Example #1
def test_issue12_saopaulo():
    cable = cable_by_id('08SAOPAULO335')
    eq_(u'VZCZCXRO3989', cable.transmission_id)
    eq_(u'08SAOPAULO335', cable.reference_id)
    eq_(u'08SAOPAULO335', cable.canonical_id)
    cable = cable_by_id('08SCTION02OF02SAOPAULO335')
    eq_(u'VZCZCXRO3727', cable.transmission_id)
    eq_('08SCTION02OF02SAOPAULO335', cable.reference_id)
    eq_(u'08SAOPAULO335', cable.canonical_id)
Example #2
def test_issue12_manama():
    cable = cable_by_id('08MANAMA492')
    eq_(u'VZCZCXRO5008', cable.transmission_id)
    eq_(u'08MANAMA492', cable.reference_id)
    eq_(u'08MANAMA492', cable.canonical_id)
    cable = cable_by_id('08ECTION01OF02MANAMA492')
    eq_(u'VZCZCXRO4772', cable.transmission_id)
    eq_(u'08ECTION01OF02MANAMA492', cable.reference_id)
    eq_(u'08MANAMA492', cable.canonical_id)
Example #3
def test_issue12_saopaulo():
    cable = cable_by_id('08SAOPAULO335')
    eq_(u'VZCZCXRO3989', cable.transmission_id)
    eq_(u'08SAOPAULO335', cable.reference_id)
    eq_(u'08SAOPAULO335', cable.canonical_id)
    cable = cable_by_id('08SCTION02OF02SAOPAULO335')
    eq_(u'VZCZCXRO3727', cable.transmission_id)
    eq_('08SCTION02OF02SAOPAULO335', cable.reference_id)
    eq_(u'08SAOPAULO335', cable.canonical_id)
Example #4
def test_issue12_manama():
    cable = cable_by_id('08MANAMA492')
    eq_(u'VZCZCXRO5008', cable.transmission_id)
    eq_(u'08MANAMA492', cable.reference_id)
    eq_(u'08MANAMA492', cable.canonical_id)
    cable = cable_by_id('08ECTION01OF02MANAMA492')
    eq_(u'VZCZCXRO4772', cable.transmission_id)
    eq_(u'08ECTION01OF02MANAMA492', cable.reference_id)
    eq_(u'08MANAMA492', cable.canonical_id)
Example #5
def test_issue():
    cable = cable_by_id('00HARARE2297')
    ok_(cable.is_partial, 'Expected is_partial == True')
    signers = tuple(cable.signed_by)
    eq_(1, len(signers))
    eq_(u'MCDONALD', signers[0])
Example #6
def test_issue():
    cable = cable_by_id('00HARARE2297')
    ok_(cable.is_partial, 'Expected is_partial == True')
    signers = tuple(cable.signed_by)
    eq_(1, len(signers))
    eq_(u'MCDONALD', signers[0])
 def check(incorrect_id, correct_id):
     cable = cable_by_id(correct_id)
     ok_(cable is not None)
     eq_(incorrect_id, cable.reference_id)
     eq_(c14n.canonicalize_id(incorrect_id), cable.canonical_id,
         'Unexpected canonical identifier for the incorrect id')
     eq_(c14n.canonicalize_id(correct_id), cable.canonical_id,
         'Unexpected canonical identifier for the correct id')
Example #8
def test_issue5():
    # Note: The issue lists
    #   (B) Sao Paulo 215;
    #   (C) 05 Sao Paulo 975
    # but the cable changed to:
    #   REF: A) Sao Paulo 319 B) Sao Paulo 278
    # (2011-07-15)
    cable = cable_by_id('06SAOPAULO348')
    assert cable
    refs = [ref.value for ref in cable.references if ref.is_cable()]
    assert u'06SAOPAULO319' in refs
    assert u'06SAOPAULO278' in refs
    eq_([u'PGOV', u'PHUM', u'KCRM', u'SOCI', u'SNAR', u'ASEC', u'BR'], cable.tags)
Example #9
def test_issue5():
    # Note: The issue lists
    #   (B) Sao Paulo 215;
    #   (C) 05 Sao Paulo 975
    # but the cable changed to:
    #   REF: A) Sao Paulo 319 B) Sao Paulo 278
    # (2011-07-15)
    cable = cable_by_id('06SAOPAULO348')
    assert cable
    refs = [ref.value for ref in cable.references if ref.is_cable()]
    assert u'06SAOPAULO319' in refs
    assert u'06SAOPAULO278' in refs
    eq_([u'PGOV', u'PHUM', u'KCRM', u'SOCI', u'SNAR', u'ASEC', u'BR'],
def test_parse_subject():
    def check(expected, cable):
        eq_(expected, cable.subject)

