch = utils.runcmd(comm)[0].strip() self.add_env("EPICS_HOST_ARCH", self._epicsarch) self._oldreleasefile = None if releasefile is None: self._releasefile = "RELEASE." + self._epicsarch + ".Common" # Create old (<3.14.11) release file for compatibility with # old style of CONFIG files that uses CONFIG_APP, for example # asyn, modbus self._oldreleasefile = 'RELEASE.' + self._epicsarch self.add_extra_clean_targets(self._oldreleasefile, os.path.join('configure', self._oldreleasefile)) else: self._releasefile = releasefile self.add_extra_clean_targets(self._releasefile, "", os.path.join('configure', self._releasefile)) self._deps_file = os.path.join(self._bdir, "configure", "ASKAPDEPS") self.add_extra_clean_targets(self._deps_file) ldname = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" if sys.platform == "darwin": ldname = "DY"+ldname if ldname in os.environ: os.environ[ldname] = \ os.path.pathsep.join([self.dep.get_ld_library_path(), os.environ[ldname]]) else: os.environ[ldname] = self.dep.get_ld_library_path() os.environ["PATH"] = os.path.pathsep.join([self.dep.get_path(), os.environ["PATH"]]) # Setup version header file name if not epics base if not self._is_epics_base: self._version_header_filename = self._appname + '_version.h' self.add_extra_clean_targets(self._version_header_filename) self._csv_files = []
def __init__(self): Builder.__init__(self, { 'Id': SetAttrBuilder('id'), 'Lap': LapBuilder(), 'Creator': CreatorBuilder()})
def __init__(self): Builder.__init__(self) self.__pending_revoke = set() self.__done_revoke = set() pass
def __init__(self, pkgname=None, archivename=None, buildsubdir=None): Builder.__init__(self, pkgname=pkgname, buildsubdir=buildsubdir, archivename=archivename) self.parallel = False self.has_extension = False self._pycmd = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._askaproot, 'bin', 'python'))