Example #1
    def __init__(self, ds=0, *args, **kwargs):
        self._args = args
        self._kwargs = kwargs
        self._ds = 0
        self._dm = 0

        self.units = dict(mass='Msun',

        # check for unit overrides
        for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs):
            if k.lower() in self.units:
                self.units[k.lower()] = v

        self.global_particle_lists = ParticleListContainer(self)
        self.simulation = SimulationAttributes()
        self.yt_dataset = ds

        self.nhalos = 0
        self.ngalaxies = 0
        self.nclouds = 0
        self.halos = []
        self.galaxies = []
        self.group_types = []

Example #2
    def __init__(self, filename, skip_hash_check=False):
        self._ds = None
        self.data_file = os.path.abspath(filename)
        self.skip_hash_check = skip_hash_check

        self._halo_dmlist = LazyDataset(self, 'halo_data/lists/dmlist')
        self._halo_slist = LazyDataset(self, 'halo_data/lists/slist')
        self._halo_glist = LazyDataset(self, 'halo_data/lists/glist')
        self._halo_bhlist = LazyDataset(self, 'halo_data/lists/bhlist')
        self._halo_dlist = LazyDataset(self, 'halo_data/lists/dlist')

        self._galaxy_slist = LazyDataset(self, 'galaxy_data/lists/slist')
        self._galaxy_glist = LazyDataset(self, 'galaxy_data/lists/glist')
        self._galaxy_bhlist = LazyDataset(self, 'galaxy_data/lists/bhlist')
        self._galaxy_dlist = LazyDataset(self, 'galaxy_data/lists/dlist')

        self._cloud_glist = LazyDataset(self, 'cloud_data/lists/glist')
        self._cloud_dlist = LazyDataset(self, 'cloud_data/lists/dlist')

        with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as hd:
            mylog.info('Opening {}'.format(filename))

            if 'hash' in hd.attrs:
                self.hash = hd.attrs['hash']
                self.hash = None
            if isinstance(self.hash, np.bytes_):
                self.hash = self.hash.decode('utf8')

            # This should probably be caesar_version or something
            self.caesar = hd.attrs['caesar']

            self.unit_registry = UnitRegistry.from_json(

            # Load the information about the simulation itself
            self.simulation = SimulationAttributes()
            self.simulation._unpack(self, hd)

            # Halo data is loaded unconditionally, AFAICT it's always present
            self._galaxy_index_list = None
            if 'halo_data/lists/galaxy_index_list' in hd:
                self._galaxy_index_list = LazyDataset(
                    self, 'halo_data/lists/galaxy_index_list')

            self._halo_data = {}
            for k, v in hd['halo_data'].items():
                if type(v) is h5py.Dataset:
                    self._halo_data[k] = LazyDataset(self, 'halo_data/' + k)

            self._halo_dicts = defaultdict(dict)
            for k in hd['halo_data/dicts']:
                dictname, arrname = k.split('.')
                self._halo_dicts[dictname][arrname] = LazyDataset(
                    self, 'halo_data/dicts/' + k)

            if 'tree_data/progen_halo_dm' in hd:
                    'progen_halo_dm'] = self._progen_halo_dm = LazyDataset(
                        self, 'tree_data/progen_halo_dm')

            if 'tree_data/descend_halo_dm' in hd:
                    'descend_halo_dm'] = self._descend_halo_dm = LazyDataset(
                        self, 'tree_data/descend_halo_dm')

            self.nhalos = hd.attrs['nhalos']
            self.halos = LazyList(self.nhalos, lambda i: Halo(self, i))
            mylog.info('Found {} halos'.format(len(self.halos)))

            # Provide default values for everything, so that if a simulation
            # without galaxies is loaded we get zero galaxies, not AttributeErrors
            self._galaxy_data = {}
            self._galaxy_dicts = defaultdict(dict)
            self.ngalaxies = 0
            self.galaxies = LazyList(self.ngalaxies, lambda i: Galaxy(self, i))
            if 'galaxy_data' in hd:
                self._cloud_index_list = None
                if 'galaxy_data/lists/cloud_index_list' in hd:
                    self._cloud_index_list = LazyDataset(
                        self, 'galaxy_data/lists/cloud_index_list')

