def execute(self, context): global db_results global last_import wm = bpy.context.window_manager to_import = [d for d in db_results if d['name'] == wm.query_results][0] if last_import == 'object': print('--- importing: ---') print(to_import) O = bvp.Object(**to_import) O.Place(proxy=self.proxy_import) elif last_import == 'action': raise NotImplementedError( 'Not yet! need to apply actions to objects!') return {'FINISHED'}
camConstr = None # Size=... obConstr = None # Size=... else: # Needs modification! defaults should depend on real world size / size of floor mesh / something... # OR: simply raise error, and demand that all files have pos constraints. camConstr = bvp.CamConstraint() # Size=... obConstr = bvp.bvpObConstraint() # Size=... try: rws = gOb['RealWorldSize'], # of the whole space except: rws = 100. try: Lens = gOb['Lens'] except: Lens = 50. d.append(dict(,, semantic_category=semCat, real_world_size=rws, lens=Lens, nVertices=sum([len( for oo in G.objects if oo.type=='MESH']), nFaces=sum([len( for oo in G.objects if oo.type=='MESH']), obConstraints=obConstr, CamConstraint=camConstr, obSemanticCat=obCat, ## List of object categories that can (reasonably) populate this scene sky_semantic_category=skyCat, ## List of sky categories that can go with this background. obstacles=[bvp.Object(pos3D=list(o.location),size3D=max(o.dimensions)) for o in Obst], ## To come! ## )) sName ='.blend','.pik') savePik(d,sName)
if subCat: ToRender = Lib.getSCL(subCat,'objects') else: ToRender = Lib.objects # all objects ScCt = 0 ScnL = [] for o in ToRender: # Get all object variations to add as separate scenes ObToAdd = [] for s in oSz: for pos in oPos: for rotZ in oRot: if o['nPoses'] and render_Pose: for p in range(o['nPoses']): O = bvp.Object(obID=o['name'],Lib=Lib,pos3D=pos,size3D=s,rot3D=(0,0,rotZ),pose=p) ObToAdd.append(O) if scaleObj: ScObSz = 10.*scaleObj.size3D/O.size3D ScObToAdd.append else: O = bvp.Object(obID=o['name'],Lib=Lib,pos3D=pos,size3D=s,rot3D=(0,0,rotZ)) ObToAdd.append(O) # Add scale object in here somehwhere... Scale for each object! if scaleObj: ScObSz = 10.*scaleObj.size3D/O.size3D ScObToAdd.append # Lights (Sky), Background Sky = bvp.Sky() BG = bvp.Background() # Objects
print('%s\n~~~ Running ~~~\n%s ' % (Div, Div)) print(bvp.version) Res = sk.Settings['VolRes'] # Default (2012.08.13) = 96 # establish memory-saving mode for multiple imports: #? necessary? #LibDir = bvp.Settings['Paths']['LibDir'] #if not LibDir==sk.Settings['LibDir']: # raise Exception('Path problem! pfSkel settings "LibDir" does not match bvp settings "LibDir". GAAAAAA!') Lib = bvp.bvpLibrary() name = 'Reptile_005_Frog' #'Mammal_005_Cat' #for name in Lib.getGrpNames(): # Get & add object O = bvp.Object(name, Lib, size3D=10) O.Place() G = bpy.context.object # Make proxy objects & create render mesh for all objects in group ObList = [] scn = bpy.context.scene for o in G.dupli_group.objects: bvp.utils.blender.grab_only(G) bpy.ops.object.proxy_make(, NewOb = bpy.context.object if NewOb.type == 'MESH': me = NewOb.to_mesh(scn, True, 'RENDER') = me else: continue ObList.append(NewOb)
