Example #1
	def __repr__(self):
		if isinstance(self._data, C1218Request):
			repr_data = repr(self._data)
			repr_data = '0x' + binascii.b2a_hex(self._data).decode('utf-8')
		crc = binascii.b2a_hex(packet_checksum(self.start + self.identity + self.control + self.sequence + self._length + self._data)).decode('utf-8')
		return '<C1218Packet data=' + repr_data + ' data_len=' + str(len(self._data)) + ' crc=0x' + crc + ' >'
	def __repr__(self):
		if isinstance(self._data, C1218Request):
			repr_data = repr(self._data)
			repr_data = '0x' + binascii.b2a_hex(self._data).decode('utf-8')
		crc = binascii.b2a_hex(packet_checksum(self.start + self.identity + self.control + self.sequence + self._length + self._data)).decode('utf-8')
		return '<C1218Packet data=' + repr_data + ' data_len=' + str(len(self._data)) + ' crc=0x' + crc + ' >'
Example #3
	def build(self):
		packet = self.start
		packet += self.identity
		packet += self.control
		packet += self.sequence
		packet += self._length
		packet += self._data
		packet += packet_checksum(packet)
		return packet
Example #4
 def build(self):
     packet = self.start
     packet += self.identity
     packet += self.control
     packet += self.sequence
     packet += self._length
     packet += self._data
     packet += packet_checksum(packet)
     return packet
Example #5
	def from_bytes(cls, data):
		if len(data) < 8:
			raise Exception('invalid data (size)')
		if data[0] != 0xee:
			raise Exception('invalid start byte')
		identity = data[1]
		control = data[2]
		sequence = data[3]
		length = struct.unpack('>H', data[4:6])[0]
		chksum = data[-2:]
		if packet_checksum(data[:-2]) != chksum:
			raise Exception('invalid check sum')
		data = data[6:-2]
		frame = C1218Packet(data, control, length)
		frame.identity = struct.pack('B', identity)
		frame.sequence = struct.pack('B', sequence)
		return frame
    def recv(self, full_frame=False):
		Receive a C1218Packet, the payload data is returned.

		:param bool full_frame: If set to True, the entire C1218 frame is
		  returned instead of just the payload.
        payloadbuffer = b''
        tries = 3
        while tries:
            tmpbuffer = self.serial_h.read(1)
            if tmpbuffer != b'\xee':
                    'did not receive \\xee as the first byte of the frame')
                    'received \\x' +
                    binascii.b2a_hex(tmpbuffer).decode('utf-8') + ' instead')
                tries -= 1
            tmpbuffer += self.serial_h.read(5)
            sequence, length = struct.unpack('>xxxBH', tmpbuffer)
            payload = self.serial_h.read(length)
            tmpbuffer += payload
            chksum = self.serial_h.read(2)
            if chksum == packet_checksum(tmpbuffer):
                data = tmpbuffer + chksum
                    "received frame, length: {0:<3} data: {1}".format(
                payloadbuffer += payload
                if sequence == 0:
                    if full_frame:
                        payloadbuffer = data
                    if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
                        payloadbuffer = bytearray(payloadbuffer)
                    return payloadbuffer
                    tries = 3
                self.loggerio.warning('crc does not match on received frame')
                tries -= 1
        self.loggerio.critical('failed 3 times to correctly receive a frame')
        raise C1218IOError('failed 3 times to correctly receive a frame')
Example #7
 def from_bytes(cls, data):
     if len(data) < 8:
         raise Exception('invalid data (size)')
     if data[0] != 0xee:
         raise Exception('invalid start byte')
     identity = data[1]
     control = data[2]
     sequence = data[3]
     length = struct.unpack('>H', data[4:6])[0]
     chksum = data[-2:]
     if packet_checksum(data[:-2]) != chksum:
         raise Exception('invalid check sum')
     data = data[6:-2]
     frame = C1218Packet(data, control, length)
     frame.identity = struct.pack('B', identity)
     frame.sequence = struct.pack('B', sequence)
     return frame
Example #8
	def parse(data):
		if len(data) < 8:
			raise Exception('invalid data (size)')
		if data[0] != b'\xee':
			raise Exception('invalid start byte')
		identity = data[1]
		control = ord(data[2])
		sequence = data[3]
		length = struct.unpack('>H', data[4:6])[0]
		chksum = data[-2:]
		if packet_checksum(data[:-2]) != chksum:
			raise Exception('invalid check sum')
		data = data[6:-2]
		if ord(data[0]) in C1218_REQUEST_IDS:
			data = C1218_REQUEST_IDS[ord(data[0])].parse(data)
		frame = C1218Packet(data, control, length)
		frame.identity = identity
		frame.sequence = sequence
		return frame
Example #9
	def recv(self, full_frame=False):
		Receive a C1218Packet, the payload data is returned.

