Example #1
    def get_auth(self, force=False):
            Retrieve sessionid to retrieve content (using our own account)
            Is cached via memcached for 1day

            @param boolean force - [False] Force cache refresh
            @return string       - sessionid
        cache_key = "login"
        session = mc.get(cache_key)
        if force or session == None:
            with mc.lock(cache_key) as retries:

                # Check if we set memcached while we were waiting for the lock
                if retries:
                    session = mc.get(cache_key)
                    if session:
                        return session['sessionid']

                print('GET ' + cache_key)

                session = self.login("66b1d91e8e", "66b1d91e8e66b1d91e8e!")
                mc.set(cache_key, session, time=60 * 60 * 24)

        return session['sessionid']
Example #2
    def courses(self, lang, page=1, cat="", query=""):
            Retrieve the list of courses for the given language, category, query string and page
            Is cached via memcached for 24hours (except if query != "")

            @param string lang
            @param integer[optional] page - [1]
            @param string[optional] cat   - [""]
            @param string[optional] query - [""]
            @return string                - Retrieved JSON
        if not isinstance(page, int) and not page.isdigit():
            page = 0

        # Check cache
        if query != "":
            cache_key = False
            courses = None
            cache_key = lang + '_courses_' + str(page) + '_' + cat
            courses = mc.get(cache_key)

        # Query memrise
        if courses == None:
            with mc.lock(cache_key) as retries:

                # Check if we set memcached while we were waiting for the lock
                if retries:
                    courses = mc.get(cache_key)
                    if courses:
                        return courses

                if cache_key:
                    print('GET ' + cache_key)

                url = 'https://app.memrise.com/ajax/browse/?s_cat=' + lang
                if cat != "":
                    url += "&cat=" + cat
                if query != "":
                    url += "&q=" + query
                url += '&page=' + str(page) + '&_=' + get_time()

                courses = requests.get(url,
                if cache_key:
                    mc.set(cache_key, courses, time=60 * 60 * 24)

        return courses
Example #3
    def level_multimedia(self, urlCourse, lvl):
            Retrieve the content of a multimedia level
            Is cached via memcached for 24hours

            @throws requests.exceptions.HTTPError
            @param string urlCourse - ex "/course/43238/durham-university-medicine-year-one/"
            @param integer lvl
            @return dict - Retrieved JSON
        pattern = re.search("/course/(\d+)/", urlCourse)
        if pattern:
            idCourse = pattern.group(1)
            return False

        cache_key = "course_" + idCourse + "_" + lvl + "_multimedia"
        data = mc.get(cache_key)

        if data == None:
            with mc.lock(cache_key) as retries:

                # Check if we set memcached while we were waiting for the lock
                if retries:
                    data = mc.get(cache_key)
                    if data:
                        return data

                url = "https://app.memrise.com" + urlCourse + lvl + "/"
                response = requests.get(url)

                # Get response
                html = response.text.encode('utf-8').strip()
                DOM = BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib", from_encoding='utf-8')
                data = False

                # Look for value of js variable "level_multimedia"
                scripts = DOM.html.body.find_all("script", recursive=False)
                for script in scripts:
                    text = script.text.strip()
                    if text and text.startswith("var level_multimedia = "):
                        data = text[23:].strip(';')

                mc.set(cache_key, data, time=60 * 60 * 24)
        return data
Example #4
    def categories(self, lang):
            Retrieve  the list of categories that have courses for the given language
            Is cached via memcached for 24hours

            @param string lang
            @return dict       - {<idCourse>: True}

        cache_key = lang + "_categories"
        categories = mc.get(cache_key)

        # Query memrise
        if categories == None:
            with mc.lock(cache_key) as retries:

                # Check if we set memcached while we were waiting for the lock
                if retries:
                    categories = mc.get(cache_key)
                    if categories:
                        return categories

                print('GET ' + cache_key)
                html = requests.get("https://app.memrise.com/fr/courses/" +
                                    lang + "/").text.encode('utf-8').strip()

                # Parse HTML
                DOM = BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib", from_encoding='utf-8')
                ul = DOM.find_all('ul', {'class': 'categories-list'}).pop()

                def parseCategories(ul):
                    for li in ul.findChildren():
                        if not 'data-category-id' in li.attrs:

                        id = li.attrs['data-category-id']
                        categories[id] = True

                        if li.ul:

                categories = {}
                mc.set(cache_key, categories, time=60 * 60 * 24)

        return categories
Example #5
    def user_courses(self, tab, username):
            Retrieve the courses of an user
            Is cached via memcached for 1hour

            @throws requests.exceptions.HTTPError
            @param string tab      - teaching | learning
            @param string username
            @return dict - {content, nbCourse}
        cache_key = "user_" + username + "_" + tab
        courses = mc.get(cache_key)

        if courses == None:
            with mc.lock(cache_key) as retries:

                # Check if we set memcached while we were waiting for the lock
                if retries:
                    courses = mc.get(cache_key)
                    if courses:
                        return courses

                print('GET ' + cache_key)
                response = requests.get("https://app.memrise.com/user/" +
                                        username + "/courses/" + tab + "/")

                html = response.text.encode('utf-8').strip()
                DOM = BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib", from_encoding='utf-8')
                courses = {"nbCourse": 0, "content": []}

                # Get list of courses
                div = DOM.find(id="content")
                if div != "None":
                    content = div.find_all("div",
                                           {"class": "course-box-wrapper"})

                    for wrapper in content:
                        courses["nbCourse"] += 1

                mc.set(cache_key, courses, time=60 * 60)
        return courses
Example #6
    def leaderboard(self, idCourse, period):
            Retrieve the learderboard of a course (50 first)
            Is cached via memcached for 1hour

            @throws requests.exceptions.HTTPError
            @param integer idCourse
            @param string period - month, week, alltime
            @return dict - Retrieved JSON
        cache_key = "course_" + idCourse + "_learderboard_" + period
        ldboard = mc.get(cache_key)

        if ldboard == None:
            with mc.lock(cache_key) as retries:

                # Check if we set memcached while we were waiting for the lock
                if retries:
                    ldboard = mc.get(cache_key)
                    if ldboard:
                        return ldboard

                sessionid = self.get_auth()
                print('GET ' + cache_key)

                url = "https://app.memrise.com/ajax/leaderboard/course/" + idCourse + "/?period=" + period + "&how_many=50"
                response = requests.get(url,
                                        cookies={"sessionid_2": sessionid})

                # Try reauthenticate
                if response.status_code == 403:
                    sessionid = self.get_auth(True)
                    response = requests.get(url,
                                            cookies={"sessionid_2": sessionid})

                ldboard = response.json()

                mc.set(cache_key, ldboard, time=60 * 60 * 24)
        return ldboard
Example #7
    def _user_mempals(self, mempals, username, page=1):
            Retrieve the list of followers of a user or followed users
            Is cached via memcached for 1hour

            @throws requests.exceptions.HTTPError
            @param string mempals - followers  following
            @param string username
            @param integer page - [1]
            @return dict - {page, lastpage, users}
        if not isinstance(page, int):
            if page.isdigit():
                page = int(page)
                page = 1

        cache_key = "user_" + username + "_" + mempals
        cache_paging = True
        data = mc.get(cache_key)

        # Check we dont cache the last page multiple times
        if data != None:
            cache_paging = False
            if page > data:
                page = data
            data = mc.get(cache_key + "_" + str(page))

        # Get the given page
        cache_key_page = cache_key + "_" + str(page)
        if data == None:
            with mc.lock(cache_key_page) as retries:

                # Check if we set memcached while we were waiting for the lock
                if retries:
                    data = mc.get(cache_key_page)
                    if data:
                        return data

                print('GET ' + cache_key_page)
                response = requests.get("https://app.memrise.com/user/" +
                                        username + "/mempals/" + mempals +
                                        "/?page=" + str(page))

                html = response.text.encode('utf-8').strip()
                DOM = BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib", from_encoding='utf-8')
                data = {"page": page, "lastpage": 0, "users": []}

                # Get list of followers
                div = DOM.find(id="content")
                if div != None:
                    users = div.find_all(attrs={'class': 'user-box'})
                    for user in users:
                        username = user.find(attrs={'class': 'username'})
                        img = user.find('img')
                        if username == None:

                        item = {
                            "name": username.text.strip(),
                            "photo": img.attrs['src'] if img else ""

                # Get current page + max page number
                div = DOM.find('ul', {'class': 'pagination'})
                currentPage = page
                lastpage = 0

                if div != None:
                    for child in div.children:
                        if not isinstance(child, Tag):

                        text = child.text.strip()
                        if not re.match('[0-9]+', text):

                        lastpage = int(text)
                        if 'class' in child.attrs and 'active' in child.attrs[
                            currentPage = lastpage

                    data['page'] = currentPage
                    data['lastpage'] = lastpage

                    if cache_paging:
                        mc.set(cache_key, data['lastpage'], time=60 * 60)

                mc.set(cache_key + '_' + str(currentPage), data, time=60 * 60)

        data['has_next'] = data['page'] < data['lastpage']
        return data
Example #8
    def user(self, username, force=False):
            Retrieve the info about a user
            Is cached via memcached for 1hour

            @throws requests.exceptions.HTTPError
            @param string username
            @param boolean[optional] force - [false] Get data from Memrise even if already cached
            @return dict - {username, photo, rank, stats}
        cache_key = "user_" + username
        user = None if force else mc.get(cache_key)

        if user == None:
            with mc.lock(cache_key) as retries:

                # Check if we set memcached while we were waiting for the lock
                if retries:
                    user = mc.get(cache_key)
                    if user:
                        return user

                print('GET ' + cache_key)
                response = requests.get("https://app.memrise.com/user/" +
                                        username + "/courses/teaching/")

                html = response.text.encode('utf-8').strip()
                DOM = BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib", from_encoding='utf-8')
                user = {
                    "username": username,
                    "photo": "",
                    "points": 0,
                    "rank": 0,
                    "stats": {}

                div = DOM.find(id="page-head")
                if div != None:

                    # Get avatar
                    item = div.find('img', {'class': 'avatar'})
                    if item != None:
                        user['photo'] = item.attrs['src']

                    # Get ponts
                    item = div.find('img', {'class': 'profile-stats'})
                    if item != None:

                    # Get stats (num followers, following, words, points)
                    div = div.find(attrs={'class': 'profile-stats'})
                    for child in div.children:
                        if not isinstance(child, Tag):

                        text = child.text.strip()
                        result = re.search('([0-9,]+)([\n\w ]*)', text)
                        if result:
                            tab = result.group(2).strip().lower()

                            # force plural
                            if tab == "follower":
                                tab = "followers"
                            elif tab == "word":
                                tab = "words"
                            user["stats"][tab] = result.group(1)

                if "points" in user["stats"]:
                    points = int(user["stats"]["points"].replace(",", ""))
                    rank = 0

                    for i, threshold in enumerate(levels):
                        if threshold < points:
                            rank = i
                    user["rank"] = rank + 1

                div = DOM.find(id="content")
                if div != None:

                    # Get nb courses
                    item = div.find('div', {'class', 'btn-group'})
                    if item != None:
                        for child in item.children:
                            if not isinstance(child, Tag):

                            result = re.search('\(([0-9,]+)\)', child.text)
                            if result:
                                tab = child.attrs['href'].strip('/').split(
                                user["stats"][tab] = result.group(1)

                mc.set(cache_key, user, time=60 * 60)
        return user
Example #9
    def level(self,
            Retrieve the list of items of a level (wont work for multimedia)
            Is cached via memcached for 24hours if sessionid isn't provided

            @throws requests.exceptions.HTTPError
            @param integer idCourse
            @param integer|string lvl - index | "all"
            @param string slug
            @param string session
            @return dict - Retrieved JSON
        if slug == "speed_review":
            slug = "classic_review"

        if sessionid:
            user_session = True
            cache_key = False
            level = None
            user_session = False
            cache_key = "course_" + idCourse + "_" + lvl + "_" + slug
            level = mc.get(cache_key)

        if level == None:
            with mc.lock(cache_key) as retries:

                # Check if we set memcached while we were waiting for the lock
                if retries:
                    level = mc.get(cache_key)
                    if level:
                        return level

                if not sessionid:
                    sessionid = self.get_auth()
                    print('GET ' + cache_key)

                url = "https://app.memrise.com/ajax/session/?course_id=" + idCourse
                if lvl != "all":
                    url += "&level_index=" + lvl
                url += "&session_slug=" + slug

                if slug != "preview":
                    url += "&_=" + get_time()
                response = requests.get(url,
                                        cookies={"sessionid_2": sessionid})

                # Try reauthenticate
                if user_session == False and response.status_code == 403:
                    sessionid = self.get_auth(True)
                    response = requests.get(url,
                                            cookies={"sessionid_2": sessionid})

                level = response.json()

                if user_session and slug != "preview":
                    url = "https://app.memrise.com/course/" + idCourse + "/" + slugCourse + "/garden/" + slug + "/"
                    response = requests.head(
                        url, cookies={"sessionid_2": sessionid})
                    level['referer'] = url
                    level['csrftoken'] = response.cookies.get('csrftoken')

                if cache_key:
                    mc.set(cache_key, level, time=60 * 60 * 24)
        return level
Example #10
    def course(self, id, sessionid=False):
            Retrieve the info about a course
            Is cached via memcached for 24hours

            @throws requests.exceptions.HTTPError
            @param integer id
            @return dict - {id, title, url, author, description, photo, levels, breadcrumb}
        if sessionid:
            cache_key = False
            course = None
            cache_key = "course_" + id
            course = mc.get(cache_key)

        if course == None:
            with mc.lock(cache_key) as retries:

                # Check if we set memcached while we were waiting for the lock
                if retries:
                    course = mc.get(cache_key)
                    if course:
                        return course

                if sessionid:
                    response = requests.get("https://app.memrise.com/course/" +
                                            cookies={"sessionid_2": sessionid})
                    print('GET ' + cache_key)
                    sessionid = self.get_auth()
                    response = requests.get("https://app.memrise.com/course/" +
                                            cookies={"sessionid_2": sessionid})

                html = response.text.encode('utf-8').strip()

                # Parse HTML
                DOM = BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib", from_encoding='utf-8')
                course = {
                    "id": id,
                    "title": "",
                    "url": "",
                    "author": "",
                    "description": "",
                    "photo": "",
                    "levels": {},
                    "breadcrumb": []

                div = DOM.find('div', {'class', 'course-wrapper'})
                if div != None:

                    # Title
                    item = div.find(itemprop="name")
                    if item != None:
                        course['title'] = item.text

                    # Description
                    item = div.find(itemprop="about")
                    if item != None:
                        course['description'] = item.text

                    # Author (only when logged in :/)
                    item = div.find(itemprop="author")
                    if item != None:
                        course['author'] = item.find(

                    # Categories
                    item = div.find('div', {'class', 'course-breadcrumb'})
                    if item != None:
                        for child in item.find_all('a'):
                            cat = child.attrs['href'].strip('/').split(

                            if cat in categories_code:

                    # Photo + url
                    item = div.find('a', {'class', 'course-photo'})
                    if item != None:
                        course["url"] = item.attrs['href']
                        course["photo"] = item.img.attrs['src']

                # List of levels
                div = DOM.find('div', {'class': 'levels'})
                if div != None:

                    for child in div.children:
                        if not isinstance(child, Tag):

                        name = child.find('div', {
                            'class': 'level-title'
                        idx = child.find('div', {
                            'class': 'level-index'
                        ico = child.find(attrs={
                            'class': 'level-ico'

                        course["levels"][idx] = {
                            (2 if ico == 'level-ico-multimedia-inactive'
                             or ico == 'level-ico-multimedia' else 1)
                        if sessionid:
                            status = child.find('div',
                                                {'class': 'level-status'})
                            if status != None:
                                course["levels"][idx]["status"] = re.sub(
                                    "\s+", " ", str(status))

                if sessionid:
                    stats = self._course_progress(DOM)
                    if stats != None:
                        course['stats'] = stats

                if cache_key:
                    mc.set(cache_key, course, time=60 * 60 * 24)
        return course