Example #1
def score_guess(guess, i, reference_i):
    guess = data(guess).bytes
    plain_chars = set([x for x in abc])
    compare_with = [x for x in texts if len(x) > i]
    reference = texts[reference_i]
    return sum([
        data(xor(xor(x[i:i + 1], guess), reference[i:i + 1])).ascii()
        in plain_chars for x in compare_with
    ]) / len(compare_with)
Example #2
def decode_with_keydict(keydict):
    key = b''
    for i in sorted(keydict.keys()):
        while len(key) < i:
            key += b'\x00'
        key += keydict[i]
    print(xor(key, data(texts[0]).bytes))
def get_iv():
    cyphertext = cyphered_comment(b'')
        is_admin(cyphertext[:16] + b'\x00' * 16 + cyphertext)
    except Exception as e:
        plain = (e.args[0][20:-1])  # 18 is the length of the cruft
    plain = codecs.escape_decode(bytes(plain, "utf-8"))[0]
    return xor(plain[:16], plain[32:48])
Example #4
def break_ragged_xor(cyphertexts):
    b = transpose_bytes(sorted(cyphertexts, key=len)[::-1])
    key = [b'\x00'] * len(b)
    for i in range(len(key)):

        def score(test_key):
            return (Xsq(xor(b[i], test_key * len(b[i]))), test_key)

        key[i] = sorted(possible_bytes(), key=score)[0]
        print(i, xor(b[i], key[i] * len(b[i])))
    return b''.join(key)
Example #5
def break_block(block, previous_block, oracle, blocksize):
    """Decrypts a block encrypted with CBC using a padding oracle. written to use check_padding.
    right_bytes = b''  # invariant: rightbytes is the rightmost known bytes of plaintext.
    l = 0

    def leftpad(_bytes):
        return b'\x00' * (blocksize - len(_bytes)) + _bytes

    all_bytes = [int.to_bytes(x, 1, 'big') for x in range(256)]
    while l < blocksize:
        padmask1 = pad(b'\x00' * (blocksize - 1 - l),
                       blocksize)  # both padmasks have correct padding
        padmask2 = pad(
            b'\xFF' * (blocksize - 1 - l), blocksize
        )  # therefore, (padmask ^ plaintext ^ (leftpad(right_bytes)) ^ previous_block) has correct padding
        for x in all_bytes:
            test_bytes = xor(leftpad(x + right_bytes), previous_block)  #DUH
            if oracle(xor(test_bytes, padmask1), block) and oracle(
                    xor(test_bytes, padmask2), block):
                right_bytes = x + right_bytes
        l += 1
    return right_bytes
Example #6
def CTR_encrypt(_bytes, key, counter_function=counter_function, nonce=0):
    return xor(_bytes, CTR_keystream(key, counter_function, len(_bytes),
Example #7
def decode_with_key(i, key):
    print(xor(key, data(texts[i]).bytes)[:len(texts[i])])
Example #8
 def score(test_key):
     return (Xsq(xor(b[i], test_key * len(b[i]))), test_key)
Example #9
from ctr import CTR_encrypt, counter_function
from bytestring_tools import data, chunk, xor
from vigenere_xor import transpose_bytes, possible_bytes
from h2b import plaintext_similarity_chi_sq as Xsq

texts = open("cryptopals_20.txt").readlines()
texts = [data(x.strip(), 'b64').bytes for x in texts]
cyphertexts = [
    CTR_encrypt(x, b"Yellow submarine", counter_function, 0) for x in texts

def break_ragged_xor(cyphertexts):
    b = transpose_bytes(sorted(cyphertexts, key=len)[::-1])
    key = [b'\x00'] * len(b)
    for i in range(len(key)):

        def score(test_key):
            return (Xsq(xor(b[i], test_key * len(b[i]))), test_key)

        key[i] = sorted(possible_bytes(), key=score)[0]
        print(i, xor(b[i], key[i] * len(b[i])))
    return b''.join(key)

key = break_ragged_xor(cyphertexts)
for x in cyphertexts:
    print(xor(x, key[:len(x)]))

# print(break_vigenere(cyphertext))
 def encrypt(self, _bytes):
     return xor(_bytes, self.keystream(len(_bytes)))