Example #1
    def _create_lstm(cls, init_model, pred_model, n, opset_version):
        assert init_model is not None, "cannot convert LSTMs without access to the full model"
        assert pred_model is not None, "cannot convert LSTMs without access to the full model"

        attrs = dict(n.attrs) # make a copy, which is safe to mutate
        hidden_size = attrs.pop('hidden_size')
        assert not attrs, "unsupported LSTM attributes: " + str(attrs.keys())

        input_blob, W, R, B, sequence_lens, initial_h, initial_c = n.inputs

        input_size = cls._rnn_shape_inference(init_model, pred_model, n, input_blob, W)
        if input_size is None:
            raise RuntimeError("best-effort shape inference for LSTM input failed")

        name = dummy_name()
        init_net = core.Net("init-net")
        pred_mh = ModelHelper()

        hidden_t_all, hidden_t_last, _, _, params = rnn_cell.LSTM(
            [initial_h, initial_c],

        # input and recurrence biases are squashed together in onnx but not in caffe2
        Bi = name + "_bias_i2h"
        Br = name + "_bias_gates"
        init_net.Slice(B, Bi, starts=[0*hidden_size], ends=[4*hidden_size])
        init_net.Slice(B, Br, starts=[4*hidden_size], ends=[8*hidden_size])

        # caffe2 has a different order from onnx. We need to rearrange
        #   i o f c -> i f o c
        reforms = ((W,  params['input']    ['weights'], [(0, input_size)]),
                   (R,  params['recurrent']['weights'], [(0, hidden_size)]),
                   (Bi, params['input']    ['biases'],  []),
                   (Br, params['recurrent']['biases'],  []))
        for name_from, name_to, extra_dims in reforms:
            xi, xo, xf, xc = [name_from + suffix for suffix in ("_i", "_o", "_f", "_c")]
            for i, x in enumerate([xi, xo, xf, xc]):
                dim0 = i * hidden_size, (i+1) * hidden_size
                starts, ends = zip(dim0, *extra_dims)
                init_net.Slice(name_from, x, starts=starts, ends=ends)
            init_net.Concat([xi, xf, xo, xc], [name_to, dummy_name()], axis=0)

        pred_mh.net = pred_mh.net.Clone(
            blob_remap={ hidden_t_all: n.outputs[0], hidden_t_last: n.outputs[1] }

        return Caffe2Ops(list(pred_mh.Proto().op),
Example #2
    def _create_rnn(cls, init_model, pred_model, n, opset_version):
        assert init_model is not None, "cannot convert RNNs without access to the full model"
        assert pred_model is not None, "cannot convert RNNs without access to the full model"

        attrs = dict(n.attrs)  # make a copy, which is safe to mutate
        hidden_size = attrs.pop('hidden_size')
        activation = attrs.pop('activations')[0]
        assert not attrs, "unsupported RNN attributes: " + str(attrs.keys())

        input_blob, W, R, B, sequence_lens, initial_h = n.inputs

        if sequence_lens == "":
            sequence_lens = None

        input_size = cls._rnn_shape_inference(init_model, pred_model, n,
                                              input_blob, W)
        if input_size is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "best-effort shape inference for RNN input failed")

        name = dummy_name()
        init_net = core.Net("init-net")
        pred_mh = ModelHelper()

        # input and recurrence biases are squashed together in onnx but not in caffe2
        Bi = name + "/i2h_b"
        Br = name + "/gates_t_b"
        init_net.Slice(B, Bi, starts=[0 * hidden_size], ends=[1 * hidden_size])
        init_net.Slice(B, Br, starts=[1 * hidden_size], ends=[2 * hidden_size])

        hidden_t_all, hidden_t_last = rnn_cell.BasicRNN(pred_mh,

        init_net.Copy(W, name + '/i2h_w')
        init_net.Copy(R, name + '/gates_t_w')

