def setup(parameter_set, generate=False, duration=400, dt=0.05, target_directory='examples', data_reader="UpdatedSpreadsheetDataReader", param_overrides={}, config_param_overrides={}, verbose=True): exec('from parameters_%s import ParameterisedModel'%parameter_set, globals()) params = ParameterisedModel() params.set_bioparameter("unphysiological_offset_current", "0pA", "Testing TapWithdrawal", "0") params.set_bioparameter("unphysiological_offset_current_del", "0 ms", "Testing TapWithdrawal", "0") params.set_bioparameter("unphysiological_offset_current_dur", "2000 ms", "Testing TapWithdrawal", "0") VA_motors = ["VA%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 12)] VB_motors = ["VB%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 11)] DA_motors = ["DA%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 9)] DB_motors = ["DB%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 7)] DD_motors = ["DD%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 6)] VD_motors = ["VD%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 13)] AS_motors = ["AS%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 11)] AS_motors = [] TW_cells = ['AVAL', 'AVAR', 'AVBL', 'AVBR', 'PVCL', 'PVCR', 'AVDL', 'AVDR', 'DVA', 'PVDL', 'PVDR', 'PLML', 'PLMR', 'AVM', 'ALML', 'ALMR'] TW_sensory = ["PLML", "PLMR", "AVM", "ALML", "ALMR"] all_motors = list(VA_motors + VB_motors + DA_motors + DB_motors + DD_motors + VD_motors + AS_motors) #all_motors = [] #neurons = ['AVAL', 'AVAR', 'AVBL', 'AVBR', 'PVCL', 'PVCR', 'AVDL', 'AVDR', 'DVA', 'PVDL', 'PVDR', 'PLML', 'PLMR', 'AVM', 'ALML', 'ALMR'] muscles_to_include = False #muscles_to_include = True # ALL muscles #muscles_to_include = ['MVL01', 'MVL10'] cells = list(TW_cells + all_motors) cells_to_plot = list(cells) #cells_to_plot = ["VB5", "VA4"] cells += [ # 'AS1', 'AS10', 'AS11', 'AS2', 'AS3', 'AS4', 'AS5', 'AS6', 'AS7', 'AS8', 'AS9', # 'AVFL', 'AVFR', 'AVKR', 'AVL', # 'CEPVL', 'CEPVR', # # # 'DVB', # 'HSNL', 'HSNR', # 'IL1DL', 'IL1DR', 'IL1L', 'IL1R', 'IL1VL', 'IL1VR', # 'PDA', 'PDB', # 'PVNL', 'PVNR', # 'RID', 'RIML', 'RIMR', 'RIVL', 'RIVR', # 'RMDDL', 'RMDDR', 'RMDL', 'RMDR', 'RMDVL', 'RMDVR', 'RMED', 'RMEL', 'RMER', 'RMEV', 'RMFL', 'RMGL', 'RMGR', # 'RMHL', 'RMHR', # 'SMBDL', 'SMBDR', 'SMBVL', 'SMBVR', 'SMDDL', 'SMDDR', 'SMDVL', 'SMDVR', # 'URADL', 'URADR', 'URAVL', 'URAVR', # 'VC1', 'VC2', 'VC3', 'VC4', 'VC5', 'VC6', ] # cells = None #cells_to_stimulate = ['PLML', 'PLMR', 'AVM'] cells_to_stimulate = [] #cells_to_plot = ['AVAL', 'AVAR', 'AVBL', 'AVBR', 'PLML', 'PLMR', 'AVM', 'ALML', 'ALMR', 'PVDL', 'PVDR', 'AVDL', 'AVDR'] #cells_to_plot = ['PLML', 'AVM', 'AVBL', 'AVAL'] #cells_to_plot = cells #cells_to_plot += motors reference = "c302_%s_TapWithdrawal" % parameter_set conn_polarity_override = { 'ALML-ALML':'inh', 'ALML-PVCL':'inh', 'ALML-PVCR':'inh', 'ALML-AVDR':'inh', ## 'ALMR-PVCR':'inh', 'AVM-PVCL':'inh', 'AVM-PVCR':'inh', 'AVM-AVBL':'inh', 'AVM-AVBR':'inh', 'AVM-AVDL':'inh', ## 'AVM-AVDR':'inh', ## 'PVDL-PVDR':'inh', 'PVDL-PVCL':'exc', 'PVDL-PVCR':'exc', 'PVDL-AVAL':'inh', 'PVDL-AVAR':'inh', 'PVDL-AVDL':'inh', 'PVDL-AVDR':'inh', 'PVDR-PVDL':'inh', 'PVDR-DVA':'exc', 'PVDR-PVCL':'exc', 'PVDR-PVCR':'exc', 'PVDR-AVAL':'inh', 'PVDR-AVAR':'inh', 'PVDR-AVDL':'inh', 'DVA-PVCL':'inh',# 'DVA-PVCR':'inh',# 'DVA-AVAL':'inh', 'DVA-AVAR':'inh', 'DVA-AVBL':'inh',# 'DVA-AVBR':'inh',# 'DVA-AVDR':'inh', 'PVCL-DVA':'exc', 'PVCL-PVCL':'inh', 'PVCL-PVCR':'inh', 'PVCL-AVAL':'inh', 'PVCL-AVAR':'inh', 'PVCL-AVBL':'exc', 'PVCL-AVBR':'exc', 'PVCL-AVDL':'inh', 'PVCL-AVDR':'inh', 'PVCR-PVDL':'inh', 'PVCR-PVDR':'inh', 'PVCR-DVA':'exc', 'PVCR-PVCL':'inh', 'PVCR-AVAL':'inh', 'PVCR-AVAR':'inh', 'PVCR-AVBL':'exc', 'PVCR-AVBR':'exc', 'PVCR-AVDL':'inh', 'PVCR-AVDR':'inh', 'AVAL-PVCL':'inh', 'AVAL-PVCR':'inh', 'AVAL-AVAR':'inh', 'AVAL-AVBL':'inh', 'AVAL-AVDL':'inh', 'AVAL-AVDR':'inh', 'AVAR-PVCL':'inh', 'AVAR-PVCR':'inh', 'AVAR-AVAL':'inh', 'AVAR-AVBL':'inh', 'AVAR-AVBR':'inh', 'AVAR-AVDL':'inh', 'AVAR-AVDR':'inh', 'AVBL-DVA':'inh', 'AVBL-PVCR':'inh', 'AVBL-AVAL':'inh', 'AVBL-AVAR':'inh', 'AVBL-AVBR':'inh', 'AVBL-AVDR':'inh', 'AVBR-AVAL':'inh', 'AVBR-AVAR':'inh', 'AVBR-AVBL':'inh', 'AVBR-AVDL':'inh', 'AVDL-PVCL':'inh', 'AVDL-AVAL':'exc', 'AVDL-AVAR':'exc', 'AVDL-AVDR':'exc', 'AVDR-PVCR':'inh', 'AVDR-AVAL':'exc', 'AVDR-AVAR':'exc', 'AVDR-AVBL':'inh', 'AVDR-AVDL':'exc', 'DA9-DVA':'inh', 'DVA-DA2':'inh', 'PVCL-DA5':'inh', 'PVCL-DA8':'inh', 'PVCR-DA2':'inh', 'PVCR-DA4':'inh', 'PVCR-DA5':'inh', 'PVCR-DA7':'inh', 'AVBL-DA5':'inh', 'AVBL-DA7':'inh', 'AVBR-DA3':'inh', 'AVBR-DA4':'inh', 'AVBR-DA7':'inh', 'AVDL-DA1':'inh', 'AVDL-DA2':'inh', 'AVDL-DA3':'inh', 'AVDL-DA4':'inh', 'AVDL-DA5':'inh', 'AVDL-DA8':'inh', 'AVDR-DA1':'inh', 'AVDR-DA2':'inh', 'AVDR-DA3':'inh', 'AVDR-DA4':'inh', 'AVDR-DA5':'inh', 'AVDR-DA8':'inh', 'DB1-DA1':'inh', 'DB1-DA2':'inh', 'DB2-DA2':'inh', 'DB2-DA3':'inh', 'DB2-DA4':'inh', 'DB3-DA4':'inh', 'DB3-DA5':'inh', 'DB4-DA5':'inh', 'DB5-DA6':'inh', 'DB5-DA7':'inh', 'DB5-DA8':'inh', 'DB6-DA8':'inh', 'DB6-DA9':'inh', 'DB7-DA9':'inh', 'AVAR-DB2':'inh', 'AVAR-DB3':'inh', 'AVAL-DB7':'inh', 