                if 'tree_data/progen_galaxy_star' in hd:
                        'progen_galaxy_star'] = self._progen_galaxy_star = LazyDataset(
                            self, 'tree_data/progen_galaxy_star')

                if 'tree_data/descend_galaxy_star' in hd:
                        'descend_galaxy_star'] = self._descend_galaxy_star = LazyDataset(
                            self, 'tree_data/descend_galaxy_star')

                for k, v in hd['galaxy_data'].items():
                    if type(v) is h5py.Dataset:
                        self._galaxy_data[k] = LazyDataset(
                            self, 'galaxy_data/' + k)

                for k in hd['galaxy_data/dicts']:
                    dictname, arrname = k.split('.')
                    self._galaxy_dicts[dictname][arrname] = LazyDataset(
                        self, 'galaxy_data/dicts/' + k)

                self.ngalaxies = hd.attrs['ngalaxies']
                self.galaxies = LazyList(self.ngalaxies,
                                         lambda i: Galaxy(self, i))
                mylog.info('Found {} galaxies'.format(len(self.galaxies)))

            self._cloud_data = {}
            self._cloud_dicts = defaultdict(dict)
            self.nclouds = 0
            self.clouds = LazyList(self.nclouds, lambda i: Cloud(self, i))
            if 'cloud_data' in hd:
                for k, v in hd['cloud_data'].items():
                    if type(v) is h5py.Dataset:
                        self._cloud_data[k] = LazyDataset(
                            self, 'cloud_data/' + k)

                for k in hd['cloud_data/dicts']:
                    dictname, arrname = k.split('.')
                    self._cloud_dicts[dictname][arrname] = LazyDataset(
                        self, 'cloud_data/dicts/' + k)

                if 'tree_data/progen_cloud_gas' in hd:
                        'progen_cloud_gas'] = self._progen_cloud_gas = LazyDataset(
                            self, 'tree_data/progen_cloud_gas')

                if 'tree_data/descend_cloud_gas' in hd:
                        'descend_cloud_gas'] = self._descend_cloud_gas = LazyDataset(
                            self, 'tree_data/descend_cloud_gas')

                self.nclouds = hd.attrs['nclouds']
                self.clouds = LazyList(self.nclouds, lambda i: Cloud(self, i))
                mylog.info('Found {} clouds'.format(len(self.clouds)))
Example #3
class CAESAR:
    def __init__(self, filename, skip_hash_check=False):
        self._ds = None
        self.data_file = os.path.abspath(filename)
        self.skip_hash_check = skip_hash_check

        self._halo_dmlist = LazyDataset(self, 'halo_data/lists/dmlist')
        self._halo_slist = LazyDataset(self, 'halo_data/lists/slist')
        self._halo_glist = LazyDataset(self, 'halo_data/lists/glist')
        self._halo_bhlist = LazyDataset(self, 'halo_data/lists/bhlist')
        self._halo_dlist = LazyDataset(self, 'halo_data/lists/dlist')

        self._galaxy_slist = LazyDataset(self, 'galaxy_data/lists/slist')
        self._galaxy_glist = LazyDataset(self, 'galaxy_data/lists/glist')
        self._galaxy_bhlist = LazyDataset(self, 'galaxy_data/lists/bhlist')
        self._galaxy_dlist = LazyDataset(self, 'galaxy_data/lists/dlist')

        self._cloud_glist = LazyDataset(self, 'cloud_data/lists/glist')
        self._cloud_dlist = LazyDataset(self, 'cloud_data/lists/dlist')

        with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as hd:
            mylog.info('Opening {}'.format(filename))

            if 'hash' in hd.attrs:
                self.hash = hd.attrs['hash']
                self.hash = None
            if isinstance(self.hash, np.bytes_):
                self.hash = self.hash.decode('utf8')

            # This should probably be caesar_version or something
            self.caesar = hd.attrs['caesar']

            self.unit_registry = UnitRegistry.from_json(

            # Load the information about the simulation itself
            self.simulation = SimulationAttributes()
            self.simulation._unpack(self, hd)

