Example #1
def index_basic():
    cd = os.path.realpath("../../../t")
    sd = os.path.realpath(cd + "/sampledata")
    WVPASSEQ(helpers.resolve_parent(cd + "/sampledata"), sd)
    WVPASSEQ(os.path.realpath(cd + "/sampledata/x"), sd + "/x")
    WVPASSEQ(os.path.realpath(cd + "/sampledata/var/abs-symlink"), sd + "/var/abs-symlink-target")
    WVPASSEQ(helpers.resolve_parent(cd + "/sampledata/var/abs-symlink"), sd + "/var/abs-symlink")
Example #2
def index_basic():
    cd = os.path.realpath('../../../t')
    sd = os.path.realpath(cd + '/sampledata')
    WVPASSEQ(resolve_parent(cd + '/sampledata'), sd)
    WVPASSEQ(os.path.realpath(cd + '/sampledata/x'), sd + '/x')
    WVPASSEQ(os.path.realpath(cd + '/sampledata/var/abs-symlink'),
             sd + '/var/abs-symlink-target')
    WVPASSEQ(resolve_parent(cd + '/sampledata/var/abs-symlink'),
             sd + '/var/abs-symlink')
Example #3
def test_index_basic():
    cd = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(lib_t_dir, b'../'))
    sd = os.path.realpath(cd + b'/sampledata')
    WVPASSEQ(resolve_parent(cd + b'/sampledata'), sd)
    WVPASSEQ(os.path.realpath(cd + b'/sampledata/x'), sd + b'/x')
    WVPASSEQ(os.path.realpath(cd + b'/sampledata/var/abs-symlink'),
             sd + b'/var/abs-symlink-target')
    WVPASSEQ(resolve_parent(cd + b'/sampledata/var/abs-symlink'),
             sd + b'/var/abs-symlink')
Example #4
def index_basic():
    cd = os.path.realpath('../../../t')
    sd = os.path.realpath(cd + '/sampledata')
    WVPASSEQ(helpers.resolve_parent(cd + '/sampledata'), sd)
    WVPASSEQ(os.path.realpath(cd + '/sampledata/x'), sd + '/x')
    WVPASSEQ(os.path.realpath(cd + '/sampledata/var/abs-symlink'),
             sd + '/var/abs-symlink-target')
    WVPASSEQ(helpers.resolve_parent(cd + '/sampledata/var/abs-symlink'),
             sd + '/var/abs-symlink')
Example #5
File: tindex.py Project: vipup/bup
def index_basic():
    with no_lingering_errors():
        cd = os.path.realpath('../../../t')
        sd = os.path.realpath(cd + '/sampledata')
        WVPASSEQ(resolve_parent(cd + '/sampledata'), sd)
        WVPASSEQ(os.path.realpath(cd + '/sampledata/x'), sd + '/x')
        WVPASSEQ(os.path.realpath(cd + '/sampledata/var/abs-symlink'),
                 sd + '/var/abs-symlink-target')
        WVPASSEQ(resolve_parent(cd + '/sampledata/var/abs-symlink'),
                 sd + '/var/abs-symlink')
Example #6
def test_metadata_method():
    initial_failures = wvfailure_count()
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=bup_tmp, prefix='bup-tmetadata-')
    bup_dir = tmpdir + '/bup'
    data_path = tmpdir + '/foo'
    ex('touch', data_path + '/file')
    ex('ln', '-s', 'file', data_path + '/symlink')
    test_time1 = 13 * 1000000000
    test_time2 = 42 * 1000000000
    utime(data_path + '/file', (0, test_time1))
    lutime(data_path + '/symlink', (0, 0))
    utime(data_path, (0, test_time2))
    ex(bup_path, '-d', bup_dir, 'init')
    ex(bup_path, '-d', bup_dir, 'index', '-v', data_path)
    ex(bup_path, '-d', bup_dir, 'save', '-tvvn', 'test', data_path)
    top = vfs.RefList(None)
    n = top.lresolve('/test/latest' + resolve_parent(data_path))
    m = n.metadata()
    WVPASS(m.mtime == test_time2)
    WVPASS(len(n.subs()) == 2)
    WVPASS(n.name == 'foo')
    WVPASS(set([x.name for x in n.subs()]) == set(['file', 'symlink']))
    for sub in n:
        if sub.name == 'file':
            m = sub.metadata()
            WVPASS(m.mtime == test_time1)
        elif sub.name == 'symlink':
            m = sub.metadata()
            WVPASS(m.mtime == 0)
    if wvfailure_count() == initial_failures:
        subprocess.call(['rm', '-rf', tmpdir])
Example #7
def test_metadata_method():
    with no_lingering_errors(), test_tempdir('bup-tmetadata-') as tmpdir:
        bup_dir = tmpdir + '/bup'
        data_path = tmpdir + '/foo'
        ex('touch', data_path + '/file')
        ex('ln', '-s', 'file', data_path + '/symlink')
        test_time1 = 13 * 1000000000
        test_time2 = 42 * 1000000000
        utime(data_path + '/file', (0, test_time1))
        lutime(data_path + '/symlink', (0, 0))
        utime(data_path, (0, test_time2))
        ex(bup_path, '-d', bup_dir, 'init')
        ex(bup_path, '-d', bup_dir, 'index', '-v', data_path)
        ex(bup_path, '-d', bup_dir, 'save', '-tvvn', 'test', data_path)
        top = vfs.RefList(None)
        n = top.lresolve('/test/latest' + resolve_parent(data_path))
        m = n.metadata()
        WVPASS(m.mtime == test_time2)
        WVPASS(len(n.subs()) == 2)
        WVPASS(n.name == 'foo')
        WVPASS(set([x.name for x in n.subs()]) == set(['file', 'symlink']))
        for sub in n:
            if sub.name == 'file':
