Example #1
    def get_pages_pagebreak_tag(self, mobi_file_path):
        Determine pages based on the presence of
        pages = []

        # Get the MOBI html.
        mr = MobiReader(mobi_file_path, default_log)
        if mr.book_header.encryption_type != 0:
            # DRMed book
            return self.get_pages_fast(mobi_file_path)

        html = as_bytes(mr.mobi_html.lower())
        for m in re.finditer(b'<[^>]*pagebreak[^>]*>', html):

        return pages
Example #2
    def get_pages_pagebreak_tag(self, mobi_file_path):
        Determine pages based on the presense of
        pages = []

        # Get the MOBI html.
        mr = MobiReader(mobi_file_path, default_log)
        if mr.book_header.encryption_type != 0:
            # DRMed book
            return self.get_pages_fast(mobi_file_path)

        html = mr.mobi_html.lower()
        for m in re.finditer('<[^>]*pagebreak[^>]*>', html):

        return pages
Example #3
def parse_mobi(pathtoebook, book_fmt):
    mobiReader = MobiReader(pathtoebook, default_log)
    html = b''
    offset = 1
    # use code from calibre.ebooks.mobi.reader.mobi8:Mobi8Reader.__call__
    if book_fmt == 'AZW3' and mobiReader.kf8_type == 'joint':
        offset = mobiReader.kf8_boundary + 2
    html = mobiReader.mobi_html
    if book_fmt == 'AZW3':
        m8r = Mobi8Reader(mobiReader, default_log)
        m8r.kf8_sections = mobiReader.sections[offset-1:]
        html = b''.join(m8r.parts)

    # match text between HTML tags
    for match_text in re.finditer(b'>[^<>]+<', html):
        yield (match_text.start() + 1, match_text.group(0)[1:-1])
Example #4
def parse_mobi(book_path):
    # use code from calibre.ebooks.mobi.reader.mobi8:Mobi8Reader.__call__
    # and calibre.ebook.conversion.plugins.mobi_input:MOBIInput.convert
    # https://github.com/kevinhendricks/KindleUnpack/blob/master/lib/mobi_k8proc.py#L216
        mr = MobiReader(book_path, default_log)
    except Exception:
        mr = MobiReader(book_path, default_log, try_extra_data_fix=True)
    if mr.kf8_type == 'joint':
        raise Exception('JointMOBI')
    html = mr.mobi_html
    if mr.kf8_type == 'standalone':
        m8r = Mobi8Reader(mr, default_log)
        m8r.kf8_sections = mr.sections
        html = b''.join(m8r.parts)

    # match text between HTML tags
    for match_text in re.finditer(b'>[^<>]+<', html):
        yield (match_text.group(0)[1:-1].decode('utf-8'),
               match_text.start() + 1)
Example #5
    def get_pages_accurate(self, mobi_file_path):
        A more accurate but much more resource intensive and slower
        method to calculate the page length.

        Parses the uncompressed text. In an average paper back book
        There are 32 lines per page and a maximum of 70 characters
        per line.

        Each paragraph starts a new line and every 70 characters
        (minus markup) in a paragraph starts a new line. The
        position after every 30 lines will be marked as a new

        This can be make more accurate by accounting for
        <div class="mbp_pagebreak" /> as a new page marker.
        And <br> elements as an empty line.
        pages = []

        # Get the MOBI html.
        mr = MobiReader(mobi_file_path, default_log)
        if mr.book_header.encryption_type != 0:
            # DRMed book
            return self.get_pages_fast(mobi_file_path)

        # States
        in_tag = False
        in_p = False
        check_p = False
        closing = False
        p_char_count = 0

        # Get positions of every line
        # A line is either a paragraph starting
        # or every 70 characters in a paragraph.
        lines = []
        pos = -1
        # We want this to be as fast as possible so we
        # are going to do one pass across the text. re
        # and string functions will parse the text each
        # time they are called.
        # We can can use .lower() here because we are
        # not modifying the text. In this case the case
        # doesn't matter just the absolute character and
        # the position within the stream.
        data = bytearray(as_bytes(mr.mobi_html.lower()))
        slash, p, lt, gt = map(ord, '/p<>')
        for c in data:
            pos += 1

            # Check if we are starting or stopping a p tag.
            if check_p:
                if c == slash:
                    closing = True
                elif c == p:
                    if closing:
                        in_p = False
                        in_p = True
                        lines.append(pos - 2)
                check_p = False
                closing = False

            if c == lt:
                in_tag = True
                check_p = True
            elif c == gt:
                in_tag = False
                check_p = False

            if in_p and not in_tag:
                p_char_count += 1
                if p_char_count == 70:
                    p_char_count = 0

        # Every 30 lines is a new page
        for i in range(0, len(lines), 32):

        return pages
Example #6
    def get_pages_accurate(self, mobi_file_path):
        A more accurate but much more resource intensive and slower
        method to calculate the page length.

        Parses the uncompressed text. In an average paper back book
        There are 32 lines per page and a maximum of 70 characters
        per line.

        Each paragraph starts a new line and every 70 characters
        (minus markup) in a paragraph starts a new line. The
        position after every 30 lines will be marked as a new

        This can be make more accurate by accounting for
        <div class="mbp_pagebreak" /> as a new page marker.
        And <br> elements as an empty line.
        pages = []

        # Get the MOBI html.
        mr = MobiReader(mobi_file_path, default_log)
        if mr.book_header.encryption_type != 0:
            # DRMed book
            return self.get_pages_fast(mobi_file_path)

        # States
        in_tag = False
        in_p = False
        check_p = False
        closing = False
        p_char_count = 0

        # Get positions of every line
        # A line is either a paragraph starting
        # or every 70 characters in a paragraph.
        lines = []
        pos = -1
        # We want this to be as fast as possible so we
        # are going to do one pass across the text. re
        # and string functions will parse the text each
        # time they are called.
        # We can can use .lower() here because we are
        # not modifying the text. In this case the case
        # doesn't matter just the absolute character and
        # the position within the stream.
        for c in mr.mobi_html.lower():
            pos += 1

            # Check if we are starting or stopping a p tag.
            if check_p:
                if c == '/':
                    closing = True
                elif c == 'p':
                    if closing:
                        in_p = False
                        in_p = True
                        lines.append(pos - 2)
                check_p = False
                closing = False

            if c == '<':
                in_tag = True
                check_p = True
            elif c == '>':
                in_tag = False
                check_p = False

            if in_p and not in_tag:
                p_char_count += 1
                if p_char_count == 70:
                    p_char_count = 0

        # Every 30 lines is a new page
        for i in xrange(0, len(lines), 32):

        return pages