def flowWarp(img, flow): import caffe width = img.shape[1] height = img.shape[0] print 'processing (%dx%d)' % (width, height) defFile = tempFilename('.prototxt') preprocessFile('/home/ilge/hackathon2/common/prototmp/apply_flow.prototmp', defFile, { 'WIDTH': width, 'HEIGHT': height }) caffe.set_logging_disabled() caffe.set_mode_gpu() net = caffe.Net(defFile, caffe.TEST) os.remove(defFile) print 'network forward pass' img_input = img[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) flow_input = flow[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) net.blobs['image'].reshape(*img_input.shape) net.blobs['image'].data[...] = img_input net.blobs['flow'].reshape(*flow_input.shape) net.blobs['flow'].data[...] = flow_input net.forward() output = net.blobs['output'].data[...].transpose(0, 2, 3, 1).squeeze() return output
def __init__(self, net_proto, net_weights, device_id, input_size=None): caffe.set_logging_disabled() if device_id >= 0: caffe.set_mode_gpu() caffe.set_device(device_id) else: caffe.set_mode_cpu() self._net = caffe.Net(net_proto, net_weights, caffe.TEST) input_shape = self._net.blobs['data'].data.shape if input_size is not None: input_shape = input_shape[:2] + input_size transformer ={'data': input_shape}) if self._net.blobs['data'].data.shape[1] == 3: transformer.set_transpose( 'data', (2, 0, 1)) # move image channels to outermost dimension transformer.set_mean('data', np.array( [104, 117, 123])) # subtract the dataset-mean value in each channel else: pass # non RGB data need not use transformer self._transformer = transformer self._sample_shape = self._net.blobs['data'].data.shape
def load_model(width, height): vars = {} vars['TARGET_WIDTH'] = width vars['TARGET_HEIGHT'] = height divisor = 64. vars['ADAPTED_WIDTH'] = int(ceil(width / divisor) * divisor) vars['ADAPTED_HEIGHT'] = int(ceil(height / divisor) * divisor) vars['SCALE_WIDTH'] = width / float(vars['ADAPTED_WIDTH']) vars['SCALE_HEIGHT'] = height / float(vars['ADAPTED_HEIGHT']) tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) proto = open(deployproto).readlines() for line in proto: for key, value in vars.items(): tag = "$%s$" % key line = line.replace(tag, str(value)) tmp.write(line) tmp.flush() caffe.set_logging_disabled() caffe.set_device(0) caffe.set_mode_gpu() net = caffe.Net(, caffemodel, caffe.TEST) print('Network forward pass using %s.' % caffemodel) return net
def flowWarp(img, flow): import caffe width = img.shape[1] height = img.shape[0] print 'processing (%dx%d)' % (width, height) defFile = tempFilename('.prototxt') preprocessFile('/home/ilge/hackathon2/common/prototmp/apply_flow.prototmp', defFile, {'WIDTH': width, 'HEIGHT': height}) caffe.set_logging_disabled() caffe.set_mode_gpu() net = caffe.Net( defFile, caffe.TEST ) os.remove(defFile) print 'network forward pass' img_input = img[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) flow_input = flow[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) net.blobs['image'].reshape(*img_input.shape) net.blobs['image'].data[...] = img_input net.blobs['flow'].reshape(*flow_input.shape) net.blobs['flow'].data[...] = flow_input net.forward() output = net.blobs['output'].data[...].transpose(0, 2, 3, 1).squeeze() return output
def __init__(self, height, width, caffemodel, deployproto, gpu=0): import caffe divisor = 64. vars = { 'TARGET_WIDTH': width, 'TARGET_HEIGHT': height, 'ADAPTED_WIDTH': int(ceil(width / divisor) * divisor), 'ADAPTED_HEIGHT': int(ceil(height / divisor) * divisor) } vars['SCALE_WIDTH'] = width / float(vars['ADAPTED_WIDTH']) vars['SCALE_HEIGHT'] = height / float(vars['ADAPTED_HEIGHT']) tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) proto = open(deployproto).readlines() for line in proto: for key, value in vars.items(): tag = "$%s$" % key line = line.replace(tag, str(value)) tmp.write(line) tmp.flush() caffe.set_logging_disabled() caffe.set_device(gpu) caffe.set_mode_gpu() = caffe.Net(, caffemodel, caffe.TEST)
