Example #1
	def __init__(self, pubkey=None, raw=False, flags=None, ctx=None):
		if USE_SECP:
			if flags == None:
				flags = secp256k1.FLAG_VERIFY
			self.obj = secp256k1.PublicKey(pubkey, raw, flags, ctx)
			if not raw:
				raise Exception("Non raw init unsupported")
			pubkey = pubkey[1:]
			x = int.from_bytes(pubkey[0:32], 'big')
			y = int.from_bytes(pubkey[32:], 'big')
			self.obj = ECPublicKey(Point(x, y, CURVE_SECP256K1))
Example #2
    def get_count(self):
        Get the number of datasets in the bootloader memory
        @return number of datasets in bootloader memory
        if not self._count:
            data = self._query(GET_HEADER, 21)

            if self._checksum(data):
                if self._mode == CAN_MODE:
                    frame_count = struct.unpack('<{}B'.format(len(data)),
                    (type, version, timestamp, frame_count, _, start_address,
                     end_address, checksum) = struct.unpack(
                         '<BB3sB{}s3s3sB'.format(frame_count), data)
                    self._address_inc = 64 * frame_count
                    self._can_frames = frame_count
                    self._actual_size = 57
                    self._fetch_size = 4 + 61 * frame_count
                elif self._mode == DL_MODE:
                    (_, device, start_address, end_address,
                     checksum) = struct.unpack('<5sB3s3sB')
                    self._address_inc = 64
                    self._can_frames = 1
                    self._actual_size = 57
                    self._fetch_size = 65
                elif self._mode == DL2_MODE:
                    (_, device, start_address, end_address,
                     checksum) = struct.unpack('<5s2s3s3sB')
                    self._address_inc = 128
                    self._can_frames = 1
                    self._actual_size = 113
                    self._fetch_size = 126

                self._address_end = ((0x07FFFF // self._address_inc) *

                # check address validity
                if (start_address != b'0xFFFFFF'
                        and end_address != b'0xFFFFFF'):
                    start_address = int.from_bytes(start_address,
                    end_address = int.from_bytes(end_address,
                    # fix addresses
                    if end_address > start_address:
                        # calculate count
                        self._count = ((end_address - start_address) /
                                       self._address_inc) + 1
                        self._count = (
                            (self._address_end + start_address - end_address) /
                    self._address = end_address
        if self._count:
            self._count = int(self._count)
            return self._count
            raise ConnectionError('Could not retreive count')
Example #3
 def Bob_Step_2(self, Alice_IP, Bob_IP, Alice_message):
     b = secrets.randbits(2048)
     Rb = int(secrets.randbits(256)).to_bytes(32, byteorder=u'big')
     Gb = int(pow(self.g, b, self.m)).to_bytes(256, byteorder=u'big')
     Alice = Alice_IP.encode()
     Bob = Bob_IP.encode()
     Ra = Alice_message[:32]
     Ga = Alice_message[32:]
     Ga_int = int.from_bytes(Ga, byteorder=u'big')
     Gab = int(pow(Ga_int, b, self.m)).to_bytes(256, byteorder=u'big')
     Concat_H = Alice + Bob + Ra + Rb + Ga + Gb + Gab
     hashed_key = sha256()
     self.H_Bob = hashed_key.digest()
     Decrypted_Sb = self.H_Bob + Bob
     Decrypted_Sb_int = int.from_bytes(Decrypted_Sb, byteorder=u'big')
     Sb_int_Sign = pow(Decrypted_Sb_int, RSA_Bob.dBob, RSA_Bob.nBob)
     Sb = int(Sb_int_Sign).to_bytes(512, byteorder=u'big')
     message2 = Rb + Gb + Sb
     print "\n b = "
     print b
     del b
     print "\n Ra (in byte) = "
     print Ra
     print "\n Rb (in byte )= "
     print Rb
     hashed_key = sha256()
     self.hashed_key = hashed_key.digest()
     print "\nBob new hashed key"
     print binascii.hexlify(bytearray(self.hashed_key))
     return message2
Example #4
def decrypt(encrypted_payload: str, passphrase: str):
    decoded_payload = decode_base64(encrypted_payload)

    version = decoded_payload[0]

    if isinstance(version, str):
        version = ord(version)

    if version != 1:
        raise ValueError("Unsupported export format version.")