        pred_mh.net = pred_mh.net.Clone("dummy-clone-net",
                                            hidden_t_all: n.outputs[0],
                                            hidden_t_last: n.outputs[1]

        return Caffe2Ops(list(pred_mh.Proto().op), list(init_net.Proto().op),
Example #3
    def _create_gru(cls, init_model, pred_model, n, opset_version):
        assert init_model is not None, "cannot convert GRUs without access to the full model"
        assert pred_model is not None, "cannot convert GRUs without access to the full model"

        attrs = dict(n.attrs)  # make a copy, which is safe to mutate
        hidden_size = attrs.pop('hidden_size')
        linear_before_reset = attrs.pop('linear_before_reset')
        assert not attrs, "unsupported GRU attributes: " + str(attrs.keys())

        input_blob, W, R, B, sequence_lens, initial_h = n.inputs

        if sequence_lens == "":
            sequence_lens = None

        input_size = cls._rnn_shape_inference(init_model, pred_model, n,
                                              input_blob, W)
        if input_size is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "best-effort shape inference for GRU input failed")

        name = dummy_name()
        init_net = core.Net("init-net")
        pred_mh = ModelHelper()

        hidden_t_all, hidden_t_last = gru_cell.GRU(
            sequence_lens, [initial_h],

        # input and recurrence biases are squashed together in onnx but not in caffe2
        Bi = name + "_bias_i2h"
        Br = name + "_bias_gates"
        init_net.Slice(B, Bi, starts=[0 * hidden_size], ends=[3 * hidden_size])
        init_net.Slice(B, Br, starts=[3 * hidden_size], ends=[6 * hidden_size])

        # caffe2 has a different order from onnx. We need to rearrange
        #  z r h  -> r z h
        # TODO implement support for return_params in gru_cell.GRU.
        # Until then, hardcode blob names.
        reforms = ((W, 'i2h_w', True, [
            (0, input_size)
        ]), (R, 'gate_t_w', False, [(0, hidden_size)]),
                   (Bi, 'i2h_b', True, []), (Br, 'gate_t_b', False, []))
        for name_from, name_to, do_concat, extra_dims in reforms:
            xz, xr, xh = [
                '%s/%s_%s' % (name, prefix, name_to)
                for prefix in ('update', 'reset', 'output')
            for i, x in enumerate([xz, xr, xh]):
                dim0 = i * hidden_size, (i + 1) * hidden_size
                starts, ends = zip(dim0, *extra_dims)
                init_net.Slice(name_from, x, starts=starts, ends=ends)
            if do_concat:
                init_net.Concat([xr, xz, xh],
                                ['%s/%s' % (name, name_to),

        pred_mh.net = pred_mh.net.Clone("dummy-clone-net",
                                            hidden_t_all: n.outputs[0],
                                            hidden_t_last: n.outputs[1]

        return Caffe2Ops(list(pred_mh.Proto().op), list(init_net.Proto().op),
Example #4
    def _create_gru(cls, init_model, pred_model, n, opset_version):
        assert init_model is not None, "cannot convert GRUs without access to the full model"
        assert pred_model is not None, "cannot convert GRUs without access to the full model"

        attrs = dict(n.attrs) # make a copy, which is safe to mutate
        hidden_size = attrs.pop('hidden_size')
        linear_before_reset = attrs.pop('linear_before_reset', 0)
        direction = force_unicode(attrs.pop('direction', 'forward'))
        assert not attrs, "unsupported GRU attributes: " + str(attrs.keys())
        assert direction in ['forward', 'bidirectional'], "unsupported backwards GRU"

        input_blob, W, R, B, sequence_lens, initial_h = n.inputs

        if sequence_lens == "":
            sequence_lens = None

        input_size = cls._rnn_shape_inference(init_model, pred_model, n, input_blob, W)
        if input_size is None:
            raise RuntimeError("best-effort shape inference for GRU input failed")

        init_net = core.Net("init-net")
        pred_mh = ModelHelper()

        def make_gru(direction_offset):
            name = dummy_name()