            # Halo data is loaded unconditionally, AFAICT it's always present
            self._galaxy_index_list = None
            if 'halo_data/lists/galaxy_index_list' in hd:
                self._galaxy_index_list = LazyDataset(
                    self, 'halo_data/lists/galaxy_index_list')

            self._halo_data = {}
            for k, v in hd['halo_data'].items():
                if type(v) is h5py.Dataset:
                    self._halo_data[k] = LazyDataset(self, 'halo_data/' + k)

            self._halo_dicts = defaultdict(dict)
            for k in hd['halo_data/dicts']:
                dictname, arrname = k.split('.')
                self._halo_dicts[dictname][arrname] = LazyDataset(
                    self, 'halo_data/dicts/' + k)

            if 'tree_data/progen_halo_dm' in hd:
                    'progen_halo_dm'] = self._progen_halo_dm = LazyDataset(
                        self, 'tree_data/progen_halo_dm')

            if 'tree_data/descend_halo_dm' in hd:
                    'descend_halo_dm'] = self._descend_halo_dm = LazyDataset(
                        self, 'tree_data/descend_halo_dm')

            self.nhalos = hd.attrs['nhalos']
            self.halos = LazyList(self.nhalos, lambda i: Halo(self, i))
            mylog.info('Found {} halos'.format(len(self.halos)))

            # Provide default values for everything, so that if a simulation
            # without galaxies is loaded we get zero galaxies, not AttributeErrors
            self._galaxy_data = {}
            self._galaxy_dicts = defaultdict(dict)
            self.ngalaxies = 0
            self.galaxies = LazyList(self.ngalaxies, lambda i: Galaxy(self, i))
            if 'galaxy_data' in hd:
                self._cloud_index_list = None
                if 'galaxy_data/lists/cloud_index_list' in hd:
                    self._cloud_index_list = LazyDataset(
                        self, 'galaxy_data/lists/cloud_index_list')

                if 'tree_data/progen_galaxy_star' in hd:
                        'progen_galaxy_star'] = self._progen_galaxy_star = LazyDataset(
                            self, 'tree_data/progen_galaxy_star')

                if 'tree_data/descend_galaxy_star' in hd:
                        'descend_galaxy_star'] = self._descend_galaxy_star = LazyDataset(
                            self, 'tree_data/descend_galaxy_star')

                for k, v in hd['galaxy_data'].items():
                    if type(v) is h5py.Dataset:
                        self._galaxy_data[k] = LazyDataset(
                            self, 'galaxy_data/' + k)

                for k in hd['galaxy_data/dicts']:
                    dictname, arrname = k.split('.')
                    self._galaxy_dicts[dictname][arrname] = LazyDataset(
                        self, 'galaxy_data/dicts/' + k)

                self.ngalaxies = hd.attrs['ngalaxies']
                self.galaxies = LazyList(self.ngalaxies,
                                         lambda i: Galaxy(self, i))
                mylog.info('Found {} galaxies'.format(len(self.galaxies)))

            self._cloud_data = {}
            self._cloud_dicts = defaultdict(dict)
            self.nclouds = 0
            self.clouds = LazyList(self.nclouds, lambda i: Cloud(self, i))
            if 'cloud_data' in hd:
                for k, v in hd['cloud_data'].items():
                    if type(v) is h5py.Dataset:
                        self._cloud_data[k] = LazyDataset(
                            self, 'cloud_data/' + k)

                for k in hd['cloud_data/dicts']:
                    dictname, arrname = k.split('.')
                    self._cloud_dicts[dictname][arrname] = LazyDataset(
                        self, 'cloud_data/dicts/' + k)

                if 'tree_data/progen_cloud_gas' in hd:
                        'progen_cloud_gas'] = self._progen_cloud_gas = LazyDataset(
                            self, 'tree_data/progen_cloud_gas')

                if 'tree_data/descend_cloud_gas' in hd:
                        'descend_cloud_gas'] = self._descend_cloud_gas = LazyDataset(
                            self, 'tree_data/descend_cloud_gas')

                self.nclouds = hd.attrs['nclouds']
                self.clouds = LazyList(self.nclouds, lambda i: Cloud(self, i))
                mylog.info('Found {} clouds'.format(len(self.clouds)))

    def yt_dataset(self):
        """The yt dataset to perform actions on."""
        if self._ds is None:
            raise Exception('No yt_dataset assigned!\nPlease assign '
                            'one via `obj.yt_dataset=<YT DATASET>` '
                            'to load particle/field data from disk.')
        return self._ds

    def yt_dataset(self, value):
        if value is None:

        if not hasattr(value, 'dataset_type'):
            raise ValueError('not a yt dataset?')