    salt = decoded_payload[1:17]
    iv = int.from_bytes(decoded_payload[17:33], byteorder="big")
    count = int.from_bytes(decoded_payload[33:37], byteorder="big")
    encrypted_data = decoded_payload[37:-32]
    expected_hmac = decoded_payload[-32:]

    derived_key = PBKDF2(passphrase, salt, 64, count, prf)  # type: ignore
    aes_key = derived_key[:32]
    hmac_key = derived_key[32:64]

    hmac = HMAC.new(hmac_key, decoded_payload[:-32], SHA256).digest()

    if hmac != expected_hmac:
        raise ValueError("HMAC check failed for encrypted payload.")

    ctr = Counter.new(128, initial_value=iv)
    cipher = AES.new(aes_key, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=ctr)
    return cipher.decrypt(encrypted_data)
Example #5
def borromean_verify(pubkeys, rings_size, ring_count, msg, sig):
    tell("*** BORROMEAN VERIFY ***")
    curve = Curve.get_curve('secp256k1')
    G = curve.generator
    order = curve.order

    e0 = sig[0]
    s = sig[1]
    sha256_e0 = hashlib.sha256()
    r0 = 0
    for i in range(0, ring_count):
        tell("\nstep2-3 / ring %d" % i)
        e_ij = borromean_hash(m, e0, i, 0)
        for j in range(0, rings_size[i]):
            tell("\n  step2-3 / ring %d / sec %d" % (i, j))
            e_ij = int.from_bytes(e_ij, 'big')
            s_ij = int.from_bytes(s[r0 + j], 'big')
            tell("  index    : %d" % (r0 + j))
            tell("  pubkeys[]: %s" % pubkeys[r0 + j])
            tell("  s[]      : %x" % s_ij)
            tell("  e_ij     : %x" % e_ij)
            sG_eP = s_ij * G + e_ij * pubkeys[r0 + j].W
            tell("  sG_eP :\n  %s" % sG_eP)
            e_ij = point_to_bytes(sG_eP)
            if j != rings_size[i] - 1:
                e_ij = borromean_hash(m, e_ij, i, j + 1)
                tell("  e_ij0     : %s" % h(e_ij))
        r0 += rings_size[i]
    e0x = sha256_e0.digest()
    return e0 == e0x
Example #6
    def verify(self, msg, sig, pu_key):
        """ Verifies a message signature.                

            msg (bytes)             : the message hash to verify the signature
            sig (bytes)             : signature to verify
            pu_key (ecpy.keys.ECPublicKey): key to use for verifying
        curve = pu_key.curve
        n = pu_key.curve.order
        G = pu_key.curve.generator
        size = curve.size >> 3

        r, s = decode_sig(sig, self.fmt)
        if (r == None or r > (pow(2, size * 8) - 1) or s == 0 or s > n - 1):
            return False
        hasher = self._hasher()
        if self.option == "ISO":
            sG = s * G
            rW = r * pu_key.W
            Q = sG - rW
            xQ = Q.x.to_bytes(size, 'big')
            yQ = Q.y.to_bytes(size, 'big')
            hasher.update(xQ + yQ + msg)
            v = hasher.digest()
            v = int.from_bytes(v, 'big')

        elif self.option == "ISOx":
            sG = s * G
            rW = r * pu_key.W
            Q = sG - rW
            xQ = Q.x.to_bytes(size, 'big')
            hasher.update(xQ + msg)
            v = hasher.digest()
            v = int.from_bytes(v, 'big')

        elif self.option == "BSI":
            sG = s * G
            rW = r * pu_key.W
            Q = sG + rW
            xQ = (Q.x).to_bytes(size, 'big')
            hasher.update(msg + xQ)
            v = hasher.digest()
            v = int.from_bytes(v, 'big')

        elif self.option == "LIBSECP":
            rb = r.to_bytes(size, 'big')
            hasher.update(rb + msg)
            h = hasher.digest()
            h = int.from_bytes(h, 'big')
            if h == 0 or h > n:
                return 0
            sG = s * G
            hW = h * pu_key.W
            R = sG + hW
            v = R.x % n