def testFiles(self, filelist, iter, output=False, definition=None, vars={}): modelFile, iter = self.getModelFile(iter) assert(output) vars['output'] = True vars['prefix'] = iter vars['dataset'] = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filelist))[0] self.makeScratchDir() if definition is None: definition = 'testsingle' proto = self.findProto(definition) if output and 'dataset' in vars: outPath = '%s/output_%d_%s' % (self._path, iter, vars['dataset']) if os.path.isdir(outPath): if self._unattended or tb.queryYesNo('Output folder %s exists, do you want to delete it first?' % os.path.basename(outPath)): os.system('rm -rf %s' % outPath) data_list = IO.readTupleList(filelist) print data_list # Run a new net for every sample: for idx, line in enumerate(data_list): num_blobs = len(line) input_data = [] for blob_idx in range(num_blobs): img = IO.readImage(line[blob_idx]) #print(img.shape) input_data.append(img[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)[:,[2,1,0],:,:]) #print(input_data[-1].shape) vars['width'] = input_data[0].shape[3] vars['height'] = input_data[0].shape[2] vars['basename'] = 'b%03d' % idx finalProto = self.makeScratchPrototxt(proto, vars) caffe.set_logging_disabled() caffe.set_mode_gpu() net = caffe.Net(finalProto, modelFile,caffe.TEST) print 'Network forward pass (%d of %d). %d inputs of shapes:' % (idx+1, len(data_list), num_blobs) for blob_idx in range(num_blobs): print(" " + str(input_data[blob_idx].shape)) if not len(net.inputs) == len(line): raise Exception('Net has %d inputs and in file list there are %d' % (len(net.inputs), len(line))) input_dict = {} for blob_idx in range(num_blobs): input_dict[net.inputs[blob_idx]] = input_data[blob_idx] net.forward(**input_dict) print 'Iteration was %d' %iter
def process(set, ent, inputEnt): highres = misc.imread(ent, flatten=False).astype(np.float32) lowres = misc.imread(inputEnt, flatten=False).astype(np.float32) width = highres.shape[1] height = highres.shape[0] print "processing %s (%dx%d)" % (ent, width, height) defFile = "scratch/test_SR_deploy.prototxt" pycnn.preprocessFile("deploy.prototmp", defFile, {"WIDTH": width, "HEIGHT": height}) if "youtube" in set: print "using youtube mean" mean_bgr = tb.readFloat("/misc/lmbraid17/ilge/caffe/superresolution/datasets/youtube/test/mean3.float3").astype( np.float32 ) else: mean_bgr = tb.readFloat("/home/ilge/data/caffe/superresolution/datasets/coco/mean.float3").astype(np.float32) mean_bgr = cv2.resize(mean_bgr, (width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) mean_bgr_lowres = cv2.resize(mean_bgr, (width / 4, height / 4), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) highres_nomean_bgr = highres[:, :, (2, 1, 0)] - mean_bgr lowres_nomean_bgr = lowres[:, :, (2, 1, 0)] - mean_bgr_lowres caffe.set_phase_test() caffe.set_mode_gpu() caffe.set_logging_disabled() net = caffe.Net(defFile, modelFile) print "network forward pass" blobs = net.forward( highres=np.asarray([net.preprocess("highres", highres_nomean_bgr / 255.0)]), lowres=np.asarray([net.preprocess("lowres", lowres_nomean_bgr / 255.0)]), ) output_bgr = 255.0 * blobs["output"].transpose(0, 2, 3, 1).squeeze() output_bgr += mean_bgr output_bgr[output_bgr < 0] = 0 output_bgr[output_bgr > 