Example #1
def test_multiple_ext_cutouts():
    test_subject = OpenCADCCutout()
    cutout_file_name_path = test_context.random_test_file_name_path()
    cutout_regions = [
        PixelCutoutHDU([(1, 100), (1, 100)], "1"),
        PixelCutoutHDU([(1, 100), (1, 100)], "3")
    with open(cutout_file_name_path, 'wb') as output_writer, \
            open(target_file_name, 'rb') as input_reader:
        test_subject.cutout(cutout_regions, input_reader, output_writer,
    expected = fits.open(target_file_name, do_not_scale_image_data=True)
    actual = fits.open(cutout_file_name_path, do_not_scale_image_data=True)

    assert len(actual) == 3
    # test primary header unchanged
    assert len(expected[0].header) == len(actual[0].header)
    for key in expected[0].header.keys():
        assert expected[0].header[key] == actual[0].header[key]

    # check BSCALE and BZERO correct in cutout file
    assert expected[1].header['BSCALE'] == actual[1].header['BSCALE']
    assert expected[1].header['BZERO'] == actual[1].header['BZERO']
    assert expected[3].header['BSCALE'] == actual[2].header['BSCALE']
    assert expected[3].header['BZERO'] == actual[2].header['BZERO']
Example #2
def test_construct():
    test_subject = OpenCADCCutout()

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve:
    assert str(ve.value) == 'No Cutout regions specified.', \
        'Wrong error message.'

    with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
        test_subject.cutout([PixelCutoutHDU([(8, 10)])],
Example #3
def test_astropy_scaling():
    test_subject = OpenCADCCutout()
    cutout_file_name_path = test_context.random_test_file_name_path()
    cutout_regions = [PixelCutoutHDU([], "2")]
    # Write out a test file with the test result FITS data.
    with open(cutout_file_name_path, 'wb') as output_writer, \
            open(target_file_name, 'rb') as input_reader:
        test_subject.cutout(cutout_regions, input_reader, output_writer,

    # now check that BZERO and BSCALE have not been changed
    expected = fits.open(target_file_name, do_not_scale_image_data=True)
    actual = fits.open(cutout_file_name_path, do_not_scale_image_data=True)

    # check headers and data not changed. Except ...
    # expected missing keywords from actual: PCOUNT, XTENSION and GCOUNT
    # added to actual: SIMPLE
    del expected[2].header['PCOUNT']
    del expected[2].header['XTENSION']
    del expected[2].header['GCOUNT']
    assert 'SIMPLE' in actual[0].header
    del actual[0].header['SIMPLE']

    assert len(expected[2].header) == len(actual[0].header)
    for key in expected[2].header.keys():
        assert expected[2].header[key] == actual[0].header[key]
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected[2].data, actual[0].data,
                                  'Arrays do not match.')

    # do a cutout
    cutout_regions = [PixelCutoutHDU([(1, 100), (1, 100)], "3")]
    # Write out a test file with the test result FITS data.
    with open(cutout_file_name_path, 'wb') as output_writer, \
            open(target_file_name, 'rb') as input_reader:
        test_subject.cutout(cutout_regions, input_reader, output_writer,

    # now check that BZERO and BSCALE have not been changed
    expected = fits.open(target_file_name, do_not_scale_image_data=True)
    actual = fits.open(cutout_file_name_path, do_not_scale_image_data=True)

    # check only expected headers changed
    # changed headers
    del expected[3].header['PCOUNT']
    del expected[3].header['XTENSION']
    del expected[3].header['GCOUNT']
    assert 'SIMPLE' in actual[0].header
    del actual[0].header['SIMPLE']
    assert len(expected[3].header) == len(actual[0].header)
    for key in expected[3].header.keys():
        if key == 'NAXIS1' or key == 'NAXIS2':
            assert actual[0].header[key] == 100
            assert expected[3].header[key] == actual[0].header[key]
def test_simple_cutout():
    test_subject = OpenCADCCutout()
    cutout_file_name_path = test_context.random_test_file_name_path()
    logger.info('Testing with {}'.format(cutout_file_name_path))
    cutout_regions = [PixelCutoutHDU([(300, 800), (810, 1000)])]

    # Write out a test file with the test result FITS data.
    with open(cutout_file_name_path, 'ab+') as output_writer, \
            open(target_file_name, 'rb') as input_reader:
        test_subject.cutout(cutout_regions, input_reader, output_writer,

    with fits.open(expected_cutout_file_name, mode='readonly') \
            as expected_hdu_list, \
            fits.open(cutout_file_name_path, mode='readonly') \
            as result_hdu_list:
        fits_diff = fits.FITSDiff(expected_hdu_list, result_hdu_list)
            (), fits_diff.diff_hdu_count, 'HDU count diff should be empty.')

        for extension, result_hdu in enumerate(result_hdu_list):
            expected_hdu = expected_hdu_list[extension]
            expected_wcs = WCS(header=expected_hdu.header)
            result_wcs = WCS(header=result_hdu.header)

                expected_wcs.wcs.crpix, result_wcs.wcs.crpix,
                'Wrong CRPIX values.')
                expected_wcs.wcs.crval, result_wcs.wcs.crval,
                'Wrong CRVAL values.')
            assert expected_hdu.header['NAXIS1'] \
                == result_hdu.header['NAXIS1'], 'Wrong NAXIS1 values.'
            assert expected_hdu.header['NAXIS2'] \
                == result_hdu.header['NAXIS2'], 'Wrong NAXIS2 values.'
            assert expected_hdu.header.get(
                'CHECKSUM') is None, 'Should not contain CHECKSUM.'
            assert expected_hdu.header.get(
                'DATASUM') is None, 'Should not contain DATASUM.'
                np.squeeze(expected_hdu.data), result_hdu.data,
                'Arrays do not match.')
Example #5
def test_multiple_cutouts_single_ext():
    test_subject = OpenCADCCutout()
    cutout_file_name_path = test_context.random_test_file_name_path()
    cutout_regions = [
        PixelCutoutHDU([(1, 100), (1, 100)], "1"),
        PixelCutoutHDU([(200, 300), (2, 300)], "1")
    with open(cutout_file_name_path, 'wb') as output_writer, \
            open(target_file_name, 'rb') as input_reader:
        test_subject.cutout(cutout_regions, input_reader, output_writer,
    expected = fits.open(target_file_name, do_not_scale_image_data=True)
    actual = fits.open(cutout_file_name_path, do_not_scale_image_data=True)

    # cutouts in the same extension => no extra primary HDU
    assert len(actual) == 2
    # test primary header changed
    assert len(expected[0].header) != len(actual[0].header)

    # check BSCALE and BZERO correct in cutout file
    assert expected[1].header['BSCALE'] == actual[0].header['BSCALE']
    assert expected[1].header['BZERO'] == actual[0].header['BZERO']
    assert expected[1].header['BSCALE'] == actual[1].header['BSCALE']
    assert expected[1].header['BZERO'] == actual[1].header['BZERO']
Example #6
def test_construct():
    test_subject = OpenCADCCutout()

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve:
        assert '{}'.format(ve) == 'No Cutout regions specified.', \
            'Wrong error message.'

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve:
        test_subject.cutout([PixelCutoutHDU([(8, 10)])], input_reader=None)
        assert '{}'.format(ve) == 'No input source specified.', \
            'Wrong error message.'

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve:
        test_subject.cutout([PixelCutoutHDU([(8, 10)])], output_writer=None)
        assert '{}'.format(ve) == 'No output target specified.', \
            'Wrong error message.'