        #if 'skip_hash_check' in self._kwargs and self._kwargs['skip_hash_check']:
        if (self.skip_hash_check) or (self.hash is None):
            hash = self.hash
            hash = get_hash(os.path.join(value.fullpath, value.basename))
        if hash != self.hash:
            raise RuntimeError('hash mismatch!')

        self._ds = value
        self._ds_type = DatasetType(self._ds)

    def central_galaxies(self):
        return [h.central_galaxy for h in self.halos]

    def satellite_galaxies(self):
        galaxies = []
        for h in self.halos:

    def galinfo(self, top=10):
        info_printer(self, 'galaxy', top)

    def haloinfo(self, top=10):
        info_printer(self, 'halo', top)

    def cloudinfo(self, top=10):
        info_printer(self, 'cloud', top)
Example #4
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self._ds = None
        self.data_file = os.path.abspath(filename)

        self._halo_dmlist = LazyArray(self, 'halo_data/lists/dmlist')
        self._halo_slist = LazyArray(self, 'halo_data/lists/slist')
        self._halo_glist = LazyArray(self, 'halo_data/lists/glist')
        self._halo_bhlist = LazyArray(self, 'halo_data/lists/bhlist')
        self._halo_dlist = LazyArray(self, 'halo_data/lists/dlist')

        self._galaxy_slist = LazyArray(self, 'galaxy_data/lists/slist')
        self._galaxy_glist = LazyArray(self, 'galaxy_data/lists/glist')
        self._galaxy_bhlist = LazyArray(self, 'galaxy_data/lists/bhlist')
        self._galaxy_dlist = LazyArray(self, 'galaxy_data/lists/dlist')

        self._cloud_glist = LazyArray(self, 'cloud_data/lists/glist')
        self._cloud_dlist = LazyArray(self, 'cloud_data/lists/dlist')

        with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as hd:
            mylog.info('Reading {}'.format(filename))

            self.hash = hd.attrs['hash']
            self.caesar = hd.attrs['caesar']

            self.unit_registry = UnitRegistry.from_json(

            # Load the information about the simulation itself
            self.simulation = SimulationAttributes()
            self.simulation._unpack(self, hd)

            mylog.info('Loading halos')
            self._galaxy_index_list = None
            if 'halo_data/lists/galaxy_index_list' in hd:
                self._galaxy_index_list = LazyArray(
                    self, 'halo_data/lists/galaxy_index_list')

            self._halo_data = {}
            for k, v in hd['halo_data'].items():
                if type(v) is h5py.Dataset:
                    self._halo_data[k] = LazyArray(self, 'halo_data/' + k)

            self._halo_dicts = defaultdict(dict)
            for k in hd['halo_data/dicts']:
                dictname, arrname = k.split('.')
                self._halo_dicts[dictname][arrname] = LazyArray(
                    self, 'halo_data/dicts/' + k)

            self.nhalos = hd.attrs['nhalos']
            self.halos = LazyList(self.nhalos, lambda i: Halo(self, i))
            mylog.info('Loaded {} halos'.format(len(self.halos)))

            self._galaxy_data = {}
            self._galaxy_dicts = defaultdict(dict)
            self.ngalaxies = 0
            self.galaxies = LazyList(self.ngalaxies, lambda i: Galaxy(self, i))
            if 'galaxy_data' in hd:
                mylog.info('Loading galaxies')
                self._cloud_index_list = None
                if 'galaxy_data/lists/cloud_index_list' in hd:
                    self._cloud_index_list = LazyArray(
                        self, 'galaxy_data/lists/cloud_index_list')

                for k, v in hd['galaxy_data'].items():
                    if type(v) is h5py.Dataset:
                        self._galaxy_data[k] = LazyArray(
                            self, 'galaxy_data/' + k)

                for k in hd['galaxy_data/dicts']:
                    dictname, arrname = k.split('.')
                    self._galaxy_dicts[dictname][arrname] = LazyArray(
                        self, 'galaxy_data/dicts/' + k)

                self.ngalaxies = hd.attrs['ngalaxies']
                self.galaxies = LazyList(self.ngalaxies,
                                         lambda i: Galaxy(self, i))
                mylog.info('Loaded {} galaxies'.format(len(self.galaxies)))