    for ref_id, subject in _TEST_DATA:
        yield check, subject, cable_by_id(ref_id)
 def check(cable_id, references):
     cable = cable_by_id(cable_id)
     assert cable
         [ref.value for ref in cable.references if ref.is_cable()])
Example #12
 def check(expected, cable_id, c14n):
     cable = cable_by_id(cable_id)
     if not isinstance(expected, tuple):
         expected = (expected,)
     eq_(expected, tuple(parse_signed_by(cable.content, c14n)))
Example #13
def test_issue15():
    def check(cable, expected):
        eq_(expected, cable.subject)
    for ref, subject in _TEST_DATA:
        yield check, cable_by_id(ref), subject
def test_nosubject():
    def check(cable):
        eq_(u'', cable.subject)

    for ref_id in _CABLES_WO_SUBJECT:
        yield check, cable_by_id(ref_id)
Example #15
 def check(cable_id, references):
     cable = cable_by_id(cable_id)
     assert cable
     eq_(references, [ref.value for ref in cable.references if ref.is_cable()])
Example #16
def test_by_id():
    def check(cable, expected):
        eq_(expected, cable.tags)

    for ref_id, expected in _TEST_DATA_BY_ID:
        yield check, cable_by_id(ref_id), expected
Example #17
def test_issue25():
    cable = cable_by_id('09NAIROBI1938')
    refs = [ref.value for ref in cable.references if ref.is_cable()]
    eq_([u'08STATE81854', u'09NAIROBI1830', u'09NAIROBI1859', u'09NAIROBI1831'], refs)
Example #18
def test_by_id():
    def check(cable, expected):
        eq_(expected, cable.tags)

    for ref_id, expected in _TEST_DATA_BY_ID:
        yield check, cable_by_id(ref_id), expected
Example #19
 def check(cable_id, expected):
     if not isinstance(expected, tuple):
         expected = (expected, )
     cable = cable_by_id(cable_id)
     ok_(cable, 'Cable "%s" not found' % cable_id)
     eq_(expected, tuple(cable.classified_by))
Example #20
def test_parse_subject():
    def check(expected, cable):
        eq_(expected, cable.subject)
    for ref_id, subject in _TEST_DATA:
        yield check, subject, cable_by_id(ref_id)
Example #21
 def check(incorrect_id, correct_id):
     cable = cable_by_id(correct_id)
     ok_(cable is not None)
     eq_(incorrect_id, cable.reference_id)
     eq_(c14n.canonicalize_id(incorrect_id), cable.canonical_id, 'Unexpected canonical identifier for the incorrect id')
     eq_(c14n.canonicalize_id(correct_id), cable.canonical_id, 'Unexpected canonical identifier for the correct id')
Example #22
def test_media_urls():
    def check(cable, media_urls):
        eq_(sorted(cable.media_uris), sorted(media_urls))
    for cable_id, media_urls in _TEST_DATA:
        yield check, cable_by_id(cable_id), media_urls
 def check(cable_id, expected):
     if not isinstance(expected, tuple):
         expected = (expected,)
     cable = cable_by_id(cable_id)
     ok_(cable, 'Cable "%s" not found' % cable_id)
     eq_(expected, tuple(cable.classified_by))
Example #24
def test_nosubject():
    def check(cable):
        eq_(u'', cable.subject)
    for ref_id in _CABLES_WO_SUBJECT:
        yield check, cable_by_id(ref_id)
Example #25
 def check(expected, cable_id, c14n):
     cable = cable_by_id(cable_id)
     if not isinstance(expected, tuple):
         expected = (expected, )
     eq_(expected, tuple(parse_signed_by(cable.content, c14n)))