            # input and recurrence biases are squashed together in
            # onnx but not in caffe2

            bias_offset = 6 * direction_offset * hidden_size
            Bi = init_net.Slice(B, name + "_bias_i2h",
                                starts=[bias_offset + 0 * hidden_size],
                                ends  =[bias_offset + 3 * hidden_size])
            Br = init_net.Slice(B, name + "_bias_gates",
                                starts=[bias_offset + 3 * hidden_size],
                                ends  =[bias_offset + 6 * hidden_size])

            weight_offset = 3 * direction_offset * hidden_size
            W_ = init_net.Slice(W, name + '/i2h_w_pre',
                                starts=[weight_offset + 0 * hidden_size, 0],
                                ends  =[weight_offset + 3 * hidden_size,-1])
            R_ = init_net.Slice(R, name + '/gates_t_w_pre',
                                starts=[weight_offset + 0 * hidden_size, 0],
                                ends  =[weight_offset + 3 * hidden_size,-1])

            # caffe2 has a different order from onnx. We need to rearrange
            #  z r h  -> r z h
            reforms = ((W_, 'i2h_w',    True,  [(0,-1)]),
                       (R_, 'gate_t_w', False, [(0,-1)]),
                       (Bi, 'i2h_b',    True,  []),
                       (Br, 'gate_t_b', False, []))
            for name_from, name_to, do_concat, extra_dims in reforms:
                xz, xr, xh = ['%s/%s_%s' % (name, prefix, name_to) for prefix in ('update', 'reset', 'output')]
                for i, x in enumerate([xz, xr, xh]):
                    dim0 = i * hidden_size, (i+1) * hidden_size
                    starts, ends = zip(dim0, *extra_dims)
                    init_net.Slice(name_from, x, starts=starts, ends=ends)
                if do_concat:
                    init_net.Concat([xr, xz, xh], ['%s/%s' % (name, name_to), dummy_name()], axis=0)

            initial_h_sliced = name + '/initial_h'
            init_net.Slice(initial_h, initial_h_sliced,
                           starts=[direction_offset + 0, 0, 0],
                           ends  =[direction_offset + 1,-1,-1])

            if direction_offset == 1:
                input = pred_mh.net.ReversePackedSegs(
                    [input_blob, sequence_lens], name + "/input-reversed")
                input = input_blob

            hidden_t_all, hidden_t_last = gru_cell.GRU(

            if direction_offset == 1:
                hidden_t_all = pred_mh.net.ReversePackedSegs(
                    [hidden_t_all, sequence_lens], name + "/output-reversed")

            return hidden_t_all, hidden_t_last

        if direction == 'forward':
            hidden_t_all, hidden_t_last = make_gru(0)
            pred_mh.net = pred_mh.net.Clone(
                blob_remap={ hidden_t_all: n.outputs[0], hidden_t_last: n.outputs[1] }
        elif direction == 'bidirectional':
            hidden_t_all_f, hidden_t_last_f = make_gru(0)
            hidden_t_all_b, hidden_t_last_b = make_gru(1)
            pred_mh.net.Concat([hidden_t_all_f, hidden_t_all_b],
                               [n.outputs[0], dummy_name()], axis=2)
            pred_mh.net.Concat([hidden_t_last_f, hidden_t_last_b],
                               [n.outputs[1], dummy_name()], axis=2)

        return Caffe2Ops(list(pred_mh.Proto().op),
Example #5
    def _create_rnn(cls, init_model, pred_model, n, opset_version):
        assert init_model is not None, "cannot convert RNNs without access to the full model"
        assert pred_model is not None, "cannot convert RNNs without access to the full model"

        attrs = dict(n.attrs) # make a copy, which is safe to mutate
        hidden_size = attrs.pop('hidden_size')
        activation = force_unicode(attrs.pop('activations', ('tanh',))[0])
        direction = force_unicode(attrs.pop('direction', 'forward'))
        assert not attrs, "unsupported RNN attributes: " + str(attrs.keys())
        assert direction in ['forward', 'bidirectional'], "unsupported backwards RNN"

