Example #1
def analyze_task(analyzer, task):
    # check that our plan protobuf is not too large (limit of 64Mb)
    step = task.get_step()
    plan = Plan(task.node)
    proto_len = len(plan.Proto().SerializeToString())
    assert proto_len < 2**26, (
        'Due to a protobuf limitation, serialized tasks must be smaller '
        'than 64Mb, but this task has {} bytes.' % proto_len)

    is_private = task.workspace_type() != WorkspaceType.GLOBAL
    with analyzer.set_workspace(do_copy=is_private):
Example #2
    def test_while_net(self):
        with NetBuilder() as nb:
            x = ops.Const(0)
            y = ops.Const(0)
            with ops.WhileNet():
                with ops.Condition():
                    ops.Add([x, ops.Const(1)], [x])
                    ops.LT([x, ops.Const(7)])
                ops.Add([x, y], [y])

        plan = Plan('while_net_test')
        ws = workspace.C.Workspace()

        x_value = ws.blobs[str(x)].fetch()
        y_value = ws.blobs[str(y)].fetch()

        self.assertEqual(x_value, 7)
        self.assertEqual(y_value, 21)
Example #3
 def test_ops(self):
     with NetBuilder() as nb:
         y = _test_loop()
         z, w, a, b = _test_outer()
         p = _test_if(ops.Const(75))
         q = _test_if(ops.Const(25))
     plan = Plan('name')
     ws = workspace.C.Workspace()
     expected = [
         (y, 5),
         (z, False),
         (w, True),
         (a, False),
         (b, False),
         (p, 2),
         (q, 3),
     for b, expected in expected:
         actual = ws.blobs[str(b)].fetch()
         self.assertEquals(actual, expected)
Example #4
    def test_if_net(self):
        with NetBuilder() as nb:
            x0 = ops.Const(0)
            x1 = ops.Const(1)
            x2 = ops.Const(2)
            y0 = ops.Const(0)
            y1 = ops.Const(1)
            y2 = ops.Const(2)

            # basic logic
            first_res = ops.Const(0)
            with ops.IfNet(ops.Const(True)):
                ops.Const(1, blob_out=first_res)
            with ops.Else():
                ops.Const(2, blob_out=first_res)

            second_res = ops.Const(0)
            with ops.IfNet(ops.Const(False)):
                ops.Const(1, blob_out=second_res)
            with ops.Else():
                ops.Const(2, blob_out=second_res)

            # nested and sequential ifs,
            # empty then/else,
            # passing outer blobs into branches,
            # writing into outer blobs, incl. into input blob
            # using local blobs
            with ops.IfNet(ops.LT([x0, x1])):
                local_blob = ops.Const(900)
                ops.Add([ops.Const(100), local_blob], [y0])

                gt = ops.GT([x1, x2])
                with ops.IfNet(gt):
                    # empty then
                with ops.Else():
                    ops.Add([y1, local_blob], [local_blob])
                    ops.Add([ops.Const(100), y1], [y1])

                with ops.IfNet(ops.EQ([local_blob, ops.Const(901)])):
                    ops.Const(7, blob_out=y2)
                    ops.Add([y1, y2], [y2])
            with ops.Else():
                # empty else

        plan = Plan('if_net_test')
        ws = workspace.C.Workspace()

        first_res_value = ws.blobs[str(first_res)].fetch()
        second_res_value = ws.blobs[str(second_res)].fetch()
        y0_value = ws.blobs[str(y0)].fetch()
        y1_value = ws.blobs[str(y1)].fetch()
        y2_value = ws.blobs[str(y2)].fetch()

        self.assertEquals(first_res_value, 1)
        self.assertEquals(second_res_value, 2)
        self.assertEquals(y0_value, 1000)
        self.assertEquals(y1_value, 101)
        self.assertEquals(y2_value, 108)
        self.assertTrue(str(local_blob) not in ws.blobs)
Example #5
with NetBuilder() as nb:
    ops.Const(0.0, blob_out="zero")
    ops.Const(1.0, blob_out="one")
    ops.Const(0.5, blob_out="x")
    ops.Const(0.0, blob_out="y")
    with ops.IfNet(ops.GT(["x", "zero"])):
        ops.Copy("one", "y")
    with ops.Else():
        ops.Copy("zero", "y")

# Note the usage of NetBuilder's ops.IfNet and ops.Else calls: ops.IfNet accepts a blob reference or blob name as an input, it expects an input blob to have a scalar value convertible to bool, also note that optional ops.Else is at the same level as ops.IfNet and immediately follows corresponding ops.IfNet. Let's execute resulting net (execution step) and check values of blobs.

# In[3]:

plan = Plan('if_net_test')
ws = workspace.C.Workspace()
print('x = ', ws.blobs["x"].fetch())
print('y = ', ws.blobs["y"].fetch())

# Before going further, it's important to understand the semantics of execution blocks ('then' and 'else' branches in the example above), i.e. handling of reads and writes into global (defined outside of the block) and local (defined inside the block) blobs.

# NetBuilder's uses the following set of rules:
#  - In NetBuilder's syntax, blob's declaration and definition occur at the same time - when we define an operator which writes its output into a blob with a given name;
#  - NetBuilder keeps track of all operator outputs seen before current execution point in the same block and up the stack in parent blocks.
#  - If an operator writes into a previously unseen blob, it creates a **local** blob that is visible only within the current block and the subsequent children blocks. Local blobs created in a given block are effectively deleted when we exit the block. Any write into previously defined (in the same block or in the parent blocks) blob updates an originally created blob and does not result in the redefinition of a blob.
#  - Operator's input blobs have to be defined earlier in the same block or in the parent blocks up the stack.

# As a result, in order to see values computed by a block after the block is finished the corresponding blobs have to be defined outside of the block. Note, that this is one of the ways to solve the problem with uninitialized blobs (e.g. blob created by 'then' branch, but not by 'else' branch), these rules effectively force visible blobs to be always correctly initialized.