Example #1
def Facade(some_instance=None,
    Top-level interface to the Facade functionality. Determines what to return when passed arbitrary objects.

    :param mixed some_instance: Anything.
    :param list exclusion_list: The list of types NOT to wrap
    :param class cls: The class definition for the object being mocked
    :param tuple args: The arguments for the class definition to return the desired instance
    :param dict kwargs: The keywork arguments for the class definition to return the desired instance

    :rtype instance: Either the instance passed or an instance of the Wrapper wrapping the instance passed.
    if not USE_CALIENDO or should_exclude(some_instance, exclusion_list):
        if not util.is_primitive(some_instance):
            # Provide dummy methods to prevent errors in implementations dependent
            # on the Wrapper interface
            some_instance.wrapper__unwrap = lambda: None
            some_instance.wrapper__delete_last_cached = lambda: None
        return some_instance  # Just give it back.
        if util.is_primitive(some_instance) and not cls:
            return some_instance
        return Wrapper(o=some_instance,
Example #2
def Facade( some_instance=None, exclusion_list=[], cls=None, args=tuple(), kwargs={}  ):
    Top-level interface to the Facade functionality. Determines what to return when passed arbitrary objects.

    :param mixed some_instance: Anything.
    :param list exclusion_list: The list of types NOT to wrap
    :param class cls: The class definition for the object being mocked
    :param tuple args: The arguments for the class definition to return the desired instance
    :param dict kwargs: The keywork arguments for the class definition to return the desired instance

    :rtype instance: Either the instance passed or an instance of the Wrapper wrapping the instance passed.
    if not USE_CALIENDO or should_exclude( some_instance, exclusion_list ):
        if not util.is_primitive(some_instance):
            # Provide dummy methods to prevent errors in implementations dependent
            # on the Wrapper interface
            some_instance.wrapper__unwrap = lambda : None
            some_instance.wrapper__delete_last_cached = lambda : None
        return some_instance # Just give it back.
        if util.is_primitive(some_instance) and not cls:
            return some_instance
        return Wrapper(o=some_instance, exclusion_list=list(exclusion_list), cls=cls, args=args, kwargs=kwargs )
Example #3
    def __store_any(self, o, method_name, member):
        Determines type of member and stores it accordingly

        :param mixed o: Any parent object
        :param str method_name: The name of the method or attribuet
        :param mixed member: Any child object

        if should_exclude( eval( "o." + method_name ), self.__exclusion_list ):
            self.__store__[ method_name ] = eval( "o." + method_name )

        if hasattr( member, '__call__' ):
            self.__store_callable( o, method_name, member )
        elif inspect.isclass( member ):
            self.__store_class( o, method_name, member ) # Default ot lazy-loading classes here.
        elif not util.is_primitive( member ):
            self.__store_nonprimitive( o, method_name, member )
            self.__store_other( o, method_name, member )
Example #4
    def __store_any(self, o, method_name, member):
        Determines type of member and stores it accordingly

        :param mixed o: Any parent object
        :param str method_name: The name of the method or attribuet
        :param mixed member: Any child object

        if should_exclude( eval( "o." + method_name ), self.__exclusion_list ):
            self.__store__[ method_name ] = eval( "o." + method_name )

        if hasattr( member, '__call__' ):
            self.__store_callable( o, method_name, member )
        elif inspect.isclass( member ):
            self.__store_class( o, method_name, member ) # Default ot lazy-loading classes here.
        elif not util.is_primitive( member ):
            self.__store_nonprimitive( o, method_name, member )
            self.__store_other( o, method_name, member )