Example #1
def pack_test():
   global DEBUG_MODE
   f = open('envpsp.dat', 'rb')
   b = Buffer(mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=ACCESS_COPY))
   oi = OrnamentInfo(f)

   l = 'A Siscaly knockout tournament has been organized nationwide in order to choose the strongest "Sister User". To Kirino, who really loves sister-related games, she has alot of interest in this tournament. On a side note, Siscalys official title is [Shin Imouto Taisen Siscalypse], a 3D Bishoujo versus game. And so, I probably cant refuse to participate...'

   pgf = PGFFont('../pypgf/fonts/sonyjpn.pgf')
   w = 360 * 64
   h = (pgf.maxSizeV/64 * 3) + pgf.maxGlyphH + 10
   old_size = len(oi.pack())
   oi.entries[0].replace(pgf, l, w, h)
   print([page.decoded for page in oi.entries[0].pages], debug=True)
   new_oi = StringIO(oi.pack())
   print(hexlify(oi.entries[0].pack()), debug=True)
   DEBUG_MODE = False
   new_oi = OrnamentInfo(new_oi, 0)
   new_size = len(new_oi.pack())
   print(new_oi.entries[0].pages, debug=True)
   DEBUG_MODE = True
   print('Need %d bytes' % (new_size - old_size))
   b.allocate_at(INFO_OFFSET, new_size - old_size)