Example #1
    def __init__(self, css):
        self.font_family = css_font_family_to_docx(css['font-family'])
            self.font_size = max(0, int(float(css['font-size']) * 2))  # stylizer normalizes all font sizes into pts
        except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError):
            self.font_size = None

        fw = css['font-weight']
        self.bold = fw.lower() in {'bold', 'bolder'} or int_or_zero(fw) >= 700
        self.italic = css['font-style'].lower() in {'italic', 'oblique'}
        self.color = convert_color(css['color'])
        self.background_color = convert_color(css.backgroundColor)
        td = set((css.effective_text_decoration or '').split())
        self.underline = 'underline' in td
        self.dstrike = 'line-through' in td and 'overline' in td
        self.strike = not self.dstrike and 'line-through' in td
        self.text_transform = css['text-transform']  # TODO: If lowercase or capitalize, transform the actual text
        self.caps = self.text_transform == 'uppercase'
        self.small_caps = css['font-variant'].lower() in {'small-caps', 'smallcaps'}
        self.shadow = css['text-shadow'] not in {'none', None}
            self.spacing = int(float(css['letter-spacing']) * 20)
        except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError):
            self.spacing = None
        self.vertical_align = css['vertical-align']
        for edge in border_edges:
            # In DOCX padding can only be a positive integer
            setattr(self, 'padding_' + edge, max(0, int(css['padding-' + edge])))
            val = min(96, max(2, int({'thin':0.2, 'medium':1, 'thick':2}.get(css['border-%s-width' % edge], 0) * 8)))
            setattr(self, 'border_%s_width' % edge, val)
            setattr(self, 'border_%s_color' % edge, convert_color(css['border-%s-color' % edge]))
            setattr(self, 'border_%s_style' %  edge, LINE_STYLES.get(css['border-%s-style' % edge].lower(), 'none'))

Example #2
    def __init__(self, namespace, css, is_parent_style=False):
        self.font_family = css_font_family_to_docx(css['font-family'])
            self.font_size = max(0, int(float(css['font-size']) * 2))  # stylizer normalizes all font sizes into pts
        except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError):
            self.font_size = None

        fw = css['font-weight']
        self.bold = fw.lower() in {'bold', 'bolder'} or int_or_zero(fw) >= 700
        self.italic = css['font-style'].lower() in {'italic', 'oblique'}
        self.color = convert_color(css['color'])
        self.background_color = None if is_parent_style else convert_color(css.backgroundColor)
        td = set((css.effective_text_decoration or '').split())
        self.underline = 'underline' in td
        self.dstrike = 'line-through' in td and 'overline' in td
        self.strike = not self.dstrike and 'line-through' in td
        self.text_transform = css['text-transform']  # TODO: If lowercase or capitalize, transform the actual text
        self.caps = self.text_transform == 'uppercase'
        self.small_caps = css['font-variant'].lower() in {'small-caps', 'smallcaps'}
        self.shadow = css['text-shadow'] not in {'none', None}
            self.spacing = int(float(css['letter-spacing']) * 20)
        except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError):
            self.spacing = None
        self.vertical_align = css['vertical-align']
        self.padding = self.border_color = self.border_width = self.border_style = None
        if not is_parent_style:
            # DOCX does not support individual borders/padding for inline content
            for edge in border_edges:
                # In DOCX padding can only be a positive integer
                    padding = max(0, int(css['padding-' + edge]))
                except ValueError:
                    padding = 0
                if self.padding is None:
                    self.padding = padding
                elif self.padding != padding:
                    self.padding = ignore
                val = css['border-%s-width' % edge]
                if not isinstance(val, (float, int, long)):
                    val = {'thin':0.2, 'medium':1, 'thick':2}.get(val, 0)
                val = min(96, max(2, int(val * 8)))
                if self.border_width is None:
                    self.border_width = val
                elif self.border_width != val:
                    self.border_width = ignore
                color = convert_color(css['border-%s-color' % edge])
                if self.border_color is None:
                    self.border_color = color
                elif self.border_color != color:
                    self.border_color = ignore
                style = LINE_STYLES.get(css['border-%s-style' % edge].lower(), 'none')
                if self.border_style is None:
                    self.border_style = style
                elif self.border_style != style:
                    self.border_style = ignore

