def _prepare_object(self, Yr, T, expected_comps, new_dims=None, idx_components=None, g=None, lam=None, s_min=None, bl=None, use_dense=True): self.expected_comps = expected_comps if idx_components is None: idx_components = range(self.A.shape[-1]) self.A2 = self.A.tocsc()[:, idx_components] self.C2 = self.C[idx_components] self.b2 = self.b self.f2 = self.f self.S2 = self.S[idx_components] self.YrA2 = self.YrA[idx_components] self.g2 = self.g[idx_components] self.bl2 =[idx_components] self.c12 = self.c1[idx_components] self.neurons_sn2 = self.neurons_sn[idx_components] self.lam2 = self.lam[idx_components] self.dims2 = self.dims self.N = self.A2.shape[-1] self.M = self.gnb + self.N if Yr.shape[-1] != self.initbatch: raise Exception( 'The movie size used for initialization does not match with the minibatch size') if new_dims is not None: new_Yr = np.zeros([, T]) for ffrr in range(T): tmp = cv2.resize(Yr[:, ffrr].reshape(self.dims2, order='F'), new_dims[::-1]) print(tmp.shape) new_Yr[:, ffrr] = tmp.reshape([], order='F') Yr = new_Yr A_new = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix( (, self.A2.shape[-1]), dtype=np.float32) for neur in range(N): a = self.A2.tocsc()[:, neur].toarray() a = a.reshape(self.dims2, order='F') a = cv2.resize(a, new_dims[::-1]).reshape([-1, 1], order='F') A_new[:, neur] = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(a) self.A2 = A_new self.b2 = self.b2.reshape(self.dims2, order='F') self.b2 = cv2.resize(self.b2, new_dims[::-1]).reshape([-1, 1], order='F') self.dims2 = new_dims nA = np.ravel(np.sqrt(self.A2.power(2).sum(0))) self.A2 /= nA self.C2 *= nA[:, None] self.YrA2 *= nA[:, None] # self.S2 *= nA[:, None] self.neurons_sn2 *= nA self.lam2 *= nA z = np.sqrt([ for b in self.b2.T]) self.f2 *= z[:, None] self.b2 /= z self.noisyC = np.zeros((self.gnb + expected_comps, T), dtype=np.float32) self.C_on = np.zeros((expected_comps, T), dtype=np.float32) # self.noisyC[:, :self.initbatch] = np.vstack( # [self.C[:, :self.initbatch] + self.YrA, self.f]) # Ab_ = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(np.c_[self.A2, self.b2]) # AtA_ = # self.noisyC[:,:self.initbatch] = hals_full(Yr[:, :self.initbatch], Ab_, np.r_[self.C,self.f], iters=3) # # for t in xrange(self.initbatch): # if t % 100 == 0: # print(t) # self.noisyC[:, t] = HALS4activity(Yr[:, t], Ab_, np.ones(N + 1) if t == 0 else # self.noisyC[:, t - 1].copy(), AtA_, iters=30 if t == 0 else 5) self.noisyC[self.gnb:self.M, :self.initbatch] = self.C2 + self.YrA2 self.noisyC[:self.gnb, :self.initbatch] = self.f2 # if no parameter for calculating the spike size threshold is given, then use L1 penalty if s_min is None and self.s_min is None and self.thresh_s_min is None: use_L1 = True else: use_L1 = False self.OASISinstances = [oasis.OASIS( g = np.ravel(0.01) if self.p == 0 else (np.ravel(g)[0] if g is not None else gam[0]), lam=0 if not use_L1 else (l if lam is None else lam), # if no explicit value for s_min, use thresh_s_min * noise estimate * sqrt(1-gamma) s_min=0 if use_L1 else (s_min if s_min is not None else (self.s_min if self.s_min is not None else (self.thresh_s_min * sn * np.sqrt(1 - np.sum(gam))))), b=b if bl is None else bl, g2=0 if self.p < 2 else (np.ravel(g)[1] if g is not None else gam[1])) for gam, l, b, sn in zip(self.g2, self.lam2, self.bl2, self.neurons_sn2)] for i, o in enumerate(self.OASISinstances):[i + self.gnb, :self.initbatch]) self.C_on[i, :self.initbatch] = o.c self.Ab, self.ind_A, self.CY, self.CC = init_shapes_and_sufficient_stats( Yr[:, :self.initbatch].reshape(self.dims2 + (-1,), order='F'), self.A2, self.C_on[:self.N, :self.initbatch], self.b2, self.noisyC[:self.gnb, :self.initbatch]) self.CY, self.CC = self.CY * 1. / self.initbatch, 1 * self.CC / self.initbatch self.A2 = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(self.A2.astype(np.float32), dtype=np.float32) self.C2 = self.C2.astype(np.float32) self.f2 = self.f2.astype(np.float32) self.b2 = self.b2.astype(np.float32) self.Ab = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(self.Ab.astype(np.float32), dtype=np.float32) self.noisyC = self.noisyC.astype(np.float32) self.CY = self.CY.astype(np.float32) self.CC = self.CC.astype(np.float32) print('Expecting ' + str(self.expected_comps) + ' components') self.CY.resize([self.expected_comps + 1, self.CY.shape[-1]]) if use_dense: self.Ab_dense = np.zeros((self.CY.shape[-1], self.expected_comps + 1), dtype=np.float32) self.Ab_dense[:, :self.Ab.shape[1]] = self.Ab.toarray() self.C_on = np.vstack([self.noisyC[:self.gnb, :], self.C_on.astype(np.float32)]) self.gSiz = np.add(np.multiply(self.gSig, 2), 1) self.Yr_buf = RingBuffer(Yr[:, self.initbatch - self.minibatch_shape: self.initbatch].T.copy(), self.minibatch_shape) self.Yres_buf = RingBuffer(self.Yr_buf - self.C_on[:self.M, self.initbatch - self.minibatch_shape:self.initbatch]).T, self.minibatch_shape) self.rho_buf = imblur(self.Yres_buf.T.reshape( self.dims2 + (-1,), order='F'), sig=self.gSig, siz=self.gSiz, nDimBlur=2)**2 self.rho_buf = np.reshape(self.rho_buf, (self.dims2[0] * self.dims2[1], -1)).T self.rho_buf = RingBuffer(self.rho_buf, self.minibatch_shape) self.AtA = ( self.AtY_buf = = np.sum(self.rho_buf.get_last_frames(min(self.initbatch, self.minibatch_shape) - 1), 0) self.groups = list(map(list, update_order(self.Ab)[0])) # self.update_counter = np.zeros(self.N) self.update_counter = .5**(-np.linspace(0, 1, self.N, dtype=np.float32)) self.time_neuron_added = [] for nneeuu in range(self.N): self.time_neuron_added.append((nneeuu, self.initbatch)) self.time_spend = 0 return self
def update_num_components(t, sv, Ab, Cf, Yres_buf, Y_buf, rho_buf, dims, gSig, gSiz, ind_A, CY, CC, groups, oases, gnb=1, rval_thr=0.875, bSiz=3, robust_std=False, N_samples_exceptionality=5, remove_baseline=True, thresh_fitness_delta=-80, thresh_fitness_raw=-20, thresh_overlap=0.25, batch_update_suff_stat=False, sn=None, g=None, thresh_s_min=None, s_min=None, Ab_dense=None, max_num_added=1, min_num_trial=1, loaded_model=None, thresh_CNN_noisy=0.99, sniper_mode=False, use_peak_max=False, test_both=False): """ Checks for new components in the residual buffer and incorporates them if they pass the acceptance tests """ ind_new = [] gHalf = np.array(gSiz) // 2 # number of total components (including background) M = np.shape(Ab)[-1] N = M - gnb # number of coponents (without background) sv -= rho_buf.get_first() # update variance of residual buffer sv += rho_buf.get_last_frames(1).squeeze() sv = np.maximum(sv, 0) Ains, Cins, Cins_res, inds, ijsig_all, cnn_pos, local_max = get_candidate_components( sv, dims, Yres_buf=Yres_buf, min_num_trial=min_num_trial, gSig=gSig, gHalf=gHalf, sniper_mode=sniper_mode, rval_thr=rval_thr, patch_size=50, loaded_model=loaded_model, thresh_CNN_noisy=thresh_CNN_noisy, use_peak_max=use_peak_max, test_both=test_both) ind_new_all = ijsig_all num_added = len(inds) cnt = 0 for ind, ain, cin, cin_res in zip(inds, Ains, Cins, Cins_res): cnt += 1 ij = np.unravel_index(ind, dims) ijSig = [[max(i - temp_g, 0), min(i + temp_g + 1, d)] for i, temp_g, d in zip(ij, gHalf, dims)] dims_ain = (np.abs(np.diff(ijSig[1])[0]), np.abs(np.diff(ijSig[0])[0])) indeces = np.ravel_multi_index( np.ix_(*[np.arange(ij[0], ij[1]) for ij in ijSig]), dims, order='F').ravel() # use sparse Ain only later iff it is actually added to Ab Ain = np.zeros((, 1), dtype=np.float32) Ain[indeces, :] = ain[:, None] cin_circ = cin.get_ordered() useOASIS = False # whether to use faster OASIS for cell detection accepted = True # flag indicating new component has not been rejected yet if Ab_dense is None: ff = np.where(( > thresh_overlap)[:, gnb:])[1] + gnb else: ff = np.where( Ab_dense[indeces, gnb:] > thresh_overlap)[0] + gnb if ff.size > 0: # accepted = False cc = [corr(cin_circ.copy(), cins) for cins in Cf[ff, :]] if np.any(np.array(cc) > .25) and accepted: accepted = False # reject component as duplicate if s_min is None: s_min = 0 # use s_min * noise estimate * sqrt(1-sum(gamma)) elif s_min < 0: # the formula has been obtained by running OASIS with s_min=0 and lambda=0 on Gaussin noise. # e.g. 1 * sigma * sqrt(1-sum(gamma)) corresponds roughly to the root mean square (non-zero) spike size, sqrt(<s^2>) # 2 * sigma * sqrt(1-sum(gamma)) corresponds roughly to the 95% percentile of (non-zero) spike sizes # 3 * sigma * sqrt(1-sum(gamma)) corresponds roughly to the 99.7% percentile of (non-zero) spike sizes s_min = -s_min * sqrt( (ain**2).dot(sn[indeces]**2)) * sqrt(1 - np.sum(g)) cin_res = cin_res.get_ordered() if accepted: if useOASIS: oas = oasis.OASIS(g=g, s_min=s_min, num_empty_samples=t + 1 - len(cin_res)) for yt in cin_res: oas.fit_next(yt) accepted = oas.get_l_of_last_pool() <= t else: fitness_delta, erfc_delta, std_rr, _ = compute_event_exceptionality( np.diff(cin_res)[None, :], robust_std=robust_std, N=N_samples_exceptionality) if remove_baseline: num_samps_bl = min(len(cin_res) // 5, 800) bl = scipy.ndimage.percentile_filter(cin_res, 8, size=num_samps_bl) else: bl = 0 fitness_raw, erfc_raw, std_rr, _ = compute_event_exceptionality( (cin_res - bl)[None, :], robust_std=robust_std, N=N_samples_exceptionality) accepted = (fitness_delta < thresh_fitness_delta) or ( fitness_raw < thresh_fitness_raw) # if accepted: # dims_ain = (np.abs(np.diff(ijSig[1])[0]), np.abs(np.diff(ijSig[0])[0])) # thrcomp = threshold_components(ain[:,None], # dims_ain, medw=None, thr_method='max', maxthr=0.2, # nrgthr=0.99, extract_cc=True, # se=None, ss=None) # # sznr = np.sum(thrcomp>0) # accepted = (sznr >= np.pi*( # if not accepted: # print('Rejected because of size') if accepted: # print('adding component' + str(N + 1) + ' at timestep ' + str(t)) num_added += 1 ind_new.append(ijSig) if oases is not None: if not useOASIS: # lambda from Selesnick's 3*sigma*|K| rule # use noise estimate from init batch or use std_rr? # sn_ = sqrt((ain**2).dot(sn[indeces]**2)) / sqrt(1 - g**2) sn_ = std_rr oas = oasis.OASIS( np.ravel(g)[0], 3 * sn_ / (sqrt(1 - g**2) if np.size(g) == 1 else sqrt( (1 + g[1]) * ((1 - g[1])**2 - g[0]**2) / (1 - g[1]))) if s_min == 0 else 0, s_min, num_empty_samples=t + 1 - len(cin_res), g2=0 if np.size(g) == 1 else g[1]) for yt in cin_res: oas.fit_next(yt) oases.append(oas) Ain_csc = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix( (ain, (indeces, [0] * len(indeces))), (, 1), dtype=np.float32) if Ab_dense is None: groups = update_order(Ab, Ain, groups)[0] else: groups = update_order(Ab_dense[indeces], ain, groups)[0] Ab_dense = np.hstack((Ab_dense, Ain)) # faster version of scipy.sparse.hstack csc_append(Ab, Ain_csc) ind_A.append(Ab.indices[Ab.indptr[M]:Ab.indptr[M + 1]]) tt = t * 1. Y_buf_ = Y_buf cin_ = cin Cf_ = Cf cin_circ_ = cin_circ CY[M, indeces] =[:, indeces]) / tt # preallocate memory for speed up? CC1 = np.hstack([CC, / tt)[:, None]]) CC2 = np.hstack([(,]) / tt CC = np.vstack([CC1, CC2]) Cf = np.vstack([Cf, cin_circ]) N = N + 1 M = M + 1 Yres_buf[:, indeces] -= np.outer(cin, ain) # vb = imblur(np.reshape(Ain, dims, order='F'), sig=gSig, # siz=gSiz, nDimBlur=2).ravel() # restrict blurring to region where component is located # vb = np.reshape(Ain, dims, order='F') slices = tuple( slice(max(0, ijs[0] - 2 * sg), min(d, ijs[1] + 2 * sg)) for ijs, sg, d in zip(ijSig, gSiz // 2, dims)) # is 2 enough? slice_within = tuple( slice(ijs[0] - sl.start, ijs[1] - sl.start) for ijs, sl in zip(ijSig, slices)) ind_vb = np.ravel_multi_index( np.ix_(*[np.arange(ij[0], ij[1]) for ij in ijSig]), dims, order='C').ravel() vb_buf = [ imblur(np.maximum( 0, vb.reshape(dims, order='F')[slices][slice_within]), sig=gSig, siz=gSiz, nDimBlur=len(dims)) for vb in Yres_buf ] vb_buf2 = np.stack([vb.ravel() for vb in vb_buf]) # ind_vb = np.ravel_multi_index( # np.ix_(*[np.arange(s.start, s.stop) # for s in slices_small]), dims).ravel() rho_buf[:, ind_vb] = vb_buf2**2 sv[ind_vb] = np.sum(rho_buf[:, ind_vb], 0) # sv = np.sum([imblur(vb.reshape(dims,order='F'), sig=gSig, siz=gSiz, nDimBlur=len(dims))**2 for vb in Yres_buf], 0).reshape(-1) # plt.subplot(1,5,4) # plt.cla() # plt.imshow(sv.reshape(dims), vmax=30) # plt.pause(.05) # plt.subplot(1,5,5) # plt.cla() # plt.imshow(Yres_buf.mean(0).reshape(dims,order='F')) # plt.imshow(np.sum([imblur(vb.reshape(dims,order='F'),\ # sig=gSig, siz=gSiz, nDimBlur=len(dims))**2\ # for vb in Yres_buf],axis=0), vmax=30) # plt.pause(.05) #print(np.min(sv)) # plt.subplot(1,3,3) # plt.cla() # plt.imshow(Yres_buf.mean(0).reshape(dims, order = 'F')) # plt.pause(.05) return Ab, Cf, Yres_buf, rho_buf, CC, CY, ind_A, sv, groups, ind_new, ind_new_all, sv, cnn_pos
def update_num_components(t, sv, Ab, Cf, Yres_buf, Y_buf, rho_buf, dims, gSig, gSiz, ind_A, CY, CC, groups, oases, gnb=1, rval_thr=0.875, bSiz=3, robust_std=False, N_samples_exceptionality=5, remove_baseline=True, thresh_fitness_delta=-20, thresh_fitness_raw=-20, thresh_overlap=0.5, batch_update_suff_stat=False, sn=None, g=None, lam=0, thresh_s_min=None, s_min=None, Ab_dense=None, max_num_added=1): gHalf = np.array(gSiz) // 2 M = np.shape(Ab)[-1] N = M - gnb # Yres = np.array(Yres_buf).T # Y = np.array(Y_buf).T # rhos = np.array(rho_buf).T first = True sv -= rho_buf.get_first() sv += rho_buf.get_last_frames(1).squeeze() num_added = 0 while num_added < max_num_added: if first: sv_ = sv.copy() # np.sum(rho_buf,0) first = False ind = np.argmax(sv_) ij = np.unravel_index(ind, dims) # ijSig = [[np.maximum(ij[c] - gHalf[c], 0), np.minimum(ij[c] + gHalf[c] + 1, dims[c])] # for c in range(len(ij))] # better than above expensive call of numpy and loop creation ijSig = [[ max(ij[0] - gHalf[0], 0), min(ij[0] + gHalf[0] + 1, dims[0]) ], [max(ij[1] - gHalf[1], 0), min(ij[1] + gHalf[1] + 1, dims[1])]] # xySig = np.meshgrid(*[np.arange(s[0], s[1]) for s in ijSig], indexing='xy') # arr = np.array([np.reshape(s, (1, np.size(s)), order='F').squeeze() # for s in xySig], # indeces = np.ravel_multi_index(arr, dims, order='F') indeces = np.ravel_multi_index(np.ix_( np.arange(ijSig[0][0], ijSig[0][1]), np.arange(ijSig[1][0], ijSig[1][1])), dims, order='F').ravel() Ypx = Yres_buf.T[indeces, :] ain = np.maximum(np.mean(Ypx, 1), 0) na = if not na: break ain /= sqrt(na) # new_res = sv_.copy() # new_res[ np.ravel_multi_index(arr, dims, order='C')] = 10000 # cv2.imshow('untitled', 0.1*cv2.resize(new_res.reshape(dims,order = 'C'),(512,512))/2000) # cv2.waitKey(1) # for iter_ in range(15): # cin_res = / # cin = np.maximum(cin_res, 0) # ain = np.maximum( /, 0) ain, cin, cin_res = rank1nmf(Ypx, ain) # expects and returns normalized ain rval = corr(ain.copy(), np.mean(Ypx, -1)) # print(rval) if rval > rval_thr: # na = sqrt( # ain /= na # cin = na * cin # use sparse Ain only later iff it is actually added to Ab Ain = np.zeros((, 1), dtype=np.float32) # Ain = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((, 1), dtype=np.float32) Ain[indeces, :] = ain[:, None] cin_circ = cin.get_ordered() # indeces_good = (Ain[indeces]>0.01).nonzero()[0] # rval = np.corrcoef(ain, np.mean(Ypx, -1))[0, 1] # rval = # np.corrcoef(Ain[indeces_good].toarray().squeeze(),np.mean(Yres[indeces_good,:],-1))[0,1] # if rval > rval_thr: # pl.cla() # _ = cm.utils.visualization.plot_contours(Ain, sv.reshape(dims), thr=0.95) # pl.pause(0.01) useOASIS = False # whether to use faster OASIS for cell detection if Ab_dense is None: ff = np.where( ( > thresh_overlap)[:, gnb:])[1] + gnb else: ff = np.where( Ab_dense[indeces, gnb:] > thresh_overlap)[0] + gnb if ff.size > 0: cc = [corr(cin_circ.copy(), cins) for cins in Cf[ff, :]] if np.any(np.array(cc) > .8): # repeat = False # vb = imblur(np.reshape(Ain, dims, order='F'), # sig=gSig, siz=gSiz, nDimBlur=2) # restrict blurring to region where component is located vb = np.reshape(Ain, dims, order='F') slices = tuple( slice(max(0, ijs[0] - 2 * sg), min(d, ijs[1] + 2 * sg)) for ijs, sg, d in zip( ijSig, gSig, dims)) # is 2 enough? vb[slices] = imblur(vb[slices], sig=gSig, siz=gSiz, nDimBlur=2) sv_ -= (vb.ravel()**2) * # pl.imshow(np.reshape(sv,dims));pl.pause(0.001) # print('Overlap at step' + str(t) + ' ' + str(cc)) break if s_min is None: # use thresh_s_min * noise estimate * sqrt(1-sum(gamma)) # the formula has been obtained by running OASIS with s_min=0 and lambda=0 on Gaussin noise. # e.g. 1 * sigma * sqrt(1-sum(gamma)) corresponds roughly to the root mean square (non-zero) spike size, sqrt(<s^2>) # 2 * sigma * sqrt(1-sum(gamma)) corresponds roughly to the 95% percentile of (non-zero) spike sizes # 3 * sigma * sqrt(1-sum(gamma)) corresponds roughly to the 99.7% percentile of (non-zero) spike sizes s_min = 0 if thresh_s_min is None else thresh_s_min * \ sqrt((ain**2).dot(sn[indeces]**2)) * sqrt(1 - np.sum(g)) cin_res = cin_res.get_ordered() if useOASIS: oas = oasis.OASIS(g=g, s_min=s_min, num_empty_samples=t + 1 - len(cin_res)) for yt in cin_res: oas.fit_next(yt) foo = oas.get_l_of_last_pool() <= t # cc=oas.c # print([np.corrcoef(cin_circ,cins)[0,1] for cins in Cf[overlap[0] > 0]]) # print([np.corrcoef(cc,cins)[0,1] for cins in Cf[overlap[0] > 0, ]]) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.plot(cin_res); plt.plot(cc); # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() else: fitness_delta, erfc_delta, std_rr, _ = compute_event_exceptionality( np.diff(cin_res)[None, :], robust_std=robust_std, N=N_samples_exceptionality) if remove_baseline: num_samps_bl = min(len(cin_res) // 5, 800) bl = scipy.ndimage.percentile_filter(cin_res, 8, size=num_samps_bl) else: bl = 0 fitness_raw, erfc_raw, std_rr, _ = compute_event_exceptionality( (cin_res - bl)[None, :], robust_std=robust_std, N=N_samples_exceptionality) foo = (fitness_delta < thresh_fitness_delta) or ( fitness_raw < thresh_fitness_raw) if foo: # print('adding component' + str(N + 1) + ' at timestep ' + str(t)) num_added += 1 # ind_a = uniform_filter(np.reshape(Ain.toarray(), dims, order='F'), size=bSiz) # ind_a = np.reshape(ind_a > 1e-10, (,), order='F') # indeces_good = np.where(ind_a)[0]#np.where(determine_search_location(Ain,dims))[0] if not useOASIS: # TODO: decide on a line to use for setting