def run(self): config_files = os.path.join(caliper_path.config_files.config_dir, 'cases_config.json') fp = open(config_files, 'r') # get the test cases defined files for section in self.sections: common.print_format()"Running %s" % section) bench = os.path.join(caliper_path.BENCHS_DIR, section, 'defaults') if not os.path.exists(bench): download_section(section) run_case_list = [] if self.run_case_list == '': case_list = yaml.load( for dimension in case_list: for i in range(len(case_list[dimension])): try: for case in case_list[dimension][i][section]: run_case_list.append(case) except: pass else: run_case_list = self.run_case_list try: # On some platforms, swapoff and swapon command is not able to execute. # So this function has been commented result = self.run_all_cases(bench, section, run_case_list) except Exception, e:"Running %s Exception" % section) crash_handle.main() common.print_format() else:"Running %s Finished" % section)
def parsing_run(target_exec_dir, target): # get the test cases defined files config_files = server_utils.get_cases_def_files(target_exec_dir) logging.debug("the selected configuration are %s" % config_files) dic = {} for i in range(0, len(config_files)): # run benchmarks selected in each configuration file # config_file = os.path.join(caliper_path.CALIPER_PRE, config_files[i]) config_file = os.path.join(config_files[i]) config, sections = server_utils.read_config_file(config_file) logging.debug(sections) # get if it is the 'common' or 'arm' or 'android' classify = config_files[i].split("/")[-1].strip().split("_")[0] logging.debug(classify) for i in range(0, len(sections)): dic[sections[i]] = {} # try to resolve the configuration of the configuration file try: run_file = config.get(sections[i], 'run') parser = config.get(sections[i], 'parser') except Exception: raise AttributeError("The is no option value of parser") print_format()"Parsing %s" % sections[i]) bench = os.path.join(classify, sections[i]) try: result = parse_all_cases(target_exec_dir, target, bench, sections[i], run_file, parser, dic) except Exception:"Running %s Exception" % sections[i]) crash_handle.main() print_format() run_flag = server_utils.get_fault_tolerance_config( 'fault_tolerance', 'run_error_continue') if run_flag == 1: continue else: return result else:"Parsing %s Finished" % sections[i]) print_format() outfp = open( os.path.join( caliper_path.folder_ope.workspace, + "/final_parsing_logs.yaml"), 'w') outfp.write(yaml.dump(dic, default_flow_style=False)) outfp.close() return 0
def parsing_run(sections, run_case_list): dic = {} for i in range(0, len(sections)): dic[sections[i]] = {} # try to resolve the configuration of the configuration file try: run_file = sections[i] + '_run.cfg' parser = sections[i] + '' except Exception: raise AttributeError("The is no option value of parser")"=" * 55)"Parsing %s" % sections[i]) bench = os.path.join(caliper_path.BENCHS_DIR, sections[i], 'defaults') try: result = parse_all_cases(bench,sections[i], parser, dic, run_case_list) except Exception:"Parsing %s Exception" % sections[i]) crash_handle.main()"=" * 55) run_flag = server_utils.get_fault_tolerance_config( 'fault_tolerance', 'run_error_continue') if run_flag == 1: continue else: return result else:"Parsing %s Finished" % sections[i])"=" * 55) try:"Parsing json %s" % sections[i]) log_bench = os.path.join(Folder.exec_dir, sections[i]) logfile = log_bench + "_output.log" outfile_name = sections[i] + '.json' outfile = os.path.join(Folder.json_dir, outfile_name) if not os.path.exists(Folder.json_dir): os.mkdir(Folder.json_dir) parser_case(sections[i], parser, sections[i], logfile, outfile, 'json') # parser_json(sections[i], parser, logfile) except Exception as e: else:"Parsing json %s Finished" % sections[i]) outfp = open(os.path.join(caliper_path.folder_ope.workspace, + "/final_parsing_logs.yaml"), 'w') outfp.write(yaml.dump(dic, default_flow_style=False)) outfp.close() return 0
