import c2raytools as c2t
import argparse
import sys  
import os
import glob

def parse_options():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='make_dt_lightcone', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
    parser.add_argument('--xfrac', '-x', type=str, default = None, help='The lightcone file containing the ionized fractions.')
    parser.add_argument('--density', '-d', type=str, default = None, help='The lightcone file containing the density.')
    parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', type=str, help='The name of the output file.',\
    parser.add_argument('--min_z', type=float, default = None, help='The lowest_redshift.')
    parser.add_argument('--boxsize', '-b', type=float, default=425, help='The side of the box in Mpc/h.')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
        print 'No arguments given. Use -h to print help.'
    args = parse_options()
    xfrac, xfile_type = c2t.get_data_and_type(args.xfrac, cbin_bits = 32, cbin_order = 'c')
    density, dfile_type = c2t.get_data_and_type(args.density, cbin_bits = 32, cbin_order = 'c')

    dt_lightcone = c2t.calc_dt_lightcone(xfrac, density, args.min_z)
    c2t.save_cbin(args.output, dt_lightcone)
#List all the data files
dens_files = [density_dir + '%.3fn_all.dat' % z for z in density_redshifts]
vel_files = [velocity_dir + '%.3fv_all.dat' % z for z in density_redshifts]
xfrac_files = [xfrac_dir + 'xfrac3d_%.3f.bin' % z for z in xfrac_redshifts]

#Make the ionization fraction lightcone
xfrac_lightcone, z = c2t.make_lightcone(xfrac_files, z_low, z_high)

#Make the density lightcone
dens_lightcone, z = c2t.make_lightcone(dens_files, z_low, z_high)

#Combine ionization fraction and density to make a dT lightcone
dT_lightcone = c2t.calc_dt_lightcone(xfrac_lightcone, dens_lightcone, \

#Make a velocity lightcone
vel_lightcone, z = c2t.make_velocity_lightcone(vel_files, dens_files, \
                                               z_low, z_high)

#Apply redshift space distortions. This is done in the same way as for
#coeval data volumes. Just be sure to set periodic to False and 
#to specify the the velocity_axis argument (see the documentation
#of get_distorted_dt for more information) 
rsd_dT = c2t.get_distorted_dt(dT_lightcone, vel_lightcone, z, \
                              num_particles=30, los_axis=2, velocity_axis=0, \

#Save the results
c2t.save_cbin(output_dir + 'lightcone_rsd.cbin', rsd_dT)
        vel_file = ''.join(glob.glob(density_path+'%.3fv_all.dat'%(z_arr[i-1])))
    print 'Velocity file = %s' % vel_file
    vfile = c2t.VelocityFile(vel_file)
    kms = vfile.get_kms_from_density(dfile)

    mesh = (xfile.mesh_x, xfile.mesh_y, xfile.mesh_z)
    print 'mesh = ', mesh

    dT_box = c2t.calc_dt(xfile, dfile, xfile.z)
    dT_file = './dT_boxes/dT_%.3f.cbin' % (z_arr[i])
    print 'dT_box file = %s' % dT_file
    #rho = dfile.cgs_density
    #print 'rho_crit*OmegaB',c2t.const.rho_crit_0*c2t.const.OmegaB#*(1+z_arr[i])**3
    #print 'rho.mean()',rho.mean()
    c2t.save_cbin(dT_file, dT_box, bits=64, order='F')

    dT_pv_box = c2t.get_distorted_dt(dT_box, kms, xfile.z, num_particles=40)
    dT_pv_file = './dT_pv_boxes/dT_pv_%.3f.cbin' % (z_arr[i])
    print 'dT_pv_box file = %s' % dT_pv_file
    c2t.save_cbin(dT_pv_file, dT_pv_box, bits=64, order='F')

    dT_mean = dT_box.mean()
    dT_rms_box = np.sqrt((dT_box - dT_mean)**2)
    dT_rms = dT_rms_box.mean()
    dT_rms_other = c2t.rootmeansquare(dT_box)
    dT_pv_mean = dT_pv_box.mean()
    dT_pv_rms_box = np.sqrt((dT_pv_box - dT_pv_mean)**2)
    dT_pv_rms = dT_pv_rms_box.mean()

    print 'z, nu, dT_mean, dT_rms %.3f %.3f %.4f %.4f %.4f' % (z_arr[i], nu[i], dT_mean, dT_rms, dT_rms_other)
c2t.set_sim_constants(boxsize_cMpc = 244.)
z_low = 6.0
z_high = 22.

# Read in dT boxes, get filenames, and make lightcones
dT_files = glob.glob(dT_path+'dT_*.cbin')
dens_files = glob.glob(density_path+'*n_all.dat')
vel_files = glob.glob(density_path+'*v_all.dat')

vel_lightcone, z = c2t.make_velocity_lightcone(vel_files, dens_files, z_low, z_high, los_axis=0)
dT_lightcone,out_z = c2t.make_lightcone(dT_files, z_low , z_high, cbin_bits=64, cbin_order='F', los_axis=0)
rsd_dT = c2t.get_distorted_dt(dT_lightcone, vel_lightcone, z, num_particles=40, los_axis=2, velocity_axis=0, periodic=False)

c2t.save_cbin(out_box, dT_lightcone)
c2t.save_cbin(out_pv_box, rsd_dT)

vel_lightcone, z = c2t.make_velocity_lightcone(vel_files, dens_files, z_low, z_high, los_axis=1)
dT_lightcone,out_z = c2t.make_lightcone(dT_files, z_low , z_high, cbin_bits=64, cbin_order='F', los_axis=1)
rsd_dT = c2t.get_distorted_dt(dT_lightcone, vel_lightcone, z, num_particles=40, los_axis=2, velocity_axis=1, periodic=False)

c2t.save_cbin(out1_box, dT_lightcone)
c2t.save_cbin(out1_pv_box, rsd_dT)

vel_lightcone, z = c2t.make_velocity_lightcone(vel_files, dens_files, z_low, z_high, los_axis=2)
dT_lightcone,out_z = c2t.make_lightcone(dT_files, z_low , z_high, cbin_bits=64, cbin_order='F', los_axis=2)
rsd_dT = c2t.get_distorted_dt(dT_lightcone, vel_lightcone, z, num_particles=40, los_axis=2, velocity_axis=2, periodic=False)