        input_blob, W, R, B, sequence_lens, initial_h = n.inputs

        if sequence_lens == "":
            sequence_lens = None

        input_size = cls._rnn_shape_inference(init_model, pred_model, n, input_blob, W)
        if input_size is None:
            raise RuntimeError("best-effort shape inference for RNN input failed")

        init_net = core.Net("init-net")
        pred_mh = ModelHelper()

        def make_rnn(direction_offset):
            name = dummy_name()

            # input and recurrence biases are squashed together in
            # onnx but not in caffe2

            bias_offset = 2 * direction_offset * hidden_size
            init_net.Slice(B, name + "/i2h_b",
                           starts=[bias_offset + 0 * hidden_size],
                           ends  =[bias_offset + 1 * hidden_size])
            init_net.Slice(B, name + "/gates_t_b",
                           starts=[bias_offset + 1 * hidden_size],
                           ends  =[bias_offset + 2 * hidden_size])

            weight_offset = direction_offset * hidden_size
            init_net.Slice(W, name + '/i2h_w',
                           starts=[weight_offset + 0 * hidden_size, 0],
                           ends  =[weight_offset + 1 * hidden_size,-1])
            init_net.Slice(R, name + '/gates_t_w',
                           starts=[weight_offset + 0 * hidden_size, 0],
                           ends  =[weight_offset + 1 * hidden_size,-1])

            initial_h_sliced = name + '/initial_h'
            init_net.Slice(initial_h, initial_h_sliced,
                           starts=[direction_offset + 0, 0, 0],
                           ends  =[direction_offset + 1,-1,-1])

            if direction_offset == 1:
                input = pred_mh.net.ReversePackedSegs(
                    [input_blob, sequence_lens], name + "/input-reversed")
                input = input_blob

            hidden_t_all, hidden_t_last = rnn_cell.BasicRNN(

            if direction_offset == 1:
                hidden_t_all = pred_mh.net.ReversePackedSegs(
                    [hidden_t_all, sequence_lens], name + "/output-reversed")

            return hidden_t_all, hidden_t_last

        if direction == 'forward':
            hidden_t_all, hidden_t_last = make_rnn(0)
            pred_mh.net = pred_mh.net.Clone(
                blob_remap={ hidden_t_all: n.outputs[0], hidden_t_last: n.outputs[1] }
        elif direction == 'bidirectional':
            hidden_t_all_f, hidden_t_last_f = make_rnn(0)
            hidden_t_all_b, hidden_t_last_b = make_rnn(1)
            pred_mh.net.Concat([hidden_t_all_f, hidden_t_all_b],
                               [n.outputs[0], dummy_name()], axis=2)
            pred_mh.net.Concat([hidden_t_last_f, hidden_t_last_b],
                               [n.outputs[1], dummy_name()], axis=2)

        return Caffe2Ops(list(pred_mh.Proto().op),
Example #6
    def _create_lstm(cls, init_model, pred_model, n, opset_version):
        assert init_model is not None, "cannot convert LSTMs without access to the full model"
        assert pred_model is not None, "cannot convert LSTMs without access to the full model"

        attrs = dict(n.attrs) # make a copy, which is safe to mutate
        hidden_size = attrs.pop('hidden_size')
        direction = force_unicode(attrs.pop('direction', 'forward'))
        assert not attrs, "unsupported LSTM attributes: " + str(attrs.keys())
        assert direction in ['forward', 'bidirectional'], "unsupported backwards LSTM"

        input_blob, W, R, B, sequence_lens, initial_h, initial_c = n.inputs

        if sequence_lens == "":
            sequence_lens = None

        input_size = cls._rnn_shape_inference(init_model, pred_model, n, input_blob, W)
        if input_size is None:
            raise RuntimeError("best-effort shape inference for LSTM input failed")

        init_net = core.Net("init-net")
        pred_mh = ModelHelper()

        def make_lstm(direction_offset):
            name = dummy_name()

