def test_fill_indent_with_breaks(self): w = utextwrap.UTextWrapper(8, initial_indent=' ' * 4, subsequent_indent=' ' * 4) self.assertEqual( u'\n'.join([ " hell", " o" + _str_D[0], " " + _str_D[1:3], " " + _str_D[3] ]), w.fill(_str_SD))
def test_fill_indent_without_breaks(self): w = utextwrap.UTextWrapper(8, initial_indent=' ' * 4, subsequent_indent=' ' * 4) w.break_long_words = False self.assertEqual( u'\n'.join([ " hello", " " + _str_D[:2], " " + _str_D[2:], ]), w.fill(_str_SD))
def test_split(self): w = utextwrap.UTextWrapper() self.assertEqual(list(_str_D), w._split(_str_D)) self.assertEqual([_str_S] + list(_str_D), w._split(_str_SD)) self.assertEqual(list(_str_D) + [_str_S], w._split(_str_DS))
def check_cut(self, text, width, pos): w = utextwrap.UTextWrapper() self.assertEqual((text[:pos], text[pos:]), w._cut(text, width))
def check_width(self, text, expected_width): w = utextwrap.UTextWrapper() self.assertEqual(w._width(text), expected_width, "Width of %r should be %d" % (text, expected_width))
def test_ambiwidth2(self): w = utextwrap.UTextWrapper(4, ambiguous_width=2) s = self._cyrill_char * 8 self.assertEqual([self._cyrill_char * 2] * 4, w.wrap(s))