        return v == r
Example #7
def str_encode(src):
    i = 0
    c = ''
    for byte in src.encode('ascii'):
        c += chr(
            ^ int.from_bytes(['Encrypt'.encode('ascii')[i]]))
        i = (i + 1) % 7
    return base64.b64encode(c).decode('utf-8')
Example #8
	def __init__(self, pubkey=None, raw=False):
		if USE_SECP:
			self.obj = secp256k1.PublicKey(pubkey, raw)
			if not raw:
				raise Exception("Non raw init unsupported")
			pubkey = pubkey[1:]
			x = int.from_bytes(pubkey[0:32], 'big')
			y = int.from_bytes(pubkey[32:], 'big')
			self.obj = ECPublicKey(Point(x, y, CURVE_SECP256K1))
Example #9
 def from_der(der):
     """Return HexSig object from a DER signature string."""
     sig = bytearray(binascii.unhexlify(der))
     sig_len = sig[1] + 2
     r_offset, r_len = 4, sig[3]
     s_offset, s_len = 4 + r_len + 2, sig[4 + r_len + 1]
     if (sig[0] != 0x30 or sig_len != r_len + s_len + 6
             or sig[s_offset - 2] != 0x02):
         return HexSig(b"%064x" % 0, b"%064x" % 0)
     return HexSig(
         b"%064x" % int.from_bytes(sig[r_offset:r_offset + r_len], "big"),
         b"%064x" % int.from_bytes(sig[s_offset:s_offset + s_len], "big"))
Example #10
    def _do_sign(self,msg,pv_key):
        curve = pv_key.curve
        B     = curve.generator
        n     = curve.order
        size = curve._coord_size()
        a, A, prefix = EDDSA._get_materials(pv_key, self._hasher, self._hash_len)
        eA = curve.encode_point(A)
        #compute R
        hasher = self._hasher()
        if curve.name =='Ed448':         
            r = hasher.digest(self._hash_len)
        elif curve.name =='Ed25519':  
            r = hasher.digest()
        else :
            assert False, '%s not supported'%curve.name

        r = int.from_bytes(r,'little')
        r = r % n
        R = r*B
        eR = curve.encode_point(R)
        #compute S
        hasher = self._hasher()
        if curve.name =='Ed448':  
            H_eR_eA_m = hasher.digest(self._hash_len)
        elif  curve.name =='Ed25519':  
            H_eR_eA_m = hasher.digest()
            assert False, '%s not supported'%curve.name

        i = int.from_bytes(H_eR_eA_m, 'little')
        S = (r + i*a)%n
        #S = S.to_bytes(size,'little')

        #return eR+S
        eR = int.from_bytes(eR,'little')
        sig = encode_sig(eR,S,self.fmt,size)
        return sig
Example #11
    def _do_sign(self, msg, pv_key, k):
        if (pv_key.curve == None):
            raise ECPyException('private key haz no curve')
        curve = pv_key.curve
        n = curve.order
        G = curve.generator
        size = curve.size >> 3

        Q = G * k
        hasher = self._hasher()
        if self.option == "ISO":
            xQ = (Q.x).to_bytes(size, 'big')
            yQ = (Q.y).to_bytes(size, 'big')
            hasher.update(xQ + yQ + msg)
            r = hasher.digest()
            r = int.from_bytes(r, 'big')
            s = (k + r * pv_key.d) % n
            if r == 0 or s == 0:
                return None

        elif self.option == "ISOx":
            xQ = (Q.x).to_bytes(size, 'big')
            hasher.update(xQ + msg)
            r = hasher.digest()
            r = int.from_bytes(r, 'big')
            s = (k + r * pv_key.d) % n
            if r == 0 or s == 0:
                return None

        elif self.option == "BSI":
            xQ = Q.x.to_bytes(size, 'big')
            hasher.update(msg + xQ)
            r = hasher.digest()
            r = int.from_bytes(r, 'big')
            s = (k - r * pv_key.d) % n
            if r == 0 or s == 0:
                return None

        elif self.option == "LIBSECP":
            if Q.y & 1:
                k = n - k
                Q = G * k
            r = (Q.x % n).to_bytes(size, 'big')
            hasher.update(r + msg)
            h = hasher.digest()
            h = int.from_bytes(h, 'big')
            r = Q.x % n
            s = (k - h * pv_key.d) % n
        return encode_sig(r, s, self.fmt)
Example #12
    def verify(self, msg, sig, pu_key):
        """ Verifies a message signature.                

            msg (bytes)                   : the message to verify the signature
            sig (bytes)                   : signature to verify
            pu_key (ecpy.keys.ECPublicKey): key to use for verifying
        curve = pu_key.curve
        n = curve.order
        size = curve.size >> 3