                m = sub.metadata()
                WVPASS(m.mtime == test_time1)
            elif sub.name == 'symlink':
                m = sub.metadata()
                WVPASS(m.mtime == 0)
Example #8
def test_metadata_method():
    initial_failures = wvfailure_count()
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=bup_tmp, prefix='bup-tmetadata-')
    bup_dir = tmpdir + '/bup'
    data_path = tmpdir + '/foo'
    ex('touch', data_path + '/file')
    ex('ln', '-s', 'file', data_path + '/symlink')
    test_time1 = 13 * 1000000000
    test_time2 = 42 * 1000000000
    utime(data_path + '/file', (0, test_time1))
    lutime(data_path + '/symlink', (0, 0))
    utime(data_path, (0, test_time2))
    ex(bup_path, '-d', bup_dir, 'init')
    ex(bup_path, '-d', bup_dir, 'index', '-v', data_path)
    ex(bup_path, '-d', bup_dir, 'save', '-tvvn', 'test', data_path)
    top = vfs.RefList(None)
    n = top.lresolve('/test/latest' + resolve_parent(data_path))
    m = n.metadata()
    WVPASS(m.mtime == test_time2)
    WVPASS(len(n.subs()) == 2)
    WVPASS(n.name == 'foo')
    WVPASS(set([x.name for x in n.subs()]) == set(['file', 'symlink']))
    for sub in n:
        if sub.name == 'file':
            m = sub.metadata()
            WVPASS(m.mtime == test_time1)
        elif sub.name == 'symlink':
            m = sub.metadata()
            WVPASS(m.mtime == 0)
    if wvfailure_count() == initial_failures:
        subprocess.call(['rm', '-rf', tmpdir])
Example #9
def test_metadata_method(tmpdir):
    bup_dir = tmpdir + b'/bup'
    data_path = tmpdir + b'/foo'
    ex(b'touch', data_path + b'/file')
    ex(b'ln', b'-s', b'file', data_path + b'/symlink')
    test_time1 = 13 * 1000000000
    test_time2 = 42 * 1000000000
    utime(data_path + b'/file', (0, test_time1))
    lutime(data_path + b'/symlink', (0, 0))
    utime(data_path, (0, test_time2))
    ex(bup_path, b'-d', bup_dir, b'init')
    ex(bup_path, b'-d', bup_dir, b'index', b'-v', data_path)
    ex(bup_path, b'-d', bup_dir, b'save', b'-tvvn', b'test', data_path)
    repo = LocalRepo(bup_dir)
    resolved = vfs.resolve(repo,
                           b'/test/latest' + resolve_parent(data_path),
    leaf_name, leaf_item = resolved[-1]
    m = leaf_item.meta
    WVPASS(m.mtime == test_time2)
    WVPASS(leaf_name == b'foo')
    contents = tuple(vfs.contents(repo, leaf_item))
    WVPASS(len(contents) == 3)
    WVPASSEQ(frozenset(name for name, item in contents),
             frozenset((b'.', b'file', b'symlink')))
    for name, item in contents:
        if name == b'file':
            m = item.meta
            WVPASS(m.mtime == test_time1)
        elif name == b'symlink':
            m = item.meta
            WVPASSEQ(m.symlink_target, b'file')
            WVPASSEQ(m.size, 4)
            WVPASSEQ(m.mtime, 0)
Example #10
 def __init__(self, filename, metastore, tmax):
     self.rootlevel = self.level = Level([], None)
     self.f = None
     self.count = 0
     self.lastfile = None
     self.filename = None
     self.filename = filename = resolve_parent(filename)
     self.metastore = metastore
     self.tmax = tmax
     (dir, name) = os.path.split(filename)
     ffd, self.tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp(b'.tmp', filename, dir)
     self.f = os.fdopen(ffd, 'wb', 65536)
Example #11
def _dirlist():
    l = []
    for n in os.listdir('.'):
            st = xstat.lstat(n)
        except OSError as e:
            add_error(Exception('%s: %s' % (resolve_parent(n), str(e))))
        if (st.st_mode & _IFMT) == stat.S_IFDIR:
            n += '/'
    return l
Example #12
 def __init__(self, filename, metastore, tmax):
     self.rootlevel = self.level = Level([], None)
     self.f = None
     self.count = 0
     self.lastfile = None
     self.filename = None
     self.filename = filename = resolve_parent(filename)
     self.metastore = metastore
     self.tmax = tmax
     (dir,name) = os.path.split(filename)
     (ffd,self.tmpname) = tempfile.mkstemp('.tmp', filename, dir)
     self.f = os.fdopen(ffd, 'wb', 65536)
Example #13
File: drecurse.py Project: gdt/bup
def _dirlist():
    l = []
    for n in os.listdir(b'.'):
            st = xstat.lstat(n)
        except OSError as e:
            add_error(Exception('%s: %s' % (resolve_parent(n), str(e))))
        if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
            n += b'/'
        l.append((n, st))
    return l
Example #14
File: index.py Project: lelutin/bup
def reduce_paths(paths):
    xpaths = []
    for p in paths:
        rp = _slashappend_or_add_error(resolve_parent(p), "reduce_paths")
        if rp:
            xpaths.append((rp, slashappend(p) if rp.endswith("/") else p))

