Example #1
def _test_loop():
    x = ops.Const(5)
    y = ops.Const(0)
    with ops.loop():
        ops.stop_if(ops.EQ([x, ops.Const(0)]))
        ops.Add([x, ops.Const(-1)], [x])
        ops.Add([y, ops.Const(1)], [y])
    return y
Example #2
    def test_if_net(self):
        with NetBuilder() as nb:
            x0 = ops.Const(0)
            x1 = ops.Const(1)
            x2 = ops.Const(2)
            y0 = ops.Const(0)
            y1 = ops.Const(1)
            y2 = ops.Const(2)

            # basic logic
            first_res = ops.Const(0)
            with ops.IfNet(ops.Const(True)):
                ops.Const(1, blob_out=first_res)
            with ops.Else():
                ops.Const(2, blob_out=first_res)

            second_res = ops.Const(0)
            with ops.IfNet(ops.Const(False)):
                ops.Const(1, blob_out=second_res)
            with ops.Else():
                ops.Const(2, blob_out=second_res)

            # nested and sequential ifs,
            # empty then/else,
            # passing outer blobs into branches,
            # writing into outer blobs, incl. into input blob
            # using local blobs
            with ops.IfNet(ops.LT([x0, x1])):
                local_blob = ops.Const(900)
                ops.Add([ops.Const(100), local_blob], [y0])

                gt = ops.GT([x1, x2])
                with ops.IfNet(gt):
                    # empty then
                with ops.Else():
                    ops.Add([y1, local_blob], [local_blob])
                    ops.Add([ops.Const(100), y1], [y1])

                with ops.IfNet(ops.EQ([local_blob, ops.Const(901)])):
                    ops.Const(7, blob_out=y2)
                    ops.Add([y1, y2], [y2])
            with ops.Else():
                # empty else

        plan = Plan('if_net_test')
        ws = workspace.C.Workspace()

        first_res_value = ws.blobs[str(first_res)].fetch()
        second_res_value = ws.blobs[str(second_res)].fetch()
        y0_value = ws.blobs[str(y0)].fetch()
        y1_value = ws.blobs[str(y1)].fetch()
        y2_value = ws.blobs[str(y2)].fetch()

        self.assertEquals(first_res_value, 1)
        self.assertEquals(second_res_value, 2)
        self.assertEquals(y0_value, 1000)
        self.assertEquals(y1_value, 101)
        self.assertEquals(y2_value, 108)
        self.assertTrue(str(local_blob) not in ws.blobs)