        #eR = sig[0:size]
        #S  = int.from_bytes(sig[size:],'little')
        eR, S = decode_sig(sig, self.fmt)

        eR = eR.to_bytes(size, 'little')
        R = curve.decode_point(eR)

        hasher = self._hasher()
        eA = curve.encode_point(pu_key.W)
        hasher.update(eR + eA + msg)
        h = hasher.digest()
        h = int.from_bytes(h, 'little')
        h = h % n
        A = pu_key.W
        left = R + h * A

        right = S * curve.generator

        return left == right
Example #13
    def verify(self, msg, sig, pu_key):
        """ Verifies a message signature.

            msg (bytes)                   : the message hash to verify the signature
            sig (bytes)                   : signature to verify
            pu_key (ecpy.keys.ECPublicKey): key to use for verifying
        curve = pu_key.curve
        n = curve.order
        G = curve.generator

        r, s = decode_sig(sig, self.fmt)
        if (r == None or s == None or r == 0 or r >= n or s == 0 or s >= n):
            return False

        h = int.from_bytes(msg, 'big')

        if n.bit_length() < h.bit_length():
            # h is the 'n.bit_length()' leftmost bits of the received h value,
            # leading zeroes included (if any).
            hbyteslen = (h.bit_length() + 7) // 8
            h = int(format(h, f'0{8*hbyteslen}b')[:n.bit_length()], 2)

        c = pow(s, n - 2, n)
        u1 = (h * c) % n
        u2 = (r * c) % n
        u1G = u1 * G
        u2Q = u2 * pu_key.W
        GQ = u1G + u2Q
        if GQ.is_infinity:
            return False
        x = GQ.x % n

        return x == r
Example #14
    def _do_sign(self, msg, pv_key, k):
        if (pv_key.curve == None):
            raise ECPyException('private key haz no curve')
        curve = pv_key.curve
        n = curve.order
        G = curve.generator
        k = k % n

        msg = int.from_bytes(msg, 'big')

        Q = G * k
        kinv = pow(k, n - 2, n)
        r = Q.x % n
        if r == 0:
            return None

        s = (kinv * (msg + pv_key.d * r)) % n
        if s == 0:
            return None

        sig = encode_sig(r, s, self.fmt)

        # r = r.to_bytes((r.bit_length()+7)//8, 'big')
        # s = s.to_bytes((s.bit_length()+7)//8, 'big')
        # if (r[0] & 0x80) == 0x80 :
        #     r = b'\0'+r
        # if (s[0] & 0x80) == 0x80 :
        #     s = b'\0'+s
        # sig = (b'\x30'+int((len(r)+len(s)+4)).to_bytes(1,'big') +
        #        b'\x02'+int(len(r)).to_bytes(1,'big') + r        +
        #        b'\x02'+int(len(s)).to_bytes(1,'big') + s      )
        return sig
Example #15
	def tweak_add(self, scalar):
		if USE_SECP:
			self.obj = self.obj.tweak_add(scalar)
			scalar = int.from_bytes(scalar, 'big')
			privKey = ECPrivateKey(scalar, CURVE_SECP256K1)
			self.obj = ECPublicKey(self.obj.W + privKey.get_public_key().W)
Example #16
def seed_gen(n=261):
    global STATE
    STATE = list(
            bin(int.from_bytes(os.urandom(n // 8 + 1),
Example #17
def rfc6979_k(msg, secret0, V=None):
    """Generate a deterministic rfc6967 integer."""
    hasher = hashlib.sha256
    if (V is None):
        h1 = msg
        hsize = len(h1)
        V = b'\x01' * hsize
        K = b'\x00' * hsize
        x = secret0
        K = hmac.new(K, V + b'\x00' + x + h1, hasher).digest()
        V = hmac.new(K, V, hasher).digest()
        K = hmac.new(K, V + b'\x01' + x + h1, hasher).digest()
        V = hmac.new(K, V, hasher).digest()

    while True:
        T = b''
        p_blen = p.bit_length()
        while len(T) * 8 < p_blen:
            V = hmac.new(K, V, hasher).digest()
            T = T + V
        k = int.from_bytes(T, "big")
        k_blen = k.bit_length()

        if k_blen > p_blen:
            k = k >> (k_blen - p_blen)
        if k > 0 and k < (p - 1):
            return k, V
        K = hmac.new(K, V + b'\x00', hasher).digest()
        V = hmac.new(K, V, hasher).digest()
Example #18
    def decryptTurnoverCounter(self, receipt, encTurnoverCounter, key):
        iv = utils.sha256(
            receipt.registerId.encode("utf-8") +
        decCtr = utils.aes256ctr(iv, key, encTurnoverCounter)

        return int.from_bytes(decCtr, byteorder='big', signed=True)
Example #19
def encrypt(data: bytes, passphrase: str, count: int = 100000):
    # 128 bits salt
    salt = Random.new().read(16)
    # 512 bits derived key
    derived_key = PBKDF2(passphrase, salt, 64, count, prf)  # type: ignore
    aes_key = derived_key[:32]
    hmac_key = derived_key[32:64]