255] = 255 os.system("mkdir -p %s/%s" % (out_dir, set)) basename = os.path.basename(ent)[:-4].replace("_GT", "") misc.imsave("%s/%s/%s-gt.png" % (out_dir, set, basename), highres) misc.imsave("%s/%s/%s-recon.png" % (out_dir, set, basename), output_bgr[:, :, (2, 1, 0)]) # nn, li, cu = tb.computeBasePSNRs(ent, downsampledFilename=inputEnt) nn = tb.PSNR() li = tb.PSNR() cu = tb.PSNR() psnr = tb.PSNR() psnr.set(blobs["psnr"][0, 0, 0, 0], blobs["psnr_y"][0, 0, 0, 0]) print "nn=%5s, li=%5s, cu=%5s, net=%5s" % (nn, li, cu, psnr) return (nn, li, cu, psnr)
def __init__(self, values_to_load='compute_image.csv'): caffe.set_logging_disabled() caffe.set_device(0) caffe.set_mode_gpu() self.check = False self.tmp = None = None self.colorwheel = self.make_color_wheel() if os.path.isfile(values_to_load): self.init_class_from_csv(values_to_load)
def process(set,ent,inputEnt): highres = misc.imread(ent, flatten=False).astype(np.float32) lowres = misc.imread(inputEnt, flatten=False).astype(np.float32) width = highres.shape[1] height = highres.shape[0] print 'processing %s (%dx%d)' % (ent, width, height) defFile = 'scratch/test_SR_deploy.prototxt' pycnn.preprocessFile('deploy.prototmp', defFile, {'WIDTH': width, 'HEIGHT': height}) if 'youtube' in set: print 'using youtube mean' mean_bgr = tb.readFloat("/misc/lmbraid17/ilge/caffe/superresolution/datasets/youtube/test/mean3.float3").astype(np.float32) else: mean_bgr = tb.readFloat("/home/ilge/data/caffe/superresolution/datasets/coco/mean.float3").astype(np.float32) mean_bgr = cv2.resize(mean_bgr, (width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) mean_bgr_lowres = cv2.resize(mean_bgr, (width/4, height/4), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) highres_nomean_bgr = highres[:, :, (2, 1, 0)] - mean_bgr lowres_nomean_bgr = lowres[:, :, (2, 1, 0)] - mean_bgr_lowres caffe.set_phase_test() caffe.set_mode_gpu() caffe.set_logging_disabled() net = caffe.Net( defFile, modelFile ) print 'network forward pass' blobs = net.forward(highres=np.asarray([net.preprocess('highres', highres_nomean_bgr / 255.0)]),lowres=np.asarray([net.preprocess('lowres', lowres_nomean_bgr / 255.0)])) output_bgr = 255.0 * blobs['output'].transpose(0, 2, 3, 1).squeeze() output_bgr += mean_bgr output_bgr[output_bgr < 0] = 0 output_bgr[output_bgr > 255] = 255 os.system('mkdir -p %s/%s' % (out_dir, set)) basename = os.path.basename(ent)[:-4].replace('_GT', '') misc.imsave('%s/%s/%s-gt.png' % (out_dir, set, basename), highres) misc.imsave('%s/%s/%s-recon.png' % (out_dir, set, basename), output_bgr[:, :, (2, 1, 0)]) #nn, li, cu = tb.computeBasePSNRs(ent, downsampledFilename=inputEnt) nn = tb.PSNR(); li=tb.PSNR(); cu=tb.PSNR() psnr = tb.PSNR() psnr.set(blobs['psnr'][0, 0, 0, 0], blobs['psnr_y'][0, 0, 0, 0]) print 'nn=%5s, li=%5s, cu=%5s, net=%5s' % (nn, li, cu, psnr) return (nn, li, cu, psnr)
def caffeNet(modelFile=None, prototmp=None, inputs={}, phase=None, logging=False): if phase is None: phase=caffe.TEST if prototmp is not None: modelFile = tempFilename('.prototmp') open(modelFile,'w').write(prototmp) if not logging: caffe.set_logging_disabled() caffe.set_mode_gpu() net = caffe.Net( modelFile, phase ) if prototmp is not None: os.remove(modelFile) for name, value in inputs.iteritems(): value = value[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) net.blobs[name].reshape(*value.shape) net.blobs[name].data[...] = value return net