            self._cloud_data = {}
            self._cloud_dicts = defaultdict(dict)
            self.nclouds = 0
            self.clouds = LazyList(self.nclouds, lambda i: Cloud(self, i))
            if 'cloud_data' in hd:
                mylog.info('Loading clouds')
                for k, v in hd['cloud_data'].items():
                    if type(v) is h5py.Dataset:
                        self._cloud_data[k] = LazyArray(
                            self, 'cloud_data/' + k)

                for k in hd['cloud_data/dicts']:
                    dictname, arrname = k.split('.')
                    self._cloud_dicts[dictname][arrname] = LazyArray(
                        self, 'cloud_data/dicts/' + k)

                self.nclouds = hd.attrs['nclouds']
                self.clouds = LazyList(self.nclouds, lambda i: Cloud(self, i))
                mylog.info('Loaded {} clouds'.format(len(self.clouds)))
Example #5
class CAESAR:
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self._ds = None
        self.data_file = os.path.abspath(filename)

        self._halo_dmlist = LazyArray(self, 'halo_data/lists/dmlist')
        self._halo_slist = LazyArray(self, 'halo_data/lists/slist')
        self._halo_glist = LazyArray(self, 'halo_data/lists/glist')
        self._halo_bhlist = LazyArray(self, 'halo_data/lists/bhlist')
        self._halo_dlist = LazyArray(self, 'halo_data/lists/dlist')

        self._galaxy_slist = LazyArray(self, 'galaxy_data/lists/slist')
        self._galaxy_glist = LazyArray(self, 'galaxy_data/lists/glist')
        self._galaxy_bhlist = LazyArray(self, 'galaxy_data/lists/bhlist')
        self._galaxy_dlist = LazyArray(self, 'galaxy_data/lists/dlist')

        self._cloud_glist = LazyArray(self, 'cloud_data/lists/glist')
        self._cloud_dlist = LazyArray(self, 'cloud_data/lists/dlist')

        with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as hd:
            mylog.info('Reading {}'.format(filename))

            self.hash = hd.attrs['hash']
            self.caesar = hd.attrs['caesar']

            self.unit_registry = UnitRegistry.from_json(

            # Load the information about the simulation itself
            self.simulation = SimulationAttributes()
            self.simulation._unpack(self, hd)

            mylog.info('Loading halos')
            self._galaxy_index_list = None
            if 'halo_data/lists/galaxy_index_list' in hd:
                self._galaxy_index_list = LazyArray(
                    self, 'halo_data/lists/galaxy_index_list')

            self._halo_data = {}
            for k, v in hd['halo_data'].items():
                if type(v) is h5py.Dataset:
                    self._halo_data[k] = LazyArray(self, 'halo_data/' + k)

            self._halo_dicts = defaultdict(dict)
            for k in hd['halo_data/dicts']:
                dictname, arrname = k.split('.')
                self._halo_dicts[dictname][arrname] = LazyArray(
                    self, 'halo_data/dicts/' + k)

            self.nhalos = hd.attrs['nhalos']
            self.halos = LazyList(self.nhalos, lambda i: Halo(self, i))
            mylog.info('Loaded {} halos'.format(len(self.halos)))

            self._galaxy_data = {}
            self._galaxy_dicts = defaultdict(dict)
            self.ngalaxies = 0
            self.galaxies = LazyList(self.ngalaxies, lambda i: Galaxy(self, i))
            if 'galaxy_data' in hd:
                mylog.info('Loading galaxies')
                self._cloud_index_list = None
                if 'galaxy_data/lists/cloud_index_list' in hd:
                    self._cloud_index_list = LazyArray(
                        self, 'galaxy_data/lists/cloud_index_list')

                for k, v in hd['galaxy_data'].items():
                    if type(v) is h5py.Dataset:
                        self._galaxy_data[k] = LazyArray(
                            self, 'galaxy_data/' + k)

                for k in hd['galaxy_data/dicts']:
                    dictname, arrname = k.split('.')
                    self._galaxy_dicts[dictname][arrname] = LazyArray(
                        self, 'galaxy_data/dicts/' + k)

                self.ngalaxies = hd.attrs['ngalaxies']
                self.galaxies = LazyList(self.ngalaxies,
                                         lambda i: Galaxy(self, i))
                mylog.info('Loaded {} galaxies'.format(len(self.galaxies)))