'DA1-DB1':'inh', 'DA2-DA3':'inh', 'DA2-DB1':'inh', 'DA3-DB3':'inh', 'DA4-DB2':'inh', 'DA5-DB4':'inh', 'DA6-DB5':'inh', 'DA7-DB6':'inh', 'DA8-DB7':'inh', 'DA9-DB7':'inh', 'DVA-VA2':'inh', 'DVA-VA6':'inh', 'DVA-VA8':'inh', 'DVA-VA12':'inh', 'PVCL-VA11':'inh', 'PVDR-VA9':'inh', 'PVDR-VA12':'inh', 'AVBL-VA2':'inh', 'AVBL-VA10':'inh', 'AVBR-VA3':'inh', 'AVBR-VA4':'inh', 'AVDL-VA3':'inh', 'AVDL-VA5':'inh', 'AVDL-VA10':'inh', 'AVDL-VA12':'inh', 'AVDR-VA2':'inh', 'AVDR-VA3':'inh', 'AVDR-VA5':'inh', 'AVDR-VA11':'inh', 'VB1-VA1':'inh', 'VB1-VA2':'inh', 'VB1-VA3':'inh', 'VB1-VA4':'inh', 'VB2-VA2':'inh', 'VB2-VA3':'inh', 'VB3-VA4':'inh', 'VB3-VA5':'inh', 'VB4-VA4':'inh', 'VB4-VA5':'inh', 'VB5-VA6':'inh', 'VB6-VA7':'inh', 'VB6-VA8':'inh', 'VB7-VA9':'inh', 'VB7-VA10':'inh', 'VB8-VA11':'inh', 'VB9-VA11':'inh', 'VB10-VA11':'inh', 'VB11-VA12':'inh', 'VB11-PVCR':'inh', 'VB4-VB5':'inh', 'VA2-VB1':'inh', 'VA2-VB2':'inh', 'VA3-VB2':'inh', 'VA3-VB3':'inh', 'VA4-AVDL':'inh', 'VA4-VB3':'inh', 'VA4-VB4':'inh', 'VA5-VB4':'inh', 'VA6-VB4':'inh', 'VA6-VB5':'inh', 'VA7-VB6':'inh', 'VA8-VB6':'inh', 'VA9-VB7':'inh', 'VA9-VB8':'inh', 'VA10-VB8':'inh', 'VA10-VB9':'inh', 'VA11-VB10':'inh', 'VA12-PVCL':'inh', 'VA12-PVCR':'inh', 'VA12-DB7':'inh', 'VA12-VB11':'inh', 'AVM-VB3':'inh', #'VB4-VB5':'exc', #'DD1-DA2':'inh', #'DD1-VB2':'inh', #'DD2-DA3':'inh', #'DD3-DA5':'inh', } conn_number_override = { #'PVCL-AVDL':7*0.1, #'PVCL-AVDR':11*0.1, #'PVCR-AVDL':16*0.1, #'PVCR-AVDR':6*0.1, #'PVCR-AVDR_GJ':2 * 0.01, #'AVDR-PVCR_GJ':2 * 0.01, 'PVCL-AVAL_GJ':5 * 0.01, 'AVAL-PVCL_GJ':5 * 0.01, 'PVCL-AVAR_GJ':10 * 0.01, 'AVAR-PVCL_GJ':10 * 0.01, 'PVCR-AVAL_GJ':15 * 0.01, 'AVAL-PVCR_GJ':15 * 0.01, 'PVCR-AVAR_GJ':22 * 0.01, 'AVAR-PVCR_GJ':22 * 0.01, 'PVCL-PLML_GJ':4 * 0.01, ## 'PVCR-PLMR_GJ':8 * 0.01, ## #'AVDL-AVM_GJ':8 * 0.01, #'ALML-AVM_GJ':1 * 0.01, #'ALMR-AVM_GJ':1 * 0.01, #'AVDR-ALMR_GJ':1 * 0.01, # 'AVDL-AVAL':37*0.1, # 'AVDL-AVAR':37*0.1, # 'AVDR-AVAL':41*0.1, # 'AVDR-AVAR':52*0.1, # 'AVDL-AVAL_GJ':7*0.1, # 'AVAL-AVDL_GJ':7*0.1, # 'AVDL-AVAR_GJ':2*0.1, # 'AVAR-AVDL_GJ':2*0.1, # 'AVDR-AVAL_GJ':9*0.1, # 'AVAL-AVDR_GJ':9*0.1, # 'AVDR-AVAR_GJ':15*0.1, # 'AVAR-AVDR_GJ':15*0.1, # 'ALMR-AVDR_GJ':2*5, # 'AVDR-ALMR_GJ':2*5, 'AVAR-AVBL_GJ':3*0.01, 'AVBL-AVAR_GJ':3*0.01, # 'AVAR-AVAL_GJ':18*2, # 'AVAL-AVAR_GJ':18*2, 'PVDL-AVAR_GJ':4 * 0.01, 'AVAR-PVDL_GJ':4 * 0.01, 'PVDR-AVAL_GJ':6 * 0.01, 'AVAL-PVDR_GJ':6 * 0.01, 'AVBL-VA11_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'VA11-AVBL_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'AVBR-VA11_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'VA11-AVBR_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'PVCR-VA11_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'VA11-PVCR_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'DVA-VA11_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'VA11-DVA_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'PVCL-VA12_GJ':18 * 0.01, 'VA12-PVCL_GJ':18 * 0.01, 'PVCR-VA12_GJ':8 * 0.01, 'VA12-PVCR_GJ':8 * 0.01, 'AVAL-VB11_GJ':2 * 0.01, 'VB11-AVAL_GJ':2 * 0.01, 'PVCL-DA4_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'DA4-PVCL_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'PVCL-DA7_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'DA7-PVCL_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'PVCR-DA7_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'DA7-PVCR_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'PVCL-DA8_GJ':17 * 0.01, 'DA8-PVCL_GJ':17 * 0.01, 'PVCR-DA8_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'DA8-PVCR_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'DVA-DA9_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'DA9-DVA_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'PVCR-DA9_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'DA9-PVCR_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'DB7-VA10_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'VA10-DB7_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'VA4-VB3_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'VB3-VA4_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'VA11-VB10_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'VB10-VA11_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'VA12-VB11_GJ':7 * 0.01, 'VB11-VA12_GJ':7 * 0.01, 'VB11-DA9_GJ':7 * 0.01, 'DA9-VB11_GJ':7 * 0.01, } nml_doc = None if generate: nml_doc = c302.generate(reference, params, cells=cells, cells_to_plot=cells_to_plot, cells_to_stimulate=cells_to_stimulate, conn_polarity_override=conn_polarity_override, conn_number_override=conn_number_override, muscles_to_include=muscles_to_include, duration=duration, dt=dt, target_directory=target_directory, data_reader=data_reader, param_overrides=param_overrides, verbose=verbose) stim_amplitude = "6pA" # stim_amplitude = "5.135697186048022pA" for vb in VB_motors: c302.add_new_sinusoidal_input(nml_doc, cell=vb, delay="0ms", duration="1000ms", amplitude="3pA", period="150ms", params=params) for db in DB_motors: c302.add_new_sinusoidal_input(nml_doc, cell=db, delay="0ms", duration="1000ms", amplitude="3pA", period="150ms", params=params) #c302.add_new_input(nml_doc, "AVM", "10ms", "700ms", stim_amplitude, params) #c302.add_new_input(nml_doc, "ALML", "10ms", "700ms", stim_amplitude, params) #c302.add_new_input(nml_doc, "ALMR", "10ms", "700ms", stim_amplitude, params) #c302.add_new_input(nml_doc, "PLML", "10ms", "700ms", stim_amplitude, params) #c302.add_new_input(nml_doc, "PLMR", "10ms", "700ms", stim_amplitude, params) nml_file = target_directory + '/' + reference + '.net.nml' writers.NeuroMLWriter.write(nml_doc, nml_file) # Write over network file written above... c302.print_("(Re)written network file to: " + nml_file) return cells, cells_to_stimulate, params, muscles_to_include, nml_doc