RO = bvp.RenderOptions() RO.filepath = '/auto/k6/mark/BlenderFiles/LibBackgrounds/%s' DummyObjects = ['*soccer ball','*fire extinguisher','002_CartoonGuy'] if SubCat: ToRender = Lib.getSCL(SubCat,'backgrounds') else: ToRender = Lib.backgrounds # all backgrounds # Frame count frames = (1,1) # set standard lights (Sky) Sky = bvp.Sky() # Get dummy objects to put in scenes: ObL = [] for o in DummyObjects: ObL.append(bvp.Object(obID=o,Lib=Lib,size3D=None) # Misc Setup BGCt = 0; ScnL = [] for bg in ToRender: BGCt+=1 # Create Scene BG = bvp.Background(bgID=bg['name'],Lib=Lib) for p in range(nCamLoc): cNum = p+1 Cam = bvp.Camera(location=BG.CamConstraint.sampleCamPos(frames),fixPos=BG.CamConstraint.sampleFixPos(frames),frames=frames) S = bvp.Scene(Num=BGCt,BG=BG,Sky=Sky,Obj=None, Shadow=None,Cam=Cam,FrameRange=(1,1), fpath='%s_%s_cp%d_fr##'%(BG.semantic_category[0],,cNum), FrameRate=15) try:
def RenderSkies(self, subCat=None, Is_Overwrite=False): """ Render (all) skies in bvpLibrary to folder <LibDir>/LibBackgrounds/<category>_<name>.png subCat = None # lambda x: 'dome' in x['semantic_category'] """ raise Exception('Not done yet!') RO = bvp.RenderOptions() RO.BVPopts['BasePath'] = os.path.join(self.LibDir, 'Images', 'Skies', '%s') RO.resolution_x = RO.resolution_y = 256 # smaller images if subCat: ToRender = self.getSCL(subCat, 'backgrounds') else: ToRender = self.backgrounds # all backgrounds # Frame count frames = (1, 1) # set standard lights (Sky) Sky = bvp.Sky() # Get dummy objects to put in scenes: ObL = [] for o in dummyObjects: ObL.append(bvp.Object(obID=o, Lib=self, size3D=None)) # Misc Setup BGCt = 0 ScnL = [] for bg in ToRender: BGCt += 1 # Create Scene BG = bvp.Background(bgID=bg['name'], Lib=self) for p in range(nCamLoc): cNum = p + 1 fpath = '%s_%s_cp%d_fr##' % (BG.semantic_category[0],, cNum) fChk = RO.BVPopts['BasePath'] % fpath.replace( '##', '01.' + RO.file_format.lower()) print('Checking for file: %s' % (fChk)) if os.path.exists(fChk) and not Is_Overwrite: print('Found it!') # Only append scenes to render that DO NOT have previews already rendered! continue Cam = bvp.Camera( location=BG.CamConstraint.sampleCamPos(frames), fixPos=BG.CamConstraint.sampleFixPos(frames), frames=frames) S = bvp.Scene(Num=BGCt, BG=BG, Sky=Sky, Obj=None, Shadow=None, Cam=Cam, FrameRange=(1, 1), fpath=fpath, FrameRate=15) #try: # Allow re-set of camera position with each attempt to populate scene S.populate_scene(ObL, ResetCam=True) #except: # print('Unable to populate scene %s!'%S.fpath) ScnL.append(S) # Convert list of scenes to SceneList SL = bvp.SceneList(ScnList=ScnL, RenderOptions=RO) SL.RenderSlurm(RenderGroupSize=nCamLoc)
def RenderBGs(self, subCat=None, dummyObjects=(), nCamLoc=5, Is_Overwrite=False): """ Render (all) backgrounds in bvpLibrary to folder <LibDir>/Images/Backgrounds/<category>_<name>.png subCat = None #lambda x: x['name']=='BG_201_mHouse_1fl_1' #None #'outdoor' dummyObjects = ['*human', '*artifact', '*vehicle'] """ RO = bvp.RenderOptions() RO.BVPopts['BasePath'] = os.path.join(self.LibDir, 'Images', 'Backgrounds', '%s') RO.resolution_x = RO.resolution_y = 256 # smaller images if subCat: ToRender = self.getSCL(subCat, 'backgrounds') else: ToRender = self.backgrounds # all backgrounds # Frame count frames = (1, 1) # Get dummy objects to put in scenes: # Misc Setup BGCt = 0 ScnL = [] for bg in ToRender: BGCt += 1 # Create Scene BG = bvp.Background(bgID=bg['name'], Lib=self) ObL = [] for o in dummyObjects: ObL.append(bvp.Object(obID=o, Lib=self, size3D=None)) for p in range(nCamLoc): cNum = p + 1 fpath = '%s_%s_cp%02d_fr##' % (BG.semantic_category[0],, cNum) fChk = RO.BVPopts['BasePath'] % fpath.replace( '##', '01.' + RO.image_settings['file_format'].lower()) print('Checking for file: %s' % (fChk)) if os.path.exists(fChk) and not Is_Overwrite: print('Found it!') # Only append scenes to render that DO NOT have previews already rendered! continue Cam = bvp.Camera( location=BG.CamConstraint.sampleCamPos(frames), fixPos=BG.CamConstraint.sampleFixPos(frames), frames=frames) Sky = bvp.Sky('*' + BG.sky_semantic_category[0], Lib=self) if Sky.semantic_category: if 'dome' in Sky.semantic_category: if len(Sky.lightLoc) > 1: Shad = None elif len(Sky.lightLoc) == 1: if 'sunset' in Sky.semantic_category: Shad = bvp.Shadow('*west', self) else: fn = lambda x: 'clouds' in x[ 'semantic_category'] and not 'west' in x[ 'semantic_category'] Shad = bvp.Shadow(fn, self) else: Shad = None else: Shad = None S = bvp.Scene(Num=BGCt, BG=BG, Sky=Sky, Obj=None, Shadow=Shad, Cam=Cam, FrameRange=frames, fpath=fpath, FrameRate=15) try: # Allow re-set of camera position with each attempt to populate scene S.populate_scene(ObL, ResetCam=True) except: print('Unable to populate scene %s!' % S.fpath) ScnL.append(S) # Convert list of scenes to SceneList SL = bvp.SceneList(ScnList=ScnL, RenderOptions=RO) SL.RenderSlurm(RenderGroupSize=nCamLoc)
def RenderObjectVox(self, nGrid=10, xL=(-5, 5), yL=(-5, 5), zL=(0, 10), maxFilesPerDir=5000, subCat=None, render_Pose=True, Is_Overwrite=False): """ Render (all) objects in bvpLibrary in voxelized 3D form TODO: longer help! ScaleObj = optional scale object to render along with this object (NOT FINISHED!) """ if bvp.Is_Blender: print('Sorry, this won' 't run inside Blender; it requires access to slurm!') return RO = bvp.RenderOptions() RO.BVPopts['Voxels'] = True # This will over-ride all other options... RO.BVPopts['BasePath'] = os.path.join(self.LibDir, 'Images', 'Objects', 'Voxels', '%s') RO.BVPopts['Type'] = 'all' RO.resolution_x = RO.resolution_y = 5 # itty-bitty images for inside/outside test if subCat: ToRender = self.getSCL(subCat, 'objects') else: ToRender = self.objects # all objects ObCt = 0 for o in ToRender: ScnL = [] # Get all object variations to add as separate scenes ObToAdd = [] if o['nPoses'] and render_Pose: for p in range(o['nPoses']): O = bvp.Object(obID=o['name'], Lib=self, pos3D=(0, 0, 0), size3D=10, pose=p) ObToAdd.append(O) else: O = bvp.Object(obID=o['name'], Lib=self, pos3D=(0, 0, 0), size3D=10) ObToAdd.append(O) # Lights (Sky) & Background Sky = bvp.Sky() Sky.WorldParams['horizon_color'] = (0, 0, 0) BG = bvp.Background() # Get all (nGrid**3) camera positions cPos = bvp.utils.basics.gridPos(nGrid, xL, yL, zL) # Center (fixation) Position fPos = [[0, 0, 0] for x in range(len(cPos))] fr = range(1, nGrid**3 + 1) # break up into multiple directories with <maxFilesPerDir> files each nDirs = int(math.ceil((nGrid**3) / float(maxFilesPerDir))) # Loop over objects to render each <maxFilesPerDir> files for Obj in ObToAdd: # Loop to create a separate scene for each <maxFilesPerDir> files for d in range(nDirs): # Create Scene ObCt += 1 if Obj.pose or Obj.pose == 0: pNum = Obj.pose + 1 else: pNum = 1 # Frame range FR = (d * maxFilesPerDir + 1, min(nGrid**3, maxFilesPerDir * (d + 1))) Cam = bvp.Camera(location=cPos[FR[0] - 1:FR[1]], fixPos=fPos[FR[0] - 1:FR[1]], frames=fr[FR[0] - 1:FR[1]]) fpath = '%s_%s_p%d_res%d_f%09d/vox%s' % ( Obj.semantic_category[0],, pNum, nGrid, d * maxFilesPerDir, '#' * len(str(nGrid**3))) ScnL.append( bvp.Scene(Num=ObCt, Obj=(Obj, ), BG=BG, Sky=Sky, Shadow=None, Cam=Cam, FrameRange=FR, fpath=fpath)) # Convert list of scenes to SceneList SL = bvp.SceneList(ScnList=ScnL, RenderOptions=RO) #return SL jIDs = SL.RenderSlurm(RenderGroupSize=1, RenderType=('Voxels', ), Is_Overwrite=True) ConcatCmd = """import bvp, pickle, os fD = '{fD}' vox = bvp.utils.math.concatVoxels(fD) sName = fD+'.pik' bvp.utils.basics.savePik(vox, sName) for