            self._cloud_data = {}
            self._cloud_dicts = defaultdict(dict)
            self.nclouds = 0
            self.clouds = LazyList(self.nclouds, lambda i: Cloud(self, i))
            if 'cloud_data' in hd:
                mylog.info('Loading clouds')
                for k, v in hd['cloud_data'].items():
                    if type(v) is h5py.Dataset:
                        self._cloud_data[k] = LazyArray(
                            self, 'cloud_data/' + k)

                for k in hd['cloud_data/dicts']:
                    dictname, arrname = k.split('.')
                    self._cloud_dicts[dictname][arrname] = LazyArray(
                        self, 'cloud_data/dicts/' + k)

                self.nclouds = hd.attrs['nclouds']
                self.clouds = LazyList(self.nclouds, lambda i: Cloud(self, i))
                mylog.info('Loaded {} clouds'.format(len(self.clouds)))

    def yt_dataset(self):
        """The yt dataset to perform actions on."""
        if self._ds is None:
            raise Exception('No yt_dataset assigned!\nPlease assign '
                            'one via `obj.yt_dataset=<YT DATASET>` '
                            'to load particle/field data from disk.')
        return self._ds

    def yt_dataset(self, value):
        if value is None:

        if not hasattr(value, 'dataset_type'):
            raise IOError('not a yt dataset?')

        infile = '%s/%s' % (value.fullpath, value.basename)

        hash = get_hash(infile)
        if hash != self.hash:
            raise IOError('hash mismatch!')
            self._ds = value

        self._ds = value
        self._ds_type = DatasetType(self._ds)

    def central_galaxies(self):
        return [h.central_galaxy for h in self.halos]

    def satellite_galaxies(self):
        galaxies = []
        for h in self.halos:

    def galinfo(self, top=10):
        info_printer(self, 'galaxy', top)

    def haloinfo(self, top=10):
        info_printer(self, 'halo', top)

    def cloudinfo(self, top=10):
        info_printer(self, 'cloud', top)
Example #6
class CAESAR(object):
    """Master CAESAR class.

    CAESAR objects contain all references to halos, galaxies, and
    clouds for a single snapshot.  Its output format is portable and
    global object statistics can be examined without the raw
    simulation file.
    ds : yt dataset, optional
        A dataset via ``ds = yt.load(snapshot)``
    mass : str, optional
        Mass unit to store data with. Defaults to 'Msun'.
    length : str, optional
        Length unit to store data with. Defaults to 'kpccm'.
    velocity : str, optional
        Velocity unit to store data with. Defaults to 'km/s'.
    time : str, optional
        Time unit to store data with. Defaults to 'yr'.
    temperature : str, optional
        Temperature unit to store data with. Defaults to 'K'.

    >>> import caesar
    >>> obj = caesar.CAESAR()

    def __init__(self, ds=0, *args, **kwargs):
        self._args = args
        self._kwargs = kwargs
        self._ds = 0
        self._dm = 0

        self.units = dict(mass='Msun',

        # check for unit overrides
        for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs):
            if k.lower() in self.units:
                self.units[k.lower()] = v

        self.global_particle_lists = ParticleListContainer(self)
        self.simulation = SimulationAttributes()
        self.yt_dataset = ds

        self.nhalos = 0
        self.ngalaxies = 0
        self.nclouds = 0
        self.halos = []
        self.galaxies = []
        self.group_types = []


    def yt_dataset(self):
        """The yt dataset to perform actions on."""
        if isinstance(self._ds, int):
            raise Exception('No yt_dataset assigned!\nPlease assign '\
                            'one via `obj.yt_dataset=<YT DATASET>` ' \
                            'to load particle/field data from disk.')
        return self._ds

    def yt_dataset(self, value):
        if value == 0: return

        if not hasattr(value, 'dataset_type'):
            raise IOError('not a yt dataset?')