def parsing_run(target_exec_dir, target): # get the test cases defined files config_files = server_utils.get_cases_def_files(target_exec_dir) logging.debug("the selected configuration are %s" % config_files) dic = {} for i in range(0, len(config_files)): # run benchmarks selected in each configuration file # config_file = os.path.join(caliper_path.CALIPER_PRE, config_files[i]) config_file = os.path.join(config_files[i]) config, sections = server_utils.read_config_file(config_file) logging.debug(sections) # get if it is the 'common' or 'arm' or 'android' classify = config_files[i].split("/")[-1].strip().split("_")[0] logging.debug(classify) for i in range(0, len(sections)): dic[sections[i]] = {} # try to resolve the configuration of the configuration file try: run_file = config.get(sections[i], 'run') parser = config.get(sections[i], 'parser') except Exception: raise AttributeError("The is no option value of parser") print_format()"Parsing %s" % sections[i]) bench = os.path.join(classify, sections[i]) try: result = parse_all_cases(target_exec_dir, target, bench, sections[i], run_file,parser,dic) except Exception:"Running %s Exception" % sections[i]) crash_handle.main() print_format() run_flag = server_utils.get_fault_tolerance_config( 'fault_tolerance', 'run_error_continue') if run_flag == 1: continue else: return result else:"Parsing %s Finished" % sections[i]) print_format() outfp = open(os.path.join(caliper_path.folder_ope.workspace, +"/final_parsing_logs.yaml"),'w') outfp.write(yaml.dump(dic, default_flow_style=False)) outfp.close() return 0
def caliper_run(target_exec_dir, target): # get the test cases defined files config_files = server_utils.get_cases_def_files(target_exec_dir) logging.debug("the selected configuration are %s" % config_files) for i in range(0, len(config_files)): # run benchmarks selected in each configuration file # config_file = os.path.join(caliper_path.CALIPER_PRE, config_files[i]) config_file = os.path.join(config_files[i]) config, sections = server_utils.read_config_file(config_file) logging.debug(sections) # get if it is the 'common' or 'arm' or 'android' classify = config_files[i].split("/")[-1].strip().split("_")[0] logging.debug(classify) for i in range(0, len(sections)): # run for each benchmark target_arch = server_utils.get_host_arch(target) build_name = sections[i] + '_' + target_arch + '.suc' build_suc = os.path.join(Folder.build_dir, build_name) if not os.path.exists(build_suc): continue build_host_name = sections[i] + '_' + \ server_utils.get_local_machine_arch() + '.fail' if os.path.exists(build_host_name): continue # try to resolve the configuration of the configuration file try: run_file = config.get(sections[i], 'run') parser = config.get(sections[i], 'parser') except Exception: raise AttributeError("The is no option value of parser") print_format()"Running %s" % sections[i]) bench = os.path.join(classify, sections[i]) try: result = run_all_cases(target_exec_dir, target, bench, sections[i], run_file) except Exception:"Running %s Exception" % sections[i]) crash_handle.main() print_format() if sections[i] == "ltp": try: unmount = "if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then umount /mnt/caliper_nfs/; fi" ) except Exception: unmount = "if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then fuser -km /mnt/caliper_nfs ;fi" ) unmount = "if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then umount /mnt/caliper_nfs/ ;fi" ) run_flag = server_utils.get_fault_tolerance_config( 'fault_tolerance', 'run_error_continue') if run_flag == 1: continue else: return result else:"Running %s Finished" % sections[i]) if sections[i] == "ltp": try: unmount = "if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then umount /mnt/caliper_nfs/ ;fi" ) except Exception: unmount = "if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then fuser -km /mnt/caliper_nfs/ ;fi" ) unmount = "if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then umount /mnt/caliper_nfs/ ;fi" ) print_format() return 0
