def __init__(self,
                 user_lookup: Set[UserLookup],
                 cache_timer: Callable[[], int] = None,
                 cache_max_size: int = 10000,
                 cache_user_expiration: int = 300,
                 cache_is_valid_expiration: int = 3600) -> None:
        Create the handler set.

        The cache_* parameters are mainly provided for testing purposes.

        :param user_lookup: the set of user lookup instances to query when looking up user names
            from tokens or checking that a provided user name is valid.
        :param cache_timer: the timer used for cache expiration. Defaults to time.time.
        :param cache_max_size: the maximum size of the token -> user and username -> validity
        :param cache_user_expiration: the default expiration time for the token -> user cache in
            seconds. This time can be overridden by a user handler on a per token basis.
        :param cache_is_valid_expiration: the default expiration time for the  username ->
            validity cache. This time can be overridden by a user handler on a per user basis.
        no_Nones_in_iterable(user_lookup, 'user_lookup')
        self._lookup = {l.get_authsource_id(): l for l in user_lookup}
        self._cache_timer = time.time if not cache_timer else cache_timer
        self._user_cache = LRUCache(timer=self._cache_timer,
        self._valid_cache = LRUCache(timer=self._cache_timer,
Example #2
class RealCache:
    create a realCache using the 'cacheout' lib

    def __init__(self, cacheSize, policy='LFU'):
        if policy == 'LFU':
            self.cache = LFUCache(maxsize=cacheSize, ttl=0, timer=time.time, default=None)
        elif policy == 'LRU':
            self.cache = LRUCache(maxsize=cacheSize, ttl=0, timer=time.time, default=None)
        self.hit, self.miss = 0, 0

    def handle_request(self, req):
        if self.cache._has(req):
            self.hit += 1
            self.cache._add(req, 1)
            self.miss += 1

    def hit_rate(self, trace):
        return hit rate for trace
        for req in trace:
        return self.hit / (self.hit + self.miss + 0.01)  # hit rate
Example #3
    def __init__(self,
                 auth_url: str,
                 auth_token: str,
                 full_admin_roles: List[str] = None,
                 read_admin_roles: List[str] = None,
                 cache_max_size: int = 10000,
                 cache_admin_expiration: int = 300,
                 cache_valid_expiration: int = 3600):
        Create the client.
        :param auth_url: The root url of the authentication service.
        :param auth_token: A valid token for the authentication service.
        :raises InvalidTokenError: if the token is invalid
        :param cache_max_size: the maximum size of the token -> admin and username -> validity
        :param cache_admin_expiration: the default expiration time for the token -> admin cache in
            seconds. This time can be overridden by a user handler on a per token basis.
        :param cache_valid_expiration: the default expiration time for the  username ->
            validity cache. This time can be overridden by a user handler on a per user basis.
        self._url = _not_falsy(auth_url, 'auth_url')
        if not self._url.endswith('/'):
            self._url += '/'
        self._user_url = self._url + 'api/V2/users?list='
        self._me_url = self._url + 'api/V2/me'
        self._token = _not_falsy(auth_token, 'auth_token')
        self._full_roles = set(full_admin_roles) if full_admin_roles else set()
        self._read_roles = set(read_admin_roles) if read_admin_roles else set()
        self._cache_timer = time.time
        self._admin_cache = LRUCache(timer=self._cache_timer,
        self._valid_cache = LRUCache(timer=self._cache_timer,

        # Auth 0.4.1 needs to be deployed before this will work
        # r = requests.get(self._url, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'})
        # self._check_error(r)
        # if r.json().get('servicename') != 'Authentication Service':
        #     raise IOError(f'The service at {self._url} does not appear to be the KBase ' +
        #                   'Authentication Service')

        # could use the server time to adjust for clock skew, probably not worth the trouble

        # check token is valid
        r = requests.get(self._user_url,
                             'Accept': 'application/json',
                             'authorization': self._token
Example #4
    def prepare_bow(self, overwrite=False):
        Run the CountVectorizer with parameters set in the constructor.
        The term-doc matrix is stored in self.vector_corpus_representations['bow'], and

        :param overwrite: if a BoW was already prepared, should we overwrite?
        :return: nothing
        """'Preparing the BoW')
        if 'bow' in self.vector_representations and overwrite is False:
  'BoW already there, no overwrite')

        # Prepare stemming with cache
        stemmer = PorterStemmer()
        cache = LRUCache(maxsize=2**16)

        def stem_word(word):
            return stemmer.stem(word)

        # Our analyzer will proceed with tokenizing by regexp (all groups of more than 2 alpha characters)
        # and then will stem the words
        analyzer = CountVectorizer(
            analyzer='word', token_pattern='[A-Za-z]{2,}').build_analyzer()

        def stemming_analyzer(doc):
            return (stem_word(w) for w in analyzer(doc))

        bow = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english',

        vecs = bow.fit_transform('BoW with {} documents, {} terms'.format(
            vecs.shape[0], vecs.shape[1]))
        self.vector_representations['bow'] = vecs
Example #5
class Task(Object):