        infile = '%s/%s' % (value.fullpath, value.basename)

        self.skip_hash_check = False
        if hasattr(self, 'hash'):
            if isinstance(self.hash, np.bytes_):
                self.hash = self.hash.decode('utf8')

            hash = get_hash(infile)
            if hash != self.hash:
                raise IOError('hash mismatch!')
                self._ds = value
            self._ds = value
            self.hash = get_hash(infile)

        self._ds = value
        self._ds_type = DatasetType(self._ds)

    def _has_galaxies(self):
        """Checks if any galaxies are present."""
        if self.ngalaxies > 0:
            return True
            return False

    def _has_clouds(self):
        """Checks if any clouds are present."""
        if self.nclouds > 0:
            return True
            return False

    def data_manager(self):
        """On demand DataManager class."""
        if isinstance(self._dm, int):
            from caesar.data_manager import DataManager
            self._dm = DataManager(self)
        return self._dm

    def _assign_simulation_attributes(self):
        """Populate the `caesar.simulation_attributes.SimulationAttributes`

    def reset_default_returns(self, group_type='all'):
        """Reset the default returns for object dictionaries.
        This function resets the default return quantities for CAESAR 
        halo/galaxy/cloud objects including ``mass``, ``radius``, ``sigma``, 
        ``metallicity``, and ``temperature``.
        obj : :class:`main.CAESAR`
            Main CAESAR object.
        group_type : {'all', 'halo', 'galaxy', 'cloud'}, optional
            Group to reset return values for.

        self._default_returns = {}
        dr = dict(
        if group_type == 'halo' or group_type == 'all':
            dr['sigma'] = 'dm'
            self._default_returns['halo'] = dr
        if group_type == 'galaxy' or group_type == 'all':
            dr['sigma'] = 'stellar'
            self._default_returns['galaxy'] = dr
        if group_type == 'cloud' or group_type == 'all':
            dr['sigma'] = 'gas'
            self._default_returns['galaxy'] = dr

    def _set_default_returns(self, group_type, category, value):
        """Generic default return setter."""
        from caesar.group import category_mapper, group_types
        if group_type == 'halo': group = self.halos[0]
        elif group_type == 'galaxy': group = self.galaxies[0]
        elif group_type == 'cloud': group = self.clouds[0]

        if category not in category_mapper.keys():
            raise ValueError('%s not a valid category!  Must pick one of %s' %
                             (category, category_mapper.keys()))
        if value not in getattr(group, category_mapper[category]):
            raise ValueError(
                '%s not a valid value!  Must pick one of %s' %
                (value, getattr(group, category_mapper[category]).keys()))

        mylog.warning('Setting default %s return for %s to "%s"' %
                      (category, group_types[group_type], value))
        self._default_returns[group_type][category] = value

    def set_default_halo_returns(self, category, value):
        """Set the default return quantity for a given halo attribute.
        category : str
            The attribute to redirect to a different quantity.
        value : str
            The internal name of the new quantity which must be 
            present in the dictinoary
        self._set_default_returns('halo', category, value)

    def set_default_galaxy_returns(self, category, value):
        """Set the default return quantity for a given galaxy
        category : str
            The attribute to redirect to a different quantity.
        value : str
            The internal name of the new quantity which must be 
            present in the dictinoary
        self._set_default_returns('galaxy', category, value)

    def set_default_cloud_returns(self, category, value):
        """Set the default return quantity for a given cloud
        category : str
            The attribute to redirect to a different quantity.
        value : str
            The internal name of the new quantity which must be 
            present in the dictinoary
        self._set_default_returns('cloud', category, value)

    def _assign_objects(self):
        """Assign galaxies to halos, and central galaxies."""
        import caesar.assignment as assign

    def _link_objects(self):
        """Link galaxies to halos and create sublists."""
        import caesar.linking as link

    def save(self, filename):
        """Save CAESAR file.

        filename : str
            The name of the output file.

        >>> obj.save('output.hdf5')

        from caesar.saver import save
        save(self, filename)

    def member_search(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Meat and potatoes of CAESAR.