    paths = []
    prev = None
    for (rp, p) in xpaths:
        if prev and (prev == rp or (prev.endswith("/") and rp.startswith(prev))):
            continue  # already superceded by previous path
        paths.append((rp, p))
        prev = rp
    return paths
Example #15
def reduce_paths(paths):
    xpaths = []
    for p in paths:
        rp = _slashappend_or_add_error(resolve_parent(p), 'reduce_paths')
        if rp:
            xpaths.append((rp, slashappend(p) if rp.endswith(b'/') else p))

    paths = []
    prev = None
    for (rp, p) in xpaths:
        if prev and (prev == rp or
                     (prev.endswith(b'/') and rp.startswith(prev))):
            continue  # already superceded by previous path
        paths.append((rp, p))
        prev = rp
    return paths
Example #16
 def __init__(self, filename, metastore, tmax):
     self.closed = False
     self.rootlevel = self.level = Level([], None)
     self.pending_index = None
     self.f = None
     self.count = 0
     self.lastfile = None
     self.filename = None
     self.filename = filename = resolve_parent(filename)
     self.metastore = metastore
     self.tmax = tmax
     (dir, name) = os.path.split(filename)
     with ExitStack() as self.cleanup:
         self.pending_index = atomically_replaced_file(self.filename,
         self.f = self.cleanup.enter_context(self.pending_index)
         self.cleanup = self.cleanup.pop_all()
Example #17
File: tmetadata.py Project: bup/bup
def test_metadata_method():
    with no_lingering_errors():
        with test_tempdir('bup-tmetadata-') as tmpdir:
            bup_dir = tmpdir + '/bup'
            data_path = tmpdir + '/foo'
            ex('touch', data_path + '/file')
            ex('ln', '-s', 'file', data_path + '/symlink')
            test_time1 = 13 * 1000000000
            test_time2 = 42 * 1000000000
            utime(data_path + '/file', (0, test_time1))
            lutime(data_path + '/symlink', (0, 0))
            utime(data_path, (0, test_time2))
            ex(bup_path, '-d', bup_dir, 'init')
            ex(bup_path, '-d', bup_dir, 'index', '-v', data_path)
            ex(bup_path, '-d', bup_dir, 'save', '-tvvn', 'test', data_path)
            repo = LocalRepo()
            resolved = vfs.resolve(repo,
                                   '/test/latest' + resolve_parent(data_path),
            leaf_name, leaf_item = resolved[-1]
            m = leaf_item.meta
            WVPASS(m.mtime == test_time2)
            WVPASS(leaf_name == 'foo')
            contents = tuple(vfs.contents(repo, leaf_item))
            WVPASS(len(contents) == 3)
            WVPASSEQ(frozenset(name for name, item in contents),
                     frozenset(('.', 'file', 'symlink')))
            for name, item in contents:
                if name == 'file':
                    m = item.meta
                    WVPASS(m.mtime == test_time1)
                elif name == 'symlink':
                    m = item.meta
                    WVPASSEQ(m.symlink_target, 'file')
                    WVPASSEQ(m.size, 4)
                    WVPASSEQ(m.mtime, 0)
Example #18
def test_metadata_method():
    with no_lingering_errors():
        with test_tempdir('bup-tmetadata-') as tmpdir:
            bup_dir = tmpdir + '/bup'
            data_path = tmpdir + '/foo'
            ex('touch', data_path + '/file')
            ex('ln', '-s', 'file', data_path + '/symlink')
            test_time1 = 13 * 1000000000
            test_time2 = 42 * 1000000000
            utime(data_path + '/file', (0, test_time1))
            lutime(data_path + '/symlink', (0, 0))
            utime(data_path, (0, test_time2))
            ex(bup_path, '-d', bup_dir, 'init')
            ex(bup_path, '-d', bup_dir, 'index', '-v', data_path)
            ex(bup_path, '-d', bup_dir, 'save', '-tvvn', 'test', data_path)
            repo = LocalRepo()
            resolved = vfs.resolve(repo,
                                   '/test/latest' + resolve_parent(data_path),
            leaf_name, leaf_item = resolved[-1]
            m = leaf_item.meta
            WVPASS(m.mtime == test_time2)
            WVPASS(leaf_name == 'foo')
            contents = tuple(vfs.contents(repo, leaf_item))
            WVPASS(len(contents) == 3)
            WVPASSEQ(frozenset(name for name, item in contents),
                     frozenset(('.', 'file', 'symlink')))
            for name, item in contents:
                if name == 'file':
                    m = item.meta
                    WVPASS(m.mtime == test_time1)
                elif name == 'symlink':
                    m = item.meta
                    WVPASSEQ(m.symlink_target, 'file')
                    WVPASSEQ(m.size, 4)
                    WVPASSEQ(m.mtime, 0)
Example #19
def reduce_paths(paths):
    xpaths = []
    for p in paths:
        rp = resolve_parent(p)
            st = os.lstat(rp)
            if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
                rp = slashappend(rp)
                p = slashappend(p)
            xpaths.append((rp, p))
        except OSError as e:
            add_error('reduce_paths: %s' % e)