    # 128 bits IV, which will be the initial value initial
    iv = int.from_bytes(Random.new().read(16), byteorder="big")
    # Set bit 63 to 0, as specified
    iv &= ~(1 << 63)
    ctr = Counter.new(128, initial_value=iv)
    cipher = AES.new(aes_key, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=ctr)
    encrypted_data = cipher.encrypt(data)

    payload = b"".join((
        bytes([1]),  # Version
        int.to_bytes(iv, length=16, byteorder="big"),
        # 32 bits big-endian round count
        int.to_bytes(count, length=4, byteorder="big"),

    hmac = HMAC.new(hmac_key, payload, SHA256).digest()
    return encode_base64(payload + hmac)
Example #20
    def verify(self,msg,sig,pu_key):
        """ Verifies a message signature.

            msg (bytes)                   : the message hash to verify the signature
            sig (bytes)                   : signature to verify
            pu_key (ecpy.keys.ECPublicKey): key to use for verifying
        curve = pu_key.curve
        n     = curve.order
        G     = curve.generator

        r,s = decode_sig(sig, self.fmt)
        if (r == None or s == None or
            r == 0 or r >= n or
            s == 0 or s >= n ) :
            return False

        h = int.from_bytes(msg,'big')

        c   = pow(s, n-2, n)
        u1  = (h*c)%n
        u2  = (r*c)%n
        u1G = u1*G
        u2Q = u2*pu_key.W
        GQ  =  u1G+u2Q
        if GQ.is_infinity:
            return False
        x   = GQ.x % n

        return x == r
Example #21
 def tweak_add(self, scalar):
     if USE_SECP:
         self.obj = self.obj.tweak_add(scalar)
         scalar = int.from_bytes(scalar, 'big')
         privKey = ECPrivateKey(scalar, CURVE_SECP256K1)
         self.obj = ECPublicKey(self.obj.W + privKey.get_public_key().W)
Example #22
 def serialize(trace_id):
     parent_ctx = SpanContext(trace_id=trace_id, span_id=int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8)),
                              parent_id=0, flags=1)
     parent = Span(context=parent_ctx, operation_name='x', tracer=tracer)
     span = tracer.start_span(operation_name='x',
Example #23
 def calcChecksum(self, inData):
     """calculates checksum used for protocol, expects a byte array"""
     checksum = 0
     for inByte in inData:
         if type(inData) is list:
             inByte = int.from_bytes(inByte, byteorder='big')
         checksum = (((checksum & 0xFF) >> 1) +
                     ((checksum & 0x1) << 7) + inByte) & 0xff
     return checksum
Example #24
    def _do_sign(self, msg, pv_key):
        curve = pv_key.curve
        B = curve.generator
        n = curve.order
        size = curve.size >> 3

        k = pv_key.d.to_bytes(size, 'big')
        hasher = self._hasher()
        h = hasher.digest()
        #retrieve encoded pub key
        a = bytearray(h[size - 1::-1])
        a[0] &= ~0x40
        a[0] |= 0x40
        a[31] &= 0xF8
        a = bytes(a)
        a = int.from_bytes(a, 'big')
        A = a * B
        eA = curve.encode_point(A)

        #compute R
        hasher = self._hasher()
        hasher.update(h[size:] + msg)
        r = hasher.digest()
        r = int.from_bytes(r, 'little')
        r = r % n
        R = r * B
        eR = curve.encode_point(R)

        #compute S
        hasher = self._hasher()
        hasher.update(eR + eA + msg)
        H_eR_eA_m = hasher.digest()
        i = int.from_bytes(H_eR_eA_m, 'little')
        S = (r + i * a) % n

        #S = S.to_bytes(size,'little')