        DOCXStyle.__init__(self, namespace)
Example #3
    def __init__(self, namespace, css, is_parent_style=False):
        self.font_family = css_font_family_to_docx(css['font-family'])
            self.font_size = max(0, int(float(css['font-size']) * 2))  # stylizer normalizes all font sizes into pts
        except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError):
            self.font_size = None

        fw = css['font-weight']
        self.bold = fw.lower() in {'bold', 'bolder'} or int_or_zero(fw) >= 700
        self.italic = css['font-style'].lower() in {'italic', 'oblique'}
        self.color = convert_color(css['color'])
        self.background_color = None if is_parent_style else convert_color(css.backgroundColor)
        td = set((css.effective_text_decoration or '').split())
        self.underline = 'underline' in td
        self.dstrike = 'line-through' in td and 'overline' in td
        self.strike = not self.dstrike and 'line-through' in td
        self.text_transform = css['text-transform']  # TODO: If lowercase or capitalize, transform the actual text
        self.caps = self.text_transform == 'uppercase'
        self.small_caps = css['font-variant'].lower() in {'small-caps', 'smallcaps'}
        self.shadow = css['text-shadow'] not in {'none', None}
            self.spacing = int(float(css['letter-spacing']) * 20)
        except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError):
            self.spacing = None
        self.vertical_align = css['vertical-align']
        self.padding = self.border_color = self.border_width = self.border_style = None
        if not is_parent_style:
            # DOCX does not support individual borders/padding for inline content
            for edge in border_edges:
                # In DOCX padding can only be a positive integer
                    padding = max(0, int(css['padding-' + edge]))
                except ValueError:
                    padding = 0
                if self.padding is None:
                    self.padding = padding
                elif self.padding != padding:
                    self.padding = ignore
                val = css['border-%s-width' % edge]
                if not isinstance(val, (float, int, long)):
                    val = {'thin':0.2, 'medium':1, 'thick':2}.get(val, 0)
                val = min(96, max(2, int(val * 8)))
                if self.border_width is None:
                    self.border_width = val
                elif self.border_width != val:
                    self.border_width = ignore
                color = convert_color(css['border-%s-color' % edge])
                if self.border_color is None:
                    self.border_color = color
                elif self.border_color != color:
                    self.border_color = ignore
                style = LINE_STYLES.get(css['border-%s-style' % edge].lower(), 'none')
                if self.border_style is None:
                    self.border_style = style
                elif self.border_style != style:
                    self.border_style = ignore

        DOCXStyle.__init__(self, namespace)
Example #4
    def __init__(self, namespace, css, is_parent_style=False):
        self.font_family = css_font_family_to_docx(css["font-family"])
            self.font_size = max(0, int(float(css["font-size"]) * 2))  # stylizer normalizes all font sizes into pts
        except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError):
            self.font_size = None

        fw = css["font-weight"]
        self.bold = (fw.lower() if hasattr(fw, "lower") else fw) in {"bold", "bolder"} or int_or_zero(fw) >= 700
        self.italic = css["font-style"].lower() in {"italic", "oblique"}
        self.color = convert_color(css["color"])
        self.background_color = None if is_parent_style else convert_color(css.backgroundColor)
        td = set((css.effective_text_decoration or "").split())
        self.underline = "underline" in td
        self.dstrike = "line-through" in td and "overline" in td
        self.strike = not self.dstrike and "line-through" in td
        self.text_transform = css["text-transform"]  # TODO: If lowercase or capitalize, transform the actual text
        self.caps = self.text_transform == "uppercase"
        self.small_caps = css["font-variant"].lower() in {"small-caps", "smallcaps"}
        self.shadow = css["text-shadow"] not in {"none", None}
            self.spacing = int(float(css["letter-spacing"]) * 20)
        except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError):
            self.spacing = None
        va = css.first_vertical_align
        if isinstance(va, (int, float)):
            self.vertical_align = str(int(va * 2))
            val = {
                "top": "superscript",
                "text-top": "superscript",
                "sup": "superscript",
                "super": "superscript",
                "bottom": "subscript",
                "text-bottom": "subscript",
                "sub": "subscript",
            self.vertical_align = val or "baseline"

        self.padding = self.border_color = self.border_width = self.border_style = None
        if not is_parent_style:
            # DOCX does not support individual borders/padding for inline content
            for edge in border_edges:
                # In DOCX padding can only be a positive integer
                    padding = max(0, int(css["padding-" + edge]))
                except ValueError:
                    padding = 0
                if self.padding is None:
                    self.padding = padding
                elif self.padding != padding:
                    self.padding = ignore
                val = css["border-%s-width" % edge]
                if not isinstance(val, (float, int, long)):
                    val = {"thin": 0.2, "medium": 1, "thick": 2}.get(val, 0)
                val = min(96, max(2, int(val * 8)))
                if self.border_width is None:
                    self.border_width = val
                elif self.border_width != val:
                    self.border_width = ignore
                color = convert_color(css["border-%s-color" % edge])
                if self.border_color is None:
                    self.border_color = color
                elif self.border_color != color:
                    self.border_color = ignore
                style = LINE_STYLES.get(css["border-%s-style" % edge].lower(), "none")
                if self.border_style is None:
                    self.border_style = style
                elif self.border_style != style:
                    self.border_style = ignore

        if self.padding in (None, ignore):
            self.padding = 0
        if self.border_width in (None, ignore):
            self.border_width = 0
        if self.border_style in (None, ignore):
            self.border_style = "none"
        if self.border_color in (None, ignore):
            self.border_color = "auto"
        if self.border_style == "none":
            self.border_width, self.border_color = 0, "auto"

        DOCXStyle.__init__(self, namespace)