    paths = []
    prev = None
    for (rp, p) in xpaths:
        if prev and (prev == rp or
                     (prev.endswith('/') and rp.startswith(prev))):
            continue  # already superceded by previous path
        paths.append((rp, p))
        prev = rp
    return paths
Example #20
def reduce_paths(paths):
    xpaths = []
    for p in paths:
        rp = resolve_parent(p)
            st = os.lstat(rp)
            if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
                rp = slashappend(rp)
                p = slashappend(p)
            xpaths.append((rp, p))
        except OSError as e:
            add_error('reduce_paths: %s' % e)

    paths = []
    prev = None
    for (rp, p) in xpaths:
        if prev and (prev == rp 
                     or (prev.endswith('/') and rp.startswith(prev))):
            continue # already superceded by previous path
        paths.append((rp, p))
        prev = rp
    return paths
Example #21
    if opt.strip:
        o.fatal("--strip is incompatible with --graft")

    if opt.strip_path:
        o.fatal("--strip-path is incompatible with --graft")

    for (option, parameter) in flags:
        if option == "--graft":
            parameter = argv_bytes(parameter)
            splitted_parameter = parameter.split(b'=')
            if len(splitted_parameter) != 2:
                o.fatal("a graft point must be of the form old_path=new_path")
            old_path, new_path = splitted_parameter
            if not (old_path and new_path):
                o.fatal("a graft point cannot be empty")

is_reverse = environ.get(b'BUP_SERVER_REVERSE')
if is_reverse and opt.remote:
    o.fatal("don't use -r in reverse mode; it's automatic")

name = opt.name
if name and not valid_save_name(name):
    o.fatal("'%s' is not a valid branch name" % path_msg(name))
refname = name and b'refs/heads/%s' % name or None
if opt.remote or is_reverse:
        cli = client.Client(opt.remote)
    except client.ClientError as e:
        log('error: %s' % e)
Example #22
if opt.graft:
    if opt.strip:
        o.fatal("--strip is incompatible with --graft")

    if opt.strip_path:
        o.fatal("--strip-path is incompatible with --graft")

    for (option, parameter) in flags:
        if option == "--graft":
            splitted_parameter = parameter.split('=')
            if len(splitted_parameter) != 2:
                o.fatal("a graft point must be of the form old_path=new_path")
            old_path, new_path = splitted_parameter
            if not (old_path and new_path):
                o.fatal("a graft point cannot be empty")

is_reverse = os.environ.get('BUP_SERVER_REVERSE')
if is_reverse and opt.remote:
    o.fatal("don't use -r in reverse mode; it's automatic")

if opt.name and opt.name.startswith('.'):
    o.fatal("'%s' is not a valid branch name" % opt.name)
refname = opt.name and 'refs/heads/%s' % opt.name or None
if opt.remote or is_reverse:
        cli = client.Client(opt.remote)
    except client.ClientError as e:
        log('error: %s' % e)
Example #23
        o.fatal("--strip is incompatible with --graft")

    if opt.strip_path:
        o.fatal("--strip-path is incompatible with --graft")

    for (option, parameter) in flags:
        if option == "--graft":
            parameter = argv_bytes(parameter)
            splitted_parameter = parameter.split(b'=')
            if len(splitted_parameter) != 2:
                o.fatal("a graft point must be of the form old_path=new_path")
            old_path, new_path = splitted_parameter
            if not (old_path and new_path):
                o.fatal("a graft point cannot be empty")
                (resolve_parent(old_path), resolve_parent(new_path)))

name = opt.name
if name and not valid_save_name(name):
    o.fatal("'%s' is not a valid branch name" % path_msg(name))
refname = name and b'refs/heads/%s' % name or None