def setup(parameter_set, generate=False, duration=1000, dt=0.05, target_directory='examples', data_reader="SpreadsheetDataReader", param_overrides={}, config_param_overrides={}, verbose=True): exec ('from parameters_%s import ParameterisedModel' % parameter_set) params = ParameterisedModel() params.set_bioparameter("unphysiological_offset_current", "0pA", "Testing TapWithdrawal", "0") params.set_bioparameter("unphysiological_offset_current_del", "0 ms", "Testing TapWithdrawal", "0") params.set_bioparameter("unphysiological_offset_current_dur", "2000 ms", "Testing TapWithdrawal", "0") VA_motors = ["VA%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 12)] VB_motors = ["VB%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 11)] DA_motors = ["DA%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 9)] DB_motors = ["DB%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 7)] DD_motors = ["DD%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 6)] VD_motors = ["VD%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 13)] AS_motors = ["AS%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 11)] cells = list(VB_motors + DB_motors + DD_motors + VD_motors + AS_motors + VA_motors + DA_motors) #cells = ['VB1', 'VB2', 'DB1', 'DB2', 'DD1', 'DD2', 'VD1', 'VD2', 'AS1', 'AS2'] # cells += ['AVAL'] # cells += ['DB6'] muscles_to_include = True muscles_to_include = ['MVL07', 'MVL08', 'MVL09', 'MVR07', 'MVR08', 'MVR09', 'MDL07', 'MDL08', 'MDL09', 'MDR07', 'MDR08', 'MDR09'] cells_to_stimulate = [] #cells_to_stimulate = ['VA1'] cells_to_plot = list(VB_motors + DB_motors) cells_to_plot = ['VB1', 'VB2', 'DB1', 'DB2', 'DD1', 'DD2', 'VD1', 'VD2', 'AS1', 'AS2'] reference = "c302_%s_SinusoidalInputTest" % parameter_set conns_to_include = [ ] conn_polarity_override = { } conn_number_override = { } nml_doc = None if generate: nml_doc = c302.generate(reference, params, cells=cells, cells_to_plot=cells_to_plot, cells_to_stimulate=cells_to_stimulate, conns_to_include=conns_to_include, conn_polarity_override=conn_polarity_override, conn_number_override=conn_number_override, muscles_to_include=muscles_to_include, duration=duration, dt=dt, target_directory=target_directory, data_reader=data_reader, param_overrides=param_overrides, verbose=verbose) #for b_type in [b for b in cells if b.startswith("VB") or b.startswith("DB")]: # c302.add_new_sinusoidal_input(nml_doc, cell=b_type, delay="0ms", duration="1000ms", amplitude="6pA", # period="150ms", params=params) c302.add_new_sinusoidal_input(nml_doc, cell="VB1", delay="0ms", duration="1000ms", amplitude="3pA", period="150ms", params=params) #for vb in VB_motors: # c302.add_new_sinusoidal_input(nml_doc, cell=vb, delay="0ms", duration="1000ms", amplitude="3pA", # period="150ms", params=params) #for db in DB_motors: # c302.add_new_sinusoidal_input(nml_doc, cell=db, delay="0ms", duration="1000ms", amplitude="3pA", # period="150ms", params=params) nml_file = target_directory + '/' + reference + '.net.nml' writers.NeuroMLWriter.write(nml_doc, nml_file) # Write over network file written above... print("(Re)written network file to: " + nml_file) return cells, cells_to_stimulate, params, muscles_to_include, nml_doc
def setup(parameter_set, generate=False, duration=400, dt=0.05, target_directory='examples', data_reader="UpdatedSpreadsheetDataReader", param_overrides={}, config_param_overrides={}, verbose=True): exec('from parameters_%s import ParameterisedModel'%parameter_set, globals()) params = ParameterisedModel() params.set_bioparameter("unphysiological_offset_current", "0pA", "Testing TapWithdrawal", "0") params.set_bioparameter("unphysiological_offset_current_del", "0 ms", "Testing TapWithdrawal", "0") params.set_bioparameter("unphysiological_offset_current_dur", "2000 ms", "Testing TapWithdrawal", "0") VA_motors = ["VA%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 12)] VB_motors = ["VB%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 11)] DA_motors = ["DA%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 9)] DB_motors = ["DB%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 7)] DD_motors = ["DD%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 6)] VD_motors = ["VD%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 13)] AS_motors = ["AS%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 11)] AS_motors = [] TW_cells = ['AVAL', 'AVAR', 'AVBL', 