    _running_cache: LRUCache = LRUCache(

    encode_attr_value: Optional[Callable[..., ByteString]] = \
    cast(Callable[..., ByteString], staticmethod(cloudpickle.dumps))

    decode_attr_value: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = \
    cast(Callable[..., Any], staticmethod(cloudpickle.loads))

    def __init__(self,
                 path: Optional[str] = None,
                 asyncable: Optional[Object] = None,
                 args: Optional[Tuple[Any, ...]] = None,
                 kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
                 metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
                 site_uuid: Optional[str] = None,
                 create: bool = True,
                 bind: bool = True):
Example #6
 def __init__(self, cacheSize, policy='LFU'):
     if policy == 'LFU':
         self.cache = LFUCache(maxsize=cacheSize, ttl=0, timer=time.time, default=None)
     elif policy == 'LRU':
         self.cache = LRUCache(maxsize=cacheSize, ttl=0, timer=time.time, default=None)
     self.hit, self.miss = 0, 0
Example #7
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
import pint
from pint import UnitRegistry as _UnitRegistry
from pint import DimensionalityError as _DimensionalityError
from pint import UndefinedUnitError as _UndefinedUnitError
from pint import DefinitionSyntaxError as _DefinitionSyntaxError
from SampleService.core.core_types import PrimitiveType
from installed_clients.OntologyAPIClient import OntologyAPI
import time
from cacheout.lru import LRUCache  # type: ignore

_TOKEN_SEP = '::'
_ontology_terms_cache = LRUCache(timer=time.time,
_ontology_ancestors_cache = LRUCache(timer=time.time,

srv_wizard_url = None
if 'KB_DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG' in os.environ:
    with open(os.environ['KB_DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG']) as f:
        for line in f:
            if line.startswith('srv-wiz-url'):
                srv_wizard_url = line.split('=')[1].strip()

def _check_unknown_keys(d, expected):
    if type(d) != dict:
Example #8
 def __init__(self):
     self.caches = defaultdict(lambda: LRUCache(maxsize=512, ttl=0, default=False))
class UserLookupSet:
    A container for a number of user handlers that provides caching for said handlers.
    def __init__(self,
                 user_lookup: Set[UserLookup],
                 cache_timer: Callable[[], int] = None,
                 cache_max_size: int = 10000,
                 cache_user_expiration: int = 300,
                 cache_is_valid_expiration: int = 3600) -> None:
        Create the handler set.

        The cache_* parameters are mainly provided for testing purposes.

        :param user_lookup: the set of user lookup instances to query when looking up user names
            from tokens or checking that a provided user name is valid.
        :param cache_timer: the timer used for cache expiration. Defaults to time.time.
        :param cache_max_size: the maximum size of the token -> user and username -> validity
        :param cache_user_expiration: the default expiration time for the token -> user cache in
            seconds. This time can be overridden by a user handler on a per token basis.
        :param cache_is_valid_expiration: the default expiration time for the  username ->
            validity cache. This time can be overridden by a user handler on a per user basis.
        no_Nones_in_iterable(user_lookup, 'user_lookup')
        self._lookup = {l.get_authsource_id(): l for l in user_lookup}
        self._cache_timer = time.time if not cache_timer else cache_timer
        self._user_cache = LRUCache(timer=self._cache_timer,
        self._valid_cache = LRUCache(timer=self._cache_timer,

    def _check_authsource_id(self, authsource_id: AuthsourceID) -> None:
        :raises NoSuchAuthsourceError: if there's no handler for the provided authsource.
        not_none(authsource_id, 'authsource_id')
        if authsource_id not in self._lookup:
            raise NoSuchAuthsourceError(

    def _calc_ttl(self, epoch, rel):
        if not rel and not epoch:
            return None
        if not rel:
            return epoch - self._cache_timer()
        if not epoch:
            return rel
        return min(epoch - self._cache_timer(), rel)

    def get_user(self, authsource_id: AuthsourceID,
                 token: Token) -> Tuple[User, bool]:
        Get a user given the user's token.

        :param authsource_id: the authsource where the user resides.
        :param token: the users's token.
        :raises TypeError: if any of the arguments are None.
        :raises NoSuchAuthsourceError: if there's no handler for the provided authsource.
        :raises InvalidTokenError: if the token is invalid.
        :returns: a tuple of the user and a boolean indicating whether the authsource claims
            the user is a mapping service system admin.
        not_none(token, 'token')
        # None default causes a key error
        cacheres = self._user_cache.get((authsource_id, token), default=False)
        if cacheres:
            return cacheres
        user, admin, epoch, rel = self._lookup[authsource_id].get_user(token)
        self._user_cache.set((authsource_id, token), (user, admin),
                             ttl=self._calc_ttl(epoch, rel))
        return (user, admin)

    def is_valid_user(self, user: User) -> bool:
        Check whether a given user exists.