repo = repo.from_opts(opt)
use_treesplit = repo.config(b'bup.treesplit', opttype='bool')
blobbits = repo.config(b'bup.blobbits', opttype='int')

oldref = refname and repo.read_ref(refname) or None


# Metadata is stored in a file named .bupm in each directory.  The
Example #24
File: save.py Project: fakegit/bup
def opts_from_cmdline(argv):
    o = options.Options(optspec)
    opt, flags, extra = o.parse_bytes(argv[1:])

    if opt.indexfile:
        opt.indexfile = argv_bytes(opt.indexfile)
    if opt.name:
        opt.name = argv_bytes(opt.name)
    if opt.remote:
        opt.remote = argv_bytes(opt.remote)
    if opt.strip_path:
        opt.strip_path = argv_bytes(opt.strip_path)
    if not (opt.tree or opt.commit or opt.name):
        o.fatal("use one or more of -t, -c, -n")
    if not extra:
        o.fatal("no filenames given")
    if opt.date:
        opt.date = parse_date_or_fatal(opt.date, o.fatal)
        opt.date = time.time()

    opt.progress = (istty2 and not opt.quiet)
    opt.smaller = parse_num(opt.smaller or 0)

    if opt.bwlimit:
        opt.bwlimit = parse_num(opt.bwlimit)

    if opt.strip and opt.strip_path:
        o.fatal("--strip is incompatible with --strip-path")

    opt.sources = [argv_bytes(x) for x in extra]

    grafts = []
    if opt.graft:
        if opt.strip:
            o.fatal("--strip is incompatible with --graft")

        if opt.strip_path:
            o.fatal("--strip-path is incompatible with --graft")

        for (option, parameter) in flags:
            if option == "--graft":
                parameter = argv_bytes(parameter)
                splitted_parameter = parameter.split(b'=')
                if len(splitted_parameter) != 2:
                    o.fatal("a graft point must be of the form old_path=new_path")
                old_path, new_path = splitted_parameter
                if not (old_path and new_path):
                    o.fatal("a graft point cannot be empty")
    opt.grafts = grafts

    opt.is_reverse = environ.get(b'BUP_SERVER_REVERSE')
    if opt.is_reverse and opt.remote:
        o.fatal("don't use -r in reverse mode; it's automatic")

    if opt.name and not valid_save_name(opt.name):
        o.fatal("'%s' is not a valid branch name" % path_msg(opt.name))

    return opt
Example #25
def unique_resolved_paths(paths):
    "Return a collection of unique resolved paths."
    rps = (_slashappend_or_add_error(resolve_parent(p),
                                     'unique_resolved_paths') for p in paths)
    return frozenset((x for x in rps if x is not None))
Example #26
File: index.py Project: bup/bup
def unique_resolved_paths(paths):
    "Return a collection of unique resolved paths."
    rps = (_slashappend_or_add_error(resolve_parent(p), 'unique_resolved_paths')
           for p in paths)
    return frozenset((x for x in rps if x is not None))
Example #27
def main(argv):

    # Hack around lack of nonlocal vars in python 2
    _nonlocal = {}

    o = options.Options(optspec)
    opt, flags, extra = o.parse_bytes(argv[1:])

    if opt.indexfile:
        opt.indexfile = argv_bytes(opt.indexfile)
    if opt.name:
        opt.name = argv_bytes(opt.name)
    if opt.remote:
        opt.remote = argv_bytes(opt.remote)
    if opt.strip_path:
        opt.strip_path = argv_bytes(opt.strip_path)

    if not (opt.tree or opt.commit or opt.name):
        o.fatal("use one or more of -t, -c, -n")
    if not extra:
        o.fatal("no filenames given")

    extra = [argv_bytes(x) for x in extra]

    opt.progress = (istty2 and not opt.quiet)
    opt.smaller = parse_num(opt.smaller or 0)
    if opt.bwlimit:
        client.bwlimit = parse_num(opt.bwlimit)

    if opt.date:
        date = parse_date_or_fatal(opt.date, o.fatal)
        date = time.time()

    if opt.strip and opt.strip_path:
        o.fatal("--strip is incompatible with --strip-path")

    graft_points = []
    if opt.graft:
        if opt.strip:
            o.fatal("--strip is incompatible with --graft")

        if opt.strip_path:
            o.fatal("--strip-path is incompatible with --graft")

        for (option, parameter) in flags:
            if option == "--graft":
                parameter = argv_bytes(parameter)
                splitted_parameter = parameter.split(b'=')
                if len(splitted_parameter) != 2:
                        "a graft point must be of the form old_path=new_path")
                old_path, new_path = splitted_parameter
                if not (old_path and new_path):
                    o.fatal("a graft point cannot be empty")
                    (resolve_parent(old_path), resolve_parent(new_path)))

    is_reverse = environ.get(b'BUP_SERVER_REVERSE')
    if is_reverse and opt.remote:
        o.fatal("don't use -r in reverse mode; it's automatic")

    name = opt.name
    if name and not valid_save_name(name):
        o.fatal("'%s' is not a valid branch name" % path_msg(name))
    refname = name and b'refs/heads/%s' % name or None
    if opt.remote or is_reverse:
            cli = client.Client(opt.remote)
        except client.ClientError as e:
            log('error: %s' % e)
        oldref = refname and cli.read_ref(refname) or None
        w = cli.new_packwriter(compression_level=opt.compress)
        cli = None
        oldref = refname and git.read_ref(refname) or None
        w = git.PackWriter(compression_level=opt.compress)