f in os.listdir(fD): os.unlink(os.path.join(fD, f)) os.rmdir(fD) """ cjIDs = [] for jID, S in zip(jIDs, ScnL): DepStr = 'afterok:%s' % jID # Dependencies for job fD, xx = S.fpath.split('/') # last part of filepath from scene fD = RO.BVPopts['BasePath'] % fD cjID = bvp.utils.basics.pySlurm( ConcatCmd.format(fD=fD), dep=DepStr, memory=2000, ) cjIDs.append(cjID) # Up priority... (base is 5000 as of 2012.12.31)[ 'sudo', 'scontrol', 'update', 'jobID=' + jID, 'Priority=5010' ]) # Final concatenation and clean-up ConcatAllCmd = """import bvp, os import numpy as np I = np.zeros({res}**3) fD = "{fD}" fNm = sorted([os.path.join(fD, f) for f in os.listdir(fD) if 'pik' in f and "{key}" in f]) for f in fNm: I+=np.array(bvp.utils.basics.loadPik(f)) I = bvp.utils.basics.make_blender_safe(I, 'float') sName = os.path.join(fD, "{key}"+".pik") bvp.utils.basics.savePik(I, sName) for f in fNm: os.unlink(f) """ DepStr = ('afterok' + ':%s' * len(cjIDs)) % tuple( cjIDs) # Depends on all other concat jobs fD, key = os.path.split(fD) key = key[:-11] # Cut "_f000000000" part bvp.utils.basics.pySlurm( ConcatAllCmd.format(res=nGrid, fD=fD, key=key), dep=DepStr, memory=2000, )
def RenderObjects(self, Type=('Image', ), subCat=None, rotList=(0, ), render_Pose=True, renderGroupSize=1, Is_Overwrite=False, scaleObj=None): """ Render (all) objects in bvpLibrary TODO: longer help! ScaleObj = optional scale object to render along with this object (NOT FINISHED!) """ RO = bvp.RenderOptions() RO.BVPopts['BasePath'] = os.path.join(self.LibDir, 'Images', 'Objects', 'Scenes', '%s') RO.resolution_x = RO.resolution_y = 256 # smaller images if subCat: ToRender = self.getSCL(subCat, 'objects') else: ToRender = self.objects # all objects ObCt = 0 ScnL = [] for o in ToRender: # Get all object variations to add as separate scenes ObToAdd = [] for rotZ in rotList: if o['nPoses'] and render_Pose: for p in range(o['nPoses']): O = bvp.Object(obID=o['name'], Lib=self, pos3D=(0, 0, 0), size3D=10, rot3D=(0, 0, rotZ), pose=p) ObToAdd.append(O) if scaleObj: ScObSz = 10. * scaleObj.size3D / O.size3D ScObToAdd.append else: O = bvp.Object(obID=o['name'], Lib=self, pos3D=(0, 0, 0), size3D=10, rot3D=(0, 0, rotZ)) ObToAdd.append(O) # Add scale object in here somehwhere... Scale for each object! if scaleObj: ScObSz = 10. * scaleObj.size3D / O.size3D ScObToAdd.append # Camera, Lights (Sky), Background Cam = bvp.Camera() Sky = bvp.Sky() BG = bvp.Background() # Objects for Obj in ObToAdd: # Create Scene ObCt += 1 if Obj.pose or Obj.pose == 0: pNum = Obj.pose + 1 else: pNum = 1 fpath = '%s_%s_p%d_r%d_fr##' % (Obj.semantic_category[0],, pNum, Obj.rot3D[2]) ScnL.append( bvp.Scene(Num=ObCt, Obj=(Obj, ), BG=BG, Sky=Sky, Shadow=None, Cam=Cam, FrameRange=(1, 1), fpath=fpath, FrameRate=15)) # Convert list of scenes to SceneList SL = bvp.SceneList(ScnList=ScnL, RenderOptions=RO) SL.RenderSlurm(RenderGroupSize=renderGroupSize, RenderType=Type)
ToRender = Lib.getSCL(SubCat) else: ToRender = Lib.objects # all objects ObCt = 0 ScnL = [] for o in ToRender: # Get all object variations to add as separate scenes ObToAdd = [] for rotZ in rotList: if o['nPoses']: for p in range(o['nPoses']): ObToAdd.append( bvp.Object(obID=o['name'], Lib=Lib, pos3D=(0, 0, 0), size3D=10, rot3D=(0, 0, rotZ), pose=p)) else: ObToAdd.append( bvp.Object(obID=o['name'], Lib=Lib, pos3D=(0, 0, 0), size3D=10, rot3D=(0, 0, rotZ))) # Camera, Lights (Sky), Background Cam = bvp.Camera() Sky = bvp.Sky() BG = bvp.Background() # Set up list of scenes for SceneList