def run_all_cases(target_exec_dir, target, kind_bench, bench_name, run_file): """ function: run one benchmark which was selected in the configuration files """ try: # get the abspath, which is filename of run config for the benchmark bench_conf_file = os.path.join(caliper_path.config_files.tests_cfg_dir, kind_bench, run_file) # get the config sections for the benchmrk configRun, sections_run = server_utils.read_config_file( bench_conf_file) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError except Exception: raise logging.debug("the sections to run are: %s" % sections_run) if not os.path.exists(Folder.exec_dir): os.mkdir(Folder.exec_dir) log_bench = os.path.join(Folder.exec_dir, bench_name) logfile = log_bench + "_output.log" tmp_log_file = log_bench + "_output_tmp.log" if os.path.exists(logfile): os.remove(logfile) starttime = if os.path.exists(Folder.caliper_log_file): sections = bench_name + " EXECUTION" fp = open(Folder.caliper_log_file, "r") f = fp.readlines() fp.close() op = open(Folder.caliper_log_file, "w") for line in f: if not (sections in line): op.write(line) op.close() result = "echo '$$ %s EXECUTION START: %s' >> %s" % (bench_name, str(starttime)[:19], Folder.caliper_log_file), shell=True) bench_test = "ltp" if bench_name == bench_test: tar_ip = settings.get_value('CLIENT', 'ip', type=str) "if [[ ! -e /mnt/caliper_nfs ]]; then mkdir -p /mnt/caliper_nfs; fi" ) # fix me , now that we create the folder, why not we mount it directly here try: tar_mask = ".".join(tar_ip.split(".")[0:3]) p1 = subprocess.Popen(["ifconfig"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p2 = subprocess.Popen(["grep", tar_mask], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p1.stdout.close() output, err = p2.communicate() output = output.strip() host_ip = output.split("inet addr:")[1].split(" ")[0] except Exception: logging.debug("Unable to get the host_ip") try: mount_cmd = "mount -t nfs %s:/opt/caliper_nfs /mnt/caliper_nfs" % (host_ip)) except Exception: try: umount_cmd ="umount /mnt/caliper_nfs/") mount_cmd = "mount -t nfs %s:/opt/caliper_nfs /mnt/caliper_nfs" % (host_ip)) except Exception: logging.debug("Unable to mount") return result readme_file = log_bench + "_README" resultltp ="touch %s" % (readme_file), shell=True) resultltp = "echo 'The categorization of ltp in caliper is\nCATEGORY\t\t\t\t\t\tSCENARIOS OF LTP\n\n[command]\t\t\t\t\t\tcommands\n[cpu]\t\t\t\t\t\tsched,cpuhotplug\n[memory]\t\t\t\t\t\tmm.numa,hugetlb\n[dio]\t\t\t\t\t\tdio,io,dma_thread_diotest,timers\n[filesystem]\t\t\t\t\t\tfilecaps,fs,fs_bind,fs_ext4,fs_perms_simple,fs_readonly\n[kernel/\t\t\t\t\t\tsyscalls,controllers,pty,containers,admin_tools,modules,can\n[proc]\t\t\t\t\t\tipc,hyperthreading,nptl,cap_bounds,connectors,pipes\n\n\nltp_output.log contains the screenshot of complete ltp execution and ltp_parser.log contains the information regarding the number of tests executed and among them which all have passed failed or skipped.\n\nFor more information regarding a particular category please see ltp_<category>_output.log which contains the output screen and parser log for that particular category' >> %s" % (readme_file), shell=True) # for each command in run config file, read the config for the benchmark for i in range(0, len(sections_run)): flag = 0 try: category = configRun.get(sections_run[i], 'category') command = configRun.get(sections_run[i], 'command') except Exception: logging.debug("no value for the %s" % sections_run[i]) continue if bench_name == bench_test: subsection = sections_run[i].split(" ")[1] subsection_file = log_bench + "_" + subsection + "_output.log" if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file): os.remove(tmp_log_file) server_run_command = get_server_command(kind_bench, sections_run[i]) logging.debug("Get the server command is: %s" % server_run_command) # run the command of the benchmarks try: flag = run_kinds_commands(sections_run[i], server_run_command, tmp_log_file, kind_bench, target, command) except Exception, e: crash_handle.main() if bench_name == bench_test: move_logs = "cp /opt/caliper_nfs/ltp_log/* %s " % (Folder.exec_dir), shell=True) server_utils.file_copy(logfile, tmp_log_file, 'a+') if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file): os.remove(tmp_log_file) run_flag = server_utils.get_fault_tolerance_config( 'fault_tolerance', 'run_error_continue') if run_flag == 1: continue else: return result else: if bench_name == bench_test: move_logs = "cp /opt/caliper_nfs/ltp_log/* %s " % (Folder.exec_dir), shell=True) if os.path.exists(subsection_file): server_utils.file_copy(tmp_log_file, subsection_file, 'a+') server_utils.file_copy(logfile, tmp_log_file, 'a+') if flag != 1:"There is wrong when running the command \"%s\"" % command) if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file): os.remove(tmp_log_file) crash_handle.main() run_flag = server_utils.get_fault_tolerance_config( 'fault_tolerance', 'run_error_continue') if run_flag == 1: if bench_name != bench_test: continue else: return result if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file): os.remove(tmp_log_file)
def run_all_cases(self, kind_bench, bench_name, run_case_list): """ function: run one benchmark which was selected in the configuration files """ try: # get the abspath, which is filename of run config for the benchmark bench_conf_file = os.path.join(kind_bench, 'main.yml') # get the config sections for the benchmrk pf = open(bench_conf_file, 'r') values = yaml.load( sections_run = values[bench_name].keys() except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError except Exception: raise logging.debug("the sections to run are: %s" % sections_run) if not os.path.exists(Folder.exec_dir): os.mkdir(Folder.exec_dir) log_bench = os.path.join(Folder.exec_dir, bench_name) logfile = log_bench + "_output.log" tmp_log_file = log_bench + "_output_tmp.log" if os.path.exists(logfile): os.remove(logfile) starttime = if os.path.exists(Folder.caliper_log_file): sections = bench_name + " EXECUTION" fp = open(Folder.caliper_log_file, "r") f = fp.readlines() fp.close() op = open(Folder.caliper_log_file, "w") for line in f: if not (sections in line): op.write(line) op.close() result = "echo '$$ %s EXECUTION START: %s' >> %s" % (bench_name, str(starttime)[:19], Folder.caliper_log_file), shell=True) # for each command in run config file, read the config for the benchmark for section in sections_run: if section in run_case_list: if self.num == 0: config_files = os.path.join( caliper_path.config_files.config_dir, 'cases_config.json') fp = open(config_files, 'r') case_list = yaml.load( for dimension in case_list: for i in range(len(case_list[dimension])): for tool in case_list[dimension][i]: for case in case_list[dimension][i][tool]: if case == section: self.num = case_list[dimension][i][ tool][case][-1] flag = 0 if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file): os.remove(tmp_log_file) # run the command of the benchmarks try: for j in range(int(self.num)): flag = self.run_client_command(section, tmp_log_file, bench_name) except Exception, e: crash_handle.main() server_utils.file_copy(logfile, tmp_log_file, 'a+') if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file): os.remove(tmp_log_file) run_flag = server_utils.get_fault_tolerance_config( 'fault_tolerance', 'run_error_continue') if run_flag == 1: continue else: return result else: server_utils.file_copy(logfile, tmp_log_file, 'a+') if flag != 1: "There is wrong when running the command \"%s\"" % section) if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file): os.remove(tmp_log_file) crash_handle.main() run_flag = server_utils.get_fault_tolerance_config( 'fault_tolerance', 'run_error_continue') if run_flag == 1: return result if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file): os.remove(tmp_log_file) else: continue endtime = "echo '$$ %s EXECUTION STOP: %s' >> %s" % (section, str(endtime)[:19], Folder.caliper_log_file), shell=True) "echo '$$ %s EXECUTION DURATION %s Seconds'>>%s" % (section, (endtime - starttime).seconds, Folder.caliper_log_file), shell=True)