'AVBR', 'PVCL', 'PVCR', 'AVDL', 'AVDR', 'DVA', 'PVDL', 'PVDR', 'PLML', 'PLMR', 'AVM', 'ALML', 'ALMR'] TW_sensory = ["PLML", "PLMR", "AVM", "ALML", "ALMR"] all_motors = list(VA_motors + VB_motors + DA_motors + DB_motors + DD_motors + VD_motors + AS_motors) #all_motors = [] #neurons = ['AVAL', 'AVAR', 'AVBL', 'AVBR', 'PVCL', 'PVCR', 'AVDL', 'AVDR', 'DVA', 'PVDL', 'PVDR', 'PLML', 'PLMR', 'AVM', 'ALML', 'ALMR'] muscles_to_include = False #muscles_to_include = True # ALL muscles #muscles_to_include = ['MVL01', 'MVL10'] cells = list(TW_cells + all_motors) cells_to_plot = list(cells) #cells_to_plot = ["VB5", "VA4"] cells += [ # 'AS1', 'AS10', 'AS11', 'AS2', 'AS3', 'AS4', 'AS5', 'AS6', 'AS7', 'AS8', 'AS9', # 'AVFL', 'AVFR', 'AVKR', 'AVL', # 'CEPVL', 'CEPVR', # # # 'DVB', # 'HSNL', 'HSNR', # 'IL1DL', 'IL1DR', 'IL1L', 'IL1R', 'IL1VL', 'IL1VR', # 'PDA', 'PDB', # 'PVNL', 'PVNR', # 'RID', 'RIML', 'RIMR', 'RIVL', 'RIVR', # 'RMDDL', 'RMDDR', 'RMDL', 'RMDR', 'RMDVL', 'RMDVR', 'RMED', 'RMEL', 'RMER', 'RMEV', 'RMFL', 'RMGL', 'RMGR', # 'RMHL', 'RMHR', # 'SMBDL', 'SMBDR', 'SMBVL', 'SMBVR', 'SMDDL', 'SMDDR', 'SMDVL', 'SMDVR', # 'URADL', 'URADR', 'URAVL', 'URAVR', # 'VC1', 'VC2', 'VC3', 'VC4', 'VC5', 'VC6', ] # cells = None #cells_to_stimulate = ['PLML', 'PLMR', 'AVM'] cells_to_stimulate = [] #cells_to_plot = ['AVAL', 'AVAR', 'AVBL', 'AVBR', 'PLML', 'PLMR', 'AVM', 'ALML', 'ALMR', 'PVDL', 'PVDR', 'AVDL', 'AVDR'] #cells_to_plot = ['PLML', 'AVM', 'AVBL', 'AVAL'] #cells_to_plot = cells #cells_to_plot += motors reference = "c302_%s_TapWithdrawal" % parameter_set conn_polarity_override = { 'ALML-ALML':'inh', 'ALML-PVCL':'inh', 'ALML-PVCR':'inh', 'ALML-AVDR':'inh', ## 'ALMR-PVCR':'inh', 'AVM-PVCL':'inh', 'AVM-PVCR':'inh', 'AVM-AVBL':'inh', 'AVM-AVBR':'inh', 'AVM-AVDL':'inh', ## 'AVM-AVDR':'inh', ## 'PVDL-PVDR':'inh', 'PVDL-PVCL':'exc', 'PVDL-PVCR':'exc', 'PVDL-AVAL':'inh', 'PVDL-AVAR':'inh', 'PVDL-AVDL':'inh', 'PVDL-AVDR':'inh', 'PVDR-PVDL':'inh', 'PVDR-DVA':'exc', 'PVDR-PVCL':'exc', 'PVDR-PVCR':'exc', 'PVDR-AVAL':'inh', 'PVDR-AVAR':'inh', 'PVDR-AVDL':'inh', 'DVA-PVCL':'inh',# 'DVA-PVCR':'inh',# 'DVA-AVAL':'inh', 'DVA-AVAR':'inh', 'DVA-AVBL':'inh',# 'DVA-AVBR':'inh',# 'DVA-AVDR':'inh', 'PVCL-DVA':'exc', 'PVCL-PVCL':'inh', 'PVCL-PVCR':'inh', 'PVCL-AVAL':'inh', 'PVCL-AVAR':'inh', 'PVCL-AVBL':'exc', 'PVCL-AVBR':'exc', 'PVCL-AVDL':'inh', 'PVCL-AVDR':'inh', 'PVCR-PVDL':'inh', 'PVCR-PVDR':'inh', 'PVCR-DVA':'exc', 'PVCR-PVCL':'inh', 'PVCR-AVAL':'inh', 'PVCR-AVAR':'inh', 'PVCR-AVBL':'exc', 'PVCR-AVBR':'exc', 'PVCR-AVDL':'inh', 'PVCR-AVDR':'inh', 'AVAL-PVCL':'inh', 'AVAL-PVCR':'inh', 'AVAL-AVAR':'inh', 'AVAL-AVBL':'inh', 'AVAL-AVDL':'inh', 'AVAL-AVDR':'inh', 'AVAR-PVCL':'inh', 'AVAR-PVCR':'inh', 'AVAR-AVAL':'inh', 'AVAR-AVBL':'inh', 'AVAR-AVBR':'inh', 'AVAR-AVDL':'inh', 'AVAR-AVDR':'inh', 'AVBL-DVA':'inh', 'AVBL-PVCR':'inh', 'AVBL-AVAL':'inh', 'AVBL-AVAR':'inh', 'AVBL-AVBR':'inh', 'AVBL-AVDR':'inh', 'AVBR-AVAL':'inh', 'AVBR-AVAR':'inh', 'AVBR-AVBL':'inh', 'AVBR-AVDL':'inh', 'AVDL-PVCL':'inh', 'AVDL-AVAL':'exc', 'AVDL-AVAR':'exc', 'AVDL-AVDR':'exc', 'AVDR-PVCR':'inh', 'AVDR-AVAL':'exc', 'AVDR-AVAR':'exc', 'AVDR-AVBL':'inh', 'AVDR-AVDL':'exc', 'DA9-DVA':'inh', 'DVA-DA2':'inh', 'PVCL-DA5':'inh', 'PVCL-DA8':'inh', 'PVCR-DA2':'inh', 'PVCR-DA4':'inh', 'PVCR-DA5':'inh', 'PVCR-DA7':'inh', 'AVBL-DA5':'inh', 'AVBL-DA7':'inh', 'AVBR-DA3':'inh', 'AVBR-DA4':'inh', 'AVBR-DA7':'inh', 'AVDL-DA1':'inh', 'AVDL-DA2':'inh', 'AVDL-DA3':'inh', 'AVDL-DA4':'inh', 'AVDL-DA5':'inh', 'AVDL-DA8':'inh', 'AVDR-DA1':'inh', 'AVDR-DA2':'inh', 'AVDR-DA3':'inh', 'AVDR-DA4':'inh', 'AVDR-DA5':'inh', 'AVDR-DA8':'inh', 'DB1-DA1':'inh', 'DB1-DA2':'inh', 'DB2-DA2':'inh', 'DB2-DA3':'inh', 'DB2-DA4':'inh', 'DB3-DA4':'inh', 'DB3-DA5':'inh', 'DB4-DA5':'inh', 'DB5-DA6':'inh', 'DB5-DA7':'inh', 'DB5-DA8':'inh', 'DB6-DA8':'inh', 'DB6-DA9':'inh', 'DB7-DA9':'inh', 'AVAR-DB2':'inh', 'AVAR-DB3':'inh', 'AVAL-DB7':'inh', 'DA1-DB1':'inh', 'DA2-DA3':'inh', 'DA2-DB1':'inh', 'DA3-DB3':'inh', 'DA4-DB2':'inh', 'DA5-DB4':'inh', 'DA6-DB5':'inh', 'DA7-DB6':'inh', 'DA8-DB7':'inh', 'DA9-DB7':'inh', 'DVA-VA2':'inh', 'DVA-VA6':'inh', 'DVA-VA8':'inh', 'DVA-VA12':'inh', 'PVCL-VA11':'inh', 'PVDR-VA9':'inh', 'PVDR-VA12':'inh', 'AVBL-VA2':'inh', 'AVBL-VA10':'inh', 'AVBR-VA3':'inh', 'AVBR-VA4':'inh', 'AVDL-VA3':'inh', 'AVDL-VA5':'inh', 'AVDL-VA10':'inh', 'AVDL-VA12':'inh', 'AVDR-VA2':'inh', 'AVDR-VA3':'inh', 'AVDR-VA5':'inh', 'AVDR-VA11':'inh', 'VB1-VA1':'inh', 'VB1-VA2':'inh', 'VB1-VA3':'inh', 'VB1-VA4':'inh', 'VB2-VA2':'inh', 'VB2-VA3':'inh', 'VB3-VA4':'inh', 'VB3-VA5':'inh', 'VB4-VA4':'inh', 'VB4-VA5':'inh', 'VB5-VA6':'inh', 'VB6-VA7':'inh', 'VB6-VA8':'inh', 'VB7-VA9':'inh', 'VB7-VA10':'inh', 'VB8-VA11':'inh', 'VB9-VA11':'inh', 'VB10-VA11':'inh', 'VB11-VA12':'inh', 'VB11-PVCR':'inh', 'VB4-VB5':'inh', 'VA2-VB1':'inh', 'VA2-VB2':'inh', 'VA3-VB2':'inh', 'VA3-VB3':'inh', 'VA4-AVDL':'inh', 'VA4-VB3':'inh', 'VA4-VB4':'inh', 'VA5-VB4':'inh', 'VA6-VB4':'inh', 'VA6-VB5':'inh', 'VA7-VB6':'inh', 'VA8-VB6':'inh', 'VA9-VB7':'inh', 'VA9-VB8':'inh', 'VA10-VB8':'inh', 'VA10-VB9':'inh', 'VA11-VB10':'inh', 