def get_orbit_tally(data, orbit, pre=True): """ set pre = False if you already added orbit columns to data tallys up the count of objects per year in orbit returns a dataframe w/ columns orbit (containing counts) and 'LaunchYear', orbit may be LEO, MEO, GEO or HighEarthOrbit """ if pre: data = get_launch_years_column(data) data = get_orbit_columns(data) data = data[data[orbit]] data = data[['LaunchYear', orbit]] data = data.groupby(['LaunchYear'], as_index=False).count() for i in range(1, len(data)): data.loc[i, orbit] += data.loc[i - 1, orbit] return data
def compare_by_alt(data): """ takes a dataframe of orbital debris data and adds columns with information about orbits. Creates a scatter plot of altitude vs launch year """ data = get_launch_years_column(data) data = get_orbit_columns(data) data.plot(kind='scatter', x='LaunchYear', y='Apoapsis', figsize=(7, 5), color="#0f4c81") plt.title("Altitude vs Year Launched") plt.xlabel('Launch Year') plt.ylabel('Altitude (km)') plt.savefig('visualizations/alt_vs_launch_year.png')
def bar_plot_LEO(data): """ takes a dataframe from process_data and creates a bar plot for count by launch year from dataframe (for LEO) """ data = get_orbit_columns(data) data = data[data['LEO']] data = data['InternationalDesignator'] data = data.dropna() data = data.apply(get_launch_year) data = data.groupby(data).count() data.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(17, 10), color='#0f4c81') plt.title("Orbital Debris Count Increase Per Year (LEO)") plt.xlabel('Launch Year') plt.ylabel('Count') plt.savefig('visualizations/count_by_launch_year.png')
def polynomial_fit_probability(data): """ from a dataframe, makes a polynomial best fit model of the probability of impact per year. Creates a plot of the model overtop a scatter plot of the data points. Prints some information about the model, includung the R-squared value. Creates a plot of the residuals. """ # get the data in the right format data = get_orbit_columns(data) data = data[data['LEO']] data = get_probability_tally(data) x = np.array(list(data['LaunchYear'])) y = np.array(list(data['Probability'])) # create the model prob_func = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(x, y, 2)) # plot the scatter plot & line of best fit # plt.scatter(x, y) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) plt.scatter(x, y, color='#ffa372') line = np.linspace(1963, 2020, 6) # m = (line*0) + (1/10000) plt.plot(line, prob_func(line), color='#0f4c81') # plt.plot(line, m, color='red') plt.title("Polynomial Model of Probability of Impact Per Year (LEO)") plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Count') fig.savefig('poly_fit_probability.png') # print some information about the model print() print('Polynomial fit for probability:') print('Eq: ') print(prob_func) print('R-squared: ', r2_score(y, prob_func(x))) # plot the residuals fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) res = y - prob_func(x) d = {'x': x, 'res': res} df = pd.DataFrame(d) df.plot(kind='scatter', x='x', y='res', ax=ax, color='#0f4c81') plt.title("Probability Model Residuals") plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Error') fig.savefig('probability_residuals.png')
def polynomial_fit_count(data): """ from a dataframe, makes a polynomial best fit model of the count of objects per year. Creates a plot of the model overtop a scatter plot of the data points. Prints some information about the model, includung the R-squared value. Creates a plot of the residuals. """ # get the data in the right format data = get_orbit_columns(data) data = data[data['LEO']] data = get_launch_year_tally(data) x = np.array(list(data['Year'])) y = np.array(list(data['Total'])) # create the model count_func = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(x, y, 2)) # plot the scatter plot & line of best fit fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) line = np.linspace(1958, 2020, 18000) plt.scatter(x, y, color='#ffa372') plt.plot(line, count_func(line), color='#0f4c81') plt.title("Polynomial Model of Count Per Year (LEO)") plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Count') fig.savefig('poly_fit_count.png') # print some information about the model print('Polynomial fit for number of objects:') print('Eq: ') print(count_func) print('R-squared: ', r2_score(y, count_func(x))) # plot the residuals fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) res = y - count_func(x) d = {'x': x, 'res': res} df = pd.DataFrame(d) df.plot(kind='scatter', x='x', y='res', ax=ax, color='#0f4c81') plt.title("Object Count Model Residuals") plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Error') fig.savefig('count_residuals.png')