    # Metadata is stored in a file named .bupm in each directory.  The
    # first metadata entry will be the metadata for the current directory.
    # The remaining entries will be for each of the other directory
    # elements, in the order they're listed in the index.
    # Since the git tree elements are sorted according to
    # git.shalist_item_sort_key, the metalist items are accumulated as
    # (sort_key, metadata) tuples, and then sorted when the .bupm file is
    # created.  The sort_key should have been computed using the element's
    # mangled name and git mode (after hashsplitting), but the code isn't
    # actually doing that but rather uses the element's real name and mode.
    # This makes things a bit more difficult when reading it back, see
    # vfs.ordered_tree_entries().

    # Maintain a stack of information representing the current location in
    # the archive being constructed.  The current path is recorded in
    # parts, which will be something like ['', 'home', 'someuser'], and
    # the accumulated content and metadata for of the dirs in parts is
    # stored in parallel stacks in shalists and metalists.

    parts = []  # Current archive position (stack of dir names).
    shalists = []  # Hashes for each dir in paths.
    metalists = []  # Metadata for each dir in paths.

    def _push(part, metadata):
        # Enter a new archive directory -- make it the current directory.
        metalists.append([(b'', metadata)])  # This dir's metadata (no name).

    def _pop(force_tree, dir_metadata=None):
        # Leave the current archive directory and add its tree to its parent.
        assert (len(parts) >= 1)
        part = parts.pop()
        shalist = shalists.pop()
        metalist = metalists.pop()
        # FIXME: only test if collision is possible (i.e. given --strip, etc.)?
        if force_tree:
            tree = force_tree
            names_seen = set()
            clean_list = []
            metaidx = 1  # entry at 0 is for the dir
            for x in shalist:
                name = x[1]
                if name in names_seen:
                    parent_path = b'/'.join(parts) + b'/'
                    add_error('error: ignoring duplicate path %s in %s' %
                              (path_msg(name), path_msg(parent_path)))
                    if not stat.S_ISDIR(x[0]):
                        del metalist[metaidx]
                    if not stat.S_ISDIR(x[0]):
                        metaidx += 1

            if dir_metadata:  # Override the original metadata pushed for this dir.
                metalist = [(b'', dir_metadata)] + metalist[1:]
            sorted_metalist = sorted(metalist, key=lambda x: x[0])
            metadata = b''.join([m[1].encode() for m in sorted_metalist])
            metadata_f = BytesIO(metadata)
            mode, id = hashsplit.split_to_blob_or_tree(w.new_blob,
            clean_list.append((mode, b'.bupm', id))

            tree = w.new_tree(clean_list)
        if shalists:
                                 git.mangle_name(part, GIT_MODE_TREE,
                                                 GIT_MODE_TREE), tree))
        return tree

    _nonlocal['count'] = 0
    _nonlocal['subcount'] = 0
    _nonlocal['lastremain'] = None

    def progress_report(n):
        _nonlocal['subcount'] += n
        cc = _nonlocal['count'] + _nonlocal['subcount']
        pct = total and (cc * 100.0 / total) or 0
        now = time.time()
        elapsed = now - tstart
        kps = elapsed and int(cc / 1024. / elapsed)
        kps_frac = 10**int(math.log(kps + 1, 10) - 1)
        kps = int(kps / kps_frac) * kps_frac
        if cc:
            remain = elapsed * 1.0 / cc * (total - cc)
            remain = 0.0
        if (_nonlocal['lastremain'] and (remain > _nonlocal['lastremain']) and
            ((remain - _nonlocal['lastremain']) / _nonlocal['lastremain'] <
            remain = _nonlocal['lastremain']
            _nonlocal['lastremain'] = remain
        hours = int(remain / 60 / 60)
        mins = int(remain / 60 - hours * 60)
        secs = int(remain - hours * 60 * 60 - mins * 60)
        if elapsed < 30:
            remainstr = ''
            kpsstr = ''
            kpsstr = '%dk/s' % kps
            if hours:
                remainstr = '%dh%dm' % (hours, mins)
            elif mins:
                remainstr = '%dm%d' % (mins, secs)
                remainstr = '%ds' % secs
            'Saving: %.2f%% (%d/%dk, %d/%d files) %s %s\r' %
            (pct, cc / 1024, total / 1024, fcount, ftotal, remainstr, kpsstr))