        #return eR+S
        eR = int.from_bytes(eR, 'little')
        sig = encode_sig(eR, S, self.fmt, size)
        return sig
Example #25
    def _get_materials(pv_key, hasher=hashlib.sha512, hash_len=None):
        """ Returns the internal private scalar a(int), the public point A(ECPoint) = a.B and the 
            signature prefix h(bytes)
        The hash parameter shall be the same as the one used for signing and
            hasher (hashlib): callable constructor returning an object with update(), digest() interface. Example: hashlib.sha256,  hashlib.sha512...
            pv_key (ecpy.keys.ECPrivateKey): key to use for signing

           ECPrivateKey : internal private key
        curve = pv_key.curve
        B = curve.generator
        n = curve.order
        size = curve._coord_size()

        k = pv_key.d.to_bytes(size, 'big')
        hasher = hasher()
        if hash_len:
            h = hasher.digest(hash_len)
            h = hasher.digest()

        #retrieve encoded pub key

        if curve.name == 'Ed25519':
            a = bytearray(h[:32])
            h = h[32:]
            a[0] &= 0xF8
            a[31] = (a[31] & 0x7F) | 0x40
        elif curve.name == 'Ed448':
            a = bytearray(h[:57])
            h = h[57:]
            a[0] &= 0xFC
            a[56] = 0
            a[55] |= 0x80
        elif curve.name == 'Ed521':
            a = bytearray(h[:66])
            h = h[66:]
            a[0] &= 0xFC
            a[65] = 0
            a[65] |= 0x80
            assert False, '%s not supported' % curve.name

        a = bytes(a)
        a = int.from_bytes(a, 'little')
        A = a * B

        return a, A, h
Example #26
    def bits2int(bs):
        bs(bytes): binary value
        i = int.from_bytes(bs, 'big')
        blen = len(bs) * 8

        qlen = q.bit_length()
        if blen > qlen:
            i = i >> (blen - qlen)
        return i
Example #27
	def ecdh(self, scalar):
		if USE_SECP:
			return self.obj.ecdh(scalar)
			scalar = int.from_bytes(scalar, 'big')
			point = self.obj.W * scalar
			# libsecp256k1 style secret
			out = b"\x03" if ((point.y & 1) != 0) else b"\x02"
			out += point.x.to_bytes(32, 'big')
			hash = hashlib.sha256()
			return hash.digest()
Example #28
 def ecdh(self, scalar):
     if USE_SECP:
         return self.obj.ecdh(scalar)
         scalar = int.from_bytes(scalar, 'big')
         point = self.obj.W * scalar
         # libsecp256k1 style secret
         out = b"\x03" if ((point.y & 1) != 0) else b"\x02"
         out += point.x.to_bytes(32, 'big')
         hash = hashlib.sha256()
         return hash.digest()
Example #29
    def verify(self, msg, sig, rings):
        """ Verifies a message signature.                

            msg (bytes)             : the message hash to verify the signature
            sig (bytes)             : signature to verify
            rings (key.ECPublicKey): key to use for verifying

            boolean : True if signature is verified, False else
        G = self._curve.generator
        #set up locals
        ring_count = len(rings)
        pubkeys = []
        rsizes = []
        for r in rings:
            pubkeys = pubkeys + r
        e0 = sig[0]
        s = sig[1]
        sha256_e0 = self._hash()
        r0 = 0
        for i in range(0, ring_count):
            e_ij = _borromean_hash(m, e0, i, 0, self._hash)
            for j in range(0, rsizes[i]):
                e_ij = int.from_bytes(e_ij, 'big')
                s_ij = int.from_bytes(s[r0 + j], 'big')
                sG_eP = s_ij * G + e_ij * pubkeys[r0 + j].W
                e_ij = _point_to_bytes(sG_eP)
                if j != rsizes[i] - 1:
                    e_ij = _borromean_hash(m, e_ij, i, j + 1, self._hash)
            r0 += rsizes[i]
        e0x = sha256_e0.digest()
        return e0 == e0x
Example #30
    def decode_point(self, eP):
        """ Decodes a point P according to *RFC7748*.