vars['ADAPTED_HEIGHT'] = int(ceil(height / divisor) * divisor) vars['SCALE_WIDTH'] = width / float(vars['ADAPTED_WIDTH']) vars['SCALE_HEIGHT'] = height / float(vars['ADAPTED_HEIGHT']) tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=True) proto = open(args.deployproto).readlines() for line in proto: for key, value in vars.items(): tag = "$%s$" % key line = line.replace(tag, str(value)) tmp.write(line) tmp.flush() if not args.verbose: caffe.set_logging_disabled() caffe.set_device(args.gpu) caffe.set_mode_gpu() net = caffe.Net(, args.caffemodel, caffe.TEST) input_dict = {} for blob_idx in range(num_blobs): input_dict[net.inputs[blob_idx]] = input_data[blob_idx] # # There is some non-deterministic nan-bug in caffe # it seems to be a race-condition # print('Network forward pass using %s.' % args.caffemodel) i = 1 while i <= 5:
def calculate_flow(im1=None, im2=None, caffemodel='/home/yi/code/video_motion3/flownet2/models/FlowNet2/FlowNet2_weights.caffemodel.h5', deployproto='/home/yi/code/video_motion3/flownet2/models/FlowNet2/FlowNet2_deploy.prototxt.template'): if not os.path.exists(caffemodel): raise BaseException('caffemodel does not exist: ' + caffemodel) if not os.path.exists(deployproto): raise BaseException('deploy-proto does not exist: ' + deployproto) # im1 = misc.imread('flownet2/viper_example/042_00742.jpg') # im2 = misc.imread('flownet2/viper_example/042_00743.jpg') num_blobs = 2 input_data = [] if len(im1.shape) < 3: input_data.append(im1[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]) else: input_data.append(im1[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)[:, [2, 1, 0], :, :]) if len(im2.shape) < 3: input_data.append(im2[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]) else: input_data.append(im2[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)[:, [2, 1, 0], :, :]) width = input_data[0].shape[3] height = input_data[0].shape[2] vars = {} vars['TARGET_WIDTH'] = width vars['TARGET_HEIGHT'] = height divisor = 64. vars['ADAPTED_WIDTH'] = int(ceil(width/divisor) * divisor) vars['ADAPTED_HEIGHT'] = int(ceil(height/divisor) * divisor) vars['SCALE_WIDTH'] = width / float(vars['ADAPTED_WIDTH']); vars['SCALE_HEIGHT'] = height / float(vars['ADAPTED_HEIGHT']); tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=True) proto = open(deployproto).readlines() for line in proto: for key, value in vars.items(): tag = "$%s$" % key line = line.replace(tag, str(value)) tmp.write(line) tmp.flush() caffe.set_logging_disabled() caffe.set_device(0) caffe.set_mode_gpu() net = caffe.Net(, caffemodel, caffe.TEST) input_dict = {} for blob_idx in range(num_blobs): input_dict[net.inputs[blob_idx]] = input_data[blob_idx] print('Network forward pass using %s.' % caffemodel) i = 1 while i<=5: i+=1 net.forward(**input_dict) containsNaN = False for name in net.blobs: blob = net.blobs[name] has_nan = np.isnan([...]).any() if has_nan: print('blob %s contains nan' % name) containsNaN = True if not containsNaN: print('Succeeded.') break else: print('**************** FOUND NANs, RETRYING ****************') flow = np.squeeze(net.blobs['predict_flow_final'].data).transpose(1, 2, 0) return flow
vars['SCALE_HEIGHT'] = height / float(vars['ADAPTED_HEIGHT']); tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=True) proto = open(args.deployproto).readlines() for line in proto: for key, value in vars.items(): tag = "$%s$" % key line = line.replace(tag, str(value)) tmp.write(line) tmp.flush() if not args.verbose: caffe.set_logging_disabled() caffe.set_device(args.gpu) caffe.set_mode_gpu() net = caffe.Net(, args.caffemodel, caffe.TEST) input_dict = {} for blob_idx in range(num_blobs): input_dict[net.inputs[blob_idx]] = input_data[blob_idx] # # There is some non-deterministic nan-bug in caffe # it seems to be a race-condition # print('Network forward pass using %s.' % args.caffemodel) i = 1 while i<=5:
def testFiles(self, filelist, iter, output=False, definition=None, vars={}): modelFile, iter = self.getModelFile(iter) assert (output) vars['output'] = True vars['prefix'] = iter vars['dataset'] = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filelist))[0] self.makeScratchDir() if definition is None: definition = 'testsingle' proto = self.findProto(definition) if output and 'dataset' in vars: outPath = '%s/output_%d_%s' % (self._path, iter, vars['dataset']) if os.path.isdir(outPath): if self._unattended or tb.queryYesNo( 'Output folder %s exists, do you want to delete it first?' % os.path.basename(outPath)): os.system('rm -rf %s' % outPath) data_list = IO.readTupleList(filelist) print data_list # Run a new net for every sample: for idx, line in enumerate(data_list): num_blobs = len(line) input_data = [] for blob_idx in range(num_blobs): img = IO.readImage(line[blob_idx]) #print(img.shape) input_data.append(img[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose( 0, 3, 1, 2)[:, [2, 1, 0], :, :]) #print(input_data[-1].shape) vars['width'] = input_data[0].shape[3] vars['height'] = input_data[0].shape[2] vars['basename'] = 'b%03d' % idx finalProto = self.makeScratchPrototxt(proto, vars) caffe.set_logging_disabled() caffe.set_mode_gpu() net = caffe.Net(finalProto, modelFile, caffe.TEST) print 'Network forward pass (%d of %d). %d inputs of shapes:' % ( idx + 1, len(data_list), num_blobs) for blob_idx in range(num_blobs): print(" " + str(input_data[blob_idx].shape)) if not len(net.inputs) == len(line): raise Exception( 'Net has %d inputs and in file list there are %d' % (len(net.inputs), len(line))) input_dict = {} for blob_idx in range(num_blobs): input_dict[net.inputs[blob_idx]] = input_data[blob_idx] net.forward(**input_dict) print 'Iteration was %d' % iter
def run_model_multiples(prototxt, weights, listfile, output_dir, blobs=['warp_loss2'], save_images=False, start=0, flow_loss=False): """ Input : prototxt, weights listfile : list of (image1, image2) output_dir : place where the computed flows will be saved outfile : csv file with losses for each image pair will be saved Call this function with a prototxt that work without LMDB, and that has only two images in input """ import os, sys, numpy as np import argparse from scipy import misc import caffe import tempfile from math import ceil if (not os.path.exists(weights)): raise BaseException('caffemodel does not exist: ' + weights) if (not os.path.exists(prototxt)): raise BaseException('deploy-proto does not exist: ' + prototxt) if (not os.path.exists(listfile)): raise BaseException('listfile does not exist: ' + listfile) def readTupleList(filename): list = [] for line in open(filename).readlines(): if line.strip() != '': list.append(line.split()) return list ops = readTupleList(listfile) width = -1 height = -1 output = [] first_line = [ 'image0', 'image1', 'mean_flow', 'median_flow', 'L2_distance' ] output.append(['image0', 'image1', 'real_flow', 'estimated_flow'] + blobs) output_file = open(output_dir + '/list_out.txt', 'w') output_file.write(",".join(first_line)) output_file.write("\n") n = len(ops) for i, ent in list(enumerate(ops))[start:]: print("processing", i) flush() print('Processing tuple:', ent) num_blobs = 2 if flow_loss: num_blobs = 3 input_data = [] img0 = misc.imread(ent[0]) if len(img0.shape) < 3: input_data.append(img0[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]) else: input_data.append(img0[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose( 0, 