Example #1
    def execute(self, args, remaining_args):
        self.apply_overrides(DaemonThread.settings_schema(), args.overrides)
        subcmd = getattr(args, self.ARG_SUBCOMMAND)
        config = DaemonThread.settings_value()

        # Assure the caller may actually call us
        res = IDParser().parse(login_name())
        if config.authentication.privileged_group not in [g[1] for g in res.groups]:
            self.log().error("Your are not authorized to run this program - user '%s' is not in group '%s'" %
                                                                        (login_name(), config.authentication.privileged_group))
            return 255
        #end check authentication

        session = PackageSession.new(url=config.db.url)

        if subcmd == self.MODE_LIST:
            return self._handle_list(args, session)
        elif subcmd == self.MODE_TRANSACTION:
            return self._handle_transactions(args, session)
            raise NotImplemented("Subcommand '%s' unknown" % subcmd)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, name):
        """make sure platform instances for the current OS are available"""
        super(OSContext, self).__init__(name)

        # instantiate platform singleton
            inst = self.platform_service_type()
            value = self.settings_value(self._kvstore, resolve=False)
            if not value.platform.id:
                value.platform.id = inst.id(inst.ID_FULL)
            # Enforce the actual system user
            value.user.login = login_name()
            value.user.home = Path('~').expanduser()
            value.host.fqname = socket.gethostname()
            value.host.name = value.host.fqname.split('.')[0]

            self.settings().set_value_by_schema(self.settings_schema(), value)
        except KeyError:
            raise EnvironmentError("Unknown platform %s" % sys.platform)
Example #3
 def _cache_dir(self):
     """@return an existing directory into which caches can be written safely. Doesn't necessarily exist"""
     return Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / ('bkvstore-py%i%i-%s' % (sys.version_info[:2] + (login_name(),)))
Example #4
    def _handle_transactions(self, args, session):
        """Implement transaction subcommand"""
        if args.action in self.query_actions:
            if args.reason:
                self.log().warn("--reason has no effect in query actions like %s", ', '.join(self.query_actions))
            # end handle reason
            if not args.reason:
                self.log().error("Please specify a reason for performing the '%s' action, use the --reason argument", args.action)
                return self.ERROR
            # end need reason
        # end assure reason is set

            for tid in getattr(args, self.ARG_TRANSACTION_IDS):
                trans = session.query(SQLPackageTransaction).filter(SQLPackageTransaction.id == tid)[:]
                if not trans:
                    raise ValueError("No transaction found with id %i" % tid)
                # end fail on missing transactions
                trans = trans[0]
                if args.action == self.ACTION_APPROVE:
                    if trans.finished_at is not None or trans.started_at is not None:
                        raise ValueError("Transaction %i is already done and cannot be approved after the fact" % tid)
                    # end handle finished transactions
                    trans.approved_by_login = login_name()
                    self.log().info("Approved %i" % tid)
                elif args.action == self.ACTION_REJECT:
                    self.log().info("Rejected %i" % tid)
                elif args.action == self.ACTION_CANCEL:
                    self.log().info("Canceled %i" % tid)
                elif args.action == self.ACTION_LIST_FILES:
                    print "Files for transaction %i" % tid
                    report = Report(columns=self.report_schema_files)
                    record = report.records.append
                    for f in trans.files:
                            uid = getpwuid(f.uid).pw_name
                        except KeyError:
                            uid = f.uid
                        # end remap uid if possible
                        record((f.path, f.size, uid, f.gid, f.mode))
                    # end for each file
                    report.serialize(Report.SERIALIZE_TTY, sys.stdout.write)
                    raise NotImplemented("unknown action: %s" % args.action)
                # end handle action

                # Always keep the reason around
                if args.action not in self.query_actions:
                    assert args.reason
                    trans.reason = args.reason
                # end assure reason is set only in edit mode
            # end for each tid
        except Exception, err:
            if args.action not in self.query_actions:
                self.log().error("Failed to set transaction - all progress rolled back")
            # end don't warn if we are read-only
            return self.ERROR