Example #1
def generate_model_run(config, debug_comments, applied_overrides, scenario):
    Returns a processed model_run configuration AttrDict and a debug
    YAML object with comments attached, ready to write to disk.

    config : AttrDict
    debug_comments : AttrDict

    model_run = AttrDict()
    model_run['scenario'] = scenario
    model_run['applied_overrides'] = ';'.join(applied_overrides)

    # 1) Initial checks on model configuration
    warnings, errors = checks.check_initial(config)
    exceptions.print_warnings_and_raise_errors(warnings=warnings, errors=errors)

    # 2) Fully populate techs
    # Raises ModelError if necessary
    model_run['techs'], debug_techs, errors = process_techs(config)
    debug_comments.set_key('model_run.techs', debug_techs)

    # 3) Fully populate tech_groups
    model_run['tech_groups'] = process_tech_groups(config, model_run['techs'])

    # 4) Fully populate locations
    model_run['locations'], debug_locs, warnings, errors = locations.process_locations(
        config, model_run['techs']
    debug_comments.set_key('model_run.locations', debug_locs)
    exceptions.print_warnings_and_raise_errors(warnings=warnings, errors=errors)

    # 5) Fully populate timeseries data
    # Raises ModelErrors if there are problems with timeseries data at this stage
    model_run['timeseries_data'], model_run['timesteps'] = (
        process_timeseries_data(config, model_run)

    # 6) Grab additional relevant bits from run and model config
    model_run['run'] = config['run']
    model_run['model'] = config['model']

    # 7) Initialize sets
    all_sets = sets.generate_simple_sets(model_run)
    all_sets.union(sets.generate_loc_tech_sets(model_run, all_sets))
    all_sets = AttrDict({k: list(v) for k, v in all_sets.items()})
    model_run['sets'] = all_sets
    model_run['constraint_sets'] = constraint_sets.generate_constraint_sets(model_run)

    # 8) Final sense-checking
    final_check_comments, warnings, errors = checks.check_final(model_run)
    exceptions.print_warnings_and_raise_errors(warnings=warnings, errors=errors)

    # 9) Build a debug data dict with comments and the original configs
    debug_data = AttrDict({
        'comments': debug_comments,
        'config_initial': config,

    return model_run, debug_data
Example #2
def generate_model_run(config, debug_comments, applied_overrides, scenario):
    Returns a processed model_run configuration AttrDict and a debug
    YAML object with comments attached, ready to write to disk.

    config : AttrDict
    debug_comments : AttrDict

    model_run = AttrDict()
    model_run['scenario'] = scenario
    model_run['applied_overrides'] = ';'.join(applied_overrides)

    # 1) Initial checks on model configuration
    warnings, errors = checks.check_initial(config)
    exceptions.print_warnings_and_raise_errors(warnings=warnings, errors=errors)

    # 2) Fully populate techs
    # Raises ModelError if necessary
    model_run['techs'], debug_techs, errors = process_techs(config)
    debug_comments.set_key('model_run.techs', debug_techs)

    # 3) Fully populate tech_groups
    model_run['tech_groups'] = process_tech_groups(config, model_run['techs'])

    # 4) Fully populate locations
    model_run['locations'], debug_locs, warnings, errors = locations.process_locations(
        config, model_run['techs']
    debug_comments.set_key('model_run.locations', debug_locs)
    exceptions.print_warnings_and_raise_errors(warnings=warnings, errors=errors)

    # 5) Fully populate timeseries data
    # Raises ModelErrors if there are problems with timeseries data at this stage
    model_run['timeseries_data'], model_run['timesteps'] = (
        process_timeseries_data(config, model_run)

    # 6) Grab additional relevant bits from run and model config
    model_run['run'] = config['run']
    model_run['model'] = config['model']

    # 7) Initialize sets
    all_sets = sets.generate_simple_sets(model_run)
    all_sets.union(sets.generate_loc_tech_sets(model_run, all_sets))
    all_sets = AttrDict({k: list(v) for k, v in all_sets.items()})
    model_run['sets'] = all_sets
    model_run['constraint_sets'] = constraint_sets.generate_constraint_sets(model_run)

    # 8) Final sense-checking
    final_check_comments, warnings, errors = checks.check_final(model_run)
    exceptions.print_warnings_and_raise_errors(warnings=warnings, errors=errors)

    # 9) Build a debug data dict with comments and the original configs
    debug_data = AttrDict({
        'comments': debug_comments,
        'config_initial': config,

    return model_run, debug_data