    indexfile = opt.indexfile or git.repo(b'bupindex')
    r = index.Reader(indexfile)
        msr = index.MetaStoreReader(indexfile + b'.meta')
    except IOError as ex:
        if ex.errno != EACCES:
        log('error: cannot access %r; have you run bup index?' %
    hlink_db = hlinkdb.HLinkDB(indexfile + b'.hlink')

    def already_saved(ent):
        return ent.is_valid() and w.exists(ent.sha) and ent.sha

    def wantrecurse_pre(ent):
        return not already_saved(ent)

    def wantrecurse_during(ent):
        return not already_saved(ent) or ent.sha_missing()

    def find_hardlink_target(hlink_db, ent):
        if hlink_db and not stat.S_ISDIR(ent.mode) and ent.nlink > 1:
            link_paths = hlink_db.node_paths(ent.dev, ent.ino)
            if link_paths:
                return link_paths[0]

    total = ftotal = 0
    if opt.progress:
        for (transname, ent) in r.filter(extra, wantrecurse=wantrecurse_pre):
            if not (ftotal % 10024):
                qprogress('Reading index: %d\r' % ftotal)
            exists = ent.exists()
            hashvalid = already_saved(ent)
            ent.set_sha_missing(not hashvalid)
            if not opt.smaller or ent.size < opt.smaller:
                if exists and not hashvalid:
                    total += ent.size
            ftotal += 1
        progress('Reading index: %d, done.\n' % ftotal)
        hashsplit.progress_callback = progress_report

    # Root collisions occur when strip or graft options map more than one
    # path to the same directory (paths which originally had separate
    # parents).  When that situation is detected, use empty metadata for
    # the parent.  Otherwise, use the metadata for the common parent.
    # Collision example: "bup save ... --strip /foo /foo/bar /bar".

    # FIXME: Add collision tests, or handle collisions some other way.

    # FIXME: Detect/handle strip/graft name collisions (other than root),
    # i.e. if '/foo/bar' and '/bar' both map to '/'.

    first_root = None
    root_collision = None
    tstart = time.time()
    fcount = 0
    lastskip_name = None
    lastdir = b''
    for (transname, ent) in r.filter(extra, wantrecurse=wantrecurse_during):
        (dir, file) = os.path.split(ent.name)
        exists = (ent.flags & index.IX_EXISTS)
        hashvalid = already_saved(ent)
        wasmissing = ent.sha_missing()
        oldsize = ent.size
        if opt.verbose:
            if not exists:
                status = 'D'
            elif not hashvalid:
                if ent.sha == index.EMPTY_SHA:
                    status = 'A'
                    status = 'M'
                status = ' '
            if opt.verbose >= 2:
                log('%s %-70s\n' % (status, path_msg(ent.name)))
            elif not stat.S_ISDIR(ent.mode) and lastdir != dir:
                if not lastdir.startswith(dir):
                    log('%s %-70s\n' %
                        (status, path_msg(os.path.join(dir, b''))))
                lastdir = dir

        if opt.progress:
        fcount += 1

        if not exists:
        if opt.smaller and ent.size >= opt.smaller:
            if exists and not hashvalid:
                if opt.verbose:
                    log('skipping large file "%s"\n' % path_msg(ent.name))
                lastskip_name = ent.name

        assert (dir.startswith(b'/'))
        if opt.strip:
            dirp = stripped_path_components(dir, extra)
        elif opt.strip_path:
            dirp = stripped_path_components(dir, [opt.strip_path])
        elif graft_points:
            dirp = grafted_path_components(graft_points, dir)
            dirp = path_components(dir)

        # At this point, dirp contains a representation of the archive
        # path that looks like [(archive_dir_name, real_fs_path), ...].
        # So given "bup save ... --strip /foo/bar /foo/bar/baz", dirp
        # might look like this at some point:
        #   [('', '/foo/bar'), ('baz', '/foo/bar/baz'), ...].

        # This dual representation supports stripping/grafting, where the
        # archive path may not have a direct correspondence with the
        # filesystem.  The root directory is represented by an initial
        # component named '', and any component that doesn't have a
        # corresponding filesystem directory (due to grafting, for
        # example) will have a real_fs_path of None, i.e. [('', None),
        # ...].

        if first_root == None:
            first_root = dirp[0]
        elif first_root != dirp[0]:
            root_collision = True

        # If switching to a new sub-tree, finish the current sub-tree.
        while parts > [x[0] for x in dirp]:

        # If switching to a new sub-tree, start a new sub-tree.
        for path_component in dirp[len(parts):]:
            dir_name, fs_path = path_component
            # Not indexed, so just grab the FS metadata or use empty metadata.
                meta = metadata.from_path(fs_path, normalized=True) \
                    if fs_path else metadata.Metadata()
            except (OSError, IOError) as e:
                lastskip_name = dir_name
                meta = metadata.Metadata()
            _push(dir_name, meta)

        if not file:
            if len(parts) == 1:
                continue  # We're at the top level -- keep the current root dir
            # Since there's no filename, this is a subdir -- finish it.
            oldtree = already_saved(ent)  # may be None
            newtree = _pop(force_tree=oldtree)
            if not oldtree:
                if lastskip_name and lastskip_name.startswith(ent.name):
                    ent.validate(GIT_MODE_TREE, newtree)
            if exists and wasmissing:
                _nonlocal['count'] += oldsize