            # input and recurrence biases are squashed together in
            # onnx but not in caffe2

            bias_offset = 8 * direction_offset * hidden_size
            Bi = init_net.Slice(B, name + "_bias_i2h",
                                starts=[bias_offset + 0 * hidden_size],
                                ends  =[bias_offset + 4 * hidden_size])
            Br = init_net.Slice(B, name + "_bias_gates",
                                starts=[bias_offset + 4 * hidden_size],
                                ends  =[bias_offset + 8 * hidden_size])

            weight_offset = 4 * direction_offset * hidden_size
            W_ = init_net.Slice(W, name + '/i2h_w_pre',
                                starts=[weight_offset + 0 * hidden_size, 0],
                                ends  =[weight_offset + 4 * hidden_size,-1])
            R_ = init_net.Slice(R, name + '/gates_t_w_pre',
                                starts=[weight_offset + 0 * hidden_size, 0],
                                ends  =[weight_offset + 4 * hidden_size,-1])

            # caffe2 has a different order from onnx. We need to rearrange
            #   i o f c -> i f o c
            reforms = ((W_, 'i2h_w',     [(0, -1)]),
                       (R_, 'gates_t_w', [(0, -1)]),
                       (Bi, 'i2h_b'    , []),
                       (Br, 'gates_t_b', []))
            for name_from, name_to, extra_dims in reforms:
                xi, xo, xf, xc = [name_from + suffix for suffix in ("_i", "_o", "_f", "_c")]
                for i, x in enumerate([xi, xo, xf, xc]):
                    dim0 = i * hidden_size, (i+1) * hidden_size
                    starts, ends = zip(dim0, *extra_dims)
                    init_net.Slice(name_from, x, starts=starts, ends=ends)
                init_net.Concat([xi, xf, xo, xc], ['%s/%s' % (name, name_to), dummy_name()], axis=0)

            initial_h_sliced = name + '/initial_h'
            init_net.Slice(initial_h, initial_h_sliced,
                           starts=[direction_offset + 0, 0, 0],
                           ends  =[direction_offset + 1,-1,-1])
            initial_c_sliced = name + '/initial_c'
            init_net.Slice(initial_c, initial_c_sliced,
                           starts=[direction_offset + 0, 0, 0],
                           ends  =[direction_offset + 1,-1,-1])

            if direction_offset == 1:
                input = pred_mh.net.ReversePackedSegs(
                    [input_blob, sequence_lens], name + "/input-reversed")
                input = input_blob

            hidden_t_all, hidden_t_last, _, cell_last, params = rnn_cell.LSTM(
                [initial_h_sliced, initial_c_sliced],

            if direction_offset == 1:
                hidden_t_all = pred_mh.net.ReversePackedSegs(
                    [hidden_t_all, sequence_lens], name + "/output-reversed")

            return hidden_t_all, hidden_t_last, cell_last

        if direction == 'forward':
            hidden_t_all, hidden_t_last, cell_last = make_lstm(0)

            # in the forward case, storage is shared between the three
            # outputs. We need to decouple them so that the
            # VariableLengthSequencePadding only mutates n.outputs[0]
            pred_mh.net.Copy(hidden_t_last, n.outputs[1])
            pred_mh.net.Copy(cell_last, n.outputs[2])

            pred_mh.net = pred_mh.net.Clone(
                blob_remap={ hidden_t_all: n.outputs[0] }
        elif direction == 'bidirectional':
            hidden_t_all_f, hidden_t_last_f, cell_last_f = make_lstm(0)
            hidden_t_all_b, hidden_t_last_b, cell_last_b = make_lstm(1)
            pred_mh.net.Concat([hidden_t_all_f, hidden_t_all_b],
                               [n.outputs[0], dummy_name()], axis=2)
            pred_mh.net.Concat([hidden_t_last_f, hidden_t_last_b],
                               [n.outputs[1], dummy_name()], axis=0)
            pred_mh.net.Concat([cell_last_f, cell_last_b],
                               [n.outputs[2], dummy_name()], axis=0)

