def see(filename=None): """shows you the important data about a certain test file ( just give the number or name) if you give nothing it will give you back the groundtruth infos Parameters: ----------- self: dictionnary the object of this class tha tcontains every value filename: ( just give the number or name) See Also: --------- @image html caiman/tests/comparison/data.pdf """ if filename == None: dr = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), "testdata", "groundtruth.npz") else: dr = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), "testdata", filename, filename + ".npz") print(dr) with np.load(dr) as dt: print('here is the info :\n') see_it(dt)
def evaluate_components_CNN(A, dims, gSig, model_name=os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'model', 'cnn_model'), patch_size=50, loaded_model=None, isGPU=False): """ evaluate component quality using a CNN network """ import os if not isGPU: os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '-1' # try: os.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = "tensorflow" from keras.models import model_from_json # except: # print('PROBLEM LOADING KERAS: cannot use classifier') if loaded_model is None: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), model_name + ".json")): model_file = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), model_name + ".json") model_weights = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), model_name + ".h5") elif os.path.isfile(model_name + ".json"): model_file = model_name + ".json" model_weights = model_name + ".h5" else: raise FileNotFoundError("File for requested model {} not found".format(model_name)) with open(model_file, 'r') as json_file: loaded_model_json = loaded_model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json) loaded_model.load_weights(model_name + '.h5') loaded_model.compile('sgd', 'mse') print("Loaded model from disk") half_crop = np.minimum( gSig[0] * 4 + 1, patch_size), np.minimum(gSig[1] * 4 + 1, patch_size) dims = np.array(dims) coms = [scipy.ndimage.center_of_mass( mm.toarray().reshape(dims, order='F')) for mm in A.tocsc().T] coms = np.maximum(coms, half_crop) coms = np.array([np.minimum(cms, dims - half_crop) for cms in coms]).astype( crop_imgs = [mm.toarray().reshape(dims, order='F')[com[0] - half_crop[0]:com[0] + half_crop[0], com[1] - half_crop[1]:com[1] + half_crop[1]] for mm, com in zip(A.tocsc().T, coms)] final_crops = np.array([cv2.resize( im / np.linalg.norm(im), (patch_size, patch_size)) for im in crop_imgs]) predictions = loaded_model.predict( final_crops[:, :, :, np.newaxis], batch_size=32, verbose=1) return predictions, final_crops
def handle_args(): global sourcedir_base parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Tool to manage Caiman data directory") parser.add_argument("command", help="Subcommand to run. install/check/test/demotest") parser.add_argument( "--inplace", action='store_true', help= "Use only if you did an inplace install of caiman rather than a pure one" ) parser.add_argument( "--force", action='store_true', help= "In installs, overwrite parts of an old caiman dir that changed upstream" ) cfg = parser.parse_args() if cfg.inplace: # In this configuration, the user did a "pip install -e ." and so the share directory was not made. # We assume the user is running caimanmanager right out of the source tree, and still want to try to # copy the correct files out, which is a little tricky because we never kept track of that before. sourcedir_base = os.getcwd() cfg.userdir = caiman_datadir() return cfg
def test_tf(): os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '-1' try: model_name = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'model', 'cnn_model') if use_keras: model_file = model_name + ".json" with open(model_file, 'r') as json_file: print('USING MODEL:' + model_file) loaded_model_json = loaded_model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json) loaded_model.load_weights(model_name + '.h5') loaded_model.compile('sgd', 'mse') else: model_file = model_name + ".h5.pb" loaded_model = load_graph(model_file) except: raise Exception('NN model could not be loaded. use_keras = ' + str(use_keras)) A = np.random.randn(10, 50, 50, 1) try: if use_keras: predictions = loaded_model.predict(A, batch_size=32) else: tf_in = loaded_model.get_tensor_by_name('prefix/conv2d_20_input:0') tf_out = loaded_model.get_tensor_by_name('prefix/output_node0:0') with tf.Session(graph=loaded_model) as sess: predictions =, feed_dict={tf_in: A}) pass except: raise Exception('NN model could not be deployed. use_keras = ' + str(use_keras))
def main(): fnames = [os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies', 'demoMovie.tif')] movie = cm.load(fnames) movie = movie.astype(np.float) # makes estimation numerically better: movie -= movie.mean() # use one every 200 frames temporal_stride = 200 # use one every 8 patches (patches are 8x8 by default) spatial_stride = 8 movie_train = movie[::temporal_stride] t = timeit.default_timer() estimation_res = est.estimate_vst_movie(movie_train, stride=spatial_stride) print('\tTime', timeit.default_timer() - t) alpha = estimation_res.alpha sigma_sq = estimation_res.sigma_sq movie_gat = compute_gat(movie, sigma_sq, alpha=alpha) # save movie_gat here movie_gat_inv = compute_inverse_gat(movie_gat, sigma_sq, alpha=alpha, method='asym') # save movie_gat_inv here return movie, movie_gat_inv
def download_demo(name='Sue_2x_3000_40_-46.tif', save_folder=''): """download a file from the file list with the url of its location using urllib, you can add you own name and location in this global parameter Parameters: ----------- name: str the path of the file correspondong to a file in the filelist (''Sue_2x_3000_40_-46.tif' or 'demoMovieJ.tif') save_folder: str folder inside ./example_movies to which the files will be saved. Will be created if it doesn't exist Raise: --------- WrongFolder Exception """ #\bug #\warning file_dict = { 'Sue_2x_3000_40_-46.tif': '', 'demoMovieJ.tif': '', 'demo_behavior.h5': '', 'Tolias_mesoscope_1.hdf5': '', 'Tolias_mesoscope_2.hdf5': '', 'Tolias_mesoscope_3.hdf5': '', 'data_endoscope.tif': '' } # ,['./example_movies/demoMovie.tif','']] base_folder = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies') if os.path.exists(base_folder): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_folder, save_folder)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(base_folder, save_folder)) path_movie = os.path.join(base_folder, save_folder, name) if not os.path.exists(path_movie): url = file_dict[name] print("downloading " + name + "with urllib") f = urlopen(url) data = with open(path_movie, "wb") as code: code.write(data) else: print("File already downloaded") else: raise Exception('You are in ' + os.getcwd() + ' and must be in caiman folder') return path_movie
def demo(parallel=False): p = 2 # order of the AR model (in general 1 or 2) if parallel: c, dview, n_processes = cm.cluster.setup_cluster( backend='local', n_processes=None, single_thread=False) else: n_processes, dview = 2, None # LOAD MOVIE AND MEMORYMAP fname_new = cm.save_memmap([os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies', 'demoMovie.tif')], base_name='Yr', order = 'C') Yr, dims, T = cm.load_memmap(fname_new) # INIT cnm = cnmf.CNMF(n_processes, method_init='greedy_roi', k=30, gSig=[4, 4], merge_thresh=.8, p=p, dview=dview, Ain=None, method_deconvolution='oasis') # FIT images = np.reshape(Yr.T, [T] + list(dims), order='F') cnm = if parallel: cm.cluster.stop_server(dview=dview) # verifying the spatial components npt.assert_allclose(cnm.A.sum(), 281.1, 1e-2) # verifying the temporal components npt.assert_allclose(cnm.C.sum(), 66271668, 1e-2) try: dview.terminate() except: pass
def main(): fnames = [ os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies', 'demoMovie.tif') ] movie = cm.load(fnames) movie = movie.astype(np.float) # makes estimation numerically better: movie -= movie.mean() # use one every 200 frames temporal_stride = 200 # use one every 8 patches (patches are 8x8 by default) spatial_stride = 8 movie_train = movie[::temporal_stride] t = timeit.default_timer() estimation_res = est.estimate_vst_movie(movie_train, stride=spatial_stride) print('\tTime', timeit.default_timer() - t) alpha = estimation_res.alpha sigma_sq = estimation_res.sigma_sq movie_gat = compute_gat(movie, sigma_sq, alpha=alpha) # save movie_gat here movie_gat_inv = compute_inverse_gat(movie_gat, sigma_sq, alpha=alpha, method='asym') # save movie_gat_inv here return movie, movie_gat_inv
def download_demo(name:str='Sue_2x_3000_40_-46.tif', save_folder:str='') -> str: """download a file from the file list with the url of its location using urllib, you can add you own name and location in this global parameter Args: name: str the path of the file correspondong to a file in the filelist (''Sue_2x_3000_40_-46.tif' or 'demoMovieJ.tif') save_folder: str folder inside ./example_movies to which the files will be saved. Will be created if it doesn't exist Returns: Path of the saved file Raise: WrongFolder Exception """ #\bug #\warning file_dict = {'Sue_2x_3000_40_-46.tif': '', 'demoMovieJ.tif': '', 'demo_behavior.h5': '', 'Tolias_mesoscope_1.hdf5': '', 'Tolias_mesoscope_2.hdf5': '', 'Tolias_mesoscope_3.hdf5': '', 'data_endoscope.tif': '', 'gmc_960_30mw_00001_red.tif': '', 'gmc_960_30mw_00001_green.tif': '', 'msCam13.avi': '', 'alignment.pickle': '', 'data_dendritic.tif': ''} # ,['./example_movies/demoMovie.tif','']] base_folder = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies') if os.path.exists(base_folder): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_folder, save_folder)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(base_folder, save_folder)) path_movie = os.path.join(base_folder, save_folder, name) if not os.path.exists(path_movie): url = file_dict[name]"downloading {name} with urllib")"GET {url} HTTP/1.1") try: f = urlopen(url) except:"Trying to set user agent to download demo") from urllib.request import Request req = Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) f = urlopen(req) data = with open(path_movie, "wb") as code: code.write(data) else:"File " + str(name) + " already downloaded") else: raise Exception('Cannot find the example_movies folder in your caiman_datadir - did you make one with') return path_movie
def do_run_demotests(targdir: str) -> None: out, err, ret = runcmd([os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), "")]) if ret != 0: print("Demos failed with return code " + str(ret)) sys.exit(ret) else: print("Demos success!")
def mrcnn(): summary_image = np.load( '/home/nel/data/voltage_data/volpy_paper/memory/summary.npz' )['arr_0'] config = neurons.NeuronsConfig() class InferenceConfig(config.__class__): # Run detection on one image at a time GPU_COUNT = 1 IMAGES_PER_GPU = 1 DETECTION_MIN_CONFIDENCE = 0.7 IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE = "pad64" IMAGE_MAX_DIM = 512 RPN_NMS_THRESHOLD = 0.7 POST_NMS_ROIS_INFERENCE = 1000 config = InferenceConfig() config.display() model_dir = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'model') DEVICE = "/cpu:0" # /cpu:0 or /gpu:0 with tf.device(DEVICE): model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", model_dir=model_dir, config=config) weights_path = download_model('mask_rcnn') model.load_weights(weights_path, by_name=True) results = model.detect([summary_image], verbose=1) r = results[0] ROIs = r['masks'].transpose([2, 0, 1]) return ROIs
def main(): pass # For compatibility between running under Spyder and the CLI # %% load data fname = [os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies', 'demoMovie.tif')] # %% set up some parameters fr = 10 # frame rate (Hz) decay_time = .75 # approximate length of transient event in seconds gSig = [6, 6] # expected half size of neurons p = 1 # order of AR indicator dynamics min_SNR = 1 # minimum SNR for accepting candidate components thresh_CNN_noisy = 0.65 # CNN threshold for candidate components gnb = 2 # number of background components init_method = 'cnmf' # initialization method # set up CNMF initialization parameters init_batch = 400 # number of frames for initialization patch_size = 32 # size of patch stride = 3 # amount of overlap between patches K = 4 # max number of components in each patch params_dict = {'fr': fr, 'fnames': fname, 'decay_time': decay_time, 'gSig': gSig, 'p': p, 'min_SNR': min_SNR, 'nb': gnb, 'init_batch': init_batch, 'init_method': init_method, 'rf': patch_size//2, 'stride': stride, 'sniper_mode': True, 'thresh_CNN_noisy': thresh_CNN_noisy, 'K': K} opts = cnmf.params.CNMFParams(params_dict=params_dict) # %% fit with online object cnm = cnmf.online_cnmf.OnACID(params=opts) cnm.fit_online() # %% plot contours'Number of components:' + str(cnm.estimates.A.shape[-1])) Cn = cm.load(fname[0], subindices=slice(0,500)).local_correlations(swap_dim=False) cnm.estimates.plot_contours(img=Cn) # %% pass through the CNN classifier with a low threshold (keeps clearer neuron shapes and excludes processes) use_CNN = True if use_CNN: # threshold for CNN classifier opts.set('quality', {'min_cnn_thr': 0.05}) cnm.estimates.evaluate_components_CNN(opts) cnm.estimates.plot_contours(img=Cn, idx=cnm.estimates.idx_components) # %% plot results cnm.estimates.view_components(img=Cn, idx=cnm.estimates.idx_components)
def get_run_logdir(): """ Returns the path to the directory where the model will be saved. The directory will be locates inside the caiman_data/my_logs. """ root_logdir = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), "my_logs") if not os.path.exists(root_logdir): os.mkdir(root_logdir) run_id = time.strftime("run_%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S") return os.path.join(root_logdir, run_id)
def download_demo(name='Sue_2x_3000_40_-46.tif', save_folder=''): """download a file from the file list with the url of its location using urllib, you can add you own name and location in this global parameter Args: name: str the path of the file correspondong to a file in the filelist (''Sue_2x_3000_40_-46.tif' or 'demoMovieJ.tif') save_folder: str folder inside ./example_movies to which the files will be saved. Will be created if it doesn't exist Raise: WrongFolder Exception """ #\bug #\warning file_dict = { 'Sue_2x_3000_40_-46.tif': '', 'demoMovieJ.tif': '', 'demo_behavior.h5': '', 'Tolias_mesoscope_1.hdf5': '', 'Tolias_mesoscope_2.hdf5': '', 'Tolias_mesoscope_3.hdf5': '', 'data_endoscope.tif': '' } # ,['./example_movies/demoMovie.tif','']] base_folder = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies') if os.path.exists(base_folder): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_folder, save_folder)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(base_folder, save_folder)) path_movie = os.path.join(base_folder, save_folder, name) if not os.path.exists(path_movie): url = file_dict[name]"downloading " + str(name) + " with urllib") f = urlopen(url) data = with open(path_movie, "wb") as code: code.write(data) else:"File " + str(name) + " already downloaded") else: raise Exception( 'Cannot find the example_movies folder in your caiman_datadir - did you make one with' ) return path_movie
def mrcnn_inference(img, weights_path, display_result=True): """ Mask R-CNN inference in VolPy Args: img: 2-D array summary images for detection weights_path: str path for Mask R-CNN weight display_result: boolean if True, the function will plot the result of inference Return: ROIs: 3-D array region of interests (# of components * # of pixels in x dim * # of pixels in y dim) """ from caiman.source_extraction.volpy.mrcnn import visualize, neurons import caiman.source_extraction.volpy.mrcnn.model as modellib config = neurons.NeuronsConfig() class InferenceConfig(config.__class__): # Run detection on one img at a time GPU_COUNT = 1 IMAGES_PER_GPU = 1 DETECTION_MIN_CONFIDENCE = 0.7 IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE = "pad64" IMAGE_MAX_DIM = 512 RPN_NMS_THRESHOLD = 0.7 POST_NMS_ROIS_INFERENCE = 1000 config = InferenceConfig() config.display() model_dir = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'model') DEVICE = "/cpu:0" # /cpu:0 or /gpu:0 with tf.device(DEVICE): model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", model_dir=model_dir, config=config) model.load_weights(weights_path, by_name=True) results = model.detect([img], verbose=1) r = results[0] ROIs = r['masks'].transpose([2, 0, 1]) if display_result: _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(16, 16)) visualize.display_instances(img, r['rois'], r['masks'], r['class_ids'], ['BG', 'neurons'], r['scores'], ax=ax, title="Predictions") return ROIs
def download_model(name: str = 'mask_rcnn', save_folder: str = '') -> str: """download a NN model from the file list with the url of its location using urllib, you can add you own name and location in this global parameter Args: name: str the path of the file correspondong to a file in the filelist save_folder: str folder inside caiman_data/model to which the files will be saved. Will be created if it doesn't exist Returns: Path of the saved file Raise: WrongFolder Exception """ #\bug #\warning file_dict = { 'mask_rcnn': '' } base_folder = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'model') if os.path.exists(base_folder): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_folder, save_folder)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(base_folder, save_folder)) path_movie = os.path.join(base_folder, save_folder, name) if not os.path.exists(path_movie): url = file_dict[name]"downloading {name} with urllib")"GET {url} HTTP/1.1") try: f = urlopen(url) except:"Trying to set user agent to download demo") from urllib.request import Request req = Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) f = urlopen(req) data = with open(path_movie, "wb") as code: code.write(data) else:"File " + str(name) + " already downloaded") else: raise Exception( 'Cannot find the model folder in your caiman_datadir - did you make one with' ) return path_movie
def download_demo(name='Sue_2x_3000_40_-46.tif', save_folder=''): """download a file from the file list with the url of its location using urllib, you can add you own name and location in this global parameter Parameters: ----------- name: str the path of the file correspondong to a file in the filelist (''Sue_2x_3000_40_-46.tif' or 'demoMovieJ.tif') save_folder: str folder inside ./example_movies to which the files will be saved. Will be created if it doesn't exist Raise: --------- WrongFolder Exception """ #\bug #\warning file_dict = {'Sue_2x_3000_40_-46.tif': '', 'demoMovieJ.tif': '', 'demo_behavior.h5': '', 'Tolias_mesoscope_1.hdf5': '', 'Tolias_mesoscope_2.hdf5': '', 'Tolias_mesoscope_3.hdf5': '', 'data_endoscope.tif': ''} # ,['./example_movies/demoMovie.tif','']] base_folder = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies') if os.path.exists(base_folder): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_folder, save_folder)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(base_folder, save_folder)) path_movie = os.path.join(base_folder, save_folder, name) if not os.path.exists(path_movie): url = file_dict[name] print("downloading " + name + "with urllib") f = urlopen(url) data = with open(path_movie, "wb") as code: code.write(data) else: print("File already downloaded") else: raise Exception('Cannot find the example_movies folder in your caiman_datadir - did you make one with') return path_movie
def get_caiman_version() -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Get the version of CaImAn, as best we can determine""" # This does its best to determine the version of CaImAn. This uses the first successful # from these methods: # 'GITW' ) git rev-parse if caiman is built from "pip install -e ." and we are working # out of the checkout directory (the user may have since updated without reinstall) # 'RELF') A release file left in the process to cut a release. Should have a single line # in it whick looks like "Version:1.4" # 'FILE') The date of some frequently changing files, which act as a very rough # approximation when no other methods are possible # # Data is returned as a tuple of method and version, with method being the 4-letter string above # and version being a format-dependent string # Attempt 'GITW'. # TODO: # A) Find a place to do it that's better than cwd # B) Hide the output from the terminal try: rev = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).decode("utf-8").split("\n")[0] except: rev = None if rev is not None: return 'GITW', rev # Attempt: 'RELF' relfile = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'RELEASE') if os.path.isfile(relfile): with open(relfile, 'r') as sfh: for line in sfh: if ':' in line: # expect a line like "Version:1.3" _, version = line.rstrip().split(':') return 'RELF', version # Attempt: 'FILE' # Right now this samples the utils directory modpath = os.path.dirname( inspect.getfile(caiman.utils) ) # Probably something like /mnt/home/pgunn/miniconda3/envs/caiman/lib/python3.7/site-packages/caiman newest = 0 for fn in os.listdir(modpath): last_modified = os.stat(os.path.join(modpath, fn)).st_mtime if last_modified > newest: newest = last_modified return 'FILE', str(int(newest))
def demo(): fname = [os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies', 'demoMovie.tif')] fr = 10 # frame rate (Hz) decay_time = .75 # approximate length of transient event in seconds gSig = [6, 6] # expected half size of neurons p = 1 # order of AR indicator dynamics min_SNR = 1 # minimum SNR for accepting candidate components thresh_CNN_noisy = 0.65 # CNN threshold for candidate components gnb = 2 # number of background components init_method = 'cnmf' # initialization method # set up CNMF initialization parameters init_batch = 400 # number of frames for initialization patch_size = 32 # size of patch stride = 3 # amount of overlap between patches K = 4 # max number of components in each patch params_dict = { 'fr': fr, 'fnames': fname, 'decay_time': decay_time, 'gSig': gSig, 'p': p, 'motion_correct': False, 'min_SNR': min_SNR, 'nb': gnb, 'init_batch': init_batch, 'init_method': init_method, 'rf': patch_size // 2, 'stride': stride, 'sniper_mode': True, 'thresh_CNN_noisy': thresh_CNN_noisy, 'K': K } opts = cnmf.params.CNMFParams(params_dict=params_dict) cnm = cnmf.online_cnmf.OnACID(params=opts) cnm.fit_online()'test_online.hdf5') cnm2 = cnmf.online_cnmf.load_OnlineCNMF('test_online.hdf5') npt.assert_allclose(cnm.estimates.A.sum(), cnm2.estimates.A.sum()) npt.assert_allclose(cnm.estimates.C, cnm2.estimates.C)
def demo(parallel=False): p = 2 # order of the AR model (in general 1 or 2) if parallel: c, dview, n_processes = cm.cluster.setup_cluster(backend='local', n_processes=None, single_thread=False) else: n_processes, dview = 2, None # LOAD MOVIE AND MEMORYMAP fname_new = cm.save_memmap( [os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies', 'demoMovie.tif')], base_name='Yr', order='C') Yr, dims, T = cm.load_memmap(fname_new) # INIT cnm = cnmf.CNMF(n_processes, method_init='greedy_roi', k=30, gSig=[4, 4], merge_thresh=.8, p=p, dview=dview, Ain=None, method_deconvolution='oasis') # FIT images = np.reshape(Yr.T, [T] + list(dims), order='F') cnm = if parallel: cm.cluster.stop_server(dview=dview) # verifying the spatial components npt.assert_allclose(cnm.estimates.A.sum(), 281.1, 1e-2) # verifying the temporal components npt.assert_allclose(cnm.estimates.C.sum(), 66271668, 1e-2) try: dview.terminate() except: pass
import caiman as cm from caiman.components_evaluation import estimate_components_quality_auto from caiman.source_extraction.cnmf import cnmf as cnmf from caiman.paths import caiman_datadir #%% start a cluster c, dview, n_processes =\ cm.cluster.setup_cluster(backend='local', n_processes=None, single_thread=False) #%% save files to be processed # This datafile is distributed with Caiman fnames = [os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies', 'demoMovie.tif')] # location of dataset (can actually be a list of filed to be concatenated) add_to_movie = -np.min(cm.load(fnames[0], subindices=range(200))).astype(float) # determine minimum value on a small chunk of data add_to_movie = np.maximum(add_to_movie, 0) # if minimum is negative subtract to make the data non-negative base_name = 'Yr' name_new = cm.save_memmap_each(fnames, dview=dview, base_name=base_name, add_to_movie=add_to_movie) name_new.sort() fname_new = cm.save_memmap_join(name_new, base_name='Yr', dview=dview) #%% LOAD MEMORY MAPPABLE FILE Yr, dims, T = cm.load_memmap(fname_new) d1, d2 = dims images = np.reshape(Yr.T, [T] + list(dims), order='F')
def main(): pass # For compatibility between running under Spyder and the CLI # %% start a cluster c, dview, n_processes =\ cm.cluster.setup_cluster(backend='local', n_processes=None, single_thread=False) # %% set up some parameters fnames = [ os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies', 'demoMovie.tif') ] # file(s) to be analyzed is_patches = True # flag for processing in patches or not fr = 10 # approximate frame rate of data decay_time = 5.0 # length of transient if is_patches: # PROCESS IN PATCHES AND THEN COMBINE rf = 10 # half size of each patch stride = 4 # overlap between patches K = 4 # number of components in each patch else: # PROCESS THE WHOLE FOV AT ONCE rf = None # setting these parameters to None stride = None # will run CNMF on the whole FOV K = 30 # number of neurons expected (in the whole FOV) gSig = [6, 6] # expected half size of neurons merge_thresh = 0.80 # merging threshold, max correlation allowed p = 2 # order of the autoregressive system gnb = 2 # global background order params_dict = { 'fnames': fnames, 'fr': fr, 'decay_time': decay_time, 'rf': rf, 'stride': stride, 'K': K, 'gSig': gSig, 'merge_thr': merge_thresh, 'p': p, 'nb': gnb } opts = params.CNMFParams(params_dict=params_dict) # %% Now RUN CaImAn Batch (CNMF) cnm = cnmf.CNMF(n_processes, params=opts, dview=dview) cnm = cnm.fit_file() # %% plot contour plots of components Cns = local_correlations_movie_offline(fnames[0], remove_baseline=True, swap_dim=False, window=1000, stride=1000, winSize_baseline=100, quantil_min_baseline=10, dview=dview) Cn = Cns.max(axis=0) cnm.estimates.plot_contours(img=Cn) # %% load memory mapped file Yr, dims, T = cm.load_memmap(cnm.mmap_file) images = np.reshape(Yr.T, [T] + list(dims), order='F') # %% refit cnm2 = cnm.refit(images, dview=dview) # %% COMPONENT EVALUATION # the components are evaluated in three ways: # a) the shape of each component must be correlated with the data # b) a minimum peak SNR is required over the length of a transient # c) each shape passes a CNN based classifier (this will pick up only neurons # and filter out active processes) min_SNR = 2 # peak SNR for accepted components (if above this, acept) rval_thr = 0.85 # space correlation threshold (if above this, accept) use_cnn = True # use the CNN classifier min_cnn_thr = 0.99 # if cnn classifier predicts below this value, reject cnn_lowest = 0.1 # neurons with cnn probability lower than this value are rejected cnm2.params.set( 'quality', { 'min_SNR': min_SNR, 'rval_thr': rval_thr, 'use_cnn': use_cnn, 'min_cnn_thr': min_cnn_thr, 'cnn_lowest': cnn_lowest }) cnm2.estimates.evaluate_components(images, cnm2.params, dview=dview) # %% visualize selected and rejected components cnm2.estimates.plot_contours(img=Cn, idx=cnm2.estimates.idx_components) # %% visualize selected components cnm2.estimates.view_components(images, idx=cnm2.estimates.idx_components, img=Cn) #%% only select high quality components (destructive) # cnm2.estimates.select_components(use_object=True) # cnm2.estimates.plot_contours(img=Cn) #%% save results cnm2.estimates.Cn = Cn[:-4] + 'hdf5') # %% play movie with results (original, reconstructed, amplified residual) cnm2.estimates.play_movie(images, magnification=4) # %% STOP CLUSTER and clean up log files cm.stop_server(dview=dview) log_files = glob.glob('Yr*_LOG_*') for log_file in log_files: os.remove(log_file)
def main(): pass # For compatibility between running under Spyder and the CLI #%% Select file(s) to be processed (download if not present) fnames = [ os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies/Sue_2x_3000_40_-46.nwb') ] # estimates save path can be same or different from raw data path save_path = os.path.join( caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies/Sue_2x_3000_40_-46_CNMF_estimates.nwb') # filename to be created or processed # dataset dependent parameters fr = 15. # imaging rate in frames per second decay_time = 0.4 # length of a typical transient in seconds #%% load the file and save it in the NWB format (if it doesn't exist already) if not os.path.exists(fnames[0]): fnames_orig = 'Sue_2x_3000_40_-46.tif' # filename to be processed if fnames_orig in ['Sue_2x_3000_40_-46.tif', 'demoMovie.tif']: fnames_orig = [download_demo(fnames_orig)] orig_movie = cm.load(fnames_orig, fr=fr) # save file in NWB format with various additional info[0], sess_desc='test', identifier='demo 1', exp_desc='demo movie', imaging_plane_description='single plane', emission_lambda=520.0, indicator='GCAMP6f', location='parietal cortex', experimenter='Sue Ann Koay', lab_name='Tank Lab', institution='Princeton U', experiment_description='Experiment Description', session_id='Session 1', var_name_hdf5='TwoPhotonSeries') #%% First setup some parameters for data and motion correction # motion correction parameters dxy = (2., 2.) # spatial resolution in x and y in (um per pixel) # note the lower than usual spatial resolution here max_shift_um = (12., 12.) # maximum shift in um patch_motion_um = (100., 100.) # patch size for non-rigid correction in um pw_rigid = True # flag to select rigid vs pw_rigid motion correction # maximum allowed rigid shift in pixels max_shifts = [int(a / b) for a, b in zip(max_shift_um, dxy)] # start a new patch for pw-rigid motion correction every x pixels strides = tuple([int(a / b) for a, b in zip(patch_motion_um, dxy)]) # overlap between patches (size of patch in pixels: strides+overlaps) overlaps = (24, 24) # maximum deviation allowed for patch with respect to rigid shifts max_deviation_rigid = 3 mc_dict = { 'fnames': fnames, 'fr': fr, 'decay_time': decay_time, 'dxy': dxy, 'pw_rigid': pw_rigid, 'max_shifts': max_shifts, 'strides': strides, 'overlaps': overlaps, 'max_deviation_rigid': max_deviation_rigid, 'border_nan': 'copy', 'var_name_hdf5': 'acquisition/TwoPhotonSeries' } opts = params.CNMFParams(params_dict=mc_dict) # %% play the movie (optional) # playing the movie using opencv. It requires loading the movie in memory. # To close the video press q display_images = False if display_images: m_orig = cm.load_movie_chain(fnames,['var_name_hdf5']) ds_ratio = 0.2 moviehandle = m_orig.resize(1, 1, ds_ratio), fr=60, magnification=2) # %% start a cluster for parallel processing c, dview, n_processes = cm.cluster.setup_cluster(backend='local', n_processes=None, single_thread=False) # %%% MOTION CORRECTION # first we create a motion correction object with the specified parameters mc = MotionCorrect(fnames, dview=dview,['var_name_hdf5'], **opts.get_group('motion')) # note that the file is not loaded in memory # %% Run (piecewise-rigid motion) correction using NoRMCorre mc.motion_correct(save_movie=True) # %% compare with original movie if display_images: m_orig = cm.load_movie_chain(fnames,['var_name_hdf5']) m_els = cm.load(mc.mmap_file) ds_ratio = 0.2 moviehandle = cm.concatenate([ m_orig.resize(1, 1, ds_ratio) - mc.min_mov * mc.nonneg_movie, m_els.resize(1, 1, ds_ratio) ], axis=2), q_max=99.5, magnification=2) # press q to exit # %% MEMORY MAPPING border_to_0 = 0 if mc.border_nan is 'copy' else mc.border_to_0 # you can include the boundaries of the FOV if you used the 'copy' option # during motion correction, although be careful about the components near # the boundaries # memory map the file in order 'C' fname_new = cm.save_memmap(mc.mmap_file, base_name='memmap_', order='C', border_to_0=border_to_0) # exclude borders # now load the file Yr, dims, T = cm.load_memmap(fname_new) images = np.reshape(Yr.T, [T] + list(dims), order='F') # load frames in python format (T x X x Y) # %% restart cluster to clean up memory cm.stop_server(dview=dview) c, dview, n_processes = cm.cluster.setup_cluster(backend='local', n_processes=None, single_thread=False) # %% parameters for source extraction and deconvolution p = 1 # order of the autoregressive system gnb = 2 # number of global background components merge_thr = 0.85 # merging threshold, max correlation allowed rf = 15 # half-size of the patches in pixels. e.g., if rf=25, patches are 50x50 stride_cnmf = 6 # amount of overlap between the patches in pixels K = 4 # number of components per patch gSig = [4, 4] # expected half size of neurons in pixels # initialization method (if analyzing dendritic data using 'sparse_nmf') method_init = 'greedy_roi' ssub = 2 # spatial subsampling during initialization tsub = 2 # temporal subsampling during intialization # parameters for component evaluation opts_dict = { 'fnames': fnames, 'fr': fr, 'nb': gnb, 'rf': rf, 'K': K, 'gSig': gSig, 'stride': stride_cnmf, 'method_init': method_init, 'rolling_sum': True, 'merge_thr': merge_thr, 'n_processes': n_processes, 'only_init': True, 'ssub': ssub, 'tsub': tsub } opts.change_params(params_dict=opts_dict) # %% RUN CNMF ON PATCHES # First extract spatial and temporal components on patches and combine them # for this step deconvolution is turned off (p=0) opts.change_params({'p': 0}) cnm = cnmf.CNMF(n_processes, params=opts, dview=dview) cnm = # %% ALTERNATE WAY TO RUN THE PIPELINE AT ONCE # you can also perform the motion correction plus cnmf fitting steps # simultaneously after defining your parameters object using # cnm1 = cnmf.CNMF(n_processes, params=opts, dview=dview) # cnm1.fit_file(motion_correct=True) # %% plot contours of found components Cn = cm.local_correlations(images, swap_dim=False) Cn[np.isnan(Cn)] = 0 cnm.estimates.plot_contours(img=Cn) plt.title('Contour plots of found components') #%% save results in a separate file (just for demonstration purposes) cnm.estimates.Cn = Cn[:-4] + 'hdf5')[:-5]+'_Cn.tif') # %% RE-RUN seeded CNMF on accepted patches to refine and perform deconvolution cnm.params.change_params({'p': p}) cnm2 = cnm.refit(images, dview=dview) # %% COMPONENT EVALUATION # the components are evaluated in three ways: # a) the shape of each component must be correlated with the data # b) a minimum peak SNR is required over the length of a transient # c) each shape passes a CNN based classifier min_SNR = 2 # signal to noise ratio for accepting a component rval_thr = 0.85 # space correlation threshold for accepting a component cnn_thr = 0.99 # threshold for CNN based classifier cnn_lowest = 0.1 # neurons with cnn probability lower than this value are rejected cnm2.params.set( 'quality', { 'decay_time': decay_time, 'min_SNR': min_SNR, 'rval_thr': rval_thr, 'use_cnn': True, 'min_cnn_thr': cnn_thr, 'cnn_lowest': cnn_lowest }) cnm2.estimates.evaluate_components(images, cnm2.params, dview=dview) #%% cnm2.estimates.Cn = Cn[:-4] + 'hdf5') # %% PLOT COMPONENTS cnm2.estimates.plot_contours(img=Cn, idx=cnm2.estimates.idx_components) # %% VIEW TRACES (accepted and rejected) if display_images: cnm2.estimates.view_components(images, img=Cn, idx=cnm2.estimates.idx_components) cnm2.estimates.view_components(images, img=Cn, idx=cnm2.estimates.idx_components_bad) #%% update object with selected components # cnm2.estimates.select_components(use_object=True) #%% Extract DF/F values cnm2.estimates.detrend_df_f(quantileMin=8, frames_window=250) #%% Show final traces cnm2.estimates.view_components(img=Cn) #%% reconstruct denoised movie (press q to exit) if display_images: cnm2.estimates.play_movie(images, q_max=99.9, gain_res=2, magnification=2, bpx=border_to_0, include_bck=False) # background not shown #%% STOP CLUSTER and clean up log files cm.stop_server(dview=dview) log_files = glob.glob('*_LOG_*') for log_file in log_files: os.remove(log_file) #%% save the results in the original NWB file cnm2.estimates.save_NWB(save_path, imaging_rate=fr,, raw_data_file=fnames[0])
def save_with_compare(self, istruth=False, params=None, dview=None, Cn=None): """save the comparison as well as the images of the precision recall calculations depending on if we say this file will be ground truth or not, it wil be saved in either the tests or the ground truth folder if saved in test, a comparison to groundtruth will be added to the object this comparison will be on data : a normized difference of the normalized value of the arrays time : difference in order for this function to work, you must have previously given it the cnm objects after initializing them ( on patch and full frame) give the values of the time and data have a groundtruth Args: self: dictionnary the object of this class tha tcontains every value istruth: Boolean if we want it ot be the ground truth params: movie parameters dview : your dview object n_frames_per_bin: you need to know those data before they have been given to the base/rois functions dims_test: you need to know those data before they have been given to the base/rois functions Cn: your correlation image Cmap: a particular colormap for your Cn See Also: Example of utilisation on Demo Pipeline \image caiman/tests/comparison/data.pdf Raises: ('we now have ground truth\n') ('we were not able to read the file to compare it\n') """ # getting the DATA FOR COMPARISONS assert (params != None and self.cnmpatch != None)'we need the parameters in order to save anything\n') # actions on the sparse matrix cnm = self.cnmpatch.__dict__ cnmpatch = deletesparse(cnm) # initialization dims_test = [self.dims[0], self.dims[1]] dims_gt = dims_test dt = dt = str(dt) plat = plt.platform() plat = str(plat) pro = plt.processor() pro = str(pro) # we store a big file which contains everything (INFORMATION) information = { 'platform': plat, 'time': dt, 'processor': pro, 'params': params, 'cnmpatch': cnmpatch, 'timer': { 'cnmf_on_patch': self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['timer'], 'cnmf_full_frame': self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['timer'], 'rig_shifts': self.comparison['rig_shifts']['timer'] } } rootdir = os.path.abspath(cm.__path__[0])[:-7] file_path = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), "testdata", "groundtruth.npz") # OPENINGS # if we want to set this data as truth if istruth: # we just save it if os._exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) logging.debug("nothing to remove\n") np.savez_compressed( file_path, information=information, A_full=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['ourdata'][0], C_full=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['ourdata'][1], A_patch=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['ourdata'][0], C_patch=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['ourdata'][1], rig_shifts=self.comparison['rig_shifts']['ourdata'])'we now have ground truth\n') return else: # if not we create a comparison first try: with np.load(file_path, encoding='latin1') as dt: rig_shifts = dt['rig_shifts'][()] A_patch = dt['A_patch'][()] A_full = dt['A_full'][()] C_full = dt['C_full'][()] C_patch = dt['C_patch'][()] data = dt['information'][()] # if we cannot manage to open it or it doesnt exist: except (IOError, OSError): # we save but we explain why there were a problem logging.warning('we were not able to read the file ' + str(file_path) + ' to compare it\n') file_path = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), "testdata", "NC" + dt + ".npz") np.savez_compressed( file_path, information=information, A_full=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['ourdata'][0], C_full=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['ourdata'][1], A_patch=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['ourdata'][0], C_patch=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['ourdata'][1], rig_shifts=self.comparison['rig_shifts']['ourdata']) return # creating the FOLDER to store our data # XXX Is this still hooked up to anything? i = 0 dr = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), "testdata") for name in os.listdir(dr): i += 1 i = str(i) if not os.path.exists(dr + i): os.makedirs(dr + i) information.update({'diff': {}}) information.update({ 'differences': { 'proc': False, 'params_movie': False, 'params_cnm': False } }) # INFORMATION FOR THE USER if data['processor'] != information['processor']: "you don't have the same processor as groundtruth.. the time difference can vary" " because of that\n try recreate your own groundtruth before testing. Compare: " + str(data['processor']) + " to " + str(information['processor']) + "\n") information['differences']['proc'] = True if data['params'] != information['params']: logging.warning( "you are not using the same movie parameters... Things can go wrong" ) logging.warning( 'you must use the same parameters to compare your version of the code with ' 'the groundtruth one. look for the groundtruth parameters with the see() method\n' ) information['differences']['params_movie'] = True # We must cleanup some fields to permit an accurate comparison if not normalised_compare_cnmpatches(data['cnmpatch'], cnmpatch): if data['cnmpatch'].keys() != cnmpatch.keys(): logging.error( 'DIFFERENCES IN THE FIELDS OF CNMF' ) # TODO: Now that we have deeply nested data structures, find a module that gives you tight differences. diffkeys = [ k for k in data['cnmpatch'] if data['cnmpatch'][k] != cnmpatch[k] ] for k in diffkeys:"{}:{}->{}".format(k, data['cnmpatch'][k], cnmpatch[k])) logging.warning( 'you are not using the same parameters in your cnmf on patches initialization\n' ) information['differences']['params_cnm'] = True # for rigid # plotting part information['diff'].update({ 'rig': plotrig(init=rig_shifts, curr=self.comparison['rig_shifts']['ourdata'], timer=self.comparison['rig_shifts']['timer'] - data['timer']['rig_shifts'], sensitivity=self.comparison['rig_shifts']['sensitivity']) }) try: pl.gcf().savefig(dr + str(i) + '/' + 'rigidcorrection.pdf') pl.close() except: pass # for cnmf on patch information['diff'].update({ 'cnmpatch': cnmf(Cn=Cn, A_gt=A_patch, A_test=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['ourdata'][0], C_gt=C_patch, C_test=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['ourdata'][1], dview=dview, sensitivity=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['sensitivity'], dims_test=dims_test, dims_gt=dims_gt, timer=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['timer'] - data['timer']['cnmf_on_patch']) }) try: pl.gcf().savefig(dr + i + '/' + 'onpatch.pdf') pl.close() except: pass # CNMF FULL FRAME information['diff'].update({ 'cnmfull': cnmf(Cn=Cn, A_gt=A_full, A_test=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['ourdata'][0], C_gt=C_full, C_test=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['ourdata'][1], dview=dview, sensitivity=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['sensitivity'], dims_test=dims_test, dims_gt=dims_gt, timer=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['timer'] - data['timer']['cnmf_full_frame']) }) try: pl.gcf().savefig(dr + i + '/' + 'cnmfull.pdf') pl.close() except: pass # Saving of everything target_dir = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), "testdata", i) if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs( os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), "testdata", i) ) # XXX If we ever go Python3, just use the exist_ok flag to os.makedirs file_path = os.path.join(target_dir, i + ".npz") np.savez_compressed( file_path, information=information, A_full=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['ourdata'][0], C_full=self.comparison['cnmf_full_frame']['ourdata'][1], A_patch=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['ourdata'][0], C_patch=self.comparison['cnmf_on_patch']['ourdata'][1], rig_shifts=self.comparison['rig_shifts']['ourdata']) self.information = information
fontScale=1.2, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=1) cv2.putText(vid_frame, 'Frame = ' + str(t), (vid_frame.shape[1] // 2 - vid_frame.shape[1] // 10, vid_frame.shape[0] - 20), fontFace=5, fontScale=1.2, color=(0, 255, 255), thickness=1) return vid_frame #%% Prepare object for OnACID cnm2 = deepcopy(cnm_init) path_to_model = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'model', 'cnn_model_online.h5') if save_init: cnm_init.dview = None save_object(cnm_init, os.path.abspath(fls[0]) + '_DS_' + str(ds_factor) + '.pkl') cnm_init = load_object( os.path.abspath(fls[0]) + '_DS_' + str(ds_factor) + '.pkl') t1 = time() cnm2._prepare_object(np.asarray(Yr), T1, expected_comps, idx_components=None, min_num_trial=min_num_trial,
def main(): pass # For compatibility between running under Spyder and the CLI # %% download and list all files to be processed # folder inside ./example_movies where files will be saved fld_name = 'Mesoscope' download_demo('Tolias_mesoscope_1.hdf5', fld_name) download_demo('Tolias_mesoscope_2.hdf5', fld_name) download_demo('Tolias_mesoscope_3.hdf5', fld_name) # folder where files are located folder_name = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies', fld_name) extension = 'hdf5' # extension of files # read all files to be processed fnames = glob.glob(folder_name + '/*' + extension) # your list of files should look something like this # %% Set up some parameters fr = 10 # frame rate (Hz) decay_time = 2 # approximate length of transient event in seconds gSig = (3, 3) # expected half size of neurons p = 1 # order of AR indicator dynamics min_SNR = 1 # minimum SNR for accepting new components ds_factor = 1 # spatial downsampling factor (increases speed but may lose some fine structure) gnb = 2 # number of background components gSig = tuple(np.ceil( np.array(gSig) / ds_factor).astype('int')) # recompute gSig if downsampling is involved mot_corr = False # flag for online motion correction pw_rigid = True # flag for pw-rigid motion correction (slower but potentially more accurate) max_shifts_online = 6 # maximum allowed shift during motion correction sniper_mode = True # use a CNN to detect new neurons (o/w space correlation) rval_thr = 0.9 # soace correlation threshold for candidate components # set up some additional supporting parameters needed for the algorithm # (these are default values but can change depending on dataset properties) init_batch = 200 # number of frames for initialization (presumably from the first file) K = 2 # initial number of components epochs = 2 # number of passes over the data show_movie = False # show the movie as the data gets processed params_dict = { 'fnames': fnames, 'fr': fr, 'decay_time': decay_time, 'gSig': gSig, 'p': p, 'min_SNR': min_SNR, 'rval_thr': rval_thr, 'ds_factor': ds_factor, 'nb': gnb, 'motion_correct': mot_corr, 'init_batch': init_batch, 'init_method': 'bare', 'normalize': True, 'sniper_mode': sniper_mode, 'K': K, 'epochs': epochs, 'max_shifts_online': max_shifts_online, 'pw_rigid': pw_rigid, 'dist_shape_update': True, 'min_num_trial': 10, 'show_movie': show_movie } opts = cnmf.params.CNMFParams(params_dict=params_dict) # %% fit online cnm = cnmf.online_cnmf.OnACID(params=opts) cnm.fit_online() # %% plot contours (this may take time)'Number of components: ' + str(cnm.estimates.A.shape[-1])) images = cm.load(fnames) Cn = images.local_correlations(swap_dim=False, frames_per_chunk=500) cnm.estimates.plot_contours(img=Cn, display_numbers=False) # %% view components cnm.estimates.view_components(img=Cn) # %% plot timing performance (if a movie is generated during processing, timing # will be severely over-estimated) T_motion = 1e3 * np.array(cnm.t_motion) T_detect = 1e3 * np.array(cnm.t_detect) T_shapes = 1e3 * np.array(cnm.t_shapes) T_track = 1e3 * np.array(cnm.t_online) - T_motion - T_detect - T_shapes plt.figure() plt.stackplot(np.arange(len(T_motion)), T_motion, T_track, T_detect, T_shapes) plt.legend(labels=['motion', 'tracking', 'detect', 'shapes'], loc=2) plt.title('Processing time allocation') plt.xlabel('Frame #') plt.ylabel('Processing time [ms]') #%% RUN IF YOU WANT TO VISUALIZE THE RESULTS (might take time) c, dview, n_processes = \ cm.cluster.setup_cluster(backend='local', n_processes=None, single_thread=False) if['motion_correct']: shifts = cnm.estimates.shifts[-cnm.estimates.C.shape[-1]:] if not opts.motion['pw_rigid']: memmap_file = cm.motion_correction.apply_shift_online( images, shifts, save_base_name='MC') else: mc = cm.motion_correction.MotionCorrect(fnames, dview=dview, **opts.get_group('motion')) mc.y_shifts_els = [[sx[0] for sx in sh] for sh in shifts] mc.x_shifts_els = [[sx[1] for sx in sh] for sh in shifts] memmap_file = mc.apply_shifts_movie(fnames, rigid_shifts=False, save_memmap=True, save_base_name='MC') else: # To do: apply non-rigid shifts on the fly memmap_file =[0][:-4] + 'mmap') cnm.mmap_file = memmap_file Yr, dims, T = cm.load_memmap(memmap_file) # images = np.reshape(Yr.T, [T] + list(dims), order='F') # min_SNR = 2 # peak SNR for accepted components (if above this, acept) # rval_thr = 0.85 # space correlation threshold (if above this, accept) # use_cnn = True # use the CNN classifier # min_cnn_thr = 0.99 # if cnn classifier predicts below this value, reject # cnn_lowest = 0.1 # neurons with cnn probability lower than this value are rejected # # cnm.params.set('quality', {'min_SNR': min_SNR, # 'rval_thr': rval_thr, # 'use_cnn': use_cnn, # 'min_cnn_thr': min_cnn_thr, # 'cnn_lowest': cnn_lowest}) # # cnm.estimates.evaluate_components(images, cnm.params, dview=dview) cnm.estimates.Cn = Cn[0])[0] + '_results.hdf5') dview.terminate()
def main(): pass # For compatibility between running under Spyder and the CLI c, dview, n_processes =\ cm.cluster.setup_cluster(backend='local', n_processes=None, single_thread=False) # %% set up some parameters fnames = [os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'split', 'first3000-ch1.tif'), os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'split', 'second3000-ch1.tif')] is_patches = True # flag for processing in patches or not fr = 1.5 # approximate frame rate of data decay_time = 5.0 # length of transient if is_patches: # PROCESS IN PATCHES AND THEN COMBINE rf = 20 # half size of each patch stride = 4 # overlap between patches K = 2 # number of components in each patch else: # PROCESS THE WHOLE FOV AT ONCE rf = None # setting these parameters to None stride = None # will run CNMF on the whole FOV K = 10 # number of neurons expected (in the whole FOV) gSig = [6, 6] # expected half size of neurons merge_thresh = 0.80 # merging threshold, max correlation allowed p = 2 # order of the autoregressive system gnb = 2 # global background order params_dict = {'fnames': fnames, 'fr': fr, 'decay_time': decay_time, 'rf': rf, 'stride': stride, 'K': K, 'gSig': gSig, 'merge_thr': merge_thresh, 'p': p, 'nb': gnb} opts = params.CNMFParams(params_dict=params_dict) # %% Now RUN CaImAn Batch (CNMF) cnm = cnmf.CNMF(n_processes, params=opts, dview=dview) #cnm.estimates.normalize_components() cnm = cnm.fit_file() # %% plot contour plots of components Cn = cm.load(fnames[0], subindices=slice(1000)).local_correlations(swap_dim=False) cnm.estimates.plot_contours(img=Cn) # %% load memory mapped file Yr, dims, T = cm.load_memmap(cnm.mmap_file) images = np.reshape(Yr.T, [T] + list(dims), order='F') # %% refit cnm2 = cnm.refit(images, dview=dview) # %% COMPONENT EVALUATION # the components are evaluated in three ways: # a) the shape of each component must be correlated with the data # b) a minimum peak SNR is required over the length of a transient # c) each shape passes a CNN based classifier (this will pick up only neurons # and filter out active processes) min_SNR = 2 # peak SNR for accepted components (if above this, acept) rval_thr = 0.85 # space correlation threshold (if above this, accept) use_cnn = False # use the CNN classifier min_cnn_thr = 0.99 # if cnn classifier predicts below this value, reject cnn_lowest = 0.1 # neurons with cnn probability lower than this value are rejected cnm2.params.set('quality', {'min_SNR': min_SNR, 'rval_thr': rval_thr, 'use_cnn': use_cnn, 'min_cnn_thr': min_cnn_thr, 'cnn_lowest': cnn_lowest}) cnm2.estimates.detrend_df_f() cnm2.estimates.evaluate_components(images, cnm2.params, dview=dview) # %% visualize selected and rejected components cnm2.estimates.plot_contours(img=Cn, idx=cnm2.estimates.idx_components) # %% visualize selected components cnm2.estimates.nb_view_components(images, idx=cnm2.estimates.idx_components, img=Cn) cnm2.estimates.view_components(images, idx=cnm2.estimates.idx_components_bad, img=Cn) #%% only select high quality components cnm2.estimates.select_components(use_object=True) #%% cnm2.estimates.plot_contours(img=Cn) cnm2.estimates.detrend_df_f() import pickle f = open("/home/david/zebraHorse/df_f_day55.pkl", "wb") pickle.dump(cnm2.estimates.F_dff, f) f.close() # %% play movie with results (original, reconstructed, amplified residual) for j in range(10): cnm2.estimates.play_movie(images, magnification=4.0, frame_range = range(100 * j, 100 * (j + 1))) #import time #time.sleep(1000) # %% STOP CLUSTER and clean up log files cm.stop_server(dview=dview) log_files = glob.glob('Yr*_LOG_*') for log_file in log_files: os.remove(log_file)
def evaluate_components_CNN(A, dims, gSig, model_name: str = os.path.join( caiman_datadir(), 'model', 'cnn_model'), patch_size: int = 50, loaded_model=None, isGPU: bool = False) -> Tuple[Any, np.array]: """ evaluate component quality using a CNN network """ import os if not isGPU: os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '-1' try: os.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = "tensorflow" from tensorflow.keras.models import model_from_json use_keras = True'Using Keras') except (ModuleNotFoundError): use_keras = False'Using Tensorflow') if loaded_model is None: if use_keras: if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), model_name + ".json")): model_file = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), model_name + ".json") model_weights = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), model_name + ".h5") elif os.path.isfile(model_name + ".json"): model_file = model_name + ".json" model_weights = model_name + ".h5" else: raise FileNotFoundError( "File for requested model {} not found".format(model_name)) with open(model_file, 'r') as json_file: print('USING MODEL:' + model_file) loaded_model_json = loaded_model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json) loaded_model.load_weights(model_name + '.h5') #loaded_model.compile('sgd', 'mse') else: if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), model_name + ".h5.pb")): model_file = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), model_name + ".h5.pb") elif os.path.isfile(model_name + ".h5.pb"): model_file = model_name + ".h5.pb" else: raise FileNotFoundError( "File for requested model {} not found".format(model_name)) loaded_model = load_graph(model_file) logging.debug("Loaded model from disk") half_crop = np.minimum(gSig[0] * 4 + 1, patch_size), np.minimum(gSig[1] * 4 + 1, patch_size) dims = np.array(dims) coms = [ scipy.ndimage.center_of_mass(mm.toarray().reshape(dims, order='F')) for mm in A.tocsc().T ] coms = np.maximum(coms, half_crop) coms = np.array([np.minimum(cms, dims - half_crop) for cms in coms]).astype( crop_imgs = [ mm.toarray().reshape( dims, order='F')[com[0] - half_crop[0]:com[0] + half_crop[0], com[1] - half_crop[1]:com[1] + half_crop[1]] for mm, com in zip(A.tocsc().T, coms) ] final_crops = np.array([ cv2.resize(im / np.linalg.norm(im), (patch_size, patch_size)) for im in crop_imgs ]) if use_keras: predictions = loaded_model.predict(final_crops[:, :, :, np.newaxis], batch_size=32, verbose=1) else: tf_in = loaded_model.get_tensor_by_name('prefix/conv2d_20_input:0') tf_out = loaded_model.get_tensor_by_name('prefix/output_node0:0') with tf.Session(graph=loaded_model) as sess: predictions = tf_out, feed_dict={tf_in: final_crops[:, :, :, np.newaxis]}) sess.close() return predictions, final_crops
def main(): pass # For compatibility between running under Spyder and the CLI # %% Load demo movie and ROIs fnames = download_demo('demo_voltage_imaging.hdf5', 'volpy') # file path to movie file (will download if not present) path_ROIs = download_demo('demo_voltage_imaging_ROIs.hdf5', 'volpy') # file path to ROIs file (will download if not present) # %% Setup some parameters for data and motion correction # dataset parameters fr = 400 # sample rate of the movie ROIs = None # Region of interests index = None # index of neurons weights = None # reuse spatial weights by # opts.change_params(params_dict={'weights':vpy.estimates['weights']}) # motion correction parameters pw_rigid = False # flag for pw-rigid motion correction gSig_filt = (3, 3) # size of filter, in general gSig (see below), # change this one if algorithm does not work max_shifts = (5, 5) # maximum allowed rigid shift strides = (48, 48) # start a new patch for pw-rigid motion correction every x pixels overlaps = (24, 24) # overlap between pathes (size of patch strides+overlaps) max_deviation_rigid = 3 # maximum deviation allowed for patch with respect to rigid shifts border_nan = 'copy' opts_dict = { 'fnames': fnames, 'fr': fr, 'index': index, 'ROIs': ROIs, 'weights': weights, 'pw_rigid': pw_rigid, 'max_shifts': max_shifts, 'gSig_filt': gSig_filt, 'strides': strides, 'overlaps': overlaps, 'max_deviation_rigid': max_deviation_rigid, 'border_nan': border_nan } opts = volparams(params_dict=opts_dict) # %% play the movie (optional) # playing the movie using opencv. It requires loading the movie in memory. # To close the video press q display_images = False if display_images: m_orig = cm.load(fnames) ds_ratio = 0.2 moviehandle = m_orig.resize(1, 1, ds_ratio), fr=60, magnification=2) # %% start a cluster for parallel processing c, dview, n_processes = cm.cluster.setup_cluster( backend='local', n_processes=None, single_thread=False) # %%% MOTION CORRECTION # Create a motion correction object with the specified parameters mc = MotionCorrect(fnames, dview=dview, **opts.get_group('motion')) # Run piecewise rigid motion correction mc.motion_correct(save_movie=True) dview.terminate() # %% motion correction compared with original movie display_images = False if display_images: m_orig = cm.load(fnames) m_rig = cm.load(mc.mmap_file) ds_ratio = 0.2 moviehandle = cm.concatenate([m_orig.resize(1, 1, ds_ratio) - mc.min_mov * mc.nonneg_movie, m_rig.resize(1, 1, ds_ratio)], axis=2), q_max=99.5, magnification=2) # press q to exit # % movie subtracted from the mean m_orig2 = (m_orig - np.mean(m_orig, axis=0)) m_rig2 = (m_rig - np.mean(m_rig, axis=0)) moviehandle1 = cm.concatenate([m_orig2.resize(1, 1, ds_ratio), m_rig2.resize(1, 1, ds_ratio)], axis=2), q_max=99.5, magnification=2) # %% Memory Mapping c, dview, n_processes = cm.cluster.setup_cluster( backend='local', n_processes=None, single_thread=False) border_to_0 = 0 if mc.border_nan == 'copy' else mc.border_to_0 fname_new = cm.save_memmap_join(mc.mmap_file, base_name='memmap_', add_to_mov=border_to_0, dview=dview, n_chunks=10) dview.terminate() # %% change fnames to the new motion corrected one opts.change_params(params_dict={'fnames': fname_new}) # %% SEGMENTATION # Create mean and correlation image use_maskrcnn = True # set to True to predict the ROIs using the mask R-CNN if not use_maskrcnn: # use manual annotations with h5py.File(path_ROIs, 'r') as fl: ROIs = fl['mov'][()] # load ROIs opts.change_params(params_dict={'ROIs': ROIs, 'index': list(range(ROIs.shape[0])), 'method': 'SpikePursuit'}) else: m = cm.load(mc.mmap_file[0], subindices=slice(0, 20000)) = fr img = m.mean(axis=0) img = (img-np.mean(img))/np.std(img) m1 = m.computeDFF(secsWindow=1, in_place=True)[0] m = m - m1 Cn = m.local_correlations(swap_dim=False, eight_neighbours=True) img_corr = (Cn-np.mean(Cn))/np.std(Cn) summary_image = np.stack([img, img, img_corr], axis=2).astype(np.float32) del m del m1 # %% # Mask R-CNN config = neurons.NeuronsConfig() class InferenceConfig(config.__class__): # Run detection on one image at a time GPU_COUNT = 1 IMAGES_PER_GPU = 1 DETECTION_MIN_CONFIDENCE = 0.7 IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE = "pad64" IMAGE_MAX_DIM = 512 RPN_NMS_THRESHOLD = 0.7 POST_NMS_ROIS_INFERENCE = 1000 config = InferenceConfig() config.display() model_dir = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'model') DEVICE = "/cpu:0" # /cpu:0 or /gpu:0 with tf.device(DEVICE): model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", model_dir=model_dir, config=config) weights_path = download_model('mask_rcnn') model.load_weights(weights_path, by_name=True) results = model.detect([summary_image], verbose=1) r = results[0] ROIs_mrcnn = r['masks'].transpose([2, 0, 1]) # %% visualize the result display_result = False if display_result: _, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(16,16)) visualize.display_instances(summary_image, r['rois'], r['masks'], r['class_ids'], ['BG', 'neurons'], r['scores'], ax=ax, title="Predictions") # %% set rois opts.change_params(params_dict={'ROIs':ROIs_mrcnn, 'index':list(range(ROIs_mrcnn.shape[0])), 'method':'SpikePursuit'}) # %% Trace Denoising and Spike Extraction c, dview, n_processes = cm.cluster.setup_cluster( backend='local', n_processes=None, single_thread=False, maxtasksperchild=1) vpy = VOLPY(n_processes=n_processes, dview=dview, params=opts), dview=dview) # %% some visualization print(np.where(vpy.estimates['passedLocalityTest'])[0]) # neurons that pass locality test n = 0 # Processed signal and spikes of neurons plt.figure() plt.plot(vpy.estimates['trace'][n]) plt.plot(vpy.estimates['spikeTimes'][n], np.max(vpy.estimates['trace'][n]) * np.ones(vpy.estimates['spikeTimes'][n].shape), color='g', marker='o', fillstyle='none', linestyle='none') plt.title('signal and spike times') # Location of neurons by Mask R-CNN or manual annotation plt.figure() if use_maskrcnn: plt.imshow(ROIs_mrcnn[n]) else: plt.imshow(ROIs[n]) mv = cm.load(fname_new) plt.imshow(mv.mean(axis=0),alpha=0.5) # Spatial filter created by algorithm plt.figure() plt.imshow(vpy.estimates['spatialFilter'][n]) plt.colorbar() plt.title('spatial filter') # %% STOP CLUSTER and clean up log files cm.stop_server(dview=dview) log_files = glob.glob('*_LOG_*') for log_file in log_files: os.remove(log_file)
def test_computational_performance(fnames, path_ROIs, n_processes): import os import cv2 import glob import logging import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import h5py from time import time try: cv2.setNumThreads(0) except: pass try: if __IPYTHON__: # this is used for debugging purposes only. allows to reload classes # when changed get_ipython().magic('load_ext autoreload') get_ipython().magic('autoreload 2') except NameError: pass import caiman as cm from caiman.motion_correction import MotionCorrect from caiman.utils.utils import download_demo, download_model from caiman.source_extraction.volpy.volparams import volparams from caiman.source_extraction.volpy.volpy import VOLPY from caiman.source_extraction.volpy.mrcnn import visualize, neurons import caiman.source_extraction.volpy.mrcnn.model as modellib from caiman.paths import caiman_datadir from caiman.summary_images import local_correlations_movie_offline from caiman.summary_images import mean_image from caiman.source_extraction.volpy.utils import quick_annotation from multiprocessing import Pool time_start = time() print('Start MOTION CORRECTION') # %% Load demo movie and ROIs fnames = fnames path_ROIs = path_ROIs #%% dataset dependent parameters # dataset dependent parameters fr = 400 # sample rate of the movie # motion correction parameters pw_rigid = False # flag for pw-rigid motion correction gSig_filt = (3, 3) # size of filter, in general gSig (see below), # change this one if algorithm does not work max_shifts = (5, 5) # maximum allowed rigid shift strides = ( 48, 48 ) # start a new patch for pw-rigid motion correction every x pixels overlaps = (24, 24 ) # overlap between pathes (size of patch strides+overlaps) max_deviation_rigid = 3 # maximum deviation allowed for patch with respect to rigid shifts border_nan = 'copy' opts_dict = { 'fnames': fnames, 'fr': fr, 'pw_rigid': pw_rigid, 'max_shifts': max_shifts, 'gSig_filt': gSig_filt, 'strides': strides, 'overlaps': overlaps, 'max_deviation_rigid': max_deviation_rigid, 'border_nan': border_nan } opts = volparams(params_dict=opts_dict) # %% start a cluster for parallel processing dview = Pool(n_processes) #dview = None # %%% MOTION CORRECTION # first we create a motion correction object with the specified parameters mc = MotionCorrect(fnames, dview=dview, **opts.get_group('motion')) # Run correction mc.motion_correct(save_movie=True) time_mc = time() - time_start print(time_mc) print('START MEMORY MAPPING') # %% restart cluster to clean up memory dview.terminate() dview = Pool(n_processes) # %% MEMORY MAPPING border_to_0 = 0 if mc.border_nan == 'copy' else mc.border_to_0 # you can include the boundaries of the FOV if you used the 'copy' option # during motion correction, although be careful about the components near # the boundaries # memory map the file in order 'C' fname_new = cm.save_memmap_join(mc.mmap_file, base_name='memmap_', add_to_mov=border_to_0, dview=dview, n_chunks=1000) # exclude border time_mmap = time() - time_start - time_mc print('Start Segmentation') # %% SEGMENTATION # create summary images img = mean_image(mc.mmap_file[0], window=1000, dview=dview) img = (img - np.mean(img)) / np.std(img) Cn = local_correlations_movie_offline(mc.mmap_file[0], fr=fr, window=1500, stride=1500, winSize_baseline=400, remove_baseline=True, dview=dview).max(axis=0) img_corr = (Cn - np.mean(Cn)) / np.std(Cn) summary_image = np.stack([img, img, img_corr], axis=2).astype(np.float32) #%% three methods for segmentation methods_list = [ 'manual_annotation', # manual annotation needs user to prepare annotated datasets same format as demo ROIs 'quick_annotation', # quick annotation annotates data with simple interface in python 'maskrcnn' ] # maskrcnn is a convolutional network trained for finding neurons using summary images method = methods_list[0] if method == 'manual_annotation': with h5py.File(path_ROIs, 'r') as fl: ROIs = fl['mov'][()] # load ROIs elif method == 'quick_annotation': ROIs = quick_annotation(img_corr, min_radius=4, max_radius=10) elif method == 'maskrcnn': config = neurons.NeuronsConfig() class InferenceConfig(config.__class__): # Run detection on one image at a time GPU_COUNT = 1 IMAGES_PER_GPU = 1 DETECTION_MIN_CONFIDENCE = 0.7 IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE = "pad64" IMAGE_MAX_DIM = 512 RPN_NMS_THRESHOLD = 0.7 POST_NMS_ROIS_INFERENCE = 1000 config = InferenceConfig() config.display() model_dir = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'model') DEVICE = "/cpu:0" # /cpu:0 or /gpu:0 with tf.device(DEVICE): model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", model_dir=model_dir, config=config) weights_path = download_model('mask_rcnn') model.load_weights(weights_path, by_name=True) results = model.detect([summary_image], verbose=1) r = results[0] ROIs = r['masks'].transpose([2, 0, 1]) display_result = False if display_result: _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(16, 16)) visualize.display_instances(summary_image, r['rois'], r['masks'], r['class_ids'], ['BG', 'neurons'], r['scores'], ax=ax, title="Predictions") time_seg = time() - time_mmap - time_mc - time_start print('Start SPIKE EXTRACTION') # %% restart cluster to clean up memory dview.terminate() dview = Pool(n_processes, maxtasksperchild=1) # %% parameters for trace denoising and spike extraction fnames = fname_new # change file ROIs = ROIs # region of interests index = list(range(len(ROIs))) # index of neurons weights = None # reuse spatial weights tau_lp = 5 # parameter for high-pass filter to remove photobleaching threshold = 4 # threshold for finding spikes, increase threshold to find less spikes contextSize = 35 # number of pixels surrounding the ROI to censor from the background PCA flip_signal = True # Important! Flip signal or not, True for Voltron indicator, False for others opts_dict = { 'fnames': fnames, 'ROIs': ROIs, 'index': index, 'weights': weights, 'tau_lp': tau_lp, 'threshold': threshold, 'contextSize': contextSize, 'flip_signal': flip_signal } opts.change_params(params_dict=opts_dict) #%% Trace Denoising and Spike Extraction vpy = VOLPY(n_processes=n_processes, dview=dview, params=opts), dview=dview) # %% STOP CLUSTER and clean up log files #dview.terminate() log_files = glob.glob('*_LOG_*') for log_file in log_files: os.remove(log_file) time_ext = time() - time_mmap - time_mc - time_start - time_seg #%% print('file:' + fnames) print('number of processes' + str(n_processes)) print(time_mc) print(time_mmap) print(time_seg) print(time_ext) time_list = [time_mc, time_mmap, time_seg, time_ext] return time_list
import cv2 from caiman.utils.visualization import plot_contours from caiman.source_extraction.cnmf.online_cnmf import bare_initialization from caiman.source_extraction.cnmf.utilities import detrend_df_f_auto from caiman.paths import caiman_datadir #%% download and list all files to be processed # folder inside ./example_movies where files will be saved fld_name = 'Mesoscope' download_demo('Tolias_mesoscope_1.hdf5', fld_name) download_demo('Tolias_mesoscope_2.hdf5', fld_name) download_demo('Tolias_mesoscope_3.hdf5', fld_name) # folder where files are located folder_name = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies', fld_name) extension = 'hdf5' # extension of files # read all files to be processed fls = glob.glob(folder_name + '/*' + extension) # your list of files should look something like this print(fls) #%% Set up some parameters # frame rate (Hz) fr = 15 # approximate length of transient event in seconds decay_time = 0.5 # expected half size of neurons gSig = (3, 3)
def main(): pass # For compatibility between running under Spyder and the CLI #%% load data fname = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies', 'demoMovie.tif') Y = cm.load(fname).astype(np.float32) # # used as a background image Cn = cm.local_correlations(Y.transpose(1, 2, 0)) #%% set up some parameters # frame rate (Hz) fr = 10 # approximate length of transient event in seconds decay_time = 0.5 # expected half size of neurons gSig = [6, 6] # order of AR indicator dynamics p = 1 # minimum SNR for accepting new components min_SNR = 3.5 # correlation threshold for new component inclusion rval_thr = 0.90 # number of background components gnb = 3 # set up some additional supporting parameters needed for the algorithm (these are default values but change according to dataset characteristics) # number of shapes to be updated each time (put this to a finite small value to increase speed) max_comp_update_shape = np.inf # maximum number of expected components used for memory pre-allocation (exaggerate here) expected_comps = 50 # number of timesteps to consider when testing new neuron candidates N_samples = np.ceil(fr * decay_time) # exceptionality threshold thresh_fitness_raw = log_ndtr(-min_SNR) * N_samples # total length of file T1 = Y.shape[0] # set up CNMF initialization parameters # merging threshold, max correlation allowed merge_thresh = 0.8 # number of frames for initialization (presumably from the first file) initbatch = 400 # size of patch patch_size = 32 # amount of overlap between patches stride = 3 # max number of components in each patch K = 4 #%% obtain initial batch file used for initialization # memory map file (not needed) fname_new = Y[:initbatch].save(os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies', 'demo.mmap'), order='C') Yr, dims, T = cm.load_memmap(fname_new) images = np.reshape(Yr.T, [T] + list(dims), order='F') Cn_init = cm.local_correlations(np.reshape(Yr, dims + (T, ), order='F')) #%% RUN (offline) CNMF algorithm on the initial batch pl.close('all') cnm_init = cnmf.CNMF(2, k=K, gSig=gSig, merge_thresh=merge_thresh, fr=fr, p=p, rf=patch_size // 2, stride=stride, skip_refinement=False, normalize_init=False, options_local_NMF=None, minibatch_shape=100, minibatch_suff_stat=5, update_num_comps=True, rval_thr=rval_thr, thresh_fitness_delta=-50, gnb=gnb, decay_time=decay_time, thresh_fitness_raw=thresh_fitness_raw, batch_update_suff_stat=False, max_comp_update_shape=max_comp_update_shape, expected_comps=expected_comps, dview=None, min_SNR=min_SNR) cnm_init = print(('Number of components:' + str(cnm_init.estimates.A.shape[-1]))) pl.figure() crd = plot_contours(cnm_init.estimates.A.tocsc(), Cn_init, thr=0.9) #%% run (online) OnACID algorithm cnm = deepcopy(cnm_init)['dims'] = (60, 80) cnm._prepare_object(np.asarray(Yr), T1) t = initbatch Y_ = cm.load(fname)[initbatch:].astype(np.float32) for frame_count, frame in enumerate(Y_): cnm.fit_next(t, frame.copy().reshape(-1, order='F')) t += 1 #%% extract the results C, f = cnm.estimates.C_on[gnb:cnm.M], cnm.estimates.C_on[:gnb] A, b = cnm.estimates.Ab[:, gnb:cnm.M], cnm.estimates.Ab[:, :gnb] print(('Number of components:' + str(A.shape[-1]))) #%% pass through the CNN classifier with a low threshold (keeps clearer neuron shapes and excludes processes) use_CNN = True if use_CNN: # threshold for CNN classifier thresh_cnn = 0.1 from caiman.components_evaluation import evaluate_components_CNN predictions, final_crops = evaluate_components_CNN( A, dims, gSig, model_name=os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'model', 'cnn_model')) A_exclude, C_exclude = A[:, predictions[:, 1] < thresh_cnn], C[ predictions[:, 1] < thresh_cnn] A, C = A[:, predictions[:, 1] >= thresh_cnn], C[predictions[:, 1] >= thresh_cnn] noisyC = cnm.estimates.noisyC[gnb:cnm.M] YrA = noisyC[predictions[:, 1] >= thresh_cnn] - C else: YrA = cnm.estimates.noisyC[gnb:cnm.M] - C #%% plot results pl.figure() crd = cm.utils.visualization.plot_contours(A, Cn, thr=0.9) view_patches_bar(Yr, A, C, b, f, dims[0], dims[1], YrA, img=Cn)
def main(): pass # For compatibility between running under Spyder and the CLI #%% start a cluster c, dview, n_processes =\ cm.cluster.setup_cluster(backend='local', n_processes=None, single_thread=False) #%% save files to be processed # This datafile is distributed with Caiman fnames = [ os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies', 'demoMovie.tif') ] # location of dataset (can actually be a list of filed to be concatenated) add_to_movie = -np.min(cm.load(fnames[0], subindices=range(200))).astype(float) # determine minimum value on a small chunk of data add_to_movie = np.maximum(add_to_movie, 0) # if minimum is negative subtract to make the data non-negative base_name = 'Yr' fname_new = cm.save_memmap(fnames, dview=dview, base_name=base_name, order='C', add_to_movie=add_to_movie) #%% LOAD MEMORY MAPPABLE FILE Yr, dims, T = cm.load_memmap(fname_new) d1, d2 = dims images = np.reshape(Yr.T, [T] + list(dims), order='F') #%% play movie, press q to quit play_movie = False if play_movie:[1400:]).play(fr=50, magnification=4, gain=3.) #%% correlation image. From here infer neuron size and density Cn = plt.imshow(Cn, cmap='gray') plt.title('Correlation Image') #%% set up some parameters is_patches = True # flag for processing in patches or not if is_patches: # PROCESS IN PATCHES AND THEN COMBINE rf = 10 # half size of each patch stride = 4 # overlap between patches K = 4 # number of components in each patch else: # PROCESS THE WHOLE FOV AT ONCE rf = None # setting these parameters to None stride = None # will run CNMF on the whole FOV K = 30 # number of neurons expected (in the whole FOV) gSig = [6, 6] # expected half size of neurons merge_thresh = 0.80 # merging threshold, max correlation allowed p = 2 # order of the autoregressive system gnb = 2 # global background order #%% Now RUN CNMF cnm = cnmf.CNMF(n_processes, method_init='greedy_roi', k=K, gSig=gSig, merge_thresh=merge_thresh, p=p, dview=dview, gnb=gnb, rf=rf, stride=stride, rolling_sum=False) cnm = #%% plot contour plots of components plt.figure() crd = cm.utils.visualization.plot_contours(cnm.A, Cn, thr=0.9) plt.title('Contour plots of components') #%% A_in, C_in, b_in, f_in = cnm.A[:, :], cnm.C[:], cnm.b, cnm.f cnm2 = cnmf.CNMF(n_processes=1, k=A_in.shape[-1], gSig=gSig, p=p, dview=dview, merge_thresh=merge_thresh, Ain=A_in, Cin=C_in, b_in=b_in, f_in=f_in, rf=None, stride=None, gnb=gnb, method_deconvolution='oasis', check_nan=True) cnm2 = #%% COMPONENT EVALUATION # the components are evaluated in three ways: # a) the shape of each component must be correlated with the data # b) a minimum peak SNR is required over the length of a transient # c) each shape passes a CNN based classifier (this will pick up only neurons # and filter out active processes) fr = 10 # approximate frame rate of data decay_time = 5.0 # length of transient min_SNR = 2.5 # peak SNR for accepted components (if above this, acept) rval_thr = 0.90 # space correlation threshold (if above this, accept) use_cnn = True # use the CNN classifier min_cnn_thr = 0.95 # if cnn classifier predicts below this value, reject idx_components, idx_components_bad, SNR_comp, r_values, cnn_preds = \ estimate_components_quality_auto(images, cnm.A, cnm.C, cnm.b, cnm.f, cnm.YrA, fr, decay_time, gSig, dims, dview=dview, min_SNR=min_SNR, r_values_min=rval_thr, use_cnn=use_cnn, thresh_cnn_min=min_cnn_thr) #%% visualize selected and rejected components plt.figure() plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) cm.utils.visualization.plot_contours(cnm2.A[:, idx_components], Cn, thr=0.9) plt.title('Selected components') plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.title('Discaded components') cm.utils.visualization.plot_contours(cnm2.A[:, idx_components_bad], Cn, thr=0.9) #%% plt.figure() crd = cm.utils.visualization.plot_contours(cnm2.A.tocsc()[:, idx_components], Cn, thr=0.9) plt.title('Contour plots of components') #%% visualize selected components cm.utils.visualization.view_patches_bar(Yr, cnm2.A.tocsc()[:, idx_components], cnm2.C[idx_components, :], cnm2.b, cnm2.f, dims[0], dims[1], YrA=cnm2.YrA[idx_components, :], img=Cn) #%% STOP CLUSTER and clean up log files cm.stop_server() log_files = glob.glob('Yr*_LOG_*') for log_file in log_files: os.remove(log_file)
import logging from pytictoc import TicToc from caiman.source_extraction.cnmf import params as params from caiman.source_extraction import cnmf as cnmf import os from caiman.paths import caiman_datadir # %% ********* Creating named pipes for communication with MicroManager: ********* timer = TicToc() timer.tic() # start measuring time sendPipeName = "/tmp/getPipeMMCaImAn.ser" # FOR SENDING MESSAGES --> TO MicroManager receivePipeName = "/tmp/sendPipeMMCaImAn.ser" # FOR READING MESSAGES --> FROM MicroManager MMfileDirectory = '/Applications/MicroManager 2.0 gamma/uMresults' CaimanFileDirectory = caiman_datadir() # specify where the file is saved if os.path.exists(sendPipeName): os.remove(sendPipeName) os.mkfifo(sendPipeName) print("Removed old write-pipe, created new write-pipe.") else: os.mkfifo(sendPipeName) print("Write-pipe created sucessfully!") if os.path.exists(receivePipeName): os.remove(receivePipeName) os.mkfifo(receivePipeName) print("Removed old read-pipe, created new read-pipe.") else: os.mkfifo(receivePipeName)
def main(): pass # For compatibility between running under Spyder and the CLI #%% download and list all files to be processed # folder inside ./example_movies where files will be saved fld_name = 'Mesoscope' download_demo('Tolias_mesoscope_1.hdf5', fld_name) download_demo('Tolias_mesoscope_2.hdf5', fld_name) download_demo('Tolias_mesoscope_3.hdf5', fld_name) # folder where files are located folder_name = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'example_movies', fld_name) extension = 'hdf5' # extension of files # read all files to be processed fls = glob.glob(folder_name + '/*' + extension) # your list of files should look something like this print(fls) #%% Set up some parameters # frame rate (Hz) fr = 15 # approximate length of transient event in seconds decay_time = 0.5 # expected half size of neurons gSig = (3, 3) # order of AR indicator dynamics p = 1 # minimum SNR for accepting new components min_SNR = 2.5 # correlation threshold for new component inclusion rval_thr = 0.85 # spatial downsampling factor (increases speed but may lose some fine structure) ds_factor = 1 # number of background components gnb = 2 # recompute gSig if downsampling is involved gSig = tuple(np.ceil(np.array(gSig) / ds_factor).astype('int')) # flag for online motion correction mot_corr = True # maximum allowed shift during motion correction max_shift = np.ceil(10. / ds_factor).astype('int') # set up some additional supporting parameters needed for the algorithm (these are default values but change according to dataset characteristics) # number of shapes to be updated each time (put this to a finite small value to increase speed) max_comp_update_shape = np.inf # number of files used for initialization init_files = 1 # number of files used for online online_files = len(fls) - 1 # number of frames for initialization (presumably from the first file) initbatch = 200 # maximum number of expected components used for memory pre-allocation (exaggerate here) expected_comps = 300 # initial number of components K = 2 # number of timesteps to consider when testing new neuron candidates N_samples = np.ceil(fr * decay_time) # exceptionality threshold thresh_fitness_raw = scipy.special.log_ndtr(-min_SNR) * N_samples # number of passes over the data epochs = 2 # upper bound for number of frames in each file (used right below) len_file = 1000 # total length of all files (if not known use a large number, then truncate at the end) T1 = len(fls) * len_file * epochs #%% Initialize movie # load only the first initbatch frames and possibly downsample them if ds_factor > 1: Y = cm.load(fls[0], subindices=slice(0, initbatch, None)).astype( np.float32).resize(1. / ds_factor, 1. / ds_factor) else: Y = cm.load(fls[0], subindices=slice(0, initbatch, None)).astype(np.float32) if mot_corr: # perform motion correction on the first initbatch frames mc = Y.motion_correct(max_shift, max_shift) Y = mc[0].astype(np.float32) borders = np.max(mc[1]) else: Y = Y.astype(np.float32) # minimum value of movie. Subtract it to make the data non-negative img_min = Y.min() Y -= img_min img_norm = np.std(Y, axis=0) # normalizing factor to equalize the FOV img_norm += np.median(img_norm) Y = Y / img_norm[None, :, :] # normalize data _, d1, d2 = Y.shape dims = (d1, d2) # dimensions of FOV Yr = Y.to_2D().T # convert data into 2D array Cn_init = Y.local_correlations(swap_dim=False) # compute correlation image #pl.imshow(Cn_init) #pl.title('Correlation Image on initial batch') #pl.colorbar() bnd_Y = np.percentile(Y, (0.001, 100 - 0.001)) # plotting boundaries for Y #%% initialize OnACID with bare initialization cnm_init = bare_initialization(Y[:initbatch].transpose(1, 2, 0), init_batch=initbatch, k=K, gnb=gnb, gSig=gSig, p=p, minibatch_shape=100, minibatch_suff_stat=5, update_num_comps=True, rval_thr=rval_thr, thresh_fitness_raw=thresh_fitness_raw, batch_update_suff_stat=True, max_comp_update_shape=max_comp_update_shape, deconv_flag=False, use_dense=False, simultaneously=False, n_refit=0) #%% Plot initialization results crd = plot_contours(cnm_init.A.tocsc(), Cn_init, thr=0.9) A, C, b, f, YrA, sn = cnm_init.A, cnm_init.C, cnm_init.b, cnm_init.f, cnm_init.YrA, view_patches_bar(Yr, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(A.tocsc()[:, :]), C[:, :], b, f, dims[0], dims[1], YrA=YrA[:, :], img=Cn_init) bnd_AC = np.percentile(, (0.001, 100 - 0.005)) bnd_BG = np.percentile(, (0.001, 100 - 0.001)) #%% create a function for plotting results in real time if needed def create_frame(cnm2, img_norm, captions): A, b = cnm2.Ab[:, cnm2.gnb:], cnm2.Ab[:, :cnm2.gnb].toarray() C, f = cnm2.C_on[cnm2.gnb:cnm2.M, :], cnm2.C_on[:cnm2.gnb, :] # inferred activity due to components (no background) frame_plot = (frame_cor.copy() - bnd_Y[0]) / np.diff(bnd_Y) comps_frame =[:, t - 1]).reshape(cnm2.dims, order='F') bgkrnd_frame =[:, t - 1]).reshape( cnm2.dims, order='F') # denoised frame (components + background) denoised_frame = comps_frame + bgkrnd_frame denoised_frame = (denoised_frame.copy() - bnd_Y[0]) / np.diff(bnd_Y) comps_frame = (comps_frame.copy() - bnd_AC[0]) / np.diff(bnd_AC) if show_residuals: #all_comps = np.reshape(cnm2.Yres_buf.mean(0), cnm2.dims, order='F') all_comps = np.reshape(cnm2.mean_buff, cnm2.dims, order='F') all_comps = np.minimum(np.maximum(all_comps, 0) * 2 + 0.25, 255) else: all_comps = np.array(A.sum(-1)).reshape(cnm2.dims, order='F') # spatial shapes frame_comp_1 = cv2.resize( np.concatenate([frame_plot, all_comps * 1.], axis=-1), (2 *[1] * resize_fact),[0] * resize_fact))) frame_comp_2 = cv2.resize( np.concatenate([comps_frame, denoised_frame], axis=-1), (2 *[1] * resize_fact),[0] * resize_fact))) frame_pn = np.concatenate([frame_comp_1, frame_comp_2], axis=0).T vid_frame = np.repeat(frame_pn[:, :, None], 3, axis=-1) vid_frame = np.minimum((vid_frame * 255.), 255).astype('u1') if show_residuals and cnm2.ind_new: add_v =[1] * resize_fact) for ind_new in cnm2.ind_new: cv2.rectangle(vid_frame, (int(ind_new[0][1] * resize_fact), int(ind_new[1][1] * resize_fact) + add_v), (int(ind_new[0][0] * resize_fact), int(ind_new[1][0] * resize_fact) + add_v), (255, 0, 255), 2) cv2.putText(vid_frame, captions[0], (5, 20), fontFace=5, fontScale=0.8, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=1) cv2.putText(vid_frame, captions[1], ([0] * resize_fact) + 5, 20), fontFace=5, fontScale=0.8, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=1) cv2.putText(vid_frame, captions[2], (5,[1] * resize_fact) + 20), fontFace=5, fontScale=0.8, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=1) cv2.putText(vid_frame, captions[3], ([0] * resize_fact) + 5,[1] * resize_fact) + 20), fontFace=5, fontScale=0.8, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=1) cv2.putText(vid_frame, 'Frame = ' + str(t), (vid_frame.shape[1] // 2 - vid_frame.shape[1] // 10, vid_frame.shape[0] - 20), fontFace=5, fontScale=0.8, color=(0, 255, 255), thickness=1) return vid_frame #%% Prepare object for OnACID cnm2 = deepcopy(cnm_init) save_init = False # flag for saving initialization object. Useful if you want to check OnACID with different parameters but same initialization if save_init: cnm_init.dview = None save_object(cnm_init, fls[0][:-4] + '_DS_' + str(ds_factor) + '.pkl') cnm_init = load_object(fls[0][:-4] + '_DS_' + str(ds_factor) + '.pkl') path_to_cnn_residual = os.path.join(caiman_datadir(), 'model', 'cnn_model_online.h5') cnm2._prepare_object(np.asarray(Yr), T1, expected_comps, idx_components=None, min_num_trial=3, max_num_added=3, path_to_model=path_to_cnn_residual, sniper_mode=False, use_peak_max=False, q=0.5) cnm2.thresh_CNN_noisy = 0.5 #%% Run OnACID and optionally plot results in real time epochs = 1 cnm2.Ab_epoch = [] # save the shapes at the end of each epoch t = cnm2.initbatch # current timestep tottime = [] Cn = Cn_init.copy() # flag for removing components with bad shapes remove_flag = False T_rm = 650 # remove bad components every T_rm frames rm_thr = 0.1 # CNN classifier removal threshold # flag for plotting contours of detected components at the end of each file plot_contours_flag = False # flag for showing results video online (turn off flags for improving speed) play_reconstr = True # flag for saving movie (file could be quite large..) save_movie = False movie_name = os.path.join( folder_name, 'sniper_meso_0.995_new.avi') # name of movie to be saved resize_fact = 1.2 # image resizing factor if online_files == 0: # check whether there are any additional files process_files = fls[:init_files] # end processing at this file init_batc_iter = [initbatch] # place where to start end_batch = T1 else: process_files = fls[:init_files + online_files] # additional files # where to start reading at each file init_batc_iter = [initbatch] + [0] * online_files shifts = [] show_residuals = True if show_residuals: caption = 'Mean Residual Buffer' else: caption = 'Identified Components' captions = ['Raw Data', 'Inferred Activity', caption, 'Denoised Data'] if save_movie and play_reconstr: fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('8', 'B', 'P', 'S') # fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter( movie_name, fourcc, 30.0, tuple([int(2 * x * resize_fact) for x in cnm2.dims])) for iter in range(epochs): if iter > 0: # if not on first epoch process all files from scratch process_files = fls[:init_files + online_files] init_batc_iter = [0] * (online_files + init_files) # np.array(fls)[np.array([1,2,3,4,5,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1])]: for file_count, ffll in enumerate(process_files): print('Now processing file ' + ffll) Y_ = cm.load(ffll, subindices=slice(init_batc_iter[file_count], T1, None)) # update max-correlation (and perform offline motion correction) just for illustration purposes if plot_contours_flag: if ds_factor > 1: Y_1 = Y_.resize(1. / ds_factor, 1. / ds_factor, 1) else: Y_1 = Y_.copy() if mot_corr: templ = ([:cnm2.Ab.indptr[1]] * cnm2.C_on[0, t - 1]).reshape(cnm2.dims, order='F') * img_norm newcn = (Y_1 - img_min).motion_correct( max_shift, max_shift, template=templ)[0].local_correlations(swap_dim=False) Cn = np.maximum(Cn, newcn) else: Cn = np.maximum(Cn, Y_1.local_correlations(swap_dim=False)) old_comps = cnm2.N # number of existing components for frame_count, frame in enumerate(Y_): # now process each file if np.isnan(np.sum(frame)): raise Exception('Frame ' + str(frame_count) + ' contains nan') if t % 100 == 0: print( 'Epoch: ' + str(iter + 1) + '. ' + str(t) + ' frames have beeen processed in total. ' + str(cnm2.N - old_comps) + ' new components were added. Total number of components is ' + str(cnm2.Ab.shape[-1] - gnb)) old_comps = cnm2.N t1 = time() # count time only for the processing part frame_ = frame.copy().astype(np.float32) # if ds_factor > 1: frame_ = cv2.resize(frame_, img_norm.shape[::-1]) # downsampling frame_ -= img_min # make data non-negative if mot_corr: # motion correct templ =[:cnm2.M, t - 1]).reshape( cnm2.dims, order='F') * img_norm frame_cor, shift = motion_correct_iteration_fast( frame_, templ, max_shift, max_shift) shifts.append(shift) else: templ = None frame_cor = frame_ frame_cor = frame_cor / img_norm # normalize data-frame cnm2.fit_next(t, frame_cor.reshape( -1, order='F')) # run OnACID on this frame # store time tottime.append(time() - t1) t += 1 if t % T_rm == 0 and remove_flag: prd, _ = evaluate_components_CNN(cnm2.Ab[:, gnb:], dims, gSig) ind_rem = np.where(prd[:, 1] < rm_thr)[0].tolist() cnm2.remove_components(ind_rem) print('Removing ' + str(len(ind_rem)) + ' components') if t % 1000 == 0 and plot_contours_flag: pl.cla() A = cnm2.Ab[:, cnm2.gnb:] # update the contour plot every 1000 frames crd = cm.utils.visualization.plot_contours(A, Cn, thr=0.9) pl.pause(1) if play_reconstr: # generate movie with the results vid_frame = create_frame(cnm2, img_norm, captions) if save_movie: out.write(vid_frame) if t - initbatch < 100: #for rp in np.int32(np.ceil(np.exp(-np.arange(1,100)/30)*20)): for rp in range(len(cnm2.ind_new) * 2): out.write(vid_frame) cv2.imshow('frame', vid_frame) if t - initbatch < 100: for rp in range(len(cnm2.ind_new) * 2): cv2.imshow('frame', vid_frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break print('Cumulative processing speed is ' + str((t - initbatch) / np.sum(tottime))[:5] + ' frames per second.') # save the shapes at the end of each epoch cnm2.Ab_epoch.append(cnm2.Ab.copy()) if save_movie: out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() #%% save results (optional) save_results = False if save_results: np.savez('results_analysis_online_MOT_CORR.npz', Cn=Cn, Ab=cnm2.Ab, Cf=cnm2.C_on, b=cnm2.b, f=cnm2.f, dims=cnm2.dims, tottime=tottime, noisyC=cnm2.noisyC, shifts=shifts) #%% extract results from the objects and do some plotting A, b = cnm2.Ab[:, cnm2.gnb:], cnm2.Ab[:, :cnm2.gnb].toarray() C, f = cnm2.C_on[cnm2.gnb:cnm2.M, t - t // epochs:t], cnm2.C_on[:cnm2.gnb, t - t // epochs:t] noisyC = cnm2.noisyC[:, t - t // epochs:t] b_trace = [osi.b for osi in cnm2.OASISinstances] if hasattr( cnm2, 'OASISinstances') else [0] * C.shape[0] pl.figure() crd = cm.utils.visualization.plot_contours(A, Cn, thr=0.9) view_patches_bar(Yr, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(A.tocsc()[:, :]), C[:, :], b, f, dims[0], dims[1], YrA=noisyC[cnm2.gnb:cnm2.M] - C, img=Cn)