            eP (bytes)    : encoded point
            curve (Curve) : curve on witch point is
           Point : decoded point
        x = bytearray(eP)
        x[len(x) - 1] &= ~0x80
        x = int.from_bytes(x, 'little')
        return Point(x, None, self)
Example #31
 def Bob_Step_4(self, Alice_IP, Alice_message):
     #Bob computes Alice H and compares it to his own. Return signal if true or false
     #Fix message
     message = self.Decryption_Byte(Alice_message, self.hashed_key)
     Alice_Address_Length = len(Alice_IP)
     Sa = message[Alice_Address_Length:]
     Sa_int = int.from_bytes(Sa, byteorder=u'big')
     Decrypted_Sa_int = pow(Sa_int, RSA_Bob.eAlice, RSA_Bob.nAlice)
     Decrypted_Sa = int(Decrypted_Sa_int).to_bytes(512 +
     H = Decrypted_Sa[512 - 32:512]
     return self.H_Bob == H
Example #32
 def Alice_Step_3(self, Alice_IP, Bob_IP, Bob_message):
     Rb = Bob_message[:32]
     Gb = Bob_message[32:256 + 32]
     Sb = Bob_message[256 + 32:]
     Bob_Address_Length = len(Bob_IP)
     Sb_int_Sign = int.from_bytes(Sb, byteorder=u'big')
     Decrypted_Sb_int = pow(Sb_int_Sign, RSA_Alice.eBob, RSA_Alice.nBob)
     Decrypted_Sb = int(Decrypted_Sb_int).to_bytes(512 + Bob_Address_Length,
     H = Decrypted_Sb[512 - 32:512]
     Bob = Decrypted_Sb[512:]
     Gb_int = int.from_bytes(Gb, byteorder=u'big')
     Gab = int(pow(Gb_int, self.a, self.m)).to_bytes(256, byteorder=u'big')
     Alice = Alice_IP.encode()
     Concat_H = Alice + Bob + self.Ra + Rb + self.Ga + Gb + Gab
     hashed_key = sha256()
     My_H = hashed_key.digest()
     check = H == My_H
     Decrypted_Sa = My_H + Alice
     Decrypted_Sa_int = int.from_bytes(Decrypted_Sa, byteorder=u'big')
     Sa_int_Sign = pow(Decrypted_Sa_int, RSA_Alice.dAlice, RSA_Alice.nAlice)
     Sa = int(Sa_int_Sign).to_bytes(512, byteorder=u'big')
     hashed_key = sha256()
     message3 = Alice + Sa
     print "\n a = "
     print self.a
     del self.a
     print "\n Ra (in byte) = "
     print self.Ra
     print "\n Rb (in byte) = "
     print Rb
     self.hashed_key = hashed_key.digest()
     print "\nAlice new hashed key"
     print binascii.hexlify(bytearray(self.hashed_key))
     message3 = self.Encryption_Byte(message3, self.hashed_key, self.iv)
     return message3, check
Example #33
    def _do_sign(self, msg, pv_key, k, canonical=False):
        if (pv_key.curve == None):
            raise ECPyException('private key haz no curve')
        curve = pv_key.curve
        n = curve.order
        G = curve.generator
        k = k % n

        # if "msg (hash) bit length" is greater that the "domain bit length",
        # we only consider the left most "domain bit length" of message.
        msg_len = len(msg) * 8
        msg = int.from_bytes(msg, 'big')
        if msg_len > curve.size:
            msg = msg >> (msg_len - curve.size)

        if n.bit_length() < msg.bit_length():
            # msg is the 'n.bit_length()' leftmost bits of the received msg,
            # leading zeroes included (if any).
            mbyteslen = (msg.bit_length() + 7) // 8
            msg = int(format(msg, f'0{8*mbyteslen}b')[:n.bit_length()], 2)

        Q = G * k
        if Q.is_infinity:
            return None

        kinv = pow(k, n - 2, n)
        r = Q.x % n
        if r == 0:
            return None

        s = (kinv * (msg + pv_key.d * r)) % n
        if s == 0:
            return None

        if canonical and (s > (n // 2)):
            s = n - s

        sig = encode_sig(r, s, self.fmt)