        if sequence_lens is not None:
                [n.outputs[0], sequence_lens], [n.outputs[0]])

        return Caffe2Ops(list(pred_mh.Proto().op),
Example #7
    def _create_rnn_variant(cls, init_model, pred_model, n, opset_version):
        assert init_model is not None, "cannot convert RNNs without access to the full model"
        assert pred_model is not None, "cannot convert RNNs without access to the full model"

        attrs = dict(n.attrs)  # make a copy, which is safe to mutate
        hidden_size = attrs.pop('hidden_size')
        direction = force_unicode(attrs.pop('direction', 'forward'))

        if n.op_type == 'RNN':
            activation = force_unicode(attrs.pop('activations', ('tanh', ))[0])
        elif n.op_type == 'GRU':
            linear_before_reset = attrs.pop('linear_before_reset', 0)

        assert not attrs, "unsupported RNN attributes: " + str(attrs.keys())
        assert direction in ['forward', 'bidirectional'
                             ], "unsupported backwards RNN/GRU/LSTM"

        if n.op_type in ['RNN', 'GRU']:
            input_blob, W, R, B, sequence_lens, initial_h = n.inputs
        elif n.op_type == 'LSTM':
            input_blob, W, R, B, sequence_lens, initial_h, initial_c = n.inputs

        if sequence_lens == "":
            sequence_lens = None

        for x in itertools.chain(init_model.graph.input,
            if x.name == W:
                input_size = x.type.tensor_type.shape.dim[2].dim_value
            raise RuntimeError(
                "best-effort shape inference for RNN/GRU/LSTM failed")

        init_net = core.Net("init-net")
        pred_mh = ModelHelper()

        init_net.Reshape(W, [W, cls.dummy_name()], shape=[1, -1, 0])
        init_net.Squeeze(W, W, dims=[0])
        init_net.Reshape(R, [R, cls.dummy_name()], shape=[1, -1, 0])
        init_net.Squeeze(R, R, dims=[0])
        init_net.Reshape(B, [B, cls.dummy_name()], shape=[1, -1])
        init_net.Squeeze(B, B, dims=[0])

        if n.op_type == 'RNN':

            def reform(*args):

            def make_cell(*args, **kwargs):
                return rnn_cell.BasicRNN(*args,

            def make_rnn(direction_offset):
                return cls._make_rnn_direction(
                    input_blob, B, W, R, [(initial_h, '/initial_h')],
                    sequence_lens, pred_mh, init_net, input_size, hidden_size,
                    1, direction_offset, "/i2h_b", "/gates_t_b", "/i2h_w",
                    "/gates_t_w", reform, make_cell, lambda x: x)

        elif n.op_type == 'GRU':

            def reform(Bi, Br, W_, R_, name, hidden_size, init_net):
                # caffe2 has a different order from onnx. We need to rearrange
                #  z r h  -> r z h
                reforms = ((W_, 'i2h_w', True, [
                    (0, -1)
                ]), (R_, 'gate_t_w', False, [
                    (0, -1)
                ]), (Bi, 'i2h_b', True, []), (Br, 'gate_t_b', False, []))
                cls._rnn_reform_weights(reforms, name, hidden_size, init_net,
                                        ['update', 'reset', 'output'],
                                        [1, 0, 2])

            def make_cell(*args, **kwargs):
                return gru_cell.GRU(*args,

            def make_rnn(direction_offset):
                return cls._make_rnn_direction(
                    input_blob, B, W, R, [(initial_h, '/initial_h')],
                    sequence_lens, pred_mh, init_net, input_size, hidden_size,
                    3, direction_offset, "_bias_i2h", "_bias_gates",
                    "/i2h_w_pre", "/gates_t_w_pre", reform, make_cell,
                    lambda x: x)