3, 1, 2)[:, [2, 1, 0], :, :]) img1 = misc.imread(ent[1]) if len(img1.shape) < 3: input_data.append(img1[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]) else: input_data.append(img1[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose( 0, 3, 1, 2)[:, [2, 1, 0], :, :]) if flow_loss: flow = readFlow(ent[2]) input_data.append(flow[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)) if width != input_data[0].shape[3] or height != input_data[0].shape[2]: width = input_data[0].shape[3] height = input_data[0].shape[2] vars = {} vars['TARGET_WIDTH'] = width vars['TARGET_HEIGHT'] = height divisor = 64. vars['ADAPTED_WIDTH'] = int(ceil(width / divisor) * divisor) vars['ADAPTED_HEIGHT'] = int(ceil(height / divisor) * divisor) vars['SCALE_WIDTH'] = width / float(vars['ADAPTED_WIDTH']) vars['SCALE_HEIGHT'] = height / float(vars['ADAPTED_HEIGHT']) tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) proto = open(prototxt).readlines() for line in proto: for key, value in vars.items(): tag = "$%s$" % key line = line.replace(tag, str(value)) tmp.write(line) tmp.flush() caffe.set_logging_disabled() caffe.set_mode_gpu() net = caffe.Net(, weights, caffe.TEST) blobs = net.outputs print("blobs", blobs) flush() if i == 0: output.append(['image0', 'image1', 'real_flow', 'estimated_flow'] + blobs) input_dict = {} for blob_idx in range(num_blobs): input_dict[net.inputs[blob_idx]] = input_data[blob_idx] #input_data # There is some non-deterministic nan-bug in caffe # print('Network forward pass using %s.' % weights) j = 1 while j <= 5: j += 1 net.forward(**input_dict) containsNaN = False for name in net.blobs: blob = net.blobs[name] has_nan = np.isnan([...]).any() if has_nan: print('blob %s contains nan' % name) containsNaN = True if not containsNaN: print('Succeeded.') break else: print('**************** FOUND NANs, RETRYING ****************') flow_blob = np.squeeze(net.blobs['predict_flow_final'].data).transpose( 1, 2, 0) output_flow_file = output_dir + "%04d_flow" % i print("saving flow at %s" % output_flow_file) writeFlow(output_flow_file + ".flo", flow_blob) out_line = [ent[0], ent[1], output_flow_file] out_line.append("%.3f" % np.median(flow_blob)) out_line.append("%.3f" % np.mean(flow_blob)) #for blob in blobs: # out_line.append(str(net.blobs[blob].data)) if save_images: save_flow_image(flow_blob, output_flow_file + ".png") misc.imsave(output_dir + "%04d_img0.jpg" % i, img0) misc.imsave(output_dir + "%04d_img1.jpg" % i, img1) expected_img0 = apply_flow_reverse(img1, flow_blob) misc.imsave(output_dir + "%04d_img0_expected.jpg" % i, expected_img0) l2_loss = np.linalg.norm(img0 - expected_img0) out_line.append("%.3f" % l2_loss) output.append(out_line) print(out_line) output_file.write(",".join(out_line)) output_file.write("\n") output_file.flush()
def run_model(prototxt, weights, img0_p, img1_p, out_p, verbose=False, write_flow_image=True): if (not os.path.exists(weights)): raise BaseException('caffemodel does not exist: ' + weights) if (not os.path.exists(prototxt)): raise BaseException('deploy-proto does not exist: ' + prototxt) if (not os.path.exists(img0_p)): raise BaseException('img0 does not exist: ' + img0_p) if (not os.path.exists(img1_p)): raise BaseException('img1 does not exist: ' + img1_p) print("starting run_model") num_blobs = 2 input_data = [] img0 = misc.imread(img0_p) if len(img0.shape) < 3: input_data.append(img0[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]) else: input_data.append(img0[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose( 0, 3, 1, 2)[:, [2, 1, 0], :, :]) img1 = misc.imread(img1_p) if