Example #1
def updateProject(path):
    mcProj = MultiCactusProject()
    basePath, name = os.path.split(path)
    for name,oldPath in mcProj.expMap.items():
        fileName = os.path.basename(oldPath)
        dirName = os.path.dirname(oldPath).rpartition('/')[2] 
        newPath = os.path.join(basePath, dirName, fileName)
        if not os.path.isfile(newPath):
            raise RuntimeError("Experiment file %s not found\n" % newPath)
        mcProj.expMap[name] = newPath   
        exp = ExperimentWrapper(ET.parse(newPath).getroot())
        oldDbDir = exp.getDbDir()
        if oldDbDir is not None:
            dbDirName = oldDbDir[oldDbDir.find(name):]
            newDbDir = os.path.join(basePath, dbDirName)
        oldRefPath = exp.getReferencePath()
        if oldRefPath is not None:
            refName = oldRefPath[oldRefPath.find(name):]
            newRefPath = os.path.join(basePath, refName)
        oldHalPath = exp.getHALPath()
        if oldHalPath is not None:
            halName = oldHalPath[oldHalPath.find(name):]
            newHalPath = os.path.join(basePath, halName)

        oldHalFastaPath = exp.getHALFastaPath()
        if oldHalFastaPath is not None:
            halFastaName = oldHalFastaPath[oldHalFastaPath.find(name):]
            newHalFastaPath = os.path.join(basePath, halFastaName)

        # seems to have dissappeared from experiment?
        #oldMafPath = exp.getMAFPath()
        #if oldMafPath is not None:
        #    mafName = oldMafPath[oldMafPath.find(name):]
        #    newMafPath = os.path.join(basePath, mafName)
        #    exp.setMAFPath(newMafPath)

        if exp.getDbType() == "kyoto_tycoon":
            oldHostName = exp.getDbHost()
            if oldHostName is not None:
                newHostName = socket.gethostname()
        system("cp %s %s.old" %(newPath, newPath))
Example #2
    def run(self):
        logger.info("Progressive Up: " + self.event)

        # open up the experiment
        # note that we copy the path into the options here
        self.options.experimentFile = self.project.expMap[self.event]
        expXml = ET.parse(self.options.experimentFile).getroot()
        experiment = ExperimentWrapper(expXml)
        configXml = ET.parse(experiment.getConfigPath()).getroot()
        configWrapper = ConfigWrapper(configXml)

        # need at least 3 processes for every event when using ktserver:
        # 1 proc to run jobs, 1 proc to run server, 1 proc to run 2ndary server
        if experiment.getDbType() == "kyoto_tycoon":            
            maxParallel = min(len(self.project.expMap),
            if self.options.batchSystem == "singleMachine":
                if int(self.options.maxThreads) < maxParallel * 3:
                    raise RuntimeError("At least %d threads are required (only %d were specified) to handle up to %d events using kyoto tycoon. Either increase the number of threads using the --maxThreads option or decrease the number of parallel jobs (currently %d) by adjusting max_parallel_subtrees in the config file" % (maxParallel * 3, self.options.maxThreads, maxParallel, configWrapper.getMaxParallelSubtrees()))
                if int(self.options.maxCpus) < maxParallel * 3:
                    raise RuntimeError("At least %d concurrent cpus are required to handle up to %d events using kyoto tycoon. Either increase the number of cpus using the --maxCpus option or decrease the number of parallel jobs (currently %d) by adjusting max_parallel_subtrees in the config file" % (maxParallel * 3, maxParallel, configWrapper.getMaxParallelSubtrees()))
        # take union of command line options and config options for hal and reference
        if self.options.buildReference == False:
            refNode = findRequiredNode(configXml, "reference")
            self.options.buildReference = getOptionalAttrib(refNode, "buildReference", bool, False)
        halNode = findRequiredNode(configXml, "hal")
        if self.options.buildHal == False:
            self.options.buildHal = getOptionalAttrib(halNode, "buildHal", bool, False)
        if self.options.buildFasta == False:
            self.options.buildFasta = getOptionalAttrib(halNode, "buildFasta", bool, False)

        # get parameters that cactus_workflow stuff wants
        workFlowArgs = CactusWorkflowArguments(self.options)
        # copy over the options so we don't trail them around
        workFlowArgs.buildReference = self.options.buildReference
        workFlowArgs.buildHal = self.options.buildHal
        workFlowArgs.buildFasta = self.options.buildFasta
        workFlowArgs.overwrite = self.options.overwrite
        workFlowArgs.globalLeafEventSet = self.options.globalLeafEventSet
        experiment = ExperimentWrapper(workFlowArgs.experimentNode)

        donePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(workFlowArgs.experimentFile), "DONE")
        doneDone = os.path.isfile(donePath)
        refDone = not workFlowArgs.buildReference or os.path.isfile(experiment.getReferencePath())
        halDone = not workFlowArgs.buildHal or (os.path.isfile(experiment.getHALFastaPath()) and
        if not workFlowArgs.overwrite and doneDone and refDone and halDone:
            self.logToMaster("Skipping %s because it is already done and overwrite is disabled" %
            system("rm -f %s" % donePath)
            # delete database 
            # and overwrite specified (or if reference not present)
            dbPath = os.path.join(experiment.getDbDir(), 
            seqPath = os.path.join(experiment.getDbDir(), "sequences")
            system("rm -f %s* %s %s" % (dbPath, seqPath, 

            if workFlowArgs.configWrapper.getDoTrimStrategy() and workFlowArgs.outgroupEventNames is not None:
                # Use the trimming strategy to blast ingroups vs outgroups.
                self.addChildTarget(CactusTrimmingBlastPhase(cactusWorkflowArguments=workFlowArgs, phaseName="trimBlast"))
        logger.info("Going to create alignments and define the cactus tree")

        self.setFollowOnTarget(FinishUp(workFlowArgs, self.project))