'VA12-PVCL':'inh', 'VA12-PVCR':'inh', 'VA12-DB7':'inh', 'VA12-VB11':'inh', 'AVM-VB3':'inh', #'VB4-VB5':'exc', #'DD1-DA2':'inh', #'DD1-VB2':'inh', #'DD2-DA3':'inh', #'DD3-DA5':'inh', } conn_number_override = { #'PVCL-AVDL':7*0.1, #'PVCL-AVDR':11*0.1, #'PVCR-AVDL':16*0.1, #'PVCR-AVDR':6*0.1, #'PVCR-AVDR_GJ':2 * 0.01, #'AVDR-PVCR_GJ':2 * 0.01, 'PVCL-AVAL_GJ':5 * 0.01, 'AVAL-PVCL_GJ':5 * 0.01, 'PVCL-AVAR_GJ':10 * 0.01, 'AVAR-PVCL_GJ':10 * 0.01, 'PVCR-AVAL_GJ':15 * 0.01, 'AVAL-PVCR_GJ':15 * 0.01, 'PVCR-AVAR_GJ':22 * 0.01, 'AVAR-PVCR_GJ':22 * 0.01, 'PVCL-PLML_GJ':4 * 0.01, ## 'PVCR-PLMR_GJ':8 * 0.01, ## #'AVDL-AVM_GJ':8 * 0.01, #'ALML-AVM_GJ':1 * 0.01, #'ALMR-AVM_GJ':1 * 0.01, #'AVDR-ALMR_GJ':1 * 0.01, # 'AVDL-AVAL':37*0.1, # 'AVDL-AVAR':37*0.1, # 'AVDR-AVAL':41*0.1, # 'AVDR-AVAR':52*0.1, # 'AVDL-AVAL_GJ':7*0.1, # 'AVAL-AVDL_GJ':7*0.1, # 'AVDL-AVAR_GJ':2*0.1, # 'AVAR-AVDL_GJ':2*0.1, # 'AVDR-AVAL_GJ':9*0.1, # 'AVAL-AVDR_GJ':9*0.1, # 'AVDR-AVAR_GJ':15*0.1, # 'AVAR-AVDR_GJ':15*0.1, # 'ALMR-AVDR_GJ':2*5, # 'AVDR-ALMR_GJ':2*5, 'AVAR-AVBL_GJ':3*0.01, 'AVBL-AVAR_GJ':3*0.01, # 'AVAR-AVAL_GJ':18*2, # 'AVAL-AVAR_GJ':18*2, 'PVDL-AVAR_GJ':4 * 0.01, 'AVAR-PVDL_GJ':4 * 0.01, 'PVDR-AVAL_GJ':6 * 0.01, 'AVAL-PVDR_GJ':6 * 0.01, 'AVBL-VA11_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'VA11-AVBL_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'AVBR-VA11_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'VA11-AVBR_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'PVCR-VA11_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'VA11-PVCR_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'DVA-VA11_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'VA11-DVA_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'PVCL-VA12_GJ':18 * 0.01, 'VA12-PVCL_GJ':18 * 0.01, 'PVCR-VA12_GJ':8 * 0.01, 'VA12-PVCR_GJ':8 * 0.01, 'AVAL-VB11_GJ':2 * 0.01, 'VB11-AVAL_GJ':2 * 0.01, 'PVCL-DA4_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'DA4-PVCL_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'PVCL-DA7_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'DA7-PVCL_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'PVCR-DA7_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'DA7-PVCR_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'PVCL-DA8_GJ':17 * 0.01, 'DA8-PVCL_GJ':17 * 0.01, 'PVCR-DA8_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'DA8-PVCR_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'DVA-DA9_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'DA9-DVA_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'PVCR-DA9_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'DA9-PVCR_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'DB7-VA10_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'VA10-DB7_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'VA4-VB3_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'VB3-VA4_GJ':1 * 0.01, 'VA11-VB10_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'VB10-VA11_GJ':3 * 0.01, 'VA12-VB11_GJ':7 * 0.01, 'VB11-VA12_GJ':7 * 0.01, 'VB11-DA9_GJ':7 * 0.01, 'DA9-VB11_GJ':7 * 0.01, } nml_doc = None if generate: nml_doc = c302.generate(reference, params, cells=cells, cells_to_plot=cells_to_plot, cells_to_stimulate=cells_to_stimulate, conn_polarity_override=conn_polarity_override, conn_number_override=conn_number_override, muscles_to_include=muscles_to_include, duration=duration, dt=dt, target_directory=target_directory, data_reader=data_reader, param_overrides=param_overrides, verbose=verbose) stim_amplitude = "6pA" # stim_amplitude = "5.135697186048022pA" for vb in VB_motors: c302.add_new_sinusoidal_input(nml_doc, cell=vb, delay="0ms", duration="1000ms", amplitude="3pA", period="150ms", params=params) for db in DB_motors: c302.add_new_sinusoidal_input(nml_doc, cell=db, delay="0ms", duration="1000ms", amplitude="3pA", period="150ms", params=params) #c302.add_new_input(nml_doc, "AVM", "10ms", "700ms", stim_amplitude, params) #c302.add_new_input(nml_doc, "ALML", "10ms", "700ms", stim_amplitude, params) #c302.add_new_input(nml_doc, "ALMR", "10ms", "700ms", stim_amplitude, params) #c302.add_new_input(nml_doc, "PLML", "10ms", "700ms", stim_amplitude, params) #c302.add_new_input(nml_doc, "PLMR", "10ms", "700ms", stim_amplitude, params) nml_file = target_directory + '/' + reference + '.net.nml' writers.NeuroMLWriter.write(nml_doc, nml_file) # Write over network file written above... print("(Re)written network file to: " + nml_file) return cells, cells_to_stimulate, params, muscles_to_include, nml_doc
