def do_merge(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Also called by FanFicFare plugin. Note that no epub2 vs epub3 check is done here--FFF(optionally) outputs epub3, but includes back-compat files that will work for EpubMerge. ''' return doMerge(*args, **kwargs)
def do_merge(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Also called by FFDL plugin.''' return doMerge(*args, **kwargs)
def do_merge_bg(args, cpus, notification=lambda x, y: x): # logger.debug("do_merge_bg(%s,%s)"%(args,cpus)) # This server is an arbitrary_n job, so there is a notifier available. ## for purposes of %done, autoconvert, merging output are each ## considered 1/2 of total. def notify_progress(percent): notification(max(percent / 2, 0.01), _('Autoconverting...')) # Set the % complete to a small number to avoid the 'unavailable' indicator notify_progress(0.01) for j in range(0, len(args['inputepubfns'])): fn = args['inputepubfns'][j] title = args['epubtitles'][fn] try: container = get_container(fn) if container.opf_version_parsed.major >= 3: print("=" * 50) print( "Found EPUB3 for %s, automatically creating a temporary EPUB2 for merging...\n" % title) # this temp file is deleted when the BG process quits, # so don't expect it to still be there. epub2 = PersistentTemporaryFile(prefix="epub2_", suffix=".epub", dir=args['tdir']) fn2 = # ebook-convert epub3.epub epub2.epub --epub-version=2 ebook_convert_cli_main([ 'epubmerge calling convert', fn, fn2, '--epub-version=2', '--no-default-epub-cover' ]) args['inputepubfns'][j] = fn2 print("Converted to temporary EPUB2: %s" % fn2) notify_progress(float(j) / len(args['inputepubfns'])) except: print("=" * 20) print("Exception auto converting %s to EPUB2 from EPUB3" % title) print("Quiting...") print("=" * 50) raise def notify_progress(percent): notification(percent / 2 + 0.5, _('Merging...')) print("=" * 50) print("\nBeginning Merge...\n") print("=" * 50) doMerge(args['outputepubfn'], args['inputepubfns'], args['authoropts'], args['titleopt'], args['descopt'], args['tags'], args['languages'], args['titlenavpoints'], args['originalnavpoints'], args['flattentoc'], args['printtimes'], args['coverjpgpath'], args['keepmetadatafiles'], notify_progress=notify_progress) print("=" * 50) print("\nFinished Merge...\n") print("=" * 50)