def PodOperator(*args, **kwargs): # TODO: tune this, and add resource limits namespace = kwargs.pop("namespace", "default") is_gke = kwargs.pop("is_gke", False) # we want to always pop() if "secrets" in kwargs: kwargs["secrets"] = map(lambda d: Secret(**d), kwargs["secrets"]) if is_development() or is_gke: return GKEPodOperator( *args, in_cluster=False, project_id= "cal-itp-data-infra", # there currently isn't a staging cluster location=kwargs.pop("pod_location", os.environ["POD_LOCATION"]), cluster_name=kwargs.pop("cluster_name", os.environ["POD_CLUSTER_NAME"]), namespace=namespace, image_pull_policy="Always" if is_development() else "IfNotPresent", **kwargs, ) else: return KubernetesPodOperator(*args, namespace=namespace, **kwargs)
def execute(self, context): # use the DAG's logical date as the data interval start, # and ensure the 'start' hour is 0 no matter what the 'schedule_interval' is. start_datetime = context.get("execution_date").set(hour=0) # add 23 hours to the start date to make the total range equal to 24 hours. # (the 'end' parameter is inclusive: start = start_datetime.strftime(DATE_FORMAT) end = (start_datetime + timedelta(hours=23)).strftime(DATE_FORMAT) events_df = amplitude_to_df( start, end, api_key_env=self.api_key_env, secret_key_env=self.secret_key_env, rename_fields=self.rename_fields, ) events_jsonl = events_df.to_json(orient="records", lines=True, date_format="iso") gcs_file_path = f"{self.app_name}/{start}-{end}.jsonl" bucket_name = ("ingest_amplitude_raw_dev" if is_development() else "ingest_amplitude_raw_prod") # if a file already exists at `gcs_file_path`, GCS will overwrite the existing file calitp.save_to_gcfs(events_jsonl.encode(), gcs_file_path, bucket=bucket_name, use_pipe=True)
def email_failures(task_instance, ds, **kwargs): if is_development(): print("Skipping since in development mode!") return status = task_instance.xcom_pull(task_ids="download_data") error_agencies = status["errors"] if len(error_agencies) > 0: html_report = pd.DataFrame(error_agencies).to_html(border=False) html_content = f"""\ The following agency GTFS feeds could not be extracted on {ds}: {html_report} """ else: html_content = "All feeds were downloaded successfully!" send_email( to=[ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", ], html_content=html_content, subject= (f"Operator GTFS Errors for {'%Y-%m-%d')}" ), )
def gen_list(execution_date, **kwargs): """ task callable to generate the list and push into xcom """ # get a table of feed urls from agencies.yml # we fetch both the raw and filled w/ API key versions to save filled_agencies_file = ("data/agencies.filled.yml" if is_development() else "data/agencies.yml") feeds_raw = make_gtfs_list(pipe_file_name("data/agencies_raw.yml")) feeds = make_gtfs_list(pipe_file_name(filled_agencies_file)) path_metadata = f"schedule/{execution_date}/metadata" save_to_gcfs( feeds_raw.to_csv(index=False).encode(), f"{path_metadata}/feeds_raw.csv", use_pipe=True, ) save_to_gcfs(feeds.to_csv(index=False).encode(), f"{path_metadata}/feeds.csv", use_pipe=True) # note that right now we useairflow's xcom functionality in this dag. # because xcom can only store a small amount of data, we have to drop some # columns. this is the only dag that uses xcom, and we should remove it! df_subset = feeds.drop(columns=[ "gtfs_rt_vehicle_positions_url", "gtfs_rt_service_alerts_url", "gtfs_rt_trip_updates_url", ]) return df_subset.to_dict("records")
def __init__( self, *args, bucket=None, prefix_bucket=False, destination_project_dataset_table=None, # note that the project is optional here skip_leading_rows=1, schema_fields=None, hive_options=None, source_objects=[], source_format="CSV", geojson=False, use_bq_client=False, field_delimiter=",", post_hook=None, **kwargs, ): self.bucket = bucket # This only exists because the prefix_bucket() template isn't working in the yml file for some reason if self.bucket and prefix_bucket and is_development(): self.bucket = re.sub(r"gs://([\w-]+)", r"gs://test-\1", self.bucket) self.destination_project_dataset_table = format_table_name( destination_project_dataset_table) self.skip_leading_rows = skip_leading_rows self.schema_fields = schema_fields self.source_objects = source_objects self.source_format = source_format self.geojson = geojson self.hive_options = hive_options self.use_bq_client = use_bq_client self.field_delimiter = field_delimiter self.post_hook = post_hook super().__init__(**kwargs)