		:param bool full_frame: If set to True, the entire C1218 frame is
		  returned instead of just the payload.
		payloadbuffer = b''
		tries = 3
		while tries:
			tmpbuffer = self.serial_h.read(1)
			if tmpbuffer != b'\xee':
				self.loggerio.error('did not receive \\xee as the first byte of the frame')
				self.loggerio.debug('received \\x' + binascii.b2a_hex(tmpbuffer).decode('utf-8') + ' instead')
				tries -= 1
			tmpbuffer += self.serial_h.read(5)
			sequence, length = struct.unpack('>xxxBH', tmpbuffer)
			payload = self.serial_h.read(length)
			tmpbuffer += payload
			chksum = self.serial_h.read(2)
			if chksum == packet_checksum(tmpbuffer):
				data = tmpbuffer + chksum
				self.loggerio.debug("received frame, length: {0:<3} data: {1}".format(len(data), binascii.b2a_hex(data).decode('utf-8')))
				payloadbuffer += payload
				if sequence == 0:
					if full_frame:
						payloadbuffer = data
					if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
						payloadbuffer = bytearray(payloadbuffer)
					return payloadbuffer
					tries = 3
				self.loggerio.warning('crc does not match on received frame')
				tries -= 1
		self.loggerio.critical('failed 3 times to correctly receive a frame')
		raise C1218IOError('failed 3 times to correctly receive a frame')
	def recv2(self, full_frame=False):
		Receive a C1218Packet, the payload data is returned.

		:param bool full_frame: If set to True, the entire C1218 frame is
		  returned instead of just the payload.
		payloadbuffer = b''
		tries = 3
		while tries:
			tmpbuffer = self.serial_h.read(1)
			#Debug Code - checked
			#print("connection.py - 100: {} and {}".format("tmpbuffer.read(1):",tmpbuffer))

			if tmpbuffer != b'\xee':
				#Debug Code - skipped
				#print("Inside tmpbuffer != b... ")
				self.loggerio.error('did not receive \\xee as the first byte of the frame')
				self.loggerio.debug('received \\x' + binascii.b2a_hex(tmpbuffer).decode('utf-8') + ' instead')
				tries -= 1
			tmpbuffer += b'\xee'
			tmpbuffer += self.serial_h.read(4)
			#Debug code
			#print("{} and {}".format("tmpbuffer += self.serial_h.read(4)",tmpbuffer))
			sequence, length = struct.unpack('>xxxBH', tmpbuffer)
			#Debug code
			#print("conenction.py - 282: sequence: {} and Length {}".format(sequence,length))
			payload = self.serial_h.read(length)
			#Debug code
			#print("connection.py - 199: Payload: {}".format(payload))
			tmpbuffer += payload
			#Debug code
			#print("196: tmpbuffer: {}".format(tmpbuffer))
			chksum = self.serial_h.read(2)
			#Debug code
			#print("chksum: {}".format(chksum))
			if chksum == packet_checksum(tmpbuffer):
				#Debug code
				#print("chksum: {} and packet_checksum(tmpbuffer): {}".format(chksum,packet_checksum(tmpbuffer)))
				#Debug code
				#print("ACK: {}".format(ACK))
				#Debug code
				#print("tmpbuffer: {} and chksum {}".format(tmpbuffer,chksum))
				data = tmpbuffer + chksum
				#Debug code
				#print("210: data: {}".format(data))
				self.loggerio.debug("received frame, length: {0:<3} data: {1}".format(len(data), binascii.b2a_hex(data).decode('utf-8')))
				payloadbuffer += payload
				#Debug code
				#print("connection.py- 218 payloadbuffer: {}".format(payloadbuffer))
				if sequence == 0:
					#Debug code
					#print("217: sequence {} and full_frame {}".format(sequence,full_frame))
					if full_frame:
						#Debug code
						#print("220: Inside <if> full_frame: {}".format(full_frame))
						payloadbuffer = data
					#Debug code
					#print("223: sys.version_info[0]: {}".format(sys.version_info[0]))
					if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
						#Debug code
						#print("226: Inside <if> sys.version_info[0]: {}".format(sys.version_info[0]))
						payloadbuffer = bytearray(payloadbuffer)
					#Debug code
					#print("229: Before return payloadbuffer: {}".format(payloadbuffer))
					return payloadbuffer
					#Debug code
					#print("232:After return payloadbuffer: {}".format(payloadbuffer))
					#Debug Code
					#print("Inside Else")
					tries = 3
				#Debug Code
				#print("Inside Else")
				self.loggerio.warning('crc does not match on received frame')
				tries -= 1
		#Debug Code
		#print("Does it fail?")
		self.loggerio.critical('failed 3 times to correctly receive a frame')
		raise C1218IOError('failed 3 times to correctly receive a frame')