        # it's not a directory
        if hashvalid:
            id = ent.sha
            git_name = git.mangle_name(file, ent.mode, ent.gitmode)
            git_info = (ent.gitmode, git_name, id)
            sort_key = git.shalist_item_sort_key((ent.mode, file, id))
            meta = msr.metadata_at(ent.meta_ofs)
            meta.hardlink_target = find_hardlink_target(hlink_db, ent)
            # Restore the times that were cleared to 0 in the metastore.
            (meta.atime, meta.mtime, meta.ctime) = (ent.atime, ent.mtime,
            metalists[-1].append((sort_key, meta))
            id = None
            hlink = find_hardlink_target(hlink_db, ent)
                meta = metadata.from_path(
            except (OSError, IOError) as e:
                lastskip_name = ent.name
            if stat.S_IFMT(ent.mode) != stat.S_IFMT(meta.mode):
                # The mode changed since we indexed the file, this is bad.
                # This can cause two issues:
                # 1) We e.g. think the file is a regular file, but now it's
                #    something else (a device, socket, FIFO or symlink, etc.)
                #    and _read_ from it when we shouldn't.
                # 2) We then record it as valid, but don't update the index
                #    metadata, and on a subsequent save it has 'hashvalid'
                #    but is recorded as the file type from the index, when
                #    the content is something else ...
                # Avoid all of these consistency issues by just skipping such
                # things - it really ought to not happen anyway.
                add_error("%s: mode changed since indexing, skipping." %
                lastskip_name = ent.name
            if stat.S_ISREG(ent.mode):
                    # If the file changes while we're reading it, then our reading
                    # may stop at some point, but the stat() above may have gotten
                    # a different size already. Recalculate the meta size so that
                    # the repository records the accurate size in the metadata, even
                    # if the other stat() data might be slightly older than the file
                    # content (which we can't fix, this is inherently racy, but we
                    # can prevent the size mismatch.)
                    meta.size = 0

                    def new_blob(data):
                        meta.size += len(data)
                        return w.new_blob(data)

                    with hashsplit.open_noatime(ent.name) as f:
                        (mode, id) = hashsplit.split_to_blob_or_tree(
                            new_blob, w.new_tree, [f], keep_boundaries=False)
                except (IOError, OSError) as e:
                    add_error('%s: %s' % (ent.name, e))
                    lastskip_name = ent.name
            elif stat.S_ISDIR(ent.mode):
                assert (0)  # handled above
            elif stat.S_ISLNK(ent.mode):
                mode, id = (GIT_MODE_SYMLINK, w.new_blob(meta.symlink_target))
                # Everything else should be fully described by its
                # metadata, so just record an empty blob, so the paths
                # in the tree and .bupm will match up.
                (mode, id) = (GIT_MODE_FILE, w.new_blob(b''))

            if id:
                ent.validate(mode, id)
                git_name = git.mangle_name(file, ent.mode, ent.gitmode)
                git_info = (mode, git_name, id)
                sort_key = git.shalist_item_sort_key((ent.mode, file, id))
                metalists[-1].append((sort_key, meta))

        if exists and wasmissing:
            _nonlocal['count'] += oldsize
            _nonlocal['subcount'] = 0

    if opt.progress:
        pct = total and _nonlocal['count'] * 100.0 / total or 100
            'Saving: %.2f%% (%d/%dk, %d/%d files), done.    \n' %
            (pct, _nonlocal['count'] / 1024, total / 1024, fcount, ftotal))

    while len(parts) > 1:  # _pop() all the parts above the root
    assert (len(shalists) == 1)
    assert (len(metalists) == 1)

    # Finish the root directory.
    tree = _pop(
        # When there's a collision, use empty metadata for the root.
        dir_metadata=metadata.Metadata() if root_collision else None)

    out = byte_stream(sys.stdout)

    if opt.tree:
    if opt.commit or name:
        if compat.py_maj > 2:
            # Strip b prefix from python 3 bytes reprs to preserve previous format
            msgcmd = b'[%s]' % b', '.join(
                [repr(argv_bytes(x))[1:].encode('ascii') for x in argv])
            msgcmd = repr(argv)
        msg = b'bup save\n\nGenerated by command:\n%s\n' % msgcmd
        userline = (b'%s <%s@%s>' % (userfullname(), username(), hostname()))
        commit = w.new_commit(tree, oldref, userline, date, None, userline,
                              date, None, msg)
        if opt.commit:

    w.close()  # must close before we can update the ref

    if opt.name:
        if cli:
            cli.update_ref(refname, commit, oldref)
            git.update_ref(refname, commit, oldref)

    if cli:

    if saved_errors:
        log('WARNING: %d errors encountered while saving.\n' %