        This method is responsible for loading particle/field data
        from disk, creating halos, galaxies and clouds, linking objects
        together, and finally calculating HI/H2 masses if necessary.

        unbind_halos : boolean, optional
            Unbind halos?  Defaults to False
        unbind_galaxies : boolean, optional
            Unbind galaxies?  Defaults to False
        b_halo : float, optional
            Quantity used in the linking length (LL) for halos.
            LL = mean_interparticle_separation * b_halo.  Defaults to 
            ``b_halo = 0.2``.
        b_galaxy : float, optional
            Quantity used in the linking length (LL) for galaxies.
            LL = mean_interparticle_separation * b_galaxy.  Defaults 
            to ``b_galaxy = b_halo * 0.2``.
        ll_cloud : float, optional
            Quantity used in the linking length (LL) for clouds in 
            comoving kpc (kpccm).
        fofclouds: boolean,optional
            Indicates if we're running 3D fof on clouds. Default is that this
            is set to false
        fof6d: boolean, optional
            Indicates if we're running galaxy finding with 6D FOF vs 
            the default of 3D FOF
        fof6d_LL_factor: float, optional        
            Sets linking length for fof6d
        fof6d_mingrp: float, optional
            Sets minimum group size for fof6d
        fof6d_velLL: float, optional
            Sets linking length for velocity in fof6d
        nproc: int, optional
            Sets number of processors for fof6d and progen_rad
        blackholes : boolean, optional
            Indicate if blackholes are present in your simulation.  
            This must be toggled on manually as there is no clear 
            cut way to determine if PartType5 is a low-res particle, 
            or a black hole.
        dust : boolean, optional
            Indicate if active dust particles are present in your simulation.  
            This must be toggled on manually as there is no clear 
            cut way to determine if PartType3 is a low-res particle, 
            or an active dust particle.
        lowres : list, optional
            If you are running ``CAESAR`` on a Gadget/GIZMO zoom
            simulation in HDF5 format, you may want to check
            each halo for low-resolution contamination.  By passing
            in a list of particle types (ex. [2,3,5]) we will check
            ALL objects for contamination and add the 
            ``contamination`` attribute to all objects.  Search
            distance defaults to 2.5x radii['total'].

        >>> obj.member_search(blackholes=False)

        import caesar.assignment as assign
        import caesar.linking as link

        self._args = args
        self._kwargs = kwargs

        if 'v01_member_search' in self._kwargs and self._kwargs[
            from caesar.fubar import fubar
            fubar(self, 'halo')
            fubar(self, 'galaxy')
            fubar(self, 'cloud')
            from caesar.fubar_halo import fubar_halo


        #import caesar.hydrogen_mass_calc as mass_calc

        from caesar.zoom_funcs import all_object_contam_check

    def vtk_vis(self, **kwargs):
        """Method to visualize an entire simulation with VTK.
        obj : :class:`main.CAESAR`
            Simulation object to visualize.
        ptypes : list
            List containing one or more of the following: 
            'dm','gas','star', which dictates which particles to 
        halo_only : boolean
            If True only render particles belonging to halos.
        galaxy_only: boolean
            If True only render particles belonging to galaxies.  Note 
            that this overwrites ``halo_only``.
        annotate_halos : boolean, list, int, optional
            Add labels to the render at the location of halos 
            annotating the group ID and total mass.  If True then all 
            halos are annotated, if an integer list then halos of 
            those indexes are annotated, and finally if an integer 
            than the most massive N halos are annotated.
        annotate_galaxies : boolean, list, int, optional
            Add labels to the render at the location of galaxies 
            annotating the group ID and total mass.  If True then all
            galaxies are annotated, if an integer list then galaxies 
            of those indexes are annotated, and finally if an integer 
            than the most massive N galaxies are annotated.
        from caesar.vtk_funcs import sim_vis
        sim_vis(self, **kwargs)

    def galinfo(self, top=10):
        """Method to print general info for the most massive galaxies
        identified via CAESAR.

        top : int, optional
            Number of results to print.  Defaults to 10.

        This prints to terminal, and is meant for use in an 
        interactive session.

        from caesar.utils import info_printer
        info_printer(self, 'galaxy', top)

    def haloinfo(self, top=10):
        """Method to print general info for the most massive halos
        identified via CAESAR.

        top : int, optional
            Number of results to print.  Defaults to 10.

        This prints to terminal, and is meant for use in an 
        interactive session.

        from caesar.utils import info_printer
        info_printer(self, 'halo', top)

    def cloudinfo(self, top=10):
        """Method to print general info for the most massive clouds
        identified via CAESAR.

        top : int, optional
            Number of results to print.  Defaults to 10.

        This prints to terminal, and is meant for use in an 
        interactive session.

        from caesar.utils import info_printer
        info_printer(self, 'cloud', top)