Example #1
def manually_correct_theme(name, url, type, rk, just_theme,
                           remove_old_theme):  # pragma: no cover
    """Set the correct fingerprint of the show in the hashes.db and
       process the eps of that show in the db against the new theme fingerprint.

            name (str): name of the show
            url (str): the youtube/tvtunes url or filepath to the correct theme.
            type (str): What source to use for themes.
            rk (str): ratingkey of that show. Pass auto if your lazy.
            just_theme (bool): just add the theme song not reprocess stuff.
            remove_old_theme (bool): Removes all the old themes of this show

    global HT
    HT = get_hashtable()

    # Assist for the lazy bastards..
    if rk == 'auto':
        items = PMS.search(name)
        items = [i for i in items if i and i.TYPE == 'show']
        items = choose('Select correct show', items, lambda x: '%s %s' %
                       (x.title, x.TYPE))
        if items:
            rk = items[0].ratingKey

    if remove_old_theme:
        themes = HT.get_theme(items[0])
        for th in themes:
            LOG.debug('Removing %s from the hashtable', th)

    # Download the themes depending on the manual option or config file.
    download_theme(items[0], HT, theme_source=type, url=url)
    to_pp = []

    if just_theme:

    if rk:
        with session_scope() as se:
            # Find all episodes of this show.
            item = se.query(Processed).filter_by(grandparentRatingKey=rk)

            for i in item:
                # Prob should have used edit, but we do this so we can use process_to_db.

        for media in to_pp:
Example #2
def set_manual_theme_time(showname, season, episode, type, start,
                          end):  # pragma: no cover
    """Set a manual start and end time for a theme.

           showname(str): name of the show you want to find
           season(int): season number fx 1
           episode(int): episode number 1
           type(str): theme, credit # Still TODO Stuff for credits
           start(int, str): This can be in seconds or MM:SS format
           start(int, str): This can be in seconds or MM:SS format

    LOG.debug('Trying to set manual time')
    result = PMS.search(showname)

    if result:

        items = choose('Select show', result, 'title')
        show = items[0]
        ep = show.episode(season=season, episode=episode)

        if ep:
            with session_scope() as se:
                item = se.query(Processed).filter_by(
                start = to_sec(start)
                end = to_sec(end)

                if type == 'ffmpeg':
                    item.correct_ffmpeg = end

                elif type == 'theme':
                    if start:
                        item.correct_time_start = start

                    if end:
                        item.correct_time_end = end
                elif type == 'credits':
                    if start:
                        item.correct_credits_start = start

                    if end:
                        item.correct_credits_end = end

                LOG.debug('Set correct_time %s for %s to start %s end %s',
                          type, ep._prettyfilename(), start, end)
Example #3
def test_a_movie(name):  # pragma: no cover
    result = PMS.search(name)

    if result: