Example #1
op = df.iloc[:, (earnann.shape[1]):((earnann.shape[1]) + op.shape[1])]
cl = df.iloc[:, ((earnann.shape[1]) + op.shape[1]):]

op.columns = stocks.iloc[0, :]
cl.columns = stocks.iloc[0, :]

lookback = 90

retC2O = (op - cl.shift()) / cl.shift()
stdC2O = retC2O.rolling(lookback).std()

positions = np.zeros(cl.shape)

longs = (retC2O >= 0.5 * stdC2O) & earnann
shorts = (retC2O <= -0.5 * stdC2O) & earnann

positions[longs] = 1
positions[shorts] = -1

ret = np.sum(positions * (cl - op) / op, axis=1) / 30

cumret = (np.cumprod(1 + ret) - 1)

print('APR=%f Sharpe=%f' % (np.prod(1 + ret)**(252 / len(ret)) - 1,
                            np.sqrt(252) * np.mean(ret) / np.std(ret)))
from calculateMaxDD import calculateMaxDD
maxDD, maxDDD, i = calculateMaxDD(cumret.fillna(0))
print('Max DD=%f Max DDD in days=%i' % (maxDD, maxDDD))
#APR=0.068126 Sharpe=1.494743
#Max DD=-0.026052 Max DDD in days=109
Example #2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Sep 21 19:48:44 2018

@author: Ernest
import numpy as np
from calculateMaxDD import calculateMaxDD
cumret = np.array([10, 9, 8, 7, 11, 9, 7, 5, 5, 12])
maxDD, maxDDD, i = calculateMaxDD(cumret)

assert (maxDD == -0.5)
assert (maxDDD == 4)
assert (i == 7)
minusG = lambda f: -g(f, df)
minusGsim = lambda f: -g(f, ret_sim)

#optimal leverage based on simulated returns
res = minimize(minusGsim, 0, method='Nelder-Mead')
optimalF = res.x
print('Optimal leverage=%f optimal growth rate=%f' % (optimalF, -res.fun))
#Optimal leverage=25.512625 optimal growth rate=0.005767

minR = np.min(ret_sim)
print('minR=%f' % (minR))

# max drawdown with optimal leverage
from calculateMaxDD import calculateMaxDD
maxDD, maxDDD, i = calculateMaxDD((np.cumproduct(1 + optimalF * ret_sim) - 1))
print('Max DD=%f with optimal leverage=%f' % (maxDD, optimalF))
#Max DD=-0.996312 with optimal leverage=25.512625

#max drawdown with half of optimal leverage
maxDD, maxDDD, i = calculateMaxDD(
    (np.cumproduct(1 + optimalF / 2 * ret_sim) - 1))
print('Max DD=%f with half optimal leverage=%f' % (maxDD, optimalF / 2))
#Max DD=-0.900276 with half optimal leverage=12.756313

# max drawdown with 1/7 of optimal leverage
maxDD, maxDDD, i = calculateMaxDD(
    (np.cumproduct(1 + optimalF / 7 * ret_sim) - 1))
print('Max DD=%f with half optimal leverage=%f' % (maxDD, optimalF / 7))
#Max DD=-0.429629 with half optimal leverage=3.644661