def setup(parameter_set, generate=False, duration=10000, dt=0.05, target_directory='examples', data_reader="UpdatedSpreadsheetDataReader2", param_overrides={}, verbose=True, config_param_overrides={}): exec('from parameters_%s import ParameterisedModel' % parameter_set, globals()) params = ParameterisedModel() #''' VA_motors = ["VA%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 12)] VB_motors = ["VB%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 11)] DA_motors = ["DA%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 9)] DB_motors = ["DB%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 7)] DD_motors = ["DD%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 6)] VD_motors = ["VD%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 13)] AS_motors = ["AS%s" % c for c in range_incl(1, 11)] #''' motors = list(VA_motors + VB_motors + AS_motors + DA_motors + DB_motors + VD_motors + DD_motors) inters = ['AVBL', 'AVBR', 'AVAL', 'AVAR'] cells = list(motors + inters) muscles_to_include = True cells_to_stimulate = [] cells_to_plot = cells reference = "c302_%s_FWandBW_with_muscles" % parameter_set conns_to_include = [] conns_to_exclude = [ 'VB2-VB4_GJ', 'VB4-VB2_GJ', ######################################### # Remove unwanted interneuron connections ######################################### # Disconnect the AVA and AVB interneurons r'^AVB.-AVA.$', r'^AVA.-AVB.$', r'^AVB.-AVA._GJ$', r'^AVA.-AVB._GJ$', # Disconnect chemical stimulation from AVA and AVB r'^AVB.-.A\d+$', r'^AVB.-.B\d+$', r'^AVB.-.D\d+$', r'^AVB.-AS\d+$', r'^AVA.-.A\d+$', r'^AVA.-.B\d+$', r'^AVA.-.D\d+$', r'^AVA.-AS\d+$', # Disconnect AVA and AVB gap junctions not pressent. r'^AVB.-.A\d+_GJ$', r'^AVB.-AS\d+_GJ$', r'^AVB.-.D\d+_GJ$', r'^AVA.-.B\d+_GJ$', r'^AVA.-AS\d+_GJ$', r'^AVA.-.D\d+_GJ$', # Disconnect feedback GJ into AVA and AVB. r'^..\d+-AV.._GJ$', ######################################################### # Remove connections not present in Haspel and O'Donovan ######################################################### #''' r'^AS\d+-.B\d+$', r'^AS\d+-VA\d+$', r'^AS\d+-DD\d+$', r'^AS\d+-..\d+_GJ$', r'^..\d+-AS\d+_GJ$', r'^DA\d+-AS\d+$', r'^DA\d+-DD\d+$', r'^DA\d+-VB\d+$', r'^DA\d+-VA\d+$', r'^DA\d+-AS\d+$', r'^DA\d+-.B\d+_GJ$', r'^DA\d+-.D\d+_GJ$', r'^.B\d+-DA\d+_GJ$', r'^.D\d+-DA\d+_GJ$', r'^DB\d+-.A\d+$', r'^DB\d+-VB\d+$', r'^DB\d+-.A\d+_GJ$', r'^DB\d+-.D\d+_GJ$', r'^DB\d+-VB\d+_GJ$', r'^.A\d+-DB\d+_GJ$', r'^.D\d+-DB\d+_GJ$', r'^VB\d+-DB\d+_GJ$', r'^DD\d+-..\d+$', r'^DD\d+-VD\d+_GJ$', r'^DD\d+-.B\d+_GJ$', r'^DD\d+-.A\d+_GJ$', r'^VD\d+-DD\d+_GJ$', r'^.B\d+-DD\d+_GJ$', r'^.A\d+-DD\d+_GJ$', r'^VD\d+-D.\d+$', r'^VD\d+-AS\d+$', r'^VD\d+-VB\d+_GJ$', r'^VB\d+-VD\d+_GJ$', r'^VB\d+-DB\d+$', r'^VB\d+-.A\d+$', r'^VB\d+-AS\d+$', r'^VB\d+-VD\d+$', r'^VB\d+-VA\d+_GJ$', r'^VA\d+-VB\d+_GJ$', r'^VA\d+-.B\d+$', r'^VA\d+-DA\d+$', r'^VA\d+-AS\d+$', ############################################### # Remove connections going forward in DA and VA ############################################### #Forward connections in DA-VA 'DA3-DA4', 'DA2-DA3', 'VA2-VA3', 'VA3-VA4', 'VA5-VA6', 'DA9-VA12', 'VA12-DA8', 'VA12-DA9', 'VA1-DA2', #''' ] conn_polarity_override = { #### NEW CIRCUIT #### r'^VA\d+-VD\d+$': 'inh', r'^DA\d+-DD\d+$': 'inh', r'^AS\d+-DD\d+$': 'inh', r'^DB\d+-DD\d+$': 'inh', r'^AS\d+-VD\d+$': 'inh', #VD-DD, VD-VA and VD-VB are already inhibitory } conn_number_override = { '^.+-.+$': 1, } #********* # INPUTS #********* input_list = [] sine_input_list = [] ramp_input_list = [] #************************* # Head Muscles STIMULATION #************************* #FORWARD amp = '4pA' dur = '250ms' total_time = 4000 total_stim = np.floor(total_time / 800).astype(int) for stim_num in range(total_stim): for muscle_num in range(7): mdlx = 'MDL0%s' % (muscle_num + 1) mdrx = 'MDR0%s' % (muscle_num + 1) mvlx = 'MVL0%s' % (muscle_num + 1) mvrx = 'MVR0%s' % (muscle_num + 1) if muscle_num >= 9: mdlx = 'MDL%s' % (muscle_num + 1) mdrx = 'MDR%s' % (muscle_num + 1) mvlx = 'MVL%s' % (muscle_num + 1) mvrx = 'MVR%s' % (muscle_num + 1) startd = '%sms' % (stim_num * 800 + muscle_num * 30) startv = '%sms' % ((stim_num * 800 + 400) + muscle_num * 30) input_list.append((mdlx, startd, dur, amp)) input_list.append((mdrx, startd, dur, amp)) if muscle_num != 6: input_list.append((mvlx, startv, dur, amp)) input_list.append((mvrx, startv, dur, amp)) #BACKWARD start = 5000 dur = '300ms' for stim_num in range(total_stim): count = 7 for muscle_num in range(7): count = count - 1 mdlx = 'MDL0%s' % (muscle_num + 1) mdrx = 'MDR0%s' % (muscle_num + 1) mvlx = 'MVL0%s' % (muscle_num + 1) mvrx = 'MVR0%s' % (muscle_num + 1) if muscle_num >= 9: mdlx = 'MDL%s' % (muscle_num + 1) mdrx = 'MDR%s' % (muscle_num + 1) mvlx = 'MVL%s' % (muscle_num + 1) mvrx = 'MVR%s' % (muscle_num + 1) startd = '%sms' % (start + 700 + 400 + stim_num * 800 + count * 30) startv = '%sms' % (start + 700 + stim_num * 800 + count * 30) input_list.append((mdlx, startd, dur, amp)) input_list.append((mdrx, startd, dur, amp)) if muscle_num != 6: input_list.append((mvlx, startv, dur, amp)) input_list.append((mvrx, startv, dur, amp)) #************************* # Interneuron STIMULATION #************************* #''' input_list.append(('AVBL', '0ms', '4000ms', '15pA')) input_list.append(('AVBR', '0ms', '4000ms', '15pA')) input_list.append(('AVAL', '5000ms', '4000ms', '15pA')) input_list.append(('AVAR', '5000ms', '4000ms', '15pA')) #''' #************************* # DB1 and VB1 STIMULATION #************************* # Sinusoidal Input #''' sine_input_list.append(('DB1', '0ms', '5000ms', '1.5pA', '800ms')) sine_input_list.append(('VB1', '0ms', '5000ms', '1.5pA', '800ms')) sine_input_list.append(('DA9', '5000ms', '5000ms', '-1.5pA', '800ms')) sine_input_list.append(('VA12', '5000ms', '5000ms', '1.5pA', '800ms')) config_param_overrides['input'] = input_list param_overrides = { 'mirrored_elec_conn_params': { #Connections to DB1 and VB1 have a HIGHER conductance r'^AVB._to_.B1_GJ$_elec_syn_gbase': '0.005 nS', #Connections to rest of DB and VB have a LOWER conductance r'^AVB._to_.B[2-9]\_GJ$_elec_syn_gbase': '0.001 nS', r'^AVB._to_.B[1-9][0-9]\_GJ$_elec_syn_gbase': '0.001 nS', #Connections to DA9 and VA12 have a HIGHER conductance r'^AVA._to_DA9_GJ$_elec_syn_gbase': '0.005 nS', r'^AVA._to_VA12_GJ$_elec_syn_gbase': '0.005 nS', #Connections to rest of DA and VA have LOWER conductance r'^AVA._to_DA[1-8]\_GJ$_elec_syn_gbase': '0.001 nS', r'^AVA._to_VA[1-9][0-1]?\_GJ$_elec_syn_gbase': '0.001 nS', r'^.B\d+_to_.B\d+\_GJ$_elec_syn_gbase': '0.001 nS', r'^.A\d+_to_.A\d+\_GJ$_elec_syn_gbase': '0.001 nS', r'^.D\d+_to_.D\d+\_GJ$_elec_syn_gbase': '0.001 nS', r'^AS\d+_to_AS\d+\_GJ$_elec_syn_gbase': '0.001 nS', r'^VA\d+_to_DA\d+\_GJ$_elec_syn_gbase': '0.001 nS', r'^VA\d+_to_VD\d+\_GJ$_elec_syn_gbase': '0.001 nS', }, 'initial_memb_pot': '-50 mV', ##### Adjustments ###### r'^DA\d+_to_DB\d+$_exc_syn_conductance': '0.2 nS', r'^DB\d+_to_VD\d+$_exc_syn_conductance': '0.2 nS', #********************************* # Connections between units (chemical) #********************************* #Connect synaptically VB1 to VB2 and so on r'^VB\d+_to_VB\d+$_exc_syn_conductance': '30 nS', r'^VB\d+_to_VB\d+$_exc_syn_ar': '0.19 per_s', r'^VB\d+_to_VB\d+$_exc_syn_ad': '73 per_s', r'^VB\d+_to_VB\d+$_exc_syn_beta': '2.81 per_mV', r'^VB\d+_to_VB\d+$_exc_syn_vth': '-22 mV', r'^VB\d+_to_VB\d+$_exc_syn_erev': '10 mV', #Connect synaptically DB1 to DB2 and so on r'^DB\d+_to_DB\d+$_exc_syn_conductance': '30 nS', r'^DB\d+_to_DB\d+$_exc_syn_ar': '0.08 per_s', r'^DB\d+_to_DB\d+$_exc_syn_ad': '18 per_s', r'^DB\d+_to_DB\d+$_exc_syn_beta': '0.21 per_mV', r'^DB\d+_to_DB\d+$_exc_syn_vth': '-10 mV', r'^DB\d+_to_DB\d+$_exc_syn_erev': '10 mV', #''' #Connect synaptically VA1 to VA2 and so on r'^VA\d+_to_VA\d+$_exc_syn_conductance': '30 nS', r'^VA\d+_to_VA\d+$_exc_syn_ar': '0.19 per_s', r'^VA\d+_to_VA\d+$_exc_syn_ad': '73 per_s', r'^VA\d+_to_VA\d+$_exc_syn_beta': '2.81 per_mV', r'^VA\d+_to_VA\d+$_exc_syn_vth': '-22 mV', r'^VA\d+_to_VA\d+$_exc_syn_erev': '10 mV', #Connect synaptically DB1 to DB2 and so on r'^DA\d+_to_DA\d+$_exc_syn_conductance': '30 nS', r'^DA\d+_to_DA\d+$_exc_syn_ar': '0.08 per_s', r'^DA\d+_to_DA\d+$_exc_syn_ad': '18 per_s', r'^DA\d+_to_DA\d+$_exc_syn_beta': '0.21 per_mV', r'^DA\d+_to_DA\d+$_exc_syn_vth': '-10 mV', r'^DA\d+_to_DA\d+$_exc_syn_erev': '10 mV', #''' #Neuro - Muscular Junction Parameters 'neuron_to_muscle_exc_syn_conductance': '0.5 nS', r'^DB\d+_to_MDL\d+$_exc_syn_conductance': '0.4 nS', r'^DB\d+_to_MDR\d+$_exc_syn_conductance': '0.4 nS', r'^VB\d+_to_MVL\d+$_exc_syn_conductance': '0.6 nS', r'^VB\d+_to_MVR\d+$_exc_syn_conductance': '0.6 nS', r'^DA\d+_to_MDL\d+$_exc_syn_conductance': '0.4 nS', r'^DA\d+_to_MDR\d+$_exc_syn_conductance': '0.4 nS', r'^VA\d+_to_MVL\d+$_exc_syn_conductance': '0.6 nS', r'^VA\d+_to_MVR\d+$_exc_syn_conductance': '0.6 nS', 'neuron_to_muscle_exc_syn_vth': '37 mV', 'neuron_to_muscle_inh_syn_conductance': '0.6 nS', #'neuron_to_neuron_inh_syn_conductance': '0.2 nS', 'AVBR_to_MVL16_exc_syn_conductance': '0 nS', 'ca_conc_decay_time_muscle': '60.8 ms', 'ca_conc_rho_muscle': '0.002338919 mol_per_m_per_A_per_s', } nml_doc = None if generate: nml_doc = c302.generate(reference, params, cells=cells, cells_to_plot=cells_to_plot, cells_to_stimulate=cells_to_stimulate, conns_to_include=conns_to_include, conns_to_exclude=conns_to_exclude, conn_polarity_override=conn_polarity_override, conn_number_override=conn_number_override, muscles_to_include=muscles_to_include, duration=duration, dt=dt, target_directory=target_directory, data_reader=data_reader, param_overrides=param_overrides, verbose=verbose) #if config_param_overrides.has_key('input'): # input_list = config_param_overrides['input'] for stim_input in input_list: cell, start, dur, current = stim_input c302.add_new_input(nml_doc, cell, start, dur, current, params) for sine_stim_input in sine_input_list: cell, delay, dur, amp, period = sine_stim_input c302.add_new_sinusoidal_input(nml_doc, cell, delay, dur, amp, period, params) for ramp_stim_input in ramp_input_list: cell, delay, dur, start_amp, finish_amp, base_amp = ramp_stim_input c302.add_new_ramp_input(nml_doc, cell, delay, dur, start_amp, finish_amp, base_amp, params) #c302.add_new_input(nml_doc, cell='VB1', delay="1200ms", duration="1000ms", amplitude="1pA", params=params) #c302.add_new_input(nml_doc, cell='VB1', delay="0ms", duration="2000ms", amplitude="1.5pA", params=params) nml_file = target_directory + '/' + reference + '.net.nml' writers.NeuroMLWriter.write( nml_doc, nml_file) # Write over network file written above... c302.print_("(Re)written network file to: " + nml_file) return cells, cells_to_stimulate, params, muscles_to_include, nml_doc