len(img1.shape) < 3: input_data.append(img1[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]) else: input_data.append(img1[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose( 0, 3, 1, 2)[:, [2, 1, 0], :, :]) width = input_data[0].shape[3] height = input_data[0].shape[2] vars = {} vars['TARGET_WIDTH'] = width vars['TARGET_HEIGHT'] = height print(width, height) divisor = 64. vars['ADAPTED_WIDTH'] = int(ceil(width / divisor) * divisor) vars['ADAPTED_HEIGHT'] = int(ceil(height / divisor) * divisor) vars['SCALE_WIDTH'] = width / float(vars['ADAPTED_WIDTH']) vars['SCALE_HEIGHT'] = height / float(vars['ADAPTED_HEIGHT']) tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=True) proto = open(prototxt).readlines() for line in proto: for key, value in vars.items(): tag = "$%s$" % key line = line.replace(tag, str(value)) tmp.write(line) tmp.flush() if not verbose: caffe.set_logging_disabled() #caffe.set_device(args.gpu) caffe.set_mode_gpu() net = caffe.Net(, weights, caffe.TEST) input_dict = {} for blob_idx in range(num_blobs): input_dict[net.inputs[blob_idx]] = input_data[blob_idx] # # There is some non-deterministic nan-bug in caffe # it seems to be a race-condition # print('Network forward pass using %s.' % weights) i = 1 while i <= 5: i += 1 net.forward(**input_dict) containsNaN = False for name in net.blobs: blob = net.blobs[name] has_nan = np.isnan([...]).any() if has_nan: print('blob %s contains nan' % name) containsNaN = True if not containsNaN: print('Succeeded.') break else: print('**************** FOUND NANs, RETRYING ****************') blob = np.squeeze(net.blobs['predict_flow_final'].data).transpose(1, 2, 0) writeFlow(out_p, blob) if write_flow_image: print("saving flow image, and warp image") save_flow_image(blob, out_p + ".png") # save warp expected_img0 = apply_flow_reverse(img1, blob) misc.imsave(out_p + "_warp.png", expected_img0)
def motion_analysis_flownet2(args): data_base_dir = args.dir folder = data_base_dir + 'classifiedgood/' outputfolder = data_base_dir + 'opticalflow2/' if os.path.isdir(outputfolder): rmtree(outputfolder) os.mkdir(outputfolder) # sample two images to initialize the blob dimensions imglist = os.listdir(folder) imglist.sort() img0 = misc.imread(folder + imglist[0]) img1 = misc.imread(folder + imglist[1]) # prepare x axis and y axis for faster computation x_axis = np.arange(0, img0.shape[0], x_axis = repmat(x_axis[:, np.newaxis], 1, img0.shape[1]) y_axis = np.arange(0, img0.shape[1], y_axis = repmat(y_axis, img0.shape[0], 1) def warp_NCC_opt(img0, img1, flow): nx = (x_axis + flow[:, :, 1]).astype(int) ny = (y_axis + flow[:, :, 0]).astype(int) pos0 = (nx <= img1.shape[0] - 1) & (nx >= 0) & ( ny <= img1.shape[1] - 1) & (ny >= 0) patch0 = img0[pos0] pos1x = nx[pos0] pos1y = ny[pos0] nn = [pos1x, pos1y] patch1 = img1[nn] return correlation_coefficient(patch0, patch1) input_data = [] if len(img0.shape) < 3: input_data.append(img0[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]) else: input_data.append(img0[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose( 0, 3, 1, 2)[:, [2, 1, 0], :, :]) print('input blob 0 :'), print(input_data[0].shape) if len(img1.shape) < 3: input_data.append(img1[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]) else: input_data.append(img1[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose( 0, 3, 1, 2)[:, [2, 1, 0], :, :]) print('input blob 1 :'), print(input_data[1].shape) width = input_data[0].shape[3] height = input_data[0].shape[2] vars = {} vars['TARGET_WIDTH'] = width vars['TARGET_HEIGHT'] = height divisor = 64. vars['ADAPTED_WIDTH'] = int(ceil(width / divisor) * divisor) vars['ADAPTED_HEIGHT'] = int(ceil(height / divisor) * divisor) vars['SCALE_WIDTH'] = width / float(vars['ADAPTED_WIDTH']) vars['SCALE_HEIGHT'] = height / float(vars['ADAPTED_HEIGHT']) tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=True) proto = open(args.deployproto).readlines() for line in proto: for key, value in vars.items(): tag = "$%s$" % key line = line.replace(tag, str(value)) tmp.write(line) tmp.flush() if not args.verbose: caffe.set_logging_disabled() caffe.set_device(args.gpu) caffe.set_mode_gpu() net = caffe.Net(, args.caffemodel, caffe.TEST) # calculate sharpness and sort by sharpness sharpness = [] print('Calculating sharpness ...') dl = DoubleList() D = {} for f in imglist: dl.append(f) D[f] = dl.tail for i in range(len(imglist)): print('%d / %d' % (i, len(imglist))) img = misc.imread(folder + imglist[i], flatten=True) sobelx = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=5) sobely = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=5) sharpness.append((np.sum(sobelx**2) + np.sum(sobely**2)) / img.size) order = np.argsort(sharpness) ## load img0 and img1 iteratively from folder score = [] keyframes = [] for j in range(len(imglist)): print('Homography estimation: %d / %d sharpness = %.2f' % (j, len(imglist), sharpness[order[j]])) if order[j] == 0 or order[j] == len(imglist) - 1: keyframes.append(imglist[order[j]]) score.append(0.9) continue ID = order[j] PrevName = D[imglist[ID]] NextName = D[imglist[ID]] Prev = misc.imread(folder + PrevName, mode='RGB') Next = misc.imread(folder + NextName, mode='RGB') input_dict = {} input_data = [] if len(Prev.shape) < 3: input_data.append(Prev[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]) else: input_data.append(Prev[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose( 0, 3, 1, 2)[:, [2, 1, 0], :, :]) if len(Next.shape) < 3: input_data.append(Next[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]) else: input_data.append(Next[np.newaxis, :, :, :].transpose( 0, 3, 1, 2)[:, [2, 1, 0], :, :]) input_dict[net.inputs[0]] = input_data[0] input_dict[net.inputs[1]] = input_data[1] print('Network forward pass using %s and %s' % (PrevName, NextName)) i = 1 while i <= 5: i += 1 net.forward(**input_dict) containsNaN = False for name in net.blobs: blob = net.blobs[name] has_nan = np.isnan([...]).any() if has_nan: print('blob %s contains nan' % name) containsNaN = True if not containsNaN: print('Succeeded.') break else: print('**************** FOUND NANs, RETRYING ****************') flow = np.squeeze(net.blobs['predict_flow_final'].data).transpose( 1, 2, 0) #s = warp_NCC(img0=rgb2gray(Prev), img1=rgb2gray(Next), flow=flow) s = warp_NCC_opt(img0=rgb2gray(Prev), img1=rgb2gray(Next), flow=flow) #warpped = warpFlow(rgb2gray(Next), flow) #s = correlation_coefficient(warpped, rgb2gray(Prev)) print('correlation coefficient = %.4f' % s) if s > 0.98: dl.remove_byaddress(D[imglist[ID]]) print('Redundant: ' + imglist[ID]) else: keyframes.append(imglist[order[j]]) score.append(s) print('Keyframe: ' + imglist[ID]) ordkeyframes = np.argsort(keyframes) keyframes.sort() score = np.asarray(score) score = score[np.asarray(ordkeyframes)] offilename = data_base_dir + 'opticalflowscore2.txt' if os.path.exists(offilename): os.remove(offilename) offile = open(offilename, 'w') for i in range(len(keyframes)): offile.write('%s %.4f\n' % (keyframes[i], score[i])) os.system('cp ' + folder + keyframes[i] + ' ' + outputfolder + keyframes[i]) analyze_score(data_base_dir=data_base_dir, fname='opticalflowscore2', imgnames=keyframes, score=score) del net