the parameters # # lambda from init batch (e.g. mean of lambdas) or s_min if either s_min or s_min_thresh are given # oas = oasis.OASIS(g=np.ravel(g)[0], lam if s_min==0 else 0, s_min, num_empty_samples=t + 1 - len(cin_res), # g2=0 if np.size(g) == 1 else g[1]) # or # lambda from Selesnick's 3*sigma*|K| rule # use noise estimate from init batch or use std_rr? # sn_ = sqrt((ain**2).dot(sn[indeces]**2)) / sqrt(1 - g**2) sn_ = std_rr oas = oasis.OASIS( np.ravel(g)[0], 3 * sn_ / (sqrt(1 - g**2) if np.size(g) == 1 else sqrt( (1 + g[1]) * ((1 - g[1])**2 - g[0]**2) / (1 - g[1]))) if s_min == 0 else 0, s_min, num_empty_samples=t + 1 - len(cin_res), g2=0 if np.size(g) == 1 else g[1]) for yt in cin_res: oas.fit_next(yt) oases.append(oas) Ain_csc = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix( (ain, (indeces, [0] * len(indeces))), (, 1), dtype=np.float32) if Ab_dense is None: groups = update_order(Ab, Ain, groups)[0] else: groups = update_order(Ab_dense[indeces], ain, groups)[0] csc_append(Ab, Ain_csc) # faster version of scipy.sparse.hstack ind_A.append(Ab.indices[Ab.indptr[M]:Ab.indptr[M + 1]]) # ccf = Cf[:,-minibatch_suff_stat:] # CY = ((t*1.-1)/t) * CY + (1./t) *, Yr[:, t-minibatch_suff_stat:t].T)/minibatch_suff_stat # CC = ((t*1.-1)/t) * CC + (1./t) * tt = t * 1. # if batch_update_suff_stat and Y_buf.cur<len(Y_buf)-1: # Y_buf_ = Y_buf[Y_buf.cur+1:,:] # cin_ = cin[Y_buf.cur+1:] # n_fr_ = len(cin_) # cin_circ_= cin_circ[-n_fr_:] # Cf_ = Cf[:,-n_fr_:] # else: Y_buf_ = Y_buf cin_ = cin Cf_ = Cf cin_circ_ = cin_circ # CY[M, :] =[None, :] / tt # much faster: exploit that we only access CY[m, ind_pixels], # hence update only these CY[M, indeces] =[:, indeces]) / tt # CY = np.vstack([CY[:N,:], / tt)[None,:], CY[ N:,:]]) # YC = CY.T # YC = np.hstack([YC[:, :N], / tt)[:, None], YC[:, N:]]) # CY = YC.T # preallocate memory for speed up? CC1 = np.hstack([CC, / tt)[:, None]]) CC2 = np.hstack([(,]) / tt CC = np.vstack([CC1, CC2]) Cf = np.vstack([Cf, cin_circ]) N = N + 1 M = M + 1 Yres_buf[:, indeces] -= np.outer(cin, ain) # vb = imblur(np.reshape(Ain, dims, order='F'), sig=gSig, # siz=gSiz, nDimBlur=2).ravel() # restrict blurring to region where component is located vb = np.reshape(Ain, dims, order='F') slices = tuple( slice(max(0, ijs[0] - 2 * sg), min(d, ijs[1] + 2 * sg)) for ijs, sg, d in zip(ijSig, gSig, dims)) # is 2 enough? vb[slices] = imblur(vb[slices], sig=gSig, siz=gSiz, nDimBlur=2) vb = vb.ravel() # ind_vb = np.where(vb)[0] ind_vb = np.ravel_multi_index( np.ix_(*[np.arange(s.start, s.stop) for s in slices]), dims).ravel() updt_res = (vb[None, ind_vb].T**2).dot(cin[None, :]**2).T rho_buf[:, ind_vb] -= updt_res updt_res_sum = np.sum(updt_res, 0) sv[ind_vb] -= updt_res_sum sv_[ind_vb] -= updt_res_sum else: num_added = max_num_added else: num_added = max_num_added return Ab, Cf, Yres_buf, rho_buf, CC, CY, ind_A, sv, groups
def update_num_components(t, sv, Ab, Cf, Yres_buf, Y_buf, rho_buf, dims, gSig, gSiz, ind_A, CY, CC, groups, oases, gnb=1, rval_thr=0.875, bSiz=3, robust_std=False, N_samples_exceptionality=5, remove_baseline=True, thresh_fitness_delta=-80, thresh_fitness_raw=-20, thresh_overlap=0.25, batch_update_suff_stat=False, sn=None, g=None, thresh_s_min=None, s_min=None, Ab_dense=None, max_num_added=1, min_num_trial=1): """ Checks for new components in the residual buffer and incorporates them if they pass the acceptance tests """ order_rvl = 'C' gHalf = np.array(gSiz) // 2 # number of total components (including background) M = np.shape(Ab)[-1] N = M - gnb # number of coponents (without background) first = True sv -= rho_buf.get_first() # update variance of residual buffer sv += rho_buf.get_last_frames(1).squeeze() num_added = 0 cnt = 0 while num_added < max_num_added: cnt += 1 if first: sv_ = sv.copy() # np.sum(rho_buf,0) first = False ind = np.argmax(sv_) ij = np.unravel_index(ind, dims, order=order_rvl) # ijSig = [[np.maximum(ij[c] - gHalf[c], 0), np.minimum(ij[c] + gHalf[c] + 1, dims[c])] # for c in range(len(ij))] # better than above expensive call of numpy and loop creation # ijSig = [[max(ij[0] - gHalf[0], 0), min(ij[0] + gHalf[0] + 1, dims[0])], # [max(ij[1] - gHalf[1], 0), min(ij[1] + gHalf[1] + 1, dims[1])]] ijSig = [[max(i - g, 0), min(i + g + 1, d)] for i, g, d in zip(ij, gHalf, dims)] # xySig = np.meshgrid(*[np.arange(s[0], s[1]) for s in ijSig], indexing='xy') # arr = np.array([np.reshape(s, (1, np.size(s)), order='F').squeeze() # for s in xySig], # indeces = np.ravel_multi_index(arr, dims, order='F') # indeces = np.ravel_multi_index(np.ix_(np.arange(ijSig[0][0], ijSig[0][1]), # np.arange(ijSig[1][0], ijSig[1][1])), # dims, order='F').ravel(order=order_rvl) indeces = np.ravel_multi_index( np.ix_(*[np.arange(ij[0], ij[1]) for ij in ijSig]), dims, order='F').ravel(order=order_rvl) indeces_ = np.ravel_multi_index( np.ix_(*[np.arange(ij[0], ij[1]) for ij in ijSig]), dims, order='C').ravel(order=order_rvl) # indeces_ = np.ravel_multi_index(np.ix_(np.arange(ijSig[0][0], ijSig[0][1]), # np.arange(ijSig[1][0], ijSig[1][1])), # dims, order='C').ravel(order=order_rvl) Ypx = Yres_buf.T[indeces, :] ain = np.maximum(np.mean(Ypx, 1), 0) na = if not na: break ain /= sqrt(na) # new_res = sv_.copy() # new_res[ np.ravel_multi_index(arr, dims, order='C')] = 10000 # expects and returns normalized ain ain, cin, cin_res = rank1nmf(Ypx, ain) # correlation coefficient rval = corr(ain.copy(), np.mean(Ypx, -1)) if rval > rval_thr: # use sparse Ain only later iff it is actually added to Ab Ain = np.zeros((, 1), dtype=np.float32) Ain[indeces, :] = ain[:, None] cin_circ = cin.get_ordered() # indeces_good = (Ain[indeces]>0.01).nonzero()[0] useOASIS = False # whether to use faster OASIS for cell detection foo = True # flag indicating new component has not been rejected yet if Ab_dense is None: ff = np.where( ( > thresh_overlap)[:, gnb:])[1] + gnb else: ff = np.where( Ab_dense[indeces, gnb:] > thresh_overlap)[0] + gnb if ff.size > 0: foo = False cc = [corr(cin_circ.copy(), cins) for cins in Cf[ff, :]] if np.any(np.array(cc) > .25) and foo: # repeat = False # vb = imblur(np.reshape(Ain, dims, order='F'), # sig=gSig, siz=gSiz, nDimBlur=2) # restrict blurring to region where component is located vb = np.reshape(Ain, dims, order='C') slices = tuple( slice(max(0, ijs[0] - 2 * sg), min(d, ijs[1] + 2 * sg)) for ijs, sg, d in zip( ijSig, gSig, dims)) # is 2 enough? vb[slices] = imblur(vb[slices], sig=gSig, siz=gSiz, nDimBlur=len(dims)) sv_ -= (vb.ravel(order=order_rvl)**2) * foo = False # reject component as duplicate # pl.imshow(np.reshape(sv,dims));pl.pause(0.001) # print('Overlap at step' + str(t) + ' ' + str(cc)) # break # use thresh_s_min * noise estimate * sqrt(1-sum(gamma)) if s_min is None: # the formula has been obtained by running OASIS with s_min=0 and lambda=0 on Gaussin noise. # e.g. 1 * sigma * sqrt(1-sum(gamma)) corresponds roughly to the root mean square (non-zero) spike size, sqrt(<s^2>) # 2 * sigma * sqrt(1-sum(gamma)) corresponds roughly to the 95% percentile of (non-zero) spike sizes # 3 * sigma * sqrt(1-sum(gamma)) corresponds roughly to the 99.7% percentile of (non-zero) spike sizes s_min = 0 if thresh_s_min is None else thresh_s_min * \ sqrt((ain**2).dot(sn[indeces]**2)) * sqrt(1 - np.sum(g)) cin_res = cin_res.get_ordered() if foo: if useOASIS: oas = oasis.OASIS(g=g, s_min=s_min, num_empty_samples=t + 1 - len(cin_res)) for yt in cin_res: oas.fit_next(yt) foo = oas.get_l_of_last_pool() <= t else: fitness_delta, erfc_delta, std_rr, _ = compute_event_exceptionality( np.diff(cin_res)[None, :], robust_std=robust_std, N=N_samples_exceptionality) if remove_baseline: num_samps_bl = min(len(cin_res) // 5, 800) bl = scipy.ndimage.percentile_filter(cin_res, 8, size=num_samps_bl) else: bl = 0 fitness_raw, erfc_raw, std_rr, _ = compute_event_exceptionality( (cin_res - bl)[None, :], robust_std=robust_std, N=N_samples_exceptionality) foo = (fitness_delta < thresh_fitness_delta) or ( fitness_raw < thresh_fitness_raw) if foo: # print('adding component' + str(N + 1) + ' at timestep ' + str(t)) num_added += 1 # ind_a = uniform_filter(np.reshape(Ain.toarray(), dims, order='F'), size=bSiz) # ind_a = np.reshape(ind_a > 1e-10, (,), order='F') # indeces_good = np.where(ind_a)[0]#np.where(determine_search_location(Ain,dims))[0] if oases is not None: if not useOASIS: # lambda from Selesnick's 3*sigma*|K| rule # use noise estimate from init batch or use std_rr? # sn_ = sqrt((ain**2).dot(sn[indeces]**2)) / sqrt(1 - g**2) sn_ = std_rr oas = oasis.OASIS( np.ravel(g)[0], 3 * sn_ / (sqrt(1 - g**2) if np.size(g) == 1 else sqrt( (1 + g[1]) * ((1 - g[1])**2 - g[0]**2) / (1 - g[1]))) if s_min == 0 else 0, s_min, num_empty_samples=t + 1 - len(cin_res), g2=0 if np.size(g) == 1 else g[1]) for yt in cin_res: oas.fit_next(yt) oases.append(oas) Ain_csc = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix( (ain, (indeces, [0] * len(indeces))), (, 1), dtype=np.float32) if Ab_dense is None: groups = update_order(Ab, Ain, groups)[0] else: groups = update_order(Ab_dense[indeces], ain, groups)[0] # faster version of scipy.sparse.hstack csc_append(Ab, Ain_csc) ind_A.append(Ab.indices[Ab.indptr[M]:Ab.indptr[M + 1]]) tt = t * 1. # if batch_update_suff_stat and Y_buf.cur<len(Y_buf)-1: # Y_buf_ = Y_buf[Y_buf.cur+1:,:] # cin_ = cin[Y_buf.cur+1:] # n_fr_ = len(cin_) # cin_circ_= cin_circ[-n_fr_:] # Cf_ = Cf[:,-n_fr_:] # else: Y_buf_ = Y_buf cin_ = cin Cf_ = Cf cin_circ_ = cin_circ # CY[M, :] =[None, :] / tt # much faster: exploit that we only access CY[m, ind_pixels], # hence update only these CY[M, indeces] =[:, indeces]) / tt # preallocate memory for speed up? CC1 = np.hstack([CC, / tt)[:, None]]) CC2 = np.hstack([(,]) / tt CC = np.vstack([CC1, CC2]) Cf = np.vstack([Cf, cin_circ]) N = N + 1 M = M + 1 Yres_buf[:, indeces] -= np.outer(cin, ain) # vb = imblur(np.reshape(Ain, dims, order='F'), sig=gSig, # siz=gSiz, nDimBlur=2).ravel() # restrict blurring to region where component is located vb = np.reshape(Ain, dims, order='F') slices = tuple( slice(max(0, ijs[0] - 2 * sg), min(d, ijs[1] + 2 * sg)) for ijs, sg, d in zip(ijSig, gSig, dims)) # is 2 enough? vb[slices] = imblur(vb[slices], sig=gSig, siz=gSiz, nDimBlur=len(dims)) vb = vb.ravel(order=order_rvl) # ind_vb = np.where(vb)[0] ind_vb = np.ravel_multi_index( np.ix_(*[np.arange(s.start, s.stop) for s in slices]), dims, order=order_rvl).ravel(order=order_rvl) updt_res = (vb[None, ind_vb].T**2).dot(cin[None, :]**2).T rho_buf[:, ind_vb] -= updt_res updt_res_sum = np.sum(updt_res, 0) sv[ind_vb] -= updt_res_sum sv_[ind_vb] -= updt_res_sum else: if cnt >= min_num_trial: num_added = max_num_added else: first = False sv_[indeces_] = 0 else: if cnt >= min_num_trial: num_added = max_num_added else: first = False sv_[indeces_] = 0 return Ab, Cf, Yres_buf, rho_buf, CC, CY, ind_A, sv, groups