def setup( parameter_set, generate=False, duration=10000, # Change here the duration of the simulation in ms dt=0.05, # Time step target_directory='examples', data_reader="UpdatedSpreadsheetDataReader2", param_overrides={}, verbose=True, config_param_overrides={}): # Import this from the defined parameters. exec('from parameters_%s import ParameterisedModel' % parameter_set, globals()) params = ParameterisedModel() #******************************************* # 1. DEFINE THE ELEMENTS TO SIMULATE #******************************************* cells = [] # Neurons to include in the simulation (e.g. cells = ['AVBL', 'DB1']) muscles_to_include = [] # Muscles to include in the simulation (e.g. muscles_to_include = ['MDL07'], muscles = True for all the muscles) cells_to_stimulate = [] # Neurons to stimulate # This is used to stimulate the neurons and muscles, I use a different method to stimulate however. cells_to_plot = cells # Neurons to include in the plot (e.g. cells_to_plot = ['DB1']) # If you do not want to plot all the neurons defined, change cells by the only neurons you want plotted. reference = "c302_%s_tutorial" % parameter_set # Reference for the subsequent generated NeuroML files # (Make sure this corresponds with the script name: --> reference = "c302_%s_NAME" % parameter_set) #******************************************* # 2. DEFINE THE NETWORK CONNECTIONS #******************************************* conns_to_include = [] # Only connections to include # By default, c302 takes all the connections from the connectome. # If you only want some specific connections, specify them here. conns_to_exclude = [ 'DB1-DB2', # Exclude the chemical synapse from DB1 to DB2 'DB1-DB2_GJ', # Exclude the gap junction from DB1 to DB2 'DB2-DB1_GJ', # Note that gap junctions need to be excluded in both ways r'^AVB.-DB\d+$', # Regular expression to exclude AVBR and AVBL synapses to DB1, DB2... DB7 ] # Connections to exclude or 'ablate' # I included some examples of connections to be excluded. # Search on how to use Regular Expressions in python. conn_polarity_override = { r'^VB\d+-VB\d+$': 'inh', #Change any VB# to VB# synapse to inhibitory r'^DD\d+-DD\d+$': 'exc', #Change any DD# to DD# synapse to excitatory } # Change the polarity of chemical synapses # c302 takes as inhibitory those synapses coming from GABAergic neurons. conn_number_override = { '^.+-.+$': 1, } # Changed the number of synapses between neurons all to 1. #******************************************* # 3. ADD INPUTS TO NEURONS AND MUSCLES #******************************************* # (This is where I define the inputs, instead of using cells_to_stimulate) input_list = [] # Step current input sine_input_list = [] # Sinusoidal input ramp_input_list = [] # Ramp inputs are still under development input_list.append((neuron, start, duration, amplitude)) # Add a step input to a neuron, at a given time, with a duration and intensity. # This can also be used to stimulate muscles! # (e.g. input_list.append(('AVBL', '0ms', '4000ms', '15pA'))) sine_input_list.append((neuron, start, duration, peak_amplitude, period)) # Add a step input to a neuron, at a given time, with a duration and intensity. # This can also be used to stimulate muscles! # (e.g. sine_input_list.append(('DB1', '0ms', '5000ms', '1.5pA', '800ms')) ) config_param_overrides['input'] = input_list #******************************************* # 4. OVERRIDE CERTAIN PARAMETERS #******************************************* param_overrides = { # Symmetrical Gap junctions 'mirrored_elec_conn_params': { #r'^AVB._to_AVB._GJ$_elec_syn_gbase': '0.001 nS', }, # Change the initial membrane potential 'initial_memb_pot': '-50 mV', # Here, any parameters found in the can be changed and specified for this specific simulation. } nml_doc = None # Create the NeuroML file of the network using c302 functions. if generate: nml_doc = c302.generate(reference, params, cells=cells, cells_to_plot=cells_to_plot, cells_to_stimulate=cells_to_stimulate, conns_to_include=conns_to_include, conns_to_exclude=conns_to_exclude, conn_polarity_override=conn_polarity_override, conn_number_override=conn_number_override, muscles_to_include=muscles_to_include, duration=duration, dt=dt, target_directory=target_directory, data_reader=data_reader, param_overrides=param_overrides, verbose=verbose) for stim_input in input_list: cell, start, dur, current = stim_input c302.add_new_input(nml_doc, cell, start, dur, current, params) for sine_stim_input in sine_input_list: cell, delay, dur, amp, period = sine_stim_input c302.add_new_sinusoidal_input(nml_doc, cell, delay, dur, amp, period, params) for ramp_stim_input in ramp_input_list: cell, delay, dur, start_amp, finish_amp, base_amp = ramp_stim_input c302.add_new_ramp_input(nml_doc, cell, delay, dur, start_amp, finish_amp, base_amp, params) nml_file = target_directory + '/' + reference + '.net.nml' writers.NeuroMLWriter.write( nml_doc, nml_file) # Write over network file written above... c302.print_("(Re)written network file to: " + nml_file) return cells, cells_to_stimulate, params, muscles_to_include, nml_doc