Example #1
def F(t, y, thetae0, interpTenv, interpTdEnv, interpPress):
    #y[0] is the velocity, y[1] is the height
    yp = np.zeros((2,1))
    #yp[0] is the buoyancy (acceleration), yp[1] is the velocity
    yp[0] = calcBuoy(y[1], thetae0, interpTenv, interpTdEnv, interpPress)
    yp[1] = y[0] 
    return yp
Example #2
def F(t, y, entrain_rate, interpTenv, interpTdEnv, interpPress):
    yp = np.zeros((4,1))
    velocity = y[0]
    height = y[1]
    thetae_cloud = y[2]
    wT_cloud = y[3]
    #yp[0] is the acceleration, in this case the buoyancy 
    yp[0] = calcBuoy(height, thetae_cloud, interpTenv, interpTdEnv, interpPress)
    press = interpPress(height)*100. #Pa
    Tdenv = interpTdEnv(height) + c.Tc #K
    Tenv = interpTenv(height) + c.Tc #K
    wTenv = wsat(Tdenv, press) #kg/kg
    thetaeEnv = thetaep(Tdenv, Tenv, press)
    #yp[1] is the rate of change of height
    yp[1] = velocity
    #yp[2] is the rate of change of thetae_cloud
    yp[2] = entrain_rate*(thetaeEnv - thetae_cloud)
    #yp[3] is the rate of change of wT_cloud
    yp[3] = entrain_rate*(wTenv - wT_cloud)
    return yp