        elif n.op_type == 'LSTM':

            def reform(Bi, Br, W_, R_, name, hidden_size, init_net):
                # caffe2 has a different order from onnx. We need to rearrange
                #   i o f c -> i f o c
                reforms = ((W_, 'i2h_w', True, [
                    (0, -1)
                ]), (R_, 'gates_t_w', True, [
                    (0, -1)
                ]), (Bi, 'i2h_b', True, []), (Br, 'gates_t_b', True, []))
                cls._rnn_reform_weights(reforms, name, hidden_size, init_net,
                                        ['input', 'output', 'forget', 'cell'],
                                        [0, 2, 1, 3])

            def make_cell(*args, **kwargs):
                return rnn_cell.LSTM(*args, **kwargs)

            def make_rnn(direction_offset):
                return cls._make_rnn_direction(
                    input_blob, B, W, R, [(initial_h, '/initial_h'),
                                          (initial_c, '/initial_c')],
                    sequence_lens, pred_mh, init_net, input_size, hidden_size,
                    4, direction_offset, "/i2h_b", "/gates_t_b", "/i2h_w",
                    "/gates_t_w", reform, make_cell,
                    lambda x: [x[0], x[1], x[3]])

        if direction == 'forward':
            outputs = make_rnn(0)

            # in the forward case, storage is shared between the
            # last outputs. We need to decouple them so that the
            # VariableLengthSequencePadding only mutates
            # n.outputs[0]
            for i in range(1, len(outputs)):
                pred_mh.net.Copy(outputs[i], n.outputs[i])

            pred_mh.net = pred_mh.net.Clone(
                "dummy-clone-net", blob_remap={outputs[0]: n.outputs[0]})
        elif direction == 'bidirectional':
            outputs_f = make_rnn(0)
            outputs_b = make_rnn(1)

            pred_mh.net.Concat([outputs_f[0], outputs_b[0]],
                               [n.outputs[0], cls.dummy_name()],
            for i in range(1, len(n.outputs)):
                    [outputs_f[i], outputs_b[i]],
                    [n.outputs[i], cls.dummy_name()],

        if sequence_lens is not None:
                [n.outputs[0], sequence_lens], [n.outputs[0]])

        return Caffe2Ops(list(pred_mh.Proto().op), list(init_net.Proto().op),
Example #8
    def _create_rnn_variant(cls, init_model, pred_model, n, opset_version):
        assert init_model is not None, "cannot convert RNNs without access to the full model"
        assert pred_model is not None, "cannot convert RNNs without access to the full model"

        attrs = dict(n.attrs) # make a copy, which is safe to mutate
        hidden_size = attrs.pop('hidden_size')
        direction = force_unicode(attrs.pop('direction', 'forward'))

        if n.op_type == 'RNN':
            activation = force_unicode(attrs.pop('activations', ('tanh',))[0])
        elif n.op_type == 'GRU':
            linear_before_reset = attrs.pop('linear_before_reset', 0)

        assert not attrs, "unsupported RNN attributes: " + str(attrs.keys())
        assert direction in ['forward', 'bidirectional'], "unsupported backwards RNN/GRU/LSTM"

        if n.op_type in ['RNN', 'GRU']:
            input_blob, W, R, B, sequence_lens, initial_h = n.inputs
        elif n.op_type == 'LSTM':
            input_blob, W, R, B, sequence_lens, initial_h, initial_c = n.inputs

        if sequence_lens == "":
            sequence_lens = None

        for x in itertools.chain(init_model.graph.input,
            if x.name == W:
                input_size = x.type.tensor_type.shape.dim[1].dim_value
            raise RuntimeError("best-effort shape inference for RNN/GRU/LSTM failed")

        init_net = core.Net("init-net")
        pred_mh = ModelHelper()

        if n.op_type == 'RNN':
            def reform(*args):

