Example #1
class oracle:

  def __init__(self):
    self.rsa = RSA()
    self.pub,self.priv = self.rsa.keygen(l=512) # 1024 bits key

  def getpubkey(self):
    return self.pub

  def iseven(self,ct):
    return ord(self.rsa.decrypt(ct,self.priv)[-1]) & 1 == 0
Example #2
def oracle(key, c):
  oracle function for c47
  rsa = RSA()
    m = rsa.decrypt(c, key)
    return False

  if m[0:2] == '\x00\x02':
    return True
  return False
Example #3
#!/usr/bin/env python

from c39 import RSA # RSA
from c36 import i2s, s2i

if __name__ == "__main__":

  msg = "attack after the breakfast"

  rsa = RSA()
  pub,priv = rsa.keygen()
  C = rsa.encrypt(msg,pub)
  assert rsa.decrypt(C,priv) == msg, "bug in my RSA, decryption didn't provide the same clear text"

  S = 3       # lowest possible S
  C1 = list() # the cipher text is a list
  for ct in C: # lets iterate over the ciphertext
    C1.append(i2s((pow(S,pub[0],pub[1])*s2i(ct)) % pub[1])) #

  if C1 != C: # the C1 has to be different the C
    P1 = rsa.decrypt(C1,priv)
    print i2s((s2i(P1)/S)%pub[1])
    print "something wrong C1 and C should be different"
Example #4
 def verify(self,msg,sign,key):
   pkcs15 = PKCS15()
   rsa = RSA()
   dgst = hashlib.sha1(message).digest()
   return pkcs15.unpad("\x00"+rsa.decrypt(sign,key)) == dgst
Example #5
 def make(self,msg,key):
   pkcs15 = PKCS15()
   rsa = RSA()
   dgst = hashlib.sha1(message).digest()
   paddgst = pkcs15.pad(dgst,len(i2s(key[1])))
   return rsa.encrypt(paddgst,key)
Example #6
    raise Exception("e not equal 3")
  pkcs15 = PKCS15()
  dgst = hashlib.sha1(mesg).digest()
  keylen = len(i2s(n))

  getcontext().prec = keylen * 8

  # this is the valid beginning
  forge = "\x00\x01%s\x00%s" % ("\xff" * 8, dgst)
  # this will be garbge
  garbage = "\x00" * (keylen - 8 - len(dgst) - 13)
  whole = s2i(forge+garbage)
  cr = int(pow(whole,Decimal(1)/Decimal(3)))+1

  return i2s(cr)

if __name__ == "__main__":

  message = "hi mom"

  re = RSA()
  pub1,priv1 = re.keygen(l=512,s=False)

  rs = RSAsign()
  sign = rs.make(message,priv1)
  assert rs.verify(message,sign,pub1), "signature algo wrong"

  signf = [ forging(message,pub1) ]
  if rs.verify(message,signf,pub1):
    print "ok"
Example #7
 def __init__(self):
   self.rsa = RSA()
   self.pub,self.priv = self.rsa.keygen(l=512) # 1024 bits key
Example #8
  e = key[0]         # e - from the pub key
  n = key[1]         # n - from the pub key
  ct = s2i(enc[0])   # encrypted message
  c2 = pow(2,e,n)    # (2**e)%n)
  ct = (ct * c2) % n # we need to do this before we start counting
  limit = int(math.log(n,2))+1 # number of bits in the key
  getcontext().prec = limit # how precise our floats should be

  a = Decimal(0)
  b = Decimal(n)
  for x in range(limit):
    t = (a+b)/2
    if iseven([i2s(ct)]):
      b = t
      a = t
    ct = (ct * c2) % n

  return i2s(int(b)).encode('string_escape')

if __name__ == "__main__":

  txt = "VGhhdCdzIHdoeSBJIGZvdW5kIHlvdSBkb24ndCBwbGF5IGFyb3VuZCB3aXRoIHRoZSBGdW5reSBDb2xkIE1lZGluYQ=="

  c46 = oracle()
  pub = c46.getpubkey()

  rsa = RSA()
  enc = rsa.encrypt(base64.b64decode(txt),pub)
  print attack(enc,pub,c46.iseven)
Example #9
  count = 0
  while True:
    c1 = (c0 * modexp(s1, e, n)) % n
    if oracle(prvkey, list(i2s(c1))):
    s1 += 1
    if count % 10 == 0:
      sys.stdout.write("%s   \r" % (count))
    count += 1

  return s1

if __name__ == "__main__":

  rsa = RSA()
  pkcs = PKCS15t2()

  # clear text message
  text = "kick it, CC"

  # 256 bit key generation
  (pubkey, prvkey) = rsa.keygen(256)

  # padding PKCS#1 1.5
  m = pkcs.pad(text, len(i2s(pubkey[1])))

  # encrypting
  c = rsa.encrypt(m, pubkey)

  m1 = rsa.decrypt(c, prvkey)