def caliper_run(target_exec_dir, server, target): # get the test cases defined files config_files = server_utils.get_cases_def_files(target_exec_dir) logging.debug("the selected configuration are %s" % config_files) for i in range(0, len(config_files)): # run benchmarks selected in each configuration file # config_file = os.path.join(caliper_path.CALIPER_PRE, config_files[i]) config_file = os.path.join(config_files[i]) config, sections = server_utils.read_config_file(config_file) logging.debug(sections) # get if it is the 'common' or 'arm' or 'android' classify = config_files[i].split("/")[-1].strip().split("_")[0] logging.debug(classify) if classify == "server" and server: try: server_ip = settings.get_value("SERVER", "ip", type=str) server_port = settings.get_value("SERVER", "port", type=int) server_user = settings.get_value("SERVER", "user", type=str) "Please wait while caliper triggers the script in the server" ) server_pwd ="pwd").stdout server_pwd = server_pwd.split("\n")[0] server_caliper_dir = os.path.join(server_pwd, "caliper_server") server_caliper_dir = os.path.join(server_caliper_dir, "") server_user = server_user + '@' + server_ip script = server_caliper_dir + ' ' + str(server_port) subprocess.Popen( ['ssh', '%s' % server_user, 'python %s' % script]) except Exception as e: raise AttributeError( "Error in establising connection with server") for i in range(0, len(sections)): # run for each benchmark target_arch = server_utils.get_host_arch(target) build_name = sections[i] + '_' + target_arch + '.suc' build_suc = os.path.join(Folder.build_dir, build_name) if not os.path.exists(build_suc): continue build_host_name = sections[i] + '_' + \ server_utils.get_local_machine_arch() + '.fail' if os.path.exists(build_host_name): continue # try to resolve the configuration of the configuration file try: run_file = config.get(sections[i], 'run') parser = config.get(sections[i], 'parser') except Exception: raise AttributeError("The is no option value of parser") print_format()"Running %s" % sections[i]) bench = os.path.join(classify, sections[i]) try: system_initialise(target) if classify == "server":"Waiting for server to grant access") sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((server_ip, server_port))"%s" % str(sock.recv(1024))) result = run_all_cases(target_exec_dir, target, bench, sections[i], run_file) if classify == "server": sock.send("1") sock.close() except Exception:"Running %s Exception" % sections[i]) crash_handle.main() print_format() if sections[i] == "ltp": try: unmount = "if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then umount /mnt/caliper_nfs/; fi" ) except Exception: unmount = "if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then fuser -km /mnt/caliper_nfs ;fi" ) unmount = "if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then umount /mnt/caliper_nfs/ ;fi" ) run_flag = server_utils.get_fault_tolerance_config( 'fault_tolerance', 'run_error_continue') if run_flag == 1: continue else: return result else:"Running %s Finished" % sections[i]) if sections[i] == "ltp": try: unmount = "if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then umount /mnt/caliper_nfs/ ;fi" ) except Exception: unmount = "if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then fuser -km /mnt/caliper_nfs/ ;fi" ) unmount = "if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then umount /mnt/caliper_nfs/ ;fi" ) print_format() return 0
def run_all_cases(target_exec_dir, target, kind_bench, bench_name, run_file, parser_file): """ function: run one benchmark which was selected in the configuration files """ try: # get the abspath, which is filename of run config for the benchmark bench_conf_file = os.path.join(caliper_path.config_files.tests_cfg_dir, kind_bench, run_file) # get the config sections for the benchmrk configRun, sections_run = server_utils.read_config_file( bench_conf_file) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError except Exception: raise logging.debug("the sections to run are: %s" % sections_run) if not os.path.exists(Folder.exec_dir): os.mkdir(Folder.exec_dir) log_bench = os.path.join(Folder.exec_dir, bench_name) logfile = log_bench + "_output.log" tmp_log_file = log_bench + "_output_tmp.log" parser_result_file = log_bench + "_parser.log" tmp_parser_file = log_bench + "_parser_tmp.log" if