            def make_cell(*args, **kwargs):
                return rnn_cell.BasicRNN(*args, activation=activation, **kwargs)

            def make_rnn(direction_offset):
                return cls._make_rnn_direction(
                    input_blob, B, W, R, [(initial_h, '/initial_h')], sequence_lens,
                    pred_mh, init_net, input_size, hidden_size, 1, direction_offset,
                    "/i2h_b", "/gates_t_b", "/i2h_w", "/gates_t_w",
                    reform, make_cell, lambda x: x)

        elif n.op_type == 'GRU':
            def reform(Bi, Br, W_, R_, name, hidden_size, init_net):
                # caffe2 has a different order from onnx. We need to rearrange
                #  z r h  -> r z h
                reforms = ((W_, 'i2h_w',    True,  [(0,-1)]),
                           (R_, 'gate_t_w', False, [(0,-1)]),
                           (Bi, 'i2h_b',    True,  []),
                           (Br, 'gate_t_b', False, []))
                cls._rnn_reform_weights(reforms, name, hidden_size, init_net,
                                        ['update', 'reset', 'output'], [1, 0, 2])

            def make_cell(*args, **kwargs):
                return gru_cell.GRU(*args, linear_before_reset=linear_before_reset, **kwargs)

            def make_rnn(direction_offset):
                return cls._make_rnn_direction(
                    input_blob, B, W, R, [(initial_h, '/initial_h')], sequence_lens,
                    pred_mh, init_net, input_size, hidden_size, 3, direction_offset,
                    "_bias_i2h", "_bias_gates", "/i2h_w_pre", "/gates_t_w_pre",
                    reform, make_cell, lambda x: x)

        elif n.op_type == 'LSTM':
            def reform(Bi, Br, W_, R_, name, hidden_size, init_net):
                # caffe2 has a different order from onnx. We need to rearrange
                #   i o f c -> i f o c
                reforms = ((W_, 'i2h_w',     True, [(0, -1)]),
                           (R_, 'gates_t_w', True, [(0, -1)]),
                           (Bi, 'i2h_b'    , True, []),
                           (Br, 'gates_t_b', True, []))
                cls._rnn_reform_weights(reforms, name, hidden_size, init_net,
                                        ['input', 'output', 'forget', 'cell'], [0, 2, 1, 3])

            def make_cell(*args, **kwargs):
                return rnn_cell.LSTM(*args, **kwargs)

            def make_rnn(direction_offset):
                return cls._make_rnn_direction(
                    input_blob, B, W, R, [(initial_h, '/initial_h'), (initial_c, '/initial_c')], sequence_lens,
                    pred_mh, init_net, input_size, hidden_size, 4, direction_offset,
                    "/i2h_b", "/gates_t_b", "/i2h_w", "/gates_t_w",
                    reform, make_cell, lambda x: [x[0], x[1], x[3]])

        if direction == 'forward':
            outputs = make_rnn(0)

            # in the forward case, storage is shared between the
            # last outputs. We need to decouple them so that the
            # VariableLengthSequencePadding only mutates
            # n.outputs[0]
            for i in range(1, len(outputs)):
                pred_mh.net.Copy(outputs[i], n.outputs[i])

            pred_mh.net = pred_mh.net.Clone(
                "dummy-clone-net", blob_remap={ outputs[0]: n.outputs[0] }
        elif direction == 'bidirectional':
            outputs_f = make_rnn(0)
            outputs_b = make_rnn(1)

            pred_mh.net.Concat([outputs_f[0], outputs_b[0]],
                               [n.outputs[0], cls.dummy_name()], axis=2)
            for i in range(1, len(n.outputs)):
                pred_mh.net.Concat([outputs_f[i], outputs_b[i]],
                                   [n.outputs[i], cls.dummy_name()], axis=0)

        if sequence_lens is not None:
                [n.outputs[0], sequence_lens], [n.outputs[0]])

        return Caffe2Ops(list(pred_mh.Proto().op),