        :param user: the user to check.
        :raises NoSuchAuthsourceError: if there's no handler for the user's authsource.
        not_none(user, 'user')
        # None default causes a key error
        exists = self._valid_cache.get(user, default=False)
        if not exists:
            exists, epoch, rel = self._lookup[
            if exists:
                                      ttl=self._calc_ttl(epoch, rel))
        return exists
Example #10
class KBaseUserLookup:
    ''' A client for contacting the KBase authentication server to verify user names. '''
    def __init__(self,
                 auth_url: str,
                 auth_token: str,
                 full_admin_roles: List[str] = None,
                 read_admin_roles: List[str] = None,
                 cache_max_size: int = 10000,
                 cache_admin_expiration: int = 300,
                 cache_valid_expiration: int = 3600):
        Create the client.
        :param auth_url: The root url of the authentication service.
        :param auth_token: A valid token for the authentication service.
        :raises InvalidTokenError: if the token is invalid
        :param cache_max_size: the maximum size of the token -> admin and username -> validity
        :param cache_admin_expiration: the default expiration time for the token -> admin cache in
            seconds. This time can be overridden by a user handler on a per token basis.
        :param cache_valid_expiration: the default expiration time for the  username ->
            validity cache. This time can be overridden by a user handler on a per user basis.
        self._url = _not_falsy(auth_url, 'auth_url')
        if not self._url.endswith('/'):
            self._url += '/'
        self._user_url = self._url + 'api/V2/users?list='
        self._me_url = self._url + 'api/V2/me'
        self._token = _not_falsy(auth_token, 'auth_token')
        self._full_roles = set(full_admin_roles) if full_admin_roles else set()
        self._read_roles = set(read_admin_roles) if read_admin_roles else set()
        self._cache_timer = time.time
        self._admin_cache = LRUCache(timer=self._cache_timer,
        self._valid_cache = LRUCache(timer=self._cache_timer,

        # Auth 0.4.1 needs to be deployed before this will work
        # r = requests.get(self._url, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'})
        # self._check_error(r)
        # if r.json().get('servicename') != 'Authentication Service':
        #     raise IOError(f'The service at {self._url} does not appear to be the KBase ' +
        #                   'Authentication Service')

        # could use the server time to adjust for clock skew, probably not worth the trouble

        # check token is valid
        r = requests.get(self._user_url,
                             'Accept': 'application/json',
                             'authorization': self._token
        # need to test this with a mock. YAGNI for now.
        # if r.json() != {}:
        #    raise ValueError(f'Invalid auth url, expected empty map, got {r.text}')

    def _check_error(self, r):
        if r.status_code != 200:
                j = r.json()
            except Exception:
                err = (
                    'Non-JSON response from KBase auth server, status code: ' +
                logging.getLogger(__name__).info('%s, response:\n%s', err,
                raise IOError(err)
            # assume that if we get json then at least this is the auth server and we can
            # rely on the error structure.
            if j['error'].get('appcode') == 10020:  # Invalid token
                raise InvalidTokenError(
                    'KBase auth server reported token is invalid.')
            if j['error'].get('appcode') == 30010:  # Invalid username
                raise InvalidUserError(
                    'The KBase auth server is being very assertive about ' +
                    'one of the usernames being illegal: ' +
            # don't really see any other error codes we need to worry about - maybe disabled?
            # worry about it later.
            raise IOError('Error from KBase auth server: ' +

    def invalid_users(self, usernames: Sequence[UserID]) -> List[UserID]:
        Check whether users exist in the authentication service.

        :param users: the users to check.
        :returns: A list of users that have legal usernames but do not exist in the authentication
        :raises InvalidTokenError: if the token has expired
        :raises InvalidUserError: if any of the user names are illegal user names.
        if usernames is None:
            raise ValueError('usernames cannot be None')
        if not usernames:
            return []
        _no_falsy_in_iterable(usernames, 'usernames')

        bad_usernames = [
            u for u in usernames
            if not self._valid_cache.get(, default=False)
        if len(bad_usernames) == 0:
            return []

        r = requests.get(self._user_url +
                         ','.join([ for u in bad_usernames]),
                         headers={'Authorization': self._token})
        good_users = r.json()
        for u in bad_usernames:
            if in good_users:
                self._valid_cache.set(, True)

        return [u for u in bad_usernames if not in good_users]

    def is_admin(self, token: str) -> Tuple[AdminPermission, str]:
        Check whether a user is a service administrator.

        :param token: The user's token.
        :returns: A tuple consisting of an enum indicating the user's administration permissions,
          if any, and the username.
        # TODO CODE should regex the token to check for \n etc., but the SDK has already checked it
        _not_falsy(token, 'token')

        admin_cache = self._admin_cache.get(token, default=False)
        if admin_cache:
            return admin_cache
        r = requests.get(self._me_url, headers={'Authorization': token})
        j = r.json()
        v = (self._get_role(j['customroles']), j['user'])
        self._admin_cache.set(token, v)
        return v

    def _get_role(self, roles):
        r = set(roles)
        if r & self._full_roles:
            return AdminPermission.FULL
        if r & self._read_roles:
            return AdminPermission.READ
        return AdminPermission.NONE