def total_bar_stacked_LEO(data): ''' from a dataframe of orbital data creates a stacked bar chart that shows the total count of objects per year highlighting the increase each year in a different color (for LEO) ''' data = get_orbit_columns(data) data = data[data['LEO']] data = get_launch_year_tally(data) data['PrevSum'] = data['Total'] - data['Count'] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(17, 10)) data.plot(y='Total', x='Year', kind='bar', color="#ed6663", ax=ax) data.plot(y='PrevSum', x='Year', kind='bar', color="#0f4c81", ax=ax) plt.title("Orbital Debris Total Count Over Time (LEO)") plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Count') fig.savefig('visualizations/stacked_bar_count.png')
def total_line_and_scatter_plot_LEO(data): ''' takes a dataframe from process_data creates line and bar plots for the total count of objects present per year (for LEO) ''' data = get_orbit_columns(data) data = data[data['LEO']] data = get_launch_year_tally(data) data.plot(kind='line', x='Year', y='Total', color='#0f4c81') plt.title("Orbital Debris Total Count Over Time (LEO)") plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Count') plt.savefig('visualizations/total_count_over_years_line.png') data.plot(kind='scatter', x='Year', y='Total', color='#0f4c81') plt.title("Orbital Debris Total Count Over Time (LEO)") plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Count') plt.savefig('visualizations/total_count_scatter.png', figsize=(17, 10))
def compare_years_by_orbit(data): """ takes a dataframe of orbital debris data and adds columns with information about orbits. Creates three visualizations: 1. A set of four bar graphs showing objects per year by orbit 2. A bar graph showing total count per orbit 3. A stacked bar showing objects per year colored by orbit """ # processing data = get_launch_years_column(data) data = get_orbit_columns(data) data = data[['LaunchYear', 'LEO', 'MEO', 'GEO', 'HighEarthOrbit']] data = data.dropna() data_LEO = get_orbit_tally(data, 'LEO', False) data_MEO = get_orbit_tally(data, 'MEO', False) data_GEO = get_orbit_tally(data, 'GEO', False) data_HEO = get_orbit_tally(data, 'HighEarthOrbit', False) df = data_LEO.merge(data_MEO, left_on='LaunchYear', right_on='LaunchYear', how='outer') df = df.merge(data_GEO, left_on='LaunchYear', right_on='LaunchYear', how='outer') df = df.merge(data_HEO, left_on='LaunchYear', right_on='LaunchYear', how='outer') df = df.fillna(0) # first plot fig, [ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4] = plt.subplots(4, figsize=(17, 30), subplot_kw={'ylim': (0, 16000)}) df.plot(kind='bar', y='LEO', x='LaunchYear', ax=ax1, color="#0f4c81") df.plot(kind='bar', y='MEO', x='LaunchYear', ax=ax2, color="#0f4c81") df.plot(kind='bar', y='GEO', x='LaunchYear', ax=ax3, color="#0f4c81") df.plot(kind='bar', y='HighEarthOrbit', x='LaunchYear', ax=ax4, color="#0f4c81") ax1.set_title('LEO') ax2.set_title('MEO') ax3.set_title('GEO') ax4.set_title('High Earth Orbit') plt.setp([ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4], xlabel='Year') plt.setp([ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4], ylabel='Count') fig.savefig('visualizations/orbit_years_comp.png') # second plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) leo = len(data[data['LEO']]) meo = len(data[data['MEO']]) geo = len(data[data['GEO']]) heo = len(data[data['HighEarthOrbit']]) y = np.arange(4) x = [leo, meo, geo, heo], x) fig.savefig('visualizations/orbit_bar.png') # third plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(17, 10)) df['HighEarthOrbit'] += (df['LEO'] + df['MEO'] + df['GEO']) df['GEO'] = df['LEO'] + df['MEO'] + df['GEO'] df['MEO'] = df['LEO'] + df['MEO'] df.plot(y='HighEarthOrbit', x='LaunchYear', kind='bar', color="#ffa372", ax=ax) df.plot(y='GEO', x='LaunchYear', kind='bar', color="#ed6663", ax=ax) df.plot(y='MEO', x='LaunchYear', kind='bar', color="#3282b8", ax=ax) df.plot(y='LEO', x='LaunchYear', kind='bar', color="#0f4c81", ax=ax) plt.title("Orbital Debris Total Count Over Time, by Orbit") plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Count') fig.savefig('visualizations/stacked_bar_orbits.png')