os.path.exists(parser_result_file): os.remove(parser_result_file) if os.path.exists(logfile): os.remove(logfile) starttime = result = "echo '$$ %s EXECUTION START: %s' >> %s" % (bench_name, str(starttime)[:19], Folder.caliper_log_file), shell=True) bench_test = "ltp" if bench_name == bench_test: tar_ip = settings.get_value('CLIENT', 'ip', type=str)"if [[ ! -e /mnt/ltp ]]; then mkdir -p /mnt/ltp; fi") # fix me , now that we create the folder, why not we mount it directly here s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) try: # fix me , getting host ip to be optimised s.connect(("", 80)) except Exception: logging.debug( "Socket connection failed during ltp pre-requisite check") host_ip = s.getsockname()[0] try: xyz ="mount -t nfs %s:/opt/caliper_nfs /mnt/ltp" % (host_ip)) except Exception: try: xyz ="umount /mnt/ltp/") xyz ="mount -t nfs %s:/opt/caliper_nfs /mnt/ltp" % (host_ip)) except Exception: logging.debug("Unable to mount") return result readme_file = log_bench + "_README" resultltp ="touch %s" % (readme_file), shell=True) resultltp = "echo 'The categorization of ltp in caliper is\nCATEGORY\t\t\t\t\t\tSCENARIOS OF LTP\n\n[command]\t\t\t\t\t\tcommands\n[cpu]\t\t\t\t\t\tsched,cpuhotplug\n[memory]\t\t\t\t\t\tmm.numa,hugetlb\n[dio]\t\t\t\t\t\tdio,io,dma_thread_diotest,timers\n[filesystem]\t\t\t\t\t\tfilecaps,fs,fs_bind,fs_ext4,fs_perms_simple,fs_readonly\n[kernel/\t\t\t\t\t\tsyscalls,controllers,pty,containers,admin_tools,modules,can\n[proc]\t\t\t\t\t\tipc,hyperthreading,nptl,cap_bounds,connectors,pipes\n\n\nltp_output.log contains the screenshot of complete ltp execution and ltp_parser.log contains the information regarding the number of tests executed and among them which all have passed failed or skipped.\n\nFor more information regarding a particular category please see ltp_<category>_output.log which contains the output screen and parser log for that particular category' >> %s" % (readme_file), shell=True) # for each command in run config file, read the config for the benchmark for i in range(0, len(sections_run)): flag = 0 try: category = configRun.get(sections_run[i], 'category') scores_way = configRun.get(sections_run[i], 'scores_way') parser = configRun.get(sections_run[i], 'parser') command = configRun.get(sections_run[i], 'command') except Exception: logging.debug("no value for the %s" % sections_run[i]) continue if bench_name == bench_test: subsection = sections_run[i].split(" ")[1] subsection_file = log_bench + "_" + subsection + "_output.log" if os.path.exists(tmp_parser_file): os.remove(tmp_parser_file) if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file): os.remove(tmp_log_file) server_run_command = get_server_command(kind_bench, sections_run[i]) logging.debug("Get the server command is: %s" % server_run_command) # run the command of the benchmarks try: flag = run_kinds_commands(sections_run[i], server_run_command, tmp_log_file, kind_bench, target, command) except Exception, e: crash_handle.main() if bench_name == bench_test: xyz ="mv /opt/caliper_nfs/ltp_log/* %s " % (Folder.exec_dir), shell=True) server_utils.file_copy(logfile, tmp_log_file, 'a+') if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file): os.remove(tmp_log_file) run_flag = server_utils.get_fault_tolerance_config( 'fault_tolerance', 'run_error_continue') if run_flag == 1: continue else: return result else: if bench_name == bench_test: xyz ="mv /opt/caliper_nfs/ltp_log/* %s " % (Folder.exec_dir), shell=True) if os.path.exists(subsection_file): server_utils.file_copy(tmp_log_file, subsection_file, 'a+') server_utils.file_copy(logfile, tmp_log_file, 'a+') if flag != 1:"There is wrong when running the command \"%s\"" % command) if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file): os.remove(tmp_log_file) crash_handle.main() run_flag = server_utils.get_fault_tolerance_config( 'fault_tolerance', 'run_error_continue') if run_flag == 1: if bench_name != bench_test: continue else: return result # parser the result in the tmp_log_file, the result is the output of # running the command try: logging.debug("Parsering the result of command: %s" % command) if bench_name == bench_test: outfp = open(tmp_parser_file, "w") outfp.write("%s" % (subsection)) outfp.close() parser_result = parser_case(kind_bench, bench_name, parser_file, parser, subsection_file, tmp_parser_file) else: parser_result = parser_case(kind_bench, bench_name, parser_file, parser, tmp_log_file, tmp_parser_file) except Exception, e: "There's wrong when parsering the result of \" %s \"" % sections_run[i]) if os.path.exists(tmp_parser_file): os.remove(tmp_parser_file) if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file): os.remove(tmp_log_file)
def caliper_run(target_exec_dir, target): # get the test cases defined files config_files = server_utils.get_cases_def_files(target_exec_dir) logging.debug("the selected configuration are %s" % config_files) for i in range(0, len(config_files)): # run benchmarks selected in each configuration file # config_file = os.path.join(caliper_path.CALIPER_PRE, config_files[i]) config_file = os.path.join(config_files[i]) config, sections = server_utils.read_config_file(config_file) logging.debug(sections) # get if it is the 'common' or 'arm' or 'android' classify = config_files[i].split("/")[-1].strip().split("_")[0] logging.debug(classify) for i in range(0, len(sections)): # run for each benchmark target_arch = server_utils.get_host_arch(target) build_name = sections[i]+'_'+target_arch+'.suc' build_suc = os.path.join(Folder.build_dir, build_name) if not os.path.exists(build_suc): continue build_host_name = sections[i] + '_' + \ server_utils.get_local_machine_arch() + '.fail' if os.path.exists(build_host_name): continue # try to resolve the configuration of the configuration file try: run_file = config.get(sections[i], 'run') parser = config.get(sections[i], 'parser') except Exception: raise AttributeError("The is no option value of parser") print_format()"Running %s" % sections[i]) bench = os.path.join(classify, sections[i]) try: system_initialise(target) result = run_all_cases(target_exec_dir, target, bench, sections[i], run_file) except Exception:"Running %s Exception" % sections[i]) crash_handle.main() print_format() if sections[i]== "ltp": try: unmount ="if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then umount /mnt/caliper_nfs/; fi") except Exception: unmount ="if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then fuser -km /mnt/caliper_nfs ;fi") unmount ="if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then umount /mnt/caliper_nfs/ ;fi") run_flag = server_utils.get_fault_tolerance_config( 'fault_tolerance', 'run_error_continue') if run_flag == 1: continue else: return result else:"Running %s Finished" % sections[i]) if sections[i] == "ltp": try: unmount ="if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then umount /mnt/caliper_nfs/ ;fi") except Exception: unmount ="if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then fuser -km /mnt/caliper_nfs/ ;fi") unmount ="if df -h |grep caliper_nfs ; then umount /mnt/caliper_nfs/ ;fi") print_format() return 0
def run_all_cases(target_exec_dir, target, kind_bench, bench_name, run_file): """ function: run one benchmark which was selected in the configuration files """ try: # get the abspath, which is filename of run config for the benchmark bench_conf_file = os.path.join( caliper_path.config_files.tests_cfg_dir, kind_bench, run_file) # get the config sections for the benchmrk configRun, sections_run = server_utils.read_config_file( bench_conf_file) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError except Exception: raise logging.debug("the sections to run are: %s" % sections_run) if not os.path.exists(Folder.exec_dir): os.mkdir(Folder.exec_dir) log_bench = os.path.join(Folder.exec_dir, bench_name) logfile = log_bench + "_output.log" tmp_log_file = log_bench + "_output_tmp.log" if os.path.exists(logfile): os.remove(logfile) starttime = if os.path.exists(Folder.caliper_log_file): sections = bench_name + " EXECUTION" fp = open(Folder.caliper_log_file,"r") f = fp.readlines() fp.close() op = open(Folder.caliper_log_file,"w") for line in f: if not(sections in line): op.write(line) op.close() result ="echo '$$ %s EXECUTION START: %s' >> %s" % (bench_name, str(starttime)[:19], Folder.caliper_log_file), shell=True) bench_test = "ltp" if bench_name == bench_test: tar_ip = settings.get_value('CLIENT', 'ip', type=str)"if [[ ! -e /mnt/caliper_nfs ]]; then mkdir -p /mnt/caliper_nfs; fi") # fix me , now that we create the folder, why not we mount it directly here try: tar_mask = ".".join(tar_ip.split(".")