        # r = r.to_bytes((r.bit_length()+7)//8, 'big')
        # s = s.to_bytes((s.bit_length()+7)//8, 'big')
        # if (r[0] & 0x80) == 0x80 :
        #     r = b'\0'+r
        # if (s[0] & 0x80) == 0x80 :
        #     s = b'\0'+s
        # sig = (b'\x30'+int((len(r)+len(s)+4)).to_bytes(1,'big') +
        #        b'\x02'+int(len(r)).to_bytes(1,'big') + r        +
        #        b'\x02'+int(len(s)).to_bytes(1,'big') + s      )
        return sig
Example #34
	def __init__(self, privkey=None, raw=True, flags=None, ctx=None):	
		if USE_SECP:
			if flags == None:
				flags = secp256k1.ALL_FLAGS
			self.obj = secp256k1.PrivateKey(privkey, raw, flags, ctx)
			self.pubkey = self.obj.pubkey
			if not raw:
				raise Exception("Non raw init unsupported")
			if privkey == None:
				privkey = ecpy.ecrand.rnd(CURVE_SECP256K1.order)
				privkey = int.from_bytes(privkey,'big')
			self.obj = ECPrivateKey(privkey, CURVE_SECP256K1)
			pubkey = self.obj.get_public_key().W
			out = b"\x04"
			out += pubkey.x.to_bytes(32, 'big')
			out += pubkey.y.to_bytes(32, 'big')
			self.pubkey = PublicKey(out, raw=True)
Example #35
	def scp_derive_key(self, ecdh_secret, keyindex):
		retry = 0
		# di = sha256(i || retrycounter || ecdh secret)
		while True:
			sha256 = hashlib.new('sha256')
			sha256.update(struct.pack(">IB", keyindex, retry))

			# compare di with order
			CURVE_SECP256K1 = Curve.get_curve('secp256k1')
			if int.from_bytes(sha256.digest(), 'big') < CURVE_SECP256K1.order:
			#regenerate a new di satisfying order upper bound

		# Pi = di*G
		privkey = PrivateKey(bytes(sha256.digest()))
		pubkey = bytearray(privkey.pubkey.serialize(compressed=False))
		# ki = sha256(Pi)
		sha256 = hashlib.new('sha256')
		#print ("Key " + str (keyindex) + ": " + sha256.hexdigest())
		return sha256.digest()
Example #36
    def _send_command(self, command, reply_length=0, output_as_bytes=False,
        """Send a command and return status and reply

            command (bytes): The command to send e.g. b'\xFF\xCD' to clear the screen
            reply_length (int): The length of the expected reply i.e. WITHOUT an
            output_as_bytes (bool): Return bytes instead of int
            reply_is_string (bool): Overrides the `reply_length` and read the reply
                length from the reply itself. Applicaple only to variable length strings.

            bytes or int: If a return value is requested (with reply_length) a int will be
            returned formed from the bytes. If output_as_bytes is set, then the raw bytes
            are returned

            PicasoException: If the command fails or if the reply does not have
                the requested length
        if self.debug:
            print("Repr of command to send", repr(command))

        # Special case for baud rate change
        command_as_bytes = bytes(command)
        if command_as_bytes[0: 2] == b'\x00\x26':
            baudrate_index = int.from_bytes(command_as_bytes[2:], byteorder='big')
            baudrate = {v: k for k, v in BAUD_RATES.items()}[baudrate_index]
            self.serial.baudrate = baudrate
            while True:
                if self.serial.inWaiting() > 0:
                    ack = self.serial.read(1)
                    # For some reason, it doesn't seem to return ACK, but it has done it,
                    # which is why we return after getting a byte back

        # First check if it succeded
        acknowledge_as_byte = self.serial.read(1)
        if acknowledge_as_byte != b'\x06':
            message = 'The command \'{}\' failed with code: {}'.format(command,
            raise PicasoException(message, exception_type='failed')

        # The read reply is any
        if reply_is_string:
            reply_length = 0
            string_length_as_bytes = self.serial.read(2)
            string_length = int.from_bytes(string_length_as_bytes, byteorder='big')
            reply_raw = self.serial.read(string_length)
            if reply_length > 0:
                reply_raw = self.serial.read(reply_length)
                reply_raw = b''

        # Make sure there is nothing waiting
        if self.debug:
            in_waiting = self.serial.inWaiting()
            if in_waiting != 0:
                message = 'Wrong reply length. There are still {0} bytes '\
                          'left waiting on the serial port'.format(in_waiting)
                raise PicasoException(message, exception_type='bytes_still_waiting')

        # Return appropriate value
        if reply_length > 0:
            if len(reply_raw) != reply_length:
                message = 'The reply length {0} bytes, did not match the '\
                          'requested reply length {1} bytes'.format(
                              len(reply_raw) - 1, reply_length)
                raise PicasoException(message, exception_type='unexpected_reply')

        reply = None
        if output_as_bytes or reply_is_string:
            reply = reply_raw
            reply = int.from_bytes(reply_raw, byteorder='big')
        return reply
def seed_gen(n=261):
    global STATE
    STATE = list(map(int, bin(int.from_bytes(os.urandom(n // 8 + 1), byteorder="little"))[2:][:n]))