def prefix_bucket(bucket): # TODO: use once we're in python 3.9+ # bucket = bucket.removeprefix("gs://") bucket = bucket.replace("gs://", "") return f"gs://test-{bucket}" if is_development() else f"gs://{bucket}"
def is_development_macro(): """Make calitp-py's is_development function available via macro""" return is_development()
FROM `airtable.california_transit_{table}` T2 ) SELECT * FROM unnested_t1 LEFT JOIN t2 USING({id2}) """ # ACTUALLY DEFINE MACROS ============================================================= # template must be added here to be accessed in # key is alias that will be used to reference the template in DAG tasks # value is name of function template as defined above def prefix_bucket(bucket): # TODO: use once we're in python 3.9+ # bucket = bucket.removeprefix("gs://") bucket = bucket.replace("gs://", "") return f"gs://test-{bucket}" if is_development() else f"gs://{bucket}" data_infra_macros = { "sql_airtable_mapping": airtable_mapping_generate_sql, "is_development": is_development_macro, "image_tag": lambda: "development" if is_development() else "latest", "env_var": lambda key: os.getenv(key), "prefix_bucket": prefix_bucket, }
def download_all(task_instance, execution_date, **kwargs): start = # with create_session() as session: auth_dict = {var.key: var.val for var in session.query(Variable)} records = [ record for record in AirtableGTFSDataExtract.get_latest().records if record.data_quality_pipeline and == GTFSFeedType.schedule ] outcomes: List[AirtableGTFSDataRecordProcessingOutcome] = []"processing {len(records)} records") for i, record in enumerate(records, start=1):"attempting to fetch {i}/{len(records)} {record.uri}") try: # this is a bit hacky but we need this until we split off auth query params from the URI itself jinja_pattern = r"(?P<param_name>\w+)={{\s*(?P<param_lookup_key>\w+)\s*}}" match =, record.uri) if match: record.auth_query_param = {"param_name"):"param_lookup_key") } record.uri = re.sub(jinja_pattern, "", record.uri) extract, content = download_feed( record, auth_dict=auth_dict, ts=start, ) extract.save_content(fs=get_fs(), content=content) outcomes.append( AirtableGTFSDataRecordProcessingOutcome( success=True, airtable_record=record, extract=extract, )) except Exception as e: logging.error( f"exception occurred while attempting to download feed {record.uri}: {str(e)}\n{traceback.format_exc()}" ) outcomes.append( AirtableGTFSDataRecordProcessingOutcome( success=False, exception=e, airtable_record=record, )) # TODO: save the outcomes somewhere print( f"took {humanize.naturaltime( - start)} to process {len(records)} records" ) assert len(records) == len( outcomes ), f"we somehow ended up with {len(outcomes)} outcomes from {len(records)} records" result = DownloadFeedsResult( ts=start,, outcomes=outcomes, filename="results.jsonl", ) print(f"successfully fetched {len(result.successes)} of {len(records)}") if result.failures: print( "Failures:\n", "\n".join( str(f.exception) or str(type(f.exception)) for f in result.failures), ) # use pandas begrudgingly for email HTML since the old task used it html_report = pd.DataFrame( f.dict() for f in result.failures).to_html(border=False) html_content = f"""\ NOTE: These failures come from the v2 of the GTFS Schedule downloader. The following agency GTFS feeds could not be extracted on {start.to_iso8601_string()}: {html_report} """ else: html_content = "All feeds were downloaded successfully!" if is_development(): print( f"Skipping since in development mode! Would have emailed {len(result.failures)} failures." ) else: send_email( to=[ "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", ], html_content=html_content, subject= (f"Operator GTFS Errors for {'%Y-%m-%d')}" ), ) success_rate = len(result.successes) / len(records) if success_rate < GTFS_FEED_LIST_ERROR_THRESHOLD: raise RuntimeError( f"Success rate: {success_rate:.3f} was below error threshold: {GTFS_FEED_LIST_ERROR_THRESHOLD}" )