[0:3]) p1 = subprocess.Popen(["ifconfig"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p2 = subprocess.Popen(["grep", tar_mask], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p1.stdout.close() output,err = p2.communicate() output = output.strip() host_ip = output.split("inet addr:")[1].split(" ")[0] except Exception: logging.debug("Unable to get the host_ip" ) try: mount_cmd ="mount -t nfs %s:/opt/caliper_nfs /mnt/caliper_nfs" % (host_ip) ) except Exception: try: umount_cmd ="umount /mnt/caliper_nfs/") mount_cmd ="mount -t nfs %s:/opt/caliper_nfs /mnt/caliper_nfs" % (host_ip) ) except Exception: logging.debug("Unable to mount") return result readme_file=log_bench+"_README" resultltp ="touch %s" %(readme_file),shell=True) resultltp ="echo 'The categorization of ltp in caliper is\nCATEGORY\t\t\t\t\t\tSCENARIOS OF LTP\n\n[command]\t\t\t\t\t\tcommands\n[cpu]\t\t\t\t\t\tsched,cpuhotplug\n[memory]\t\t\t\t\t\tmm.numa,hugetlb\n[dio]\t\t\t\t\t\tdio,io,dma_thread_diotest,timers\n[filesystem]\t\t\t\t\t\tfilecaps,fs,fs_bind,fs_ext4,fs_perms_simple,fs_readonly\n[kernel/\t\t\t\t\t\tsyscalls,controllers,pty,containers,admin_tools,modules,can\n[proc]\t\t\t\t\t\tipc,hyperthreading,nptl,cap_bounds,connectors,pipes\n\n\nltp_output.log contains the screenshot of complete ltp execution and ltp_parser.log contains the information regarding the number of tests executed and among them which all have passed failed or skipped.\n\nFor more information regarding a particular category please see ltp_<category>_output.log which contains the output screen and parser log for that particular category' >> %s" %(readme_file),shell=True) # for each command in run config file, read the config for the benchmark for i in range(0, len(sections_run)): flag = 0 try: category = configRun.get(sections_run[i], 'category') command = configRun.get(sections_run[i], 'command') except Exception: logging.debug("no value for the %s" % sections_run[i]) continue if bench_name == bench_test: subsection = sections_run[i].split(" ")[1] subsection_file = log_bench + "_" + subsection + "_output.log" if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file): os.remove(tmp_log_file) server_run_command = get_server_command(kind_bench, sections_run[i]) logging.debug("Get the server command is: %s" % server_run_command) # run the command of the benchmarks try: flag = run_kinds_commands(sections_run[i], server_run_command, tmp_log_file, kind_bench, target, command) except Exception, e: crash_handle.main() if bench_name == bench_test: move_logs ="cp /opt/caliper_nfs/ltp_log/* %s " % (Folder.exec_dir), shell=True) server_utils.file_copy(logfile, tmp_log_file, 'a+') if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file): os.remove(tmp_log_file) run_flag = server_utils.get_fault_tolerance_config( 'fault_tolerance', 'run_error_continue') if run_flag == 1: continue else: return result else: if bench_name == bench_test: move_logs ="cp /opt/caliper_nfs/ltp_log/* %s " % (Folder.exec_dir), shell=True) if os.path.exists(subsection_file): server_utils.file_copy(tmp_log_file,subsection_file, 'a+') server_utils.file_copy(logfile, tmp_log_file, 'a+') if flag != 1:"There is wrong when running the command \"%s\"" % command) if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file): os.remove(tmp_log_file) crash_handle.main() run_flag = server_utils.get_fault_tolerance_config( 'fault_tolerance', 'run_error_continue') if run_flag == 1: if bench_name != bench_test: continue else: return result if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file): os.remove(tmp_log_file)